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Hosted sub-sites Neil Howell's Art Paul Vaughan - top Climate modeller Steven Yaskell, sun & history Steve Wickson - extinction events
09Jun2021 webSite status - Of ~1,000+ "user usable" links on this webSite (not including links in [adobe pdf, word processing, spreadheet, etc] files), there are 60-100 problematic links including including links to ~30 external sites that have changed or disappeared. The vast majority of links are in the "Neural Network Conference Guides", in documentation pages(eg QNial manual), while perhaps 300+ are in the "normal" webPages.
15Feb2023 major restructuring of my web directories, so most intenal links won't work

Hosted Web-pages:

Note that material in the following "Sub-sites" does not imply that the hosted individuals agree with my opinions and themes, and visa-versa...

Neil Howell's Art almost 400 of approximately 500 oil paintings produced by the artist. first posted 16Mar2008

Paul L Vaughan's webpage - Paul did a huge amount of work on astronomical and Earth process datasets, coming up with unique, insightful, and powerful results, often leaving the experts in the dust, in my opinion. He both develops and applies advanced wavelet transforms for the spatio-temporal analysis of complex systems, and applied his own concepts similar to fractional order calculus.

Steven H Yaskell's webpage - Steven has written two key books on climate and history, which provide very important context for the huge impacts of climate and the sun's key role, as well as a history of science and scientists in this area. But much more than that, Steven provides wonderful stories about how people, scientists and non-scientists, have fought to shed light light on the subject in the face of tremendous opposition from mainstream science and scientists, of how the sun and climate have impacted on peoples lives, and of the under-appreciated role of women in science.

Steve Wickson's webpage including : "A Galactic Theory of Climate" - mass extinctions, glaciations etc over the last revised paper 16Oct07, first posted 05Jul07

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All website content is owned by William Neil Howell of Alberta, Canada, except when it isn't.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify Howell's content under either:
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  • Acknowledge William Neil Howell and/or the specific author of web-site content,
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