/media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/webWork files/webSite summary of [fail, unknown, OK,total] links.txt Website stats for : www.BillHowell.ca 201217 16h12m08s Summary of the number of links by type [external, internal, menu, tableOfContent] and [OK, bad] : 4693 = count of all links in webSite 1115 = count of all [file, dir, url]s targeted by links in the webSite Counts below are the number of unique TARGETED [file, dir]s of links (eg 5+ links per target on average) Failures : +--+------------+ |26|errors list | +--+------------+ |22|extern fails| +--+------------+ |0 |howell list | +--+------------+ |17|intern fails| +--+------------+ Unknowns - I havent written code to really show [OK, fail] : +---+-----------+ |70 |mailto list| +---+-----------+ |303|pgPosn list| +---+-----------+ OKs - these links have been shown to work : +---+---------+ |239|extern OK| +---+---------+ |438|intern OK| +---+---------+ [fail, unknown, OK, total] counts : +----+-------------+ | 65|failed links | +----+-------------+ | 373|unknown links| +----+-------------+ | 677|OK links | +----+-------------+ |1115|total | +----+-------------+