Index of /webOther/Vaughan, Paul
- Parent Directory
- 0_Paul L Vaughan.html
- 140202 Original verbose posting of Climate 101, version 2.txt
- Howell 110417 comments on Vaughan 10Apr11 Solar, Terrestrial, & Lunisolar.doc
- IERS 110416 - Length of Earth Day (LOD) 1962-Apr11.txt
- Vaughan - Solar Terrestr Cim Conn MS Thesis.pdf
- Vaughan 01Jun09 to Charvatova, Howell - Sun-climate, Vienna.eml
- Vaughan 01Oct09 - Cumulative Sum PDO from alternate data sources.png
- Vaughan 01Oct09 - Cumulative Sum PDO.png
- Vaughan 01Oct09 - Cumulative Sum of AMO.png
- Vaughan 01Oct09 - PDO & AMO versus Terrestial Polar Motion (TPM)-Solar System Dynamics(SSD)-Lunar Nodal Cycle (LNC) 1850-present, non-transparent.jpg
- Vaughan 01Oct09 - PDO & AMO versus Terrestial Polar Motion (TPM)-Solar System Dynamics(SSD)-Lunar Nodal Cycle (LNC) 1850-present, non-transparent.xcf
- Vaughan 01Oct09 - PDO & AMO versus Terrestial Polar Motion (TPM)-Solar System Dynamics(SSD)-Lunar Nodal Cycle (LNC) 1850-present.xcf
- Vaughan 01Oct09 - Terrestial Polar Motion (TPM)-Solar System Dynamics(SSD)-Lunar Nodal Cycle (LNC) 1850-present.png
- Vaughan 03Mar10 - Volcanic Activity, the Sun, the Moon, & the Stratosphere.odt
- Vaughan 0812dd - Solar Terrestr Cim Conn MS Thesis.pdf
- Vaughan 090601 - Adjustment of figure 3 from Mursula & Zieger 2001 - Long-term north-south asymmetry in solar wind speed inferred from geomagnetic activity, GA Map XL.png
- Vaughan 091010 - Combined oscillations page 39.png
- Vaughan 091028 - 11.1 Year Cycle in Solar System Dynamics.odt
- Vaughan 091229 QBO period.PNG
- Vaughan 091229 QBO_fGLAAM_fLOD.png
- Vaughan 09Jul09 - Chandler Period.png
- Vaughan 09Oct09 - A function of sunspot number, f_R.png
- Vaughan 09Oct09 - A function of the relative positions of Jupiter, Uranus, & Neptune, f_UN_J.png
- Vaughan 09Oct09 - Functions of sunspot number, f_R.png, and relative positions of Jupiter, Uranus, & Neptune, f_UN_J.jpg
- Vaughan 09Oct09 - Functions of sunspot number, f_R.png, and relative positions of Jupiter, Uranus, & Neptune, f_UN_J.xcf
- Vaughan 100412 - geomagnetic aa index, lunisolar tides, & volcanoes-stratosphere.doc
- Vaughan 100412 - geomagnetic aa index, lunisolar tides, & volcanoes-stratosphere.png
- Vaughan 100413 from Jacobs - Cumulative Sum climate indices.pdf
- Vaughan 101223 - Confirmation of Solar forcing of the semi-annual variation of length-of-day.odt
- Vaughan 10Oct09 - Combined Oscillations of Terrestrial Polar Motion, Solar System Dynamics, & the Lunar Nodal Cycle, DRAFT_files/
- Vaughan 10Oct09 Envelope for PDO & LOD.png
- Vaughan 10Oct09 non-public - Combined Oscillations of Terrestrial Polar Motion, Solar System Dynamics, & the Lunar Nodal Cycle, DRAFT.odt
- Vaughan 10Oct09 non-public - Combined Oscillations of Terrestrial Polar Motion, Solar System Dynamics, & the Lunar Nodal Cycle, DRAFT.pdf
- Vaughan 110410 - Solar, Terrestrial, & Lunisolar Components of Rate of Change of Length of Day.doc
- Vaughan 110410 - Solar, Terrestrial, & Lunisolar, 1962-2011 graph.ods
- Vaughan 110515 Interannual terrestrial oscillations - blog responses.doc
- Vaughan 110515 Interannual terrestrial oscillations.pdf
- Vaughan 111015 - Shifting Sun-Earth-Moon Harmonies, Beats, & Biases, WUWT blog & comments.odt
- Vaughan 111015 - Shifting Sun-Earth-Moon Harmonies, Beats, & Biases, WUWT blog & comments.pdf
- Vaughan 111015 - Shifting Sun-Earth-Moon Harmonies, Beats, & Biases.pdf
- Vaughan 111225 - Solar-Terrestrial Power Update.odt
- Vaughan 120324 The Solar Cycle's Footprint on Terrestrial Climate c2.PDF
- Vaughan 120324 The Solar Cycle's Footprint on Terrestrial Climate.PDF
- Vaughan 120812 Morelet wavelet of major climate cycles, getting close to El Nino 2jg5tvr.png
- Vaughan 120812 Sunspots, Jupiter-Neptune, cosmic rays, coronal holes, getting close to El Nino 4rtfro.png
- Vaughan 121116 Comparing Sea Surface Temperature With Solar Data.odt
- Vaughan 130804 Solar Terrestrial Climate 101.PDF
- Vaughan 130817 Multidecadal Atlantic hurricane rates.png
- Vaughan 131220 Sun-Climate 101 Solar-Terrestrial Primer 2.pdf
- Vaughan 140203 Climate 101 Solar-Terrestrial Primer on Trivial Extension of Milankovitch.PDF
- Vaughan 140524 ERSST EOF 1234.pdf
- Vaughan 160527 Ring_of_Fire_Volcano_Explosivity_El_Nino_La_Nina.png
- Vaughan 16Jan10 - JN_fGLAAM.png
- Vaughan 16Jan10 - JN_fLOD.png
- Vaughan 16Jan10 - JN_fQBO.png
- Vaughan 16Jan10 - JN_fSOI.png
- Vaughan 17Jul09 - Sunspot Cycle Period.PNG
- Vaughan 18Aug10 - Solar-Terrestrial Coincidence.odt
- Vaughan 20Jan10 Rate of change of 1 an index of JEV alignment and 2 sunspot numbers.jpg
- Vaughan 20Jan10 Rate of change of 1 an index of JEV alignment and 2 sunspot numbers.xcf
- Vaughan 20Jan10 Rate of change of an index of JEV Jupiter-Earth-Venus alignment fJEV.17402010.png
- Vaughan 20Jan10 Rate of change of sunspot numbers fLR.17402010.png
- Vaughan Jul09 - Sunspots, Chandler.xcf
- Vaughan's Acronyms.odt
- Vaughan's graphs and compilations – Comparison of Northern and Southern Wind-Ocean Oscillations, 06Apr10.doc
- Vaughan, Paul, 090327,, v0, Sidorenkov, Sidorenkov 10May02 - Way of prediction of hydrometeorologicalcharacteristics.pdf
- Vaughan, Paul, 090411,, v0, Hissink 2009 - The Earth in an Electric Solar System.pdf
- Vaughan, Paul, 090602,, v0, GA Map XL.PNG
- Vaughan, Paul, 090710,, v0, no name
- Vaughan, Paul, 090716,, v0, =iso-8859-1QLe_Mou=EBl_etal_01Jul09_-_Another_paper_showing_evidence_o==iso-8859-1Qf_a_solar_signature_in_temperature_records=2Ebmp=
- Vaughan, Paul, 090716,, v0, =iso-8859-1QLe_Mou=EBl_etal_01Jul09_-_Another_paper_showing_evidence_o==iso-8859-1Qf_a_solar_signature_in_temperature_records=2Edoc=
- Vaughan, Paul, 090717,, v0, SunspotCyclePeriod.PNG
- Vaughan, Paul, 090717,, v0, no name
- Vaughan, Paul, 091005,, v0, Vaughan 01Oct09 - PDO & AMO ve
- Vaughan, Paul, 100117, a class=moz-txt-link-rfc2396E, v0, Vaughan 10Oct09 Envelope for PDO & LOD.png
- Vaughan, Paul, 100122,, v0, Vaughan 20Jan10 Rate of change of 1 an index of JEV alignment and 2 sunspotnumbers.jpg
- Vaughan, Paul, 1002 5,, v0, UTF-8
- Vaughan, Paul, 1002 5,, v1, UTF-8
- Vaughan, Paul, 100204,, v0, Vaughan - Solar Terrestr Cim Conn MS Thesis.pdf
- Vaughan, Paul, 100221,, v0, N-0334 paper__ Valdes, Pou - Central England Temperatures and Solar ActivityA Computational Intelligence Approach.pdf
- Vaughan, Paul, 100225,, v0, Jokipii 14-18Dec09 - Time lag, Soloar actiity versus galactic cosmic rays.jpg
- Vaughan, Paul, 1004 1,, v0, SAOT,LAC&LNC.png
- Vaughan, Paul, 1004 1,, v0, no name
- Vaughan, Paul, 1004 1,, v1, no name
- Vaughan, Paul, 1004 1,, v2, no name
- Vaughan, Paul, 1004 1,, v3, no name
- Vaughan, Paul, 1004 1,, v4, no name
- Vaughan, Paul, 1004 1,, v5, no name
- Vaughan, Paul, 1004 1,, v6, no name
- Vaughan, Paul, 1004 2,, v0, no name
- Vaughan, Paul, 1004 2,, v1, no name
- Vaughan, Paul, 100406,, v0, Vaughan's graphs and compilations =UTF-8B4oCTIENvbXBhcmlzb24gb2YgTm9ydA====UTF-8BaGVybiBhbmQgU291dGhlcm4gV2luZC1PY2VhbiBPc2NpbGxhdGlvbnMsIDA2QXA===UTF-8BcjEwLmRvYw===
- Vaughan, Paul, 100408,, v0, Howell - 60-120 yr Gleissberg, Kondriatieff, Klyashtorin Apr09 - cropped.jpg
- Vaughan, Paul, 100410,, v0, Research Proposal 100409.doc
- Vaughan, Paul, 100410,, v0, Update on 091108 Research Proposal.doc
- Vaughan, Paul, 100414,, v0, Vaughan-Cumulative Sum climate indices.pdf
- Vaughan, Paul, 100414,, v0, no name
- Vaughan, Paul, 100414,, v1, no name
- Vaughan, Paul, 100414,, v2, no name
- Vaughan, Paul, 100414,, v3, no name
- Vaughan, Paul, 100420,, v0, Vaughan Dec08 - Solar Terrestr Cim Conn MS Thesis.pdf
- Vaughan, Paul, 1005 5,, v0, UTF-8
- Vaughan, Paul, 1005 5,, v1, UTF-8
- Vaughan, Paul, 100912,, v0, McKitrick-Fix the IPCC process
- Vaughan, Paul, 100912,, v0, vaughn_lod_amo_sc.png
- Vaughan-ResearchProposal to FOS.doc
- Vaughans graphs - LOD -T_anomaly 6 year shift.png