/media/bill/PROJECTS/Website/Howell - comments about Suspicious Observers videos.txt https://www.youtube.com/user/Suspicious0bservers/videos https://suspicious0bservers.org/ ****************** 17Apr2019 SuspObs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BMB1ShWvlU A.V. Penacchioni, O. Civitarese 15Apr2019 "Time-delay between neutrinos and gamma-rays in short GRBs" https://arxiv.org/pdf/1904.07212.pdf Penacchioni, Civitarese 15Apr2019 Time-delay between neutrinos and gamma-rays in short GRBs This reminds one of the SAFIRE experimental testing of an electric model of the Sun, wherein photons are trapped in plasma shells, presumably due to a slowing of their speed by a factor of ?~1,000?. In a sense, this provides a "photonic" battery with enormous power release when it breaks doen (shorted by Langmuir probes in their experiment). ********************* 06Apr2019 SuspObs One of today's posted videos : http://projects.enveo.at/Brunt/ "Near real-time monitoring of Brunt Ice Shelf with Sentinel-1" >> This looks like an expanding Earth description!!! No subduction of Antarctic ice sheet in this case, but similar expansion stretch marks, morphing, cracks, ultimately separations? https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2019/unexpected-rain-on-sun-links-two-solar-mysteries/ Also Emily Mason of NASA Goddard's "solar rain" extends Ben Davidson's [Sun, Earth] equivalencies? NASA missing electrical context of Earth rain? ****************** 29Mar2019 SuspObs - my comment was not allowed! (troll-like? perhaps, but I do find the paper to be somewhat weak) 29Mar2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKGI0nWmD2M https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-03/au-woc032819.php Winds of change...Solar variability weakens the Walker cell, Stergios Misios etal First of all, the paper seems to be the most recent of a long line of similar (perhaps better) papers over decades, with zero credit in the public release, but perhaps credit is given in the paper, which I haven't read. "... Averaged over the globe the surface temperature imprint of solar cycle barely reaches 0.1 K in a solar maximum - almost 8 times weaker than the global warming trends observed in the 20th century. Yet, even such a weak surface warming influences the Walker circulation through changes in global hydrology. ..." While I like their thinking of ocean circulation, this statement seems to fit the perennial analytical failures in other solar-related phenomena, including : - solar tides and sunspots - the statement that solar activity cannot affect temperature by much, seemingly refuted by Svensmark's (and other long before him) clouds and galactic rays) - the apparent over-reliance on black-body radiation T^4 relationship : the irradiance change matches the temperature change - suggesting atmospheric turbulent (or better stated as "super scale convective"?) heat transfer as being dominant, what one might expect from other situations? - even the possible catastrophe scenarios, known by ancients, but non-existent to modern scientists-deniers It's not that the authors are necessarily wrong, it's just that it's hard to put much faith in their analysis a priori. ************************** 02Jul2019 SuspObs Flashes from normal stars (relates to [Ben Davidson, Robert Schoch] micro-novas) This is BIG! from long ago... Bradley E. Schaefer 15Feb1989 "Flashes From Normal Stars" The Astrophysical Journal, 337:927-933, The American Astronomical Society. p927-933. NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Received 1988 February 1 ; accepted 1988 July 29 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1989ApJ...337..927S Schaefer 15Feb1989 Flashes From Normal Stars.pdf >> looks like SAFIRE project release Howell's blog posting : This is reminiscent of the high-energy plasma releases (apparently "stored photons in extreme UV?) of the SAFIRE [electric, plasma] sun experiment (A Star in a jar) : https://safireproject.com/project/presentation.html "SAFIRE project 2018 report", and "2017 Electric Universe FUTURE SCIENCE Conference in Phoenix Arizona". They are still investigating, but if I remember correctly they think that the instrument probes (even though floating rather than grounded) trigger the releases. But who knows? ***************************** 02Dec2018 my comments on SuspObs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYZGcIWo6AU Volcanic cooling, SuspObs 01Dec2018 I think that it is important to put volcanic cooling into the context of grand solar minima, at the very least, which you do to a limited extent, Ben. Here are two quick comments: - 1816 (?) was the last "summerless year", a year after Tamboura? Eyewitness accounts are awesome - many stories about that. This ocurred during the smal Dalton grand solar minimum (1790-18:20? if I remember correctly, but ranges vary). I think that using the Maunder as a full description of the "mini-ice age" leads to myopic thinking. - The "temperature depressing effects" of major modern volcanic eruptions seem to have been greatly exaggerated in the past. Even analysis suggesting 2-3 years is iffy, even if it could be correct. While temperature records are suggesting of [volcanic, solar minima] drive, perhaps that will eventually give way to other themes (CO2 will be suggested by most scientists nowadays, but I wasn't thinking of fairy tales here). - Mini-ice age ?~1250-1850 AD? [Wolf, Spoerer, Maunder, Dalton grand solar minima. Different people use slightly different time periods, and my meory isn't so good here. Although the Maunder minimum (1615-1710, albeit many peg the start ~1650) was perhaps the "depth" off cooling, the Spoerer minimum was approximately as large, and the succession of cooling minima may have made the Maunder cooler than if it had occurred first. - My father and I did some work on the hypothesis that, other than volcanic events like the one ~70,000 years ago, it may be the grand solar minima that drive summerless years, whereas large volcanic eruptions act as a catalyst, and may be a product of grand solar minima, rather being primary drivers. Suspicious Observer earthquake material might actually hint in that direction. We didn't continue - too lazy and data issues, same as with the theme of wars over history (really spotty early data!). We also stopped work on the rise and fall of civilisations over the last 7,500 years, - problems with either [astronomy, archaeology, geology], but BIG suspicions of, and very anomalous data for, astronomy (planetary movements over historical timescales. http://www.billhowell.ca/Civilisations%20and%20sun/Howell%20-%20radioisotopes%20and%20history.jpg - cool comment by Michael Read (425 AD) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1011134418305505 Solar Energy at Birth: Fascinating! Many questions. First, the study period 1979 to 2013 is hugely inadequate, albeit quality UVR data may be an issue before then (also - paper versus electronic records?). Second : Big hint "... we could not show an effect on lifespan based upon the intensity of solar energy as reflected by sunspot number (SSN). ..." . Not a convincing excuse! Third : Why just UVR? Interesting - they aren't in the common scientific trap of just looking at Total Solar Irradiance (TSI). UVR high with [solar activity, UVTR], cosmic/galactic rays high with low [solar activity, UVTR]. But many helth effects linked to intense geomagnetic events (scale of days), galactic cosmic rays, range of spectrum health effects covered by Ben Davidson's OTF presentations. Fourth: Time lags - as modern USA human reproduction is close to Hale cycle (~21.2 years), are we looking at just an effect on [foetus, babies, infants] (simple assumption), or could lagged effects (parents, effect on child bearing, adolescence) also play a role? ... many, many other questions - like war-sun corrlates (El Nino, PDO, grand solar max/min, etc) ... >> Ben Davidson complained that I was being unfair - with reason. ************************** 01Dec2018 SuspObs https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-11/pdm-tp112818.php The 'Chinese Pyramids' and the pole star "... One could think of the use of the compass, which was invented in China in a somewhat rudimentary form at that time, but there is no correspondence with the paleomagnetic data. ..." Previous researchers found differently, that Chinese pyramids WERE geomagnetically aligned! : Ivanka Charvátová, Jaroslav Klokočník, Josef Kolma, Jan Kostelecký 2011 “Chinese tombs oriented by a compass: evidence from paleomagnetic changes versus the age of tombs ” Inst. Geophys. AS CR, Prague, Stud. Geophys. Geod., 55 (2011), 159-174 A ?Curiosity Stream? video profiles a French female scientist who worked long and hard on the theme of an astrological basis to the European cave paintings, but she was ridiculed by mainstream scientists. I wonder if the Edinburgh group cited them, but the article https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-11/uoe-pca112718.php makes no mention of this MUCH earlier work, suggesting the possibility that either the authors or the journalists aren't being honest, and are trying to claim "discovery"? see http://www.ancient-wisdom.com/francelascaux.htm Michael Rappenglueck of the University of Munich (2000), French researcher Chantal Jègues-Wolkiewiez (2008) ************************ 16Nov2018 SuspObs S.A. Campuzano 1*, A. De Santis 1,2, F.J. Pavon-Carrasco 3,4, M.L. Osete 3,4, E. Qamili 5 15Nov2018 "New perspectives in the study of the Earth’s magnetic field and climate connection: The use of transfer entropy" https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/file?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0207270&type=printable 1 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Roma, Italy 2 Dipartimen to di Ingegneria e Geologia, Università degli Studi “G. D’Annun zio”, Chieti, Italy 3 Dpto. de Fısica de la Tierra y Astrofısica, Universidad Comp lutense de Madrid (UCM), Madrid, Spain 4 Instituto de Geociencias (IGEO) CSIC, UCM, Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid, Spain 5 Serco SpA, Frascati, Rome, Italy Campuzano, De Santis, Pavon-Carrasco, Osete, Qamili 15Nov2018 New perspectives in the study of the Earth’s magnetic field and climate connection: The use of transfer entropy Bill Howell, 16Nov2018 14:38 Awesome, Ben. Although somewhat familiar with Information Theoretics, this is the first I've seen of this transfer entropy for causal analysis - a very general and useful tool to be used with other causation approaches!! "... In this work, we propose to study, for the first time, the possible causal information link between two previously studied real time series by means of an innovative statistical tool for non-linear dynamic studies that measures the information flux and the sense of this flux: Transfer Entropy (TE). ..." *************************** 05Nov2018 SuspObs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_yqIj38UmY&feature=youtu.be Professor Valentina Zharkova: The Solar Magnet Field and the Terrestrial Climate >> interesting Charvatova cycles - she recognizes Charvatova!!!! Predicted double subsurface dynamo (?chromosphere?) later confirmed by helioseismology? (I think that was found > a decade ago) I posted : Bill Howell November 15, 2018 Reply Valentina Zharkova Oct2018 The Solar Magnet Field and the Terrestrial Climate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_yqIj38UmY&feature=youtu.be Her analysis is linked to Ivanka Charvatova’s Solar Inertial Motion (SIM) concept (with a trefoil pattern), If I remember correctly Charvatova’s work dates back to 1988. I reproduced Charvatova’s analysis and used it for modelling back as far as 2007. A quick summary with links to models, commentary, graphs is at http://www.billhowell.ca/Charvatova%20solar%20inertial%20motion%20&%20activity/_Charvatova%20-%20solar%20inertial%20motion%20&%20activity.html So 40+ years after Charvatova’s initial work, yet another scientist picks up on it (and recognizes Charvatova!). There have been several others who have also noted Charvatova’s work over the last 40 years as well. To me, Charvatova is the most powerful long-term solar activity theorist. It also raises long-time confusion over [SIM, planetary movements] and sunspots – time and again, [physicists, astronomers] “prove” that planetary motions cannot cause sunspots (solar tidal motions being one mechanism), but to me, the[ physicists, astronomers] are only playing with one card (gravity only) of a deck for 52, and their work falls far short of a real attempt to apply physics. Of particular interest are [electrical, magnetic] processes and the role of Birkeland currents (one dimensional simplification – with little dissipation over distance (not 1/r^2!), and their end effects [shear, longitudinal] forces. She also produced a fascinating paper on the orientation of Chinese “pyramids” (earth mounds). ************************ 30Oct2018 Leif Svalgaard 30Oct2018 "Up to Nine Millennia of Multimessenger Solar Activity", Stanford University, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1810.11952.pdf (leif@leif.org) Svalgaard 30Oct2018 Up to Nine Millennia of Multimessenger Solar Activity.pdf This has "peak shaved" the high period ~1950-2000, probably to deliberately reduce solar effects over that time!! He has DOUBLED historic series, and spliced into moderen data!!!! ***************** 20Sep2018 SuspObs 20Sep2018 >> Wow!!! Daniela Frauchiger & Renato Renner 18Sep2018 "Quantum theory cannot consistently describe the use of itself" Nature Communications volume 9, Article number: 3711 (2018) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-05739-8 Quantum theory provides an extremely accurate description of fundamental processes in physics. It thus seems likely that the theory is applicable beyond the, mostly microscopic, domain in which it has been tested experimentally. Here, we propose a Gedankenexperiment to investigate the question whether quantum theory can, in principle, have universal validity. The idea is that, if the answer was yes, it must be possible to employ quantum theory to model complex systems that include agents who are themselves using quantum theory. Analysing the experiment under this presumption, we find that one agent, upon observing a particular measurement outcome, must conclude that another agent has predicted the opposite outcome with certainty. The agents’ conclusions, although all derived within quantum theory, are thus inconsistent. This indicates that quantum theory cannot be extrapolated to complex systems, at least not in a straightforward manner. From another unknown ?news? source "... The authors, Daniela Frauchiger and Renato Renner of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, posted their first version ofthe argument online in April 2016. The final paper now appears in Nature Communications on 18 September 2018. (Frauchiger has now left academia.) ..." 19Sep2018 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1809.06552.pdf The Widespread Presence of Nanometer-size Dust Grains in the Interstellar Medium of Galaxies Yanxia Xie 1, Luis C. Ho 1,2, Aigen Li 3, and Jinyi Shangguan 1,2 1 Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; yanxia.xie@pku.edu.cn, lho.pku@gmail.com 2 Department of Astronomy, School of Physics, Peking University,Beijing 100871, China;shang-guan@pku.edu.cn 3 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA; lia@missouri.edu "... The prevalence of such a grain population is revealed conclusively as prominent mid-infrared continuum emission at λ<=10μm seen in the Spitzer/IRS data, characterized by temperatures of ∼300–400 K that are significantly higher than the equilibrium temperatures of common, submicron-size grains in typical galactic environments. ..." My posting : With respect to dark matter, I recommend keeping in mind the concept of "fractional quantum levels" of electrons, and promising spectra (EUV, NMR in particular) which are complimentary to the nano-grain dust hypothesis (the Xie, Ho, Li, Shangguan 18Sep2018 paper is based on Spitzer/TRS spectra). Bill Lucas and Randall Mills have based some of their work on this (references below), and Lucas also has a more profound substitute for [Newtonian, MOND, General Relativity] forces to explain galactic rotational speeds. 1) Charles William Lucas 2013 "The universal force : Volume 1 - Derived from a more perfect union of the axiomatic and empirical scientific methods" www.commonsensescience.org ISBN-13: 978-1482328943, ISBN-10: 1482328941 2) Brett Holverstott 2016 "Randell Mills and the search for hydrino energy" 437pp, self-published, www.BrettHolverstoot.com p253 Chapter 14 The Hydrino universe, p266 Figure "EUV emissions from a hydrogen plasma, p268 Table "Comparison of lines found in Labov and Bowyer's diffuse EUV ... with those found in BLP's 98% helium / 2% hdrogen plasma cell" ******************* 23Jun2018 new Chapter 3, blog comment https://www.suspicious0bservers.org/dl/jun-16-2018/ Deeper Look – Episode 52 (2018) Chapter 3 (Draft Version) of 2nd edition of Weatherman’s Guide to the Sun Great summary. But "... single greatest blunder in the history of geophysics ..."? - hard to tell as there is no shortage of serious contenders. In addition to the spectral components of solar radiation (others have commented on this for a long time), the chunks that have already been removed by [GHGs, clouds,etc], and [cosmic,glactic] ray leveraging of clouds, etc, there is the nagging back-of-the-envelope simple linear calculation of 0.1% TSI variance * (273 + 15) Kelvin ~= 0.3 K expected temperature impact, versus consensus T^4 Kirchoff-type blackbody calcs. Although grossly over-simplistic, unlike the "rigorous" approaches, this yields close to what is seen, and helps re-introduce awareness of the beyond-convective atmospheric transport phenomena. At ambient temperatures and below, one often ignores radiation transport, as other mechanisms (diffusion, convection, wall effects) can be much more important. I haven't looked closely enough at the models, but it seems that these have been largely down-played. Perhaps the upper ends of the ionosphere or whatever the top level is called, is the main place where radiation dominates? With errors since Arrhenius's first calculations plaguing GHG science, and continuing today, there's not much incentive to spend a lot of time to see that it is likely that essentially all scientists are, once again, way off the mark. ******************* 18May2018 Posted to "Howell - blog.html" on my website : My comment concerning Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observer's video "Cancer in Science" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAV-3PhGU7k The video extends a Nature journal News Feature of 16May2018 "Some hard numbers on science’s leadership problems A Nature survey of 3,200 scientists reveals the tensions bubbling in research groups around the world." https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-05143-8 This article just focuses on concerns expressed by junior scientists "... (that is, those who don’t lead the group, such as graduate students and postdoctoral fellows) ..." regarding their supervising Principal Investigators and how science gets done in the labs. Better training for lab leadership seems to be the main focus of the article and underlying research (I did not retrieve the full study). Ben Davidson extends the issue to a much more general "Cancer in Science" theme for much deeper and more serious problems "EVERYWHERE" in science. Bill Howell's blog reply (this disappeared over the same day it was posted) : After several decades of complaining about these problems, with only rare [comments,writing] by scientists to take as comfort, it is heartening to see this article being published in a major science journal, albeit a journal that has been forefront in promoting favoured mainstream concepts while repressing alternate [concepts,scientists]. However, I disagree with at least a couple of points in the "Cancer of science" : 1) This isn't a limited or moderate problem, but is seemingly pervasive to all areas of science (I am mostly tracking [physics, astronomy, geology, history, environment] and see occasional material in medicine), but find it everywhere that I take the time to look closer. ; 2) It's NOT primarily the [money,profit,career], although those factors can [accelerate,deepen] the problem. Most scientists don't receive huge funding to promote mainstream science [fashions-cum-cults-cum-religions] of which they are not experts, and yet they normally jump on the bandwagons and strong believe in an support problematic science. The [funding,profit,career] argument is what I consider to be a recurring failure of Western thinking, that prevents us from digging deeper to understand the problem, which to me is that humans (scientists) function mainly according to conformant belief systems (principle of locality - the ideals of science), not [strong, critical] thinking (principle of generality - the reality of scientists). In that, I agree with postings by [IamTranslation, Fred farquar] below. Ultimately, I don't think the situation will change much, as it is based on normal human behaviour. The Computational Intelligence (CI) capabilities will likely make it worse, as they can be exploited to bend the points (already there is movement to force correct responses from these technologies). Current momentum indicates that this will get much worse rather than better, perhaps leading to another era of scientific stagnation (lmwrt's dark ages post below), but hopefully leading to a culminating crisis that might force [reform, re-direction]. Being conquered and crushed has been a frequent historical remedy. *********************************** 23Feb2018 Deeper Look – Episode 23 +----+ http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/dl/february-23-2018/ Observing the Frontier 2018 | Ben Davidson: What To Do With Space Weather Health Information FireFighting comments in the blog Caroline5765, February 23, 2018 At our fire station we are well aware there are more calls during these events and often make reference to the KP index or potential space weather; sometimes in fire house humor. When you first come on duty you sometimes get greeted with “Hey C, welcome to another KP shift.” Or the tones will drop and as soon as dispatch prompts out, somebody will reference it; “bet you dinner it’s a KP 6” or if it is a fire you might hear “da*n, another flare up without the sun…” One time we arrived at a bad 2 motorcycle accident, (they hit each other head on). One of the Medics tending a patient looked up and said in a serious matter of fact voice “this is KP Kosher for sure, get double LZ set up immediately” (meaning it was too bad for ground transport, dispatch for two helio med vacs and get the landing zones set up). Don’t get me wrong, we take it all very seriously, it is just that often times it includes space weather reference. People in the emergency fields are well aware; if only more people in general were attuned maybe there would not be so many calls. Good discussion Ben! btw- the medic who called it a ‘KP Kosher for sure’ was named Ben also. >> Howell uploaded "http//www.BillHowell.ca/Pandemics, health, and the Sun/Hoyte & Schatten year - solar influence on climate & natural systems, graphs.pdf", and blogged : Bill Howell, February 23, 2018, Reply to Caroline5765 Caroline5765 - Thanks for the comment!! ... which is the first that I have seen from a fire department perspective. I am a volunteer firefighter in a tiny town - Hussar, Alberta, Canada. Being on the prairies, we mostly have grass fires and a very few motor vehicle accidents (mostly deer-related is my guess, but some bad accidents), but if you know of any [associations, correlations] sun-fires I'd be interested. I've an old graph on forest fires versus sunspots that is the first shown in : "http://www.BillHowell.ca/Pandemics, health, and the Sun/Hoyte & Schatten year - solar influence on climate & natural systems, graphs.pdf" . Have you seen anything more recent on [urban, rural, natural area] fires? I've also been collected stuff on [rise and fall of civilisations, wars, pandemics, wildlife population dynamics, glaciation modelling, etc] over the years. John Mallary, February 24, 2018, Reply to Bill Howell The only documented solar induced wildfire event I know of that seems legit were the fires in Serbia in 2012. One or two hundred as I recall… The polar electrojet shorted out! Looked like a solar umbral field shorting out in the graphics… A paper was written… Lemme see if I can find a link…ok https://youtu.be/4emMZmbkYlA That’s a 2012 S0 video with a link to the paper studying spaceweather as a possible cause of the massive Serbian fires in 2012, during a geomagnetic storm following the last decent earth facing CME from the last decent “X” Class solar flare with a CME to erupt directly facing Earth. There were similar wildfire outbreaks in 2013, 2016 and 2017. Bill Howell, February 24, 2018, Reply to John Mallary John Mallory - AWESOME!! (and awesome memory!). Thanks a bunch for the link to the Suspicious0bservers.org video from which I downloaded the paper. The authors' comment "... The justification of this approach lies in the belief that it is impossible by direct or indirect activity of man to set fire at the same time to the sites that are geographically separated. ..." is similar to statements in a very interesting description of the Great Fire of Chicago, which occurred near-simultaneously in separate geographical areas (so that cow that kicked over a lantern or whatever must have been part of a Great Cattle Conspiracy?). The Great Fire of Chicago 1871 - descriptions and comments - This is a fascinating collection of eyewitness accounts and comments about the fire, taken from : Charles Ginenthal 1990 "Carl Sagan and Immanuel Velikovsky" Ivy Press Books, New York 359pp Maurice A. Williams 10Mar2005 "A review of Carl Sagan and Immanuel Velikovsky by Charles Ginenthal" New Falcon Publications 1995, ISBN: 1561840750, 448 pages, $136.54, Science). This brings out the importance of [observations, experience] of [observers, workers] like Caroline5765, as standard reports often leave out important clues, even if it takes work to [analyse,sort through] them. Ben Davidson has often referred to electrical grid blowouts and fires being asociated with ?geomagnetic storms?. The Serbian authors suggest electron flows as a possible cause, which makes sense (eg lightning), but they are careful to note that they do not have strong statistics supporting that theme. It's strange that they don't make any comments about very high energy [proton,helium, etc] flows. +--+ Following John Mallory's link : Milan M. Radovanovic, Tomislav M. Pavlovic, Gorica B. Stanojevic, Misko M. Milanovic, Mila A. Pavlovic, Aleksandar R. Radivojevic ?data? "The influence of solar activities on occurance of the forest fires in Southern Europe" http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0354-9836/2014%20OnLine-First/0354-98361400036R.pdf Radovanovic, Pavlovic, Stanojevic, Milanovic, Pavlovic, Radivojevic 2014 The influence of solar activities on occurance of the forest fires in Southern Europe ****************** 01Nov2017 David Dilley: Definitive Dates for the Onset of Major Global Cooling, Adapt 2030 Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZXhi_sSlkM Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6eokQlTbSs Initially I thought he was a "claim jumper", but even though his analysis is late and simple, I think Dilley is doing nice analysis. climate, economics, pandemics, etc, etc, - Shades of Steven Yaskell's "Grand Phases on the Sun" https://books.google.ca/books/about/Grand_Phases_On_The_Sun.html?id=HlylqHME5SMC&redir_esc=y +-----+ History and the sun - see also : Howell 27Sep09 "Butterflies in the clouds, and the Milankovic wandering of greener pastures and glaciers : Towards a quasi-pridictive model of the rise and fall of civilisations over the last 7,500 years" http://www.BillHowell.ca/Civilisations%20and%20sun/Howell%20-%20radioisotopes%20and%20history.jpg The Sun and civilisations - Echos of the 2012 end of the Mayan calendar Great Cycle of 5,126 years? Here is a revised, high-detail chart relating the sun-barycenter hypothesis for solar activity to the rise and fall of civilisations. Radioisotopes carbon 14 (C14) and berylium 10 (Be10) are used as proxies for solar activity. (Note: slight upgrade 04Oct09 - put in radial graphs and table of climate/temperature periods). It is interesting to note that the Mayan Great Cycle period of roughly 5,126 years is one-quarter of the Mayan Grand Cycle of 25,630 years, which is approximately the precessional cycle of the Earth's axis, which is one of three cycles commonly associated with Milankovic cycles (Earth orbit eccentricity (~100 ky and 400 ky), Earth axis obliquity (40+ ky) and precession (26 ky)). Steven H. Yaskell 2013 “Grand phases on the sun: The case for a mechanism responsible for extended solar minima and maxima” Trafford Publishing www.trafford.com, 195pp ISBN 978-1-4669-6301-6 Willie W-H Soon, S.H. Yaskell 2003 "The Maunder Minimum and the variable sun-earth connection" World Scientific Publ, Signapore, 278pp Ben Davidson's 05Jul2017 "The Charlemagne Event" https://OTF.selz.com # enddoc