27Dec2020-12h17m : this file was generated by "0_list Howells [bash scripts, QNial operators].sh" This listing of bash script files and their functions is NOT substantially complete. Many of my [bash, Unix] commands appear within my QNial operators, and in the furture these should be listed as well. I have been using [bash, Unix] commands as one of my two main computer language tools for less than a decade, o my library isn't very mature. I also need to port many QNial programs to bash versions, and to hybridize [bash, Qnial] more. find "/media/bill/PROJECTS/bin/" -name "*.sh" | grep --invert-match "z_Old" | grep --invert-match "z_Archive" | sort | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE grep "#\] " "FILE" | sed "s/#] /\t/" >>"/media/bill/PROJECTS/bin/0_list of Howells bash_scripts.txt" ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""0_list Howells [bash scripts, QNial operators].sh" # 09Oct2020 - updated, didn't list [functions, operators, etc] based on ' ' find_files_comments() - generate list of files by find, then [extract, modify] special comment lines beval 'find "'"$1"'" -name "'"$2"'" | grep --invert-match "z_Old" | grep --invert-match "z_Archive" | sort | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE grep "#\] " "FILE" | sed "s/ /\t/" >>"'"$p_log"'" ' process_bins() - bash script files process_ndfs() - QNial ndf files (programs) process_ndf_tests() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""appimage [,un]mount.sh" "unmount" ********************* $ bash "$d_b"audio capture.sh" ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""audio convert.sh" - To convert a directory of audio files to mp3 setup_old() - setup() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""audio extract.sh" - play & record whole CD music album Doing() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""backup computer [to,from] TravelUSB removes to backup.sh" - removes zombie files pre-backup removeIt() - old_removes() - removes() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""backup computer [to,from] TravelUSB.sh" - only backs up some directories back_it() d_src d_out - backup a specified [to,from] TravelUSB process_dirs() - call back_it() for specific directories ONLY!!! ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""backup find excludes.sh" find_exclude() partition - searches drives for excluded [files, dirs] disks_do() - list of drives to be searched for excluded [files, dirs] ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""backup.sh" - backup drives backer_rsync() $partition $d_src $d_out - back up specified [drive, dir] to backup dir greper() p_log - remove selected error messages in p_log update_ymdhm - updates to Linux [Mint, Raspian], Apr2018 - do this manually!!! dir_size_out - get directory size in Mbytes dir_sizes $d_src$i - get d_src directory sizes : total, dirs listed in $p_excl that are NOT backed up backer_RaspPi() - backer_SAMSUNG_G4() - backup_prgmData() - backer_LMDE2() - backer_ThinkPad() - backer_Lenovo() - backer_HOWELL_BASE() - backer_Midas() - backer_RaspPi_ext4_32Gb() - backer_PROJECTS() - backer_SWAPPER() - backer_backups_temp() $d_PROJECTS[backup_temp/, d_backupDrive/$date_ymd $partition/]- special mv backer_computer() - back up all drives connected to computer special_170908_ATA_WDC_500G() - special_201013_SWAPPER() - special_201024_SWAPPER() - special_201219_ExplainableAI() - ********************* $ bash "/media/bill/SAMSUNG_G4/IJCNN2019/bin/backup stuff for travel RaspPi.sh" backup_basics() - backup_IJCNN2019() - backup_test() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""base64_mime_decode_script.sh" - script to help use base64 character compression base64 d_inn d_out - base64 encode/decode data and print to standard output, built-in bash function ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""bash function labelling.sh" add "#] " lines so that functions are listed by "0_list Howells [bash scripts, QNial operators].sh" add_label() - echo >>"$p_temp" " " echo >>"$p_temp" " *********************" echo >>"$p_temp" " $ " label_no_need() - label_old() - label_bag() - ********************* $ ********************* $ ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""cellphone calls save.sh" INCOMPLETE!! at this time calls() d_inn d_out - backup cellphone calls via USB cable camera() d_inn d_out - backup cellphone images via USB cable documents() d_inn d_out - backup cellphone docs via USB cable ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""chown - edit & run.sh" - change file [owner, permissions] ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""cloud work file.sh" - set up [primitive, robust] cloud-like method of working on ssh files download_original() - work_file() - upload_revised() - old_bag() - ********************* $ bash "/media/bill/SWAPPER/bin/conference guides - format html.sh" - auto-format Conference Guide blogs format_blog() - format_AuthorsGuide_old() - format_AuthorsGuide() - ********************* $ bash "/media/bill/SWAPPER/bin/conference guides - remove emails.sh" - remove contact emails after conference is over remove_emails() - remove_emails_from_guide() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""convert_ogv_2_avi.sh" - change video format ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""cron PROJECTS.sh" - normally don't run - is automatic ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""data - extract series, use QNial readDataFile.sh" - just use "$d_Qndfs""readDataFile.ndf" just use "$d_Qndfs""readDataFile.ndf" ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""diff [txt, csv].sh" - run diff on sheet csv files diff_old() - diff_it() - ********************* $ bash "$d_""dir_size sum, net.sh" - calculations() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""disk_usage.sh" - uses du to show disk usage becho() - du_do() - du_home_bill() - du_HOWELL_BASE() - du_SWAPPER() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""du_diff.sh" - shows diff in two sub-directory du (sizes) du_diff() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""du disk utility notes & script.sh" - example (for tracking clamscan coverage) ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""du_sort.sh" - sort sub-directory sizes for a single parent directory ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""email - create auto.sh" - outdated? I think I have better code elsewhere email_list_process() - email_compose() - 190715_send() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""email - mass auto send using list.sh" - uses Mutt rather than Thunderbird no need for xdotools email_list_process() - send_old() - send() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""email - remove emails from text file.sh" - initially made for "Cool emails" that are posted on my website f_remove_emails() - d_remove_emails() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""email - remove emails & names from text file.sh" - initially made for "Cool emails" f_remove_emails() - d_remove_emails() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""email scripts/Bad address processing/0_badAss_archive.sh" - aRxiv BadAddress email file ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""email scripts/0_key_emails_add.sh" - [arXiv, update] INNS mass email list stuff ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""email scripts/0_key_emails_archive.sh" - update key_emails list ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""email server/0_moved_archive.sh" - [move, backup] of the current files ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""email server/0_remove_archive.sh" - archives the "Remove my emails" list. ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""email scripts/a_raw responses regeneration.sh" - deletes all emails in folder "0_Lexicom INNS email server/a_raw responses", and resets index file ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""email scripts/archive.sh" - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""email scripts/emSplit_archive.sh" - archives the emSpit emails files fron ramdisk mover() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""encrypt-close.sh" "OldASCII" - close&encrypt a known file close_encrypt() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""encrypt - keys setup.sh" keys_IJCNN2019_papers() - data_files_IJCNN2019_papers_old() - data_files_IJCNN2019_papers() - encrypt_IJCNN2019_papers() - decrypt_IJCNN2019_papers() - test_IJCNN2019_papers() - keys_Borczyk_attendee_files() - data_files_Borczyk_attendee_files() - decrypt_Borczyk_attendee_files() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""encrypt-open.sh" - open the currently-specified "$plogn" file ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""encrypt-open-special.sh" - open files that are NOT part of the regular [en, de]-crypts ********************* $ bash "$d_bin"gnupg2 encrypt file.sh" - one-of encryption for an email ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""gnuplot.sh" - simple setups for many gnuplot examples, suitable for one graph at a time Example_plot_10Ju2020() - USA_suicide() - ENSO_1951_2020() - SP500_1951_2020() - SP500_1951_2020_83yr_detrended_log_ratio() - SP500_1872_2020() - SP500_1872_2020_2_times_TV_for_separation() - SP500_semiLog_detrended_1872to1926_1926to2020() - SP500_vs_ENSO_1951_2020() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""gocr - Optical Character Recognition (OCR) from an image file.sh" ********************* /etc/profile.d/Howell_global_vars.sh - archaic : I now use ~/.bashrc to export global env variables ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""image crop.sh" - photos from Irene Howell's scanned album pages albums_fList() - album_pages_rename() - 25_by_25() - crop_it() - photos_done() - photos_todo() - ********************* $ sudo bash "/media/bill/SWAPPER/bin/iso_install.sh" - install scripts Linux Mint Debian Edition iso iso_verify() - iso_burn() - LMDE_verify() - LMDE_iso() - Debian_verify() - Debian_iso() - Suse_verify() - Suse_iso() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""lists compare - diff & comm.sh" - lines [not in one, common to] file1 file2 ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""Lucas txtDoc augment.sh" - for project "Lucas - Universal Force, chapter 4" txtDoc_augment() - mathL_with_cos_minus_one() - mathL_no_cos_minus_one() - 4_32_to_37_with_cos_minus_one() - 4_32_to_37_no_cos_minus_one() - mathH() - nomenclature() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""mv files listed.sh" - move a fileList contents [from, to] directories mv_IJCNN2019_XXX_papers() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""omxplayer.sh" - just a mish-mash dummy file with general format for bash scripts ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""OOPM builds/0_environment.sh" - simple adapts of comman bash function OPM project becho() - grepper() - finder() - OOPM_comments() - find_root() - finder_OPM_prestuff() - cmaker() - cmaker_build() - maker() - maker_target() - installer() - differ() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""OOPM builds/Dune builds.sh" - [cmake, make, install] OPM-related Dune becho() - cmake_it() - make_it() - install_it() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""OOPM builds/OPM build.sh" - [cmake, make, install] full OPM system becho() - mkdirr() - cmake_it() - make_it() - install_it() - ********************* $ "$d_bin""openssl create [public-private, symmetric] keys, [en,de]-crypt dataFile.sh" ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""pdf edits/pdf all.sh" - calls all pdf-edit processes (IJCNN conferences) [copy file, erase cpyrght, insert [ISBN, copyright], missing, zip all papers] ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""pdf edits/pdf [copy file, erase cpyrght].sh" - eras_it() - copy_it() - runit_old() - runit_later() - runit() - XXX_copyrights() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""pdf edits/pdf header.sh" - becho() - beval() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""pdf edits/pdf insert [ISBN, copyright].sh" - process_fileList() - process_final_submissions() - process_tests() - process_XXX() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""pdf edits/pdf insert [pubTitle, paper [title, numb], ISBN, copyright, authTitle] by author.sh" process_file() - process_one_old() - process_one() - split_textFile_by_tabs() - process_one_of_several() - process_file_list() - run_test() - run_several_old() - run_several() - run_IJCNN() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""pdf edits/pdf missing.sh" - simple script to check for missing final papers ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""pdf edits/pdf zip all papers.sh" ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""QNial setup description update.sh" - becho() - sed-setup-fListCulled() - sed-setup-update() - update setup descriptions in ONE of p_setup_fList files ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""RaspPi_sleep.sh" - Raspberry Pi, wlan0 (wifi) off, screen psuedo-rest ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""RaspPi_wake.sh" - Raspberry Pi, wlan0 (wifi) on, screen awake ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""recollindex_script.sh" - whole-disk index of text for later searches (local search engine) ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""review form copy.sh" - adapt Howell's standard peer review forms to a scientific paper process_it() - ********************* $ "$d_bin""review header.sh - common header for various peer review [.sh, .ndfs] NN_bag() - NN_process() - TNNLS_process() - NCAA_process() - Other_process() - ISNN_bag() - ISNN_process() - ICIST_bag() - ICIST_process() - IJCNN_bag() - IJCNN_process() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""rsync directories.sh" - backup specific [disk, dir]s backer() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""rsync to web&ssh.sh" - back up "secure" & non-website dirs to ssh server back_it() - back_ssh_HomeBill() - process_dirs() - process_bag() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""rsync website.sh" - update from d_PROJECTS -> d_webRawe -> d_webSite -> d_webOnln backer() - PROJECTS_to_webRawe() - webRawe_to_webSite() - webSite_to_webOnln() - test_html() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""sftp server/add users.sh" - Caution - not adapted yet from SSH version add_user() - add_attendees() - add_stuff() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""sftp server/chpasswd list of usernames-pwds.sh" - Caution, not adapted yet from SSH version chpasswd_attendee_list() - chpasswd_attendee_list_old() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""sftp server/deactivate list of users.sh" - Caution - not adapted yet from SSH version deactivate_attendees() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""sftp server/generate list of deactivates.sh" - list users inactive > 5 days deactivate_list() - deactivate_list_old() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""sftp server/generate list of users not logged on within 5 days.sh" ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""sftp server/remove users.sh" remove_user() - remove_attendees() - remove_stuff() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""sftp server/sftp logon lists & stats.sh" - generate [hacker, legit] logon lists also [unique, legit] usernames, stats log_analysis() - old_analyse() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""sftp server/update list of authorized users.sh" ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""SSH/add users.sh" - add_user() - add_attendees() - add_stuff() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""SSH/deactivate list of users.sh" - deactivate_attendees() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""standard header.sh" - date - functions return string [date_ymd, date_ddmmmyyyy, date_ymdhm] becho - echos string to terminal and log_file becho() - beval() - beval - echos command to terminal and log_file, evals string beval_wait() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_app.sh" - select programs (applications), window [Size, Posn, move] programs -> [filemgr, terminal, browser, editor, email, office, pdf] win_id_from_name() - win_id_last() - win_move_last() - win_left() - win_rght() - win_full() - win_left_LO() - win_rght_LO() - win_full_LO() - win_ToDos() - win_calendar() - win_mnthcnt() - delayer() - xargsit() - app_start() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_base.sh" - Home workSpace startup - Howell [notes, contacts], email, etc ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_DadHistory.sh" - workspace for project on Dad's history ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_Icebreaker.sh" - WWII history project, Stalin built Hitler ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_IJCNN.sh" - workspace setup for IJCNN Organising Committee work ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_input.sh" - handle start menu selections ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_Lies.sh" - workspace for "Lies, Damned Lies,Scientists" project ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_Markets.sh" - workspace setup for TradingView, MarketWatch, etc ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_massEmail.sh" - setup workspace for IJCNN mass emails ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_MindCode.sh" - setup workspace for MindCode Spiking Neural Network project ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_Neural.sh" - setup Neural Network general background workspace ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_review.sh" - workspace for Neural Network [journal, conference] peer reviews process_it() - open_files() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_SummerDaze.sh" - workspace for Hussar SummereDaze festival work ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_Suspicious.sh" - workspace for [SuspiciousObs, CuriosityStrm, Netlix] ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_ToDos.sh" - test workspace scripts ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_ToDos.sh" - workspace for [ToDos, Calendar, nonthCnt] ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""start_Lucas.sh" - setup [workspace, files] to work on Lucas's "Universal Force" project ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_Lucas_base.sh" - workSpace for Lucas "Universal Force" project ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_Lucas_derivations.sh" - workspace setup for re-derivations of Lucas concepts ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_Lucas_input.sh" - execute Lucas project menu selections ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_Lucas_strings.sh" - setup for [edit, test, develop] "strings.ndf" ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_Lucas_symExtract.sh" - setup for [edit, test, develop] "symbols extract.ndf" ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_Lucas_symFix.sh" - setup for [edit, test, develop] "symbols fix.ndf" ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""starter/start_Lucas_symTranslate.sh" - setup [edit,test,develop] "symbols translate.ndf" ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""start_Lucas/start_Lucas_symzProcess.sh" - setup for symbols lists [extract, transl, fix] load_tranLists() - load_symLists() - load_bash() - load_QNial() - load_special() - load_unused() - oldies() - start_base() - start_options() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""start.sh" - menu selection of [workspace, project]s to start up ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""symbols check POI.sh" - non-compliances of POIx expressions wrt variable reference frames varR_trans() - varA_trans() - varAO_E0DIFF() - chochra() - varBE_trans() - checker() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""symbols classify manual.sh" - manually classify symbols in "symDiff bads [HFLN,Lucas].txt" rm_temps() - sort_manual_symbols() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""symbols compliance POI.sh" - correct POIx expressions wrt variable reference frames varR_trans() - varA_trans() - varAO_E0DIFF() - varBE_trans() - varBaseALL_trans() - test_example() - trans_BackGrnd() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""symbols compliance special.sh" - corrects "special errors" in f_derivatives DON'T use for normal symbol replacement!! grep_title() - grep_check() - sed_it() - grep_sed_it() - grep_check_sed_it_old() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""symbols count in file.sh" - generate symbol counts for a file setup_Lucas() - count_symbols() - run_Lucas() - count_authorsChina() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""text scroll.sh" - attempt to smooth scroll a text file for use in videos text_scroll() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""txtDoc cmd.sh" - run commands as file is being [read, assembled], eg video production txtDoc_cmd() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""txtDoc extract formulae.sh" - extract_formulae() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""txtDoc insert indexes.sh" - reLineNum() - txtDoc_insert_indexes() - insert_indexes() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""variable eval.sh" - how to eval a variable name in a string in a script variable_eval_test() - garbage() - ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""video plus audio play.sh" - initiate [audio, video] to be synchronous This really sucks, as it's to be able to [pause, move [forward, back]] synchronously as well. ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""virus - clamscan.sh" - clam virus scan of specified [drives, directories] header() - footer() - clam_it - clamscan virus protection of all disks diff_it - produce a list of detections in current that are NOT in historical list clam_all() - specify [drives, directories] to scan for normal monthly full scan clam_virus_samples() - USB drive with example viruses to test my clamscanup ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""website urls.sh" - NYET, see "$d_Qndfs""website urls.ndf" bash isn't fun to use for more complex capabilities ********************* $ bash "$d_bin""wifi setup.sh" - this adds another wifi connection, but only temporarily (till shutdown)