39: dateTime_to_UnixSecFrom01Jan1970 IS OP timeStamp 42: sec_to_hhmmss IS OP secs 44: waitSecs IS OP secs - uses Linux sleep, best to simply use host 'sleep 1s' ; 45: wait_hhmmss IS OP secs - Linux sleep, converts hhmmss to ss 49: days_in_month IS OP month - days in monthNumber, (jan = 1, not zero!) 50: daysInYearTo_monthStart IS OP month - days in year up to start of month (not incl 1st day of month) 51: YYMMDD_to_days IS OP YYMMDD - days from (20)000101 to (20)YYMMDD 53: backTime IS OP YY MM day hur min minLess hurLess dayLess - calculate dateTime using Less values 54: month_name IS OP month_number - given 2-digit month number, returns 3 letter month name 56: emlDate_to_YYMMDD IS OP emlDate 58: emlDate_to_YYMMDD_HHMMSS IS OP emlDate 62: timestamp_YYMMDD_HMS IS OP sys_timestamp - format timestamp eg "dayOfWk MMM DD hh:MM:SS MST YYYY" 66: YYMMDD_to_DDMMMYYYY IS OP YYMMDD - converts dateStr format from fileOrder to manReadable 67: YYMMDD_to_DDMMMYY IS OP YYMMDD - converts dateStr format from fileOrder to manReadable 71: str_surroundWithApos IS OP str - convert str to string with apostrophes, or if not a string return 72: str_surroundWithAposAddTab IS OP str - convert str to string with apos & tab, or return input 73: str_to_unicodeList IS OP str - convert a string to a list of unicode characters (not unicode # sequences) 74: str_lastNonWhiteChr_position IS OP Str pos - retrieves the last non-whitespace character 75: chrAsStr_toUpperCase IS OP chr - convert a character to upper case, (non-Unicode) 76: chrAsStr_toLowerCase IS OP chr - convert a character to lower case, (non-Unicode) 77: str_toUpperCase IS OP str - convert all letters in a string to upper case, (non-Unicode) 78: str_toLowerCase IS OP str - convert all letters in a string to lower case, (non-Unicode) 79: str_capitalize1stCharOnly IS OP str - capitalize 1st char of str, rest small, 81: str_capitalize1stCharEachWord IS OP str - capitalise 1st char of each word, rest small, 83: set_globalChrSets IS OP chrSet1 chrSet2 - redefine global chrSets[1,2] 86: chrAsStr_changeChrSet IS OP chrAsStr - return corresponding chrAstr in newChrSet, 88: chrList_changeChrSet IS OP chrList - change chrsAsStrs in chrList from g_chrSet1 to g_chrSet2 89: str_changeChrSet IS OP str oldChrSet newChrSet - change every oldChrSet in str to newChrSet 90: str_swapChrSets IS OP str chrSet1 chrSet2 - change all chrSet1 in str to chrSet2, and visa-versa 91: strURL_clean IS OP str - change all chrSet1 in str to chrSet2, and visa-versa 95: str_findChrsInSet IS OP flag_chrs_include chrs_set str_in - search str_in 96: str_find1stChrOf_subStr IS OP str subStr - returns list of Substr positions in Str, or an error 98: str_findAllChrsOf_subStr IS OP str subStr - returns list of Substr positions in Str, or an error 100: str_find1stChrOf_subStrL IS OP str subStrL - all subStr positions, for EACH subStr, in Str 102: str_findAllChrsOf_subStrL IS OP str subStrL - all subStr positions, for EACH subStr, in Str 106: chr_in_str IS OP chr Str - simple indication of whether chr is in str 107: subStr_in_str IS OP Substr Str - simple indication of whether a Substr is in str 108: subStrL_anyIn_str IS OP subStrL str - returns true if ANY of subStrL are in str 109: str_in_path IS OP Substr p_name p_hostCmdRslt - boolean indicator that Substr is in file p_name 112: write_testStr IS OP t_name t_input t_standard t_result - means of testing string answers 113: str_isOf_chrSet IS OP str chrSet - true if all chrs in str are in chrSet 114: test_comment IS OP t_name t_input t_standard t_result - means of testing string answers 115: write_test_head IS OP t_name t_input t_standard t_result - output header for test? 116: str_eachChrIs_white IS OP Str - boolean list of text - l for whitespace, o for other 119: str_prepadWith_chr IS OP str len chr - example: zero-prepadding numbers to get constant str length 122: str_postpadWith_chr_toLength IS OP str chr length - postpads str with chrs to get length 123: str_strip_chr IS OP chr str - remove chr from string, standard QNial library 124: str_stripAllSpacesQ IS OP Str - standard QNial library 126: str_removeExtra_whitespace IS OP Str - removes [leading, multiple-sequence, trailing] whitespace 127: str_remove_subStr IS OP str subStr - removes subStr from str 128: str_repeatNtimesTo_strList IS OP str n - repeats str n times 129: str_replace_subStr IS OP str sub_old sub_new - substitutes sub_new for sub_old in str 130: str_extractPast_strFront IS OP strFull strFront - extract end of strFull after strFront 134: str_cutBy_chr IS OP str chr - cut a string at each chr, omitting chr 135: str_cutBy_subStr IS OP str subStr - splits str at each point that subStr occurs, omit subStr 136: str_splitWithEnd_subStr IS OP str subStr - split str where subStr occurs, subStr @end of each split 137: str_splitWith_subStr IS OP str subStr - splits str at each point that subStr occurs 139: str_splitWith_subStrL IS OP str subStrL - splits str at each point that an item of subStrL occurs 141: listInn_combos_splitAtFront_listOut IS OP listInn combos optrPhr listOut - 143: str_splitAtFront_subStr IS OP str subStr - splits str at each point that subStr occurs 145: str_splitAtFront_subStrL IS OP str subStrL - splits str at each point that an item of subStrL occurs 147: str_splitLftRgtTo_midIndxs_StrList IS OP str strLft strRgt - split str, return [indxs, strLst] 148: str_replaceSubTo_strList IS OP str subStrOld subStrNew - splits str at each subStrOld, replace subStrOld with subStrNew 149: str_splitByWidthTo_strList IS OP str Width - cut str into strings of equal length 151: strL_replace_str IS OP strList strOld strNew - replace all strOld by strNew in strList 152: aryList_extractMulplicate_subArys IS OP selectOp strList - find mulplicates in strList by selectOp 154: strL_selectOddNum_subStrL IS OP strL - useful for inclusion in a list of strL for [terminal, file] output 155: str_subStrs_getLenMatches_subStrPairs IS OP str subStrs - return (str = link subStrPairs) 156: strL_eachQuoted_strOut IS OP strL - convert strL to a single string of [quote, space]d subStrs 159: strL_to_strExecuteMirror IS OP strL - convert strL to a self-return executable (eg for writefile) 160: listOfStrL_to_strExecuteMirror IS OP listOfStrL - convert listOfStrL to a self-return executable 165: str_splitWithChrsAllowedTo_words IS OP str chrSet - splits str into words based on allowable chrSet 166: str_splitByChrsNotAllowedTo_words IS OP str chrSet - splits str by dis-allowable chrSet (no-work!!) 167: booleanList_cutTo_indexLists IS OP booleanList - boolean list cut into alternate [o, l] sublists 168: str_cutTo_wordList IS OP str chrList - returns the list of words in a string, chrList are wordChrs 169: word_findPosnIn_str IS OP wrd str wType cList - returns a list of positions of a word in a string 170: word_replaceIn_str IS OP sOld sNew str chrList - change word throughout string (safe for variables) 173: atomList_to_str IS OP S A - creates one string from a list of atoms, separating each by S 176: array_to_str IS OP A - converts array A to a string, each item separated by one blank (Qnial lib) 179: str_convertTo_numOrStr IS OP str - if str can be made numeric [boolean, integer, real] do so 183: str_extractBetween_StrtEnd IS OP strStrt strEndr strIn - extracts sub-strings bracketed by [strStrt,strEndr] 184: winID_copyAllTextTo_poutNew IS OP winID pname - copy text of webPage and pre-pend to file 192: str_executeEmbeds IS OP str phraseValueList - execute embeds in line, return a str