Index of /System_maintenance/Linux
- Parent Directory
- 0_bash
- 141124 Root default error.png
- 141130 LinuxMintDeb - exfat files not recognized.png
- 150530 LinuxMint - other user logged in.png
- 170813 iotop output.txt
- 190508 Linux LMDE3 install notes.txt
- 1_bash notes.txt
- 9_Howells libraries lising.txt
- DISPLAY variable - to run GUI from command line.txt
- Filewatchers/
- Gufw firewall
- IFS internal file (word) separator.txt
- Linux hardware information commands.txt
- Linux version & system info.txt
- MTP cell files - fmtpfs and fusermount notes.txt
- PATH notes.txt
- Software Manager notes.txt
- USB drive ext format.txt
- [stat, touch] notes.txt
- apps list no-libs-hyphens.txt
- apps list no-libs.txt
- apps list notes.txt
- apps list.txt
- arithmetic notes.txt
- array notes.txt
- art icons notes.txt
- awk notes.txt
- awk versus sed.txt
- bash librarys list.txt
- bash segmentation faults notes.txt
- boot setup - global vars etc.txt
- cat, join, paste notes.txt
- chown & chmod notes.txt
- chown stderr.txt
- chown stdout.txt
- cinnamon java sets/
- clamscan
- codification.ods
- comm - compare files line by line notes.txt
- control-key standards.txt
- cp notes.txt
- cron & anacron daily Howell.txt
- cron notes.txt
- curl
- curl notes.txt
- cut notes.txt
- date notes.txt
- diff notes.txt
- diff-like tools [Diffuse] notes.txt
- document compare utilities.txt
- dolphin/
- download via command line [curl, wget].txt
- du notes.txt
- echo notes.txt
- env - environment variables notes.txt
- eval notes.txt
- file [archive, attribute, etc].txt
- fileMgr args.txt
- find notes.txt
- firewall: Gufw
- for loops notes.txt
- function notes.txt
- grep notes.txt
- grep summary.txt
- grub rescue notes.txt
- if statements.txt
- installation of Linux notes.txt
- journalctl notes.txt
- keyboard input notes.txt
- keyring notes.txt
- krusader/
- ldd - show library contents.txt
- let & arithmetic .link.txt
- lftp notes.txt
- libraries - Howell listing.txt
- linux LMDE repositories.txt
- linux LMDE workspace switcher notes.txt
- linux Suse specifics.txt
- linux notes TblOfContents.txt
- linux notes.txt
- list of strings etc.txt
- lists compare - diff & comm.txt
- ls notes.txt
- mouse & keyboard notes.txt
- mv notes.txt
- nemo/
- nm - list functions in a library.txt
- output redirection notes.txt
- paste notes.txt
- pdftk - pdf edits, notes.txt
- pdftotext notes.txt
- permissions notes 230913 13h34m02s.txt
- permissions notes.txt
- printf.txt
- process list 181102 10h06m.txt
- process list 220402 19h11m.txt
- process list 230110 9h04m.txt
- processes - kill,pidof,ps,pstree,top.txt
- processes sucking up time notes.txt
- profile.local
- ramdisk notes.txt
- read file & loops.txt
- read summary.txt
- readarray notes.txt
- regular expression notes.txt
- rm notes.txt
- rsync notes.txt
- sed notes.txt
- sed summary.txt
- sedChrL_legend Howell.txt
- specialChrs notes.txt
- speech-to-text Google
- str notes.txt
- sudo notes.txt
- system monitor - process names.txt
- tac opposite of cat notes.txt
- tail - last lines in a file.txt
- tar notes.txt
- tee notes.txt
- time program usage, resources notes.txt
- timestamps notes.txt
- tr notes.txt
- unicode notes.txt
- variable assignment from expression.txt
- variable read from file as a string.txt
- variable set or unset.txt
- virus: clamscan
- wc - [word, line] counts.txt
- website command line browsers [links, elinks, lynx] notes.txt
- wget
- which - find path of a command.txt
- while loop notes.txt
- windows/
- wmctrl notes.txt
- wmctrl/
- xargs notes.txt
- xdotool notes.txt
- xdotool/
- zeitgeist removal.txt
- zero_pad numbers.txt
- zip, gzip notes.txt
- zypper for Suse notes.txt