*********************** 210602 16h55m, webRawe_to_webSite() : options = change rsync /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/ to /media/bill/WebSite/ .d..t...... ./ >f.st...... page Howell - blog.html .d..t...... Bill Howells videos/ >f.st...... Bill Howells videos/Howell - videos.html cd+++++++++ Bill Howells videos/120214 Venus et Mars, au dela d une histoire d amour/ >f+++++++++ Bill Howells videos/120214 Venus et Mars, au dela d une histoire d amour/Mythology.ogv .d..t...... Bill Howells videos/160901 Big Data, Deep Learning, and Safety/ .d..t...... Bill Howells videos/170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/ >f.st...... Bill Howells videos/170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/Past & future worlds.html .d..t...... Bill Howells videos/Birkeland rotation in galaxy - not dark matter/ >f.st...... Bill Howells videos/Birkeland rotation in galaxy - not dark matter/Birkeland rotation in galaxy - not dark matter.html .d..t...... Book [note, review]s/ .d..t...... Charvatova solar inertial motion & activity/ >f+++++++++ Charvatova solar inertial motion & activity/Charbonneau 2002 - The rise and fall of the first sunspot model.pdf >f+++++++++ Charvatova solar inertial motion & activity/Howell - Solar presentations 13Oct06.pdf .d..t...... Civilisations and sun/ .d..t...... Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/ >f.st...... Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/_Kyoto Premise - the scientists arent wearing any clothes.html .d..t...... Climate and sun/ .d..t...... Electric Universe/ .d..t...... Forms/ .d..t...... Galactic rays and evolution/ .d..t...... Hodge-Podge/ .d..t...... Lies, Damned Lies, and Scientists/ .d..t...... Neil Howell/ .d..t...... Neil Howell/Comox BC Legend of the Queneesh, great flood/ .d..t...... Neural nets/ .d..t...... Neural nets/Conference guides/ .d..t...... Neural nets/Conference guides/2019 IJCNN Budapest/ .d..t...... Neural nets/Conference guides/Author guide website/ .d..t...... Neural nets/Conference guides/EMAILER website/ .d..t...... Neural nets/Conference guides/Mass emails website/ .d..t...... Neural nets/Conference guides/Publications website/ .d..t...... Neural nets/Conference guides/Publicity website/ .d..t...... Neural nets/Conference guides/Reviewers website/ .d..t...... Neural nets/Conference guides/Sponsors website/ .d..t...... Pandemics, health, and the Sun/ .d..t...... Pandemics, health, and the Sun/corona virus/ .d..t...... Pandemics, health, and the Sun/influenza/ .d..t...... Paul L Vaughan/ .d..t...... Personal/ .d..t...... Personal/130726 Deer collison/ >f.st...... Personal/130726 Deer collison/Car collision with a deer.html .d..t...... Personal/181211 Van versus Semi collision/ .d..t...... Personal/Crazy ideas/ .d..t...... Professional & Resume/ .d..t...... Projects - mini/Solar system/Cdn Solar Forecasting/ .d..t...... Projects - mini/wordpress site/ .d..t...... Qnial/MY_NDFS/ .d..t...... Qnial/MY_NDFS/email/ .d..t...... Qnial/MY_NDFS/iconv - Unicode to ASCII/ .d..t...... Qnial/MY_NDFS/uni2ascii/ .d..t...... Qnial/MY_NDFS/webSite/ >f+++++++++ Qnial/MY_NDFS/webSite/0_website notes.txt >f+++++++++ Qnial/MY_NDFS/webSite/1_webSite instructions.txt >f+++++++++ Qnial/MY_NDFS/webSite/2_website updates [summary, ToDos, status].txt >f.st...... Qnial/MY_NDFS/webSite/webSite maintain [menu, header, footer, body] links, TableOfContents.ndf .d..t...... Qnial/Manuals/ .d..t...... Qnial/code develop_test/webSite/ >f.st...... Qnial/code develop_test/webSite/webSite test- page Howell - blog.html >f.st...... Qnial/code develop_test/webSite/webSite test- page Howell - blog.html convertBodyLinks.html >f.st...... Qnial/code develop_test/webSite/webSite test- page Howell - blog.html str_replaceIn_path.html >f.st...... Qnial/code develop_test/webSite/webSite test- page Howell - blog.html update.html .d..t...... Solar modeling and forecasting/ >f+++++++++ Solar modeling and forecasting/Charbonneau 2002 - The rise and fall of the first sunspot model.pdf >f+++++++++ Solar modeling and forecasting/Howell - Solar presentations 13Oct06.pdf >f+++++++++ Solar modeling and forecasting/_Solar modeling & forecasting.html .d..t...... Steven H Yaskell/ .d..t...... System_maintenance/Linux/ >f.st...... System_maintenance/Linux/if statements.txt >f.st...... System_maintenance/Linux/sed notes.txt .d..t...... System_maintenance/text processors/ >f.st...... System_maintenance/text processors/geany notes.txt .d..t...... Wickson website/ .d..t...... bin/ >f.st...... bin/0_list of Howells bash_scripts.txt >f+++++++++ bin/fileops.sh .d..t...... bin/starter/ >f.st...... bin/starter/start_Markets.sh .d..t...... economics, markets/ .d..t...... economics, markets/0_BillHowell market news/ .d..t...... economics, markets/Fischer, David 1996 The Great Wave/ .d..t...... economics, markets/Pharma/ .d..t...... economics, markets/Pharma/Top 75 Immunotherapy startups_files/ .d..t...... economics, markets/Pharma/Top 75 Immunotherapy startups_files/ads_data/ .d..t...... economics, markets/Pharma/Top 75 Immunotherapy startups_files/ads_data_002/ .d..t...... economics, markets/Pharma/Top 75 Immunotherapy startups_files/ads_data_003/ .d..t...... economics, markets/SP500/PE Schiller forward vs 10yr Tbills/ .d..t...... economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS/ .d..t...... economics, markets/SP500/multi-fractal/ .d..t...... economics, markets/currency-crypto/ .d..t...... economics, markets/neuro-linguistic/ >f.st...... economics, markets/neuro-linguistic/yahoo finance news - themes not in stateSet.txt >f.st...... economics, markets/neuro-linguistic/yahoo finance news.txt .d..t...... security/ >f.st...... security/encryption-decryption instructions.html *deleting Bill Howells videos/120214 Venus et Mars, au dela d'une histoire d amour/Mythology.ogv *deleting Bill Howells videos/120214 Venus et Mars, au dela d'une histoire d amour/ *deleting Qnial/MY_NDFS/webSite/website updates [summary, ToDos, status].txt *deleting Qnial/MY_NDFS/webSite/website notes.txt Number of files: 9,075 (reg: 8,462, dir: 613) Number of created files: 11 (reg: 10, dir: 1) Number of deleted files: 4 (reg: 3, dir: 1) Number of regular files transferred: 29 Total file size: 10,746,193,965 bytes Total transferred file size: 265,245,894 bytes Literal data: 265,245,894 bytes Matched data: 0 bytes File list size: 327,640 File list generation time: 0.145 seconds File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds Total bytes sent: 265,677,359 Total bytes received: 887 sent 265,677,359 bytes received 887 bytes 21,254,259.68 bytes/sec total size is 10,746,193,965 speedup is 40.45