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Howell: bash script to put [caption, reference]s on [figure, table]s

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This webPage is provided for readers who may wish to build their own "captioned images", either for Stephen Grossberg's "Conscious Mond, Resonant Brain" book, or for their other projects. The bash scripts are open-source. I do not intend to provide support for the scripts as they are very basic, so any person familiar with bash scripts can adapt them.

Captions for the [figure, table]s in were put in an html file. It is a simple process to extract the html captions from the webPage, convert them to images that "fit" the corresponding figure from his book (hand screen-captured from the Kindle version of his book), then vertically appending the caption image to the figure from the book.

For greater speed, users can download my directory and the links below so that material is resident on their computer.

Links for doing the work

Two linux tools were used that complement each other : The key [data, bash script] links for doing this are :

Going further - themes, videos, presentations, courses

Here are a couple of examples of going further with the lists of [captioned image, theme]s that should be kept in mind. As these are described on separate webPages, details are not provided here.

Captioned images - remaining problems

As per the most recent version of the script (30Aug2023), 31 captioned images out of a total of 621 have problems as a described below. Corrections are not in my current (30Aug2023) priorities, perhaps in a few months...