/media/bill/PROJECTS/System_maintenance/Linux/pdftotext notes.txt www.BillHowell.ca 20Jun2018 $ pdftotext "/media/bill/PROJECTS/My Reviews/ISNN2018 19 p Shi, Wang - Supplementary Frequency Control for Multi-machine Power System Based on Adaptive Dynamic Programming.pdf" "/media/bill/PROJECTS/My Reviews/ISNN2018 19 ptxt Shi, Wang - Supplementary Frequency Control for Multi-machine Power System Based on Adaptive Dynamic Programming.txt" ************* 20Jun2018 for de Jager's solar papers $ pdftotext "/media/bill/HOWELL_BASE/Climate/References/de Jager 2008 - Solar activity and its influence on climate.pdf" \ "/media/bill/ramdisk/de Jager 2008 - Solar activity and its influence on climate.txt" ********************* 27Jan2018 search "Linux and pdf to text converter" >> NEAT!! pdftotext is already installed!! https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/command-line-text-to-pdf-conversion-290058/ 14Feb2005 text2pddf https://superuser.com/questions/286961/pdf-to-text-convertor There's xpdf which includes the pdftotext binary. Pdftotext converts Portable Document Format (PDF) files to plain text. On Linux there's a installer available. It seems that it also comes in the poppler-utils package. On OS X you could install it using Homebrew (install that first) and then use brew install homebrew/x11/xpdf which will download the source files and compile it for OS X. After that, just use it like: pdftotext your_pdf_file.pdf which will generate a plain text file. There are a couple of options as well, check out man pdftotext for more details. An alternative is poppler, in OSX: brew install poppler in Debian and friends apt-get install poppler-utils edited Jun 22 '16 at 11:04, answered May 22 '11 at 8:43, slhck https://stanford.edu/~mgorkove/cgi-bin/rpython_tutorials/Using%20Python%20to%20Convert%20PDFs%20to%20Text%20Files.php but I will focus on the one that I think is the best and easiest to use: pdfminer. ************* $ man pdftotext NAME pdftotext - Portable Document Format (PDF) to text converter (version 3.03) SYNOPSIS pdftotext [options] [PDF-file [text-file]] DESCRIPTION Pdftotext converts Portable Document Format (PDF) files to plain text. Pdftotext reads the PDF file, PDF-file, and writes a text file, text-file. If text-file is not specified, pdftotext converts file.pdf to file.txt. If text-file is ยด-', the text is sent to stdout. # enddoc