/home/bill/Website - raw/System_maintenance/internet & wifi/ThinkPad ethernet notes.txt www.BillHowell.ca 16Jul2021 initial 08********08 16Jul2021 error window Update Error : Empty destination in URI: hd:/?device=/dev/disk/by-id/usb-_USB_DISK_3.0_07038C4D9D267443-0:0-part2 orange light on router for bedRoom connection - may have damaged cable when bed shifted? no firefox connect put hooks along wall so cable doesn't touch anything... a bit late +-----+ https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/502224-Empty-destination-in-URI +--+ Re: Empty destination in URI Disable that local repo, as root run yast2 repositories If you want to check for local repos as a normal user try: zypper lr -u | awk '$(NF) ~ /cd|dir|hd|usb|iso/ {print $(NF)}' If you want to take action ie disable those local repos then you need to be root. Note: Requires bash4 mapfile -t local < <(zypper lr -u | awk '$(NF) ~ /cd|dir|hd|usb|iso/ {print $(NF)}' ) Check the output before you disable the local repos echo zypper mr -d "${local[@]}" If that output looks right to you then you can remove the echo. zypper mr -d "${local[@]}" If you don't have bash4 try this: local=(); while read -r ; do local+=("$REPLY"); done < <(zypper lr -u | awk '$(NF) ~ /cd|dir|hd|usb|iso/ {print $(NF)}') echo zypper mr -d "${local[@]}" Again remove the echo so zypper can disable those local repos . "Unfortunately time is always against us" -- [Morpheus] .:https://github.com/Jetchisel:. >> OK - this worked!!! # enddoc