Index of /Qnial/MY_NDFS
- Parent Directory
- .bank statements instructions.txt.kate-swp
- 0_list of Howells QNial [ndf, optr]s.txt
- Bessel/
- Bessell - Runge-Kutta/
- Capitalize first letters.ndf
- Carve up textFile.ndf
- Cash-Karp-Runge-Kutta integrate ODEs with accuracy monitoring.ndf
- Cheng - semi-tensor and switching control, Matlab toolbox/
- Climate and Sun/
- Colin James 4-value logic Kanban cell NN model 160316.ndf
- Colin James, Kanban cell NN model, Howell 160316 .ndf
- Examples/
- Greek & Latin symbols test.ndf
- IJCNN 2013 Dallas TX/
- Interpolation linear data table.ndf
- Interpolation.ndf
- JulianDay_to_GregorianDate.ndf
- Kp geomag index - translate data files [NOAA, Potsdam].ndf
- Kronecker_prod.ndf
- LeastCommonMultiple.ndf
- Linux signals - see also 0_vidProdn - common data, operators.ndf.txt
- Linux signals applications non-window.ndf
- MindCode/
- Music - radio record, cut, splice.ndf
- NEUNET-D-14-00130 tests.ndf
- ODE Cash-Karp-Runge-Kutta integrate ODEs with accuracy monitoring.ndf
- ODE runge-kutta 4, C code.txt
- Ord Diff Eq Integration/
- PayPal transaction text process.ndf
- QNial [op, test, startup]
- QNial [symbol, arg] changes/
- QNial setup - header.ndf
- QNial setup.ndf
- SP500 Shiller-forward PE ratio and Tbond rates.ndf
- SP500 semi-log linear fit 2 points, other oddball calcs.ndf
- Scratchpad.txt
- Smillie UAlberta - statistics 1987/
- Solar insolation make.ndf.lnk
- Structure.ndf
- Toshiba start_Computer winList.txt
- Toshiba winlist 160410
- USB workspace loads - winList.txt
- USB workspace loads.ndf
- USB_backup/
- [video, audio] files [crop, convert, blend, synchronize].ndf
- apps - headings,refs,images,audio,video.ndf
- arrays (copy).ndf
- arrays TblOfContents (copy).txt
- arrays [ToDos, warnings].txt
- arrays atomic TblOfContents.txt
- arrays atomic-
- arrays atomic.ndf
- arrays nested TblOfContents.txt
- arrays nested zByVal TblOfContents.txt
- arrays nested zByVal.ndf
- arrays nested-
- arrays nested.ndf
- audio - music, microphone.ndf
- audio file concatenation - sox.ndf
- audio notes.txt
- bank statements - PayPal transaction text process.ndf
- bank statements instructions.txt
- bank statements reformat.ndf
- base64_pre_clean for mime.ndf
- base64_test_host.ndf
- boolean.ndf
- callerID-SNNs/
- conference guides - header.ndf
- conference guides - update inserts.ndf
- copyover - remove empty directories.ndf
- copyover inn.txt
- copyover out.txt
- cron QNial scheduling.ndf
- dictionaries - how NOT to process.ndf
- dictionaries.ndf
- dictionaries/
- dictionary notes.txt
- diff - see also txtFile compare.ndf.txt
- diff unicode.ndf
- diff_Howell.ndf
- directed graphs.ndf
- dropped text.txt
- economics, markets/
- email - mass response processing/
- email fix Thunderbird/
- email ndfs link.txt
- email/
- encryption.ndf
- fault QNial Howell sorted.txt
- faults (copy).ndf
- faults - header.ndf
- faults.ndf
- file_ops TblOfContents.txt
- file_ops.ndf
- fit Cl2_$ regression.txt
- fit Cl2_$.NDF
- fit_linearRegress - notes.txt
- fit_linearRegress log.txt
- fit_linearRegress, KW Smillie.NDF
- fit_linearRegress.ndf
- forecast example.txt
- forecast.ndf
- genetic algorithm.ndf
- genetics example1 results with gene_decay 0.95.nlg
- genetics example1 results.nlg
- gnuplot direct - template.plt
- gnuplot header.ndf
- gnuplot via auto-fill - template.plt
- gnuplot via auto-fill.ndf
- gnuplot via subFiles - template.plt
- gnuplot via subFiles.ndf
- gradient2.nlg
- gradient_test.nlg
- iconv - Unicode to ASCII/
- imagemagic howell-image-translate-rotate - tests of combined.txt
- imagemagic howell-image-translate-rotate.ndf
- interpolate - linear, data table.ndf
- list searches - [sequential, bisections].ndf
- lists.ndf
- make - advice.txt
- make - example.ndf
- math - Runge-Kutta and Bessel.ndf
- math - [quick, handy] stuff notes.ndf
- math - [quick, handy] stuff.ndf
- math - trigonometry.ndf
- matrix - symbolic reduction.ndf
- matrix - symbolic, parenthesis aligned.ndf
- matrix - write with parenthesis aligned.ndf
- matrix derivatives in [cartesian, cylindrical, spherical] coordinates.ndf
- matrix operations - symbolic & real-valued.ndf
- numberBase conversions.ndf
- optimize - particle swarm.ndf
- paper reviews - raw review.out
- paper reviews - strip out illegal characters.ndf
- photo albums - extract descriptions.ndf
- port C to Nial.NDF
- port GREP_Fortran_to_QNial.ndf
- port Matlab to Nial.ndf
- port SciLab to Nial.NDF
- port fortran to Nial.NDF
- port_translate_Fortran_to_QNial.ndf
- port_translate_Matlab_to_QNial.ndf
- random_lists.ndf
- readDataFile corona virus global.ndf
- readDataFile fixed cols suicides USA - old version.ndf
- readDataFile header.ndf
- readDataFile suicides USA header.ndf
- readDataFile suicides USA.ndf
- readDataFile.ndf
- readFile_Unix.ndf
- review move comments and strip illegal characters.ndf
- reviews - form
- reviews Schmidhuber - references analysis.ndf
- reviews of math - listing & results.ndf
- semi-log formula.ndf
- semi-tensor product - examples and checks.ndf
- semi-tensor product.ndf
- spreadsheet -
- spreadsheet - text.out
- spreadsheet from text preps.ndf
- strings TblOfContents (copy).txt
- strings TblOfContents.txt
- strings header.ndf
- strings- unicode chars by decInt combinations.txt
- strings.ndf
- symbolic reduction.ndf
- symbols flatliner derivations/
- translate - see port and symbols.txt
- txtFile - replace coded segments.ndf
- txtFile compare.ndf
- type_check.ndf
- types (copy).ndf
- types [atomic, nested].link.txt
- types atomic TblOfContents.txt
- types atomic.ndf
- types nested TblOfContents.txt
- types nested.ndf
- uni2ascii/
- video production/
- virus - clamscan output filtering of viruses found.ndf
- virus - remove emails with virus.ndf
- vlc_kill.ndf
- vlc_kill.txt
- webSite/
- window menus - alternative, old setup.ndf
- windows - header.ndf
- windows - see also 0_vidProdn - common data, operators.ndf.txt
- windows system for startup.ndf
- windows.ndf
- workFlow loop.ndf
- writeBreak.ndf