Index of /References/Climate
- Parent Directory
- Johnson 100917 - Where good ides come from.flv
- 100129 Stephen Colbert Interview - Montclair Kimberley Academy 640.flv
- 110327 NatPost Three Mile Island meltdown opinion.odt
- 110327 RT@hayano - Graph update, Radiation level in Miyagi-Sendai area, Japan.jpg
- 110812 Yaskell & Yaeger - Mechanism for Grand Solar Minimum, Chapter
- 110914 OC Transpo systemmap.pdf
- 111109 Man_Invents_Machine_To_Convert_Plastic_Into_Oil.flv
- 111215 Climate_realists_testify_before_the_Canadian_Senate.flv
- 111228 mpac_aboutmyproperty_high.flv
- 130416 SOHO current_hmi_magnetogram.mpg
- 150609 DARPA Robotics Challenge finalist robots v12-1240-1433383400346.png
- 151206 Foster - Oil Sands capitulation.odt
- 160220 Rebel - cut off Quebec from equalisation payments.odt
- 160220 Rebel cut off Quebec 2.png
- 160220 Rebel poll- cut off Quebec.png
- 160420 Pictures & descriptions - internal organs.odt
- 160420 stock-vector-human-body-anatomy-vector-medical-organs-system-269431466.jpg
- 160420 stock-vector-vector-illustration-of-diagram-of-human-anatomy-99671537.jpg
- 160502 Financial Post - Candian oil production costs.png
- 161013 USA TODAY, Gregory Korte - Obama executive order on Space Weather.odt
- 210221 canalys - Chinas EV sales to grow by more than 50 pct in 2021 after modest 2020.pdf
- 210228 China map travelchinaguide.jpg
- 3. Herald Defence.pdf
- 60 Scientists Open Letter To Canadian PM 060428.pdf
- AFJ-Arctic Ocean Ice melting.pdf
- ALbert Jacobs 2007 - Science in the service of civilisation, How Politics subverted the Scientific Method in Climatology, rewritten 01Nov07.doc
- APEC Sydney Declaration 9-'07.rtf
- ARBOUR 04Apr09 - cookbook.pdf
- Abbott etal 11Feb2016 Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger.pdf
- Abdussamatov 120201 Bicentennial Decrease of TSI Leads Little Ice Age.pdf
- Abdussamatov 120201 Bicentennial Decrease of the Total Solar Irradiance Leads to Unbalanced Thermal Budget of the Earth and the Little Ice Age.pdf
- Abdussamatov 15Jan07 - Russian scientist says CO2 not to blame for global warming.pdf
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- Abdussamatov 28Feb07 - Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming.odt
- Abir-Am 100420 Gender and Technoscience - A Historical Perspective.pdf
- Abreu1 etal 121022 - Is there a planetary influence on solar activity.pdf.pdf
- Absudamatov Predicts Global Cooling from 2012.doc
- Absudamatov, Khabibulo solar cooling 2012 on.doc
- Absudamatov, Khabibulo solar cooling 2012 on.htm
- Absudamatov.jpg
- Agricultural 8ky - CO2 B&W.jpg
- Agricultural 8ky - CO2.jpg
- Agricultural 8ky - methane.jpg
- Agricultural 8ky - plagues list.jpg
- Agricultural 8ky - plagues.jpg
- Airapetian 15May2019 Impact of Space Weather on Climate and Habitability of Terrestrial Type Exoplanets.pdf_
- Akasofu - On the Fundamental Defect in the IPCC's Approach to Global Warming.odt
- Akasofu 2007 - Is the Earth still recovering from the Little Ice Age, A possible cause of global warming.pdf
- Alexander Dec07 - Bali report 3.pdf
- Alexander, Bredenkamp, van der Merwe, Willemse 2007 - Linkages between solar activity, climate predictability and water resource development.pdf
- American Physical Society 2020 A Community Plan for Fusion Energy and Discovery Plasma Sciences.pdf
- Anagnostopoulos, Koutsoyiannis, Christofides, Efstratiadis, Mamassi 05Dec10 - A comparison of local and aggregated climate model outputs with observed data.pdf
- Archibald 120125 First estimate of solar cycle 25 amplitude, may be smallest in 300 years.odt
- Archibald 2006 - Solar Cycles 24 and 25 and Predicted Climate Response.pdf
- Archibald 2007 - Climate Outlook to 2030.pdf
- Archibald 2007 - The Past and Future of Climate.pdf
- Armstrong Jun07 - Gore bet challenge.html
- Asher Aug07 - And finally, Consensus, conshmensus.txt
- Asheshov 08Jul09 - Opportunity knocks, again, in the Andes.odt
- Asimov & Silverberg Nightfall cover picture.png
- Assis, Silva Sep2000 Comparison between Weber’s electrodynamics and classical electrodynamics.pdf
- Avaaz 15Jan2020 Why is YuTube bdcasting climate misinformation to millions
- Avakyan 2006 - Microwave ionospheric emission as a new factor of solar-biosphere relations.doc
- Avakyan, Voronin 2006 - Helioionospheric microwave radiation as an agent controlling biosphere and weather.doc
- BULLINDEXRevised.rtf
- Bai, Siponkoski, Peräntie, Jantunen, Juuti Jan2017 Ferroelectric, pyroelectric, and piezoelectric properties of a photovoltaic perovskite oxide.pdf
- Baliunas Mar02 - The Kyoto Protocol and Global Warming.htm
- Baliunas, Frick, Sokoloff, Soon - Central England T 1659-1990 wavelet analysis Jun97.pdf
- Ball - for GCMs.doc
- Ball 01Jan10 - Control of Climate Policies by Unaccountable Bureaucracies, The Canadian Example.pdf
- Ball 08Sep09 - The End Doesn’t Justify the Means When you Deliberately (Obama & Climate change).pdf
- Ball 13Feb02 - Outbreaks of cold polar air.pdf
- Ball 140424 - Cloud Cover in Art.odt
- Ball 2008 - Canadian Lynx population & solar activity.jpg
- Ball 27Apr08 - Description of credentials.rtf
- Ball Dec08 - Computer Climate Models, the heart of the problem of global warming predictions.pdf
- Ball Dec08 - Pre-industrial CO2 levels were about the same as today.pdf
- Ball, Gordon - script to launch references document with links.bat
- Ball, Harris, FP 05Dec06 - No debate on Kyoto.pdf
- Ball, Tim - US House Subcommittee hearing 070320-f.pdf
- Ball, Tim - US House Subcommittee hearing 070320-f.wav
- Bard, Frank - Climate change and solar variability, What is new under the sun.pdf
- Barton, US Senate Energy Committee - Wegman_fact_sheet.pdf
- Be10 and suns 100 ky magnetic cycles.htm
- Beck - 180 Years of atmospheric CO 2 Gas Analysis by Chemical Methods basic data.ods
- Beck - 5 year lag last 200 years temp-CO2.odt
- Beck - graphs 1 to 3.bmp
- Beck - graphs 4 and 5.bmp
- Beck 07May07 - Global Warming Hoax.flv
- Beck 17Jul08 - Evidence of variability of atmospheric CO2 concentration during the 20th century.pdf
- Beck 2007 - graph of CO2 - atmospher, Antarctic, Mauna Loa.bmp
- Beck Apr07 - 180 Years of atmospheric CO2 Gas Analysis by Chemical Methods - Support.odt
- Beck Apr07 - 180 Years of atmospheric CO2 Gas Analysis by Chemical Methods - Support.pdf
- Beer 08Mar06 - Long-term Solar Variability Derived from Cosmogenic Radionuclides.pdf
- Beer 2000 - Long-term indirect indices of solar variability.pdf
- Beer, Jurg - references
- Belanger, Vincent, Charbonneau 2007 - Predicting Solar Flares by Data Assimilation in AvalancheModels I - Model Design and Validation.pdf
- Benestad-Solar Trends & GW.pdf
- Berner & Kothavala geocarbIII.pdf
- Berner, Kothavala 2001 - GEOCARB III A Revised Model of Atmospheric CO2 over Phanerozoic Time.txt
- Berrade - A glacier in my orange juice 07Jun07.pdf
- Betts - Climate Change, includes GHG water vapour.pdf
- Biello - With Warming Climate, Only the Earlier Bird Catches the Worm, SciAm 04May06.htm
- Big Bear Solar Observatory 2007 - Earthshine project, recent decadal scale albedo changes.pdf
- Billiards 090518 - Sampling Rate, Nyquist Frequency, and Aliasing.flv
- Billups, Schrag 2002 - Paleiotemperatures and ice volume of the past 27 Myr revisted with paired Mg-Ca andf 18O-16O measurements on benthic foraminifera.pdf
- Birt - Tim Ball affair 1. Original Statement of Claim.pdf
- Birt - Tim Ball affair 2. Johnson Defence.pdf
- Birt - Tim Ball affair 3. Herald Defence.pdf
- Biswas 29Oct2018 Spiral Galaxy Rotation Curves and Arm Formation Without Dark Matter or MOND.pdf
- Bollinger 1952 - A 44.77 year Jupiter-Earth-Venus Sun-tide period.pdf
- Bolt blog 20Nov09 - Hadley hacked, warmist conspiracy exposed.rtf
- Bond etal 2001 - Persistent Solar Influence on North Atlantic Climate During the Holocene.pdf
- Borrello - CO2 GHG effect is already capped.txt
- Borrello - CO2 absorption
- Borrello- Carbon dioxide effect constant, irrespective of concentration.pdf
- Boteler - geomag backgrounder.rtf
- Boteler, Pirjola 2003 - Magnetic and Electric Fields Produced in the Sea During Geomagnetic Disturbances.pdf
- Boudreau, Galloway, Patterson, Kumar, Michel 2005 - A paleolimnologic record of Holocene climate and environmental change in the Temagami region.pdf
- Brooks 110124 - Earth Scientist’s Guide to Discrete-Time Power Spectrum Analysis.pdf
- Brown, Desai, Keihm, Lu, Ruf 2007 - Ocean Water Vapor & Cloud Burden Trends, Topex Microwave Radiometer.pdf
- Browning-Garriss 29Oct09 - The Chill of Winter.pdf
- Brumfiel, Geoff Nature article - Academy affirms hockey-stick graph.pdf
- Bryce 120625 Solar cycle, El Niño, surface temperature correlation in Australia.odt
- Bryce 120625 Solar cycle, El Niño, surface temperature correlation in Australia.odt.pdf
- Bryson 2007 - The faithful Heretic, Dave Hoopman WECN Magazine.odt
- Byfield 18Jun07 - The Charlatans and the apostates.pdf
- C4 plants vs C3 - CO2 200 My trend - full page.jpg
- C4 plants vs C3 - CO2 200 My trend B&W.jpg
- C4 plants vs C3 crossover B&W.csv
- C4 plants vs C3 crossover B&W.dig
- C4 plants vs C3 crossover B&W.jpg
- C4 plants vs C3 crossover.jpg
- CCNet_access to raw data.rtf
- CO2 Emissions and Concentration.jpg
- CO2 Science - Medieval Warm Period, Solar Influence Temperature, Summary.odt
- CO2 Science abst Usoskin, Schussler, Solanki, Mursula, 2005 - Solar activity, cosmic rays, and Earth's temperature- A millennium-scale comparison.doc
- COMPAS 01Oct08 - Canada-Wide Public Opinion Poll on Public Frustration with the Global Warming Debate.pdf
- Caillon, Severinghaus, Barnola, Kang, Lipenkov - Timing of Atmospheric CO2 & Antarctic Temperature Changes Across Termination III.pdf
- Calgary transit_map.pdf
- Callebaut, de Jager, Duhau 12mmdd - The influence of planetary attractions on the solar tachocline.pdf
- Campuzano, De Santis, Pavon-Carrasco, Osete, Qamili 15Nov2018 New perspectives in the study of the Earth’s magnetic field and climate connection_ The use of transfer entropy.pdf
- Cane, Paillard etal 2006 - Progress in Paleoclimate Modeling.pdf
- Carlin 16Mar09 - Comments on Draft Technical Support Document for Endangerment Analysis for Greenhouse Gas Emissions under the Clean Air Act.pdf
- Carslaw-CRs, clouds, climate - Nature - 16 july 2009.pdf
- Carter 101203 - An alternative view of climate hazard, the basis for policy.flv
- Carter, Bob 2007 - Myth of Dangerous Human-Caused Climate Change.pdf
- Casey 01Mar10 - Correlation of Solar Activity Minimums and Large Magnitude Geophysical Events.doc
- Cato Institute Mar09 - Scientists to Obama, refutation of alarmism.pdf
- Caulder 110824 - Cern experiments confirm cosmic ray action.odt
- Cdn Society of Petroleum Geologists - position on Kyoto 2003.jpg
- Cerling Ehleringer & Harris C4 ecosystems.pdf
- Chang, Patterson 2005 - Climate shift at 4400 years BP, Evidence from high-resolution diatom stratigraphy, Effingham Inlet.pdf
- Chang, Patterson 2007 - Corrigendum to Climate shift at 4400 years BP, Evidence from high-resolution diatom stratigraphy, Effingham Inlet.pdf
- Charbonneau - Sunspots, A brief history.doc
- Charbonneau - audio for rotation & turbulence full.ram
- Charbonneau 2001 - Multiperiodicity, chaos, and intermittency in a reduced model of the solar cycle.pdf
- Charbonneau 2002 - The rise and fall of the first sunspot model.pdf
- Charbonneau 2005 - Dynamo models of the solar cycle.pdf
- Charbonneau 2006 - The origins of solar cycle fluctuations.ppt
- Charbonneau 2006 - the origin of solar cycle fluctuations COSPAR06 Beijing.ppt
- Charbonneau, Joseph, Pirot 2007 - Deterministically-driven Avalanche Models of Solar Flares.pdf
- Charles A. Bomar 2003 - The Rocky Mountain Locust extinction and the American experience.pdf
- Charvatova - Howell's graph of ordered periods and sunspots.pdf
- Charvatova - list of publications.doc
- Charvatova - long warm periods - moveable transparency overlay.xcf
- Charvatova - long warm periods.JPG
- Charvatova - recent millenium - moveable transparency.xcf
- Charvatova 1988 - The relations between solar motion and solar variability.pdf
- Charvatova 1989 - On the relation between Solar motion and solar activity in the years 1730-80 and 1910-60 AD.pdf
- Charvatova 2000 - Can origin of the 2400-year cycle of solar activity be caused by solar inertial motion.pdf
- Charvatova Nov08 - SIM curves - moveable transparency.xcf
- Charvatova, Strestik 2004 - Periodicities between 6 and 16 years in surface air temperature in possible relation to solar inertial motion.pdf
- Charvotova 1990 - current millenium graphs - moveable transparency.xcf
- Charvátová 1105 - Interview - Is climate change caused by solar inertial motion.doc
- Charvátová Nov08 - Long-term predictive assessments of solar and geomagnetic activities - 1840-1905 and 1980-2045.pdf
- Charvátová ddAug10 - Long-term relations between the solar inertial motion (SIM) and solar, geomagnetic, volcanic activities and climate.ppt
- Charvátová etal 2011 - Chinese tombs oriented by a compass, evidence from paleomagnetic changes versus the age of tombs.pdf
- Charvátová, Hejda 21Feb2014 Responses of the basic cycles of 178.7 and 2402 yr in solar–terrestrial phenomena during the Holocene.pdf
- Charvátová, Hejda Aug08 - A possible role of the solar inertial motion in climatic changes.pdf
- Chavez, Ryan, Lluch-Cota, Niquen Jan03 - From anchovies to sardines and back - Multidecadal change in the Pacific Ocean.pdf
- Chen, Meyerhof, Vlahovich - Neutron fluence-to-dose conversion coefficients for embryo and fetus.doc
- Cheng etal 29Jun206 The Asian monsoon over the past 640,000 years and ice age terminations.jpg
- Cheng, Guo, Ding 170523 Origin and Structures of Solar Eruptions I, Magnetic Flux Rope (Invited Review).pdf
- Chepstow-Lusty, etal 04Mar09 - Putting the rise of the Inca Empire within a climatic and land management context.pdf
- Chilingar, Khilyuk, Sorokhtin 2008 - CO2 cooling.pdf
- Clay 2006 - Solar Cycle 25 could be one of the weakest in centuries 1940-2020.jpg
- Clay 2006 - Solar Cycle 25 could be one of the weakest in centuries.jpg
- Climate Change - provocative questions 060517.doc
- Comments on Ruddiman.rtf
- Conf Board Canada 30Jan07 - Light duty vehicles.pdf
- Contoyiannis etal Aug2017 On the recent seismic activity at eastern Aegean Sea, Analysis of fracture-induced electromagnetic emissions in terms of critical fluctuations.pdf
- Copeland, Watts 2008 - Evidence of a Significant Solar Imprint in Annual Globally Averaged Temperature Trends - Part 1.pdf
- Copeland, Watts 2008 - Evidence of a Significant Solar Imprint in Annual Globally Averaged Temperature Trends - Part 2.pdf
- Corbyn 101227 - Mocked UK Forecaster Who Predicted Snowy Winter Speaks Out.flv
- Corbyn 2007 - Weather Action, The long range weather forecasters. Its the sun what does it.ppt
- Corbyn 29Dec08 - Year End News Release.pdf
- Corbyn 29Sep09 - Solar Lunar Amplification Magnetic (SLAM) process explained.flv
- Corbyn 30Jan09 - Dramatic Forecast breakthrough, Sudden warming of stratosphere linked to hurricane winds.pdf
- Corcoran, Terence - consensus and the end of science.doc
- Cortijoa, Paillard etal 2005 - Les événements de Heinrich, impact hydrologique.pdf
- Costella 20Jan10 - Climategate Analysis.pdf
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- Courtillot 1012dd- Breaking of observation, theory, modelling by scientists.flv
- Courtillot, Le Mouel, Ducruix, Cazenave 1982 - Geomagnetic secular variation as a precurser of climate change.pdf
- Courtney 2001 - Crystal balls, virtual realities and storylines.doc
- Cox & Forkum cartoon - Earth Scientist Speaks Up Against AGW Skeptic Slander.jpg
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- Crichton 2005 - Insurance and Climate Change.pdf
- Crosbie etal 1206dd New insights to the chemical and isotopic composition of rainfall across Australia.pdf
- Crouch, Charbonneau, Beaubien, Paquin-Ricard 2007 - A Physical Model For The Total Solar Irradiance.pdf
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- Cupit 01Apr08 - Surface exposure cosmogenic nuclide dating.pdf
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- D'Aleo 28Apr08 - Relationship of the PDO to El Nino and La Nina Frequency.pdf
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- De Michelis, Tozzi, Meloni 2005 - Geomagnetic jerks, observation and theoretical modeling.pdf
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- Ebrahim 11Jan10 - CLIMATEGATE, 30 YEARS IN THE MAKING.gif
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- Esper, Wilson, Frank, Moberg, Wannerd, Luterbacher - Climate past ranges and future changes.pdf
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- Evans Jul07 - How The Sun And Other Stars Govern Global Temperature.odt
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- Fan etal 17Jan2020 A high-resolution summary of Cambrian to Early Triassic marine invertebrate biodiversity.pdf
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- Ferroni, Hopkirk Jul2016 Energy Return on Energy Invested (ERoEI) for photovoltaic solar systems in regions of moderate insolation.pdf
- FinPost Deniers - Abdussamatov, look to Mars for the truth on global warming.pdf
- FinPost Deniers - Akasofu, Little Ice Age is still with us.pdf
- FinPost Deniers - Allegre's second thoughts.pdf
- FinPost Deniers - Dyson, Fighting climate fluff.pdf
- FinPost Deniers - Friis-Christensen, Science, not politics.pdf
- FinPost Deniers - Griffin, NASA chief silenced.pdf
- FinPost Deniers - Gunter, Bright sun, warm Earth Coincidence.pdf
- FinPost Deniers - Kirkby, clouded research.pdf
- FinPost Deniers - Kukla, Forget warming, beware the new ice age.pdf
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