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Aneutronic fusion is any form of fusion power in which very little of the energy released is carried by neutrons. While the lowest-threshold nuclear fusion reactions release up to 80% of their energy in the form of neutrons, aneutronic reactions release energy in the form of charged particles, typically protons or alpha particles. Successful aneutronic fusion would greatly reduce problems associated with neutron radiation such as damaging ionizing radiation, neutron activation, reactor maintenance, and requirements for biological shielding, remote handling and safety. Since it is simpler to convert the energy of charged particles into electrical power than it is to convert energy from uncharged particles, an aneutronic reaction would be attractive for power systems. Some proponents see a potential for dramatic cost reductions by converting energy directly to electricity, as well as in eliminating the radiation from neutrons, which are difficult to shield against.[1][2] However, the conditions required to harness aneutronic fusion are much more extreme than those required for deuterium-tritium fusion such as at ITER or Wendelstein 7-X. https://tae.com/ video - collision of 2 superheated plasmas https://www.ialtenergy.com/aneutronic-fusion.html Aneutronic Fusion: The Cleanest, Greenest Fusion Energy Finally, aneutronic fusion initiatives do exist, and are being studied by a few teams. LPPFusion has created record breaking temperatures in its pursuit of pB11 fusion. TEA (formerly Tri Alpha Energy) also hopes to achieve pB11 fusion. One of the earliest proponents of pB11 fusion was Robert W. Bussard who founded the company EMC2 in the 1980s. http://large.stanford.edu/courses/2022/ph241/ruiz2/ Aneutronic Nuclear Fusion Energy Gabriel Ruiz March 21, 2022 Submitted as coursework for PH241, Stanford University, Winter 2022 ...Aneutronic fusion, on the other hand, uses nuclei of heavier elements such as helium, lithium, and boron. Two examples of this are proton-boron fusion, which releases up to 8.68 MeV of energy per reaction, and deuterium-helium fusion, which releases up to 18.3 MeV of energy per reaction. [1,3] This type of fusion releases the majority of its energy in the form of fast-moving, positively charged particles, as opposed to neutrons, which carry no charge (see Fig. 2). [2] This small but important difference makes the harnessing of nuclear energy both more efficient and safer.... Current Challenges In theory, aneutronic fusion can be better than hydrogen fusion as a source of nuclear energy. However, there are several limitations in our current technology that prevents aneutronic fusion from being a viable alternative energy option. First and foremost, nuclear fusion requires large amounts of energy in order to begin the fusion process. Nuclear fusion is only possible when plasmas are superheated to surpass extremely high temperatures. In the case of hydrogen fusion, this threshold temperature has to be high enough for the hydrogen particles to overcome the repulsive magnetic force created by a single pair of positively charged protons. [9] Because aneutronic fusion uses particles of elements with more than one proton, such as helium with two and lithium with three, the repulsive barrier between the fuel particles is greater. [11] This means the temperature required to create aneutronic fusion is also greater. To illustrate this, we can compare the fusion temperature of deuterium-tritium fusion with that of deuterium-helium fusion, the aneutronic reaction with only one extra proton. The threshold temperature for the fusion of deuterium and tritium around 30 million Kelvin is while the threshold temperature for the fusion of deuterium and helium is around 10 times greater. [3] Fusion with larger elements such as lithium and boron requires even higher temperatures. Therefore, aneutronic fusion requires higher input energy than hydrogen fusion. Moreover, because aneutronic fusion has a higher threshold temperature, it is extremely difficult to sustain. In order to ignite a self-sustaining fusion reaction, the fusion plasma has to meet what is known as the Lawson Criterion. [2] The Lawson Criterion graphs the relationship between the temperature of fusion plasmas and the amount of energy lost at those temperatures. [12] In Fig. 3, we can see that for the aneutronic deuterium-helium, the ignition temperature for self-sustaining, low-loss fusion is more than 2 times higher than that of deuterium-tritium hydrogen fusion. As follows, the ignition temperature for plasmas of higher larger element fuel is even greater. In addition, the structures built to contain the superheated plasma would also need to be sturdier. [8] https://www.lppfusion.com "$d_web"'References/fusion/Phillips Exeter Academy (PEA) Startup.6LUa8QSD.pptx.part >> pptx file screws up LibreOffice! https://www.lppfusion.com/technology/focus-fusion-energy/aneutronic-fusion/ # enddoc