28: path_exists IS OP typer path - returns true if a [directory, path] exists, or can be created 29: path_exists_tests IS OP typer path - returns true if a [directory, path] exists, or can be created 30: path_extract_fname IS OP path - extract the fileName from a path 31: path_extract_dir IS OP path - extract the directory from a path 32: path_extract_dirFname IS OP path - extract the [directory, fname] from a path 33: path_extract_dirBaseExtn IS OP path - extract [dir, base, extension] from a path-file name 34: path_retrieve_subDirFname IS OP path dirBase - returns (subDir fname) from a path 35: path_size IS OP path - returns the filesize 36: path_dateTimeStamp IS OP path - return the dateTimeStamp of the file 37: path_change_extension IS OP path fileExtension_new - changes fileExtension 38: path_delete IS OP path - delete a file 39: fname_in_fnameGlobalList IS OP fname - test if fname appears in a global list of fnames 42: subDir_in_subDirGlobalList IS OP subDir - find the longest valid subSubDir in subDir, 48: path_backupDatedTo_zArchive IS OP path - SAFE WORKING backup file to a z_Archive dated today (create?) 52: pathL_backupTo_dirFlat IS OP pathList d_backup - backup multi-dir paths to a (created) FLAT dir 57: dirFlat_restoreTo_pathL IS OP flag_fnamesDated d_backup pathList - 61: path_backupDatedTo_dir IS OP path dirBackup - backup dated version of a file to dirBackup 62: path_backupTo_dir IS OP path dirBackup - NOT USED normally, clumsy 64: path_backupDated_delete IS OP path - DON'T USE normally!! rename a file with date precursor 67: pinn_sortupTo_pout IS OP p_inn p_out 68: pinn_sortCatTo_pout IS OP pinnList pout - sort each file in pinnList, concatenate to pout 69: path_findChrsInSet IS OP flag_chrs_include chrs_set fname_in - find [in, NOT in] characters 83: str_replaceIn_path IS OP flag_backup d_backup strOld strNew path - change strOld to strNew in path 84: str_replaceIn_pathList IS OP flag_backup d_backupRoot strOld strNew pathList 88: str_replaceIn_dir IS OP flag_backup strOld strNew f_Pattern dir d_backup - change strOld to strNew in dir 90: path_change_lines IS OP p_inn p_out linesInn linesOut - [p_inn linesInn] to [p_out, linesOut] 91: sed_file_pretreat IS OP pname - pre-process pname to handle [apo, quote,'&\/\n']) 92: pListFiles_findCountsBY_strList IS OP p_listOfPaths strList p_countsByPath - count each of strList 94: sed_file_postreat IS OP pname_out - translate pname_inn for QNial use 98: word_replaceIn_path IS OP sOld sNew p_inn cList flag_backup - change word throughout file 99: word_replaceIn_dir IS OP sOld sNew dir fExtn flag_backup cList - change word all directory 102: pinn_cutHeadTail_pout IS OP headLine tailLine pinn pout - res ipsa loquitor - uses key lines 103: pinn_yahooNewsItemsExtract_pout IS OP pinn pout - res ipsa loquitor 107: path_insertIn_fHand IS OP p_insert fHand - insert p_insert into fHand at the current writefile point 111: internalLinks_return_backupSubDirFnames IS OP strLeft strRight line - returns backupFnameSubDir 113: internalLinks_return_relativePath IS OP strLeft strRight line - convert links to relative 115: str_executeEmbeds IS OP line fout backtrack - execute embeds in line 117: webPage_update IS OP flag_test pinn pout d_inn d_out - update pinn to d_out using executeEmbeds 122: pathList_change_headFoot IS OP pathList - change all whole-line-embeds for pathList 125: path_executeEmbeds IS OP path phraseValueList - execute embeds in path, [output to, return] p_temp 127: path_executeEmbedsInsertIn_fHand IS OP path phraseValueList - execute embeds, insert in fileHandle 130: url_downloadTo_path IS OP URLname d_out fname - command line download 133: pinn_read_strL IS OP path - simple read of file as a list (1D array) of strings, one per line 134: pinn_readExecuteLines_aryL IS OP path - make a list of the results of executing each line of pinn 136: strL_write_pout IS OP strL pout - write a list of strings to a path line of fout (not a path!) 137: strL_write_fout IS OP strL fout - write a list of strs, apo-enclosed separated by spaces, 139: listOfStrL_write_fout IS OP listOfStrL fout - write a list of strPairs, as one output line to fout 143: csvTable_readFrm_path IS OP path - read a csv table from file, cells to [apo-str, numeric] 144: table_writeCSVformatTo_path IS OP table path - writefile table to path, [tab-separated cols, apo-text] 146: tabTable_readFrm_path IS OP path - read file as a table with tab delineated cols (eg spreadsheet) 147: tabTable_writeTo_path IS OP tabTable path - write table to file, tab delineated 148: wcUnix_readFrom_path IS OP path - read file as a table with tab delineated cols (eg txt from spreadsheet) 150: winID_copyAllTextTo_poutNew IS OP winID pname - copy text of webPage and pre-pend to file