#] #] ********************* #] "$d_SysMaint"'Linux/xdotool notes.txt' www.BillHowell.ca 28Jun2021 restart notes, lost years of previous stuff! NOT used in "$d_bin""starter/start_app.sh" see also : 'wmctrl notes.txt' loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'windows [open, close, ID, title], [get,set,move] cart [posn,size].ndf' ; loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'Linux signals applications non-window.ndf' ; #24************************24 # Table of Contents, generate with : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_SysMaint"'Linux/xdotool notes.txt' | sed "s/^#\]/ /" # ********************* "$d_SysMaint""Linux/xdotool notes.txt" 28Jun2021 xdotool via QNial url_downloadTxt_path IS OP URLname winTitle winIDTxtEditor - download text only (no [html, css] code) 28Jun2021 Where have I used xdotools? #24************************24 #08********08 #] ??Apr2024 #08********08 #] ??Apr2024 #08********08 #] ??Apr2024 #08********08 #] ??Apr2024 #08********08 #] ??Apr2024 #08********08 #] ??Apr2024 #08********08 #] ??Apr2024 #08********08 #] 01Apr2024 search "Linux geany text editor and window title config" (works until edit) from "$d_SysMaint""text processors/geany notes.txt" +-----+ https://wiki.geany.org/howtos/change_window_title Changing Geany window title text The idea is that I regularly work on a couple of repos at the same time, and can have like five Geany windows open, with three of them showing say 'requirements.txt - […'. I'd prefer to have the window title to start with the project name so I know which window is which project. I thought of patching Geany itself like https://github.com/geany/geany/pull/290, but I am not really proficient in C, so I went for weird Python/Xfce solution. import subprocess from time import sleep while True: windows_details = subprocess.run(['wmctrl', '-l'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('UTF-8') for window_details in windows_details.splitlines(): window_id, _, title = window_details.split(maxsplit=2) if '] - Geany' in title: new_title = title[title.find(' [')+2:].replace(' (new instance)', '').replace(']','') subprocess.run(['xdotool', 'set_window', '--name', new_title, window_id]) sleep(0.1) >> I could simply use xdtool!? I have to look at my OLD notes : "$d_SysMaint"'Linux/xdotool notes.txt' eg QNial : winUrlID := host_result link 'wmctrl -l | grep "' winTitle '" | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d" " ' ; 11:47$ window_id=$( wmctrl -l | grep 'geany notes.txt' | sed 's|\(^[0-9abcdefx]*\).*|\1|' ) ~ 11:47$ echo "$window_id" 0x06c00007 ~ 11:48$ xdotool set_window --name 'Geany notes.txt' "$window_id" ~ >> worked beautifully Now to change all geany window titles : wmctrl -l | grep -i 'Geany' >"$d_temp"'geany window_ids.txt' NUTS!!! no good. As aoon as I edit, it put `* (very useful!) and the standard dir following #08********08 #] 29Aug2023 wmctrl -i -r -c doesn't work, try xdotool Software Manager : downloaded xdotool from "$d_SysMaint"'Linux/xdotool notes.txt' : 'xdotool key --window ' winID ' ctrl+shift+w' man xdotool : windowclose [window] try : xdotool --windowclose winID $ bash "$d_bin"'webPage [vnc, browser] window-capture.sh' win_id = 0x0340d0b2 cmd = xdotool --windowclose 0x0340d0b2 xdotool: unrecognized option '--windowclose' Usage: xdotool try xdotool windowclose winID $ bash "$d_bin"'webPage [vnc, browser] window-capture.sh' win_id = 0x0340db14 cmd = xdotool windowclose 0x0340db14 >> great, closed the window but crashed firefox!! Go back to my code from yers ago : cmd='xdotool key --window '"$win_id"' ctrl+shift+w' >> OK! works!!! 08********08 #] 28Jun2021 xdotool via QNial +-----+ link d_Qndfs 'economics, markets/options data [download, process].ndf' % open yahoo financial options URL in browser, code from "$d_bin""starter/start_Markets.sh" ; cmd := link 'bash "' d_start '""start_app.sh" 3s "browser" "' url '" ""' ; write cmd ; host cmd ; host 'sleep 5s' ; winID_yahooOptions := winTitle_get_winID winNm_yahooOptions ; host 'sleep 3s' ; write 'yahooOptions_downLoad, winID_yahooOptions = ' winID_yahooOptions ; winIDorName_copyAllTextTo_pout winID_yahooOptions p_callPutts ; host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_yahooOptions ' ctrl+shift+w' ; host 'sleep 3s' ; I created in fileops.ndf : #] url_downloadTxt_path IS OP URLname winTitle winIDTxtEditor - download text only (no [html, css] code) # https://vitux.com/how-to-download-a-file-on-ubuntu-linux-using-the-command-line/ How to Download a File on Ubuntu Linux using the Command Line # winIDorName_copyAllTextTo_pout - from : # 'windows [open, close, ID, title], [get,set,move] cart [posn,size].ndf' # simple [adaptation, use] of my own start QNial program system url_downloadTxtTo_path IS OP url winTitle path { LOCAL d_start winID ; % open URL in default browser, code from "$d_bin""starter/start_Markets.sh" ; d_start := link d_bin 'starter/' ; cmd := link 'bash "' d_start '""start_app.sh" 3s "browser" "' url '" ""' ; % write cmd ; host cmd ; host 'sleep 5s' ; winID := winTitle_get_winID winNm ; host 'sleep 3s' ; % write 'url_downloadTxtTo_path, winID = ' winID ; winIDorName_copyAllTextTo_pout winID path ; host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID ' ctrl+shift+w' ; host 'sleep 3s' ; } +-----+ didn't use : already had good code fromy a month or two ago!?! host link 'firefox "' URLname '" ' ; host 'sleep 3s' ; winUrlID := host_result link 'wmctrl -l | grep "' winTitle '" | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d" " ' ; write link 'winUrlID = ' winUrlID ; host link 'xdotools ??? winUrlID ctrl-a ctrl-c % paste text into text editor ; host link 'xdotools -kill "' winUrlID '" ' ; host link 'xdotools keys ctrl-s "' winUrlID '" ' ; 08********08 #] 28Jun2021 Where have I used xdotools? $ grep -r "xdotool" "$d_bin" +--+ /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/bin/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators.ndf: host link 'xdotool windowfocus --sync ' winID ' key ctrl+w' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/bin/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators.ndf: host link 'xdotool windowfocus --sync ' ID_bkgnd ' key ctrl+q' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/bin/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators.ndf: host link 'xdotool windowfocus --sync ' ID_bkgnd ' key Return' ; ... /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/bin/email - create auto header Old.txt: xdotool windowfocus --sync $winID key ctrl+Return /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/bin/email - create auto header Old.txt:xdotool windowfocus --sync $winID key ctrl+S +--+ >> many other scripts use this!! $ grep -r "xdotool" "$d_Qndfs" +--+ /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool >"' pname_ID_QNial '" getwindowfocus' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool >"' pname_winID '" search --sync --name "' winTitle '"' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool >"' pname_winID '" getwindowname "' winID '"' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf:# xdotool : might use windowunmap -> overrideredirectvalue 0 -> windowmap /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: cmd := link 'xdotool set_window --name "' winTitle_short '"' winID ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool >"' pname_winID '" getwindowname "' (string winID) '"' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool >"' pname_ID_QNial '" getwindowfocus' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: (link char_char 'xdotool windowactivate --sync ' winTest char_char) /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool windowactivate --sync ' winTest ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool >"' pname_win_PosnSize '" getwindowgeometry ' winID ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool >"' pname_win_PosnSize '" getwindowgeometry ' winID ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool windowfocus --sync ' winID ' windowsize ' winID ' ' widthStr ' ' heightStr ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool windowsize ' winID ' ' widthStr ' ' heightStr ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool windowfocus --sync ' winID ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf:# host link 'xdotool windowfocus --sync ' winID ' windowmove ' winID ' ' xStr ' ' yStr ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool windowmove ' winID ' ' xStr ' ' yStr ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool windowfocus --sync ' winID ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: cmd := link 'xdotool windowfocus ' ID_image_targeted ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: cmd := link 'xdotool windowraise ' ID_image_targeted ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool windowfocus --sync ' winID ' key ctrl+w' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool windowfocus --sync ' ID_bkgnd ' key ctrl+q' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool windowfocus --sync ' ID_bkgnd ' key Return' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool windowfocus --sync ' winID ' key ctrl+q' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool windowfocus --sync ' winID ' key Left' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/0_vidProdn - common data, operators 170819.ndf: host link 'xdotool windowfocus --sync ' winID ' key Left' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/video production/debug output.txt:|image_next cmd : |xdotool windowfocus --sync 54526072 key Next| /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/DrumLib Science for kids video/windows - position, size, move, desktop opens.ndf: host link 'xdotool >"' pname_ID_QNial '" getwindowfocus' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/DrumLib Science for kids video/windows - position, size, move, desktop opens.ndf: host link 'xdotool >"' pname_winID '" search --sync --name "' winTitle '"' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/DrumLib Science for kids video/windows - position, size, move, desktop opens.ndf: host link 'xdotool >"' pname_winID '" search --sync --name "' winTitle '"' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/DrumLib Science for kids video/windows - position, size, move, desktop opens.ndf: host link 'xdotool >"' pname_winID '" getwindowname "' winID '"' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/DrumLib Science for kids video/windows - position, size, move, desktop opens.ndf:# xdotool : might use windowunmap -> overrideredirectvalue 0 -> windowmap /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/DrumLib Science for kids video/windows - position, size, move, desktop opens.ndf: cmd := link 'xdotool set_window --name "' winTitle_short '"' winID ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/DrumLib Science for kids video/windows - position, size, move, desktop opens.ndf: host link 'xdotool >"' pname_winID '" getwindowname "' (string winID) '"' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/DrumLib Science for kids video/windows - position, size, move, desktop opens.ndf: (link char_char 'xdotool windowactivate --sync ' winTest char_char) /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/DrumLib Science for kids video/windows - position, size, move, desktop opens.ndf: host link 'xdotool windowactivate --sync ' winTest ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/DrumLib Science for kids video/windows - position, size, move, desktop opens.ndf: host link 'xdotool >"' pname_win_PosnSize '" getwindowgeometry ' winID ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/DrumLib Science for kids video/windows - position, size, move, desktop opens.ndf: host link 'xdotool >"' pname_win_PosnSize '" getwindowgeometry ' winID ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/DrumLib Science for kids video/windows - position, size, move, desktop opens.ndf: cmd := link 'xdotool windowfocus ' ID_image_targeted ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/DrumLib Science for kids video/windows - position, size, move, desktop opens.ndf: cmd := link 'xdotool windowraise ' ID_image_targeted ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/video production/DrumLib Science for kids video/windows - position, size, move, desktop opens.ndf: host link 'xdotool windowfocus --sync ' winID ' key ctrl+w' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/windows [open, close, ID, title], [get,set,move] cart [posn,size].ndf:host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_page ' ctrl+a' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/windows [open, close, ID, title], [get,set,move] cart [posn,size].ndf:host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_page ' ctrl+c' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/windows [open, close, ID, title], [get,set,move] cart [posn,size].ndf:host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_geany ' ctrl+v' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/windows [open, close, ID, title], [get,set,move] cart [posn,size].ndf:host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_geany ' ctrl+s' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/windows [open, close, ID, title], [get,set,move] cart [posn,size].ndf:host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_geany ' ctrl+q' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/windows [open, close, ID, title], [get,set,move] cart [posn,size].ndf:# xdotool key --window ' winID_geany ' ctrl+Q' /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/economics, markets/options - develop.txt: % host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_yahooOptionsTesla ' ctrl+q' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/economics, markets/winURL yahoo finance news download.ndf: host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_yahooNews ' ctrl+shift+w' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/economics, markets/winURL yahoo finance news download develop.txt: host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_geany ' ctrl+v' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/economics, markets/winURL yahoo finance news download develop.txt: host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_page ' ctrl+A' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/economics, markets/winURL yahoo finance news download develop.txt: host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_page ' ctrl+A' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/economics, markets/winURL yahoo finance news download develop.txt: host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_temp ' ctrl+V' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/economics, markets/winURL yahoo finance news download develop.txt: host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_page ' ctrl+a' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/economics, markets/winURL yahoo finance news download develop.txt: host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_temp ' ctrl+v' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/economics, markets/winURL yahoo finance news download develop.txt: host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_page ' ctrl+a' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/economics, markets/winURL yahoo finance news download develop.txt: host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_page ' ctrl+c' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/economics, markets/winURL yahoo finance news download develop.txt: host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_temp ' ctrl+v' ; /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Qnial/MY_NDFS/economics, markets/options data [download, process].ndf: host link 'xdotool key --window ' winID_yahooOptions ' ctrl+shift+w' ; +--+ >> many other QNial ndfs use this!! # enddoc