"... Remarkably, after all these chaotic processes of stretching, lifting, falling, and eroding for millions of years, instead of a pile of rubble, as would be expected, coherent parallel rows of ridge lines and oval, round, and swirling structures of repeating fractal forms emerge. It makes one wonder at the marvellous coincidence of it all. How does a mix of ad-hoc "theories" about something never witnessed - guess-work really - add up to anything as coherent as these structures. The answer is they don't. ..."
  • Nature's Electrode Thunderblog 22Apr2017 "... Andrew Hall is a natural philosopher, engineer, and author. A graduate of the University of Arizona's Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering College, he spent thirty years in the energy industry. He has designed, consulted, managed, and directed the construction and operation of over two and a half gigawatts of power generation and transmission, including solar, gasification, and natural gas power systems. From his home in Arizona, he explores the mountains, canyons, volcanoes, and deserts of the American Southwest to understand and rewrite an interpretation of Earth's form in its proper electrical context. Andrew was a speaker at EU2016, EU2017 and the EUUK2019 conferences. He can be reached at hallad1257@gmail.com or thedailyplasma.blog ..."
    When high voltage electrical circuitry is sufficiently overloaded, or damaged, the current will seek alternative conductive paths to discharge to ground. It causes a dangerous event called an arc flash. Arc flash occurs when the current discharges in an arc through the atmosphere.The result is explosive. Arc heat far exceeds the surface temperature of the Sun, in excess of 35,000 °F (19,400 °C). It's hot enough to vaporize copper conductors, producing an expanding plasma with supersonic shock-wave pressures over 1000 psi. It releases radiation across the spectrum with such energy, it will vaporize, melt and ablate materials far from the arc itself. No contact is required with an arc burn. Damage occurs from the searing hot blast.
    Earth geology is primarily a study of incremental processes over eons of time. Volcanoes, earthquakes, weathering and erosion are the forces that geologists theorize as having shaped our planet's land forms and surfaces. But the Electric Universe is opening new theoretical pathways for understanding our Earth, and all planets and moons. In the Electric Universe theory as proposed by the chief principals of The Thunderbolts Project, in a relatively recent period of chaos in the inner solar system, interplanetary electrical discharges shaped the surfaces of the planets, including the Earth. What evidence do see we of these events on our planet? In this Space News, Thunderblog author and colleague Andrew Hall begins the first of a three-part presentation on revolutionary concepts of Electric Universe geology.
    In "Arc Blast – Part One" we looked at how arc blast from current in the atmosphere could produce supersonic shock and wind effects that create a mountain. We examined triangular buttresses on mountainsides that exhibit the characteristic standing wave-form of a reflected shock wave. In particular, we looked at how they are layered perpendicular to the wind direction, and exhibit compression and expansion from superimposed longitudinal and transverse waves that came from a source above.
    In this article, we'll take a closer look at layering and electromagnetic influences.
    A capacitor stores electrical charge up to a point, and then lets go, like a dam breaking. It's called dielectric breakdown, and sparks are the result; sparks are the flood of current through the dam. Lightning is one example of a spark we've all seen, but there are several types of electric discharge to consider.

    Nature's Electrode Thunderblog 22Apr2017

    In a previous episode, we talked about Nature's Electrode. . . how a cold plasma corona is the proper electronic model for lightning genesis, and how mechanisms for ionization in a thunderstorm work.
    Now let's take in the bigger picture to get a more coherent look at a thunderstorm.
    A thermopile is an electrical circuit that you've probably seen in use. Ice coolers made for cars that plug into the cigarette lighter are one example.
    Previously, in Nature's Electrode, we looked at an Electric Earth model for lightning genesis driven by a plasma corona formed from condensing and freezing water vapor in the central updraft of the thunderhead. We also looked at the thunderstorm itself, and an electrical model for the circuit that drives it, in The Summer Thermopile. Now let's consider the most dramatic weather event of all, the tornado, and how these massively destructive whirlwinds are also formed by a plasma corona in a thunderstorm.
    Lightning also pummels the land, creating pressure waves exceeding seventy-thousand atmospheres - that's one-million psi. It can create a layer of shocked quartz and vitrify surrounding rock into glass.
    Based on its features, it's proposed that Shiprock is a standing fulgarite, created by lightning so powerful and sustained that the material began to recombine in the current as it was pulled from the ground, leaving behind a pinnacle of fused material instead of a hollow tube. Once material recombines, it's no longer charged and attracted to the lightning channel, so is left behind, its ionic makeup altered by the current and heat.
    The Arches' formation tells a story which explains one of the key phenomena that shaped the face of the planet. The phenomenon is called sputtering discharge. So let's take a look at what that is.
    In Part 2, we'll take a broader look at some regions on the Colorado Plateau where similar sputtering discharge processes took place.
    In Part 3, we'll look at some secondary effects from electrical deposition and sputtering on the Colorado Plateau. These features involve processes besides sputtering discharge and lightning bolts, however. These features also involved the winds of the storm.
    In the primordial, plasma typhoon that layered the dome of the Colorado Plateau, winds were mobilized by the Earth's electric field. Ionic species of opposite charge were pushed in opposite directions. Positive and negative species segregated into streams of unipolar winds that circled the Earth in bands moving alternate directions.
    Earth's geology and weather is a result of capacitance in Earth's electric circuit. Forget anything you've been taught about geology. It's wrong - provably wrong - from evidence you will soon see.
    We are taught to associate geology with billions of years of "tectonic forces" is actually the result of capacitor discharge across Earth's crust and atmosphere. The Earth's own electric circuit electroplated, etched, and arced to form the land, patterned by the Earth's electric field.
    The first evidence of Earth's electrical formation is provided by the landscape - all you need do is look at it. In this series of articles, you will be shown features created by electric winds. The challenge is to believe your eyes and take a serious look at the theory behind it.
    Jupiter is our largest neighbor and generates the largest electromagnetic field in the Solar System except for the Sun. It has a thick, turbulent atmosphere with swirling storms producing winds of supersonic speed, and lightning arcs that dwarf the puny sparks we have on Earth. Thus immediately, we see attributes of electrical processes like the processes we are exploring in Earth's primordial past.
    Thunderstorms' central meso-cyclone is a rotating updraft.
    In previous articles, we established a link between the winds of Jupiter and landforms on Earth. In primordial times, Earth's weather was like Jupiter's, with raging plasma whirlwinds and segregated electric jet streams that attained supersonic speeds. Close examination of mountains and other landforms shows clear evidence of wind-blown deposition that layered the land, supersonic shock waves that shaped mountain flanks, massive lightning discharges that welded rock, and plasma vortexes that blow-torched the land.
    Jupiter's winds are the result of capacitance between double layers in the atmosphere and the plasma sheath at the planet's surface. We don't know what the surface of Jupiter is, but it doesn't matter - it still forms a plasma sheath - a double layer at the interface between crust and atmosphere. Electric circuits form the winds; by capacitance, inductance and magnetic fields. Surface and atmosphere are coupled by capacitance, and ongoing release of energy from Jupiter's interior is what stirs the winds.
    On Earth, dust particles, aerosols and the water cycle - evaporation, condensation, ice and rain - are the charge carriers or the "wires" of the circuit. On Jupiter, it also includes ammonia and other species.
    In Part Five of this series, we looked at "bootprint" craters and found there are cyclones raging on Jupiter right now that can explain them. Shock wave patterns in the crater rims provided confirming evidence. We also looked at California's mountain and valley structures and correlated those with a storm on Jupiter that displays in great detail the very same features. The examples we've looked at point to one significant observation: that fractal forms associated with the processes of charge diffusion can be found in both geology and weather.
    Why geology and weather should match really isn't hard to understand. Capacitance between Earth and sky are responsible for that, forcing charge to diffuse through each layer in mirror image. And that should suffice for an answer if our atmosphere were considered a plasma; charged particles responding to Earth's spherical capacitance would make sense. But Earth's atmosphere isn't considered a plasma. Neither is Jupiter's for that matter. Where are all the charge carriers?
    The answer isn't in particle physics. It's in the molecule of water. Water is the charge carrier - the electric wires of the circuit. Water is bi-polar, and so adopts polarity in an electric field. This produces something called "bound current". Unlike a current of free electrons and ions, a bound current is carried by a bulk material that can be polarized or magnetized. An example is a ferro-magnetic fluid that takes structural form in response to magnetic fields. Water is an example of bound current due to polarization of the water molecule.
    In this episode Andy examines proof of the dragon's passage are not random and coincidental anomalies. They appear predictably, as expected of the circuit. For example, reactive power is a two way street. Energy is both released and absorbed as current alternates, spitting out and sucking back in.
    Author and Thunderbolts colleague Andrew Hall uses Earth's geology, the planet Jupiter, and the fractal self similarities of charge diffusion as a living laboratory for evidence. This episode's focus is the San Andreas Fault. River channels align with faults that are cracks in the Earth caused by the intense heat, pressure and charge depletion of an arc blast from surface conductive discharges. They are literally the dragon's footprint. But not all dragon prints result in river channels. In some places, surface conductive discharges created faults that were later buried, or somehow isolated from a watershed, so no river resulted. The San Andreas Fault is one such beast.
    Author and Thunderbolts colleague Andrew Hall continues his remarkable "Eye of the Storm" series investigating the groundbreaking field of Electric Universe geology. In this episode, Andy explores the North American and Caribbean current loops. The Earth works as a coherent circuit. It's a circuit within a bigger circuit centered on the Sun. And it has circuits within it, shaping the continents and weather.
    In this penultimate episode of the "Eye of the Storm" series, author and Thunderbolts colleague Andrew Hall describes his approach to reverse engineer the Earth, starting with outside layers and peeling inward, always following the patterns of electrical scarring.
    Abstract theories for cause and effect aren't needed when the patterns of Nature are laid bare for us to see, repeating at every scale in every structure in the universe. In the case of geology, it's not just gravity, the mists of time, or coincidence. It's the diffusion of charge in an environment of extreme electrical stress. We merely need to recognize what makes the patterns.
    In Andrew Hall's finale of his "Eye of the Storm" series he presented Easter Eggs-surprise geologic findings that confirm a theory, or present astonishing new information about Earth's electric circuitry. Exploring the Electric Earth is a perpetual egg hunt, because every rock confirms the Bunny is REAL.
    Andy analyzes the wind cut valleys around the near perfect cross of canyons made by two out-of-phase circuits. In addition to this distinctive cross, each ridge line and canyon, every hill and dale, occurred in Earth's evolution involving extreme electrical stress on the planet.
    Shock waves are a pathway for discharge, a current generator, and a capacitor across the walls of shock "membranes." They are a big piece of Earth's circuitry and a principle action of Nature. They are the most obvious, prolific, and easily defined proof that Earth was formed, and still performs as an electrical body.
  • Part 9, 1 of 2 San Andreas Fault - A Dragon in Action? Thunderblog and video 18Dec2020
  • Part 9, 2 of 2 Ground Currents and Subsurface Birkeland Currents - How the Earth Thinks? Thunderblog and video 25Dec2020 In "Arc Blast - Part One" we looked at how arc blast from current in the atmosphere could produce supersonic shock and wind effects that create a mountain. We examined triangular buttresses on mountainsides that exhibit the characteristic standing wave-form of a reflected shock wave. In particular, we looked at how they are layered perpendicular to the wind direction, and exhibit compression and expansion from superimposed longitudinal and transverse waves that came from a source above.
    Cold, Dusty Plasma...
    Previously, in the first program of this two-part presentation, our guest Andrew Hall began his seventh part of "Eye of the Storm" - a series devoted to exploring some of the most dramatic and puzzling geological features on planet Earth.
    Previously, in the first program of this two-part presentation, our guest Andrew Hall began his seventh part of "Eye of the Storm" - a series devoted to exploring some of the most dramatic and puzzling geological features on planet Earth.

    San Andreas Fault - A Dragon in Action? Eye of the Storm, Part 9 part 1 Thunderblog and video 18Dec2020

    Ground Currents and Subsurface Birkeland Currents - How the Earth Thinks? Eye of the Storm part 9, Part 2 Thunderblog and video 25Dec2020

    Andrew Hall: Subsurface Birkeland Currents - How the Earth Thinks? | Space News
  • Rens Van Der Sluijs "Theories on the Rocks - In a Flash (Part Two)" 27Aug2021