Index of /References/Howell
- Parent Directory
- Howell - 25 most downloaded from Neural Networks journal 140317.odt
- Howell - A Preliminary note on Holocene climate 2007.odt
- Howell - Alta Potatoe Growers Association - Milankovic NOT deglaciation.pdf
- Howell - Alta Potatoe Growers Association FULL version Nov07.pdf
- Howell - Alta Potatoe Growers Association FULL version Nov07.ppt
- Howell - Alta Potatoe Growers Association Nov07.ppt
- Howell - Alta Potatoe Growers info.odt
- Howell - Are we ready for Global Cooling, comments 14Mar06.doc
- Howell - Are we ready for Global Cooling, comments 14Mar06.pdf
- Howell - Are we ready for global cooling 14Mar06 longer version.pdf
- Howell - Are we ready for global cooling 14Mar06.pdf
- Howell - Are we ready for global cooling.ppt
- Howell - Charvatova's hypothesis & Isotopic solar proxies Aug08.odt
- Howell - Civilisation, historical timelines and the sun.ods
- Howell - Civilisation, solar insolation A5 top row.pdf
- Howell - Civilisation, solar insolation T graph at back.pdf
- Howell - Civilisation, solar insolation anchor main graph to page not cell.pdf
- Howell - Civilisation, solar insolation main graph at back.pdf
- Howell - Civilisation, solar insolation main top.pdf
- Howell - Civilisation, solar insolation no T graph.pdf
- Howell - Civilisation, solar insolation no window freeze.pdf
- Howell - Civilisation, solar insolation, Loehle T deviations C°.pdf
- Howell - Civilisation, solar insolation.ods
- Howell - Civilisation, solar insolation.pdf
- Howell - Climate Change references.doc
- Howell - Climate Change situation Jun04.pdf
- Howell - Climate Change situation Jun04.ppt
- Howell - Climate Change, back to reality after 20 years of D-cubed thinking.odt
- Howell - Confabulation, A quick, fun survey of Plausible Next Sentences.odt
- Howell - DVD cover description.odt
- Howell - El Nino titbits.odt
- Howell - End of Enlightenment 02Aug09.odp
- Howell - End of Enlightenment 25Sep09.pdf
- Howell - Glaciation models for the last 6 million years.odt
- Howell - Glaciation models for the last 6 million years.pdf
- Howell - Glaciation models for the last 6 million years.png
- Howell - Glaciation models for the last million years graphs.pdf
- Howell - Historical timelines and the sun - astronomical & climate cycles.pdf
- Howell - Influenza pandemics, the sun and the barycenter.odt
- Howell - Kasabov ECOS book review.doc
- Howell - Landscheit, trimmed Ephemeris data.pdf
- Howell - Laskar etal 2004 Milankovic data.ods
- Howell - Mega-Life, Mega-Death II public version.odp
- Howell - Mega-Life, Mega-Death II.odp
- Howell - Mega-Life, Mega-Death and the Sun, Toastmasters 070404.odt
- Howell - Mega-Life, Mega-Death and the Sun, the rise and fall of civilisations 070128.pdf
- Howell - Mega-Life, Mega-Death and the Sun, the rise and fall of civilisations.pdf
- Howell - NGDC Geophysical Data Center retr08 - Group sunspot numbers, File descriptions.ods
- Howell - Note to Glenn Beck, TV series proposal.odt
- Howell - Note to Glenn Beck, TV series proposal.pdf
- Howell - Paillard-Parrenin threshold models of glaciation - quick results of models.odt
- Howell - Paillard-Parrenin threshold models of glaciation - quick results of models.pdf
- Howell - Paillards model and Milankovic rollover.odt
- Howell - Pandemics and solar storms.ods
- Howell - Pandemics and the sun.pdf
- Howell - Pandemics and the
- Howell - Prairies sunspots, QBO, SSTA, NAS.csv
- Howell - Ring around the rosies 061004.doc
- Howell - Ring around the rosies 061004.ppt
- Howell - Rotary Club 22May07 - superposition of 2 slides.pdf
- Howell - Rotary Club lessons learned - adapted presentation 22May07.pdf
- Howell - Rotary Club lessons learned - adapted presentation 22May07.ppt
- Howell - Rotary club post-interpretation, CO2 is a time-lagged fuzzy thermometer.pdf
- Howell - Selected pandemics & epidemics 070122.odp
- Howell - Selected pandemics & epidemics 070122.pdf
- Howell - Solanki sunspots (10Be & 14C).ods
- Howell - Solar influence over mega-life & mega-death Jan07.ppt
- Howell - Solar insolation for civilisations.pdf
- Howell - Solar micro-Workshop, Ottawa 11May06 post 060809.doc
- Howell - Solar minima NOT El Nino, butterfly, pandemics & engineering.pdf
- Howell - Solar presentations 13Oct06.pdf
- Howell - T-Shirt, Kyoto premise fraud.odt
- Howell - T-Shirt, Kyoto premise fraud.pdf
- Howell - Wilson Jul08 - Which came first The chicken or the egg (Length of Day & PDO, NAO) 13Nov09.xcf
- Howell - Wolfe's sand due time series 13Nov09.xcf
- Howell - complexity and post-rational, non-symbolic, and classical thinking.odp
- Howell - critique of Gore, An inconvenient truth.ods
- Howell - critique of Gore, An inconvenient truth.pdf
- Howell - critique of Jared Diamonds Guns and Collapse.odt
- Howell - email to Pou concerning Charvatova paper on solar barycenter.odt
- Howell - email to Pou concerning Charvatova paper on solar barycenter.pdf
- Howell - history timelines and radioisotopes.jpg
- Howell - horizons sun-bary vectors -3000 BC to 3000 AD.ods
- Howell - influenza and solar-climate phase relations.odt
- Howell - information tidbits.ods
- Howell - information tidbits.odt
- Howell - notable Canadians & climate science.ppt
- Howell - plague in Khazakstan.png
- Howell - radioisotopes and history 091004.jpg
- Howell - radioisotopes and history, 2600 year grid for framework.ods
- Howell - radioisotopes and history.jpg
- Howell - solar inertial motion - NASA-JPL versus Charvatova.pdf
- Howell - sun-barycenter results, -3000 BC to 3000 AD 071112.ods
- Howell - sun-barycenter, climate periodicities.ods.txt
- Howell - sun-barycenter, natural periodicities.txt
- Howell 110417 comments on Vaughan 10Apr11 Solar, Terrestrial, & Lunisolar.doc
- Howell 110702 Solar Activity theory history - follow-up on Charbonneau .odt
- Howell 110824 - Confabulation Theory - Plausible next sentence survey.pdf
- Howell 110828 Comment for Cohen inquiry on Sockeye Salmon populations.doc
- Howell 120115 War timelines.ods
- Howell 120719 Chateau St Louis, Quebec - food storage.jpg
- Howell 120720 Chateau St Louis, Quebec - food storage iceblock placements.jpg
- Howell 120729 Fort St Louis in Quebec city - archaeological interpretation of food storage.odt
- Howell 120729 Fort St Louis in Quebec city - archaeological interpretation of food storage.pdf
- Howell 120729 Why was France's King Louis XIV called the Sun King.odt
- Howell 120729 Why was France's King Louis XIV called the Sun King.pdf
- Howell 130810 IJCNN 2013 Dallas Texas - selected themes.odt
- Howell 131011 fMRI - Random, stray thoughts.odt
- Howell 131011 fMRI - Random, stray thoughts.pdf
- Howell 131013 Robots, Signal Processing and Control Theory - Random, stray thoughts.odt
- Howell 131013 Robots, Signal Processing and Control Theory - Random, stray thoughts.pdf
- Howell 140504 Blog comments for WUWT, Willos Eschenbach.odt
- Howell 141124 Pandemics & sun ratios, Google ngrams.png
- Howell 141124 Pandemics & sun, Google ngrams.png
- Howell 150601 Questions for Nir Shaviv's presentation to Friends of Science 02Jun2015.odt
- Howell 150627 Electric Universe - Climate & Svensmark Milankovic, Dark matter - Veizer-Shaviv.odt
- Howell 150627 Electric Universe - Climate & Svensmark Milankovic, Dark matter - Veizer-Shaviv.pdf
- Howell 150804 emsto&fro Phil Clark, engr & finance Australian.doc
- Howell 150804 emsto&fro Phil Clark, engr & finance Australian.odt
- Howell 151208 The Greatest of cycles - Human implications_.odt
- Howell 180306 astronomical & [geology,climate, biology, psychology, health] cycles.odt
- Howell 2005 - Presentation, Junk DNA and Neural Networks conjecture on directions and implications.ppt
- Howell 2006 - Genetic specification of neural networks, draft concepts and implications.pdf
- Howell 2006 - Presentation, Genetic Specification of Recurrent Neural Networks Initial Thoughts.ppt
- Howell 2007 - A Preliminary note on Holocene climate.pdf
- Howell Sep10 - Review of Asimov & Silverberg's Nightfall.odt
- Howell comments on Scherer et al - Interstellar-Terrestrial Relations, Variable Cosmic Environments, the Dynamic Heliosphere 060706.doc
- Howell comments on Scherer et al - Interstellar-Terrestrial Relations.doc
- Howell, Sarah 120204 DS033_RGC_Preroll_Peel_ENv1.flv
- Howells NN reference listing.sxw