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Howell: webSite description

Table of Contents


This "mid-level" webPage discusses concepts as part of the [code, code notes, fileops run (process), mid-level, overall] levels of documentation to explain my coding at different levels of abstraction. This is described in the following link, which should be reviewed to explain this webPage :
fileops run commentary, overall.html

Nomenclature :

Again, general nomenclature is described in the following link, which should be reviewed to explain this webPage :
fileops run commentary, overall.html

The table below explains nomenclature specific to webSites.
phrase : definition :
bookmark bash script, Linux command,
class [parallel, hierarchy] list of [manual, script] steps that describes the work. This makes it much easier to come back to it for [modification, operation, use] elsewhere [day, week, month, year]s later.
Menu [parallel, hierarchy] list of [manual, script] steps that describes the work. This makes it much easier to come back to it for [modification, operation, use] elsewhere [day, week, month, year]s later.
MenuTop One-line table at the top of every webPage of mine that includes links for [Menu, browser directory listing, status & updates, copyright, help].
pClassL sorted list of all classes appearing in pOvrClassL. Useful to keep track of [error, omissions and the whole list which is used in some functions.
pHead template header for which <:class :> is auto-replaced according to pOvrClassL, as specific to the pHtml being processed.
pHtmlExclL lists [dir, fil]s to exclude from pHtmlL, as a rough filter to focus on webPages. See ??? for a verification that html files that get through this process are indeed my webPages.
pHtmlL lists html paths, rough filtered by ???, to focus on potential webPages. See ??? for a verification that html files that get through this process are indeed my webPages.
pOvrClassL lists webPage pths, one peer line, tab-separated from the class for that webPage.
strTst string in the first line of an html file to confirm that it is a legitimate webPage of mine, and not one of many other [internal, extenal] html files.
webSite refers to ALL files in the directory d_web (html or not). All of these files are uploaded to my public webSite, after replacing '/home/bill/ web/' with 'http://' (extra spaces inserted in URLs).

Documentation :

See the following link for "overall documentation" themes :
fileops run commentary, overall.html

webSite-specific documentation at different levels of abstraction :
level of : link : variables, functions : (from
code variables: bookmark, class, pClassL, pHead, pHtmlL, pHtmlExclL, pOvrClassL, strTst,
functions: webSite_get_pHtmlL(), pinnL_idx_strTst_cut_pinn(), put classes into pOvrClassL, pOvrClassL_put_pHead, pOvrClassL_get_pClassL(), povrL_pStrP_fixLinks(), htmlHeadings_to_TblOfContents(),
... these lists are very incomplete 11Sep2023
code development webSite update notes.txt all
code test povrL_pStrP_fixLinks directory 11Sep2023 this is the only example so far for the webSites project
process fileops run webSite all
mid-level fileops run commentary.html all

class: webSite usage

While there are disadvantages of my style for using classes, there are hidden gems as well, including :

networks of bookmark inheritance

Positioning of a "source bookmark"



