09-Oct-20 Fri 06:06 0.2 d Personal hygiene wakeup no shit no [shave, shower] CPAP, pills, clothe 09-Oct-20 Fri 06:20 E 0.1 d Planning ToDos catchup yesterday pm, this am ONLY hmmm, forgetting to record shit 09-Oct-20 Fri 06:23 0.1 d Planning ToDos initial routine daily planning/ schedule 09-Oct-20 Fri 06:31 0.0 d Planning emails check nothing Check & reply as necessary to emails 09-Oct-20 Fri 06:34 0.5 1 Computer website QNial website_link_counts - array merger website urls.ndf - fix [bin, QNial] web menus! Fri 07:05 E 1.2 d Social Sundowners morning coffee 09-Oct-20 Fri 08:17 Y 0.1 d Personal junk food Ray'sConf 115g Twists, 50g Glossettes raisins, spinach wheat thins pills Fri 08:25 1.8 1 Computer website QNial update ndfs to generate optrLists 09-Oct-20 Fri 10:15 E 0.2 d Personal hygiene shit read Prechter Finance 09-Oct-20 Fri 10:24 3.2 0 Computer website QNial update ndfs to generate optrLists 09-Oct-20 Fri 13:39 0.2 d Personal brunch noodles, spinach, carrots diabetes pill if not already taken 09-Oct-20 Fri 13:50 0.9 0 Computer website QNial update ndfs to generate optrLists 09-Oct-20 Fri 14:46 1.7 d Personal break nap 09-Oct-20 Fri 16:26 2.6 0 Computer website QNial search for bash libraries update ndfs to generate optrLists 09-Oct-20 Fri 19:00 E 0.3 Family Mom phfrm Dad bled heavily today, depressed care facilities : 1. on their lake, 2. Colonel Belcher, 3. UofC 09-Oct-20 Fri 19:15 E d Personal supper red quinoa, spinach, chia diabetes pill if not already taken