Least Median Squared (LmedSq) and
Least Median Absolute Deviation (LMedAbsDev)

John Immerkær, 1997


The problem is:
Given n points x1, ... , xn find a model M uniquely determined by p points which fits to the n points in a robust way.
Fx., for a straight line p=2, and for a circle p=3.


Perform the following the steps:
  1. Select randomly p points and use them to determine a model M. For a straight line, M is a straight line through two points.
  2. For all points xi, except the p points from step 1, calculate the deviation di of xi from M. For a straight line, it is the euclidean distance from xi to the line M.
  3. Calculate the deviation measure d(M) for the model M as the median of di2 (LMedSq), or the median of |di| (LMedAbsDev), for the di values found in step 2.
  4. Execute step 1-3 many times, and choose the model M which has the least devaiation d(M) found in step 3.
This method can handle up to 50 % noise, due to the use of the median in step 3, compared to Least Squares Method which can only handle 0 % noise (ie. non-robust).

A disadvantage of LMedSq is that it can only find a model determined by point in the data set x1, ..., xn. But outlines (noise points) can be sorted out before using the method of least squares. For a straight line fit, the robust estimate can be improved by minimizing the absolute deviation using the Least Absolute Deviation (LAbsDev) method [2].

References and resources

  1. William H. Press, Daul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling, and Brian P. Flannery. Numerical Recipes in C, 2nd edition. ISBN 0-521-43108-5, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
  2. Numerical Recipes in C [1], section 15.7 (Robust Estimation) (PostScript, PDF).

Last modified: 1999 March 25 jimm@ics.forth.gr