#] #] ********************* #] "$d_Qndfs""MindCode/5_MindCode global variable explanations.txt" # www.BillHowell.ca 25Feb2020 initial taken from 'MindCode/code test/arith, trig tests.ndf' # based on "$d_MindCode"['globals initialize.ndf', "2_MindCode list of [data, optr]s.txt"] # [not all globals, few locals] are included # This is manually updated, as special comments are added. # May be problematic to update with new [local, global] variables .... # 12Aug2021 maybe not? : '#>' denotes variable [defini, descrip]tion 04Mar2020 ontogeny not yet developed - this is it! Hox genes etc later?) netIDs pass general data (NOT always just a single spike), which can be used in triggers 06Mar2020 currently ONLY inNetsL are used, as an indication that they fired,ot of what their values were 06Mar2020 multiple input patterns, any of which can fire? - this is NOT the current DEFAULT! how to formalise instead of having a grab-bag? # To search for a [variable, optr, etc] : $ mvar="nmID_to_ID" $ find "$d_MindCode" -type f -name "*.ndf" | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -ILINE grep --with-filename "$mvar" LINE | sed 's|'"$d_MindCode"'||;s/.*#>//' #************************* axonDelayL axonIdentL axonInhibL bitCnt_base bitCnt_expt bitCnt_intgBase bitCnt_sign bits_base bits_expt bits_sign clusBranch_2In3Out_inn clusBranch_2In3Out_out clusClassL clusIdentL clus_last clusList_increment clusNeurnL cycle_max dendDelayL dendIdentL dendInhibL epigenL fieldL - for the future? electromagnetic [fied, potential] around a [neuron, cluster, region] - local field variations indicative of neural activity (classical measures) - remember myelin sheathing, [speed, distance] of travel, [local, specific] effects - [electrodes, EEG, MEG] electromagnetic measures - [fMRI, ??] blood oxygen level Dependent (BOLD) measures fireL - fire state of the net output, expressed as spikes (booleans) fireStdL flag_cycle_output glialL - glial cell role in brain computations, if any - for the future? histPatL - firing inputs over last (gage shape histPatL@netID) timesteps MUST be >= 2 length of history depends on netID[type, setup] histPatNowL IDL - for entire MindCode, an ordered "count" of integers starting with zero, i.e. [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...] The sequence of netIDL MUST be correct, or indexing will be off!!! IDsubL - an ordered "count" of integers starting with zero, i.e. [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...] The sequence of netIDL MUST be correct, or indexing will be off!!! inL - a list of inputNets for each netID inhibL inHistL inNmIDL - a list of inputNets for each netID intg_high intg_loww modL - neuromodulator state [dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline, acetocholine] used according to Kenji Dojas simple neuromodulator model for now simply boolean [on, off] nameL n_clus netIDL net_rows neurClassL neurFiredL neurIdentL neurInFireL neur_last neurList_increment neurStateL n_neur nowFireL - list of neurIDs to fire "now" numberL OKL - check if net produced target result (StdL = ResL) opL - name of the operator expressed as a string, operator ~[function, procedure] [input, output] operators using [integer, real] : i2s = intg_to_spikes, converts integer to spikes (eg input to senses) r2s = real_to_spikes, converts real to spikes (eg input to senses) s2i = spikes_to_intg, converts spikes to integer (eg human-readable computer output) s2r = spikes_to_real, converts spikes to real (eg human-readable computer output) assumed offTs : 3 is the interval between the fastest bursts of bursting neurons 10 is for simple nets ?? is for ????????? optrL out outL outs outTypL - [boolean, integer, real, other, mixed] output, "other" types to be defined as required paramL p_log realBase_max realCode real_high real_loww ResCalcL - results at current time step ResStdL - "standard" result (presumably correct result for comparison against ResL) resCalcL ResCalcLtTitles sensIDL solarL - for the future? - This [name, symbol] is purposely anomalous, to prevent myopic thinking and to include themes of perreniel failures of [blindness, thought] by current scientists long measured effects on [neuroscience, behaviour], but not fully accepted? : - solar : to me, it appears that most of geo-[electric, magnetic] is simply a manifestation of solar activities of different types on Earth. measured [disruption, perturbation]s to heart nervous system, Frobisher : ischemic heart failures, [traffic, industrial] accidents sunspot : pandemics, ischemic heart failures #2 variable overall after diurnal), coronal holes & solar wind super-flares filaments ?will this include [depression, suicide], migrain, - astro : [cosmic, galactic] rays, galactic current sheets micro-nova subTemp trgrPatL trgrPatNmIDL trgrTyp trgrTypL trigTitles typeL - [boolean, integer, real, other, mixed] output, "other" types to be defined as required ToffL - the refractory period for a net, varies with its complexity and component nets trigPatL - fire on pattern match, this can be [generic, specific to a net] Note simple example : triggerL = inNetL how can I implement inhibition!?? trigTypeL : trigPatL (apply trigTypeL) histPatL@netID this has to handle inNets with many extraneous inputs that [can, cannot] be ignored now - no history, just nowFireL cum - [order, timing] not important seq - sequence important, but not timing tim - [sequence, timing] are important! mix - special triggering concepts, mixture of other trigTyps is it easier to simply combine separate nets? 05Mar2020- I need some kind of [error, noise] tolerance TwaitL - timeSteps until the net will become active again, "0" for a net that can be fired now typeL waitTL wghtL - weight list, required for some of the classical (non-epi-DNA) neurons (eg MLPs) XrefIDL XrefIDsubL XrefNmL XrefNmIDL Xref_rows # enddoc