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status of the TrNNs_ART webSite

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26Oct2023 ready to blog on Connectionists...
27Sep2023 After 2 months of rewriting my webSite management system, I was able to upload my webSite content with "relatively reliable links", although there is some work to do to improve it further (pehaps in 3-6 months).

31Aug2023 I try to maintain notes of work that I am doing on [computer software, projects], to make it easier to get back into a project after a break of [month, year]s, and to be able to see how I solved problems in the past very handy more often that I would expect). For the TrNNs_ART project, some of the "notes files: are : However, I haven't updated most of my website other than this TrNNs_ART project subWebSite, and trying to find the time to rewrite my web management software and to update stylistic changes to webPages may take another year or so...
31Aug2023 Priorities 10May2023 This "Trnns&ART" webSite is in a very early stage of development. Many webPages have little or no content yet, and are "ghosted grey" in the menus at the top of each webPage.
10Apr2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

Captioned images [image, link] problems :

29Sep2023 Here is a list of various problems with the captioned images and their links on the webPage Grossbergs list of [figure, table]s.html :
I went through All /images- captioned/ :

no permission clause

no permission clause :

p398fig11.37 Simulation of the no swap baseline condition (Logothetis, Leopold, Sheinberg 1996).png

caption cut off :
28 images : cover page - create normal caption
02.12 line?
04.53 char?
05.07 char?
05.13 char
07.07 char
08.07 char
08.15 char
09.17 word
11.37 word
11.38 word
11.39 word
12.23 char
12.61 char
13.08 line
13.13 line
13.16 char
13.17 word
13.19 char
13.20 word
13.22 char
13.40 word
13.42 word
13.43 char
14.03 cut off bottom
15.09 char
16.45 word
17.01 word

image-caption is way too tall :

20 images : mostly that the blank space at the bottom is too tall

12.[02, 23, 33, 36, 39, 44, 56, 65]
13.[08, 13, 20, 22]
16.[16, 35, 40]

keep normal caption at bottom, move acronyms to right side :
09.16, 14.02, 14.08

Go through image number sequence for missing images

2 images : Go through image number sequence for missing images


no link in webPage!

  • p431fig12.27 Howell - reminds me of Jose Principe etal's SpikingNN implementation of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS)
  • there is a link for p546fig15.13, but separate bullets appear for :
    p546fig15.13... The total learned response is a sum R of all the doubly
    p546fig15.13 Howell: Sounds like (a) random recurrent nets
    p505fig13.32 Behavioral contrast: [response suppression, antagonist rebound] both calibrated by shock levels.png

    missing 'subsequent links' in the same html paragraph

    It appears that my functions fail to capture "subsequent links".
    This will require modifications of link [search, replace].

    Questions: Grossberg's c-ART, Transformer NNs, and consciousness?

    For whom the bell tolls

    10Aug2023 I haven't revisited this issue since creating an empty webPage, but I certainly intend to get back to it and look for good commentaries.
    11May2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    Grossberg part of webSite

    10Aug2023 This "Grossberg" subWebSite is still in a very early stage of development, and is where almost all of my time has been put to date. I will add more material as my own work progresses, but slowly over a couple of years at least. As with all of my projects, there is no expectation that I will "finish", rather that work will only continue as I can afford the time, and will peter out as other priorities take over.
    I have minimized my own commentary, as I prefer to provide [commentary, [figure, table], caption, quotes]s from Grossberg's "Conscious Mind, Resonant Brain" book. That will hopefully be better for the reader, and provide at least some reference material as
    This "Grossberg" subWebSite is much larger than the rest of my TrNNS_ART webSite

    07May2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    Grossbergs ART- Adaptive Resonance Theory

    31Aug2023 Howell: My intent was to eventually develop this webPage as am overview to how to [build, apply] ART, but I'm not sure I will get around to this for 1-5 years.
    11May2023 Howell: This webPage is only just being drafted. It will be delayed as my current focus is shifting to "cART&TrNNs".

    Grossbergs cellular patterns computing

    11May2023 Howell: This webPage won't be drafted for a few months, given the need to focus on project priorities, and my sense that it's best to apply the concepts myself to get a feel for the subject. Or better yet, to search from related comments by others.
    10May2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    Grossbergs complementary computing

    11May2023 Howell: This webPage won't be drafted for a few months, given the need to focus on project priorities, and my sense that it's best to apply the concepts myself to get a feel for the subject. Or better yet, to search from related comments by others.
    10May2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    Grossbergs Consciousness: neural [architecture, function, process, percept, learn, etc]

    11May2023 Howell: This webPage won't be drafted for a few months, given the need to focus on project priorities, and my sense that it's best to apply the concepts myself to get a feel for the subject. Or better yet, to search from related comments by others.

    Grossbergs cooperative-competitive

    1May2023 Howell: This webPage won't be drafted for a few months, given the need to focus on project priorities, and my sense that it's best to apply the concepts myself to get a feel for the subject. Or better yet, to search from related comments by others.
    10Apr2023, initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    Grossbergs [core, fun, strange] concepts

    31Aug2023 These thematic searches will be updated as I read through the book, and work on related projects. The bash script file could also use improvement.
    11May2023 Howell: This webPage won't be drafted for a few months, given the need to focus on project priorities, and my sense that it's best to apply the concepts myself to get a feel for the subject. Or better yet, to search from related comments by others.
    ??May2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    Grossbergs equations of the mind

    31Aug2023 initial, first posted] : I lost previous content for this item.

    Grossbergs laminar

    11May2023 Howell: This webPage won't be drafted for a few months, given the need to focus on project priorities, and my sense that it's best to apply the concepts myself to get a feel for the subject. Or better yet, to search from related comments by others.
    10Apr2023, initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    Grossbergs list of [chapter, section]s

    10Aug2023 I haven't yet provided content for this webPage. 11May2023 Howell: This webPage won't be drafted for a few months, given the need to focus on project priorities, and my sense that it's best to apply the concepts myself to get a feel for the subject. Or better yet, to search from related comments by others.

    Grossbergs list of [figure, table]s

    28Sep2023 Status of the [html, png] captioned images from the book : Stephen Grossberg 2021 "Conscious Mind, Resonant Brain"

    Purpose of publicly posting the images : Issues with a few of the images :
    10Aug2023 I haven't yet provided content for this webPage, but image captions are complete, albeit with [spelling, format, content issues] that I intend to fix in 3-6 months time, after working on other webSite content.
    13May2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    Grossbergs list of index

    ?May2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    Grossbergs modal architectures

    11May2023 Howell: This webPage is only just being drafted. It is not a core priority (related to the 3 questions of the overview), so progress will be slow.
    ?May2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    Grossbergs modules (microcircuits)

    11May2023 Howell: This webPage is only just being drafted. It is not a core priority (related to the 3 questions of the overview), so progress will be slow.
    07May2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    Grossbergs overview

    10Aug2023 Perhaps 30-50% of this webPage has been started, but it will likely be only after Feb2024 before I can get back to it given other priorities.
    19Apr2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    Grossbergs paleontology

    10Apr2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    Grossbergs quoted text

    19Jul2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    Grossbergs what is consciousness

    ?date? initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    TrNNs have incipient consciousness

    10Aug2023 I haven't really started to put this together, and it may take many months to find the time. I've also spent considerable time looking for reports I did for a social media project at work in 2020-2012 period, but no luck so far.
    10Apr2023, initial draft, ?date? initial posting


    10Aug2023 This webPage is far enough advanced that I won't be working on it for many months until I am able to complete many other webPages that have little to no content.
    ?May2023? I lost track of when the webPage was initially created.

    Let the machines speak

    07May2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    machine consciousness, the need

    10Aug2023 I haven't really started to put this together, and it may take many months to find the time. I've also spent considerable time looking for reports I did for a social media project at work in 2020-2012 period, but no luck so far.
    22Apr2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    non-conscious themes notes

    ~30May2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    opinions- Blake Lemoine, others

    10Apr2023, initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    Pribram 1993 quantum fields and consciousness proceedings

    25Jul2023 initial draft, 30Aug2023? initial posting

    references- Grossberg

    10Aug2023 I haven't yet provided content for this webPage.
    25Apr2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    references- non-Grossberg

    25Apr2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    reader Howell notes

    16May2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    Taylors consciousness

    11May2023 Howell: This webPage won't be drafted for a few months, given the need to focus on project priorities.
    10May2023 There is almost nothing on this webPage yet...
    10Apr2023, initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    TrNN controls need consciousness

    10Aug2023 I haven't yet provided content for this webPage. It does touch on one of three questions of this webSite as mentioned in the Introduction : 10May2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    TrNNS&ART theme

    10Aug2023 This subWebSite is still in a very early stage of development, but it is important to the questions relating Transformer Neural Networks (TrNNs) and Grossberg's cART-related architectures. I have NOT yet even started on actual software programming of either [TrNNs, cART], and that may delayed by 6 months or so as I have higher-priority work to do on related lower-level Spiking Neural Network (SNN) [architesture, finction, process, operating system]s.
    The primary questions are :
    1. Do "Large Language Models (LLMs) (such as chatGPT, LaMDA, etc) already exhibit a [protero, incipient] consciousness, in particular given the rough similarity of the basic unit of "Transformer Neural Networks" (TrNNs) to one of Grossberg's general "modules". The latter are proposed as a small number of units that are readily recombined with slight modifications as a basis for much of brain architecture, much like the small number of concepts in physics can be applied across a broad range of themes?
    2. How difficult would it be to augment "Transformer Neural Networks" (TrNNs) with Grossberg's [concept, architecture]s, including the emergent systems for consciousness? Perhaps this would combine the scalability of the former with the [robust, extendable] foundations of the latter, which is supported by [broad, diverse, deep] data from [neuroscience, psychology], as well success in real world advanced [science, engineering] applications?
    3. Are current (semi-manual) "controls" of "Large Language Models (LLMs) going in the direction of machine consciousness, without those involved being aware of this? Will "controls" ultimately require machine consciousness as one of their components, in particular for [learning, evolution] in a stable and robust manner?
    07May2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    TrNNs augment by cART

    10Aug2023 This webPage has not yet been worked on. It will touch on one of three questions of this webSite as mentioned in the Introduction : 10May2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    TrNNs have incipient consciousness

    10Aug2023 I haven't yet provided content for this webPage. It does touch on one of three questions of this webSite as mentioned in the Introduction : 11May2023 Howell: This webPage won't be drafted for a few months, given the need to focus on project priorities, and my sense that it's best to apply the concepts myself to get a feel for the subject. Or better yet, to search from related comments by others.

    [use, modfication]s of c-ART

    11May2023 Howell: This webPage won't be drafted for a few months, given the need to focuss on project priorities, and my sense that it's best to apply the concepts myself to get a feel for the subject. Or better yet, to search from related comments by other.
    11May2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    What is consciousness: from historical to Grossberg

    11May2023 Howell: This webPage won't be drafted for a few months, given the need to focuss on project priorities, and my sense that it's best to apply the concepts myself to get a feel for the subject. Or better yet, to search from related comments by other.
    ??May or Jul??2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting

    why is cART unknown

    11May2023 Howell: This webPage won't be drafted for a few months, given the need to focuss on project priorities, and my sense that it's best to apply the concepts myself to get a feel for the subject. Or better yet, to search from related comments by other.
    11May2023 initial draft, ?date? initial posting