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Theme webPage generation by bash script

A very primitive bash script is used to generate the search results for ALL themes in the Themes webPage. Many readers will already have far better tools for this from the Computational Intelligence area etc.

Because the theme webPage is automatically generated, and frequently re-generated as I update the list of themes and sources, I do NOT edit the file directly. The output format can be confusing, due to the special formatted [chapter, section] headings, and large tables which will keep the readers guessing whether they are still within the theme they want to peruse (as per the Table of Contents). Perhaps I can upgrade the searches in time to reduce the confusion, and to split themes in a better way.

This entire webPage is generated automatically by a bash script using simple grep searches for keywords in :

Notation for [chapter, section, figure, table, index, note]s

p370 Chapter 11 means (Grossberg 2021) page 370, Chapter 11
p002sec Illusion and reality means (Grossberg 2021) page 2, section Illusion and reality
p013fig01.09 means (Grossberg 2021) page 13, Figure 1.09 (1.9 as in book)
p030tbl01.02 means (Grossberg 2021) page 30, Table 1.02 (1.2 as in book)
p111c2h0.5 means (Grossberg 2021) page 111, column 2, height from top as fraction of page height
p240fig05.44 Howell: a [question, comment] by reader Howell, often for the Grossberg quote that follows
fig, img, tbl, sec denote [figure, image, table, section of book]
idx very few items from the index of the book (sporadically collected as I read)
|| text Are notes in addition to [figure, table] captions, mostly comprised of text within the image, but also including quotes of text in the book. Rarely, it includes comments by Howell preceded by "Howell".
The latter are distinct from "readers notes" (see, for example : Grossberg's list items- related notes from others).

Full links are provided, such that the html code, when pasted to emails or other html files, will still work. This facilitates use by readers for their own documents.

incorporate reader questions into theme webPages

This webPage is provided more as an example for readers, than an effort on my part to [review, summarize, extend, explain my experiences]. In general, a benefit f the simple thematic extraction is that it reduces my workload, and avoids "coloring" content from Grossberg's book.
Readers can modify the script to suit their their own set of favoured themes - just download the relevant Grossberg- specific webPages to do their own searches, and add your own text files with relevant information. You can specify the list of files to search in : Of course, you can specify a different ptxtFileL, with our own list of text files to [search, extract].

The reader may want to create their own file of comments based on this example, or augment this list with their [own, others'] notes. If using a new file, it should be added to the
bash search script.

More importantly, and as an easy first adaptation of Grossbergs [core, fun, strange] concepts.html thematic listings, you probably want to get rid of Howell's [comments, question]s. This can be done for a "local directory on your system" simply by :
I'm not keen on hosting a service to incorporate comments by others on my own webSite, perhaps 2-3 scientists who have produced "insightful" [comment, question]s, whatever that means. But a completely different system is probably needed, more like a blog site.

Many readers will already have far better tools for this from the Computational Intelligence area etc.