#] #] ********************* #] "$d_Qtest"'1_status- tests on [type, fault, boolean, array, list, string, file_op, window]s.txt' # www.BillHowell.ca 12Feb2022 initial # view this file in a text editor, with [constant width font, tab = 3 spaces], no line-wrap # 'QNial test optrs.ndf' - generic programs # 12Feb2022 : no individual tests for [type, fault, window]s - except maybe in ndf files? no group_subDir_tests for [boolean, list, file_op, screen output only? : boolean_all_test group_subDir_tests for [array, string]s 24************************24 08********08 #] 12Feb2022 [fix, run] 'strings/strings- testsGroup.ndf' 08********08 #] 12Feb2022 check last results [type, fault, boolean, array, list, string, file_op, window]s : $ subDir="strings" $ dir="$d_Qtest$subDir"'/z_Archive/' $ find "$dir" -type f -name "*.txt" | sed "s|$dir||" | sed 's/^[0-9]\{6\} [0-9]\{2\}h[0-9]\{2\}m[0-9]\{2\}s //' | sort -u | grep --invert-match ";" >"$d_temp$subDir"' testList.txt' I need to get the group test [output, summary]s working ... "$d_Qtest""strings/strings- testsGroup.ndf" seems to work, but output are HUGE, pain in the ass to look through >> just use search in nemo!! Maybe group test results go to screen only, or ramdisk? no individual tests for [type, fault, window]s - except maybe in ndf files? no group_subDir_tests for [boolean, list, file_op]s - fileops is very special, probably each different? screen output only? : boolean_all_test group_subDir_tests for [array, string]s 'boolean- tests.ndf' OK boolA_cut_ary test 8Oct2021 17h57m37s $ subDir="arrays" $ dir="$d_Qtest$subDir"'/z_Archive/' 'arrays/array- tests.ndf', 'arrays/arrays- data templates.ndf' ary1_transStr_isSameStructAs_ary2 test.txt ary_to_atomL .txt atomA_restructSameAs_ary .txt itm_posn1stInTop_ary .txt itm_posnAInTop_ary .txt str_subStrs_getLenMatches_subStrPairs .txt 211211 15h22m18s sub_checkFitIntoTop_ary .txt 211210 12h43m10s sub_posnA1stItmInTop_ary .txt sub_posnAAllItmInTop_ary .txt 211206 19h07m53s sub_splitAtEnd_ary .txt 211206 17h34m47s sub_splitAtFront_ary .txt 211210 22h52m13s sub_splitSeparate_ary .txt 'lists- tests.ndf' not ready yet? $ subDir="strings" $ dir="$d_Qtest"'strings/z_Archive/' 'strings/strings- testsGroup.ndf' 5/5 211105 19h20m01s alltest strings.txt 12/13 211202 11h26m52s ary_replace_subP .txt 6/6 211202 11h24m52s ary_strip_sub .txt 6/6 211202 11h02m16s ary_subL_getLenMatchesTo_subPL .txt 0/5 211202 12h31m16s ary_subP_splitSeparateTo_midIndxs_subL .txt 11/11 211202 11h01m47s chrA_anyIn_strA .txt 0/8 211202 11h11m20s chr_cut_str .txt 8/8 to 211123 17h11m13s 8/8 211123 12h55m56s chrL_anyIn_str test log.txt 8/8 211130 17h28m11s chrL_anyIn_str .txt 0/6 211123 17h11m50s chrL_cut_strL .txt 8/8 211202 11h49m41s itm_cut_ary .txt 0/6 211202 11h50m26s itmL_cut_aryL .txt 0/6 211128 16h27m05s itm_posn1stIn_lst .txt 0/6 211124 13h55m02s itm_posn1stInTop_aryL .txt 3/4 211124 13h49m25s itm_posnAInTop_ary .txt 0/6 211125 18h52m05s itm_posnL1stIn_lstL .txt 3/4 211125 18h51m43s itm_posnLAllIn_lst .txt 0/10 211130 17h33m26s lst_replace_subP .txt 0/6 211202 10h18m11s lst_strip_sub .txt 6/6 to 211130 17h32m27s 6/6 211130 15h52m18s lst_subL_getLenMatchesTo_subPL .txt 0/5 211123 17h10m27s lst_subP_splitSeparateTo_midIndxs_subL .txt n/a 180120 16h19m58s strings - grep work.txt not a test log ??? 211123 16h38m33s str_isIn_groupTest log.txt ?conform error in catenate 7/8 211202 10h21m42s str_isOf_chrSet .txt 0/6 211202 11h50m48s strL_eachQuoted_strOut .txt 0/5 211202 11h52m07s strLL_to_strExecuteMirror .txt 0/6 211202 12h05m25s strL_quoteUnifyForHostCmd .txt 0/4 211202 11h51m43s strL_to_strExecuteMirror .txt 7/8 211202 10h23m02s str_option_isOf_chrSet .txt 2/6 211202 11h02m02s str_removeExtra_SpcTab .txt 0/6 211130 15h45m20s str_subL_getLenMatchesTo_subPL .txt 6/6 to 211123 17h07m51s 0/6 211202 11h51m20s str_to_unicodeL .txt 0/6 211202 12h11m47s strURL_clean .txt 0/6 211202 12h31m31s sub_cut_ary .txt 0/6 211123 17h11m30s sub_cut_lst .txt 4/6 211202 10h23m24s subL_anyIn_lst .txt 0/6 211128 16h12m32s subL_posnLLAllItmIn_lst .txt 0/0 211202 14h01m41s subL_splitAtFront_ary .txt 0/5 211204 10h54m27s subL_splitSeparate_ary .txt 0/3 211123 17h05m24s sub_posnAAllItmInTop_ary_str .txt 0/6 211124 13h56m48s sub_posnAAllItmInTop_ary .txt 2/7 211128 16h13m39s sub_posnL1stItmIn_lst .txt 10/11 211204 13h00m57s sub_splitAtEnd_ary .txt 14/17 211206 14h39m50s sub_splitAtFront_ary .txt 6/6 to 211202 14h01m27s 0/6 211202 11h48m34s sub_splitAtFront_lst .txt 6/6 211202 12h29m31s sub_splitSeparate_ary .txt 0/6 211202 11h09m12s sub_splitSeparate_lst .txt 'fileops/fileops- test.ndf' 'fileops/file_ops- development.txt' # enddoc