#] #] ********************* #] "$d_Qndfs"'MindCode/0_MindCode notes.txt' # www.BillHowell.ca 26Feb2020 initial, where are 1996-2020 notes??? missing 25 years of notes, more-or-less 11Aug2023 just revisiting this today!! # To search for variables : # $ mvar="fireStdL" # $ find "$d_PROJECTS""Qnial/MY_NDFS/MindCode" -type f -name "*.ndf" | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -ILINE grep --with-filename "$mvar" LINE # # operators : # $ find "$d_PROJECTS""Qnial/MY_NDFS/MindCode" -type f -name "*.ndf" | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -ILINE grep --with-filename "^#]" LINE | grep --invert-match 'z_Archive' "$d_temp""5_MindCode globals temp.txt" | grep --invert-match 'z_Old' | sed 's/.*#]//' # 24************************24 24************************24 # Table of Contents, generated with : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_Qndfs"'MindCode/0_MindCode notes.txt' | sed 's/^#\]/ /' # ********************* "$d_Qndfs"'MindCode/0_MindCode notes.txt' 21Nov2021 Fractal computing languages 30Aug2021 basic concept of [what a neuron is, how it works, simple interpretation of structure]? 17Aug2021 clusStackFIFO clusSeriesClock clusBranch2Bit_fire 12-16Aug2021 need listing of NONLOCALS 25May2020 15May2020 from ToDos : Current work : create a system to handle "formulae" 28Feb2020 [Split, tiny clean-up] of "The MindCode Manifesto" 24************************24 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] 14Aug2023 'MindCode/code test/callerID-SNNs[, - test].ndf' +-----+ olde code # olde code # % write 'post (spkSeq spkPat) : ' ; # % write post (spkSeq spkPat) ; # spkSeqMatchL := EACH AND spkSeq_in_spkPat ; # % write 'spkSeqMatchL = ' spkSeqMatchL ; # OR spkSeqMatchL # spkSeq_in_spkPat := spkPat subList spkSeq ; # write spkSeq_in_spkPat ; # EACH AND spkSeq_in_spkPat #] nSeq_spkPatL_spkTimeFrac_makeRdm_spkPatNew IS OP nSeq spkPatL spkTimeFrac spkPatNew # not used? # nSeq_spkTimeFrac_spkPatL_makeRdm_spkPat IS OP nSeq spkTimeFrac spkPatL { LOCAL ; % ; WHILE } % generate nSpkPat random spkPat, each of length nSeq ; spkPatL := null ; FOR i WITH (tell nSpkPat) DO spkPatL := append spkPatL (nSeq_makeRdm_spkSeq patTimeFrac nSeq) ; ENDFOR ; # from initial test # callerID_SNNs_test IS OP nSeq nSpkPatL nSpkSeqL patTimeFrac seqTimeFrac # callerID_SNNs_test IS OP 40 5 30 0.5 0.5 # nSpkSeqL = 20 19 14 22 17 17 28 18 18 16 18 15 22 18 20 27 26 20 20 21 15 19 20 20 26 16 22 16 15 24 # sum nSpkSeqL / 30 = 19.6333 # >> OK # firMatchL = # |ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo # |ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo # |ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|ooooo|loooo|olooo|ooloo|ooolo|ooool| # >> OK - works! # callerID_SNNs_test IS OP 40 5 30 0.5 0.5 % fRes writefile timestamp_YYYY_MMM_DD_HH_MM_weekDay ; % fRes writefile timestamp_YYYY_MMM_DD_HH_MM_weekDay ; fRes EACHRIGHT writefile (EACH link LEAF string seqMatchL) ; fRes writefile '' ; fRes EACHRIGHT writefile (EACH link LEAF string seqMatchL) ; % ; % dif test against std output ; pStd := link d_MindCodeTest 'nSeq_patFrac_seqFrac_matchTest std.txt' ; pDif := link d_MindCodeTest 'nSeq_patFrac_seqFrac_matchTest dif.txt' ; cmd := link 'diff "' pStd '" "' pRes '" --suppress-common-lines >"' pDif '" ' ; host cmd ; 08********08 #] 11Aug2023 have been thinking of spike-time-arrival distribution at synapses +-----+ https://www.nature.com/articles/srep39682 Published: 03 January 2017 Dendritic and Axonal Propagation Delays Determine Emergent Structures of Neuronal Networks with Plastic Synapses Mojtaba Madadi Asl, Alireza Valizadeh & Peter A. Tass Scientific Reports volume 7, Article number: 39682 (2017) Abstract Spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) modifies synaptic strengths based on the relative timing of pre- and postsynaptic spikes. The temporal order of spikes turned out to be crucial. We here take into account how propagation delays, composed of dendritic and axonal delay times, may affect the temporal order of spikes. In a minimal setting, characterized by neglecting dendritic and axonal propagation delays, STDP eliminates bidirectional connections between two coupled neurons and turns them into unidirectional connections. In this paper, however, we show that depending on the dendritic and axonal propagation delays, the temporal order of spikes at the synapses can be different from those in the cell bodies and, consequently, qualitatively different connectivity patterns emerge. In particular, we show that for a system of two coupled oscillatory neurons, bidirectional synapses can be preserved and potentiated. Intriguingly, this finding also translates to large networks of type-II phase oscillators and, hence, crucially impacts on the overall hierarchical connectivity patterns of oscillatory neuronal networks. Although this interesting property can explain the emergence of feedforward networks 2,25,26, it is in contradiction to the prevalence of recurrent connections between pairs of neurons in cortical networks 27,28. Second, STDP inherently is an unstable process, since it provides a positive feedback interaction among synaptic modification between two neurons and changes in their relative spike times, i.e. the more stronger the connection from neuron 1 to neuron 2, the more likely neuron 2 will fire shortly after the firing of neuron 1, leading to more potentiation of the corresponding synapse. The same argument can be brought forward for the depression of the synapses, and taken together, STDP leads to a bimodal distribution of the synaptic strengths when hard boundaries limit the upper and lower values of synaptic strengths2,29,30. This result also does not comply with the unimodal distribution of cortical synaptic efficacies reported for cortical networks28,31. Several variations of the STDP rule have been proposed in recent years and each of them amend some of the inconsistencies between the spike-timing based plasticity models and experimental results2,9,19,29,32,33,34. /home/bill/web/ProjMajor/MindCode/images/Asl, Valizadeh, Tass 2017 Fig 1 Possible synaptic modifications of two interconnected neurons fire nearly inphase in the presence of dendritic and axonal propagation delays.png Mojtaba Madadi Asl, Alireza Valizadeh, Peter A. Tass 2017 "Dendritic and Axonal Propagation Delays Determine Emergent Structures of Neuronal Networks with Plastic Synapses" Scientific Reports volume 7, Article number: 39682 https://www.nature.com/articles/srep39682 /home/bill/web/References/Neural Nets/MindCode/Asl, Valizadeh, Tass 2017 Dendritic and Axonal Propagation Delays Determine Emergent Structures of Neuronal Networks with Plastic Synapses.pdf +-----+ https://www.jneurosci.org/content/40/21/4185 Modeling the Short-Term Dynamics of in Vivo Excitatory Spike Transmission Abed Ghanbari, Naixin Ren, Christian Keine, Carl Stoelzel, Bernhard Englitz, Harvey A. Swadlow and Ian H. Stevenson Journal of Neuroscience 20 May 2020, 40 (21) 4185-4202; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1482-19.2020 Abstract : ... Here, we develop a statistical model of the short-term dynamics of spike transmission that aims to disentangle the contributions of synaptic and nonsynaptic effects based only on observed presynaptic and postsynaptic spiking. The model includes a dynamic functional connection with short-term plasticity as well as effects due to the recent history of postsynaptic spiking and slow changes in postsynaptic excitability. Using paired spike recordings, we find that the model accurately describes the short-term dynamics of in vivo spike transmission at a diverse set of identified and putative excitatory synapses, including a pair of connected neurons within thalamus in mouse, a thalamocortical connection in a female rabbit, and an auditory brainstem synapse in a female gerbil. We illustrate the utility of this modeling approach by showing how the spike transmission patterns captured by the model may be sufficient to account for stimulus-dependent differences in spike transmission in the auditory brainstem (endbulb of Held). Finally, we apply this model to large-scale multielectrode recordings to illustrate how such an approach has the potential to reveal cell type-specific differences in spike transmission in vivo. Although STP parameters estimated from ongoing presynaptic and postsynaptic spiking are highly uncertain, our results are partially consistent with previous intracellular observations in these synapses. 08********08 #] 12Nov2021 Fractal computing languages see "$d_webRawe"'Software programming & code/Fractal comptr languages/0_Fractal notes.txt' 08********08 #] 30Aug2021 basic concept of [what a neuron is, how it works, simple interpretation of structure]? only one axon (there ARE exceptions!?) - constraint by NN convention neuron [axon, dend] cart [change state, inhibit, fire] I need : [next, now] fire lists, but can the [neur, clus] : can state updates occur at same step as fire? multi-temporal time scales via clocks - otherwise almost all info is empty space! [a,]-synchronous setups eg "time-stamps"? - count steps on context-clock? relative time, augmented with each step of context-clock to t_maxSteps for [neur, clus]? neurons versus [,epi]genetic - which should be used? : neurons are extremely expensive [energetic, physiological, architectural]ly anything easily handled LOCALLY (within neuron) by standard cellular process [architecture, genetics] would be? probably 1 to 3 orders of magnitude less [cost, time]? can be HIGHLY complex limited to intra-neuron information could still be key part of cluster [process, architecture]s handy to have explicit cluster equivalents anyways - provides a basis of comparison 08********08 #] 17Aug2021 clusStackFIFO clusSeriesClock clusBranch2Bit_fire work on a clocked sensory input FIFO stack 'clusters/series.ndf' 08********08 #] 12-16Aug2021 need listing of NONLOCALS - "$d_bin""MindCode list of [data, optr,[,NON]local 1st line]s.sh" - d_Qndfs 'QNial list [,NON]LOCALs.ndf' - produces sorted list of [,NON]LOCALS This took me an insane amount of time!!!My mind is going... 09Aug2021 finally restarting seriously 02-03Aug2021 [start, basics, logic] - trying to get started again 08********08 #] 25May2020 symbols - data vs operators see "MindCode/code develop/symbols - data vs operators notes.txt"" 08********08 #] 15May2020 from ToDos : Current work : create a system to handle "formulae" see "MindCode/code develop/symbols - data vs operators notes.txt" big issue - Robert Hecht-Nielson, Asim Roy 08********08 #] 28Feb2020 [Split, tiny clean-up] of "The MindCode Manifesto" It is much easier to work with a number of sub-documents, rather than endlessly wander around a big one. Table of Contents Summary 1 Introduction - Conceptual pseudo-basis for MindCode 8 MindCode components 11 [Neurological, biological] basis for epiDNA coding 13 Historical [DNA, Protein, Evolutionary Computing, ANN] hybrid basis for epiDNA-NNs 16 MindCode - arbitrary selections from "Multiple Conflicting Hypothesis" 18 Assumed "rules of the game" 21 Static epiDNA-neuron coding [architecture, data, functions, processes, operating systems, conciousness, behaviours, personalities] 23 Static epiDNA-NN coding of [architecture, data, functions, processes, operating systems, conciousness, behaviours, personalities] 30 Static MindCode coding of [architecture, data, functions, processes, operating systems, conciousness, behaviours, personalities] 32 Dynamic epiDNA-NN coding of [architecture, data, functions, processes, operating systems, conciousness, behaviours, personalities] 34 Ontogeny 36 Specialized epiDNA-NNs for MindCode 37 Hybrids of [algorithms, conventional computing, ANNs, MindCode] 39 Questions, not answers 40 ­ # enddoc