292:#] host_result IS OP str - returns [str, str_array, null] result of host commands with stdout returns 460:#] write_debug IS OP AAA - writes debug information to the screen 496:#] writefile_log IS OP AAA - logs picture of array to d_QNial_temp '0_QNial log.txt' 525:#] add_ISOP_debug IS OP path - add debug lines prior to operator descriptions to track loaddefs of path 587:#] add_ISOP_debug_marked IS OP path - add debug lines prior to optr descriptions to track loaddefs of path 656:#] host_result IS OP str - returns [str, str_array, null] result of host commands with stdout returns 764:#] boolean IS OP BoolChrIntPhrStr - convert [chr, str, int] to boolean 834:#] NEQ IS OP boolList - returns true if any of the inputs differ, and false if they are all the same 884:#] EQ IS OP boolList - returns true if all inputs are the same, and false if any differ 934:#] booleanL_cut_list IS OP booleanL ary - extract a list of subArys from booleanL 1031:#] is_symbolDefined IS OP symbolPhr - check to see if a user symbol has been defined yet 1102:#] ary_findAll_subAry IS OP ary subAry - addr of ALL subArray in array, error if not found 1123:#] ary_replace_subAry IS OP ary subOld subNew - replaces occurences of an array component with another 1147:#] lists_sortupOn1st IS OP ListOfLists - EACH sortup set of lists based on first list 1162:#] lists_sortupOn_col IS OP colNum ListOfLists - EACH sortup set of lists based on colNum 1177:#] lists_sortupCullOn1st IS OP ListOfLists - EACH [sortup,cull] set of lists based on first list 1234:#] floor_mod IS OP a b - convenient return of BOTH floor and mod! 1253:#] vector_from_list IS OP c_r lista - creates a vector from a list (legacy - don't use this for new code!) 1281:#] list_convertTo_vector IS OP lista c_r - creates a vector from a list 1436:#] aryMatTab_join_vertical IS OP A - joins 2D arrays by "stacking-merging" each above next 1460:#] aryMatTab_join_horizontal IS OP A - joins 2D arrays by "side-merging" each alongside next 1485:#] table_build IS OP n_cols labld_data - process loaddef of table with column headers 1501:#] table_addRowTitles IS OP rowTitles tableData - res ipsa loqitor 1517:#] table_addColTitles IS OP colTitles tableData - res ipsa loqitor 1533:#] table_addRowColTitles IS OP rowTitles colTitles tableData - common [row,col]Titles@0 1556:#] table_remove_colTitles IS OP table - remove column titles from table 1591:#] table_remove_rowTitles IS OP table - remove column titles from table 1598:#] table_remove_rowColTitles IS OP table - remove column titles from table 1606:#] table_write IS OP titles - output labelled table 1618:#] ary_findIndxs_commonItems IS OP ary - finds indexs of common items in a ary 1653:#] listOfLists_linkSortCullTo_aryCommonKeyIndexs IS OP listOfLists - finds indexs of common items 1716:#] listOfArys_commonKeyCullSort_aryCombinedOut IS OP listOfArys keyColIndxL - 1768:#] aryList_extractMulplicate_subArys IS OP selectOp aryList - find mulplicates in strList by selectOp