Kate Swap File 2.0 0a01e1a5478c4f6b641799df613029b1SI!2https://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/1238ESW ESI!1ESI!3ESI!OESI!cESI!tESI!2ESI!0ESI!1ESI!7ESI#/How to convert audio/ video files on Linux MintESW#/ESW$ESW%ESI$1- FF-Multi Converter:W$W%I&UThis is the best converter for Linux. FF-Multi Converter is a simple graphical application which enables you to convert audio, video, image and document files between all popular formats, using and combining other programs. It uses ffmpeg for audio/video files, unoconv for document files and PythonMagick library for image file conversions.W&UI'ÅThe goal of FF Multi Converter is to gather all multimedia types in one application and provide conversions for them easily through a user-friendly interface. Extra options will be gradually added.ESU&ESW(ESW)ESI'>ESI'>ESI' ESI'LESI'MESI'DESI'EESI'2ESI' ESI' SESI' oESI' fESI' tESI' wESI'aESI'rESI'eESI' ESI'MESI'aESI'nESI'aESI'gESI'eESI'rESI' ESI'dESI'oESI'wESI'nESI'lESI'oESI' aESI'!dESI'" ESI'#:ESI'$ ESW'%E