#] #] ********************* #] "$d_MindCode""Z80 operator listing.txt' # www.BillHowell.ca 24Feb2020 initial, 25Feb2020 transferred from 'MindCode/MindCode neuron - QNial basic.ndf' # view this file in a text editor, with [constant width font, tab = 3 spaces] # arithmetic operations - [+, -, *, /, ^, trigonometric, NN-specific] # view this file in a text editor, with [constant width font, tab = 3 spaces] # /home/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/MY_NDFS/MindCode/Z80 operator listing.ndf f_MindCode_artithmetic := 'MindCode/Z80 operator listing.ndf' ; loaddefs_start f_MindCode_artithmetic ; #] #]******************************************************* #] link d_QNial_mine 'MindCode/Z80 operator listing.ndf' # List of operators, see : # $ echo "$d_txted" "'""$d_Qndfs""MindCode/5_MindCode global variable explanations.txt""'" | xargs -0 sh -c & #***************************************************** #] *** Usage via fire_apply (see "MindCode basics.ndf") #] fire IS OP netID - fire netID (of nowFireL nets), using its optr #***************************************************** #] *** Logic operators # 24Feb2020 initial, 25Feb2020 #] 'and' #] 'or' #] 'not' #] '=' #] ['~=', 'unequal'] #] 'diverse' #***************************************************** #] *** Comparison operators (boolean) # 24Feb2020 initial, 25Feb2020 #] ['>' , 'gt' ] #] ['>=' , 'gte'] #] ['<' , 'lt' ] #] ['<=' , 'lte'] #] 'match' #] 'mate' #] 'max' #] 'min' #] 'up' #***************************************************** #] *** Types operators (boolean), for atomic types # 24Feb2020 initial, 25Feb2020 #] 'isboolean' #] 'ischar' #] 'isfault' #] 'isinteger' #] 'isphrase' #] 'isreal' #] 'isstring' #***************************************************** #] *** Arithmetic operators, [integer,real] [inputs, output] # 24Feb2020 initial #] where Xxx = [Z80, Pat, ...] Pat = pattern, [unary, binary, multi] pervasive #] ['sumXxx'] - multi, #] ['productXxx'] - multi, #] 'timesXxx' - binary, #] 'divideXxx'] - binary, #] 'opp' - pair, produce the negative (* -1) of the single input to netID #] '*' - multiply inputs of ALL preNetIDs #] 'recip' - produce the reciprocal (1 /) of the SINGLE input to netID #] 'exp' - produce the exponent (e^) of the SINGLE input to netID #] 'ln' - produce the natural logarithm (ln) of the SINGLE input to netID #] ['^', 'power'] - inNets = [baseNet, exptNet] in that order, raise baseNet to the power #***************************************************** #] *** Trigonometric operators require real inputs # 25Feb2020 initial #] 'sin' #] 'cos' #] 'tan' #] 'cosh' #] 'tanh' #] 'arcsin' #] 'arccos' #] 'arctan' #] 'arcsinh' #] 'arccosh' #] 'arctanh' #***************************************************** #] *** NN-specific basics - sigmoidal, counter, timer, concept neuron #] 'count' #] timer IS OP timerNetID - timer IS OP timerNetID { null } #] ['dotProdxxx', 'INNER [+, *]'] IS - produces the inner (dot) product of two arrays of arbitrary dimension # most of the structures of MindCode are simple one dimensional vectors (lists) # [set, get] components using the netID dotProd IS INNER [+, *] loaddefs_ended f_MindCode_artithmetic ; # enddoc