#] #] ********************* #] "$d_MindCode"'0_MindCode QNial notes.txt' - [QNial, bash]*code] thinking # www.BillHowell.ca 26Feb2020 initial, where are 1996-2020 notes??? missing 25 years of notes, more-or-less 11Aug2023 just revisiting this today!! 17Nov2023 copied d_Qndfs: from d_MindCode (2020) to d_MindCode [architecture, data, functions, processes, operating systems, conciousness, behaviours, personalities, creativity] see also : "$d_web"'Neural nets/MindCode/0_MindCode & callerID-SNNs.links.txt' 48************************************************48 24************************24 # Table of Contents, generated with : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_MindCode"'0_MindCode QNial notes.txt' | sed 's|^#\] | |' # ********************* "$d_Qndfs"'MindCode/0_MindCode QNial notes.txt 14Aug2023 'MindCode/code test/callerID-SNNs[, - test].ndf' 11Aug2023 have been thinking of spike-time-arrival distribution at synapses 12Nov2021 Fractal computing languages 30Aug2021 basic concept of [what a neuron is, how it works, simple interpretation of structure]? 17Aug2021 clusStackFIFO clusSeriesClock clusBranch2Bit_fire 12-16Aug2021 need listing of NONLOCALS 25May2020 symbols - data vs operators 15May2020 from ToDos : Current work : create a system to handle "formulae" 28Feb2020 [Split, tiny clean-up] of "The MindCode Manifesto" 24Feb2020 QNial basis 21Feb2020 Initial QNial programming (no more [yap, arm-waving]) 07Mar2018 DNA storage for real computers 24************************24 #] [setup, ToDos, tools] 29Oct2023 Plans for now First project : Grossberg sequences for von Neuman architecture simply copy Z80 machine language instruction set! 1. architecture DNA, RNA, methylation, 2. ontogeny tune [micro, macro]circuits -> BEFORE learn -> BEFORE evolve 3. process [malloc, bitShift] blocks of memory, not individual neurons 3. learn 4. evolve versions : each "main version" has own subDir including [tests, data, ops, notes, webPage, etc] subDir [100, 200, 300, ...] current version in main callerID dir # To search for variables : # $ mvar="fireStdL" # $ find "$d_Qndfs"'MindCode" -type f -name "*.ndf" | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -ILINE grep --with-filename "$mvar" LINE # # operators : # $ find "$d_Qndfs"'MindCode" -type f -name "*.ndf" | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -ILINE grep --with-filename "^#]" LINE | grep --invert-match 'z_Archive' "$d_temp""5_MindCode globals temp.txt" | grep --invert-match 'z_Old' | sed 's/.*#]//' # 24************************24 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] ??Aug2023 08********08 #] 30Aug2021 basic concept of [what a neuron is, how it works, simple interpretation of structure]? only one axon (there ARE exceptions!?) - constraint by NN convention neuron [axon, dend] cart [change state, inhibit, fire] I need : [next, now] fire lists, but can the [neur, clus] : can state updates occur at same step as fire? multi-temporal time scales via clocks - otherwise almost all info is empty space! [a,]-synchronous setups eg "time-stamps"? - count steps on context-clock? relative time, augmented with each step of context-clock to t_maxSteps for [neur, clus]? neurons versus [,epi]genetic - which should be used? : neurons are extremely expensive [energetic, physiological, architectural]ly anything easily handled LOCALLY (within neuron) by standard cellular process [architecture, genetics] would be? probably 1 to 3 orders of magnitude less [cost, time]? can be HIGHLY complex limited to intra-neuron information could still be key part of cluster [process, architecture]s handy to have explicit cluster equivalents anyways - provides a basis of comparison 08********08 #] 17Aug2021 clusStackFIFO clusSeriesClock clusBranch2Bit_fire work on a clocked sensory input FIFO stack 'clusters/series.ndf' 08********08 #] 12-16Aug2021 need listing of NONLOCALS - "$d_bin""MindCode list of [data, optr,[,NON]local 1st line]s.sh" - d_Qndfs 'QNial list [,NON]LOCALs.ndf' - produces sorted list of [,NON]LOCALS This took me an insane amount of time!!!My mind is going... 09Aug2021 finally restarting seriously 02-03Aug2021 [start, basics, logic] - trying to get started again 08********08 #] 25May2020 symbols - data vs operators see "MindCode/code develop/symbols - data vs operators notes.txt"" 08********08 #] 15May2020 from ToDos : Current work : create a system to handle "formulae" see "MindCode/code develop/symbols - data vs operators notes.txt" big issue - Robert Hecht-Nielson, Asim Roy 08********08 #] 28Feb2020 [Split, tiny clean-up] of "The MindCode Manifesto" It is much easier to work with a number of sub-documents, rather than endlessly wander around a big one. Table of Contents Summary 1 Introduction - Conceptual pseudo-basis for MindCode 8 MindCode components 11 [Neurological, biological] basis for epiDNA coding 13 Historical [DNA, Protein, Evolutionary Computing, ANN] hybrid basis for epiDNA-NNs 16 MindCode - arbitrary selections from "Multiple Conflicting Hypothesis" 18 Assumed "rules of the game" 21 Static epiDNA-neuron coding [architecture, data, functions, processes, operating systems, conciousness, behaviours, personalities] 23 Static epiDNA-NN coding of [architecture, data, functions, processes, operating systems, conciousness, behaviours, personalities] 30 Static MindCode coding of [architecture, data, functions, processes, operating systems, conciousness, behaviours, personalities] 32 Dynamic epiDNA-NN coding of [architecture, data, functions, processes, operating systems, conciousness, behaviours, personalities] 34 Ontogeny 36 Specialized epiDNA-NNs for MindCode 37 Hybrids of [algorithms, conventional computing, ANNs, MindCode] 39 Questions, not answers 40 ­ # enddoc