"Notes" "VAERS ID" "VAERS ID Code" "Symptoms" "Symptoms Code" "Age" "Age Code" Adverse Event Description "0909095-1" "0909095-1" "FOAMING AT MOUTH" "10062654" "65-79 years" "65-79" "on 12/24/2020 the resident was sleepy and stayed in bed most of the shift. He stated he was doing okay but requested pain medication for his legs at 250PM. At 255AM on 12/25/2020 the resident was observed in bed lying still, pale, eyes half open and foam coming from mouth and unresponsive. He was not breathing and with no pulse" "0909095-1" "0909095-1" "PAIN IN EXTREMITY" "10033425" "65-79 years" "65-79" "on 12/24/2020 the resident was sleepy and stayed in bed most of the shift. He stated he was doing okay but requested pain medication for his legs at 250PM. At 255AM on 12/25/2020 the resident was observed in bed lying still, pale, eyes half open and foam coming from mouth and unresponsive. He was not breathing and with no pulse" "0909095-1" "0909095-1" "PALLOR" "10033546" "65-79 years" "65-79" "on 12/24/2020 the resident was sleepy and stayed in bed most of the shift. He stated he was doing okay but requested pain medication for his legs at 250PM. At 255AM on 12/25/2020 the resident was observed in bed lying still, pale, eyes half open and foam coming from mouth and unresponsive. He was not breathing and with no pulse" "0909095-1" "0909095-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "on 12/24/2020 the resident was sleepy and stayed in bed most of the shift. He stated he was doing okay but requested pain medication for his legs at 250PM. At 255AM on 12/25/2020 the resident was observed in bed lying still, pale, eyes half open and foam coming from mouth and unresponsive. He was not breathing and with no pulse" "0909095-1" "0909095-1" "RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10038669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "on 12/24/2020 the resident was sleepy and stayed in bed most of the shift. He stated he was doing okay but requested pain medication for his legs at 250PM. At 255AM on 12/25/2020 the resident was observed in bed lying still, pale, eyes half open and foam coming from mouth and unresponsive. He was not breathing and with no pulse" "0909095-1" "0909095-1" "SOMNOLENCE" "10041349" "65-79 years" "65-79" "on 12/24/2020 the resident was sleepy and stayed in bed most of the shift. He stated he was doing okay but requested pain medication for his legs at 250PM. At 255AM on 12/25/2020 the resident was observed in bed lying still, pale, eyes half open and foam coming from mouth and unresponsive. He was not breathing and with no pulse" "0909095-1" "0909095-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "on 12/24/2020 the resident was sleepy and stayed in bed most of the shift. He stated he was doing okay but requested pain medication for his legs at 250PM. At 255AM on 12/25/2020 the resident was observed in bed lying still, pale, eyes half open and foam coming from mouth and unresponsive. He was not breathing and with no pulse" "0917793-1" "0917793-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Prior to the administration of the COVID 19 vaccine, the nursing home had an outbreak of COVID-19. Patient was vaccinated and about a week later she tested positive for COVID-19. She had underlying thyroid and diabetes disease. She died as a result of COVID-19 and her underlying health conditions and not as a result of the vaccine." "0917793-1" "0917793-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Prior to the administration of the COVID 19 vaccine, the nursing home had an outbreak of COVID-19. Patient was vaccinated and about a week later she tested positive for COVID-19. She had underlying thyroid and diabetes disease. She died as a result of COVID-19 and her underlying health conditions and not as a result of the vaccine." "0917793-1" "0917793-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Prior to the administration of the COVID 19 vaccine, the nursing home had an outbreak of COVID-19. Patient was vaccinated and about a week later she tested positive for COVID-19. She had underlying thyroid and diabetes disease. She died as a result of COVID-19 and her underlying health conditions and not as a result of the vaccine." "0918388-1" "0918388-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident found unresponsive without pulse, respirations at 04:30 CPR performed, expired at 04:52 by Rescue" "0918388-1" "0918388-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident found unresponsive without pulse, respirations at 04:30 CPR performed, expired at 04:52 by Rescue" "0918388-1" "0918388-1" "RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10038669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident found unresponsive without pulse, respirations at 04:30 CPR performed, expired at 04:52 by Rescue" "0918388-1" "0918388-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident found unresponsive without pulse, respirations at 04:30 CPR performed, expired at 04:52 by Rescue" "0918388-1" "0918388-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident found unresponsive without pulse, respirations at 04:30 CPR performed, expired at 04:52 by Rescue" "0918418-1" "0918418-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident became SOB, congested and hypoxic requiring oxygen, respiratory treatments and suctioning. Stabilized after treatment and for the next 72 hours with oxygen saturations in the 90s. On 1/3/2021 was found without pulse and respirations. Resident was a DNR on Hospice." "0918418-1" "0918418-1" "HOSPICE CARE" "10067973" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident became SOB, congested and hypoxic requiring oxygen, respiratory treatments and suctioning. Stabilized after treatment and for the next 72 hours with oxygen saturations in the 90s. On 1/3/2021 was found without pulse and respirations. Resident was a DNR on Hospice." "0918418-1" "0918418-1" "HYPOXIA" "10021143" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident became SOB, congested and hypoxic requiring oxygen, respiratory treatments and suctioning. Stabilized after treatment and for the next 72 hours with oxygen saturations in the 90s. On 1/3/2021 was found without pulse and respirations. Resident was a DNR on Hospice." "0918418-1" "0918418-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident became SOB, congested and hypoxic requiring oxygen, respiratory treatments and suctioning. Stabilized after treatment and for the next 72 hours with oxygen saturations in the 90s. On 1/3/2021 was found without pulse and respirations. Resident was a DNR on Hospice." "0918418-1" "0918418-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident became SOB, congested and hypoxic requiring oxygen, respiratory treatments and suctioning. Stabilized after treatment and for the next 72 hours with oxygen saturations in the 90s. On 1/3/2021 was found without pulse and respirations. Resident was a DNR on Hospice." "0918418-1" "0918418-1" "RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10038669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident became SOB, congested and hypoxic requiring oxygen, respiratory treatments and suctioning. Stabilized after treatment and for the next 72 hours with oxygen saturations in the 90s. On 1/3/2021 was found without pulse and respirations. Resident was a DNR on Hospice." "0918418-1" "0918418-1" "RESPIRATORY TRACT CONGESTION" "10052251" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident became SOB, congested and hypoxic requiring oxygen, respiratory treatments and suctioning. Stabilized after treatment and for the next 72 hours with oxygen saturations in the 90s. On 1/3/2021 was found without pulse and respirations. Resident was a DNR on Hospice." "0921547-1" "0921547-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "DEATH ON 1/4/2021, RESIDENT RECIEVED VACCINE ON 1/2/20" "0927189-1" "0927189-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was vaccinated at 11am and was found at the facility in his room deceased at approximately 3:00pm. Nurse did not have cause of death" "0929359-1" "0929359-1" "BREATH SOUNDS ABNORMAL" "10064780" "65-79 years" "65-79" "3:07 pm lung sounds diminished oxygen sats 68%, oxygen applied Oxygen sats remained low for next 36 hours ( patient on Hospice care ) expired 6:22 am 1-8-21" "0929359-1" "0929359-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "3:07 pm lung sounds diminished oxygen sats 68%, oxygen applied Oxygen sats remained low for next 36 hours ( patient on Hospice care ) expired 6:22 am 1-8-21" "0929359-1" "0929359-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "3:07 pm lung sounds diminished oxygen sats 68%, oxygen applied Oxygen sats remained low for next 36 hours ( patient on Hospice care ) expired 6:22 am 1-8-21" "0935222-1" "0935222-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was reported to be deceased at home by law enforcement on 1/7/21" "0940855-1" "0940855-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received her vaccination on 1/12/21 administered by pharmacy*+. She expired on 1/12/21 an approximately 7:30pm. Resident did not have any adverse reactions and was a hospice patient." "0948228-1" "0948228-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient reportedly expired the day following receipt of the vaccine." "0949474-1" "0949474-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident had lunch on 01/14/21 and after lunch around 2:00pm, he vomited and stopped breathing. We coded the resident and 911 paramedics came. They pronounced him dead at 2:18pm." "0949474-1" "0949474-1" "RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10038669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident had lunch on 01/14/21 and after lunch around 2:00pm, he vomited and stopped breathing. We coded the resident and 911 paramedics came. They pronounced him dead at 2:18pm." "0949474-1" "0949474-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident had lunch on 01/14/21 and after lunch around 2:00pm, he vomited and stopped breathing. We coded the resident and 911 paramedics came. They pronounced him dead at 2:18pm." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "ADJUSTED CALCIUM" "10074756" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE INCREASED" "10001551" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "ALBUMIN GLOBULIN RATIO" "10001562" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "ANION GAP" "10002522" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE INCREASED" "10003481" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "BAND NEUTROPHIL PERCENTAGE DECREASED" "10059130" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "BASOPHIL COUNT NORMAL" "10004170" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "BASOPHIL PERCENTAGE" "10059471" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "BLOOD ALBUMIN NORMAL" "10005289" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "BLOOD ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE INCREASED" "10059570" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "BLOOD BILIRUBIN NORMAL" "10005367" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "BLOOD CALCIUM NORMAL" "10005397" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "BLOOD CHLORIDE DECREASED" "10005419" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "BLOOD CREATININE NORMAL" "10005484" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "BLOOD GLUCOSE NORMAL" "10005558" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "BLOOD MAGNESIUM INCREASED" "10005655" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "BLOOD POTASSIUM DECREASED" "10005724" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "BLOOD SODIUM DECREASED" "10005802" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "BLOOD UREA NITROGEN/CREATININE RATIO" "10059899" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "BLOOD UREA NORMAL" "10005857" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "CARBON DIOXIDE NORMAL" "10007228" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "DIFFERENTIAL WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT ABNORMAL" "10012785" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "ECHOCARDIOGRAM ABNORMAL" "10061593" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "EOSINOPHIL COUNT NORMAL" "10014946" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "EOSINOPHIL PERCENTAGE" "10059464" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "FULL BLOOD COUNT ABNORMAL" "10017412" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "GLOBULIN" "10018342" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE" "10018355" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "HAEMATOCRIT NORMAL" "10018842" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "HAEMOGLOBIN NORMAL" "10018890" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "IMMATURE GRANULOCYTE PERCENTAGE INCREASED" "10082033" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "LYMPHOCYTE COUNT NORMAL" "10025260" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "LYMPHOCYTE PERCENTAGE INCREASED" "10052232" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "MEAN CELL HAEMOGLOBIN CONCENTRATION DECREASED" "10026991" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "MEAN CELL HAEMOGLOBIN NORMAL" "10026997" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "MEAN CELL VOLUME INCREASED" "10027004" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "MEAN PLATELET VOLUME INCREASED" "10055052" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "METABOLIC FUNCTION TEST ABNORMAL" "10061286" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "MONOCYTE COUNT NORMAL" "10027882" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "MONOCYTE PERCENTAGE" "10059473" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "NEUTROPHIL COUNT NORMAL" "10029370" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "NEUTROPHIL PERCENTAGE DECREASED" "10052223" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "NEUTROPHIL TOXIC GRANULATION PRESENT" "10029378" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "PLATELET COUNT NORMAL" "10035530" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "PROTEIN TOTAL NORMAL" "10037017" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "PUPIL FIXED" "10037515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "RED BLOOD CELL COUNT NORMAL" "10038157" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "RED BLOOD CELL NUCLEATED MORPHOLOGY PRESENT" "10038165" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "RED CELL DISTRIBUTION WIDTH NORMAL" "10053922" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION" "10047290" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0950441-1" "0950441-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT NORMAL" "10047944" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt had witnessed arrest by wife. Pt wife started CPR and called EMS. CPR started at 15:12. Continued by EMS. Pt arrived to medical center asystole with CRP in progress and ventilated via igel device. He was in refractory ventricular fibrillation and continued CPR for a total of 1 hour. At that point, we checked a bedside ultrasound which showed his heart at a standstill. He was unresponsive to verbal and tactile stimulus and had fixed unreactive pupils. He was pronounced at 16:13." "0952204-1" "0952204-1" "AUTOPSY" "10050117" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient became sick 3 hours after the vaccine and was found deceased 1 day after his vaccination. He passed away in his sleep." "0952204-1" "0952204-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient became sick 3 hours after the vaccine and was found deceased 1 day after his vaccination. He passed away in his sleep." "0952204-1" "0952204-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient became sick 3 hours after the vaccine and was found deceased 1 day after his vaccination. He passed away in his sleep." "0953785-1" "0953785-1" "AUTOPSY" "10050117" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death" "0953785-1" "0953785-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death" "0956994-1" "0956994-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient had severe shortness of breath resulting in cardiac arrest on the 5th day after the vaccine. Shortness of breath started 12 hours after injection. On the 5th day, the patient was discovered to also have a rash throughout his body, but it is unknown when this rash started." "0956994-1" "0956994-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient had severe shortness of breath resulting in cardiac arrest on the 5th day after the vaccine. Shortness of breath started 12 hours after injection. On the 5th day, the patient was discovered to also have a rash throughout his body, but it is unknown when this rash started." "0956994-1" "0956994-1" "RASH" "10037844" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient had severe shortness of breath resulting in cardiac arrest on the 5th day after the vaccine. Shortness of breath started 12 hours after injection. On the 5th day, the patient was discovered to also have a rash throughout his body, but it is unknown when this rash started." "0958565-1" "0958565-1" "ARRHYTHMIA" "10003119" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Clients wife reported on 1/18/2021, that her husband died unexpectedly the day after receiving the COVID 19 vaccine. I called and spoke with her. She stated that the client had started experienced some tightness in his chest the evening of 1/11/2021. She stated that it was normal for him to have the tightness in his chest if he got stressed. She stated that she found him on the garage floor on 1/12/2021 at 2120. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital. She stated that the hospital told her that his COPD had caused him to go into arrythmia." "0958565-1" "0958565-1" "CHEST DISCOMFORT" "10008469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Clients wife reported on 1/18/2021, that her husband died unexpectedly the day after receiving the COVID 19 vaccine. I called and spoke with her. She stated that the client had started experienced some tightness in his chest the evening of 1/11/2021. She stated that it was normal for him to have the tightness in his chest if he got stressed. She stated that she found him on the garage floor on 1/12/2021 at 2120. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital. She stated that the hospital told her that his COPD had caused him to go into arrythmia." "0958565-1" "0958565-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Clients wife reported on 1/18/2021, that her husband died unexpectedly the day after receiving the COVID 19 vaccine. I called and spoke with her. She stated that the client had started experienced some tightness in his chest the evening of 1/11/2021. She stated that it was normal for him to have the tightness in his chest if he got stressed. She stated that she found him on the garage floor on 1/12/2021 at 2120. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital. She stated that the hospital told her that his COPD had caused him to go into arrythmia." "0958745-1" "0958745-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident was noted to have increase weakness on 1/15/2021. Resident was warm to touch with low grade fever of 99.3 F. Resident was up propelling self in w/c on 1/16/2021 he was pleasant, accepted medications and ate lunch. He was found slumped over in his w/c not responding and vital signs absent." "0958745-1" "0958745-1" "FALL" "10016173" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident was noted to have increase weakness on 1/15/2021. Resident was warm to touch with low grade fever of 99.3 F. Resident was up propelling self in w/c on 1/16/2021 he was pleasant, accepted medications and ate lunch. He was found slumped over in his w/c not responding and vital signs absent." "0958745-1" "0958745-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident was noted to have increase weakness on 1/15/2021. Resident was warm to touch with low grade fever of 99.3 F. Resident was up propelling self in w/c on 1/16/2021 he was pleasant, accepted medications and ate lunch. He was found slumped over in his w/c not responding and vital signs absent." "0958745-1" "0958745-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident was noted to have increase weakness on 1/15/2021. Resident was warm to touch with low grade fever of 99.3 F. Resident was up propelling self in w/c on 1/16/2021 he was pleasant, accepted medications and ate lunch. He was found slumped over in his w/c not responding and vital signs absent." "0958745-1" "0958745-1" "SKIN WARM" "10040952" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident was noted to have increase weakness on 1/15/2021. Resident was warm to touch with low grade fever of 99.3 F. Resident was up propelling self in w/c on 1/16/2021 he was pleasant, accepted medications and ate lunch. He was found slumped over in his w/c not responding and vital signs absent." "0958745-1" "0958745-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident was noted to have increase weakness on 1/15/2021. Resident was warm to touch with low grade fever of 99.3 F. Resident was up propelling self in w/c on 1/16/2021 he was pleasant, accepted medications and ate lunch. He was found slumped over in his w/c not responding and vital signs absent." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE INCREASED" "10001551" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE INCREASED" "10003481" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "BLOOD ALBUMIN DECREASED" "10005287" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "BLOOD BILIRUBIN NORMAL" "10005367" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "BLOOD CALCIUM DECREASED" "10005395" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "BLOOD CHLORIDE DECREASED" "10005419" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "BLOOD CREATININE INCREASED" "10005483" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "BLOOD CULTURE NEGATIVE" "10005486" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "BLOOD GLUCOSE INCREASED" "10005557" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "BLOOD LACTIC ACID" "10005632" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "BLOOD MAGNESIUM NORMAL" "10005656" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "BLOOD PHOSPHORUS INCREASED" "10050196" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "BLOOD POTASSIUM NORMAL" "10005726" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "BLOOD SODIUM NORMAL" "10005804" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "BLOOD UREA INCREASED" "10005851" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "CULTURE URINE NEGATIVE" "10011639" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION" "10052337" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "ECHOCARDIOGRAM ABNORMAL" "10061593" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "EJECTION FRACTION DECREASED" "10050528" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "HAEMATOCRIT DECREASED" "10018838" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "HAEMOGLOBIN DECREASED" "10018884" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "HYPERKALAEMIA" "10020646" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "LEFT VENTRICULAR DYSFUNCTION" "10049694" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "LEFT VENTRICULAR HYPERTROPHY" "10049773" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "PLATELET COUNT NORMAL" "10035530" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "PULSELESS ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY" "10058151" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST NEGATIVE" "10084273" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "TROPONIN INCREASED" "10058267" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION" "10047290" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "VENTRICULAR HYPOKINESIA" "10050510" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959179-1" "0959179-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT INCREASED" "10047943" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID-19 vaccination on 1/14/2021. On 1/17/2021, patient was transferred to Hospital s/p multiple cardiac arrests. Patient was hyperkalemic and in acute renal failure at time of transfer. Hyperkalemia was treated, but the patient suffered PEA vs VFib. At the time of transfer, patient was on vasopressin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. The patient had an EF of 40-45% and elevated troponins. Patient was made DNR and placed on comfort care. Patient passed away on 1/18/2021. Ultimately we suspect that the patients condition was a direct result of his underlying disease states, but wanted to make sure reporting was made available." "0959568-1" "0959568-1" "ANEURYSM RUPTURED" "10048380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received her first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccination on Saturday January 16th 2021 at approximately 12pm. She completed all necessary screening forms and was deemed to be at low risk for serious allergic reactions. She tolerated the vaccination well, and no complications or immediate adverse events occurred. She was observed for a full 15 mins per CDPHE/CDC guidelines and left the Clinic in stable condition after her observation period was complete. On the morning of Tuesday, January 19th, 2021, the patient was found unconscious and unresponsive by her husband. She was transferred by Ambulance to Hospital shortly thereafter. She was diagnosed with a brain bleed that was determined to be inoperable. She was transferred to other Hospital for higher level care. She was seen by neurosurgery and diagnosed with a ruptured aneurysm. She was treated in the ICU for 24 hours, at which point her team determined that the severity of her brain bleed would not respond to treatment. Supportive cares were withdrawn on Wednesday Jan 20th, and she passed away shortly thereafter." "0959568-1" "0959568-1" "CEREBRAL HAEMORRHAGE" "10008111" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received her first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccination on Saturday January 16th 2021 at approximately 12pm. She completed all necessary screening forms and was deemed to be at low risk for serious allergic reactions. She tolerated the vaccination well, and no complications or immediate adverse events occurred. She was observed for a full 15 mins per CDPHE/CDC guidelines and left the Clinic in stable condition after her observation period was complete. On the morning of Tuesday, January 19th, 2021, the patient was found unconscious and unresponsive by her husband. She was transferred by Ambulance to Hospital shortly thereafter. She was diagnosed with a brain bleed that was determined to be inoperable. She was transferred to other Hospital for higher level care. She was seen by neurosurgery and diagnosed with a ruptured aneurysm. She was treated in the ICU for 24 hours, at which point her team determined that the severity of her brain bleed would not respond to treatment. Supportive cares were withdrawn on Wednesday Jan 20th, and she passed away shortly thereafter." "0959568-1" "0959568-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received her first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccination on Saturday January 16th 2021 at approximately 12pm. She completed all necessary screening forms and was deemed to be at low risk for serious allergic reactions. She tolerated the vaccination well, and no complications or immediate adverse events occurred. She was observed for a full 15 mins per CDPHE/CDC guidelines and left the Clinic in stable condition after her observation period was complete. On the morning of Tuesday, January 19th, 2021, the patient was found unconscious and unresponsive by her husband. She was transferred by Ambulance to Hospital shortly thereafter. She was diagnosed with a brain bleed that was determined to be inoperable. She was transferred to other Hospital for higher level care. She was seen by neurosurgery and diagnosed with a ruptured aneurysm. She was treated in the ICU for 24 hours, at which point her team determined that the severity of her brain bleed would not respond to treatment. Supportive cares were withdrawn on Wednesday Jan 20th, and she passed away shortly thereafter." "0959568-1" "0959568-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received her first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccination on Saturday January 16th 2021 at approximately 12pm. She completed all necessary screening forms and was deemed to be at low risk for serious allergic reactions. She tolerated the vaccination well, and no complications or immediate adverse events occurred. She was observed for a full 15 mins per CDPHE/CDC guidelines and left the Clinic in stable condition after her observation period was complete. On the morning of Tuesday, January 19th, 2021, the patient was found unconscious and unresponsive by her husband. She was transferred by Ambulance to Hospital shortly thereafter. She was diagnosed with a brain bleed that was determined to be inoperable. She was transferred to other Hospital for higher level care. She was seen by neurosurgery and diagnosed with a ruptured aneurysm. She was treated in the ICU for 24 hours, at which point her team determined that the severity of her brain bleed would not respond to treatment. Supportive cares were withdrawn on Wednesday Jan 20th, and she passed away shortly thereafter." "0959568-1" "0959568-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received her first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccination on Saturday January 16th 2021 at approximately 12pm. She completed all necessary screening forms and was deemed to be at low risk for serious allergic reactions. She tolerated the vaccination well, and no complications or immediate adverse events occurred. She was observed for a full 15 mins per CDPHE/CDC guidelines and left the Clinic in stable condition after her observation period was complete. On the morning of Tuesday, January 19th, 2021, the patient was found unconscious and unresponsive by her husband. She was transferred by Ambulance to Hospital shortly thereafter. She was diagnosed with a brain bleed that was determined to be inoperable. She was transferred to other Hospital for higher level care. She was seen by neurosurgery and diagnosed with a ruptured aneurysm. She was treated in the ICU for 24 hours, at which point her team determined that the severity of her brain bleed would not respond to treatment. Supportive cares were withdrawn on Wednesday Jan 20th, and she passed away shortly thereafter." "0959568-1" "0959568-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received her first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccination on Saturday January 16th 2021 at approximately 12pm. She completed all necessary screening forms and was deemed to be at low risk for serious allergic reactions. She tolerated the vaccination well, and no complications or immediate adverse events occurred. She was observed for a full 15 mins per CDPHE/CDC guidelines and left the Clinic in stable condition after her observation period was complete. On the morning of Tuesday, January 19th, 2021, the patient was found unconscious and unresponsive by her husband. She was transferred by Ambulance to Hospital shortly thereafter. She was diagnosed with a brain bleed that was determined to be inoperable. She was transferred to other Hospital for higher level care. She was seen by neurosurgery and diagnosed with a ruptured aneurysm. She was treated in the ICU for 24 hours, at which point her team determined that the severity of her brain bleed would not respond to treatment. Supportive cares were withdrawn on Wednesday Jan 20th, and she passed away shortly thereafter." "0959591-1" "0959591-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident has increase weakness and lethargy with abnormal labs. He was transferred to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and treated for worsening AKI and hypotension." "0959591-1" "0959591-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident has increase weakness and lethargy with abnormal labs. He was transferred to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and treated for worsening AKI and hypotension." "0959591-1" "0959591-1" "BLOOD CHLORIDE DECREASED" "10005419" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident has increase weakness and lethargy with abnormal labs. He was transferred to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and treated for worsening AKI and hypotension." "0959591-1" "0959591-1" "BLOOD GLUCOSE NORMAL" "10005558" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident has increase weakness and lethargy with abnormal labs. He was transferred to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and treated for worsening AKI and hypotension." "0959591-1" "0959591-1" "BLOOD SODIUM DECREASED" "10005802" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident has increase weakness and lethargy with abnormal labs. He was transferred to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and treated for worsening AKI and hypotension." "0959591-1" "0959591-1" "BLOOD UREA INCREASED" "10005851" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident has increase weakness and lethargy with abnormal labs. He was transferred to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and treated for worsening AKI and hypotension." "0959591-1" "0959591-1" "FULL BLOOD COUNT" "10017411" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident has increase weakness and lethargy with abnormal labs. He was transferred to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and treated for worsening AKI and hypotension." "0959591-1" "0959591-1" "HYPORESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10071552" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident has increase weakness and lethargy with abnormal labs. He was transferred to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and treated for worsening AKI and hypotension." "0959591-1" "0959591-1" "HYPOTENSION" "10021097" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident has increase weakness and lethargy with abnormal labs. He was transferred to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and treated for worsening AKI and hypotension." "0959591-1" "0959591-1" "LETHARGY" "10024264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident has increase weakness and lethargy with abnormal labs. He was transferred to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and treated for worsening AKI and hypotension." "0959591-1" "0959591-1" "METABOLIC FUNCTION TEST" "10062191" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident has increase weakness and lethargy with abnormal labs. He was transferred to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and treated for worsening AKI and hypotension." "0959591-1" "0959591-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT INCREASED" "10047943" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident has increase weakness and lethargy with abnormal labs. He was transferred to the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and treated for worsening AKI and hypotension." "0961776-1" "0961776-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1/13/2021 12:00 PM: Patient received COVID-19 Vaccine. 1/14/2021 21:00: Nurse performed routine rounds and the patient appeared okay. 1/14/2021 22:00: CNA discovered patient unresponsive in bed, began CPR, and called 911. 1/14/2021 23:08: Pronounced deceased." "0961776-1" "0961776-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1/13/2021 12:00 PM: Patient received COVID-19 Vaccine. 1/14/2021 21:00: Nurse performed routine rounds and the patient appeared okay. 1/14/2021 22:00: CNA discovered patient unresponsive in bed, began CPR, and called 911. 1/14/2021 23:08: Pronounced deceased." "0961776-1" "0961776-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1/13/2021 12:00 PM: Patient received COVID-19 Vaccine. 1/14/2021 21:00: Nurse performed routine rounds and the patient appeared okay. 1/14/2021 22:00: CNA discovered patient unresponsive in bed, began CPR, and called 911. 1/14/2021 23:08: Pronounced deceased." "0962764-1" "0962764-1" "CARDIAC FAILURE CHRONIC" "10007558" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient did not have any adverse reaction to the COVID vaccine, but we were asked by our health dept to submit a VAERS report since the patient died between his first and second dose. Received Pfizer Dose #1 12/17/2020. No side effects or adverse events noted; lived in 24/7 care facility and monitored twice daily for reaction. Date of death 12/23/2020 from aspiration pneumonia complicated by end-stage heart failure and ischemic cardiomyopathy. Death was anticipated and not sudden." "0962764-1" "0962764-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient did not have any adverse reaction to the COVID vaccine, but we were asked by our health dept to submit a VAERS report since the patient died between his first and second dose. Received Pfizer Dose #1 12/17/2020. No side effects or adverse events noted; lived in 24/7 care facility and monitored twice daily for reaction. Date of death 12/23/2020 from aspiration pneumonia complicated by end-stage heart failure and ischemic cardiomyopathy. Death was anticipated and not sudden." "0962764-1" "0962764-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient did not have any adverse reaction to the COVID vaccine, but we were asked by our health dept to submit a VAERS report since the patient died between his first and second dose. Received Pfizer Dose #1 12/17/2020. No side effects or adverse events noted; lived in 24/7 care facility and monitored twice daily for reaction. Date of death 12/23/2020 from aspiration pneumonia complicated by end-stage heart failure and ischemic cardiomyopathy. Death was anticipated and not sudden." "0962764-1" "0962764-1" "ISCHAEMIC CARDIOMYOPATHY" "10048858" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient did not have any adverse reaction to the COVID vaccine, but we were asked by our health dept to submit a VAERS report since the patient died between his first and second dose. Received Pfizer Dose #1 12/17/2020. No side effects or adverse events noted; lived in 24/7 care facility and monitored twice daily for reaction. Date of death 12/23/2020 from aspiration pneumonia complicated by end-stage heart failure and ischemic cardiomyopathy. Death was anticipated and not sudden." "0962764-1" "0962764-1" "PNEUMONIA ASPIRATION" "10035669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient did not have any adverse reaction to the COVID vaccine, but we were asked by our health dept to submit a VAERS report since the patient died between his first and second dose. Received Pfizer Dose #1 12/17/2020. No side effects or adverse events noted; lived in 24/7 care facility and monitored twice daily for reaction. Date of death 12/23/2020 from aspiration pneumonia complicated by end-stage heart failure and ischemic cardiomyopathy. Death was anticipated and not sudden." "0964617-1" "0964617-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death, which I believe is unrelated to vaccination" "0964724-1" "0964724-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death 1-15-21" "0969220-1" "0969220-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient expired one week after vaccine. Cause of death unknown to me." "0969363-1" "0969363-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient obtained initial dose of Moderna vaccine on Thurday, Jan 14. No adverse effects reported during initial 15 minute post vaccine waiting period. Saturday morning (Jan 16), patient developed severe cough, labored breathing, and fever. Additionally patient mental status changed suddenly, became non-communicative (unable to speak, but would scream if she was touched). O2 status was irregular, dropping to 78. Sunday morning, EMT and then hospice was hospice called. Monday morning, after hospice emergency kit was initiated, patient passed away." "0969363-1" "0969363-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient obtained initial dose of Moderna vaccine on Thurday, Jan 14. No adverse effects reported during initial 15 minute post vaccine waiting period. Saturday morning (Jan 16), patient developed severe cough, labored breathing, and fever. Additionally patient mental status changed suddenly, became non-communicative (unable to speak, but would scream if she was touched). O2 status was irregular, dropping to 78. Sunday morning, EMT and then hospice was hospice called. Monday morning, after hospice emergency kit was initiated, patient passed away." "0969363-1" "0969363-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient obtained initial dose of Moderna vaccine on Thurday, Jan 14. No adverse effects reported during initial 15 minute post vaccine waiting period. Saturday morning (Jan 16), patient developed severe cough, labored breathing, and fever. Additionally patient mental status changed suddenly, became non-communicative (unable to speak, but would scream if she was touched). O2 status was irregular, dropping to 78. Sunday morning, EMT and then hospice was hospice called. Monday morning, after hospice emergency kit was initiated, patient passed away." "0969363-1" "0969363-1" "HYPERAESTHESIA" "10020568" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient obtained initial dose of Moderna vaccine on Thurday, Jan 14. No adverse effects reported during initial 15 minute post vaccine waiting period. Saturday morning (Jan 16), patient developed severe cough, labored breathing, and fever. Additionally patient mental status changed suddenly, became non-communicative (unable to speak, but would scream if she was touched). O2 status was irregular, dropping to 78. Sunday morning, EMT and then hospice was hospice called. Monday morning, after hospice emergency kit was initiated, patient passed away." "0969363-1" "0969363-1" "MENTAL STATUS CHANGES" "10048294" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient obtained initial dose of Moderna vaccine on Thurday, Jan 14. No adverse effects reported during initial 15 minute post vaccine waiting period. Saturday morning (Jan 16), patient developed severe cough, labored breathing, and fever. Additionally patient mental status changed suddenly, became non-communicative (unable to speak, but would scream if she was touched). O2 status was irregular, dropping to 78. Sunday morning, EMT and then hospice was hospice called. Monday morning, after hospice emergency kit was initiated, patient passed away." "0969363-1" "0969363-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient obtained initial dose of Moderna vaccine on Thurday, Jan 14. No adverse effects reported during initial 15 minute post vaccine waiting period. Saturday morning (Jan 16), patient developed severe cough, labored breathing, and fever. Additionally patient mental status changed suddenly, became non-communicative (unable to speak, but would scream if she was touched). O2 status was irregular, dropping to 78. Sunday morning, EMT and then hospice was hospice called. Monday morning, after hospice emergency kit was initiated, patient passed away." "0969363-1" "0969363-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient obtained initial dose of Moderna vaccine on Thurday, Jan 14. No adverse effects reported during initial 15 minute post vaccine waiting period. Saturday morning (Jan 16), patient developed severe cough, labored breathing, and fever. Additionally patient mental status changed suddenly, became non-communicative (unable to speak, but would scream if she was touched). O2 status was irregular, dropping to 78. Sunday morning, EMT and then hospice was hospice called. Monday morning, after hospice emergency kit was initiated, patient passed away." "0969363-1" "0969363-1" "SCREAMING" "10039740" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient obtained initial dose of Moderna vaccine on Thurday, Jan 14. No adverse effects reported during initial 15 minute post vaccine waiting period. Saturday morning (Jan 16), patient developed severe cough, labored breathing, and fever. Additionally patient mental status changed suddenly, became non-communicative (unable to speak, but would scream if she was touched). O2 status was irregular, dropping to 78. Sunday morning, EMT and then hospice was hospice called. Monday morning, after hospice emergency kit was initiated, patient passed away." "0969363-1" "0969363-1" "SPEECH DISORDER" "10041466" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient obtained initial dose of Moderna vaccine on Thurday, Jan 14. No adverse effects reported during initial 15 minute post vaccine waiting period. Saturday morning (Jan 16), patient developed severe cough, labored breathing, and fever. Additionally patient mental status changed suddenly, became non-communicative (unable to speak, but would scream if she was touched). O2 status was irregular, dropping to 78. Sunday morning, EMT and then hospice was hospice called. Monday morning, after hospice emergency kit was initiated, patient passed away." "0972394-1" "0972394-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Died about 24 hours later" "0972610-1" "0972610-1" "ABNORMAL BEHAVIOUR" "10061422" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient was tested positive for Covid-19 on 12/9/20. Patient received Covid Vaccine on 1/21/21. Patient was observing for 15 minutes in treatment room by Nursing staff. Patient denied any signs/symptoms adverse effect: headache, dizziness & weakness, difficulty breathing, muscle pain, chills, nausea and vomiting, and fever . Patient seated on treatment table appeared to be relaxed, respiration even and unlabored. Health teaching provided. Patient educated to report any changes in condition to staff immediately. Patient verbalized understanding and able to verbalize signs and symptoms and adverse effects to be aware of related vaccine. On 1/22/21: patient was seen by medical provider for ""altered behavior"". Per medical provider's documentation: ""Patient was fallen on 1/2/21 and was sent out to outside hospital on 1/4/21. CT head: no intracranial abnormality, age-related changes. Patient had labs (B12, RPR, folate) were within normal limit"". We did MMSE today: 22/30 score ""mild dementia"" On 1/23/20: ""Patient was inside his cell. He was walking towards cell door to obtain his breakfast, when custody witnessed him collapse and activated the alarm. Nursing staff arrived at cell front at 06:34 am and found the patient pulseless and unresponsive, and CPR was immediately initiated. AED was attached at 06:35 am and no shock advised. AMR then arrived and patient did not have ROSC, and was pronounced dead at 06:54 am."""" "0972610-1" "0972610-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient was tested positive for Covid-19 on 12/9/20. Patient received Covid Vaccine on 1/21/21. Patient was observing for 15 minutes in treatment room by Nursing staff. Patient denied any signs/symptoms adverse effect: headache, dizziness & weakness, difficulty breathing, muscle pain, chills, nausea and vomiting, and fever . Patient seated on treatment table appeared to be relaxed, respiration even and unlabored. Health teaching provided. Patient educated to report any changes in condition to staff immediately. Patient verbalized understanding and able to verbalize signs and symptoms and adverse effects to be aware of related vaccine. On 1/22/21: patient was seen by medical provider for ""altered behavior"". Per medical provider's documentation: ""Patient was fallen on 1/2/21 and was sent out to outside hospital on 1/4/21. CT head: no intracranial abnormality, age-related changes. Patient had labs (B12, RPR, folate) were within normal limit"". We did MMSE today: 22/30 score ""mild dementia"" On 1/23/20: ""Patient was inside his cell. He was walking towards cell door to obtain his breakfast, when custody witnessed him collapse and activated the alarm. Nursing staff arrived at cell front at 06:34 am and found the patient pulseless and unresponsive, and CPR was immediately initiated. AED was attached at 06:35 am and no shock advised. AMR then arrived and patient did not have ROSC, and was pronounced dead at 06:54 am."""" "0972610-1" "0972610-1" "DEMENTIA" "10012267" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient was tested positive for Covid-19 on 12/9/20. Patient received Covid Vaccine on 1/21/21. Patient was observing for 15 minutes in treatment room by Nursing staff. Patient denied any signs/symptoms adverse effect: headache, dizziness & weakness, difficulty breathing, muscle pain, chills, nausea and vomiting, and fever . Patient seated on treatment table appeared to be relaxed, respiration even and unlabored. Health teaching provided. Patient educated to report any changes in condition to staff immediately. Patient verbalized understanding and able to verbalize signs and symptoms and adverse effects to be aware of related vaccine. On 1/22/21: patient was seen by medical provider for ""altered behavior"". Per medical provider's documentation: ""Patient was fallen on 1/2/21 and was sent out to outside hospital on 1/4/21. CT head: no intracranial abnormality, age-related changes. Patient had labs (B12, RPR, folate) were within normal limit"". We did MMSE today: 22/30 score ""mild dementia"" On 1/23/20: ""Patient was inside his cell. He was walking towards cell door to obtain his breakfast, when custody witnessed him collapse and activated the alarm. Nursing staff arrived at cell front at 06:34 am and found the patient pulseless and unresponsive, and CPR was immediately initiated. AED was attached at 06:35 am and no shock advised. AMR then arrived and patient did not have ROSC, and was pronounced dead at 06:54 am."""" "0972610-1" "0972610-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient was tested positive for Covid-19 on 12/9/20. Patient received Covid Vaccine on 1/21/21. Patient was observing for 15 minutes in treatment room by Nursing staff. Patient denied any signs/symptoms adverse effect: headache, dizziness & weakness, difficulty breathing, muscle pain, chills, nausea and vomiting, and fever . Patient seated on treatment table appeared to be relaxed, respiration even and unlabored. Health teaching provided. Patient educated to report any changes in condition to staff immediately. Patient verbalized understanding and able to verbalize signs and symptoms and adverse effects to be aware of related vaccine. On 1/22/21: patient was seen by medical provider for ""altered behavior"". Per medical provider's documentation: ""Patient was fallen on 1/2/21 and was sent out to outside hospital on 1/4/21. CT head: no intracranial abnormality, age-related changes. Patient had labs (B12, RPR, folate) were within normal limit"". We did MMSE today: 22/30 score ""mild dementia"" On 1/23/20: ""Patient was inside his cell. He was walking towards cell door to obtain his breakfast, when custody witnessed him collapse and activated the alarm. Nursing staff arrived at cell front at 06:34 am and found the patient pulseless and unresponsive, and CPR was immediately initiated. AED was attached at 06:35 am and no shock advised. AMR then arrived and patient did not have ROSC, and was pronounced dead at 06:54 am."""" "0972610-1" "0972610-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient was tested positive for Covid-19 on 12/9/20. Patient received Covid Vaccine on 1/21/21. Patient was observing for 15 minutes in treatment room by Nursing staff. Patient denied any signs/symptoms adverse effect: headache, dizziness & weakness, difficulty breathing, muscle pain, chills, nausea and vomiting, and fever . Patient seated on treatment table appeared to be relaxed, respiration even and unlabored. Health teaching provided. Patient educated to report any changes in condition to staff immediately. Patient verbalized understanding and able to verbalize signs and symptoms and adverse effects to be aware of related vaccine. On 1/22/21: patient was seen by medical provider for ""altered behavior"". Per medical provider's documentation: ""Patient was fallen on 1/2/21 and was sent out to outside hospital on 1/4/21. CT head: no intracranial abnormality, age-related changes. Patient had labs (B12, RPR, folate) were within normal limit"". We did MMSE today: 22/30 score ""mild dementia"" On 1/23/20: ""Patient was inside his cell. He was walking towards cell door to obtain his breakfast, when custody witnessed him collapse and activated the alarm. Nursing staff arrived at cell front at 06:34 am and found the patient pulseless and unresponsive, and CPR was immediately initiated. AED was attached at 06:35 am and no shock advised. AMR then arrived and patient did not have ROSC, and was pronounced dead at 06:54 am."""" "0972610-1" "0972610-1" "SYNCOPE" "10042772" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient was tested positive for Covid-19 on 12/9/20. Patient received Covid Vaccine on 1/21/21. Patient was observing for 15 minutes in treatment room by Nursing staff. Patient denied any signs/symptoms adverse effect: headache, dizziness & weakness, difficulty breathing, muscle pain, chills, nausea and vomiting, and fever . Patient seated on treatment table appeared to be relaxed, respiration even and unlabored. Health teaching provided. Patient educated to report any changes in condition to staff immediately. Patient verbalized understanding and able to verbalize signs and symptoms and adverse effects to be aware of related vaccine. On 1/22/21: patient was seen by medical provider for ""altered behavior"". Per medical provider's documentation: ""Patient was fallen on 1/2/21 and was sent out to outside hospital on 1/4/21. CT head: no intracranial abnormality, age-related changes. Patient had labs (B12, RPR, folate) were within normal limit"". We did MMSE today: 22/30 score ""mild dementia"" On 1/23/20: ""Patient was inside his cell. He was walking towards cell door to obtain his breakfast, when custody witnessed him collapse and activated the alarm. Nursing staff arrived at cell front at 06:34 am and found the patient pulseless and unresponsive, and CPR was immediately initiated. AED was attached at 06:35 am and no shock advised. AMR then arrived and patient did not have ROSC, and was pronounced dead at 06:54 am."""" "0972610-1" "0972610-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient was tested positive for Covid-19 on 12/9/20. Patient received Covid Vaccine on 1/21/21. Patient was observing for 15 minutes in treatment room by Nursing staff. Patient denied any signs/symptoms adverse effect: headache, dizziness & weakness, difficulty breathing, muscle pain, chills, nausea and vomiting, and fever . Patient seated on treatment table appeared to be relaxed, respiration even and unlabored. Health teaching provided. Patient educated to report any changes in condition to staff immediately. Patient verbalized understanding and able to verbalize signs and symptoms and adverse effects to be aware of related vaccine. On 1/22/21: patient was seen by medical provider for ""altered behavior"". Per medical provider's documentation: ""Patient was fallen on 1/2/21 and was sent out to outside hospital on 1/4/21. CT head: no intracranial abnormality, age-related changes. Patient had labs (B12, RPR, folate) were within normal limit"". We did MMSE today: 22/30 score ""mild dementia"" On 1/23/20: ""Patient was inside his cell. He was walking towards cell door to obtain his breakfast, when custody witnessed him collapse and activated the alarm. Nursing staff arrived at cell front at 06:34 am and found the patient pulseless and unresponsive, and CPR was immediately initiated. AED was attached at 06:35 am and no shock advised. AMR then arrived and patient did not have ROSC, and was pronounced dead at 06:54 am."""" "0979155-1" "0979155-1" "APHASIA" "10002948" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Jan 3 vaccine administered, jan 4 started headaches, vomiting, pain in the back of the neck, Headaches, chills, loss of speech," "0979155-1" "0979155-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Jan 3 vaccine administered, jan 4 started headaches, vomiting, pain in the back of the neck, Headaches, chills, loss of speech," "0979155-1" "0979155-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Jan 3 vaccine administered, jan 4 started headaches, vomiting, pain in the back of the neck, Headaches, chills, loss of speech," "0979155-1" "0979155-1" "INFLUENZA A VIRUS TEST POSITIVE" "10070215" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Jan 3 vaccine administered, jan 4 started headaches, vomiting, pain in the back of the neck, Headaches, chills, loss of speech," "0979155-1" "0979155-1" "NECK PAIN" "10028836" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Jan 3 vaccine administered, jan 4 started headaches, vomiting, pain in the back of the neck, Headaches, chills, loss of speech," "0979155-1" "0979155-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Jan 3 vaccine administered, jan 4 started headaches, vomiting, pain in the back of the neck, Headaches, chills, loss of speech," "0979223-1" "0979223-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed SOB but reported good O2Sats. Instructed on going to ER if worsening symptoms. Patient eventually expired on 1/22/21" "0979223-1" "0979223-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed SOB but reported good O2Sats. Instructed on going to ER if worsening symptoms. Patient eventually expired on 1/22/21" "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "ANGIOGRAM PULMONARY ABNORMAL" "10002441" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "CARDIOMYOPATHY" "10007636" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "CARDIOVERSION" "10007661" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "CENTRAL VENOUS CATHETERISATION" "10053377" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "CHEST X-RAY ABNORMAL" "10008499" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "CONDUCTION DISORDER" "10010276" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "CYANOSIS" "10011703" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "ECHOCARDIOGRAM ABNORMAL" "10061593" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "EJECTION FRACTION DECREASED" "10050528" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "ELECTROCARDIOGRAM ABNORMAL" "10014363" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "HIATUS HERNIA" "10020028" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "LUNG CONSOLIDATION" "10025080" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "LUNG OPACITY" "10081792" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "METABOLIC ACIDOSIS" "10027417" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "MYOCARDIAL NECROSIS MARKER NORMAL" "10075212" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "NODAL RHYTHM" "10029470" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "OESOPHAGEAL DISORDER" "10061318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "PNEUMONIA ASPIRATION" "10035669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "SCAN WITH CONTRAST ABNORMAL" "10062152" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "SINUS ARREST" "10040738" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "SINUS BRADYCARDIA" "10040741" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0979255-1" "0979255-1" "VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION" "10047290" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID 19 vaccine the morning of 1/18/21 at Public Health COVID-19 vaccine clinic. I (person completing this report) work for PH. Later that night while in bed, patient reported difficulty breathing to his wife, then turned blue, and became unresponsive. Family report pt was without any symptoms prior to event. 911 called; CPR started by family member 15 min. after pt became unresponsive. EMS performed resuscitation for about 30-40 minutes with multiple defibrillation for V-fib. Between EMS and Medical Center ER, pt had 9 rounds of epi, CPR w/ LUCAS machine, given 2 doses of amiodarone (150 mg and 300 mg). Patient had 3 EKGs, which did not show STEMI, but did show nonspecific conduction delay and sinus arrest with junctional escape vs sinus bradycardia (HR 50's). Pt had return of spontaneous circulation. Pt intubated, and started on Levophed. Pt transferred to ICU, and had central line placed. Family decided to make patient DNR. Pt went into coarse VFib again, and as per wishes of family, code blue not called. Patient expired at 01:53 on 1/19/21." "0981912-1" "0981912-1" "ANGIOGRAM PULMONARY ABNORMAL" "10002441" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to the Emergency Department complaining of chest pain, pale, cool diaphoretic, and hypotensive. The patient was discovered to have a large saddle pulmonary embolism, went into cardiac arrest and expired. Of note, the patient received her second Moderna COVID vaccine on 1/23, which would place her first one approximately 12/25 if she received them at the appropriate interval. This information is from the patient's daughter and the ED record, the information is not available in CAIR. Per the daughter, the patient started feeling ill on 1/21, improved on 1/25, and then acutely worsened on 1/27, resulting in the ED visit." "0981912-1" "0981912-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to the Emergency Department complaining of chest pain, pale, cool diaphoretic, and hypotensive. The patient was discovered to have a large saddle pulmonary embolism, went into cardiac arrest and expired. Of note, the patient received her second Moderna COVID vaccine on 1/23, which would place her first one approximately 12/25 if she received them at the appropriate interval. This information is from the patient's daughter and the ED record, the information is not available in CAIR. Per the daughter, the patient started feeling ill on 1/21, improved on 1/25, and then acutely worsened on 1/27, resulting in the ED visit." "0981912-1" "0981912-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to the Emergency Department complaining of chest pain, pale, cool diaphoretic, and hypotensive. The patient was discovered to have a large saddle pulmonary embolism, went into cardiac arrest and expired. Of note, the patient received her second Moderna COVID vaccine on 1/23, which would place her first one approximately 12/25 if she received them at the appropriate interval. This information is from the patient's daughter and the ED record, the information is not available in CAIR. Per the daughter, the patient started feeling ill on 1/21, improved on 1/25, and then acutely worsened on 1/27, resulting in the ED visit." "0981912-1" "0981912-1" "COLD SWEAT" "10009866" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to the Emergency Department complaining of chest pain, pale, cool diaphoretic, and hypotensive. The patient was discovered to have a large saddle pulmonary embolism, went into cardiac arrest and expired. Of note, the patient received her second Moderna COVID vaccine on 1/23, which would place her first one approximately 12/25 if she received them at the appropriate interval. This information is from the patient's daughter and the ED record, the information is not available in CAIR. Per the daughter, the patient started feeling ill on 1/21, improved on 1/25, and then acutely worsened on 1/27, resulting in the ED visit." "0981912-1" "0981912-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to the Emergency Department complaining of chest pain, pale, cool diaphoretic, and hypotensive. The patient was discovered to have a large saddle pulmonary embolism, went into cardiac arrest and expired. Of note, the patient received her second Moderna COVID vaccine on 1/23, which would place her first one approximately 12/25 if she received them at the appropriate interval. This information is from the patient's daughter and the ED record, the information is not available in CAIR. Per the daughter, the patient started feeling ill on 1/21, improved on 1/25, and then acutely worsened on 1/27, resulting in the ED visit." "0981912-1" "0981912-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to the Emergency Department complaining of chest pain, pale, cool diaphoretic, and hypotensive. The patient was discovered to have a large saddle pulmonary embolism, went into cardiac arrest and expired. Of note, the patient received her second Moderna COVID vaccine on 1/23, which would place her first one approximately 12/25 if she received them at the appropriate interval. This information is from the patient's daughter and the ED record, the information is not available in CAIR. Per the daughter, the patient started feeling ill on 1/21, improved on 1/25, and then acutely worsened on 1/27, resulting in the ED visit." "0981912-1" "0981912-1" "HYPOTENSION" "10021097" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to the Emergency Department complaining of chest pain, pale, cool diaphoretic, and hypotensive. The patient was discovered to have a large saddle pulmonary embolism, went into cardiac arrest and expired. Of note, the patient received her second Moderna COVID vaccine on 1/23, which would place her first one approximately 12/25 if she received them at the appropriate interval. This information is from the patient's daughter and the ED record, the information is not available in CAIR. Per the daughter, the patient started feeling ill on 1/21, improved on 1/25, and then acutely worsened on 1/27, resulting in the ED visit." "0981912-1" "0981912-1" "LABORATORY TEST" "10059938" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to the Emergency Department complaining of chest pain, pale, cool diaphoretic, and hypotensive. The patient was discovered to have a large saddle pulmonary embolism, went into cardiac arrest and expired. Of note, the patient received her second Moderna COVID vaccine on 1/23, which would place her first one approximately 12/25 if she received them at the appropriate interval. This information is from the patient's daughter and the ED record, the information is not available in CAIR. Per the daughter, the patient started feeling ill on 1/21, improved on 1/25, and then acutely worsened on 1/27, resulting in the ED visit." "0981912-1" "0981912-1" "PALLOR" "10033546" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to the Emergency Department complaining of chest pain, pale, cool diaphoretic, and hypotensive. The patient was discovered to have a large saddle pulmonary embolism, went into cardiac arrest and expired. Of note, the patient received her second Moderna COVID vaccine on 1/23, which would place her first one approximately 12/25 if she received them at the appropriate interval. This information is from the patient's daughter and the ED record, the information is not available in CAIR. Per the daughter, the patient started feeling ill on 1/21, improved on 1/25, and then acutely worsened on 1/27, resulting in the ED visit." "0981912-1" "0981912-1" "PULMONARY EMBOLISM" "10037377" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to the Emergency Department complaining of chest pain, pale, cool diaphoretic, and hypotensive. The patient was discovered to have a large saddle pulmonary embolism, went into cardiac arrest and expired. Of note, the patient received her second Moderna COVID vaccine on 1/23, which would place her first one approximately 12/25 if she received them at the appropriate interval. This information is from the patient's daughter and the ED record, the information is not available in CAIR. Per the daughter, the patient started feeling ill on 1/21, improved on 1/25, and then acutely worsened on 1/27, resulting in the ED visit." "0986672-1" "0986672-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient tested Covid positive, cough, low oxygen levels, COVID Pneumonia, patient is now deceased" "0986672-1" "0986672-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient tested Covid positive, cough, low oxygen levels, COVID Pneumonia, patient is now deceased" "0986672-1" "0986672-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient tested Covid positive, cough, low oxygen levels, COVID Pneumonia, patient is now deceased" "0986672-1" "0986672-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient tested Covid positive, cough, low oxygen levels, COVID Pneumonia, patient is now deceased" "0986672-1" "0986672-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient tested Covid positive, cough, low oxygen levels, COVID Pneumonia, patient is now deceased" "0988246-1" "0988246-1" "ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE DECREASED" "10001549" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib Treatment:"" "0988246-1" "0988246-1" "ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE DECREASED" "10003479" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib Treatment:"" "0988246-1" "0988246-1" "ATRIAL FIBRILLATION" "10003658" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib Treatment:"" "0988246-1" "0988246-1" "BILIRUBIN CONJUGATED INCREASED" "10004685" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib Treatment:"" "0988246-1" "0988246-1" "BLOOD ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE NORMAL" "10005310" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib Treatment:"" "0988246-1" "0988246-1" "BLOOD BILIRUBIN INCREASED" "10005364" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib Treatment:"" "0988246-1" "0988246-1" "BLOOD CREATININE INCREASED" "10005483" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib Treatment:"" "0988246-1" "0988246-1" "BLOOD UREA DECREASED" "10005850" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib Treatment:"" "0988246-1" "0988246-1" "BLOOD UREA INCREASED" "10005851" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib Treatment:"" "0988246-1" "0988246-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib Treatment:"" "0988246-1" "0988246-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib Treatment:"" "0988246-1" "0988246-1" "PROTEIN ALBUMIN RATIO INCREASED" "10036994" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib Treatment:"" "0988246-1" "0988246-1" "SARS-COV-2 ANTIBODY TEST NEGATIVE" "10084509" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib Treatment:"" "0988246-1" "0988246-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST NEGATIVE" "10084273" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib Treatment:"" "0988246-1" "0988246-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT INCREASED" "10047943" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib Treatment:"" "0989015-1" "0989015-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Myocardial Infarction" "0992342-1" "0992342-1" "ARRHYTHMIA" "10003119" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Shortness of Breath, decreased oxygen saturation, irregular heart rhythm, hypertension, Positive for COVID, bilateral pneumonia" "0992342-1" "0992342-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Shortness of Breath, decreased oxygen saturation, irregular heart rhythm, hypertension, Positive for COVID, bilateral pneumonia" "0992342-1" "0992342-1" "HYPERTENSION" "10020772" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Shortness of Breath, decreased oxygen saturation, irregular heart rhythm, hypertension, Positive for COVID, bilateral pneumonia" "0992342-1" "0992342-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Shortness of Breath, decreased oxygen saturation, irregular heart rhythm, hypertension, Positive for COVID, bilateral pneumonia" "0992342-1" "0992342-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Shortness of Breath, decreased oxygen saturation, irregular heart rhythm, hypertension, Positive for COVID, bilateral pneumonia" "0992342-1" "0992342-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Shortness of Breath, decreased oxygen saturation, irregular heart rhythm, hypertension, Positive for COVID, bilateral pneumonia" "1000709-1" "1000709-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient with past medical history of CAD, CKD, sCHF, LGL Leukemia admitted to Hospital on 1/19 with pleural effusion. Pt expired on 2/1/2021. Hs of essential HTN, complete heart block, T2Diabetes,thyroid issues, stroke, papillary CA of thyroid, dyslipidemia, anemia, hypercalcemia, pulmonary nodule, hypoparathyroidism, pacemaker, bilat carotid stenosis, afib, pleural effusion, pancytopenia, cardiomyopathy, severe aortic stenosis, sick sinus syndrome, Dressler syndrome, empyema, ESRD" "1000709-1" "1000709-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient with past medical history of CAD, CKD, sCHF, LGL Leukemia admitted to Hospital on 1/19 with pleural effusion. Pt expired on 2/1/2021. Hs of essential HTN, complete heart block, T2Diabetes,thyroid issues, stroke, papillary CA of thyroid, dyslipidemia, anemia, hypercalcemia, pulmonary nodule, hypoparathyroidism, pacemaker, bilat carotid stenosis, afib, pleural effusion, pancytopenia, cardiomyopathy, severe aortic stenosis, sick sinus syndrome, Dressler syndrome, empyema, ESRD" "1000709-1" "1000709-1" "PLEURAL EFFUSION" "10035598" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient with past medical history of CAD, CKD, sCHF, LGL Leukemia admitted to Hospital on 1/19 with pleural effusion. Pt expired on 2/1/2021. Hs of essential HTN, complete heart block, T2Diabetes,thyroid issues, stroke, papillary CA of thyroid, dyslipidemia, anemia, hypercalcemia, pulmonary nodule, hypoparathyroidism, pacemaker, bilat carotid stenosis, afib, pleural effusion, pancytopenia, cardiomyopathy, severe aortic stenosis, sick sinus syndrome, Dressler syndrome, empyema, ESRD" "1002255-1" "1002255-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death" "1003329-1" "1003329-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's primary care provider received a death certificate to be signed for this patient. He spoke with the patient's husband and son, who reported that the patient had pain and swelling at the vaccine administration site after receiving the vaccine and was feeling unwell after receiving the vaccine. The patient's family reported that they found her unresponsive on 2/2/21 and called 9-1-1. The patient was pronounced dead upon arrival of emergency responders." "1003329-1" "1003329-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's primary care provider received a death certificate to be signed for this patient. He spoke with the patient's husband and son, who reported that the patient had pain and swelling at the vaccine administration site after receiving the vaccine and was feeling unwell after receiving the vaccine. The patient's family reported that they found her unresponsive on 2/2/21 and called 9-1-1. The patient was pronounced dead upon arrival of emergency responders." "1003329-1" "1003329-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's primary care provider received a death certificate to be signed for this patient. He spoke with the patient's husband and son, who reported that the patient had pain and swelling at the vaccine administration site after receiving the vaccine and was feeling unwell after receiving the vaccine. The patient's family reported that they found her unresponsive on 2/2/21 and called 9-1-1. The patient was pronounced dead upon arrival of emergency responders." "1003329-1" "1003329-1" "VACCINATION SITE PAIN" "10068879" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's primary care provider received a death certificate to be signed for this patient. He spoke with the patient's husband and son, who reported that the patient had pain and swelling at the vaccine administration site after receiving the vaccine and was feeling unwell after receiving the vaccine. The patient's family reported that they found her unresponsive on 2/2/21 and called 9-1-1. The patient was pronounced dead upon arrival of emergency responders." "1003329-1" "1003329-1" "VACCINATION SITE SWELLING" "10069620" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's primary care provider received a death certificate to be signed for this patient. He spoke with the patient's husband and son, who reported that the patient had pain and swelling at the vaccine administration site after receiving the vaccine and was feeling unwell after receiving the vaccine. The patient's family reported that they found her unresponsive on 2/2/21 and called 9-1-1. The patient was pronounced dead upon arrival of emergency responders." "1007033-1" "1007033-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to emergency room on 2/1/2021 with a chief complaint of having a chronic headache and fatigue following receipt of the Moderna vaccine 10 days prior. Following examination by the physician, the patient was diagnosed with an acute subdural hematoma. The patient subsequently underwent decompressive surgery, however demonstrated worsening neurologic status over the next several days and ultimately expired on 2/4/2021." "1007033-1" "1007033-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to emergency room on 2/1/2021 with a chief complaint of having a chronic headache and fatigue following receipt of the Moderna vaccine 10 days prior. Following examination by the physician, the patient was diagnosed with an acute subdural hematoma. The patient subsequently underwent decompressive surgery, however demonstrated worsening neurologic status over the next several days and ultimately expired on 2/4/2021." "1007033-1" "1007033-1" "DECOMPRESSIVE CRANIECTOMY" "10078092" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to emergency room on 2/1/2021 with a chief complaint of having a chronic headache and fatigue following receipt of the Moderna vaccine 10 days prior. Following examination by the physician, the patient was diagnosed with an acute subdural hematoma. The patient subsequently underwent decompressive surgery, however demonstrated worsening neurologic status over the next several days and ultimately expired on 2/4/2021." "1007033-1" "1007033-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to emergency room on 2/1/2021 with a chief complaint of having a chronic headache and fatigue following receipt of the Moderna vaccine 10 days prior. Following examination by the physician, the patient was diagnosed with an acute subdural hematoma. The patient subsequently underwent decompressive surgery, however demonstrated worsening neurologic status over the next several days and ultimately expired on 2/4/2021." "1007033-1" "1007033-1" "GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE" "10018355" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to emergency room on 2/1/2021 with a chief complaint of having a chronic headache and fatigue following receipt of the Moderna vaccine 10 days prior. Following examination by the physician, the patient was diagnosed with an acute subdural hematoma. The patient subsequently underwent decompressive surgery, however demonstrated worsening neurologic status over the next several days and ultimately expired on 2/4/2021." "1007033-1" "1007033-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to emergency room on 2/1/2021 with a chief complaint of having a chronic headache and fatigue following receipt of the Moderna vaccine 10 days prior. Following examination by the physician, the patient was diagnosed with an acute subdural hematoma. The patient subsequently underwent decompressive surgery, however demonstrated worsening neurologic status over the next several days and ultimately expired on 2/4/2021." "1007033-1" "1007033-1" "PLATELET COUNT NORMAL" "10035530" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to emergency room on 2/1/2021 with a chief complaint of having a chronic headache and fatigue following receipt of the Moderna vaccine 10 days prior. Following examination by the physician, the patient was diagnosed with an acute subdural hematoma. The patient subsequently underwent decompressive surgery, however demonstrated worsening neurologic status over the next several days and ultimately expired on 2/4/2021." "1007033-1" "1007033-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST NEGATIVE" "10084273" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to emergency room on 2/1/2021 with a chief complaint of having a chronic headache and fatigue following receipt of the Moderna vaccine 10 days prior. Following examination by the physician, the patient was diagnosed with an acute subdural hematoma. The patient subsequently underwent decompressive surgery, however demonstrated worsening neurologic status over the next several days and ultimately expired on 2/4/2021." "1007033-1" "1007033-1" "SUBDURAL HAEMATOMA" "10042361" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to emergency room on 2/1/2021 with a chief complaint of having a chronic headache and fatigue following receipt of the Moderna vaccine 10 days prior. Following examination by the physician, the patient was diagnosed with an acute subdural hematoma. The patient subsequently underwent decompressive surgery, however demonstrated worsening neurologic status over the next several days and ultimately expired on 2/4/2021." "1007033-1" "1007033-1" "SURGERY" "10042609" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to emergency room on 2/1/2021 with a chief complaint of having a chronic headache and fatigue following receipt of the Moderna vaccine 10 days prior. Following examination by the physician, the patient was diagnosed with an acute subdural hematoma. The patient subsequently underwent decompressive surgery, however demonstrated worsening neurologic status over the next several days and ultimately expired on 2/4/2021." "1007033-1" "1007033-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT INCREASED" "10047943" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to emergency room on 2/1/2021 with a chief complaint of having a chronic headache and fatigue following receipt of the Moderna vaccine 10 days prior. Following examination by the physician, the patient was diagnosed with an acute subdural hematoma. The patient subsequently underwent decompressive surgery, however demonstrated worsening neurologic status over the next several days and ultimately expired on 2/4/2021." "1010989-1" "1010989-1" "ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION" "10002198" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Brain aneurysm; Anaphylactic reaction; Collapsed; BP sky rocketed; Shortness of breath; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 69-year-old female patient who received Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced blood pressure skyrocketed, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, massive anaphylactic reaction, and brain aneurysm. The patient's medical history, as provided by the reporter, included high blood pressure and arthritis. Products known to have been used by the patient, within two weeks prior to the event, included an antihypertensive. On 04 Jan 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the patient received their first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 intramuscularly for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. Twenty-two minutes later she had a massive anaphylactic reaction. She experienced shortness of breath, blood pressure skyrocketed, and loss of consciousness. She was taken to the emergency room. The patient had a brain aneurysm and never recovered. No treatment information was provided. The patient died on 04 Jan 2021. The cause of death was reported as brain aneurysm. Plans for an autopsy were not provided.; Reporter's Comments: This case concerns a 69-year-old, female patient with a medical history of hypertension, who experienced fatal, serious, unexpected events of Anaphylactic reaction, hypertension, dyspnea, loss of consciousness and brain aneurysm. The events occurred 22 minutes after the first dose of mRNA-1273 was administered. No treatment information was provided. The patient never recovered and died. The cause of death was reported as brain aneurysm. Very limited information regarding this event has been provided at this time. Based on temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Additional information has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Brain aneurysm" "1010989-1" "1010989-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Brain aneurysm; Anaphylactic reaction; Collapsed; BP sky rocketed; Shortness of breath; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 69-year-old female patient who received Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced blood pressure skyrocketed, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, massive anaphylactic reaction, and brain aneurysm. The patient's medical history, as provided by the reporter, included high blood pressure and arthritis. Products known to have been used by the patient, within two weeks prior to the event, included an antihypertensive. On 04 Jan 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the patient received their first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 intramuscularly for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. Twenty-two minutes later she had a massive anaphylactic reaction. She experienced shortness of breath, blood pressure skyrocketed, and loss of consciousness. She was taken to the emergency room. The patient had a brain aneurysm and never recovered. No treatment information was provided. The patient died on 04 Jan 2021. The cause of death was reported as brain aneurysm. Plans for an autopsy were not provided.; Reporter's Comments: This case concerns a 69-year-old, female patient with a medical history of hypertension, who experienced fatal, serious, unexpected events of Anaphylactic reaction, hypertension, dyspnea, loss of consciousness and brain aneurysm. The events occurred 22 minutes after the first dose of mRNA-1273 was administered. No treatment information was provided. The patient never recovered and died. The cause of death was reported as brain aneurysm. Very limited information regarding this event has been provided at this time. Based on temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Additional information has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Brain aneurysm" "1010989-1" "1010989-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Brain aneurysm; Anaphylactic reaction; Collapsed; BP sky rocketed; Shortness of breath; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 69-year-old female patient who received Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced blood pressure skyrocketed, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, massive anaphylactic reaction, and brain aneurysm. The patient's medical history, as provided by the reporter, included high blood pressure and arthritis. Products known to have been used by the patient, within two weeks prior to the event, included an antihypertensive. On 04 Jan 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the patient received their first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 intramuscularly for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. Twenty-two minutes later she had a massive anaphylactic reaction. She experienced shortness of breath, blood pressure skyrocketed, and loss of consciousness. She was taken to the emergency room. The patient had a brain aneurysm and never recovered. No treatment information was provided. The patient died on 04 Jan 2021. The cause of death was reported as brain aneurysm. Plans for an autopsy were not provided.; Reporter's Comments: This case concerns a 69-year-old, female patient with a medical history of hypertension, who experienced fatal, serious, unexpected events of Anaphylactic reaction, hypertension, dyspnea, loss of consciousness and brain aneurysm. The events occurred 22 minutes after the first dose of mRNA-1273 was administered. No treatment information was provided. The patient never recovered and died. The cause of death was reported as brain aneurysm. Very limited information regarding this event has been provided at this time. Based on temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Additional information has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Brain aneurysm" "1010989-1" "1010989-1" "HYPERTENSION" "10020772" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Brain aneurysm; Anaphylactic reaction; Collapsed; BP sky rocketed; Shortness of breath; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 69-year-old female patient who received Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced blood pressure skyrocketed, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, massive anaphylactic reaction, and brain aneurysm. The patient's medical history, as provided by the reporter, included high blood pressure and arthritis. Products known to have been used by the patient, within two weeks prior to the event, included an antihypertensive. On 04 Jan 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the patient received their first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 intramuscularly for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. Twenty-two minutes later she had a massive anaphylactic reaction. She experienced shortness of breath, blood pressure skyrocketed, and loss of consciousness. She was taken to the emergency room. The patient had a brain aneurysm and never recovered. No treatment information was provided. The patient died on 04 Jan 2021. The cause of death was reported as brain aneurysm. Plans for an autopsy were not provided.; Reporter's Comments: This case concerns a 69-year-old, female patient with a medical history of hypertension, who experienced fatal, serious, unexpected events of Anaphylactic reaction, hypertension, dyspnea, loss of consciousness and brain aneurysm. The events occurred 22 minutes after the first dose of mRNA-1273 was administered. No treatment information was provided. The patient never recovered and died. The cause of death was reported as brain aneurysm. Very limited information regarding this event has been provided at this time. Based on temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Additional information has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Brain aneurysm" "1010989-1" "1010989-1" "INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSM" "10022758" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Brain aneurysm; Anaphylactic reaction; Collapsed; BP sky rocketed; Shortness of breath; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 69-year-old female patient who received Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced blood pressure skyrocketed, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, massive anaphylactic reaction, and brain aneurysm. The patient's medical history, as provided by the reporter, included high blood pressure and arthritis. Products known to have been used by the patient, within two weeks prior to the event, included an antihypertensive. On 04 Jan 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the patient received their first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 intramuscularly for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. Twenty-two minutes later she had a massive anaphylactic reaction. She experienced shortness of breath, blood pressure skyrocketed, and loss of consciousness. She was taken to the emergency room. The patient had a brain aneurysm and never recovered. No treatment information was provided. The patient died on 04 Jan 2021. The cause of death was reported as brain aneurysm. Plans for an autopsy were not provided.; Reporter's Comments: This case concerns a 69-year-old, female patient with a medical history of hypertension, who experienced fatal, serious, unexpected events of Anaphylactic reaction, hypertension, dyspnea, loss of consciousness and brain aneurysm. The events occurred 22 minutes after the first dose of mRNA-1273 was administered. No treatment information was provided. The patient never recovered and died. The cause of death was reported as brain aneurysm. Very limited information regarding this event has been provided at this time. Based on temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Additional information has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Brain aneurysm" "1010989-1" "1010989-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Brain aneurysm; Anaphylactic reaction; Collapsed; BP sky rocketed; Shortness of breath; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 69-year-old female patient who received Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced blood pressure skyrocketed, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, massive anaphylactic reaction, and brain aneurysm. The patient's medical history, as provided by the reporter, included high blood pressure and arthritis. Products known to have been used by the patient, within two weeks prior to the event, included an antihypertensive. On 04 Jan 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the patient received their first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 intramuscularly for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. Twenty-two minutes later she had a massive anaphylactic reaction. She experienced shortness of breath, blood pressure skyrocketed, and loss of consciousness. She was taken to the emergency room. The patient had a brain aneurysm and never recovered. No treatment information was provided. The patient died on 04 Jan 2021. The cause of death was reported as brain aneurysm. Plans for an autopsy were not provided.; Reporter's Comments: This case concerns a 69-year-old, female patient with a medical history of hypertension, who experienced fatal, serious, unexpected events of Anaphylactic reaction, hypertension, dyspnea, loss of consciousness and brain aneurysm. The events occurred 22 minutes after the first dose of mRNA-1273 was administered. No treatment information was provided. The patient never recovered and died. The cause of death was reported as brain aneurysm. Very limited information regarding this event has been provided at this time. Based on temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. Additional information has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Brain aneurysm" "1011362-1" "1011362-1" "AUTOPSY" "10050117" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's son came to the vaccine clinic today 2/8/2021, stated that his father 2/24/1948 passed away the same day as the vaccine." "1011362-1" "1011362-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's son came to the vaccine clinic today 2/8/2021, stated that his father 2/24/1948 passed away the same day as the vaccine." "1011487-1" "1011487-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Received Covid vaccine in am. Last seen by family at 17:30 pm and observed to be well. About an hour later he collapsed, unresponsive. A 911 call was initiated at 18:29. Paramedics arrived to find the patient in cardiac arrest. CPR/ACLS was initiated, but resuscitation was unsuccessful. Pt. was transported to MC where he was pronounced dead at 19:32. There was no sing of an injection site reaction, nor of allergic reaction.." "1011487-1" "1011487-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Received Covid vaccine in am. Last seen by family at 17:30 pm and observed to be well. About an hour later he collapsed, unresponsive. A 911 call was initiated at 18:29. Paramedics arrived to find the patient in cardiac arrest. CPR/ACLS was initiated, but resuscitation was unsuccessful. Pt. was transported to MC where he was pronounced dead at 19:32. There was no sing of an injection site reaction, nor of allergic reaction.." "1011487-1" "1011487-1" "LIFE SUPPORT" "10024447" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Received Covid vaccine in am. Last seen by family at 17:30 pm and observed to be well. About an hour later he collapsed, unresponsive. A 911 call was initiated at 18:29. Paramedics arrived to find the patient in cardiac arrest. CPR/ACLS was initiated, but resuscitation was unsuccessful. Pt. was transported to MC where he was pronounced dead at 19:32. There was no sing of an injection site reaction, nor of allergic reaction.." "1011487-1" "1011487-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Received Covid vaccine in am. Last seen by family at 17:30 pm and observed to be well. About an hour later he collapsed, unresponsive. A 911 call was initiated at 18:29. Paramedics arrived to find the patient in cardiac arrest. CPR/ACLS was initiated, but resuscitation was unsuccessful. Pt. was transported to MC where he was pronounced dead at 19:32. There was no sing of an injection site reaction, nor of allergic reaction.." "1011487-1" "1011487-1" "SYNCOPE" "10042772" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Received Covid vaccine in am. Last seen by family at 17:30 pm and observed to be well. About an hour later he collapsed, unresponsive. A 911 call was initiated at 18:29. Paramedics arrived to find the patient in cardiac arrest. CPR/ACLS was initiated, but resuscitation was unsuccessful. Pt. was transported to MC where he was pronounced dead at 19:32. There was no sing of an injection site reaction, nor of allergic reaction.." "1011487-1" "1011487-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Received Covid vaccine in am. Last seen by family at 17:30 pm and observed to be well. About an hour later he collapsed, unresponsive. A 911 call was initiated at 18:29. Paramedics arrived to find the patient in cardiac arrest. CPR/ACLS was initiated, but resuscitation was unsuccessful. Pt. was transported to MC where he was pronounced dead at 19:32. There was no sing of an injection site reaction, nor of allergic reaction.." "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE INCREASED" "10001551" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE INCREASED" "10003481" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "ATRIAL FIBRILLATION" "10003658" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "BACTERIAL TEST POSITIVE" "10059421" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "BILIRUBIN CONJUGATED" "10004684" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "BLOOD ALBUMIN" "10005285" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "BLOOD BILIRUBIN" "10005362" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "BLOOD CREATININE INCREASED" "10005483" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "BLOOD CULTURE NEGATIVE" "10005486" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "BLOOD UREA NITROGEN/CREATININE RATIO" "10059899" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "BRONCHOSCOPY ABNORMAL" "10006480" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "CHEST TUBE INSERTION" "10050522" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "CHEST X-RAY ABNORMAL" "10008499" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "CULTURE URINE NEGATIVE" "10011639" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "CYSTATIN C INCREASED" "10058037" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "GENERAL PHYSICAL HEALTH DETERIORATION" "10049438" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "HEPATIC ENZYME INCREASED" "10060795" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "HYPOXIA" "10021143" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "ISCHAEMIC HEPATITIS" "10023025" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "KLEBSIELLA INFECTION" "10061259" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "LUNG INFILTRATION" "10025102" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "PROTEIN TOTAL" "10050537" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10038695" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST NEGATIVE" "10084273" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "SERRATIA INFECTION" "10061512" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "SPINAL CORD INJURY" "10041552" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "STENOTROPHOMONAS INFECTION" "10054138" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "TACHYCARDIA" "10043071" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1011983-1" "1011983-1" "TRACHEAL ASPIRATE CULTURE" "10084653" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Narrative: See ""Other Relevant History"" in Section 6 above Other Relevant Hx: 76yo man with a history of for C5 tetraplegia 2/2 cervical stenosis leading to neurogenic bowel/bladder (chronic suprapubic catheter) and chronic respiratory failure with tracheostomy, severe dysphagia s/p G tube placement and multiple aspiration pneumonias, COPD GOLD III, hx MRSA bacteremia (7/2018) and E coli bacteremia (12/2019). Patient transferred from Spinal Cord Injury until to ICU on 1/11/2021 due to worsneing dyspnea, hypoxia (80s) and tachycardia and was found to have acute hypoxic respiratory failure likely 2/2 multifocal pneumonia. CXR findings of ""There is interval increase in patchy airspace infiltrates and consolidation in bilateral lungs concerning for pneumonia"" Patient was started on vancomycin and pip/tazo on 1/11 and tracheal aspirate cultures were obtained for VAP diagnosis which ultimately grew Serratia liquifaciens and Proteus mirabilis. Infectious Diseases was consulted who recommended a switch to ertapenem therapy for a total 10 day course for VAP. UCx/BCx remained negative. On 1/20, a therapeutic bronchoscopy was completed with cultures growing Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-S Klebsiella pneumoniae. The following day a chest tube was inserted and the course of ertapenem completed but vancomycin was continued. By 1/22, patient developed shock liver with ALT/AST 2135/1579 from normal range the day prior and SCr increased to 1.3 from baseline 0.7/cystatin C of 2.46 up from 1.15. Levofloxacin was added for Stenotrophomonas coverage. By 1/25, patient's clinical status continued to decline and Cardiology was consulted for new onset Afib with RVR. Discussion was documented with patient's family who requested DNR. Patient passed away in the early AM on 1/26. Demise does not appear to be related to COVID-19 vaccination but occurred in recent timeframe. Symptoms: ElevatedLiverEnzymes & death, pneumonia, afib"" "1013006-1" "1013006-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient complained of soreness in muscles morning after receiving the shot. She went about her day had a smoothie, spoke to people and also went for a walk came home and went into her jacuzzi tub and consequently passed away while in the tub. She was found by her husband at around 545pm, time of death is unknown and cause of death is currently pending." "1013006-1" "1013006-1" "MYALGIA" "10028411" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient complained of soreness in muscles morning after receiving the shot. She went about her day had a smoothie, spoke to people and also went for a walk came home and went into her jacuzzi tub and consequently passed away while in the tub. She was found by her husband at around 545pm, time of death is unknown and cause of death is currently pending." "1016770-1" "1016770-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine on 2/2/21 and on 2/6/21 he died in his sleep in the a.m. No other signs or symptoms were observed prior to death." "1017393-1" "1017393-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received the vaccine on 1/26/2021 and per employee at facility patient passed away on 2/01/2021." "1018126-1" "1018126-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received vaccination on 2/4. Patient's wife reported that he felt a slight soreness in his arm the day following the shot, but had no other symptoms. On 2/8 he passed away. Wife reports that it was related to his heart and they never made it to a hospital. The wife also reported that the patient had been in poor health prior to the vaccination" "1018126-1" "1018126-1" "PAIN IN EXTREMITY" "10033425" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received vaccination on 2/4. Patient's wife reported that he felt a slight soreness in his arm the day following the shot, but had no other symptoms. On 2/8 he passed away. Wife reports that it was related to his heart and they never made it to a hospital. The wife also reported that the patient had been in poor health prior to the vaccination" "1019669-1" "1019669-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "the following morning the patient became unresponsive while taking a shower, became asystolic and died despite about an hour of ACLS and 8 rounds of epi" "1019669-1" "1019669-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "the following morning the patient became unresponsive while taking a shower, became asystolic and died despite about an hour of ACLS and 8 rounds of epi" "1019669-1" "1019669-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "the following morning the patient became unresponsive while taking a shower, became asystolic and died despite about an hour of ACLS and 8 rounds of epi" "1020183-1" "1020183-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death. I actually not sure which Covid Vaccine she took. I just know the date and time she took it at her local school where she worked. Died in her sleep after complaining of a headache. I talked to her around 5pm on sunday through a videochat and she seemed happy and well. But a local friend commented that she had complained of a headache late in the afternoon." "1020183-1" "1020183-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death. I actually not sure which Covid Vaccine she took. I just know the date and time she took it at her local school where she worked. Died in her sleep after complaining of a headache. I talked to her around 5pm on sunday through a videochat and she seemed happy and well. But a local friend commented that she had complained of a headache late in the afternoon." "1020443-1" "1020443-1" "ACIDOSIS" "10000486" "65-79 years" "65-79" "For the two days prior to presentation the patient had been complaining of chest pain, his breathing seemed to be labored Monday. He and the family thought the pain was due to shingles as he carried this diagnosis from a month ago. Patient had also received the COVID vaccine 2 days prior to presentation and assumed he was feeling unwell due to the vaccine. Family wanted to take him to the hospital yesterday and earlier today but he refused. She left him in his home earlier this afternoon prior to presentation and returned to check on him finding him unresponsive and apneic at which time EMS was activated. #cardiac arrest -- suspect primary cardiac given collateral from family at home, consider hypoxemia which was corrected with advanced airway and 100% FiO2, patient clinically euvolemic and with soft brown stool in diaper not suggestive of GI hemorrhage, attempt to address acidosis with CPR and bicarbonate, not hypoglycemia, on bedside ultrasound FAST neg and no pericardial effusion suggestive of tamponade and +lung sliding bil not spontaneous pneumothorax Assessment/Diagnosis: -cardiac arrest, cause unspecified" "1020443-1" "1020443-1" "APNOEA" "10002974" "65-79 years" "65-79" "For the two days prior to presentation the patient had been complaining of chest pain, his breathing seemed to be labored Monday. He and the family thought the pain was due to shingles as he carried this diagnosis from a month ago. Patient had also received the COVID vaccine 2 days prior to presentation and assumed he was feeling unwell due to the vaccine. Family wanted to take him to the hospital yesterday and earlier today but he refused. She left him in his home earlier this afternoon prior to presentation and returned to check on him finding him unresponsive and apneic at which time EMS was activated. #cardiac arrest -- suspect primary cardiac given collateral from family at home, consider hypoxemia which was corrected with advanced airway and 100% FiO2, patient clinically euvolemic and with soft brown stool in diaper not suggestive of GI hemorrhage, attempt to address acidosis with CPR and bicarbonate, not hypoglycemia, on bedside ultrasound FAST neg and no pericardial effusion suggestive of tamponade and +lung sliding bil not spontaneous pneumothorax Assessment/Diagnosis: -cardiac arrest, cause unspecified" "1020443-1" "1020443-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "For the two days prior to presentation the patient had been complaining of chest pain, his breathing seemed to be labored Monday. He and the family thought the pain was due to shingles as he carried this diagnosis from a month ago. Patient had also received the COVID vaccine 2 days prior to presentation and assumed he was feeling unwell due to the vaccine. Family wanted to take him to the hospital yesterday and earlier today but he refused. She left him in his home earlier this afternoon prior to presentation and returned to check on him finding him unresponsive and apneic at which time EMS was activated. #cardiac arrest -- suspect primary cardiac given collateral from family at home, consider hypoxemia which was corrected with advanced airway and 100% FiO2, patient clinically euvolemic and with soft brown stool in diaper not suggestive of GI hemorrhage, attempt to address acidosis with CPR and bicarbonate, not hypoglycemia, on bedside ultrasound FAST neg and no pericardial effusion suggestive of tamponade and +lung sliding bil not spontaneous pneumothorax Assessment/Diagnosis: -cardiac arrest, cause unspecified" "1020443-1" "1020443-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "For the two days prior to presentation the patient had been complaining of chest pain, his breathing seemed to be labored Monday. He and the family thought the pain was due to shingles as he carried this diagnosis from a month ago. Patient had also received the COVID vaccine 2 days prior to presentation and assumed he was feeling unwell due to the vaccine. Family wanted to take him to the hospital yesterday and earlier today but he refused. She left him in his home earlier this afternoon prior to presentation and returned to check on him finding him unresponsive and apneic at which time EMS was activated. #cardiac arrest -- suspect primary cardiac given collateral from family at home, consider hypoxemia which was corrected with advanced airway and 100% FiO2, patient clinically euvolemic and with soft brown stool in diaper not suggestive of GI hemorrhage, attempt to address acidosis with CPR and bicarbonate, not hypoglycemia, on bedside ultrasound FAST neg and no pericardial effusion suggestive of tamponade and +lung sliding bil not spontaneous pneumothorax Assessment/Diagnosis: -cardiac arrest, cause unspecified" "1020443-1" "1020443-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "For the two days prior to presentation the patient had been complaining of chest pain, his breathing seemed to be labored Monday. He and the family thought the pain was due to shingles as he carried this diagnosis from a month ago. Patient had also received the COVID vaccine 2 days prior to presentation and assumed he was feeling unwell due to the vaccine. Family wanted to take him to the hospital yesterday and earlier today but he refused. She left him in his home earlier this afternoon prior to presentation and returned to check on him finding him unresponsive and apneic at which time EMS was activated. #cardiac arrest -- suspect primary cardiac given collateral from family at home, consider hypoxemia which was corrected with advanced airway and 100% FiO2, patient clinically euvolemic and with soft brown stool in diaper not suggestive of GI hemorrhage, attempt to address acidosis with CPR and bicarbonate, not hypoglycemia, on bedside ultrasound FAST neg and no pericardial effusion suggestive of tamponade and +lung sliding bil not spontaneous pneumothorax Assessment/Diagnosis: -cardiac arrest, cause unspecified" "1020443-1" "1020443-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "For the two days prior to presentation the patient had been complaining of chest pain, his breathing seemed to be labored Monday. He and the family thought the pain was due to shingles as he carried this diagnosis from a month ago. Patient had also received the COVID vaccine 2 days prior to presentation and assumed he was feeling unwell due to the vaccine. Family wanted to take him to the hospital yesterday and earlier today but he refused. She left him in his home earlier this afternoon prior to presentation and returned to check on him finding him unresponsive and apneic at which time EMS was activated. #cardiac arrest -- suspect primary cardiac given collateral from family at home, consider hypoxemia which was corrected with advanced airway and 100% FiO2, patient clinically euvolemic and with soft brown stool in diaper not suggestive of GI hemorrhage, attempt to address acidosis with CPR and bicarbonate, not hypoglycemia, on bedside ultrasound FAST neg and no pericardial effusion suggestive of tamponade and +lung sliding bil not spontaneous pneumothorax Assessment/Diagnosis: -cardiac arrest, cause unspecified" "1020443-1" "1020443-1" "HYPOXIA" "10021143" "65-79 years" "65-79" "For the two days prior to presentation the patient had been complaining of chest pain, his breathing seemed to be labored Monday. He and the family thought the pain was due to shingles as he carried this diagnosis from a month ago. Patient had also received the COVID vaccine 2 days prior to presentation and assumed he was feeling unwell due to the vaccine. Family wanted to take him to the hospital yesterday and earlier today but he refused. She left him in his home earlier this afternoon prior to presentation and returned to check on him finding him unresponsive and apneic at which time EMS was activated. #cardiac arrest -- suspect primary cardiac given collateral from family at home, consider hypoxemia which was corrected with advanced airway and 100% FiO2, patient clinically euvolemic and with soft brown stool in diaper not suggestive of GI hemorrhage, attempt to address acidosis with CPR and bicarbonate, not hypoglycemia, on bedside ultrasound FAST neg and no pericardial effusion suggestive of tamponade and +lung sliding bil not spontaneous pneumothorax Assessment/Diagnosis: -cardiac arrest, cause unspecified" "1020443-1" "1020443-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "For the two days prior to presentation the patient had been complaining of chest pain, his breathing seemed to be labored Monday. He and the family thought the pain was due to shingles as he carried this diagnosis from a month ago. Patient had also received the COVID vaccine 2 days prior to presentation and assumed he was feeling unwell due to the vaccine. Family wanted to take him to the hospital yesterday and earlier today but he refused. She left him in his home earlier this afternoon prior to presentation and returned to check on him finding him unresponsive and apneic at which time EMS was activated. #cardiac arrest -- suspect primary cardiac given collateral from family at home, consider hypoxemia which was corrected with advanced airway and 100% FiO2, patient clinically euvolemic and with soft brown stool in diaper not suggestive of GI hemorrhage, attempt to address acidosis with CPR and bicarbonate, not hypoglycemia, on bedside ultrasound FAST neg and no pericardial effusion suggestive of tamponade and +lung sliding bil not spontaneous pneumothorax Assessment/Diagnosis: -cardiac arrest, cause unspecified" "1020443-1" "1020443-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "For the two days prior to presentation the patient had been complaining of chest pain, his breathing seemed to be labored Monday. He and the family thought the pain was due to shingles as he carried this diagnosis from a month ago. Patient had also received the COVID vaccine 2 days prior to presentation and assumed he was feeling unwell due to the vaccine. Family wanted to take him to the hospital yesterday and earlier today but he refused. She left him in his home earlier this afternoon prior to presentation and returned to check on him finding him unresponsive and apneic at which time EMS was activated. #cardiac arrest -- suspect primary cardiac given collateral from family at home, consider hypoxemia which was corrected with advanced airway and 100% FiO2, patient clinically euvolemic and with soft brown stool in diaper not suggestive of GI hemorrhage, attempt to address acidosis with CPR and bicarbonate, not hypoglycemia, on bedside ultrasound FAST neg and no pericardial effusion suggestive of tamponade and +lung sliding bil not spontaneous pneumothorax Assessment/Diagnosis: -cardiac arrest, cause unspecified" "1020443-1" "1020443-1" "ULTRASOUND ABDOMEN" "10052038" "65-79 years" "65-79" "For the two days prior to presentation the patient had been complaining of chest pain, his breathing seemed to be labored Monday. He and the family thought the pain was due to shingles as he carried this diagnosis from a month ago. Patient had also received the COVID vaccine 2 days prior to presentation and assumed he was feeling unwell due to the vaccine. Family wanted to take him to the hospital yesterday and earlier today but he refused. She left him in his home earlier this afternoon prior to presentation and returned to check on him finding him unresponsive and apneic at which time EMS was activated. #cardiac arrest -- suspect primary cardiac given collateral from family at home, consider hypoxemia which was corrected with advanced airway and 100% FiO2, patient clinically euvolemic and with soft brown stool in diaper not suggestive of GI hemorrhage, attempt to address acidosis with CPR and bicarbonate, not hypoglycemia, on bedside ultrasound FAST neg and no pericardial effusion suggestive of tamponade and +lung sliding bil not spontaneous pneumothorax Assessment/Diagnosis: -cardiac arrest, cause unspecified" "1020443-1" "1020443-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "For the two days prior to presentation the patient had been complaining of chest pain, his breathing seemed to be labored Monday. He and the family thought the pain was due to shingles as he carried this diagnosis from a month ago. Patient had also received the COVID vaccine 2 days prior to presentation and assumed he was feeling unwell due to the vaccine. Family wanted to take him to the hospital yesterday and earlier today but he refused. She left him in his home earlier this afternoon prior to presentation and returned to check on him finding him unresponsive and apneic at which time EMS was activated. #cardiac arrest -- suspect primary cardiac given collateral from family at home, consider hypoxemia which was corrected with advanced airway and 100% FiO2, patient clinically euvolemic and with soft brown stool in diaper not suggestive of GI hemorrhage, attempt to address acidosis with CPR and bicarbonate, not hypoglycemia, on bedside ultrasound FAST neg and no pericardial effusion suggestive of tamponade and +lung sliding bil not spontaneous pneumothorax Assessment/Diagnosis: -cardiac arrest, cause unspecified" "1022127-1" "1022127-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "One week to the day after patient's first vaccine he died of a heart attack; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer and from a contactable physician. A 71-year-old male patient (husband) received first dose bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration on 12Jan2021 at single dose on the right arm for COVID-19 immunization. The patient medical history included past heart conditions. No known allergies. Patient took other medications in two weeks. Facility type vaccine was doctor's office/urgent care. No other vaccine received in four weeks. One week to the day after patient's first vaccine he died of a heart attack on 19Jan2021 18:30. Cause of death was heart attack. No COVID prior vaccination. No COVID tested post vaccination. It was unknown if an autopsy was performed. The physician reported that the patient arrived DOA. Physician signed the death certificate based on the patient's prior diagnosis. Physician would not provide additional cause of death medical background without consent. He was not aware of any adverse events experienced from the time of vaccination to the date of death. Follow-up (05Feb2021): This is a follow up spontaneous report from a contactable physician. This physician reported in response to HCP telephonic follow up activity which the following: patient death and cause of death were confirmed. Follow-up attempts are completed. No further information is expected. Information about Lot number is not available.; Sender's Comments: Based on the temporal relationship, the association between the event fatal heart attack with BNT162b2 can not be fully excluded. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to regulatory authorities, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: One week to the day after patient's first vaccine he died of a heart attack" "1022127-1" "1022127-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "One week to the day after patient's first vaccine he died of a heart attack; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer and from a contactable physician. A 71-year-old male patient (husband) received first dose bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration on 12Jan2021 at single dose on the right arm for COVID-19 immunization. The patient medical history included past heart conditions. No known allergies. Patient took other medications in two weeks. Facility type vaccine was doctor's office/urgent care. No other vaccine received in four weeks. One week to the day after patient's first vaccine he died of a heart attack on 19Jan2021 18:30. Cause of death was heart attack. No COVID prior vaccination. No COVID tested post vaccination. It was unknown if an autopsy was performed. The physician reported that the patient arrived DOA. Physician signed the death certificate based on the patient's prior diagnosis. Physician would not provide additional cause of death medical background without consent. He was not aware of any adverse events experienced from the time of vaccination to the date of death. Follow-up (05Feb2021): This is a follow up spontaneous report from a contactable physician. This physician reported in response to HCP telephonic follow up activity which the following: patient death and cause of death were confirmed. Follow-up attempts are completed. No further information is expected. Information about Lot number is not available.; Sender's Comments: Based on the temporal relationship, the association between the event fatal heart attack with BNT162b2 can not be fully excluded. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to regulatory authorities, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: One week to the day after patient's first vaccine he died of a heart attack" "1022440-1" "1022440-1" "ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10000891" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""The decedent experienced severe chest pain and dyspnea approximately nine days following the first series of the vaccine. He reported to family members that he was having a ""severe reaction"" to the vaccine and believed it was acute pericarditis due to the same symptoms he experienced prior. He reported that on 2/1/21 around 0300 hours, the symptoms were the most severe and he was going to seek medical attention, but did not. He waited till the convenient store opened and purchased OTC Tylenol for relief of symptoms. He continued to have dyspnea and chest pain up until 2/9/21, when he called 911 complaining of chest pain and was found to have a STEMI; subsequently died at Hospital in the ER."" "1022440-1" "1022440-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""The decedent experienced severe chest pain and dyspnea approximately nine days following the first series of the vaccine. He reported to family members that he was having a ""severe reaction"" to the vaccine and believed it was acute pericarditis due to the same symptoms he experienced prior. He reported that on 2/1/21 around 0300 hours, the symptoms were the most severe and he was going to seek medical attention, but did not. He waited till the convenient store opened and purchased OTC Tylenol for relief of symptoms. He continued to have dyspnea and chest pain up until 2/9/21, when he called 911 complaining of chest pain and was found to have a STEMI; subsequently died at Hospital in the ER."" "1022440-1" "1022440-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""The decedent experienced severe chest pain and dyspnea approximately nine days following the first series of the vaccine. He reported to family members that he was having a ""severe reaction"" to the vaccine and believed it was acute pericarditis due to the same symptoms he experienced prior. He reported that on 2/1/21 around 0300 hours, the symptoms were the most severe and he was going to seek medical attention, but did not. He waited till the convenient store opened and purchased OTC Tylenol for relief of symptoms. He continued to have dyspnea and chest pain up until 2/9/21, when he called 911 complaining of chest pain and was found to have a STEMI; subsequently died at Hospital in the ER."" "1022440-1" "1022440-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""The decedent experienced severe chest pain and dyspnea approximately nine days following the first series of the vaccine. He reported to family members that he was having a ""severe reaction"" to the vaccine and believed it was acute pericarditis due to the same symptoms he experienced prior. He reported that on 2/1/21 around 0300 hours, the symptoms were the most severe and he was going to seek medical attention, but did not. He waited till the convenient store opened and purchased OTC Tylenol for relief of symptoms. He continued to have dyspnea and chest pain up until 2/9/21, when he called 911 complaining of chest pain and was found to have a STEMI; subsequently died at Hospital in the ER."" "1022440-1" "1022440-1" "PERICARDITIS" "10034484" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""The decedent experienced severe chest pain and dyspnea approximately nine days following the first series of the vaccine. He reported to family members that he was having a ""severe reaction"" to the vaccine and believed it was acute pericarditis due to the same symptoms he experienced prior. He reported that on 2/1/21 around 0300 hours, the symptoms were the most severe and he was going to seek medical attention, but did not. He waited till the convenient store opened and purchased OTC Tylenol for relief of symptoms. He continued to have dyspnea and chest pain up until 2/9/21, when he called 911 complaining of chest pain and was found to have a STEMI; subsequently died at Hospital in the ER."" "1023061-1" "1023061-1" "AXILLARY PAIN" "10048750" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt received the vaccine on 1/30/21 Pt reported symptoms of left armpit pain to wife on 2/7/21, went to work 4 am 2/8/21 and found face down, dead at work later that morning. Pt worked at a pet store, per wife he did complete his tasks and generally comes home by 7:30 am. Wife called when pt did not come back home and he was found dead." "1023061-1" "1023061-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt received the vaccine on 1/30/21 Pt reported symptoms of left armpit pain to wife on 2/7/21, went to work 4 am 2/8/21 and found face down, dead at work later that morning. Pt worked at a pet store, per wife he did complete his tasks and generally comes home by 7:30 am. Wife called when pt did not come back home and he was found dead." "1023791-1" "1023791-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "DIED WITHIN 5 DAYS OF RECEIEVING THE 2ND DOSE, EXPERIENCED GENERALIZED WEAKNESS." "1023791-1" "1023791-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "DIED WITHIN 5 DAYS OF RECEIEVING THE 2ND DOSE, EXPERIENCED GENERALIZED WEAKNESS." "1024420-1" "1024420-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient had the first Moderna Covid vaccine on Thursday 1/21/2021. She had a bit of sore arm on that day and the day after. On Saturday 1/23/2021, she had a fever of 100.5 F (11AM), nausea, light headache and chills. The temperature went down after she took ibuprofen. Patient's husband enrolled her to V-Safe to report all the adverse effects she experienced. On Sunday 1/24/2021, her temperature was 98.3F. She still had nausea and no appetite. She and her husband watched a football game in their bedroom upstairs. Husband noticed that his wife was pacing around the room many times. At 7Pm, Husband went downstairs for dinner but she refused to come down to eat. He went upstairs around 8pm, TV was still on. He turned off TV and went down stairs again thinking his wife felt as sleep while watching TV. He went back upstairs for bed around 10:30 PM. Husband said his wife had a deviated septum so she would snore very loudly when asleep. He didn?t hear her snoring so he went to check on her and found her not responsive. Husband called emergency services. Paramedic came at 10:45 and said patient was passed. Husband sent many texts to V-safe after that to report the incident. No response was received from V-safe. Patient?s doctor told her husband that she died due to cardiac arrest." "1024420-1" "1024420-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient had the first Moderna Covid vaccine on Thursday 1/21/2021. She had a bit of sore arm on that day and the day after. On Saturday 1/23/2021, she had a fever of 100.5 F (11AM), nausea, light headache and chills. The temperature went down after she took ibuprofen. Patient's husband enrolled her to V-Safe to report all the adverse effects she experienced. On Sunday 1/24/2021, her temperature was 98.3F. She still had nausea and no appetite. She and her husband watched a football game in their bedroom upstairs. Husband noticed that his wife was pacing around the room many times. At 7Pm, Husband went downstairs for dinner but she refused to come down to eat. He went upstairs around 8pm, TV was still on. He turned off TV and went down stairs again thinking his wife felt as sleep while watching TV. He went back upstairs for bed around 10:30 PM. Husband said his wife had a deviated septum so she would snore very loudly when asleep. He didn?t hear her snoring so he went to check on her and found her not responsive. Husband called emergency services. Paramedic came at 10:45 and said patient was passed. Husband sent many texts to V-safe after that to report the incident. No response was received from V-safe. Patient?s doctor told her husband that she died due to cardiac arrest." "1024420-1" "1024420-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient had the first Moderna Covid vaccine on Thursday 1/21/2021. She had a bit of sore arm on that day and the day after. On Saturday 1/23/2021, she had a fever of 100.5 F (11AM), nausea, light headache and chills. The temperature went down after she took ibuprofen. Patient's husband enrolled her to V-Safe to report all the adverse effects she experienced. On Sunday 1/24/2021, her temperature was 98.3F. She still had nausea and no appetite. She and her husband watched a football game in their bedroom upstairs. Husband noticed that his wife was pacing around the room many times. At 7Pm, Husband went downstairs for dinner but she refused to come down to eat. He went upstairs around 8pm, TV was still on. He turned off TV and went down stairs again thinking his wife felt as sleep while watching TV. He went back upstairs for bed around 10:30 PM. Husband said his wife had a deviated septum so she would snore very loudly when asleep. He didn?t hear her snoring so he went to check on her and found her not responsive. Husband called emergency services. Paramedic came at 10:45 and said patient was passed. Husband sent many texts to V-safe after that to report the incident. No response was received from V-safe. Patient?s doctor told her husband that she died due to cardiac arrest." "1024420-1" "1024420-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient had the first Moderna Covid vaccine on Thursday 1/21/2021. She had a bit of sore arm on that day and the day after. On Saturday 1/23/2021, she had a fever of 100.5 F (11AM), nausea, light headache and chills. The temperature went down after she took ibuprofen. Patient's husband enrolled her to V-Safe to report all the adverse effects she experienced. On Sunday 1/24/2021, her temperature was 98.3F. She still had nausea and no appetite. She and her husband watched a football game in their bedroom upstairs. Husband noticed that his wife was pacing around the room many times. At 7Pm, Husband went downstairs for dinner but she refused to come down to eat. He went upstairs around 8pm, TV was still on. He turned off TV and went down stairs again thinking his wife felt as sleep while watching TV. He went back upstairs for bed around 10:30 PM. Husband said his wife had a deviated septum so she would snore very loudly when asleep. He didn?t hear her snoring so he went to check on her and found her not responsive. Husband called emergency services. Paramedic came at 10:45 and said patient was passed. Husband sent many texts to V-safe after that to report the incident. No response was received from V-safe. Patient?s doctor told her husband that she died due to cardiac arrest." "1024420-1" "1024420-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient had the first Moderna Covid vaccine on Thursday 1/21/2021. She had a bit of sore arm on that day and the day after. On Saturday 1/23/2021, she had a fever of 100.5 F (11AM), nausea, light headache and chills. The temperature went down after she took ibuprofen. Patient's husband enrolled her to V-Safe to report all the adverse effects she experienced. On Sunday 1/24/2021, her temperature was 98.3F. She still had nausea and no appetite. She and her husband watched a football game in their bedroom upstairs. Husband noticed that his wife was pacing around the room many times. At 7Pm, Husband went downstairs for dinner but she refused to come down to eat. He went upstairs around 8pm, TV was still on. He turned off TV and went down stairs again thinking his wife felt as sleep while watching TV. He went back upstairs for bed around 10:30 PM. Husband said his wife had a deviated septum so she would snore very loudly when asleep. He didn?t hear her snoring so he went to check on her and found her not responsive. Husband called emergency services. Paramedic came at 10:45 and said patient was passed. Husband sent many texts to V-safe after that to report the incident. No response was received from V-safe. Patient?s doctor told her husband that she died due to cardiac arrest." "1024420-1" "1024420-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient had the first Moderna Covid vaccine on Thursday 1/21/2021. She had a bit of sore arm on that day and the day after. On Saturday 1/23/2021, she had a fever of 100.5 F (11AM), nausea, light headache and chills. The temperature went down after she took ibuprofen. Patient's husband enrolled her to V-Safe to report all the adverse effects she experienced. On Sunday 1/24/2021, her temperature was 98.3F. She still had nausea and no appetite. She and her husband watched a football game in their bedroom upstairs. Husband noticed that his wife was pacing around the room many times. At 7Pm, Husband went downstairs for dinner but she refused to come down to eat. He went upstairs around 8pm, TV was still on. He turned off TV and went down stairs again thinking his wife felt as sleep while watching TV. He went back upstairs for bed around 10:30 PM. Husband said his wife had a deviated septum so she would snore very loudly when asleep. He didn?t hear her snoring so he went to check on her and found her not responsive. Husband called emergency services. Paramedic came at 10:45 and said patient was passed. Husband sent many texts to V-safe after that to report the incident. No response was received from V-safe. Patient?s doctor told her husband that she died due to cardiac arrest." "1024420-1" "1024420-1" "PAIN IN EXTREMITY" "10033425" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient had the first Moderna Covid vaccine on Thursday 1/21/2021. She had a bit of sore arm on that day and the day after. On Saturday 1/23/2021, she had a fever of 100.5 F (11AM), nausea, light headache and chills. The temperature went down after she took ibuprofen. Patient's husband enrolled her to V-Safe to report all the adverse effects she experienced. On Sunday 1/24/2021, her temperature was 98.3F. She still had nausea and no appetite. She and her husband watched a football game in their bedroom upstairs. Husband noticed that his wife was pacing around the room many times. At 7Pm, Husband went downstairs for dinner but she refused to come down to eat. He went upstairs around 8pm, TV was still on. He turned off TV and went down stairs again thinking his wife felt as sleep while watching TV. He went back upstairs for bed around 10:30 PM. Husband said his wife had a deviated septum so she would snore very loudly when asleep. He didn?t hear her snoring so he went to check on her and found her not responsive. Husband called emergency services. Paramedic came at 10:45 and said patient was passed. Husband sent many texts to V-safe after that to report the incident. No response was received from V-safe. Patient?s doctor told her husband that she died due to cardiac arrest." "1024420-1" "1024420-1" "PSYCHOMOTOR HYPERACTIVITY" "10037211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient had the first Moderna Covid vaccine on Thursday 1/21/2021. She had a bit of sore arm on that day and the day after. On Saturday 1/23/2021, she had a fever of 100.5 F (11AM), nausea, light headache and chills. The temperature went down after she took ibuprofen. Patient's husband enrolled her to V-Safe to report all the adverse effects she experienced. On Sunday 1/24/2021, her temperature was 98.3F. She still had nausea and no appetite. She and her husband watched a football game in their bedroom upstairs. Husband noticed that his wife was pacing around the room many times. At 7Pm, Husband went downstairs for dinner but she refused to come down to eat. He went upstairs around 8pm, TV was still on. He turned off TV and went down stairs again thinking his wife felt as sleep while watching TV. He went back upstairs for bed around 10:30 PM. Husband said his wife had a deviated septum so she would snore very loudly when asleep. He didn?t hear her snoring so he went to check on her and found her not responsive. Husband called emergency services. Paramedic came at 10:45 and said patient was passed. Husband sent many texts to V-safe after that to report the incident. No response was received from V-safe. Patient?s doctor told her husband that she died due to cardiac arrest." "1024420-1" "1024420-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient had the first Moderna Covid vaccine on Thursday 1/21/2021. She had a bit of sore arm on that day and the day after. On Saturday 1/23/2021, she had a fever of 100.5 F (11AM), nausea, light headache and chills. The temperature went down after she took ibuprofen. Patient's husband enrolled her to V-Safe to report all the adverse effects she experienced. On Sunday 1/24/2021, her temperature was 98.3F. She still had nausea and no appetite. She and her husband watched a football game in their bedroom upstairs. Husband noticed that his wife was pacing around the room many times. At 7Pm, Husband went downstairs for dinner but she refused to come down to eat. He went upstairs around 8pm, TV was still on. He turned off TV and went down stairs again thinking his wife felt as sleep while watching TV. He went back upstairs for bed around 10:30 PM. Husband said his wife had a deviated septum so she would snore very loudly when asleep. He didn?t hear her snoring so he went to check on her and found her not responsive. Husband called emergency services. Paramedic came at 10:45 and said patient was passed. Husband sent many texts to V-safe after that to report the incident. No response was received from V-safe. Patient?s doctor told her husband that she died due to cardiac arrest." "1024420-1" "1024420-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient had the first Moderna Covid vaccine on Thursday 1/21/2021. She had a bit of sore arm on that day and the day after. On Saturday 1/23/2021, she had a fever of 100.5 F (11AM), nausea, light headache and chills. The temperature went down after she took ibuprofen. Patient's husband enrolled her to V-Safe to report all the adverse effects she experienced. On Sunday 1/24/2021, her temperature was 98.3F. She still had nausea and no appetite. She and her husband watched a football game in their bedroom upstairs. Husband noticed that his wife was pacing around the room many times. At 7Pm, Husband went downstairs for dinner but she refused to come down to eat. He went upstairs around 8pm, TV was still on. He turned off TV and went down stairs again thinking his wife felt as sleep while watching TV. He went back upstairs for bed around 10:30 PM. Husband said his wife had a deviated septum so she would snore very loudly when asleep. He didn?t hear her snoring so he went to check on her and found her not responsive. Husband called emergency services. Paramedic came at 10:45 and said patient was passed. Husband sent many texts to V-safe after that to report the incident. No response was received from V-safe. Patient?s doctor told her husband that she died due to cardiac arrest." "1024539-1" "1024539-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient tested positive for covid on 1/29/21. was hospitalized on 2/8/21 for shortness of breath, generalized weakness, nausea." "1024539-1" "1024539-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient tested positive for covid on 1/29/21. was hospitalized on 2/8/21 for shortness of breath, generalized weakness, nausea." "1024539-1" "1024539-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient tested positive for covid on 1/29/21. was hospitalized on 2/8/21 for shortness of breath, generalized weakness, nausea." "1024539-1" "1024539-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient tested positive for covid on 1/29/21. was hospitalized on 2/8/21 for shortness of breath, generalized weakness, nausea." "1024539-1" "1024539-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient tested positive for covid on 1/29/21. was hospitalized on 2/8/21 for shortness of breath, generalized weakness, nausea." "1024743-1" "1024743-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "pt became lethargic, stopped eating. No fever; no nausea" "1024743-1" "1024743-1" "DIET REFUSAL" "10012775" "65-79 years" "65-79" "pt became lethargic, stopped eating. No fever; no nausea" "1024743-1" "1024743-1" "LETHARGY" "10024264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "pt became lethargic, stopped eating. No fever; no nausea" "1025472-1" "1025472-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID19 vaccine at clinic at 11:52 am, discharge post treatment stable. Got home around 2:30 pm went to bed. He usually got tired post dialysis. He did not wake up at 6 pm. His wife went check on him. found patient cold and unresponsive. 911 pulseless PEA. ER Medical hospital. Pronounced death at 7:40 pm" "1025472-1" "1025472-1" "DIALYSIS" "10061105" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID19 vaccine at clinic at 11:52 am, discharge post treatment stable. Got home around 2:30 pm went to bed. He usually got tired post dialysis. He did not wake up at 6 pm. His wife went check on him. found patient cold and unresponsive. 911 pulseless PEA. ER Medical hospital. Pronounced death at 7:40 pm" "1025472-1" "1025472-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID19 vaccine at clinic at 11:52 am, discharge post treatment stable. Got home around 2:30 pm went to bed. He usually got tired post dialysis. He did not wake up at 6 pm. His wife went check on him. found patient cold and unresponsive. 911 pulseless PEA. ER Medical hospital. Pronounced death at 7:40 pm" "1025472-1" "1025472-1" "PERIPHERAL COLDNESS" "10034568" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID19 vaccine at clinic at 11:52 am, discharge post treatment stable. Got home around 2:30 pm went to bed. He usually got tired post dialysis. He did not wake up at 6 pm. His wife went check on him. found patient cold and unresponsive. 911 pulseless PEA. ER Medical hospital. Pronounced death at 7:40 pm" "1025472-1" "1025472-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID19 vaccine at clinic at 11:52 am, discharge post treatment stable. Got home around 2:30 pm went to bed. He usually got tired post dialysis. He did not wake up at 6 pm. His wife went check on him. found patient cold and unresponsive. 911 pulseless PEA. ER Medical hospital. Pronounced death at 7:40 pm" "1025472-1" "1025472-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID19 vaccine at clinic at 11:52 am, discharge post treatment stable. Got home around 2:30 pm went to bed. He usually got tired post dialysis. He did not wake up at 6 pm. His wife went check on him. found patient cold and unresponsive. 911 pulseless PEA. ER Medical hospital. Pronounced death at 7:40 pm" "1025493-1" "1025493-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient expired on the morning of 2/11/2021. No known adverse events prior to death. Patient was observed for 20 to 25 minutes after administration of vaccine and reported experiencing no signs or symptoms of adverse events at that time." "1027051-1" "1027051-1" "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10007617" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Few minutes post vaccination, after moving to observation area via wheelchair, the patient complained of dizziness. She took glucose tabs she had brought with her. Staff wheeled her to Triage # 1. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she lost consciousness. Staff (paramedics on site) transferred her to gurney and started compressions. AED placed, V- Fib was rhythm, Shock # 1 given, CPR resumed. Shocked again. Fire truck and additional EMT arrived on site and took over care. Epinephrine was given 3 times via intra-osseous route, Amiodarone given intra-osseous route. Additional defibrillation with on site AED for a total of 6-7 times. Patient had good chest rise with ambu-bag, no airway obstruction or peri-oral edema noted. Code called at 12:40 PM." "1027051-1" "1027051-1" "CARDIOVERSION" "10007661" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Few minutes post vaccination, after moving to observation area via wheelchair, the patient complained of dizziness. She took glucose tabs she had brought with her. Staff wheeled her to Triage # 1. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she lost consciousness. Staff (paramedics on site) transferred her to gurney and started compressions. AED placed, V- Fib was rhythm, Shock # 1 given, CPR resumed. Shocked again. Fire truck and additional EMT arrived on site and took over care. Epinephrine was given 3 times via intra-osseous route, Amiodarone given intra-osseous route. Additional defibrillation with on site AED for a total of 6-7 times. Patient had good chest rise with ambu-bag, no airway obstruction or peri-oral edema noted. Code called at 12:40 PM." "1027051-1" "1027051-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Few minutes post vaccination, after moving to observation area via wheelchair, the patient complained of dizziness. She took glucose tabs she had brought with her. Staff wheeled her to Triage # 1. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she lost consciousness. Staff (paramedics on site) transferred her to gurney and started compressions. AED placed, V- Fib was rhythm, Shock # 1 given, CPR resumed. Shocked again. Fire truck and additional EMT arrived on site and took over care. Epinephrine was given 3 times via intra-osseous route, Amiodarone given intra-osseous route. Additional defibrillation with on site AED for a total of 6-7 times. Patient had good chest rise with ambu-bag, no airway obstruction or peri-oral edema noted. Code called at 12:40 PM." "1027051-1" "1027051-1" "DIZZINESS" "10013573" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Few minutes post vaccination, after moving to observation area via wheelchair, the patient complained of dizziness. She took glucose tabs she had brought with her. Staff wheeled her to Triage # 1. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she lost consciousness. Staff (paramedics on site) transferred her to gurney and started compressions. AED placed, V- Fib was rhythm, Shock # 1 given, CPR resumed. Shocked again. Fire truck and additional EMT arrived on site and took over care. Epinephrine was given 3 times via intra-osseous route, Amiodarone given intra-osseous route. Additional defibrillation with on site AED for a total of 6-7 times. Patient had good chest rise with ambu-bag, no airway obstruction or peri-oral edema noted. Code called at 12:40 PM." "1027051-1" "1027051-1" "EYE MOVEMENT DISORDER" "10061129" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Few minutes post vaccination, after moving to observation area via wheelchair, the patient complained of dizziness. She took glucose tabs she had brought with her. Staff wheeled her to Triage # 1. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she lost consciousness. Staff (paramedics on site) transferred her to gurney and started compressions. AED placed, V- Fib was rhythm, Shock # 1 given, CPR resumed. Shocked again. Fire truck and additional EMT arrived on site and took over care. Epinephrine was given 3 times via intra-osseous route, Amiodarone given intra-osseous route. Additional defibrillation with on site AED for a total of 6-7 times. Patient had good chest rise with ambu-bag, no airway obstruction or peri-oral edema noted. Code called at 12:40 PM." "1027051-1" "1027051-1" "INTRAOSSEOUS ACCESS PLACEMENT" "10081231" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Few minutes post vaccination, after moving to observation area via wheelchair, the patient complained of dizziness. She took glucose tabs she had brought with her. Staff wheeled her to Triage # 1. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she lost consciousness. Staff (paramedics on site) transferred her to gurney and started compressions. AED placed, V- Fib was rhythm, Shock # 1 given, CPR resumed. Shocked again. Fire truck and additional EMT arrived on site and took over care. Epinephrine was given 3 times via intra-osseous route, Amiodarone given intra-osseous route. Additional defibrillation with on site AED for a total of 6-7 times. Patient had good chest rise with ambu-bag, no airway obstruction or peri-oral edema noted. Code called at 12:40 PM." "1027051-1" "1027051-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Few minutes post vaccination, after moving to observation area via wheelchair, the patient complained of dizziness. She took glucose tabs she had brought with her. Staff wheeled her to Triage # 1. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she lost consciousness. Staff (paramedics on site) transferred her to gurney and started compressions. AED placed, V- Fib was rhythm, Shock # 1 given, CPR resumed. Shocked again. Fire truck and additional EMT arrived on site and took over care. Epinephrine was given 3 times via intra-osseous route, Amiodarone given intra-osseous route. Additional defibrillation with on site AED for a total of 6-7 times. Patient had good chest rise with ambu-bag, no airway obstruction or peri-oral edema noted. Code called at 12:40 PM." "1027051-1" "1027051-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Few minutes post vaccination, after moving to observation area via wheelchair, the patient complained of dizziness. She took glucose tabs she had brought with her. Staff wheeled her to Triage # 1. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she lost consciousness. Staff (paramedics on site) transferred her to gurney and started compressions. AED placed, V- Fib was rhythm, Shock # 1 given, CPR resumed. Shocked again. Fire truck and additional EMT arrived on site and took over care. Epinephrine was given 3 times via intra-osseous route, Amiodarone given intra-osseous route. Additional defibrillation with on site AED for a total of 6-7 times. Patient had good chest rise with ambu-bag, no airway obstruction or peri-oral edema noted. Code called at 12:40 PM." "1027051-1" "1027051-1" "VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION" "10047290" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Few minutes post vaccination, after moving to observation area via wheelchair, the patient complained of dizziness. She took glucose tabs she had brought with her. Staff wheeled her to Triage # 1. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she lost consciousness. Staff (paramedics on site) transferred her to gurney and started compressions. AED placed, V- Fib was rhythm, Shock # 1 given, CPR resumed. Shocked again. Fire truck and additional EMT arrived on site and took over care. Epinephrine was given 3 times via intra-osseous route, Amiodarone given intra-osseous route. Additional defibrillation with on site AED for a total of 6-7 times. Patient had good chest rise with ambu-bag, no airway obstruction or peri-oral edema noted. Code called at 12:40 PM." "1028476-1" "1028476-1" "ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK" "10002199" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She started having breathing problems/heart attack appearance. on 1/22/21 and went to the ER. Upon admittance was told it was an anaphylactic shock from the Covid shot. They kept her in ICU and released her 1/23/21. At 12:45 am on 1/24/21 she passed out and we called the ambulance. Hospital admitted her and worked through multiple organ failure issues and thought her numbers were under control. She was released on 1/27/21 and was driving on 1/28/21 around 4:15 pm and appears to have had heart failure and had a wreck. She passed away that day." "1028476-1" "1028476-1" "CARDIAC FAILURE" "10007554" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She started having breathing problems/heart attack appearance. on 1/22/21 and went to the ER. Upon admittance was told it was an anaphylactic shock from the Covid shot. They kept her in ICU and released her 1/23/21. At 12:45 am on 1/24/21 she passed out and we called the ambulance. Hospital admitted her and worked through multiple organ failure issues and thought her numbers were under control. She was released on 1/27/21 and was driving on 1/28/21 around 4:15 pm and appears to have had heart failure and had a wreck. She passed away that day." "1028476-1" "1028476-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She started having breathing problems/heart attack appearance. on 1/22/21 and went to the ER. Upon admittance was told it was an anaphylactic shock from the Covid shot. They kept her in ICU and released her 1/23/21. At 12:45 am on 1/24/21 she passed out and we called the ambulance. Hospital admitted her and worked through multiple organ failure issues and thought her numbers were under control. She was released on 1/27/21 and was driving on 1/28/21 around 4:15 pm and appears to have had heart failure and had a wreck. She passed away that day." "1028476-1" "1028476-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She started having breathing problems/heart attack appearance. on 1/22/21 and went to the ER. Upon admittance was told it was an anaphylactic shock from the Covid shot. They kept her in ICU and released her 1/23/21. At 12:45 am on 1/24/21 she passed out and we called the ambulance. Hospital admitted her and worked through multiple organ failure issues and thought her numbers were under control. She was released on 1/27/21 and was driving on 1/28/21 around 4:15 pm and appears to have had heart failure and had a wreck. She passed away that day." "1028476-1" "1028476-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She started having breathing problems/heart attack appearance. on 1/22/21 and went to the ER. Upon admittance was told it was an anaphylactic shock from the Covid shot. They kept her in ICU and released her 1/23/21. At 12:45 am on 1/24/21 she passed out and we called the ambulance. Hospital admitted her and worked through multiple organ failure issues and thought her numbers were under control. She was released on 1/27/21 and was driving on 1/28/21 around 4:15 pm and appears to have had heart failure and had a wreck. She passed away that day." "1028476-1" "1028476-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She started having breathing problems/heart attack appearance. on 1/22/21 and went to the ER. Upon admittance was told it was an anaphylactic shock from the Covid shot. They kept her in ICU and released her 1/23/21. At 12:45 am on 1/24/21 she passed out and we called the ambulance. Hospital admitted her and worked through multiple organ failure issues and thought her numbers were under control. She was released on 1/27/21 and was driving on 1/28/21 around 4:15 pm and appears to have had heart failure and had a wreck. She passed away that day." "1028476-1" "1028476-1" "MULTIPLE ORGAN DYSFUNCTION SYNDROME" "10077361" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She started having breathing problems/heart attack appearance. on 1/22/21 and went to the ER. Upon admittance was told it was an anaphylactic shock from the Covid shot. They kept her in ICU and released her 1/23/21. At 12:45 am on 1/24/21 she passed out and we called the ambulance. Hospital admitted her and worked through multiple organ failure issues and thought her numbers were under control. She was released on 1/27/21 and was driving on 1/28/21 around 4:15 pm and appears to have had heart failure and had a wreck. She passed away that day." "1028476-1" "1028476-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She started having breathing problems/heart attack appearance. on 1/22/21 and went to the ER. Upon admittance was told it was an anaphylactic shock from the Covid shot. They kept her in ICU and released her 1/23/21. At 12:45 am on 1/24/21 she passed out and we called the ambulance. Hospital admitted her and worked through multiple organ failure issues and thought her numbers were under control. She was released on 1/27/21 and was driving on 1/28/21 around 4:15 pm and appears to have had heart failure and had a wreck. She passed away that day." "1028476-1" "1028476-1" "ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENT" "10039203" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She started having breathing problems/heart attack appearance. on 1/22/21 and went to the ER. Upon admittance was told it was an anaphylactic shock from the Covid shot. They kept her in ICU and released her 1/23/21. At 12:45 am on 1/24/21 she passed out and we called the ambulance. Hospital admitted her and worked through multiple organ failure issues and thought her numbers were under control. She was released on 1/27/21 and was driving on 1/28/21 around 4:15 pm and appears to have had heart failure and had a wreck. She passed away that day." "1030701-1" "1030701-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "unknown, husband reported hospitalization 02/12 and deceased 02/15" "1030729-1" "1030729-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "deceased, 2/1/21" "1033607-1" "1033607-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vomiting, death." "1033607-1" "1033607-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vomiting, death." "1034192-1" "1034192-1" "CEREBRAL SMALL VESSEL ISCHAEMIC DISEASE" "10070878" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented with spontaneous IVH of small vessel origin with essentially no past medical history. She then acutely developed mesenteric ischemia. Died due to all dead small bowel which also appeared to be small vessel disease and not embolic/thrombotic. This process started one week after" "1034192-1" "1034192-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented with spontaneous IVH of small vessel origin with essentially no past medical history. She then acutely developed mesenteric ischemia. Died due to all dead small bowel which also appeared to be small vessel disease and not embolic/thrombotic. This process started one week after" "1034192-1" "1034192-1" "INTESTINAL INFARCTION" "10022657" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented with spontaneous IVH of small vessel origin with essentially no past medical history. She then acutely developed mesenteric ischemia. Died due to all dead small bowel which also appeared to be small vessel disease and not embolic/thrombotic. This process started one week after" "1034192-1" "1034192-1" "INTESTINAL ISCHAEMIA" "10022680" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented with spontaneous IVH of small vessel origin with essentially no past medical history. She then acutely developed mesenteric ischemia. Died due to all dead small bowel which also appeared to be small vessel disease and not embolic/thrombotic. This process started one week after" "1034192-1" "1034192-1" "INTRAVENTRICULAR HAEMORRHAGE" "10022840" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented with spontaneous IVH of small vessel origin with essentially no past medical history. She then acutely developed mesenteric ischemia. Died due to all dead small bowel which also appeared to be small vessel disease and not embolic/thrombotic. This process started one week after" "1035943-1" "1035943-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient had no reaction at the time of vaccination. Waited the required 15 minutes and was allowed to go home." "1036098-1" "1036098-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received the vaccine on 1/31/2021. Patient complained of bleeding 2/7/2021. Went to clinic where labs were conducted. Patient had an INR of 12. Previous INR results were normal prior to vaccination. Patient was also diagnosed with UTI and given antibiotics. Patient was encouraged to go to ER. Patient died on 2/12/2021." "1036098-1" "1036098-1" "HAEMORRHAGE" "10055798" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received the vaccine on 1/31/2021. Patient complained of bleeding 2/7/2021. Went to clinic where labs were conducted. Patient had an INR of 12. Previous INR results were normal prior to vaccination. Patient was also diagnosed with UTI and given antibiotics. Patient was encouraged to go to ER. Patient died on 2/12/2021." "1036098-1" "1036098-1" "INTERNATIONAL NORMALISED RATIO INCREASED" "10022595" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received the vaccine on 1/31/2021. Patient complained of bleeding 2/7/2021. Went to clinic where labs were conducted. Patient had an INR of 12. Previous INR results were normal prior to vaccination. Patient was also diagnosed with UTI and given antibiotics. Patient was encouraged to go to ER. Patient died on 2/12/2021." "1036098-1" "1036098-1" "URINARY TRACT INFECTION" "10046571" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received the vaccine on 1/31/2021. Patient complained of bleeding 2/7/2021. Went to clinic where labs were conducted. Patient had an INR of 12. Previous INR results were normal prior to vaccination. Patient was also diagnosed with UTI and given antibiotics. Patient was encouraged to go to ER. Patient died on 2/12/2021." "1036098-1" "1036098-1" "URINE ANALYSIS ABNORMAL" "10062226" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received the vaccine on 1/31/2021. Patient complained of bleeding 2/7/2021. Went to clinic where labs were conducted. Patient had an INR of 12. Previous INR results were normal prior to vaccination. Patient was also diagnosed with UTI and given antibiotics. Patient was encouraged to go to ER. Patient died on 2/12/2021." "1036881-1" "1036881-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Myocardial Infarction" "1037051-1" "1037051-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Diarrhea , fatigue on 2/10 Fall 2/12 out to hospital Resident Expired 2/14" "1037051-1" "1037051-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Diarrhea , fatigue on 2/10 Fall 2/12 out to hospital Resident Expired 2/14" "1037051-1" "1037051-1" "FALL" "10016173" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Diarrhea , fatigue on 2/10 Fall 2/12 out to hospital Resident Expired 2/14" "1037051-1" "1037051-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Diarrhea , fatigue on 2/10 Fall 2/12 out to hospital Resident Expired 2/14" "1038489-1" "1038489-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient experienced a cardiac arrest 2 days after receiving the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. He later died on 2-17-2021 with complications including respiratory arrest and acute kidney failure." "1038489-1" "1038489-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient experienced a cardiac arrest 2 days after receiving the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. He later died on 2-17-2021 with complications including respiratory arrest and acute kidney failure." "1038489-1" "1038489-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient experienced a cardiac arrest 2 days after receiving the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. He later died on 2-17-2021 with complications including respiratory arrest and acute kidney failure." "1038489-1" "1038489-1" "RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10038669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient experienced a cardiac arrest 2 days after receiving the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. He later died on 2-17-2021 with complications including respiratory arrest and acute kidney failure." "1038561-1" "1038561-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "(02/15/2021): vaccine (02/16/2021) : severe body aches and weakness, increased congestion and mucous production. (02/16-17/2021) : death possibly during the night" "1038561-1" "1038561-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "(02/15/2021): vaccine (02/16/2021) : severe body aches and weakness, increased congestion and mucous production. (02/16-17/2021) : death possibly during the night" "1038561-1" "1038561-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "(02/15/2021): vaccine (02/16/2021) : severe body aches and weakness, increased congestion and mucous production. (02/16-17/2021) : death possibly during the night" "1038561-1" "1038561-1" "RESPIRATORY TRACT CONGESTION" "10052251" "65-79 years" "65-79" "(02/15/2021): vaccine (02/16/2021) : severe body aches and weakness, increased congestion and mucous production. (02/16-17/2021) : death possibly during the night" "1038561-1" "1038561-1" "SECRETION DISCHARGE" "10053459" "65-79 years" "65-79" "(02/15/2021): vaccine (02/16/2021) : severe body aches and weakness, increased congestion and mucous production. (02/16-17/2021) : death possibly during the night" "1039304-1" "1039304-1" "BLOOD SODIUM NORMAL" "10005804" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident getting rehab therapy in the facility and has a long history of Parkinson's Disease. On 01/29/21, he received the COVID vaccine on left deltoid, resident was recently hospitalized due to Pneumonia and was on antibiotic IV and was recently placed on GT feeding due to severe dysphagia from his Parkinson's disease. On 01/31/21, started having increased congestion. On 02/02/21, started having increased temperature and WBC went up >20,000 on 02/03/21, started on Vancomycin IV on 02/04/21 but was transferred to the hospital. Facility was notified today (02/18/21) that resident expired in the hospital." "1039304-1" "1039304-1" "BLOOD UREA INCREASED" "10005851" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident getting rehab therapy in the facility and has a long history of Parkinson's Disease. On 01/29/21, he received the COVID vaccine on left deltoid, resident was recently hospitalized due to Pneumonia and was on antibiotic IV and was recently placed on GT feeding due to severe dysphagia from his Parkinson's disease. On 01/31/21, started having increased congestion. On 02/02/21, started having increased temperature and WBC went up >20,000 on 02/03/21, started on Vancomycin IV on 02/04/21 but was transferred to the hospital. Facility was notified today (02/18/21) that resident expired in the hospital." "1039304-1" "1039304-1" "BODY TEMPERATURE INCREASED" "10005911" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident getting rehab therapy in the facility and has a long history of Parkinson's Disease. On 01/29/21, he received the COVID vaccine on left deltoid, resident was recently hospitalized due to Pneumonia and was on antibiotic IV and was recently placed on GT feeding due to severe dysphagia from his Parkinson's disease. On 01/31/21, started having increased congestion. On 02/02/21, started having increased temperature and WBC went up >20,000 on 02/03/21, started on Vancomycin IV on 02/04/21 but was transferred to the hospital. Facility was notified today (02/18/21) that resident expired in the hospital." "1039304-1" "1039304-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident getting rehab therapy in the facility and has a long history of Parkinson's Disease. On 01/29/21, he received the COVID vaccine on left deltoid, resident was recently hospitalized due to Pneumonia and was on antibiotic IV and was recently placed on GT feeding due to severe dysphagia from his Parkinson's disease. On 01/31/21, started having increased congestion. On 02/02/21, started having increased temperature and WBC went up >20,000 on 02/03/21, started on Vancomycin IV on 02/04/21 but was transferred to the hospital. Facility was notified today (02/18/21) that resident expired in the hospital." "1039304-1" "1039304-1" "DYSPHAGIA" "10013950" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident getting rehab therapy in the facility and has a long history of Parkinson's Disease. On 01/29/21, he received the COVID vaccine on left deltoid, resident was recently hospitalized due to Pneumonia and was on antibiotic IV and was recently placed on GT feeding due to severe dysphagia from his Parkinson's disease. On 01/31/21, started having increased congestion. On 02/02/21, started having increased temperature and WBC went up >20,000 on 02/03/21, started on Vancomycin IV on 02/04/21 but was transferred to the hospital. Facility was notified today (02/18/21) that resident expired in the hospital." "1039304-1" "1039304-1" "GASTROINTESTINAL TUBE INSERTION" "10053050" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident getting rehab therapy in the facility and has a long history of Parkinson's Disease. On 01/29/21, he received the COVID vaccine on left deltoid, resident was recently hospitalized due to Pneumonia and was on antibiotic IV and was recently placed on GT feeding due to severe dysphagia from his Parkinson's disease. On 01/31/21, started having increased congestion. On 02/02/21, started having increased temperature and WBC went up >20,000 on 02/03/21, started on Vancomycin IV on 02/04/21 but was transferred to the hospital. Facility was notified today (02/18/21) that resident expired in the hospital." "1039304-1" "1039304-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident getting rehab therapy in the facility and has a long history of Parkinson's Disease. On 01/29/21, he received the COVID vaccine on left deltoid, resident was recently hospitalized due to Pneumonia and was on antibiotic IV and was recently placed on GT feeding due to severe dysphagia from his Parkinson's disease. On 01/31/21, started having increased congestion. On 02/02/21, started having increased temperature and WBC went up >20,000 on 02/03/21, started on Vancomycin IV on 02/04/21 but was transferred to the hospital. Facility was notified today (02/18/21) that resident expired in the hospital." "1039304-1" "1039304-1" "RESPIRATORY TRACT CONGESTION" "10052251" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident getting rehab therapy in the facility and has a long history of Parkinson's Disease. On 01/29/21, he received the COVID vaccine on left deltoid, resident was recently hospitalized due to Pneumonia and was on antibiotic IV and was recently placed on GT feeding due to severe dysphagia from his Parkinson's disease. On 01/31/21, started having increased congestion. On 02/02/21, started having increased temperature and WBC went up >20,000 on 02/03/21, started on Vancomycin IV on 02/04/21 but was transferred to the hospital. Facility was notified today (02/18/21) that resident expired in the hospital." "1039304-1" "1039304-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST NEGATIVE" "10084273" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident getting rehab therapy in the facility and has a long history of Parkinson's Disease. On 01/29/21, he received the COVID vaccine on left deltoid, resident was recently hospitalized due to Pneumonia and was on antibiotic IV and was recently placed on GT feeding due to severe dysphagia from his Parkinson's disease. On 01/31/21, started having increased congestion. On 02/02/21, started having increased temperature and WBC went up >20,000 on 02/03/21, started on Vancomycin IV on 02/04/21 but was transferred to the hospital. Facility was notified today (02/18/21) that resident expired in the hospital." "1039304-1" "1039304-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT INCREASED" "10047943" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident getting rehab therapy in the facility and has a long history of Parkinson's Disease. On 01/29/21, he received the COVID vaccine on left deltoid, resident was recently hospitalized due to Pneumonia and was on antibiotic IV and was recently placed on GT feeding due to severe dysphagia from his Parkinson's disease. On 01/31/21, started having increased congestion. On 02/02/21, started having increased temperature and WBC went up >20,000 on 02/03/21, started on Vancomycin IV on 02/04/21 but was transferred to the hospital. Facility was notified today (02/18/21) that resident expired in the hospital." "1049012-1" "1049012-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was given vaccine on friday, one week later she passed away. The family called the pharmacy to inform us on Saturday, Feb 20, 2021. After the phone call was over, we saw in her pharmacy profile that she had received the vaccine one week prior" "1049852-1" "1049852-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "When calling to get billing information we were notified that patient had passed away. Patient's daughter said patient was having cvd a/s on 2.1.2021 got vaccine 2.2.2021 and passed away 2.5.2021. Cardiologist said not related" "1050281-1" "1050281-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per family, patient has been feeling sick since he was vaccinated, patient went to ER on 02/15/2021, and after few hours at ER patient passed away." "1050281-1" "1050281-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per family, patient has been feeling sick since he was vaccinated, patient went to ER on 02/15/2021, and after few hours at ER patient passed away." "1050281-1" "1050281-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per family, patient has been feeling sick since he was vaccinated, patient went to ER on 02/15/2021, and after few hours at ER patient passed away." "1050281-1" "1050281-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per family, patient has been feeling sick since he was vaccinated, patient went to ER on 02/15/2021, and after few hours at ER patient passed away." "1050281-1" "1050281-1" "X-RAY ABNORMAL" "10048065" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per family, patient has been feeling sick since he was vaccinated, patient went to ER on 02/15/2021, and after few hours at ER patient passed away." "1051267-1" "1051267-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Passed away; Slight soreness in arm; A regulatory report was received from a pharmacist concerning a 72-year-old male patient who received Moderna covid-19 vaccine and death occurred 4 days after the vaccine and also experienced soreness in his arm after the vaccine administration. The patient's medical history includes diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia, CVD, previous stroke and Depression. No relevant concomitant medications were reported. No information on allergies. On 4-FEB-2021 at 10:43 am, prior to the onset of events, the patient received his first of two planned doses of covid-19 vaccine for the prophylaxis of covid-19 infection. He had soreness in his arm the day following the shot, but he had no other symptoms. He passed away on 08-FEB-2021 at 10 am. As per his wife, they never made it to the hospital, and he had poor health prior to vaccination. Action taken with 2nd dose of Moderna Covid-19 vaccine was not applicable. The outcome of the event death is fatal.; Reporter's Comments: This is a 72 year old male with hx of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and CVD who died 4 days after the vaccine was administered. No autopsy report provided. No further information is expected in this regulatory report case.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1051267-1" "1051267-1" "INJECTION SITE PAIN" "10022086" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Passed away; Slight soreness in arm; A regulatory report was received from a pharmacist concerning a 72-year-old male patient who received Moderna covid-19 vaccine and death occurred 4 days after the vaccine and also experienced soreness in his arm after the vaccine administration. The patient's medical history includes diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia, CVD, previous stroke and Depression. No relevant concomitant medications were reported. No information on allergies. On 4-FEB-2021 at 10:43 am, prior to the onset of events, the patient received his first of two planned doses of covid-19 vaccine for the prophylaxis of covid-19 infection. He had soreness in his arm the day following the shot, but he had no other symptoms. He passed away on 08-FEB-2021 at 10 am. As per his wife, they never made it to the hospital, and he had poor health prior to vaccination. Action taken with 2nd dose of Moderna Covid-19 vaccine was not applicable. The outcome of the event death is fatal.; Reporter's Comments: This is a 72 year old male with hx of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and CVD who died 4 days after the vaccine was administered. No autopsy report provided. No further information is expected in this regulatory report case.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1052809-1" "1052809-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient passed away" "1054192-1" "1054192-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt's wife reports death 2/23/2021" "1056660-1" "1056660-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac Event MI or Stroke; Cardiac Event MI or Stroke; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (Son in law). A 73-year-old male patient received the second dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration at left arm on 17Feb2021 14:00 at single dose for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history included atrial fibrillation (AFib), prostate cancer Survivor. Concomitant medication included alirocumab (PRALUENT), escitalopram oxalate (LEXAPRO), apixaban (ELIQUIS), nitroglycerin and Ca channel blocker. The patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 on an unknown date for covid-19 immunisation. The patient experienced cardiac event myocardial infarction (MI) or stroke on 17Feb2021. Adverse event result in Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit. It was unknown if treatment received for the events. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 and since the vaccination, the patient was not been tested for COVID-19. The patient died on 19Feb2021. It was unknown if an autopsy was performed. The outcome of the events was fatal. The reporter didn't know if this was associated or not. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Cardiac Event MI or Stroke; Cardiac Event MI or Stroke" "1056660-1" "1056660-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac Event MI or Stroke; Cardiac Event MI or Stroke; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (Son in law). A 73-year-old male patient received the second dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration at left arm on 17Feb2021 14:00 at single dose for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history included atrial fibrillation (AFib), prostate cancer Survivor. Concomitant medication included alirocumab (PRALUENT), escitalopram oxalate (LEXAPRO), apixaban (ELIQUIS), nitroglycerin and Ca channel blocker. The patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 on an unknown date for covid-19 immunisation. The patient experienced cardiac event myocardial infarction (MI) or stroke on 17Feb2021. Adverse event result in Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit. It was unknown if treatment received for the events. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 and since the vaccination, the patient was not been tested for COVID-19. The patient died on 19Feb2021. It was unknown if an autopsy was performed. The outcome of the events was fatal. The reporter didn't know if this was associated or not. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Cardiac Event MI or Stroke; Cardiac Event MI or Stroke" "1056842-1" "1056842-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The medical facility did not treat patient as her primary care, but were informed that she passed away on 15 February 2021 of a stroke. I do not have further information on the medical aspect of this as we were not her treating provider but did administer the vaccine on 12 February." "1056842-1" "1056842-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The medical facility did not treat patient as her primary care, but were informed that she passed away on 15 February 2021 of a stroke. I do not have further information on the medical aspect of this as we were not her treating provider but did administer the vaccine on 12 February." "1057956-1" "1057956-1" "FEELING ABNORMAL" "10016322" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Heard through a family member had some feeling badly and some respiratory symptoms. We do not have any real information. This is a coroners case." "1057956-1" "1057956-1" "RESPIRATORY SYMPTOM" "10075535" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Heard through a family member had some feeling badly and some respiratory symptoms. We do not have any real information. This is a coroners case." "1058190-1" "1058190-1" "BODY TEMPERATURE DECREASED" "10005910" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On the evening of 2/23/221 at 9:00 pm, resident reported feeling SOB, BP 80/44, Pulse 53, O2Sat 95% on 3L oxygen, hands cold, pulse weak. Temp 92.5F MD notified. EMS activated. EMS arrival and HR 20. Family refused transport to ER. Resident expired at 2:40 am on 2/24/21 Meds continued: duloextine, VITd2,hydralazine, synthroid, lisinopril, mag ox, folplex, pantoprazole, potassium chloride, ellipta, ensure, hydrocortisone cream, boost, deprox, xanax, morphine, lorazepam, tylenol, albuterol inhlation, ventolin inh." "1058190-1" "1058190-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On the evening of 2/23/221 at 9:00 pm, resident reported feeling SOB, BP 80/44, Pulse 53, O2Sat 95% on 3L oxygen, hands cold, pulse weak. Temp 92.5F MD notified. EMS activated. EMS arrival and HR 20. Family refused transport to ER. Resident expired at 2:40 am on 2/24/21 Meds continued: duloextine, VITd2,hydralazine, synthroid, lisinopril, mag ox, folplex, pantoprazole, potassium chloride, ellipta, ensure, hydrocortisone cream, boost, deprox, xanax, morphine, lorazepam, tylenol, albuterol inhlation, ventolin inh." "1058190-1" "1058190-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On the evening of 2/23/221 at 9:00 pm, resident reported feeling SOB, BP 80/44, Pulse 53, O2Sat 95% on 3L oxygen, hands cold, pulse weak. Temp 92.5F MD notified. EMS activated. EMS arrival and HR 20. Family refused transport to ER. Resident expired at 2:40 am on 2/24/21 Meds continued: duloextine, VITd2,hydralazine, synthroid, lisinopril, mag ox, folplex, pantoprazole, potassium chloride, ellipta, ensure, hydrocortisone cream, boost, deprox, xanax, morphine, lorazepam, tylenol, albuterol inhlation, ventolin inh." "1058190-1" "1058190-1" "PERIPHERAL COLDNESS" "10034568" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On the evening of 2/23/221 at 9:00 pm, resident reported feeling SOB, BP 80/44, Pulse 53, O2Sat 95% on 3L oxygen, hands cold, pulse weak. Temp 92.5F MD notified. EMS activated. EMS arrival and HR 20. Family refused transport to ER. Resident expired at 2:40 am on 2/24/21 Meds continued: duloextine, VITd2,hydralazine, synthroid, lisinopril, mag ox, folplex, pantoprazole, potassium chloride, ellipta, ensure, hydrocortisone cream, boost, deprox, xanax, morphine, lorazepam, tylenol, albuterol inhlation, ventolin inh." "1058190-1" "1058190-1" "PULSE ABNORMAL" "10037466" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On the evening of 2/23/221 at 9:00 pm, resident reported feeling SOB, BP 80/44, Pulse 53, O2Sat 95% on 3L oxygen, hands cold, pulse weak. Temp 92.5F MD notified. EMS activated. EMS arrival and HR 20. Family refused transport to ER. Resident expired at 2:40 am on 2/24/21 Meds continued: duloextine, VITd2,hydralazine, synthroid, lisinopril, mag ox, folplex, pantoprazole, potassium chloride, ellipta, ensure, hydrocortisone cream, boost, deprox, xanax, morphine, lorazepam, tylenol, albuterol inhlation, ventolin inh." "1059207-1" "1059207-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Unknown symptoms overnight. Appears patient passed away sometime after waking up next morning after receiving vaccine." "1059623-1" "1059623-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Possible Stroke per Medical examiner but Reported symptoms after covid vaccine 2/11 therefore being considered poss Covid vaccine related also. No hospitalization prior to death. (Symptoms reported to office 2/17) Fatigue, decreased appetite-" "1059623-1" "1059623-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Possible Stroke per Medical examiner but Reported symptoms after covid vaccine 2/11 therefore being considered poss Covid vaccine related also. No hospitalization prior to death. (Symptoms reported to office 2/17) Fatigue, decreased appetite-" "1059623-1" "1059623-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Possible Stroke per Medical examiner but Reported symptoms after covid vaccine 2/11 therefore being considered poss Covid vaccine related also. No hospitalization prior to death. (Symptoms reported to office 2/17) Fatigue, decreased appetite-" "1060190-1" "1060190-1" "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10007617" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received Covid Vaccine Moderna at 1145, multiple syncopal episodes at pharmacy, sent to ER. Outcome Death" "1060190-1" "1060190-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received Covid Vaccine Moderna at 1145, multiple syncopal episodes at pharmacy, sent to ER. Outcome Death" "1060190-1" "1060190-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM ABNORMAL" "10010235" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received Covid Vaccine Moderna at 1145, multiple syncopal episodes at pharmacy, sent to ER. Outcome Death" "1060190-1" "1060190-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received Covid Vaccine Moderna at 1145, multiple syncopal episodes at pharmacy, sent to ER. Outcome Death" "1060190-1" "1060190-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received Covid Vaccine Moderna at 1145, multiple syncopal episodes at pharmacy, sent to ER. Outcome Death" "1060190-1" "1060190-1" "RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10038669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received Covid Vaccine Moderna at 1145, multiple syncopal episodes at pharmacy, sent to ER. Outcome Death" "1060190-1" "1060190-1" "SYNCOPE" "10042772" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received Covid Vaccine Moderna at 1145, multiple syncopal episodes at pharmacy, sent to ER. Outcome Death" "1061040-1" "1061040-1" "ABDOMINAL PAIN UPPER" "10000087" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Text message from patient : 2.37 pm Saturday 02/20/2021 had the vaccine , waiting for 15 minutes & 2nd dose due 3/18/2021 Test message 9.44 am Sunday :feeling little sick with stomach ach No answer to phone calls on Cell/ Landline on Sunday No answer to phone call/ or text message No further communication." "1061040-1" "1061040-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Text message from patient : 2.37 pm Saturday 02/20/2021 had the vaccine , waiting for 15 minutes & 2nd dose due 3/18/2021 Test message 9.44 am Sunday :feeling little sick with stomach ach No answer to phone calls on Cell/ Landline on Sunday No answer to phone call/ or text message No further communication." "1061059-1" "1061059-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM ABDOMEN" "10053876" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Do not know if patient informed her physician that she received vaccine on 1/29/2021. She had appt at 3:15 pm on 1/29 and afterwards stated she received the Moderna vaccine. Reporter is uncertain if this was at a health office or clinic. She drove herself to the ER at about 3am on 1/30/2021 with increased cramping and pain." "1061059-1" "1061059-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Do not know if patient informed her physician that she received vaccine on 1/29/2021. She had appt at 3:15 pm on 1/29 and afterwards stated she received the Moderna vaccine. Reporter is uncertain if this was at a health office or clinic. She drove herself to the ER at about 3am on 1/30/2021 with increased cramping and pain." "1061059-1" "1061059-1" "MUSCLE SPASMS" "10028334" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Do not know if patient informed her physician that she received vaccine on 1/29/2021. She had appt at 3:15 pm on 1/29 and afterwards stated she received the Moderna vaccine. Reporter is uncertain if this was at a health office or clinic. She drove herself to the ER at about 3am on 1/30/2021 with increased cramping and pain." "1061059-1" "1061059-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Do not know if patient informed her physician that she received vaccine on 1/29/2021. She had appt at 3:15 pm on 1/29 and afterwards stated she received the Moderna vaccine. Reporter is uncertain if this was at a health office or clinic. She drove herself to the ER at about 3am on 1/30/2021 with increased cramping and pain." "1061184-1" "1061184-1" "COLD SWEAT" "10009866" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Possible heart attack on 2/5/21. Complaint: "" On Feb 5th l believe l experienced a mild hear attack"" (Comment: He said he felt ""clammy, sweaty, excruciating pain on my left side - including his left arm, and left leg, dizzy, exhausted."" This happened after work, and after taking a shower. He said that was the first time he's experienced it, and that it has not happened since then. He said he has constant headaches, ""It just went away yesterday."""" "1061184-1" "1061184-1" "DIZZINESS" "10013573" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Possible heart attack on 2/5/21. Complaint: "" On Feb 5th l believe l experienced a mild hear attack"" (Comment: He said he felt ""clammy, sweaty, excruciating pain on my left side - including his left arm, and left leg, dizzy, exhausted."" This happened after work, and after taking a shower. He said that was the first time he's experienced it, and that it has not happened since then. He said he has constant headaches, ""It just went away yesterday."""" "1061184-1" "1061184-1" "ECHOCARDIOGRAM" "10014113" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Possible heart attack on 2/5/21. Complaint: "" On Feb 5th l believe l experienced a mild hear attack"" (Comment: He said he felt ""clammy, sweaty, excruciating pain on my left side - including his left arm, and left leg, dizzy, exhausted."" This happened after work, and after taking a shower. He said that was the first time he's experienced it, and that it has not happened since then. He said he has constant headaches, ""It just went away yesterday."""" "1061184-1" "1061184-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Possible heart attack on 2/5/21. Complaint: "" On Feb 5th l believe l experienced a mild hear attack"" (Comment: He said he felt ""clammy, sweaty, excruciating pain on my left side - including his left arm, and left leg, dizzy, exhausted."" This happened after work, and after taking a shower. He said that was the first time he's experienced it, and that it has not happened since then. He said he has constant headaches, ""It just went away yesterday."""" "1061184-1" "1061184-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Possible heart attack on 2/5/21. Complaint: "" On Feb 5th l believe l experienced a mild hear attack"" (Comment: He said he felt ""clammy, sweaty, excruciating pain on my left side - including his left arm, and left leg, dizzy, exhausted."" This happened after work, and after taking a shower. He said that was the first time he's experienced it, and that it has not happened since then. He said he has constant headaches, ""It just went away yesterday."""" "1061184-1" "1061184-1" "HYPERHIDROSIS" "10020642" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Possible heart attack on 2/5/21. Complaint: "" On Feb 5th l believe l experienced a mild hear attack"" (Comment: He said he felt ""clammy, sweaty, excruciating pain on my left side - including his left arm, and left leg, dizzy, exhausted."" This happened after work, and after taking a shower. He said that was the first time he's experienced it, and that it has not happened since then. He said he has constant headaches, ""It just went away yesterday."""" "1061184-1" "1061184-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Possible heart attack on 2/5/21. Complaint: "" On Feb 5th l believe l experienced a mild hear attack"" (Comment: He said he felt ""clammy, sweaty, excruciating pain on my left side - including his left arm, and left leg, dizzy, exhausted."" This happened after work, and after taking a shower. He said that was the first time he's experienced it, and that it has not happened since then. He said he has constant headaches, ""It just went away yesterday."""" "1061184-1" "1061184-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Possible heart attack on 2/5/21. Complaint: "" On Feb 5th l believe l experienced a mild hear attack"" (Comment: He said he felt ""clammy, sweaty, excruciating pain on my left side - including his left arm, and left leg, dizzy, exhausted."" This happened after work, and after taking a shower. He said that was the first time he's experienced it, and that it has not happened since then. He said he has constant headaches, ""It just went away yesterday."""" "1061184-1" "1061184-1" "PAIN IN EXTREMITY" "10033425" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Possible heart attack on 2/5/21. Complaint: "" On Feb 5th l believe l experienced a mild hear attack"" (Comment: He said he felt ""clammy, sweaty, excruciating pain on my left side - including his left arm, and left leg, dizzy, exhausted."" This happened after work, and after taking a shower. He said that was the first time he's experienced it, and that it has not happened since then. He said he has constant headaches, ""It just went away yesterday."""" "1061303-1" "1061303-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death. Patient was found unresponsive in the morning hours after her shot." "1061303-1" "1061303-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death. Patient was found unresponsive in the morning hours after her shot." "1064265-1" "1064265-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death" "1064433-1" "1064433-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac Arrest" "1069647-1" "1069647-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Beginning in the evening 2/19/21, fever/chills/fatigue; worsening of symptoms 2/20/21 with lethargy/lack of appetite/weakness; unable to arouse on 2/21/21 then breathing stopped, patient's spouse called 911 performed CPR, EMS continued for 15 min then while in ambulance to hospital where he was pronounced dead. Official time of death 2:20pm" "1069647-1" "1069647-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Beginning in the evening 2/19/21, fever/chills/fatigue; worsening of symptoms 2/20/21 with lethargy/lack of appetite/weakness; unable to arouse on 2/21/21 then breathing stopped, patient's spouse called 911 performed CPR, EMS continued for 15 min then while in ambulance to hospital where he was pronounced dead. Official time of death 2:20pm" "1069647-1" "1069647-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Beginning in the evening 2/19/21, fever/chills/fatigue; worsening of symptoms 2/20/21 with lethargy/lack of appetite/weakness; unable to arouse on 2/21/21 then breathing stopped, patient's spouse called 911 performed CPR, EMS continued for 15 min then while in ambulance to hospital where he was pronounced dead. Official time of death 2:20pm" "1069647-1" "1069647-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Beginning in the evening 2/19/21, fever/chills/fatigue; worsening of symptoms 2/20/21 with lethargy/lack of appetite/weakness; unable to arouse on 2/21/21 then breathing stopped, patient's spouse called 911 performed CPR, EMS continued for 15 min then while in ambulance to hospital where he was pronounced dead. Official time of death 2:20pm" "1069647-1" "1069647-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Beginning in the evening 2/19/21, fever/chills/fatigue; worsening of symptoms 2/20/21 with lethargy/lack of appetite/weakness; unable to arouse on 2/21/21 then breathing stopped, patient's spouse called 911 performed CPR, EMS continued for 15 min then while in ambulance to hospital where he was pronounced dead. Official time of death 2:20pm" "1069647-1" "1069647-1" "DEPRESSED LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10012373" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Beginning in the evening 2/19/21, fever/chills/fatigue; worsening of symptoms 2/20/21 with lethargy/lack of appetite/weakness; unable to arouse on 2/21/21 then breathing stopped, patient's spouse called 911 performed CPR, EMS continued for 15 min then while in ambulance to hospital where he was pronounced dead. Official time of death 2:20pm" "1069647-1" "1069647-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Beginning in the evening 2/19/21, fever/chills/fatigue; worsening of symptoms 2/20/21 with lethargy/lack of appetite/weakness; unable to arouse on 2/21/21 then breathing stopped, patient's spouse called 911 performed CPR, EMS continued for 15 min then while in ambulance to hospital where he was pronounced dead. Official time of death 2:20pm" "1069647-1" "1069647-1" "LETHARGY" "10024264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Beginning in the evening 2/19/21, fever/chills/fatigue; worsening of symptoms 2/20/21 with lethargy/lack of appetite/weakness; unable to arouse on 2/21/21 then breathing stopped, patient's spouse called 911 performed CPR, EMS continued for 15 min then while in ambulance to hospital where he was pronounced dead. Official time of death 2:20pm" "1069647-1" "1069647-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Beginning in the evening 2/19/21, fever/chills/fatigue; worsening of symptoms 2/20/21 with lethargy/lack of appetite/weakness; unable to arouse on 2/21/21 then breathing stopped, patient's spouse called 911 performed CPR, EMS continued for 15 min then while in ambulance to hospital where he was pronounced dead. Official time of death 2:20pm" "1069647-1" "1069647-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Beginning in the evening 2/19/21, fever/chills/fatigue; worsening of symptoms 2/20/21 with lethargy/lack of appetite/weakness; unable to arouse on 2/21/21 then breathing stopped, patient's spouse called 911 performed CPR, EMS continued for 15 min then while in ambulance to hospital where he was pronounced dead. Official time of death 2:20pm" "1069647-1" "1069647-1" "RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10038669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Beginning in the evening 2/19/21, fever/chills/fatigue; worsening of symptoms 2/20/21 with lethargy/lack of appetite/weakness; unable to arouse on 2/21/21 then breathing stopped, patient's spouse called 911 performed CPR, EMS continued for 15 min then while in ambulance to hospital where he was pronounced dead. Official time of death 2:20pm" "1069647-1" "1069647-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Beginning in the evening 2/19/21, fever/chills/fatigue; worsening of symptoms 2/20/21 with lethargy/lack of appetite/weakness; unable to arouse on 2/21/21 then breathing stopped, patient's spouse called 911 performed CPR, EMS continued for 15 min then while in ambulance to hospital where he was pronounced dead. Official time of death 2:20pm" "1070562-1" "1070562-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The coroner called Dr. on 3.2.2021 to advise that he had a witnessed collapse and Mr. was taken to the ED where he was pronounced." "1070562-1" "1070562-1" "SYNCOPE" "10042772" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The coroner called Dr. on 3.2.2021 to advise that he had a witnessed collapse and Mr. was taken to the ED where he was pronounced." "1072156-1" "1072156-1" "ANXIETY" "10002855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine manufacturer and lot number unknown, vaccine given at alternate location. 2/23/21 8:27 PM: The patient is a 68-year-old male comes to the emergency department by paramedic ambulance for altered mental status that, began at around noon in association fever temp 102.9. PMH of myelofibrosis (on Jakafi and hydroxychloroquine), depression, anxiety, OSA, and history of AVR. Given history of myelodysplasia and Jak inhibitor predisposing to some opportunistic infections most notably viral reactivation with history of HSV and possible bacterial endocarditis he was admitted to the ICU for further monitoring and pressors. Patient has a MOS procedure 14 days prior - Status post MOSs procedure with large wound deficit on forehead -- Does not appear to be overtly infected at the time of admission. ED physician indicated mild facial cellulitis. 2/23/21- WBC 16.1 on admission. ECHO 2/26 indicated - no vegetation visualized. Of note second COVID vaccine 2 days prior to admission. Dr. felt incident was possible cardiogenic shock secondary to COVID vaccine. He did not feel the patient has a source of infection upon admission. Questionable given wounds on forehead Dr. (CMO) review of case- his impression was septic shock with and underlying case of chronic cardiac compromise making the hemodynamics worse" "1072156-1" "1072156-1" "BLOOD CULTURE NEGATIVE" "10005486" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine manufacturer and lot number unknown, vaccine given at alternate location. 2/23/21 8:27 PM: The patient is a 68-year-old male comes to the emergency department by paramedic ambulance for altered mental status that, began at around noon in association fever temp 102.9. PMH of myelofibrosis (on Jakafi and hydroxychloroquine), depression, anxiety, OSA, and history of AVR. Given history of myelodysplasia and Jak inhibitor predisposing to some opportunistic infections most notably viral reactivation with history of HSV and possible bacterial endocarditis he was admitted to the ICU for further monitoring and pressors. Patient has a MOS procedure 14 days prior - Status post MOSs procedure with large wound deficit on forehead -- Does not appear to be overtly infected at the time of admission. ED physician indicated mild facial cellulitis. 2/23/21- WBC 16.1 on admission. ECHO 2/26 indicated - no vegetation visualized. Of note second COVID vaccine 2 days prior to admission. Dr. felt incident was possible cardiogenic shock secondary to COVID vaccine. He did not feel the patient has a source of infection upon admission. Questionable given wounds on forehead Dr. (CMO) review of case- his impression was septic shock with and underlying case of chronic cardiac compromise making the hemodynamics worse" "1072156-1" "1072156-1" "CARDIAC DISORDER" "10061024" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine manufacturer and lot number unknown, vaccine given at alternate location. 2/23/21 8:27 PM: The patient is a 68-year-old male comes to the emergency department by paramedic ambulance for altered mental status that, began at around noon in association fever temp 102.9. PMH of myelofibrosis (on Jakafi and hydroxychloroquine), depression, anxiety, OSA, and history of AVR. Given history of myelodysplasia and Jak inhibitor predisposing to some opportunistic infections most notably viral reactivation with history of HSV and possible bacterial endocarditis he was admitted to the ICU for further monitoring and pressors. Patient has a MOS procedure 14 days prior - Status post MOSs procedure with large wound deficit on forehead -- Does not appear to be overtly infected at the time of admission. ED physician indicated mild facial cellulitis. 2/23/21- WBC 16.1 on admission. ECHO 2/26 indicated - no vegetation visualized. Of note second COVID vaccine 2 days prior to admission. Dr. felt incident was possible cardiogenic shock secondary to COVID vaccine. He did not feel the patient has a source of infection upon admission. Questionable given wounds on forehead Dr. (CMO) review of case- his impression was septic shock with and underlying case of chronic cardiac compromise making the hemodynamics worse" "1072156-1" "1072156-1" "CARDIAC FAILURE" "10007554" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine manufacturer and lot number unknown, vaccine given at alternate location. 2/23/21 8:27 PM: The patient is a 68-year-old male comes to the emergency department by paramedic ambulance for altered mental status that, began at around noon in association fever temp 102.9. PMH of myelofibrosis (on Jakafi and hydroxychloroquine), depression, anxiety, OSA, and history of AVR. Given history of myelodysplasia and Jak inhibitor predisposing to some opportunistic infections most notably viral reactivation with history of HSV and possible bacterial endocarditis he was admitted to the ICU for further monitoring and pressors. Patient has a MOS procedure 14 days prior - Status post MOSs procedure with large wound deficit on forehead -- Does not appear to be overtly infected at the time of admission. ED physician indicated mild facial cellulitis. 2/23/21- WBC 16.1 on admission. ECHO 2/26 indicated - no vegetation visualized. Of note second COVID vaccine 2 days prior to admission. Dr. felt incident was possible cardiogenic shock secondary to COVID vaccine. He did not feel the patient has a source of infection upon admission. Questionable given wounds on forehead Dr. (CMO) review of case- his impression was septic shock with and underlying case of chronic cardiac compromise making the hemodynamics worse" "1072156-1" "1072156-1" "CELLULITIS" "10007882" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine manufacturer and lot number unknown, vaccine given at alternate location. 2/23/21 8:27 PM: The patient is a 68-year-old male comes to the emergency department by paramedic ambulance for altered mental status that, began at around noon in association fever temp 102.9. PMH of myelofibrosis (on Jakafi and hydroxychloroquine), depression, anxiety, OSA, and history of AVR. Given history of myelodysplasia and Jak inhibitor predisposing to some opportunistic infections most notably viral reactivation with history of HSV and possible bacterial endocarditis he was admitted to the ICU for further monitoring and pressors. Patient has a MOS procedure 14 days prior - Status post MOSs procedure with large wound deficit on forehead -- Does not appear to be overtly infected at the time of admission. ED physician indicated mild facial cellulitis. 2/23/21- WBC 16.1 on admission. ECHO 2/26 indicated - no vegetation visualized. Of note second COVID vaccine 2 days prior to admission. Dr. felt incident was possible cardiogenic shock secondary to COVID vaccine. He did not feel the patient has a source of infection upon admission. Questionable given wounds on forehead Dr. (CMO) review of case- his impression was septic shock with and underlying case of chronic cardiac compromise making the hemodynamics worse" "1072156-1" "1072156-1" "CULTURE URINE NEGATIVE" "10011639" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine manufacturer and lot number unknown, vaccine given at alternate location. 2/23/21 8:27 PM: The patient is a 68-year-old male comes to the emergency department by paramedic ambulance for altered mental status that, began at around noon in association fever temp 102.9. PMH of myelofibrosis (on Jakafi and hydroxychloroquine), depression, anxiety, OSA, and history of AVR. Given history of myelodysplasia and Jak inhibitor predisposing to some opportunistic infections most notably viral reactivation with history of HSV and possible bacterial endocarditis he was admitted to the ICU for further monitoring and pressors. Patient has a MOS procedure 14 days prior - Status post MOSs procedure with large wound deficit on forehead -- Does not appear to be overtly infected at the time of admission. ED physician indicated mild facial cellulitis. 2/23/21- WBC 16.1 on admission. ECHO 2/26 indicated - no vegetation visualized. Of note second COVID vaccine 2 days prior to admission. Dr. felt incident was possible cardiogenic shock secondary to COVID vaccine. He did not feel the patient has a source of infection upon admission. Questionable given wounds on forehead Dr. (CMO) review of case- his impression was septic shock with and underlying case of chronic cardiac compromise making the hemodynamics worse" "1072156-1" "1072156-1" "CULTURE WOUND NEGATIVE" "10011642" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine manufacturer and lot number unknown, vaccine given at alternate location. 2/23/21 8:27 PM: The patient is a 68-year-old male comes to the emergency department by paramedic ambulance for altered mental status that, began at around noon in association fever temp 102.9. PMH of myelofibrosis (on Jakafi and hydroxychloroquine), depression, anxiety, OSA, and history of AVR. Given history of myelodysplasia and Jak inhibitor predisposing to some opportunistic infections most notably viral reactivation with history of HSV and possible bacterial endocarditis he was admitted to the ICU for further monitoring and pressors. Patient has a MOS procedure 14 days prior - Status post MOSs procedure with large wound deficit on forehead -- Does not appear to be overtly infected at the time of admission. ED physician indicated mild facial cellulitis. 2/23/21- WBC 16.1 on admission. ECHO 2/26 indicated - no vegetation visualized. Of note second COVID vaccine 2 days prior to admission. Dr. felt incident was possible cardiogenic shock secondary to COVID vaccine. He did not feel the patient has a source of infection upon admission. Questionable given wounds on forehead Dr. (CMO) review of case- his impression was septic shock with and underlying case of chronic cardiac compromise making the hemodynamics worse" "1072156-1" "1072156-1" "DEPRESSION" "10012378" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine manufacturer and lot number unknown, vaccine given at alternate location. 2/23/21 8:27 PM: The patient is a 68-year-old male comes to the emergency department by paramedic ambulance for altered mental status that, began at around noon in association fever temp 102.9. PMH of myelofibrosis (on Jakafi and hydroxychloroquine), depression, anxiety, OSA, and history of AVR. Given history of myelodysplasia and Jak inhibitor predisposing to some opportunistic infections most notably viral reactivation with history of HSV and possible bacterial endocarditis he was admitted to the ICU for further monitoring and pressors. Patient has a MOS procedure 14 days prior - Status post MOSs procedure with large wound deficit on forehead -- Does not appear to be overtly infected at the time of admission. ED physician indicated mild facial cellulitis. 2/23/21- WBC 16.1 on admission. ECHO 2/26 indicated - no vegetation visualized. Of note second COVID vaccine 2 days prior to admission. Dr. felt incident was possible cardiogenic shock secondary to COVID vaccine. He did not feel the patient has a source of infection upon admission. Questionable given wounds on forehead Dr. (CMO) review of case- his impression was septic shock with and underlying case of chronic cardiac compromise making the hemodynamics worse" "1072156-1" "1072156-1" "ECHOCARDIOGRAM" "10014113" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine manufacturer and lot number unknown, vaccine given at alternate location. 2/23/21 8:27 PM: The patient is a 68-year-old male comes to the emergency department by paramedic ambulance for altered mental status that, began at around noon in association fever temp 102.9. PMH of myelofibrosis (on Jakafi and hydroxychloroquine), depression, anxiety, OSA, and history of AVR. Given history of myelodysplasia and Jak inhibitor predisposing to some opportunistic infections most notably viral reactivation with history of HSV and possible bacterial endocarditis he was admitted to the ICU for further monitoring and pressors. Patient has a MOS procedure 14 days prior - Status post MOSs procedure with large wound deficit on forehead -- Does not appear to be overtly infected at the time of admission. ED physician indicated mild facial cellulitis. 2/23/21- WBC 16.1 on admission. ECHO 2/26 indicated - no vegetation visualized. Of note second COVID vaccine 2 days prior to admission. Dr. felt incident was possible cardiogenic shock secondary to COVID vaccine. He did not feel the patient has a source of infection upon admission. Questionable given wounds on forehead Dr. (CMO) review of case- his impression was septic shock with and underlying case of chronic cardiac compromise making the hemodynamics worse" "1072156-1" "1072156-1" "HAEMODYNAMIC INSTABILITY" "10052076" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine manufacturer and lot number unknown, vaccine given at alternate location. 2/23/21 8:27 PM: The patient is a 68-year-old male comes to the emergency department by paramedic ambulance for altered mental status that, began at around noon in association fever temp 102.9. PMH of myelofibrosis (on Jakafi and hydroxychloroquine), depression, anxiety, OSA, and history of AVR. Given history of myelodysplasia and Jak inhibitor predisposing to some opportunistic infections most notably viral reactivation with history of HSV and possible bacterial endocarditis he was admitted to the ICU for further monitoring and pressors. Patient has a MOS procedure 14 days prior - Status post MOSs procedure with large wound deficit on forehead -- Does not appear to be overtly infected at the time of admission. ED physician indicated mild facial cellulitis. 2/23/21- WBC 16.1 on admission. ECHO 2/26 indicated - no vegetation visualized. Of note second COVID vaccine 2 days prior to admission. Dr. felt incident was possible cardiogenic shock secondary to COVID vaccine. He did not feel the patient has a source of infection upon admission. Questionable given wounds on forehead Dr. (CMO) review of case- his impression was septic shock with and underlying case of chronic cardiac compromise making the hemodynamics worse" "1072156-1" "1072156-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine manufacturer and lot number unknown, vaccine given at alternate location. 2/23/21 8:27 PM: The patient is a 68-year-old male comes to the emergency department by paramedic ambulance for altered mental status that, began at around noon in association fever temp 102.9. PMH of myelofibrosis (on Jakafi and hydroxychloroquine), depression, anxiety, OSA, and history of AVR. Given history of myelodysplasia and Jak inhibitor predisposing to some opportunistic infections most notably viral reactivation with history of HSV and possible bacterial endocarditis he was admitted to the ICU for further monitoring and pressors. Patient has a MOS procedure 14 days prior - Status post MOSs procedure with large wound deficit on forehead -- Does not appear to be overtly infected at the time of admission. ED physician indicated mild facial cellulitis. 2/23/21- WBC 16.1 on admission. ECHO 2/26 indicated - no vegetation visualized. Of note second COVID vaccine 2 days prior to admission. Dr. felt incident was possible cardiogenic shock secondary to COVID vaccine. He did not feel the patient has a source of infection upon admission. Questionable given wounds on forehead Dr. (CMO) review of case- his impression was septic shock with and underlying case of chronic cardiac compromise making the hemodynamics worse" "1072156-1" "1072156-1" "MENTAL STATUS CHANGES" "10048294" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine manufacturer and lot number unknown, vaccine given at alternate location. 2/23/21 8:27 PM: The patient is a 68-year-old male comes to the emergency department by paramedic ambulance for altered mental status that, began at around noon in association fever temp 102.9. PMH of myelofibrosis (on Jakafi and hydroxychloroquine), depression, anxiety, OSA, and history of AVR. Given history of myelodysplasia and Jak inhibitor predisposing to some opportunistic infections most notably viral reactivation with history of HSV and possible bacterial endocarditis he was admitted to the ICU for further monitoring and pressors. Patient has a MOS procedure 14 days prior - Status post MOSs procedure with large wound deficit on forehead -- Does not appear to be overtly infected at the time of admission. ED physician indicated mild facial cellulitis. 2/23/21- WBC 16.1 on admission. ECHO 2/26 indicated - no vegetation visualized. Of note second COVID vaccine 2 days prior to admission. Dr. felt incident was possible cardiogenic shock secondary to COVID vaccine. He did not feel the patient has a source of infection upon admission. Questionable given wounds on forehead Dr. (CMO) review of case- his impression was septic shock with and underlying case of chronic cardiac compromise making the hemodynamics worse" "1072156-1" "1072156-1" "POSTOPERATIVE WOUND INFECTION" "10036410" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine manufacturer and lot number unknown, vaccine given at alternate location. 2/23/21 8:27 PM: The patient is a 68-year-old male comes to the emergency department by paramedic ambulance for altered mental status that, began at around noon in association fever temp 102.9. PMH of myelofibrosis (on Jakafi and hydroxychloroquine), depression, anxiety, OSA, and history of AVR. Given history of myelodysplasia and Jak inhibitor predisposing to some opportunistic infections most notably viral reactivation with history of HSV and possible bacterial endocarditis he was admitted to the ICU for further monitoring and pressors. Patient has a MOS procedure 14 days prior - Status post MOSs procedure with large wound deficit on forehead -- Does not appear to be overtly infected at the time of admission. ED physician indicated mild facial cellulitis. 2/23/21- WBC 16.1 on admission. ECHO 2/26 indicated - no vegetation visualized. Of note second COVID vaccine 2 days prior to admission. Dr. felt incident was possible cardiogenic shock secondary to COVID vaccine. He did not feel the patient has a source of infection upon admission. Questionable given wounds on forehead Dr. (CMO) review of case- his impression was septic shock with and underlying case of chronic cardiac compromise making the hemodynamics worse" "1072156-1" "1072156-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine manufacturer and lot number unknown, vaccine given at alternate location. 2/23/21 8:27 PM: The patient is a 68-year-old male comes to the emergency department by paramedic ambulance for altered mental status that, began at around noon in association fever temp 102.9. PMH of myelofibrosis (on Jakafi and hydroxychloroquine), depression, anxiety, OSA, and history of AVR. Given history of myelodysplasia and Jak inhibitor predisposing to some opportunistic infections most notably viral reactivation with history of HSV and possible bacterial endocarditis he was admitted to the ICU for further monitoring and pressors. Patient has a MOS procedure 14 days prior - Status post MOSs procedure with large wound deficit on forehead -- Does not appear to be overtly infected at the time of admission. ED physician indicated mild facial cellulitis. 2/23/21- WBC 16.1 on admission. ECHO 2/26 indicated - no vegetation visualized. Of note second COVID vaccine 2 days prior to admission. Dr. felt incident was possible cardiogenic shock secondary to COVID vaccine. He did not feel the patient has a source of infection upon admission. Questionable given wounds on forehead Dr. (CMO) review of case- his impression was septic shock with and underlying case of chronic cardiac compromise making the hemodynamics worse" "1072156-1" "1072156-1" "SEPTIC SHOCK" "10040070" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine manufacturer and lot number unknown, vaccine given at alternate location. 2/23/21 8:27 PM: The patient is a 68-year-old male comes to the emergency department by paramedic ambulance for altered mental status that, began at around noon in association fever temp 102.9. PMH of myelofibrosis (on Jakafi and hydroxychloroquine), depression, anxiety, OSA, and history of AVR. Given history of myelodysplasia and Jak inhibitor predisposing to some opportunistic infections most notably viral reactivation with history of HSV and possible bacterial endocarditis he was admitted to the ICU for further monitoring and pressors. Patient has a MOS procedure 14 days prior - Status post MOSs procedure with large wound deficit on forehead -- Does not appear to be overtly infected at the time of admission. ED physician indicated mild facial cellulitis. 2/23/21- WBC 16.1 on admission. ECHO 2/26 indicated - no vegetation visualized. Of note second COVID vaccine 2 days prior to admission. Dr. felt incident was possible cardiogenic shock secondary to COVID vaccine. He did not feel the patient has a source of infection upon admission. Questionable given wounds on forehead Dr. (CMO) review of case- his impression was septic shock with and underlying case of chronic cardiac compromise making the hemodynamics worse" "1072156-1" "1072156-1" "SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME" "10040979" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine manufacturer and lot number unknown, vaccine given at alternate location. 2/23/21 8:27 PM: The patient is a 68-year-old male comes to the emergency department by paramedic ambulance for altered mental status that, began at around noon in association fever temp 102.9. PMH of myelofibrosis (on Jakafi and hydroxychloroquine), depression, anxiety, OSA, and history of AVR. Given history of myelodysplasia and Jak inhibitor predisposing to some opportunistic infections most notably viral reactivation with history of HSV and possible bacterial endocarditis he was admitted to the ICU for further monitoring and pressors. Patient has a MOS procedure 14 days prior - Status post MOSs procedure with large wound deficit on forehead -- Does not appear to be overtly infected at the time of admission. ED physician indicated mild facial cellulitis. 2/23/21- WBC 16.1 on admission. ECHO 2/26 indicated - no vegetation visualized. Of note second COVID vaccine 2 days prior to admission. Dr. felt incident was possible cardiogenic shock secondary to COVID vaccine. He did not feel the patient has a source of infection upon admission. Questionable given wounds on forehead Dr. (CMO) review of case- his impression was septic shock with and underlying case of chronic cardiac compromise making the hemodynamics worse" "1072156-1" "1072156-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT INCREASED" "10047943" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine manufacturer and lot number unknown, vaccine given at alternate location. 2/23/21 8:27 PM: The patient is a 68-year-old male comes to the emergency department by paramedic ambulance for altered mental status that, began at around noon in association fever temp 102.9. PMH of myelofibrosis (on Jakafi and hydroxychloroquine), depression, anxiety, OSA, and history of AVR. Given history of myelodysplasia and Jak inhibitor predisposing to some opportunistic infections most notably viral reactivation with history of HSV and possible bacterial endocarditis he was admitted to the ICU for further monitoring and pressors. Patient has a MOS procedure 14 days prior - Status post MOSs procedure with large wound deficit on forehead -- Does not appear to be overtly infected at the time of admission. ED physician indicated mild facial cellulitis. 2/23/21- WBC 16.1 on admission. ECHO 2/26 indicated - no vegetation visualized. Of note second COVID vaccine 2 days prior to admission. Dr. felt incident was possible cardiogenic shock secondary to COVID vaccine. He did not feel the patient has a source of infection upon admission. Questionable given wounds on forehead Dr. (CMO) review of case- his impression was septic shock with and underlying case of chronic cardiac compromise making the hemodynamics worse" "1072709-1" "1072709-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "3 days after receiving his first dose, patient had 102 fever and contracted COVID Pneumonia and is now hospitalized in the ICU" "1072709-1" "1072709-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "3 days after receiving his first dose, patient had 102 fever and contracted COVID Pneumonia and is now hospitalized in the ICU" "1072709-1" "1072709-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "3 days after receiving his first dose, patient had 102 fever and contracted COVID Pneumonia and is now hospitalized in the ICU" "1072709-1" "1072709-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "3 days after receiving his first dose, patient had 102 fever and contracted COVID Pneumonia and is now hospitalized in the ICU" "1073808-1" "1073808-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Prt was found deceased" "1074271-1" "1074271-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "altered mental status, acute on chronic thrombocytopenia, death" "1074271-1" "1074271-1" "MENTAL STATUS CHANGES" "10048294" "65-79 years" "65-79" "altered mental status, acute on chronic thrombocytopenia, death" "1074271-1" "1074271-1" "THROMBOCYTOPENIA" "10043554" "65-79 years" "65-79" "altered mental status, acute on chronic thrombocytopenia, death" "1075363-1" "1075363-1" "AUTOPSY" "10050117" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death due to Moderna 2nd dose, pulmonary thromboembolism" "1075363-1" "1075363-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death due to Moderna 2nd dose, pulmonary thromboembolism" "1075363-1" "1075363-1" "PULMONARY EMBOLISM" "10037377" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death due to Moderna 2nd dose, pulmonary thromboembolism" "1077014-1" "1077014-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death" "1077079-1" "1077079-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was alert and oriented with no signs or symptoms of sickness prior to immunization for 2nd dose of Pfizer COVID19 vaccine. Temperature 98.7. Patient under hospice care and DNR status for wound care (coccyx). Patient has no recollection of first dose, but no adverse reactions to first dose per her caregivers. Patient did not appear to have any adverse reactions to the vaccine after the 15 minute observation period. About 1 hr after vaccine administration, patient was reported deceased. No signs of swelling or allergic reaction at site of injection." "1079958-1" "1079958-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt found down and pulseless in home by husband. EMS called, Pt found to be in PEA arrest. Pt achieved ROSC with CPR and Epinephrin. Pt Passed away on 09/07/2021 at 1330. Pt was in multisystem organ failure." "1079958-1" "1079958-1" "MULTIPLE ORGAN DYSFUNCTION SYNDROME" "10077361" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt found down and pulseless in home by husband. EMS called, Pt found to be in PEA arrest. Pt achieved ROSC with CPR and Epinephrin. Pt Passed away on 09/07/2021 at 1330. Pt was in multisystem organ failure." "1079958-1" "1079958-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt found down and pulseless in home by husband. EMS called, Pt found to be in PEA arrest. Pt achieved ROSC with CPR and Epinephrin. Pt Passed away on 09/07/2021 at 1330. Pt was in multisystem organ failure." "1079958-1" "1079958-1" "PULSELESS ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY" "10058151" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt found down and pulseless in home by husband. EMS called, Pt found to be in PEA arrest. Pt achieved ROSC with CPR and Epinephrin. Pt Passed away on 09/07/2021 at 1330. Pt was in multisystem organ failure." "1079958-1" "1079958-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt found down and pulseless in home by husband. EMS called, Pt found to be in PEA arrest. Pt achieved ROSC with CPR and Epinephrin. Pt Passed away on 09/07/2021 at 1330. Pt was in multisystem organ failure." "1080671-1" "1080671-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received vaccine 1/26/2021, complained of fever and chills post vaccine. Daughter reported worsening symptoms to confusion, decreased appetite, N/V and chest pain. Dry cough and SOB. Patient admitted to facility for Chest pain, AMS on 2/2/2021. Expired 2/2/2021." "1080671-1" "1080671-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received vaccine 1/26/2021, complained of fever and chills post vaccine. Daughter reported worsening symptoms to confusion, decreased appetite, N/V and chest pain. Dry cough and SOB. Patient admitted to facility for Chest pain, AMS on 2/2/2021. Expired 2/2/2021." "1080671-1" "1080671-1" "CONFUSIONAL STATE" "10010305" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received vaccine 1/26/2021, complained of fever and chills post vaccine. Daughter reported worsening symptoms to confusion, decreased appetite, N/V and chest pain. Dry cough and SOB. Patient admitted to facility for Chest pain, AMS on 2/2/2021. Expired 2/2/2021." "1080671-1" "1080671-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received vaccine 1/26/2021, complained of fever and chills post vaccine. Daughter reported worsening symptoms to confusion, decreased appetite, N/V and chest pain. Dry cough and SOB. Patient admitted to facility for Chest pain, AMS on 2/2/2021. Expired 2/2/2021." "1080671-1" "1080671-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received vaccine 1/26/2021, complained of fever and chills post vaccine. Daughter reported worsening symptoms to confusion, decreased appetite, N/V and chest pain. Dry cough and SOB. Patient admitted to facility for Chest pain, AMS on 2/2/2021. Expired 2/2/2021." "1080671-1" "1080671-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received vaccine 1/26/2021, complained of fever and chills post vaccine. Daughter reported worsening symptoms to confusion, decreased appetite, N/V and chest pain. Dry cough and SOB. Patient admitted to facility for Chest pain, AMS on 2/2/2021. Expired 2/2/2021." "1080671-1" "1080671-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received vaccine 1/26/2021, complained of fever and chills post vaccine. Daughter reported worsening symptoms to confusion, decreased appetite, N/V and chest pain. Dry cough and SOB. Patient admitted to facility for Chest pain, AMS on 2/2/2021. Expired 2/2/2021." "1080671-1" "1080671-1" "MENTAL STATUS CHANGES" "10048294" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received vaccine 1/26/2021, complained of fever and chills post vaccine. Daughter reported worsening symptoms to confusion, decreased appetite, N/V and chest pain. Dry cough and SOB. Patient admitted to facility for Chest pain, AMS on 2/2/2021. Expired 2/2/2021." "1080671-1" "1080671-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received vaccine 1/26/2021, complained of fever and chills post vaccine. Daughter reported worsening symptoms to confusion, decreased appetite, N/V and chest pain. Dry cough and SOB. Patient admitted to facility for Chest pain, AMS on 2/2/2021. Expired 2/2/2021." "1080671-1" "1080671-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received vaccine 1/26/2021, complained of fever and chills post vaccine. Daughter reported worsening symptoms to confusion, decreased appetite, N/V and chest pain. Dry cough and SOB. Patient admitted to facility for Chest pain, AMS on 2/2/2021. Expired 2/2/2021." "1080671-1" "1080671-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received vaccine 1/26/2021, complained of fever and chills post vaccine. Daughter reported worsening symptoms to confusion, decreased appetite, N/V and chest pain. Dry cough and SOB. Patient admitted to facility for Chest pain, AMS on 2/2/2021. Expired 2/2/2021." "1083117-1" "1083117-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt. received his second moderna vaccine on 03/05/2021 and his son reported that the pt. passed away after receiving his vaccine." "1083728-1" "1083728-1" "ABDOMINAL DISCOMFORT" "10000059" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Dead on the bed with his legs dangling off one side of the bed; Complained about an upset stomach; A spontaneous report was received from a nurse concerning a 70-year-old, male patient, who received Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine (mRNA-1273). The patient's medical history included hypertension and diabetes. No concomitant medications were provided. On 20 Feb 2021, Saturday, the patient received their dose of mRNA-1273 (Batch Number: Unknown) for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 21 Feb 2021, Sunday 9:36 AM the patient's experienced an upset stomach and attributed it to dinner last night and later on 22 Feb 2021, Monday he was found dead on the bed with his legs dangling off one side of the bed. The cause of death was unknown. Treatment information for event upset stomach included half a spoon of an Indian thing. Action taken with mRNA-1273 in response to the events was not applicable. The outcome of the event upset stomach was fatal and patient died on 21 Feb 2021.; Reporter's Comments: This is a 70-year-old, male patient, who received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine and history of risk factors for CAD such as hypertension and diabetes, was found dead 2 days after vaccination. Very limited information regarding this events has been provided at this time. Further information has been requested; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1083728-1" "1083728-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Dead on the bed with his legs dangling off one side of the bed; Complained about an upset stomach; A spontaneous report was received from a nurse concerning a 70-year-old, male patient, who received Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine (mRNA-1273). The patient's medical history included hypertension and diabetes. No concomitant medications were provided. On 20 Feb 2021, Saturday, the patient received their dose of mRNA-1273 (Batch Number: Unknown) for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 21 Feb 2021, Sunday 9:36 AM the patient's experienced an upset stomach and attributed it to dinner last night and later on 22 Feb 2021, Monday he was found dead on the bed with his legs dangling off one side of the bed. The cause of death was unknown. Treatment information for event upset stomach included half a spoon of an Indian thing. Action taken with mRNA-1273 in response to the events was not applicable. The outcome of the event upset stomach was fatal and patient died on 21 Feb 2021.; Reporter's Comments: This is a 70-year-old, male patient, who received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine and history of risk factors for CAD such as hypertension and diabetes, was found dead 2 days after vaccination. Very limited information regarding this events has been provided at this time. Further information has been requested; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1084203-1" "1084203-1" "APNOEIC ATTACK" "10002977" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt was visiting dr for routine checkup. Pt began to experience difficulty breathing, 911 called. I showed up to pt apneic, pulseless. CPR initiated. Return of spontaneous circulation in ambulance (without Rx). Pt intubated, ventilations continued throughout contact. Pt still had spontaneous pulse upon delivery ti ED, placed on vent in our presence. Pt later transported to Level 1 hospital on vent." "1084203-1" "1084203-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt was visiting dr for routine checkup. Pt began to experience difficulty breathing, 911 called. I showed up to pt apneic, pulseless. CPR initiated. Return of spontaneous circulation in ambulance (without Rx). Pt intubated, ventilations continued throughout contact. Pt still had spontaneous pulse upon delivery ti ED, placed on vent in our presence. Pt later transported to Level 1 hospital on vent." "1084203-1" "1084203-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt was visiting dr for routine checkup. Pt began to experience difficulty breathing, 911 called. I showed up to pt apneic, pulseless. CPR initiated. Return of spontaneous circulation in ambulance (without Rx). Pt intubated, ventilations continued throughout contact. Pt still had spontaneous pulse upon delivery ti ED, placed on vent in our presence. Pt later transported to Level 1 hospital on vent." "1084203-1" "1084203-1" "HEART RATE IRREGULAR" "10019304" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt was visiting dr for routine checkup. Pt began to experience difficulty breathing, 911 called. I showed up to pt apneic, pulseless. CPR initiated. Return of spontaneous circulation in ambulance (without Rx). Pt intubated, ventilations continued throughout contact. Pt still had spontaneous pulse upon delivery ti ED, placed on vent in our presence. Pt later transported to Level 1 hospital on vent." "1084203-1" "1084203-1" "HEART RATE NORMAL" "10019306" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt was visiting dr for routine checkup. Pt began to experience difficulty breathing, 911 called. I showed up to pt apneic, pulseless. CPR initiated. Return of spontaneous circulation in ambulance (without Rx). Pt intubated, ventilations continued throughout contact. Pt still had spontaneous pulse upon delivery ti ED, placed on vent in our presence. Pt later transported to Level 1 hospital on vent." "1084203-1" "1084203-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt was visiting dr for routine checkup. Pt began to experience difficulty breathing, 911 called. I showed up to pt apneic, pulseless. CPR initiated. Return of spontaneous circulation in ambulance (without Rx). Pt intubated, ventilations continued throughout contact. Pt still had spontaneous pulse upon delivery ti ED, placed on vent in our presence. Pt later transported to Level 1 hospital on vent." "1084203-1" "1084203-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt was visiting dr for routine checkup. Pt began to experience difficulty breathing, 911 called. I showed up to pt apneic, pulseless. CPR initiated. Return of spontaneous circulation in ambulance (without Rx). Pt intubated, ventilations continued throughout contact. Pt still had spontaneous pulse upon delivery ti ED, placed on vent in our presence. Pt later transported to Level 1 hospital on vent." "1084203-1" "1084203-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt was visiting dr for routine checkup. Pt began to experience difficulty breathing, 911 called. I showed up to pt apneic, pulseless. CPR initiated. Return of spontaneous circulation in ambulance (without Rx). Pt intubated, ventilations continued throughout contact. Pt still had spontaneous pulse upon delivery ti ED, placed on vent in our presence. Pt later transported to Level 1 hospital on vent." "1085193-1" "1085193-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Unconscious; Felt a bit sore at the injection site; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer and healthcare facility staff member concerning a 69 years old, female patient who experienced little bit sore at the injection site, unconscious and passed away. The patient's medical history was not provided. No relevant concomitant medications were reported. On 22 Feb 2021, prior to the onset of the symptoms, the patient received their second of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (Batch number not provided) intramuscularly for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. The patient experienced sore at the injection site and unconsciousness both since 22 Feb 2021. The husband of the patient performed CPR as instructed by 911 and EMT's and police performed medical procedure which included injections and electrical shock both on 22 Feb 2021. The patient died on 22 Feb 2021. Treatment information was not provided. The patient received both scheduled doses of mRNA-1273 prior to the events; therefore, action taken with the drug in response to the events is not applicable. The patient died on 22 Feb 2021. The cause of death was unknown. Plans for an autopsy were not provided.; Reporter's Comments: This is a case of death of a 59-year-old, female patient who experienced injection site sore and became unconscious on the same day after mRNA-1273 administration and subsequently expired. Although critical details such as the patient's medical history and actual cause of death is lacking, based on the current available information which shows a strong temporal association with the product use, thus, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. injection sore is consistent with product safety profile and cannot be excluded.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1085193-1" "1085193-1" "VACCINATION SITE PAIN" "10068879" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Unconscious; Felt a bit sore at the injection site; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer and healthcare facility staff member concerning a 69 years old, female patient who experienced little bit sore at the injection site, unconscious and passed away. The patient's medical history was not provided. No relevant concomitant medications were reported. On 22 Feb 2021, prior to the onset of the symptoms, the patient received their second of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (Batch number not provided) intramuscularly for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. The patient experienced sore at the injection site and unconsciousness both since 22 Feb 2021. The husband of the patient performed CPR as instructed by 911 and EMT's and police performed medical procedure which included injections and electrical shock both on 22 Feb 2021. The patient died on 22 Feb 2021. Treatment information was not provided. The patient received both scheduled doses of mRNA-1273 prior to the events; therefore, action taken with the drug in response to the events is not applicable. The patient died on 22 Feb 2021. The cause of death was unknown. Plans for an autopsy were not provided.; Reporter's Comments: This is a case of death of a 59-year-old, female patient who experienced injection site sore and became unconscious on the same day after mRNA-1273 administration and subsequently expired. Although critical details such as the patient's medical history and actual cause of death is lacking, based on the current available information which shows a strong temporal association with the product use, thus, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. injection sore is consistent with product safety profile and cannot be excluded.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1086901-1" "1086901-1" "DYSPHAGIA" "10013950" "65-79 years" "65-79" "His oxygen dropped too low to 76; Pneumonia; something with toxins; he couldn't eat or swallow; he couldn't eat or swallow; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. This consumer reported similar events for 2 patients. This is the 1st of 2 reports. This consumer (wife) reported for a 75-year-old male patient that received his first dose of BNT162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE), on 31Jan2021 (at the age of 75-years-old) for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included dialysis for approximately 2.5 years, a lung problem, blood pressure. Concomitant medications included carvedilol and warfarin and other unspecified medications. The patient experienced pneumonia and died on 11Feb2021 03:00 AM. An autopsy was not performed. The cause of death was reported to be pneumonia. Clinical course was the follows the next day on 01Feb2021 at 9:30AM the patient was dressed and ready to go to dialysis. His oxygen dropped too low to 76. He wanted an ambulance called. He went into the hospital. The patient was confused, and he was not normally confused. In the hospital the physicians said he had pneumonia, but it wasn't that bad. The doctors were baffled. He also was in the hospital for something with toxins. He had a lung problem for a long time. If he didn't go to the bathroom the toxins were hitting the liver and then the toxins were going to the brain. When he was in the hospital he couldn't eat or swallow. The first day he did eat a bit, but he had dialysis in the hospital, and it knocks him out. They were giving him antibiotics IV. He couldn't swallow any of his pills. He was in there for 11 days and had not eaten. He couldn't swallow any pills. He started going to sleep and they started giving him Morphine drip at the end. They couldn't get any medicine in him because he couldn't swallow. The patient died of pneumonia, the outcome of the other adverse events was unknown. Information on lot number/batch number has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Linked Report(s) : US-PFIZER INC-2021247875 Same report, different patient/event; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Pneumonia" "1086901-1" "1086901-1" "EATING DISORDER" "10014062" "65-79 years" "65-79" "His oxygen dropped too low to 76; Pneumonia; something with toxins; he couldn't eat or swallow; he couldn't eat or swallow; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. This consumer reported similar events for 2 patients. This is the 1st of 2 reports. This consumer (wife) reported for a 75-year-old male patient that received his first dose of BNT162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE), on 31Jan2021 (at the age of 75-years-old) for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included dialysis for approximately 2.5 years, a lung problem, blood pressure. Concomitant medications included carvedilol and warfarin and other unspecified medications. The patient experienced pneumonia and died on 11Feb2021 03:00 AM. An autopsy was not performed. The cause of death was reported to be pneumonia. Clinical course was the follows the next day on 01Feb2021 at 9:30AM the patient was dressed and ready to go to dialysis. His oxygen dropped too low to 76. He wanted an ambulance called. He went into the hospital. The patient was confused, and he was not normally confused. In the hospital the physicians said he had pneumonia, but it wasn't that bad. The doctors were baffled. He also was in the hospital for something with toxins. He had a lung problem for a long time. If he didn't go to the bathroom the toxins were hitting the liver and then the toxins were going to the brain. When he was in the hospital he couldn't eat or swallow. The first day he did eat a bit, but he had dialysis in the hospital, and it knocks him out. They were giving him antibiotics IV. He couldn't swallow any of his pills. He was in there for 11 days and had not eaten. He couldn't swallow any pills. He started going to sleep and they started giving him Morphine drip at the end. They couldn't get any medicine in him because he couldn't swallow. The patient died of pneumonia, the outcome of the other adverse events was unknown. Information on lot number/batch number has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Linked Report(s) : US-PFIZER INC-2021247875 Same report, different patient/event; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Pneumonia" "1086901-1" "1086901-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION" "10033316" "65-79 years" "65-79" "His oxygen dropped too low to 76; Pneumonia; something with toxins; he couldn't eat or swallow; he couldn't eat or swallow; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. This consumer reported similar events for 2 patients. This is the 1st of 2 reports. This consumer (wife) reported for a 75-year-old male patient that received his first dose of BNT162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE), on 31Jan2021 (at the age of 75-years-old) for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included dialysis for approximately 2.5 years, a lung problem, blood pressure. Concomitant medications included carvedilol and warfarin and other unspecified medications. The patient experienced pneumonia and died on 11Feb2021 03:00 AM. An autopsy was not performed. The cause of death was reported to be pneumonia. Clinical course was the follows the next day on 01Feb2021 at 9:30AM the patient was dressed and ready to go to dialysis. His oxygen dropped too low to 76. He wanted an ambulance called. He went into the hospital. The patient was confused, and he was not normally confused. In the hospital the physicians said he had pneumonia, but it wasn't that bad. The doctors were baffled. He also was in the hospital for something with toxins. He had a lung problem for a long time. If he didn't go to the bathroom the toxins were hitting the liver and then the toxins were going to the brain. When he was in the hospital he couldn't eat or swallow. The first day he did eat a bit, but he had dialysis in the hospital, and it knocks him out. They were giving him antibiotics IV. He couldn't swallow any of his pills. He was in there for 11 days and had not eaten. He couldn't swallow any pills. He started going to sleep and they started giving him Morphine drip at the end. They couldn't get any medicine in him because he couldn't swallow. The patient died of pneumonia, the outcome of the other adverse events was unknown. Information on lot number/batch number has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Linked Report(s) : US-PFIZER INC-2021247875 Same report, different patient/event; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Pneumonia" "1086901-1" "1086901-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "His oxygen dropped too low to 76; Pneumonia; something with toxins; he couldn't eat or swallow; he couldn't eat or swallow; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. This consumer reported similar events for 2 patients. This is the 1st of 2 reports. This consumer (wife) reported for a 75-year-old male patient that received his first dose of BNT162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE), on 31Jan2021 (at the age of 75-years-old) for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included dialysis for approximately 2.5 years, a lung problem, blood pressure. Concomitant medications included carvedilol and warfarin and other unspecified medications. The patient experienced pneumonia and died on 11Feb2021 03:00 AM. An autopsy was not performed. The cause of death was reported to be pneumonia. Clinical course was the follows the next day on 01Feb2021 at 9:30AM the patient was dressed and ready to go to dialysis. His oxygen dropped too low to 76. He wanted an ambulance called. He went into the hospital. The patient was confused, and he was not normally confused. In the hospital the physicians said he had pneumonia, but it wasn't that bad. The doctors were baffled. He also was in the hospital for something with toxins. He had a lung problem for a long time. If he didn't go to the bathroom the toxins were hitting the liver and then the toxins were going to the brain. When he was in the hospital he couldn't eat or swallow. The first day he did eat a bit, but he had dialysis in the hospital, and it knocks him out. They were giving him antibiotics IV. He couldn't swallow any of his pills. He was in there for 11 days and had not eaten. He couldn't swallow any pills. He started going to sleep and they started giving him Morphine drip at the end. They couldn't get any medicine in him because he couldn't swallow. The patient died of pneumonia, the outcome of the other adverse events was unknown. Information on lot number/batch number has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Linked Report(s) : US-PFIZER INC-2021247875 Same report, different patient/event; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Pneumonia" "1086901-1" "1086901-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" "His oxygen dropped too low to 76; Pneumonia; something with toxins; he couldn't eat or swallow; he couldn't eat or swallow; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. This consumer reported similar events for 2 patients. This is the 1st of 2 reports. This consumer (wife) reported for a 75-year-old male patient that received his first dose of BNT162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE), on 31Jan2021 (at the age of 75-years-old) for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included dialysis for approximately 2.5 years, a lung problem, blood pressure. Concomitant medications included carvedilol and warfarin and other unspecified medications. The patient experienced pneumonia and died on 11Feb2021 03:00 AM. An autopsy was not performed. The cause of death was reported to be pneumonia. Clinical course was the follows the next day on 01Feb2021 at 9:30AM the patient was dressed and ready to go to dialysis. His oxygen dropped too low to 76. He wanted an ambulance called. He went into the hospital. The patient was confused, and he was not normally confused. In the hospital the physicians said he had pneumonia, but it wasn't that bad. The doctors were baffled. He also was in the hospital for something with toxins. He had a lung problem for a long time. If he didn't go to the bathroom the toxins were hitting the liver and then the toxins were going to the brain. When he was in the hospital he couldn't eat or swallow. The first day he did eat a bit, but he had dialysis in the hospital, and it knocks him out. They were giving him antibiotics IV. He couldn't swallow any of his pills. He was in there for 11 days and had not eaten. He couldn't swallow any pills. He started going to sleep and they started giving him Morphine drip at the end. They couldn't get any medicine in him because he couldn't swallow. The patient died of pneumonia, the outcome of the other adverse events was unknown. Information on lot number/batch number has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Linked Report(s) : US-PFIZER INC-2021247875 Same report, different patient/event; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Pneumonia" "1086901-1" "1086901-1" "TOXICITY TO VARIOUS AGENTS" "10070863" "65-79 years" "65-79" "His oxygen dropped too low to 76; Pneumonia; something with toxins; he couldn't eat or swallow; he couldn't eat or swallow; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. This consumer reported similar events for 2 patients. This is the 1st of 2 reports. This consumer (wife) reported for a 75-year-old male patient that received his first dose of BNT162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE), on 31Jan2021 (at the age of 75-years-old) for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included dialysis for approximately 2.5 years, a lung problem, blood pressure. Concomitant medications included carvedilol and warfarin and other unspecified medications. The patient experienced pneumonia and died on 11Feb2021 03:00 AM. An autopsy was not performed. The cause of death was reported to be pneumonia. Clinical course was the follows the next day on 01Feb2021 at 9:30AM the patient was dressed and ready to go to dialysis. His oxygen dropped too low to 76. He wanted an ambulance called. He went into the hospital. The patient was confused, and he was not normally confused. In the hospital the physicians said he had pneumonia, but it wasn't that bad. The doctors were baffled. He also was in the hospital for something with toxins. He had a lung problem for a long time. If he didn't go to the bathroom the toxins were hitting the liver and then the toxins were going to the brain. When he was in the hospital he couldn't eat or swallow. The first day he did eat a bit, but he had dialysis in the hospital, and it knocks him out. They were giving him antibiotics IV. He couldn't swallow any of his pills. He was in there for 11 days and had not eaten. He couldn't swallow any pills. He started going to sleep and they started giving him Morphine drip at the end. They couldn't get any medicine in him because he couldn't swallow. The patient died of pneumonia, the outcome of the other adverse events was unknown. Information on lot number/batch number has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Linked Report(s) : US-PFIZER INC-2021247875 Same report, different patient/event; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Pneumonia" "1089215-1" "1089215-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Syncopal episode followed by death. Unable to be revived. Coroner's case." "1089215-1" "1089215-1" "SYNCOPE" "10042772" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Syncopal episode followed by death. Unable to be revived. Coroner's case." "1089441-1" "1089441-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sunday, Feb 21, 2021. Patient told her husband she didn?t feel well and she lay down next to him. She was tossing and looked like she was trying to get up. He was talking to her and she wasn?t answering him. She was having trouble breathing. Took her to the hospital right away at 7:30 pm. They put her into a comma with a respirator. Finally went from emergency room to ICU on Monday. Then on Wednesday they took the respirator out and I spoke to her ? told her we all love her and she could only say hoarsely ?terrible, terrible.? They said she might get moved to regular floor. But then Wednesday night couldn?t breathe again and put the respirator back in. Thursday morning husband had it removed and she died that evening at 10:51 on February 25." "1089441-1" "1089441-1" "DYSPHONIA" "10013952" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sunday, Feb 21, 2021. Patient told her husband she didn?t feel well and she lay down next to him. She was tossing and looked like she was trying to get up. He was talking to her and she wasn?t answering him. She was having trouble breathing. Took her to the hospital right away at 7:30 pm. They put her into a comma with a respirator. Finally went from emergency room to ICU on Monday. Then on Wednesday they took the respirator out and I spoke to her ? told her we all love her and she could only say hoarsely ?terrible, terrible.? They said she might get moved to regular floor. But then Wednesday night couldn?t breathe again and put the respirator back in. Thursday morning husband had it removed and she died that evening at 10:51 on February 25." "1089441-1" "1089441-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sunday, Feb 21, 2021. Patient told her husband she didn?t feel well and she lay down next to him. She was tossing and looked like she was trying to get up. He was talking to her and she wasn?t answering him. She was having trouble breathing. Took her to the hospital right away at 7:30 pm. They put her into a comma with a respirator. Finally went from emergency room to ICU on Monday. Then on Wednesday they took the respirator out and I spoke to her ? told her we all love her and she could only say hoarsely ?terrible, terrible.? They said she might get moved to regular floor. But then Wednesday night couldn?t breathe again and put the respirator back in. Thursday morning husband had it removed and she died that evening at 10:51 on February 25." "1089441-1" "1089441-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sunday, Feb 21, 2021. Patient told her husband she didn?t feel well and she lay down next to him. She was tossing and looked like she was trying to get up. He was talking to her and she wasn?t answering him. She was having trouble breathing. Took her to the hospital right away at 7:30 pm. They put her into a comma with a respirator. Finally went from emergency room to ICU on Monday. Then on Wednesday they took the respirator out and I spoke to her ? told her we all love her and she could only say hoarsely ?terrible, terrible.? They said she might get moved to regular floor. But then Wednesday night couldn?t breathe again and put the respirator back in. Thursday morning husband had it removed and she died that evening at 10:51 on February 25." "1089441-1" "1089441-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sunday, Feb 21, 2021. Patient told her husband she didn?t feel well and she lay down next to him. She was tossing and looked like she was trying to get up. He was talking to her and she wasn?t answering him. She was having trouble breathing. Took her to the hospital right away at 7:30 pm. They put her into a comma with a respirator. Finally went from emergency room to ICU on Monday. Then on Wednesday they took the respirator out and I spoke to her ? told her we all love her and she could only say hoarsely ?terrible, terrible.? They said she might get moved to regular floor. But then Wednesday night couldn?t breathe again and put the respirator back in. Thursday morning husband had it removed and she died that evening at 10:51 on February 25." "1089441-1" "1089441-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sunday, Feb 21, 2021. Patient told her husband she didn?t feel well and she lay down next to him. She was tossing and looked like she was trying to get up. He was talking to her and she wasn?t answering him. She was having trouble breathing. Took her to the hospital right away at 7:30 pm. They put her into a comma with a respirator. Finally went from emergency room to ICU on Monday. Then on Wednesday they took the respirator out and I spoke to her ? told her we all love her and she could only say hoarsely ?terrible, terrible.? They said she might get moved to regular floor. But then Wednesday night couldn?t breathe again and put the respirator back in. Thursday morning husband had it removed and she died that evening at 10:51 on February 25." "1089441-1" "1089441-1" "MEDICAL INDUCTION OF COMA" "10070677" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sunday, Feb 21, 2021. Patient told her husband she didn?t feel well and she lay down next to him. She was tossing and looked like she was trying to get up. He was talking to her and she wasn?t answering him. She was having trouble breathing. Took her to the hospital right away at 7:30 pm. They put her into a comma with a respirator. Finally went from emergency room to ICU on Monday. Then on Wednesday they took the respirator out and I spoke to her ? told her we all love her and she could only say hoarsely ?terrible, terrible.? They said she might get moved to regular floor. But then Wednesday night couldn?t breathe again and put the respirator back in. Thursday morning husband had it removed and she died that evening at 10:51 on February 25." "1089441-1" "1089441-1" "RESTLESSNESS" "10038743" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sunday, Feb 21, 2021. Patient told her husband she didn?t feel well and she lay down next to him. She was tossing and looked like she was trying to get up. He was talking to her and she wasn?t answering him. She was having trouble breathing. Took her to the hospital right away at 7:30 pm. They put her into a comma with a respirator. Finally went from emergency room to ICU on Monday. Then on Wednesday they took the respirator out and I spoke to her ? told her we all love her and she could only say hoarsely ?terrible, terrible.? They said she might get moved to regular floor. But then Wednesday night couldn?t breathe again and put the respirator back in. Thursday morning husband had it removed and she died that evening at 10:51 on February 25." "1089441-1" "1089441-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sunday, Feb 21, 2021. Patient told her husband she didn?t feel well and she lay down next to him. She was tossing and looked like she was trying to get up. He was talking to her and she wasn?t answering him. She was having trouble breathing. Took her to the hospital right away at 7:30 pm. They put her into a comma with a respirator. Finally went from emergency room to ICU on Monday. Then on Wednesday they took the respirator out and I spoke to her ? told her we all love her and she could only say hoarsely ?terrible, terrible.? They said she might get moved to regular floor. But then Wednesday night couldn?t breathe again and put the respirator back in. Thursday morning husband had it removed and she died that evening at 10:51 on February 25." "1090322-1" "1090322-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "MY WIFE DIED UNEXPECTEDLY 4 DAYS AFTER HER SECOND DOSAGE SHOT, ON FEBRUARY 17, 2021. SHE HAD BEEN HEALTHY AND HAD A RECENT CHECKUP AT WHICH THE DOCTOR GAVE HER A CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH. SHE WAS ALERT AND IN GOOD SPIRITS JUST THE NIGHT BEFORE WHEN WE WATCHED A MOVIE TOGETHER. I SAW NO INDICATION THAT SHE WAS FEELING POORLY OR OTHERWISE. I FOUND HER IN BED, DECEASED, UPON COMING HOME FROM WORK THE NEXT DAY." "1091957-1" "1091957-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I'm still not sure which COVID19 vaccine my dad received (It made me fill it out--I'm not sure if he got Moderna or Pfizer). Nursing home would know. He received his 2nd shot on Jan 19. On Feb 17 all was fine and they were planning on getting him crowns at the dentist. On Feb. 19 everything went poorly. He started to suddenly have seizures and was not responsive. When I arrived on Feb 21 he didn't say much and had seizures that night. On Feb 22, he responded a little bit and had a big black eye from a seizure the night before. On Feb 22 he had at least 4 seizures and he passed that afternoon around 1:20 pm" "1091957-1" "1091957-1" "EYE CONTUSION" "10073354" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I'm still not sure which COVID19 vaccine my dad received (It made me fill it out--I'm not sure if he got Moderna or Pfizer). Nursing home would know. He received his 2nd shot on Jan 19. On Feb 17 all was fine and they were planning on getting him crowns at the dentist. On Feb. 19 everything went poorly. He started to suddenly have seizures and was not responsive. When I arrived on Feb 21 he didn't say much and had seizures that night. On Feb 22, he responded a little bit and had a big black eye from a seizure the night before. On Feb 22 he had at least 4 seizures and he passed that afternoon around 1:20 pm" "1091957-1" "1091957-1" "SEIZURE" "10039906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I'm still not sure which COVID19 vaccine my dad received (It made me fill it out--I'm not sure if he got Moderna or Pfizer). Nursing home would know. He received his 2nd shot on Jan 19. On Feb 17 all was fine and they were planning on getting him crowns at the dentist. On Feb. 19 everything went poorly. He started to suddenly have seizures and was not responsive. When I arrived on Feb 21 he didn't say much and had seizures that night. On Feb 22, he responded a little bit and had a big black eye from a seizure the night before. On Feb 22 he had at least 4 seizures and he passed that afternoon around 1:20 pm" "1091957-1" "1091957-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I'm still not sure which COVID19 vaccine my dad received (It made me fill it out--I'm not sure if he got Moderna or Pfizer). Nursing home would know. He received his 2nd shot on Jan 19. On Feb 17 all was fine and they were planning on getting him crowns at the dentist. On Feb. 19 everything went poorly. He started to suddenly have seizures and was not responsive. When I arrived on Feb 21 he didn't say much and had seizures that night. On Feb 22, he responded a little bit and had a big black eye from a seizure the night before. On Feb 22 he had at least 4 seizures and he passed that afternoon around 1:20 pm" "1092485-1" "1092485-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient felt generally unwell, tired and unable to walk well. Said his feet felt numb. He could not get up and slid to the floor. He did not have the core strength to even help him sit up. Sometime after he was assisted back on the couch around 4:30 am he must of got back up and attempted to go to restroom because he was found on the floor with his arm and face resting on the love seat which looked as if he was trying to pull himself up. His wife found him in the morning around 11:00 am and he had been died for some time according to EMS. His death was unexpected. Even when contacting his doctors they were confused as to why he had passed away. No autopsy was done but as of this moment he has not been cremated yet and is at Funeral Home." "1092485-1" "1092485-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient felt generally unwell, tired and unable to walk well. Said his feet felt numb. He could not get up and slid to the floor. He did not have the core strength to even help him sit up. Sometime after he was assisted back on the couch around 4:30 am he must of got back up and attempted to go to restroom because he was found on the floor with his arm and face resting on the love seat which looked as if he was trying to pull himself up. His wife found him in the morning around 11:00 am and he had been died for some time according to EMS. His death was unexpected. Even when contacting his doctors they were confused as to why he had passed away. No autopsy was done but as of this moment he has not been cremated yet and is at Funeral Home." "1092485-1" "1092485-1" "GAIT INABILITY" "10017581" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient felt generally unwell, tired and unable to walk well. Said his feet felt numb. He could not get up and slid to the floor. He did not have the core strength to even help him sit up. Sometime after he was assisted back on the couch around 4:30 am he must of got back up and attempted to go to restroom because he was found on the floor with his arm and face resting on the love seat which looked as if he was trying to pull himself up. His wife found him in the morning around 11:00 am and he had been died for some time according to EMS. His death was unexpected. Even when contacting his doctors they were confused as to why he had passed away. No autopsy was done but as of this moment he has not been cremated yet and is at Funeral Home." "1092485-1" "1092485-1" "HYPOAESTHESIA" "10020937" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient felt generally unwell, tired and unable to walk well. Said his feet felt numb. He could not get up and slid to the floor. He did not have the core strength to even help him sit up. Sometime after he was assisted back on the couch around 4:30 am he must of got back up and attempted to go to restroom because he was found on the floor with his arm and face resting on the love seat which looked as if he was trying to pull himself up. His wife found him in the morning around 11:00 am and he had been died for some time according to EMS. His death was unexpected. Even when contacting his doctors they were confused as to why he had passed away. No autopsy was done but as of this moment he has not been cremated yet and is at Funeral Home." "1092485-1" "1092485-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient felt generally unwell, tired and unable to walk well. Said his feet felt numb. He could not get up and slid to the floor. He did not have the core strength to even help him sit up. Sometime after he was assisted back on the couch around 4:30 am he must of got back up and attempted to go to restroom because he was found on the floor with his arm and face resting on the love seat which looked as if he was trying to pull himself up. His wife found him in the morning around 11:00 am and he had been died for some time according to EMS. His death was unexpected. Even when contacting his doctors they were confused as to why he had passed away. No autopsy was done but as of this moment he has not been cremated yet and is at Funeral Home." "1092485-1" "1092485-1" "MOBILITY DECREASED" "10048334" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient felt generally unwell, tired and unable to walk well. Said his feet felt numb. He could not get up and slid to the floor. He did not have the core strength to even help him sit up. Sometime after he was assisted back on the couch around 4:30 am he must of got back up and attempted to go to restroom because he was found on the floor with his arm and face resting on the love seat which looked as if he was trying to pull himself up. His wife found him in the morning around 11:00 am and he had been died for some time according to EMS. His death was unexpected. Even when contacting his doctors they were confused as to why he had passed away. No autopsy was done but as of this moment he has not been cremated yet and is at Funeral Home." "1092651-1" "1092651-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "DEATH" "1095020-1" "1095020-1" "BRAIN DEATH" "10049054" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Passed out then was brain dead . Death" "1095020-1" "1095020-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Passed out then was brain dead . Death" "1095020-1" "1095020-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Passed out then was brain dead . Death" "1098178-1" "1098178-1" "CONFUSIONAL STATE" "10010305" "65-79 years" "65-79" "2nd dose of covid19 vaccine administered on 1/25/21 AM. First dose was about 12/28/2021. Patient had a change in condition noted same day PM, which included worsening mental status with increased confusion such as disorientation and decreased functional status, as well as opening of pressure ulcer on coccyx. Patient became lethargic. Patient condition worsened over the next few days. Patient decreased oral intakes, including medications. Care and comfort measures were in place. Patient expired on 2/4/2021." "1098178-1" "1098178-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "2nd dose of covid19 vaccine administered on 1/25/21 AM. First dose was about 12/28/2021. Patient had a change in condition noted same day PM, which included worsening mental status with increased confusion such as disorientation and decreased functional status, as well as opening of pressure ulcer on coccyx. Patient became lethargic. Patient condition worsened over the next few days. Patient decreased oral intakes, including medications. Care and comfort measures were in place. Patient expired on 2/4/2021." "1098178-1" "1098178-1" "DECUBITUS ULCER" "10011985" "65-79 years" "65-79" "2nd dose of covid19 vaccine administered on 1/25/21 AM. First dose was about 12/28/2021. Patient had a change in condition noted same day PM, which included worsening mental status with increased confusion such as disorientation and decreased functional status, as well as opening of pressure ulcer on coccyx. Patient became lethargic. Patient condition worsened over the next few days. Patient decreased oral intakes, including medications. Care and comfort measures were in place. Patient expired on 2/4/2021." "1098178-1" "1098178-1" "DISORIENTATION" "10013395" "65-79 years" "65-79" "2nd dose of covid19 vaccine administered on 1/25/21 AM. First dose was about 12/28/2021. Patient had a change in condition noted same day PM, which included worsening mental status with increased confusion such as disorientation and decreased functional status, as well as opening of pressure ulcer on coccyx. Patient became lethargic. Patient condition worsened over the next few days. Patient decreased oral intakes, including medications. Care and comfort measures were in place. Patient expired on 2/4/2021." "1098178-1" "1098178-1" "GENERAL PHYSICAL HEALTH DETERIORATION" "10049438" "65-79 years" "65-79" "2nd dose of covid19 vaccine administered on 1/25/21 AM. First dose was about 12/28/2021. Patient had a change in condition noted same day PM, which included worsening mental status with increased confusion such as disorientation and decreased functional status, as well as opening of pressure ulcer on coccyx. Patient became lethargic. Patient condition worsened over the next few days. Patient decreased oral intakes, including medications. Care and comfort measures were in place. Patient expired on 2/4/2021." "1098178-1" "1098178-1" "HYPOPHAGIA" "10063743" "65-79 years" "65-79" "2nd dose of covid19 vaccine administered on 1/25/21 AM. First dose was about 12/28/2021. Patient had a change in condition noted same day PM, which included worsening mental status with increased confusion such as disorientation and decreased functional status, as well as opening of pressure ulcer on coccyx. Patient became lethargic. Patient condition worsened over the next few days. Patient decreased oral intakes, including medications. Care and comfort measures were in place. Patient expired on 2/4/2021." "1098178-1" "1098178-1" "LETHARGY" "10024264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "2nd dose of covid19 vaccine administered on 1/25/21 AM. First dose was about 12/28/2021. Patient had a change in condition noted same day PM, which included worsening mental status with increased confusion such as disorientation and decreased functional status, as well as opening of pressure ulcer on coccyx. Patient became lethargic. Patient condition worsened over the next few days. Patient decreased oral intakes, including medications. Care and comfort measures were in place. Patient expired on 2/4/2021." "1098178-1" "1098178-1" "MENTAL STATUS CHANGES" "10048294" "65-79 years" "65-79" "2nd dose of covid19 vaccine administered on 1/25/21 AM. First dose was about 12/28/2021. Patient had a change in condition noted same day PM, which included worsening mental status with increased confusion such as disorientation and decreased functional status, as well as opening of pressure ulcer on coccyx. Patient became lethargic. Patient condition worsened over the next few days. Patient decreased oral intakes, including medications. Care and comfort measures were in place. Patient expired on 2/4/2021." "1098178-1" "1098178-1" "WOUND DEHISCENCE" "10048031" "65-79 years" "65-79" "2nd dose of covid19 vaccine administered on 1/25/21 AM. First dose was about 12/28/2021. Patient had a change in condition noted same day PM, which included worsening mental status with increased confusion such as disorientation and decreased functional status, as well as opening of pressure ulcer on coccyx. Patient became lethargic. Patient condition worsened over the next few days. Patient decreased oral intakes, including medications. Care and comfort measures were in place. Patient expired on 2/4/2021." "1098680-1" "1098680-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt completed 2 covid vaccine morderna doses Feb 18, 2021. Pt with increasing weakness and short of breath for 3 days PTA on 3/6/2021." "1098680-1" "1098680-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt completed 2 covid vaccine morderna doses Feb 18, 2021. Pt with increasing weakness and short of breath for 3 days PTA on 3/6/2021." "1100650-1" "1100650-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient died two days after receiving vaccine. Death certificate said respiratory failure." "1100650-1" "1100650-1" "RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10038695" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient died two days after receiving vaccine. Death certificate said respiratory failure." "1101602-1" "1101602-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Later that day after receiving the shot, patient reportedly became very ill with fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. He was found deceased the next day when friends went to check on him." "1101602-1" "1101602-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Later that day after receiving the shot, patient reportedly became very ill with fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. He was found deceased the next day when friends went to check on him." "1101602-1" "1101602-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Later that day after receiving the shot, patient reportedly became very ill with fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. He was found deceased the next day when friends went to check on him." "1101602-1" "1101602-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Later that day after receiving the shot, patient reportedly became very ill with fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. He was found deceased the next day when friends went to check on him." "1101602-1" "1101602-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST NEGATIVE" "10084273" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Later that day after receiving the shot, patient reportedly became very ill with fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. He was found deceased the next day when friends went to check on him." "1101602-1" "1101602-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Later that day after receiving the shot, patient reportedly became very ill with fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. He was found deceased the next day when friends went to check on him." "1102308-1" "1102308-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt received Pfizer COVID Vaccine 3/9/21 at 13:25 At Clinic. Lot #EN6205 Exp 6/21 to right deltoid. No issues noted while patient dialyzing. Pt came off treatment 16mns early due to concerns of transportation. Pt a/o, VSS, pt in W/c no issues noted at discharge. Pt's comorbid conditions per hospital discharge records: <20% EF, deteriorating health status, physician recommended hospice care but pt refused. On March 11th, significant other notified facility that patient had passed away in his sleep and was found by workers at the rehab facility he was in." "1102308-1" "1102308-1" "DIALYSIS" "10061105" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt received Pfizer COVID Vaccine 3/9/21 at 13:25 At Clinic. Lot #EN6205 Exp 6/21 to right deltoid. No issues noted while patient dialyzing. Pt came off treatment 16mns early due to concerns of transportation. Pt a/o, VSS, pt in W/c no issues noted at discharge. Pt's comorbid conditions per hospital discharge records: <20% EF, deteriorating health status, physician recommended hospice care but pt refused. On March 11th, significant other notified facility that patient had passed away in his sleep and was found by workers at the rehab facility he was in." "1103192-1" "1103192-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient passed in his sleep 5 days after receiving first dose of Moderna" "1103748-1" "1103748-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac Arrest/Death" "1103748-1" "1103748-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac Arrest/Death" "1104384-1" "1104384-1" "ARTHRALGIA" "10003239" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Being in the Mall, accompanied by her cousin, felt a severe headache and pain in both shoulders followed immediately by fainting, cardio-respiratory arrest that required call 911 for emergency transfer to Hospital. She was intubated in the emergency room treated by the doctors, Cardiologist and Intensive care where she was subjected to hypothermia and other treatments due to the serious neurological damage that she presented. No other organ seemed compromised. Never came out of the coma, passing away on February 26, 2021." "1104384-1" "1104384-1" "BRAIN INJURY" "10067967" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Being in the Mall, accompanied by her cousin, felt a severe headache and pain in both shoulders followed immediately by fainting, cardio-respiratory arrest that required call 911 for emergency transfer to Hospital. She was intubated in the emergency room treated by the doctors, Cardiologist and Intensive care where she was subjected to hypothermia and other treatments due to the serious neurological damage that she presented. No other organ seemed compromised. Never came out of the coma, passing away on February 26, 2021." "1104384-1" "1104384-1" "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10007617" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Being in the Mall, accompanied by her cousin, felt a severe headache and pain in both shoulders followed immediately by fainting, cardio-respiratory arrest that required call 911 for emergency transfer to Hospital. She was intubated in the emergency room treated by the doctors, Cardiologist and Intensive care where she was subjected to hypothermia and other treatments due to the serious neurological damage that she presented. No other organ seemed compromised. Never came out of the coma, passing away on February 26, 2021." "1104384-1" "1104384-1" "COMA" "10010071" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Being in the Mall, accompanied by her cousin, felt a severe headache and pain in both shoulders followed immediately by fainting, cardio-respiratory arrest that required call 911 for emergency transfer to Hospital. She was intubated in the emergency room treated by the doctors, Cardiologist and Intensive care where she was subjected to hypothermia and other treatments due to the serious neurological damage that she presented. No other organ seemed compromised. Never came out of the coma, passing away on February 26, 2021." "1104384-1" "1104384-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD ABNORMAL" "10072168" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Being in the Mall, accompanied by her cousin, felt a severe headache and pain in both shoulders followed immediately by fainting, cardio-respiratory arrest that required call 911 for emergency transfer to Hospital. She was intubated in the emergency room treated by the doctors, Cardiologist and Intensive care where she was subjected to hypothermia and other treatments due to the serious neurological damage that she presented. No other organ seemed compromised. Never came out of the coma, passing away on February 26, 2021." "1104384-1" "1104384-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Being in the Mall, accompanied by her cousin, felt a severe headache and pain in both shoulders followed immediately by fainting, cardio-respiratory arrest that required call 911 for emergency transfer to Hospital. She was intubated in the emergency room treated by the doctors, Cardiologist and Intensive care where she was subjected to hypothermia and other treatments due to the serious neurological damage that she presented. No other organ seemed compromised. Never came out of the coma, passing away on February 26, 2021." "1104384-1" "1104384-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Being in the Mall, accompanied by her cousin, felt a severe headache and pain in both shoulders followed immediately by fainting, cardio-respiratory arrest that required call 911 for emergency transfer to Hospital. She was intubated in the emergency room treated by the doctors, Cardiologist and Intensive care where she was subjected to hypothermia and other treatments due to the serious neurological damage that she presented. No other organ seemed compromised. Never came out of the coma, passing away on February 26, 2021." "1104384-1" "1104384-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Being in the Mall, accompanied by her cousin, felt a severe headache and pain in both shoulders followed immediately by fainting, cardio-respiratory arrest that required call 911 for emergency transfer to Hospital. She was intubated in the emergency room treated by the doctors, Cardiologist and Intensive care where she was subjected to hypothermia and other treatments due to the serious neurological damage that she presented. No other organ seemed compromised. Never came out of the coma, passing away on February 26, 2021." "1104384-1" "1104384-1" "HYPOTHERMIA" "10021113" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Being in the Mall, accompanied by her cousin, felt a severe headache and pain in both shoulders followed immediately by fainting, cardio-respiratory arrest that required call 911 for emergency transfer to Hospital. She was intubated in the emergency room treated by the doctors, Cardiologist and Intensive care where she was subjected to hypothermia and other treatments due to the serious neurological damage that she presented. No other organ seemed compromised. Never came out of the coma, passing away on February 26, 2021." "1104384-1" "1104384-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Being in the Mall, accompanied by her cousin, felt a severe headache and pain in both shoulders followed immediately by fainting, cardio-respiratory arrest that required call 911 for emergency transfer to Hospital. She was intubated in the emergency room treated by the doctors, Cardiologist and Intensive care where she was subjected to hypothermia and other treatments due to the serious neurological damage that she presented. No other organ seemed compromised. Never came out of the coma, passing away on February 26, 2021." "1104384-1" "1104384-1" "LABORATORY TEST" "10059938" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Being in the Mall, accompanied by her cousin, felt a severe headache and pain in both shoulders followed immediately by fainting, cardio-respiratory arrest that required call 911 for emergency transfer to Hospital. She was intubated in the emergency room treated by the doctors, Cardiologist and Intensive care where she was subjected to hypothermia and other treatments due to the serious neurological damage that she presented. No other organ seemed compromised. Never came out of the coma, passing away on February 26, 2021." "1104384-1" "1104384-1" "MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING HEAD ABNORMAL" "10085256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Being in the Mall, accompanied by her cousin, felt a severe headache and pain in both shoulders followed immediately by fainting, cardio-respiratory arrest that required call 911 for emergency transfer to Hospital. She was intubated in the emergency room treated by the doctors, Cardiologist and Intensive care where she was subjected to hypothermia and other treatments due to the serious neurological damage that she presented. No other organ seemed compromised. Never came out of the coma, passing away on February 26, 2021." "1104384-1" "1104384-1" "NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDER" "10029202" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Being in the Mall, accompanied by her cousin, felt a severe headache and pain in both shoulders followed immediately by fainting, cardio-respiratory arrest that required call 911 for emergency transfer to Hospital. She was intubated in the emergency room treated by the doctors, Cardiologist and Intensive care where she was subjected to hypothermia and other treatments due to the serious neurological damage that she presented. No other organ seemed compromised. Never came out of the coma, passing away on February 26, 2021." "1104384-1" "1104384-1" "SYNCOPE" "10042772" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Being in the Mall, accompanied by her cousin, felt a severe headache and pain in both shoulders followed immediately by fainting, cardio-respiratory arrest that required call 911 for emergency transfer to Hospital. She was intubated in the emergency room treated by the doctors, Cardiologist and Intensive care where she was subjected to hypothermia and other treatments due to the serious neurological damage that she presented. No other organ seemed compromised. Never came out of the coma, passing away on February 26, 2021." "1105679-1" "1105679-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father complained of heartburn the evening he received his vaccine. He told my mother he need to sit down and relax. My mother walked into the other room to watch some TV while she allowed my dad to relax. During that time, my mother fell asleep. She woke up after an hour when she realized my dad was not sitting next to her. She went to the living room where he was sitting and discovered he was not breathing and passed away. EMT was called and they said they could not do anything for my dad since he was already gone." "1105679-1" "1105679-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father complained of heartburn the evening he received his vaccine. He told my mother he need to sit down and relax. My mother walked into the other room to watch some TV while she allowed my dad to relax. During that time, my mother fell asleep. She woke up after an hour when she realized my dad was not sitting next to her. She went to the living room where he was sitting and discovered he was not breathing and passed away. EMT was called and they said they could not do anything for my dad since he was already gone." "1105679-1" "1105679-1" "DYSPEPSIA" "10013946" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father complained of heartburn the evening he received his vaccine. He told my mother he need to sit down and relax. My mother walked into the other room to watch some TV while she allowed my dad to relax. During that time, my mother fell asleep. She woke up after an hour when she realized my dad was not sitting next to her. She went to the living room where he was sitting and discovered he was not breathing and passed away. EMT was called and they said they could not do anything for my dad since he was already gone." "1105679-1" "1105679-1" "RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10038669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father complained of heartburn the evening he received his vaccine. He told my mother he need to sit down and relax. My mother walked into the other room to watch some TV while she allowed my dad to relax. During that time, my mother fell asleep. She woke up after an hour when she realized my dad was not sitting next to her. She went to the living room where he was sitting and discovered he was not breathing and passed away. EMT was called and they said they could not do anything for my dad since he was already gone." "1105749-1" "1105749-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient died on 2/28/2021" "1106667-1" "1106667-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Information here obtained from daughter: on Thursday patient had an uneventful fistulagram with angioplasty. Patient got vaccine at end of usual Friday am dialysis treatment. He was observed for about 30"" and no untoward event noted, vitals usual. At home on Saturday morning, seemed not quite himself by wife as reported by daughter, from whom i got his information. He gets up late as hemodialysis starts at 515 am. No reported problems on Friday. On Saturday morning, he seemed not himself but sat down and ate breakfast around 9 am. On getting up from table he got suddenly weak, his head rolled back and his eyes rolled up. 911 called and he was given resuscitation efforts of unknown duration which were unsuccessful. He was pronounced dead at 11 am and the mortuary was called. No premortem labs, et al."" "1106667-1" "1106667-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Information here obtained from daughter: on Thursday patient had an uneventful fistulagram with angioplasty. Patient got vaccine at end of usual Friday am dialysis treatment. He was observed for about 30"" and no untoward event noted, vitals usual. At home on Saturday morning, seemed not quite himself by wife as reported by daughter, from whom i got his information. He gets up late as hemodialysis starts at 515 am. No reported problems on Friday. On Saturday morning, he seemed not himself but sat down and ate breakfast around 9 am. On getting up from table he got suddenly weak, his head rolled back and his eyes rolled up. 911 called and he was given resuscitation efforts of unknown duration which were unsuccessful. He was pronounced dead at 11 am and the mortuary was called. No premortem labs, et al."" "1106667-1" "1106667-1" "EYE MOVEMENT DISORDER" "10061129" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Information here obtained from daughter: on Thursday patient had an uneventful fistulagram with angioplasty. Patient got vaccine at end of usual Friday am dialysis treatment. He was observed for about 30"" and no untoward event noted, vitals usual. At home on Saturday morning, seemed not quite himself by wife as reported by daughter, from whom i got his information. He gets up late as hemodialysis starts at 515 am. No reported problems on Friday. On Saturday morning, he seemed not himself but sat down and ate breakfast around 9 am. On getting up from table he got suddenly weak, his head rolled back and his eyes rolled up. 911 called and he was given resuscitation efforts of unknown duration which were unsuccessful. He was pronounced dead at 11 am and the mortuary was called. No premortem labs, et al."" "1106667-1" "1106667-1" "FEELING ABNORMAL" "10016322" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Information here obtained from daughter: on Thursday patient had an uneventful fistulagram with angioplasty. Patient got vaccine at end of usual Friday am dialysis treatment. He was observed for about 30"" and no untoward event noted, vitals usual. At home on Saturday morning, seemed not quite himself by wife as reported by daughter, from whom i got his information. He gets up late as hemodialysis starts at 515 am. No reported problems on Friday. On Saturday morning, he seemed not himself but sat down and ate breakfast around 9 am. On getting up from table he got suddenly weak, his head rolled back and his eyes rolled up. 911 called and he was given resuscitation efforts of unknown duration which were unsuccessful. He was pronounced dead at 11 am and the mortuary was called. No premortem labs, et al."" "1106667-1" "1106667-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Information here obtained from daughter: on Thursday patient had an uneventful fistulagram with angioplasty. Patient got vaccine at end of usual Friday am dialysis treatment. He was observed for about 30"" and no untoward event noted, vitals usual. At home on Saturday morning, seemed not quite himself by wife as reported by daughter, from whom i got his information. He gets up late as hemodialysis starts at 515 am. No reported problems on Friday. On Saturday morning, he seemed not himself but sat down and ate breakfast around 9 am. On getting up from table he got suddenly weak, his head rolled back and his eyes rolled up. 911 called and he was given resuscitation efforts of unknown duration which were unsuccessful. He was pronounced dead at 11 am and the mortuary was called. No premortem labs, et al."" "1108365-1" "1108365-1" "BOWEL MOVEMENT IRREGULARITY" "10063541" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She had breathing problems, bowel movement problems, sharp pain -site unknown No appetite and nausea. Went to the Doctor on wednesday and they gave her a prescription for nausea (promethazine) 12.5mg She Passed away 03/12/2021 at 8:54pm waiting to be picked up by a friend that was going to take her to the emergency room/hospital." "1108365-1" "1108365-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She had breathing problems, bowel movement problems, sharp pain -site unknown No appetite and nausea. Went to the Doctor on wednesday and they gave her a prescription for nausea (promethazine) 12.5mg She Passed away 03/12/2021 at 8:54pm waiting to be picked up by a friend that was going to take her to the emergency room/hospital." "1108365-1" "1108365-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She had breathing problems, bowel movement problems, sharp pain -site unknown No appetite and nausea. Went to the Doctor on wednesday and they gave her a prescription for nausea (promethazine) 12.5mg She Passed away 03/12/2021 at 8:54pm waiting to be picked up by a friend that was going to take her to the emergency room/hospital." "1108365-1" "1108365-1" "DEFAECATION DISORDER" "10079938" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She had breathing problems, bowel movement problems, sharp pain -site unknown No appetite and nausea. Went to the Doctor on wednesday and they gave her a prescription for nausea (promethazine) 12.5mg She Passed away 03/12/2021 at 8:54pm waiting to be picked up by a friend that was going to take her to the emergency room/hospital." "1108365-1" "1108365-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She had breathing problems, bowel movement problems, sharp pain -site unknown No appetite and nausea. Went to the Doctor on wednesday and they gave her a prescription for nausea (promethazine) 12.5mg She Passed away 03/12/2021 at 8:54pm waiting to be picked up by a friend that was going to take her to the emergency room/hospital." "1108365-1" "1108365-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She had breathing problems, bowel movement problems, sharp pain -site unknown No appetite and nausea. Went to the Doctor on wednesday and they gave her a prescription for nausea (promethazine) 12.5mg She Passed away 03/12/2021 at 8:54pm waiting to be picked up by a friend that was going to take her to the emergency room/hospital." "1108365-1" "1108365-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She had breathing problems, bowel movement problems, sharp pain -site unknown No appetite and nausea. Went to the Doctor on wednesday and they gave her a prescription for nausea (promethazine) 12.5mg She Passed away 03/12/2021 at 8:54pm waiting to be picked up by a friend that was going to take her to the emergency room/hospital." "1108959-1" "1108959-1" "ANGIOGRAM CEREBRAL" "10052905" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Stroke resulting in death. Admitted to hospital 2/21/21 as transfer from first Hospital after found collapsed in his hotel room. Left M1 occlusion, thrombectomy performed, then had hemorrhagic trnasformation. Developed worsening respiratory status after extubation, was reintubated. Given poor neurologic status, was extubated and started on palliative morphine drip. Pt died 0100 3/1/21." "1108959-1" "1108959-1" "CEREBRAL ARTERY OCCLUSION" "10008089" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Stroke resulting in death. Admitted to hospital 2/21/21 as transfer from first Hospital after found collapsed in his hotel room. Left M1 occlusion, thrombectomy performed, then had hemorrhagic trnasformation. Developed worsening respiratory status after extubation, was reintubated. Given poor neurologic status, was extubated and started on palliative morphine drip. Pt died 0100 3/1/21." "1108959-1" "1108959-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD" "10054003" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Stroke resulting in death. Admitted to hospital 2/21/21 as transfer from first Hospital after found collapsed in his hotel room. Left M1 occlusion, thrombectomy performed, then had hemorrhagic trnasformation. Developed worsening respiratory status after extubation, was reintubated. Given poor neurologic status, was extubated and started on palliative morphine drip. Pt died 0100 3/1/21." "1108959-1" "1108959-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Stroke resulting in death. Admitted to hospital 2/21/21 as transfer from first Hospital after found collapsed in his hotel room. Left M1 occlusion, thrombectomy performed, then had hemorrhagic trnasformation. Developed worsening respiratory status after extubation, was reintubated. Given poor neurologic status, was extubated and started on palliative morphine drip. Pt died 0100 3/1/21." "1108959-1" "1108959-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Stroke resulting in death. Admitted to hospital 2/21/21 as transfer from first Hospital after found collapsed in his hotel room. Left M1 occlusion, thrombectomy performed, then had hemorrhagic trnasformation. Developed worsening respiratory status after extubation, was reintubated. Given poor neurologic status, was extubated and started on palliative morphine drip. Pt died 0100 3/1/21." "1108959-1" "1108959-1" "HAEMORRHAGIC TRANSFORMATION STROKE" "10055677" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Stroke resulting in death. Admitted to hospital 2/21/21 as transfer from first Hospital after found collapsed in his hotel room. Left M1 occlusion, thrombectomy performed, then had hemorrhagic trnasformation. Developed worsening respiratory status after extubation, was reintubated. Given poor neurologic status, was extubated and started on palliative morphine drip. Pt died 0100 3/1/21." "1108959-1" "1108959-1" "MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING HEAD" "10085255" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Stroke resulting in death. Admitted to hospital 2/21/21 as transfer from first Hospital after found collapsed in his hotel room. Left M1 occlusion, thrombectomy performed, then had hemorrhagic trnasformation. Developed worsening respiratory status after extubation, was reintubated. Given poor neurologic status, was extubated and started on palliative morphine drip. Pt died 0100 3/1/21." "1108959-1" "1108959-1" "NEUROLOGICAL DECOMPENSATION" "10068357" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Stroke resulting in death. Admitted to hospital 2/21/21 as transfer from first Hospital after found collapsed in his hotel room. Left M1 occlusion, thrombectomy performed, then had hemorrhagic trnasformation. Developed worsening respiratory status after extubation, was reintubated. Given poor neurologic status, was extubated and started on palliative morphine drip. Pt died 0100 3/1/21." "1108959-1" "1108959-1" "RESPIRATORY DISTRESS" "10038687" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Stroke resulting in death. Admitted to hospital 2/21/21 as transfer from first Hospital after found collapsed in his hotel room. Left M1 occlusion, thrombectomy performed, then had hemorrhagic trnasformation. Developed worsening respiratory status after extubation, was reintubated. Given poor neurologic status, was extubated and started on palliative morphine drip. Pt died 0100 3/1/21." "1108959-1" "1108959-1" "SYNCOPE" "10042772" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Stroke resulting in death. Admitted to hospital 2/21/21 as transfer from first Hospital after found collapsed in his hotel room. Left M1 occlusion, thrombectomy performed, then had hemorrhagic trnasformation. Developed worsening respiratory status after extubation, was reintubated. Given poor neurologic status, was extubated and started on palliative morphine drip. Pt died 0100 3/1/21." "1108959-1" "1108959-1" "THROMBECTOMY" "10043530" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Stroke resulting in death. Admitted to hospital 2/21/21 as transfer from first Hospital after found collapsed in his hotel room. Left M1 occlusion, thrombectomy performed, then had hemorrhagic trnasformation. Developed worsening respiratory status after extubation, was reintubated. Given poor neurologic status, was extubated and started on palliative morphine drip. Pt died 0100 3/1/21." "1110099-1" "1110099-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "3/12/21 Sudden cardiac arrest at home; unable to be resuscitated at scene (Brother) Caller is a family friend who was asked by family to call and report incident. If f/u is needed, please contact him first. Current Medical History: unknown by caller Current Medications: unknown by caller" "1110099-1" "1110099-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "3/12/21 Sudden cardiac arrest at home; unable to be resuscitated at scene (Brother) Caller is a family friend who was asked by family to call and report incident. If f/u is needed, please contact him first. Current Medical History: unknown by caller Current Medications: unknown by caller" "1110232-1" "1110232-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "DizzineS, sweating,weak, chilling, diarrhea, shortness of breath, death" "1110232-1" "1110232-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" "DizzineS, sweating,weak, chilling, diarrhea, shortness of breath, death" "1110232-1" "1110232-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "DizzineS, sweating,weak, chilling, diarrhea, shortness of breath, death" "1110232-1" "1110232-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "DizzineS, sweating,weak, chilling, diarrhea, shortness of breath, death" "1110232-1" "1110232-1" "DIZZINESS" "10013573" "65-79 years" "65-79" "DizzineS, sweating,weak, chilling, diarrhea, shortness of breath, death" "1110232-1" "1110232-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "DizzineS, sweating,weak, chilling, diarrhea, shortness of breath, death" "1110232-1" "1110232-1" "HYPERHIDROSIS" "10020642" "65-79 years" "65-79" "DizzineS, sweating,weak, chilling, diarrhea, shortness of breath, death" "1111574-1" "1111574-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Passed away 4 days after second dose, complained of not being able to breathe in the middle of the night, and passed minutes later." "1111574-1" "1111574-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Passed away 4 days after second dose, complained of not being able to breathe in the middle of the night, and passed minutes later." "1111683-1" "1111683-1" "ABDOMINAL DISCOMFORT" "10000059" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's niece reported that the patient's arm became sore, had stomach upset, fever the day after the vaccine. The following day the patient died." "1111683-1" "1111683-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's niece reported that the patient's arm became sore, had stomach upset, fever the day after the vaccine. The following day the patient died." "1111683-1" "1111683-1" "PAIN IN EXTREMITY" "10033425" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's niece reported that the patient's arm became sore, had stomach upset, fever the day after the vaccine. The following day the patient died." "1111683-1" "1111683-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's niece reported that the patient's arm became sore, had stomach upset, fever the day after the vaccine. The following day the patient died." "1112585-1" "1112585-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient diagnosed with covid on 2.18.2021 and died of covid 3.6.2021" "1112585-1" "1112585-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient diagnosed with covid on 2.18.2021 and died of covid 3.6.2021" "1113563-1" "1113563-1" "APHONIA" "10002953" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""2/25/21 - sore arm, profound fatigue 2/26/21 - chills, fatigue, runny nose (cold-like sx) 2/27/21 - dry throat 3/02/21 - lost voice 3/03/21 - 3/04/21 - chest congestion, difficulty breathing, sounded like water in lungs 3/05/21 - became pale, eyes rolled back, shaking, immobile, caregiver called ambulance, taken to Hospital ER 3/06/21 - death, Hospital dx him with ""pneumonia"" but I believe that hospital medical staff were unaware of his sx following the COVID vaccine #2 shot."" "1113563-1" "1113563-1" "BREATH SOUNDS ABNORMAL" "10064780" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""2/25/21 - sore arm, profound fatigue 2/26/21 - chills, fatigue, runny nose (cold-like sx) 2/27/21 - dry throat 3/02/21 - lost voice 3/03/21 - 3/04/21 - chest congestion, difficulty breathing, sounded like water in lungs 3/05/21 - became pale, eyes rolled back, shaking, immobile, caregiver called ambulance, taken to Hospital ER 3/06/21 - death, Hospital dx him with ""pneumonia"" but I believe that hospital medical staff were unaware of his sx following the COVID vaccine #2 shot."" "1113563-1" "1113563-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""2/25/21 - sore arm, profound fatigue 2/26/21 - chills, fatigue, runny nose (cold-like sx) 2/27/21 - dry throat 3/02/21 - lost voice 3/03/21 - 3/04/21 - chest congestion, difficulty breathing, sounded like water in lungs 3/05/21 - became pale, eyes rolled back, shaking, immobile, caregiver called ambulance, taken to Hospital ER 3/06/21 - death, Hospital dx him with ""pneumonia"" but I believe that hospital medical staff were unaware of his sx following the COVID vaccine #2 shot."" "1113563-1" "1113563-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""2/25/21 - sore arm, profound fatigue 2/26/21 - chills, fatigue, runny nose (cold-like sx) 2/27/21 - dry throat 3/02/21 - lost voice 3/03/21 - 3/04/21 - chest congestion, difficulty breathing, sounded like water in lungs 3/05/21 - became pale, eyes rolled back, shaking, immobile, caregiver called ambulance, taken to Hospital ER 3/06/21 - death, Hospital dx him with ""pneumonia"" but I believe that hospital medical staff were unaware of his sx following the COVID vaccine #2 shot."" "1113563-1" "1113563-1" "DRY THROAT" "10013789" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""2/25/21 - sore arm, profound fatigue 2/26/21 - chills, fatigue, runny nose (cold-like sx) 2/27/21 - dry throat 3/02/21 - lost voice 3/03/21 - 3/04/21 - chest congestion, difficulty breathing, sounded like water in lungs 3/05/21 - became pale, eyes rolled back, shaking, immobile, caregiver called ambulance, taken to Hospital ER 3/06/21 - death, Hospital dx him with ""pneumonia"" but I believe that hospital medical staff were unaware of his sx following the COVID vaccine #2 shot."" "1113563-1" "1113563-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""2/25/21 - sore arm, profound fatigue 2/26/21 - chills, fatigue, runny nose (cold-like sx) 2/27/21 - dry throat 3/02/21 - lost voice 3/03/21 - 3/04/21 - chest congestion, difficulty breathing, sounded like water in lungs 3/05/21 - became pale, eyes rolled back, shaking, immobile, caregiver called ambulance, taken to Hospital ER 3/06/21 - death, Hospital dx him with ""pneumonia"" but I believe that hospital medical staff were unaware of his sx following the COVID vaccine #2 shot."" "1113563-1" "1113563-1" "EYE MOVEMENT DISORDER" "10061129" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""2/25/21 - sore arm, profound fatigue 2/26/21 - chills, fatigue, runny nose (cold-like sx) 2/27/21 - dry throat 3/02/21 - lost voice 3/03/21 - 3/04/21 - chest congestion, difficulty breathing, sounded like water in lungs 3/05/21 - became pale, eyes rolled back, shaking, immobile, caregiver called ambulance, taken to Hospital ER 3/06/21 - death, Hospital dx him with ""pneumonia"" but I believe that hospital medical staff were unaware of his sx following the COVID vaccine #2 shot."" "1113563-1" "1113563-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""2/25/21 - sore arm, profound fatigue 2/26/21 - chills, fatigue, runny nose (cold-like sx) 2/27/21 - dry throat 3/02/21 - lost voice 3/03/21 - 3/04/21 - chest congestion, difficulty breathing, sounded like water in lungs 3/05/21 - became pale, eyes rolled back, shaking, immobile, caregiver called ambulance, taken to Hospital ER 3/06/21 - death, Hospital dx him with ""pneumonia"" but I believe that hospital medical staff were unaware of his sx following the COVID vaccine #2 shot."" "1113563-1" "1113563-1" "IMMOBILE" "10021417" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""2/25/21 - sore arm, profound fatigue 2/26/21 - chills, fatigue, runny nose (cold-like sx) 2/27/21 - dry throat 3/02/21 - lost voice 3/03/21 - 3/04/21 - chest congestion, difficulty breathing, sounded like water in lungs 3/05/21 - became pale, eyes rolled back, shaking, immobile, caregiver called ambulance, taken to Hospital ER 3/06/21 - death, Hospital dx him with ""pneumonia"" but I believe that hospital medical staff were unaware of his sx following the COVID vaccine #2 shot."" "1113563-1" "1113563-1" "NASOPHARYNGITIS" "10028810" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""2/25/21 - sore arm, profound fatigue 2/26/21 - chills, fatigue, runny nose (cold-like sx) 2/27/21 - dry throat 3/02/21 - lost voice 3/03/21 - 3/04/21 - chest congestion, difficulty breathing, sounded like water in lungs 3/05/21 - became pale, eyes rolled back, shaking, immobile, caregiver called ambulance, taken to Hospital ER 3/06/21 - death, Hospital dx him with ""pneumonia"" but I believe that hospital medical staff were unaware of his sx following the COVID vaccine #2 shot."" "1113563-1" "1113563-1" "PAIN IN EXTREMITY" "10033425" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""2/25/21 - sore arm, profound fatigue 2/26/21 - chills, fatigue, runny nose (cold-like sx) 2/27/21 - dry throat 3/02/21 - lost voice 3/03/21 - 3/04/21 - chest congestion, difficulty breathing, sounded like water in lungs 3/05/21 - became pale, eyes rolled back, shaking, immobile, caregiver called ambulance, taken to Hospital ER 3/06/21 - death, Hospital dx him with ""pneumonia"" but I believe that hospital medical staff were unaware of his sx following the COVID vaccine #2 shot."" "1113563-1" "1113563-1" "PALLOR" "10033546" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""2/25/21 - sore arm, profound fatigue 2/26/21 - chills, fatigue, runny nose (cold-like sx) 2/27/21 - dry throat 3/02/21 - lost voice 3/03/21 - 3/04/21 - chest congestion, difficulty breathing, sounded like water in lungs 3/05/21 - became pale, eyes rolled back, shaking, immobile, caregiver called ambulance, taken to Hospital ER 3/06/21 - death, Hospital dx him with ""pneumonia"" but I believe that hospital medical staff were unaware of his sx following the COVID vaccine #2 shot."" "1113563-1" "1113563-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""2/25/21 - sore arm, profound fatigue 2/26/21 - chills, fatigue, runny nose (cold-like sx) 2/27/21 - dry throat 3/02/21 - lost voice 3/03/21 - 3/04/21 - chest congestion, difficulty breathing, sounded like water in lungs 3/05/21 - became pale, eyes rolled back, shaking, immobile, caregiver called ambulance, taken to Hospital ER 3/06/21 - death, Hospital dx him with ""pneumonia"" but I believe that hospital medical staff were unaware of his sx following the COVID vaccine #2 shot."" "1113563-1" "1113563-1" "RESPIRATORY TRACT CONGESTION" "10052251" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""2/25/21 - sore arm, profound fatigue 2/26/21 - chills, fatigue, runny nose (cold-like sx) 2/27/21 - dry throat 3/02/21 - lost voice 3/03/21 - 3/04/21 - chest congestion, difficulty breathing, sounded like water in lungs 3/05/21 - became pale, eyes rolled back, shaking, immobile, caregiver called ambulance, taken to Hospital ER 3/06/21 - death, Hospital dx him with ""pneumonia"" but I believe that hospital medical staff were unaware of his sx following the COVID vaccine #2 shot."" "1113563-1" "1113563-1" "RHINORRHOEA" "10039101" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""2/25/21 - sore arm, profound fatigue 2/26/21 - chills, fatigue, runny nose (cold-like sx) 2/27/21 - dry throat 3/02/21 - lost voice 3/03/21 - 3/04/21 - chest congestion, difficulty breathing, sounded like water in lungs 3/05/21 - became pale, eyes rolled back, shaking, immobile, caregiver called ambulance, taken to Hospital ER 3/06/21 - death, Hospital dx him with ""pneumonia"" but I believe that hospital medical staff were unaware of his sx following the COVID vaccine #2 shot."" "1113563-1" "1113563-1" "TREMOR" "10044565" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""2/25/21 - sore arm, profound fatigue 2/26/21 - chills, fatigue, runny nose (cold-like sx) 2/27/21 - dry throat 3/02/21 - lost voice 3/03/21 - 3/04/21 - chest congestion, difficulty breathing, sounded like water in lungs 3/05/21 - became pale, eyes rolled back, shaking, immobile, caregiver called ambulance, taken to Hospital ER 3/06/21 - death, Hospital dx him with ""pneumonia"" but I believe that hospital medical staff were unaware of his sx following the COVID vaccine #2 shot."" "1115126-1" "1115126-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "His breathing problem worsened on 02/23/2021, short of breath and tired. He died of a pulmonary embolism and heart attack in the hospital on 3/9/21 after being there for 9 days." "1115126-1" "1115126-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "His breathing problem worsened on 02/23/2021, short of breath and tired. He died of a pulmonary embolism and heart attack in the hospital on 3/9/21 after being there for 9 days." "1115126-1" "1115126-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "His breathing problem worsened on 02/23/2021, short of breath and tired. He died of a pulmonary embolism and heart attack in the hospital on 3/9/21 after being there for 9 days." "1115126-1" "1115126-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "His breathing problem worsened on 02/23/2021, short of breath and tired. He died of a pulmonary embolism and heart attack in the hospital on 3/9/21 after being there for 9 days." "1115126-1" "1115126-1" "PULMONARY EMBOLISM" "10037377" "65-79 years" "65-79" "His breathing problem worsened on 02/23/2021, short of breath and tired. He died of a pulmonary embolism and heart attack in the hospital on 3/9/21 after being there for 9 days." "1116386-1" "1116386-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed nausea and vomiting 3/14/21. was seen at clinic by this provider 3/16/21 and reported at that time continued fatigue but overall symptom improvement. Vital signs were stable. pt was advised to orally hydrate and routinely monitor blood sugars and f/u as needed. On 3/18/21 patient was found down in his motel room by shelter staff unresponsive. 911 was called. pt transported to hospital by EMS receiving BLS. Clinic staff was advised by family that patient was pronounced dead that date." "1116386-1" "1116386-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed nausea and vomiting 3/14/21. was seen at clinic by this provider 3/16/21 and reported at that time continued fatigue but overall symptom improvement. Vital signs were stable. pt was advised to orally hydrate and routinely monitor blood sugars and f/u as needed. On 3/18/21 patient was found down in his motel room by shelter staff unresponsive. 911 was called. pt transported to hospital by EMS receiving BLS. Clinic staff was advised by family that patient was pronounced dead that date." "1116386-1" "1116386-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed nausea and vomiting 3/14/21. was seen at clinic by this provider 3/16/21 and reported at that time continued fatigue but overall symptom improvement. Vital signs were stable. pt was advised to orally hydrate and routinely monitor blood sugars and f/u as needed. On 3/18/21 patient was found down in his motel room by shelter staff unresponsive. 911 was called. pt transported to hospital by EMS receiving BLS. Clinic staff was advised by family that patient was pronounced dead that date." "1116386-1" "1116386-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed nausea and vomiting 3/14/21. was seen at clinic by this provider 3/16/21 and reported at that time continued fatigue but overall symptom improvement. Vital signs were stable. pt was advised to orally hydrate and routinely monitor blood sugars and f/u as needed. On 3/18/21 patient was found down in his motel room by shelter staff unresponsive. 911 was called. pt transported to hospital by EMS receiving BLS. Clinic staff was advised by family that patient was pronounced dead that date." "1116386-1" "1116386-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed nausea and vomiting 3/14/21. was seen at clinic by this provider 3/16/21 and reported at that time continued fatigue but overall symptom improvement. Vital signs were stable. pt was advised to orally hydrate and routinely monitor blood sugars and f/u as needed. On 3/18/21 patient was found down in his motel room by shelter staff unresponsive. 911 was called. pt transported to hospital by EMS receiving BLS. Clinic staff was advised by family that patient was pronounced dead that date." "1116408-1" "1116408-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "severe internal bleeding fluid build up around lungs/heart high heart rate low blood pressure low oxygen liver failure death" "1116408-1" "1116408-1" "HEART RATE INCREASED" "10019303" "65-79 years" "65-79" "severe internal bleeding fluid build up around lungs/heart high heart rate low blood pressure low oxygen liver failure death" "1116408-1" "1116408-1" "HEPATIC FAILURE" "10019663" "65-79 years" "65-79" "severe internal bleeding fluid build up around lungs/heart high heart rate low blood pressure low oxygen liver failure death" "1116408-1" "1116408-1" "HYPOTENSION" "10021097" "65-79 years" "65-79" "severe internal bleeding fluid build up around lungs/heart high heart rate low blood pressure low oxygen liver failure death" "1116408-1" "1116408-1" "INTERNAL HAEMORRHAGE" "10075192" "65-79 years" "65-79" "severe internal bleeding fluid build up around lungs/heart high heart rate low blood pressure low oxygen liver failure death" "1116408-1" "1116408-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "severe internal bleeding fluid build up around lungs/heart high heart rate low blood pressure low oxygen liver failure death" "1116408-1" "1116408-1" "PERICARDIAL EFFUSION" "10034474" "65-79 years" "65-79" "severe internal bleeding fluid build up around lungs/heart high heart rate low blood pressure low oxygen liver failure death" "1116408-1" "1116408-1" "PULMONARY OEDEMA" "10037423" "65-79 years" "65-79" "severe internal bleeding fluid build up around lungs/heart high heart rate low blood pressure low oxygen liver failure death" "1120493-1" "1120493-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac arrest five days after administration of the 2nd dose at 9pm, ambulance was called and EMTs attempted resuscitation, but no pulse was detected after 1 hour of compressions and CPR; time of death was recorded at 10:06pm" "1120493-1" "1120493-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac arrest five days after administration of the 2nd dose at 9pm, ambulance was called and EMTs attempted resuscitation, but no pulse was detected after 1 hour of compressions and CPR; time of death was recorded at 10:06pm" "1120493-1" "1120493-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac arrest five days after administration of the 2nd dose at 9pm, ambulance was called and EMTs attempted resuscitation, but no pulse was detected after 1 hour of compressions and CPR; time of death was recorded at 10:06pm" "1120493-1" "1120493-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac arrest five days after administration of the 2nd dose at 9pm, ambulance was called and EMTs attempted resuscitation, but no pulse was detected after 1 hour of compressions and CPR; time of death was recorded at 10:06pm" "1120756-1" "1120756-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On Friday night, 3/19/21, patient spiked a fever, had shortness of breath, and had blood coming out of his nose and mouth per patient's daughter-in law. 9-1-1 was called, paramedics arrived at the home at 5AM on Saturday, 3/20/21 per patient's daughter. Patient died." "1120756-1" "1120756-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On Friday night, 3/19/21, patient spiked a fever, had shortness of breath, and had blood coming out of his nose and mouth per patient's daughter-in law. 9-1-1 was called, paramedics arrived at the home at 5AM on Saturday, 3/20/21 per patient's daughter. Patient died." "1120756-1" "1120756-1" "EPISTAXIS" "10015090" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On Friday night, 3/19/21, patient spiked a fever, had shortness of breath, and had blood coming out of his nose and mouth per patient's daughter-in law. 9-1-1 was called, paramedics arrived at the home at 5AM on Saturday, 3/20/21 per patient's daughter. Patient died." "1120756-1" "1120756-1" "MOUTH HAEMORRHAGE" "10028024" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On Friday night, 3/19/21, patient spiked a fever, had shortness of breath, and had blood coming out of his nose and mouth per patient's daughter-in law. 9-1-1 was called, paramedics arrived at the home at 5AM on Saturday, 3/20/21 per patient's daughter. Patient died." "1120756-1" "1120756-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On Friday night, 3/19/21, patient spiked a fever, had shortness of breath, and had blood coming out of his nose and mouth per patient's daughter-in law. 9-1-1 was called, paramedics arrived at the home at 5AM on Saturday, 3/20/21 per patient's daughter. Patient died." "1120842-1" "1120842-1" "ABNORMAL BEHAVIOUR" "10061422" "65-79 years" "65-79" "this is all per family, 4 to 5 days after 2nd COVID vaccine he was acting unusual and was taken to the hospital. He had a clot in his brain and underwent brain surgery. He experienced seizures after the surgery, but it was ultimately reported the surgery went well. He remained intubated and on a ventilator after surgery. He developed complications of his lungs and kidneys while on the ventilator. Ventilator was removed 3/16/2021 and he passed away that day. The hospital providers thought the clot in the brain may have been from hitting his head over a month ago. From my understanding he was A&O, independent with ADLs, and lived in his private residence prior to these complications." "1120842-1" "1120842-1" "BRAIN OPERATION" "10061732" "65-79 years" "65-79" "this is all per family, 4 to 5 days after 2nd COVID vaccine he was acting unusual and was taken to the hospital. He had a clot in his brain and underwent brain surgery. He experienced seizures after the surgery, but it was ultimately reported the surgery went well. He remained intubated and on a ventilator after surgery. He developed complications of his lungs and kidneys while on the ventilator. Ventilator was removed 3/16/2021 and he passed away that day. The hospital providers thought the clot in the brain may have been from hitting his head over a month ago. From my understanding he was A&O, independent with ADLs, and lived in his private residence prior to these complications." "1120842-1" "1120842-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "this is all per family, 4 to 5 days after 2nd COVID vaccine he was acting unusual and was taken to the hospital. He had a clot in his brain and underwent brain surgery. He experienced seizures after the surgery, but it was ultimately reported the surgery went well. He remained intubated and on a ventilator after surgery. He developed complications of his lungs and kidneys while on the ventilator. Ventilator was removed 3/16/2021 and he passed away that day. The hospital providers thought the clot in the brain may have been from hitting his head over a month ago. From my understanding he was A&O, independent with ADLs, and lived in his private residence prior to these complications." "1120842-1" "1120842-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "this is all per family, 4 to 5 days after 2nd COVID vaccine he was acting unusual and was taken to the hospital. He had a clot in his brain and underwent brain surgery. He experienced seizures after the surgery, but it was ultimately reported the surgery went well. He remained intubated and on a ventilator after surgery. He developed complications of his lungs and kidneys while on the ventilator. Ventilator was removed 3/16/2021 and he passed away that day. The hospital providers thought the clot in the brain may have been from hitting his head over a month ago. From my understanding he was A&O, independent with ADLs, and lived in his private residence prior to these complications." "1120842-1" "1120842-1" "LUNG DISORDER" "10025082" "65-79 years" "65-79" "this is all per family, 4 to 5 days after 2nd COVID vaccine he was acting unusual and was taken to the hospital. He had a clot in his brain and underwent brain surgery. He experienced seizures after the surgery, but it was ultimately reported the surgery went well. He remained intubated and on a ventilator after surgery. He developed complications of his lungs and kidneys while on the ventilator. Ventilator was removed 3/16/2021 and he passed away that day. The hospital providers thought the clot in the brain may have been from hitting his head over a month ago. From my understanding he was A&O, independent with ADLs, and lived in his private residence prior to these complications." "1120842-1" "1120842-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "this is all per family, 4 to 5 days after 2nd COVID vaccine he was acting unusual and was taken to the hospital. He had a clot in his brain and underwent brain surgery. He experienced seizures after the surgery, but it was ultimately reported the surgery went well. He remained intubated and on a ventilator after surgery. He developed complications of his lungs and kidneys while on the ventilator. Ventilator was removed 3/16/2021 and he passed away that day. The hospital providers thought the clot in the brain may have been from hitting his head over a month ago. From my understanding he was A&O, independent with ADLs, and lived in his private residence prior to these complications." "1120842-1" "1120842-1" "RENAL DISORDER" "10038428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "this is all per family, 4 to 5 days after 2nd COVID vaccine he was acting unusual and was taken to the hospital. He had a clot in his brain and underwent brain surgery. He experienced seizures after the surgery, but it was ultimately reported the surgery went well. He remained intubated and on a ventilator after surgery. He developed complications of his lungs and kidneys while on the ventilator. Ventilator was removed 3/16/2021 and he passed away that day. The hospital providers thought the clot in the brain may have been from hitting his head over a month ago. From my understanding he was A&O, independent with ADLs, and lived in his private residence prior to these complications." "1120842-1" "1120842-1" "SEIZURE" "10039906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "this is all per family, 4 to 5 days after 2nd COVID vaccine he was acting unusual and was taken to the hospital. He had a clot in his brain and underwent brain surgery. He experienced seizures after the surgery, but it was ultimately reported the surgery went well. He remained intubated and on a ventilator after surgery. He developed complications of his lungs and kidneys while on the ventilator. Ventilator was removed 3/16/2021 and he passed away that day. The hospital providers thought the clot in the brain may have been from hitting his head over a month ago. From my understanding he was A&O, independent with ADLs, and lived in his private residence prior to these complications." "1120842-1" "1120842-1" "THROMBOSIS" "10043607" "65-79 years" "65-79" "this is all per family, 4 to 5 days after 2nd COVID vaccine he was acting unusual and was taken to the hospital. He had a clot in his brain and underwent brain surgery. He experienced seizures after the surgery, but it was ultimately reported the surgery went well. He remained intubated and on a ventilator after surgery. He developed complications of his lungs and kidneys while on the ventilator. Ventilator was removed 3/16/2021 and he passed away that day. The hospital providers thought the clot in the brain may have been from hitting his head over a month ago. From my understanding he was A&O, independent with ADLs, and lived in his private residence prior to these complications." "1124307-1" "1124307-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient was found dead in his home on 3/18/2021, 8 days after vaccination. Due to the remoteness of where the individual lives and his lack of housemate, it is unknown how long he had been dead, but it is not believe that he was dead for more than 1-2 days. He had no adverse reactions in the 15-30 minutes that he was observed post-injection. He also reported only a sore arm to the public health nurse in an email a few days after his vaccination." "1124307-1" "1124307-1" "PAIN IN EXTREMITY" "10033425" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient was found dead in his home on 3/18/2021, 8 days after vaccination. Due to the remoteness of where the individual lives and his lack of housemate, it is unknown how long he had been dead, but it is not believe that he was dead for more than 1-2 days. He had no adverse reactions in the 15-30 minutes that he was observed post-injection. He also reported only a sore arm to the public health nurse in an email a few days after his vaccination." "1126732-1" "1126732-1" "AUTOPSY" "10050117" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The decedent had significant medical conditions. The wife stated, the appointment for the vaccine shot was made on-line. Dept. of Health visited their home on 3/16. The shot was administered into the decedent's left arm at 0930hrs. The decedent expressed no health complaints and had no visible indications of adverse affects. The decedent was found not breathing supine in bed at 2347hrs 3/16 (same day as vaccine shot)." "1126732-1" "1126732-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The decedent had significant medical conditions. The wife stated, the appointment for the vaccine shot was made on-line. Dept. of Health visited their home on 3/16. The shot was administered into the decedent's left arm at 0930hrs. The decedent expressed no health complaints and had no visible indications of adverse affects. The decedent was found not breathing supine in bed at 2347hrs 3/16 (same day as vaccine shot)." "1126732-1" "1126732-1" "RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10038669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The decedent had significant medical conditions. The wife stated, the appointment for the vaccine shot was made on-line. Dept. of Health visited their home on 3/16. The shot was administered into the decedent's left arm at 0930hrs. The decedent expressed no health complaints and had no visible indications of adverse affects. The decedent was found not breathing supine in bed at 2347hrs 3/16 (same day as vaccine shot)." "1127444-1" "1127444-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden onset of shortness of breath early morning 3/15/2021. EMS called, transported patient to Adventist to ER code blue in asystole. Asystole on arrival, no response to resuscitative efforts, pronounced dead in ER." "1127444-1" "1127444-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden onset of shortness of breath early morning 3/15/2021. EMS called, transported patient to Adventist to ER code blue in asystole. Asystole on arrival, no response to resuscitative efforts, pronounced dead in ER." "1127444-1" "1127444-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden onset of shortness of breath early morning 3/15/2021. EMS called, transported patient to Adventist to ER code blue in asystole. Asystole on arrival, no response to resuscitative efforts, pronounced dead in ER." "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "ACIDOSIS" "10000486" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "BLOOD GASES" "10005537" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "BLOOD TEST" "10061726" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "CARBON DIOXIDE INCREASED" "10007225" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM" "10010234" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM" "10014407" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "ELECTROLYTE IMBALANCE" "10014418" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "ENCEPHALOPATHY" "10014625" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "HAEMATOCRIT DECREASED" "10018838" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "HAEMOGLOBIN DECREASED" "10018884" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "LUNG INFILTRATION" "10025102" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "PARALYSIS" "10033799" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "RENAL FAILURE" "10038435" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "SEDATION" "10039897" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "SEPSIS" "10040047" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "TACHYCARDIA" "10043071" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127472-1" "1127472-1" "X-RAY" "10048064" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, low oxygen saturation, severe encephalopathy, kidney failure, bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, sepsis, tachycardic, acidotic, intubated on ventilator since admission, paralyzed/sedated, ABG results showed high CO2 and O2 retention, edema, electrolyte imbalance, ARDS, low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, blood transfusion needed" "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "COGNITIVE DISORDER" "10057668" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS" "10051055" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "FLUSHING" "10016825" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "FULL BLOOD COUNT" "10017411" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "HYPERKALAEMIA" "10020646" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "HYPOXIA" "10021143" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "METABOLIC FUNCTION TEST" "10062191" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "MULTIPLE ORGAN DYSFUNCTION SYNDROME" "10077361" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "MYALGIA" "10028411" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "PARALYSIS" "10033799" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "POLYURIA" "10036142" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10038695" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "SEPSIS" "10040047" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1127847-1" "1127847-1" "X-RAY" "10048064" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Participant felt flushed, feverish, fatigued with general aches and dry cough over the weekend after receiving injection, took acetaminophen and cough syrup on Monday. He became short of breath on 1/20/2021 and was hypoxic on oximeter check, was sent to the ER. He was intubated in ER and went into respiratory failure with sepsis due to COVID19. He was treated with tocilzumab, became paralyzed and DVT in left lower extremity was found. HE required pressors and diuresis, he developed AKI and hyperkalemia. On 2/21 he was in multi-organ failure. His level of cognition decreased until he was no longer responsive and he died on 2/24/2021." "1131084-1" "1131084-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My sister died in her sleep six days after receiving the J&J vaccine in her sleep." "1131280-1" "1131280-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 3/23/2021, Patient became ill, vomiting uncontrollably, throughout the day. On 3/24/2021, he continued his vomiting episodes, and developed a fever with chills. At about 2100 hrs, patient was extremely weak, he went to the bathroom, urinated, and attempted to crawl back to his bedroom, less than 10 steps away. His wife, called 911, and went down stairs to allow entry for the fire department, The fire department, found patient unresponsive, not breathing, and no pulse. He was pronounced dead in his home." "1131280-1" "1131280-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 3/23/2021, Patient became ill, vomiting uncontrollably, throughout the day. On 3/24/2021, he continued his vomiting episodes, and developed a fever with chills. At about 2100 hrs, patient was extremely weak, he went to the bathroom, urinated, and attempted to crawl back to his bedroom, less than 10 steps away. His wife, called 911, and went down stairs to allow entry for the fire department, The fire department, found patient unresponsive, not breathing, and no pulse. He was pronounced dead in his home." "1131280-1" "1131280-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 3/23/2021, Patient became ill, vomiting uncontrollably, throughout the day. On 3/24/2021, he continued his vomiting episodes, and developed a fever with chills. At about 2100 hrs, patient was extremely weak, he went to the bathroom, urinated, and attempted to crawl back to his bedroom, less than 10 steps away. His wife, called 911, and went down stairs to allow entry for the fire department, The fire department, found patient unresponsive, not breathing, and no pulse. He was pronounced dead in his home." "1131280-1" "1131280-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 3/23/2021, Patient became ill, vomiting uncontrollably, throughout the day. On 3/24/2021, he continued his vomiting episodes, and developed a fever with chills. At about 2100 hrs, patient was extremely weak, he went to the bathroom, urinated, and attempted to crawl back to his bedroom, less than 10 steps away. His wife, called 911, and went down stairs to allow entry for the fire department, The fire department, found patient unresponsive, not breathing, and no pulse. He was pronounced dead in his home." "1131280-1" "1131280-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 3/23/2021, Patient became ill, vomiting uncontrollably, throughout the day. On 3/24/2021, he continued his vomiting episodes, and developed a fever with chills. At about 2100 hrs, patient was extremely weak, he went to the bathroom, urinated, and attempted to crawl back to his bedroom, less than 10 steps away. His wife, called 911, and went down stairs to allow entry for the fire department, The fire department, found patient unresponsive, not breathing, and no pulse. He was pronounced dead in his home." "1131280-1" "1131280-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 3/23/2021, Patient became ill, vomiting uncontrollably, throughout the day. On 3/24/2021, he continued his vomiting episodes, and developed a fever with chills. At about 2100 hrs, patient was extremely weak, he went to the bathroom, urinated, and attempted to crawl back to his bedroom, less than 10 steps away. His wife, called 911, and went down stairs to allow entry for the fire department, The fire department, found patient unresponsive, not breathing, and no pulse. He was pronounced dead in his home." "1131280-1" "1131280-1" "RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10038669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 3/23/2021, Patient became ill, vomiting uncontrollably, throughout the day. On 3/24/2021, he continued his vomiting episodes, and developed a fever with chills. At about 2100 hrs, patient was extremely weak, he went to the bathroom, urinated, and attempted to crawl back to his bedroom, less than 10 steps away. His wife, called 911, and went down stairs to allow entry for the fire department, The fire department, found patient unresponsive, not breathing, and no pulse. He was pronounced dead in his home." "1131280-1" "1131280-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 3/23/2021, Patient became ill, vomiting uncontrollably, throughout the day. On 3/24/2021, he continued his vomiting episodes, and developed a fever with chills. At about 2100 hrs, patient was extremely weak, he went to the bathroom, urinated, and attempted to crawl back to his bedroom, less than 10 steps away. His wife, called 911, and went down stairs to allow entry for the fire department, The fire department, found patient unresponsive, not breathing, and no pulse. He was pronounced dead in his home." "1131280-1" "1131280-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 3/23/2021, Patient became ill, vomiting uncontrollably, throughout the day. On 3/24/2021, he continued his vomiting episodes, and developed a fever with chills. At about 2100 hrs, patient was extremely weak, he went to the bathroom, urinated, and attempted to crawl back to his bedroom, less than 10 steps away. His wife, called 911, and went down stairs to allow entry for the fire department, The fire department, found patient unresponsive, not breathing, and no pulse. He was pronounced dead in his home." "1135778-1" "1135778-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Breathing issues; Death; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 78 years old, female patient who experienced breathing issues/dyspnoea. The patient's medical history was not provided. Concomitant product use was not provided by the reporter. On 08 Mar 2021, prior to the onset of the symptoms, the patient received their first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (Batch number not provided) intramuscularly in an unknown arm for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. The patient experienced breathing difficulty on 12 Mar 2021. The patient died on 12 Mar 2021. Treatment information was not provided. Action taken with the drug in response to the events is not applicable. The patient died on 12 Mar 2021. The cause of death was not reported. The reporter wanted to conduct a autopsy to find out if the death was caused by the vaccine.; Reporter's Comments: This is a case of death in a 78-year-old female subject with unknown medical history, who died 4 days after receiving first dose of vaccine. Very limited information has been provided at this time. Further information has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1135778-1" "1135778-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Breathing issues; Death; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 78 years old, female patient who experienced breathing issues/dyspnoea. The patient's medical history was not provided. Concomitant product use was not provided by the reporter. On 08 Mar 2021, prior to the onset of the symptoms, the patient received their first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (Batch number not provided) intramuscularly in an unknown arm for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. The patient experienced breathing difficulty on 12 Mar 2021. The patient died on 12 Mar 2021. Treatment information was not provided. Action taken with the drug in response to the events is not applicable. The patient died on 12 Mar 2021. The cause of death was not reported. The reporter wanted to conduct a autopsy to find out if the death was caused by the vaccine.; Reporter's Comments: This is a case of death in a 78-year-old female subject with unknown medical history, who died 4 days after receiving first dose of vaccine. Very limited information has been provided at this time. Further information has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1136862-1" "1136862-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Had his vaccine, he had some reaction but not aware of what it was. On 3/20/21 they found him slumped over the toilet where he had died. His brother had spoken with him the day before and was supposed to see him on Saturday. Brother is not aware if he had taken anything for his symptoms, probably just took some Tylenol." "1136867-1" "1136867-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "headache started about 12 noon on day of, texted a friend at 5:47pm to say wasn't feeling well, hurting all over mostly in chest, shoulders and head." "1136867-1" "1136867-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "headache started about 12 noon on day of, texted a friend at 5:47pm to say wasn't feeling well, hurting all over mostly in chest, shoulders and head." "1136867-1" "1136867-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "headache started about 12 noon on day of, texted a friend at 5:47pm to say wasn't feeling well, hurting all over mostly in chest, shoulders and head." "1139599-1" "1139599-1" "BLOOD GLUCOSE DECREASED" "10005555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was found deceased in his own home on Monday, March 15, 2021. He was found on the floor in a sitting position with three fingers of his right hand on his right carotid. It appeared that he was getting ready for church, which was a routine event. Although patient was a diabetic, he never had episodes that were life threatening, and was always able to manage to remediate with insulin or food. Patient last spoke to a neighbor at 2:30 a.m. on Sunday, March 14th, who said he appeared to be just fine and they scheduled a date with their dogs on Sunday afternoon. A sheet of instructions found on the kitchen counter at the home informed us that he had a COVID vaccine at the VA Hospital on Wednesday, March 10th. He was documenting side-effects of very sore right arm and low blood sugars. that was unusual because if he was able to manage he wouldn't have noted it. It was apparent that something sudden happened such that he was unable to get to help and his heart rate must have been of concern. We believe that patient suffered onset of some sort of cardiac event, blood clot, high heart rate, or heart attack, that was associated with the vaccine on Wednesday and 4 days later he was suddenly gone, unable to call for help (he has family close by in this community). We want healthcare providers and individuals to be able to make informed decisions about giving/taking the vaccine when there is another health issue such as diabetes to consider. We lost a brother, a father, a friend and a dedicated veteran unnecessarily." "1139599-1" "1139599-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was found deceased in his own home on Monday, March 15, 2021. He was found on the floor in a sitting position with three fingers of his right hand on his right carotid. It appeared that he was getting ready for church, which was a routine event. Although patient was a diabetic, he never had episodes that were life threatening, and was always able to manage to remediate with insulin or food. Patient last spoke to a neighbor at 2:30 a.m. on Sunday, March 14th, who said he appeared to be just fine and they scheduled a date with their dogs on Sunday afternoon. A sheet of instructions found on the kitchen counter at the home informed us that he had a COVID vaccine at the VA Hospital on Wednesday, March 10th. He was documenting side-effects of very sore right arm and low blood sugars. that was unusual because if he was able to manage he wouldn't have noted it. It was apparent that something sudden happened such that he was unable to get to help and his heart rate must have been of concern. We believe that patient suffered onset of some sort of cardiac event, blood clot, high heart rate, or heart attack, that was associated with the vaccine on Wednesday and 4 days later he was suddenly gone, unable to call for help (he has family close by in this community). We want healthcare providers and individuals to be able to make informed decisions about giving/taking the vaccine when there is another health issue such as diabetes to consider. We lost a brother, a father, a friend and a dedicated veteran unnecessarily." "1139599-1" "1139599-1" "PAIN IN EXTREMITY" "10033425" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was found deceased in his own home on Monday, March 15, 2021. He was found on the floor in a sitting position with three fingers of his right hand on his right carotid. It appeared that he was getting ready for church, which was a routine event. Although patient was a diabetic, he never had episodes that were life threatening, and was always able to manage to remediate with insulin or food. Patient last spoke to a neighbor at 2:30 a.m. on Sunday, March 14th, who said he appeared to be just fine and they scheduled a date with their dogs on Sunday afternoon. A sheet of instructions found on the kitchen counter at the home informed us that he had a COVID vaccine at the VA Hospital on Wednesday, March 10th. He was documenting side-effects of very sore right arm and low blood sugars. that was unusual because if he was able to manage he wouldn't have noted it. It was apparent that something sudden happened such that he was unable to get to help and his heart rate must have been of concern. We believe that patient suffered onset of some sort of cardiac event, blood clot, high heart rate, or heart attack, that was associated with the vaccine on Wednesday and 4 days later he was suddenly gone, unable to call for help (he has family close by in this community). We want healthcare providers and individuals to be able to make informed decisions about giving/taking the vaccine when there is another health issue such as diabetes to consider. We lost a brother, a father, a friend and a dedicated veteran unnecessarily." "1141402-1" "1141402-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Dad had a heart attack either on February 19th or 20th. He was found dead on the morning of February 20th." "1141402-1" "1141402-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Dad had a heart attack either on February 19th or 20th. He was found dead on the morning of February 20th." "1145488-1" "1145488-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death" "1146708-1" "1146708-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""not feeling; Patient was found deceased; Stiffness in neck; Extreme fatigue; A Spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 65-year-old, male patient who received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced stiffness in neck/ musculoskeletal stiffness, extreme fatigue and patient was found deceased/Death. The patient's current condition included obesity and diabetes. Concomitant medication was not reported. On an unknown date, the patient received his first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (Batch number: unknown) intramuscularly for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 14 Mar 2021, prior to the event, the patient received his second of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (Batch number: unknown) intramuscularly for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 14 Mar 2021, after receiving the second dose of the vaccination the patient began to complain of not Feeling. On 16 Mar 2021, the patient began to complain of stiffness in neck and extreme fatigue. On Wednesday 17 Mar 2021, the patient was found deceased in their home. The event deceased was reported as serious. The family member states they would hate to link the Moderna vaccination to their uncle's death but the vaccination was the only alteration of the patient normal diet and medications. Treatment medication was not reported. The patient died on 17 Mar 2021. It was unknown if autopsy was performed. Action taken with the drug in response to the events was not applicable. The outcome of the event patient was found deceased was fatal whereas outcome of other events stiffness in neck, extreme fatigue was unknown.; Reporter's Comments: This is a case of sudden death in a 65-year-old male subject with a hx of obesity and diabetes who died 3 days after receiving the second dose of vaccine. Very limited information has been provided at this time."" Further information is requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Death"" "1146708-1" "1146708-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""not feeling; Patient was found deceased; Stiffness in neck; Extreme fatigue; A Spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 65-year-old, male patient who received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced stiffness in neck/ musculoskeletal stiffness, extreme fatigue and patient was found deceased/Death. The patient's current condition included obesity and diabetes. Concomitant medication was not reported. On an unknown date, the patient received his first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (Batch number: unknown) intramuscularly for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 14 Mar 2021, prior to the event, the patient received his second of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (Batch number: unknown) intramuscularly for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 14 Mar 2021, after receiving the second dose of the vaccination the patient began to complain of not Feeling. On 16 Mar 2021, the patient began to complain of stiffness in neck and extreme fatigue. On Wednesday 17 Mar 2021, the patient was found deceased in their home. The event deceased was reported as serious. The family member states they would hate to link the Moderna vaccination to their uncle's death but the vaccination was the only alteration of the patient normal diet and medications. Treatment medication was not reported. The patient died on 17 Mar 2021. It was unknown if autopsy was performed. Action taken with the drug in response to the events was not applicable. The outcome of the event patient was found deceased was fatal whereas outcome of other events stiffness in neck, extreme fatigue was unknown.; Reporter's Comments: This is a case of sudden death in a 65-year-old male subject with a hx of obesity and diabetes who died 3 days after receiving the second dose of vaccine. Very limited information has been provided at this time."" Further information is requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Death"" "1146708-1" "1146708-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""not feeling; Patient was found deceased; Stiffness in neck; Extreme fatigue; A Spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 65-year-old, male patient who received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced stiffness in neck/ musculoskeletal stiffness, extreme fatigue and patient was found deceased/Death. The patient's current condition included obesity and diabetes. Concomitant medication was not reported. On an unknown date, the patient received his first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (Batch number: unknown) intramuscularly for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 14 Mar 2021, prior to the event, the patient received his second of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (Batch number: unknown) intramuscularly for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 14 Mar 2021, after receiving the second dose of the vaccination the patient began to complain of not Feeling. On 16 Mar 2021, the patient began to complain of stiffness in neck and extreme fatigue. On Wednesday 17 Mar 2021, the patient was found deceased in their home. The event deceased was reported as serious. The family member states they would hate to link the Moderna vaccination to their uncle's death but the vaccination was the only alteration of the patient normal diet and medications. Treatment medication was not reported. The patient died on 17 Mar 2021. It was unknown if autopsy was performed. Action taken with the drug in response to the events was not applicable. The outcome of the event patient was found deceased was fatal whereas outcome of other events stiffness in neck, extreme fatigue was unknown.; Reporter's Comments: This is a case of sudden death in a 65-year-old male subject with a hx of obesity and diabetes who died 3 days after receiving the second dose of vaccine. Very limited information has been provided at this time."" Further information is requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Death"" "1146708-1" "1146708-1" "MUSCULOSKELETAL STIFFNESS" "10052904" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""not feeling; Patient was found deceased; Stiffness in neck; Extreme fatigue; A Spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 65-year-old, male patient who received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced stiffness in neck/ musculoskeletal stiffness, extreme fatigue and patient was found deceased/Death. The patient's current condition included obesity and diabetes. Concomitant medication was not reported. On an unknown date, the patient received his first of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (Batch number: unknown) intramuscularly for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 14 Mar 2021, prior to the event, the patient received his second of two planned doses of mRNA-1273 (Batch number: unknown) intramuscularly for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 14 Mar 2021, after receiving the second dose of the vaccination the patient began to complain of not Feeling. On 16 Mar 2021, the patient began to complain of stiffness in neck and extreme fatigue. On Wednesday 17 Mar 2021, the patient was found deceased in their home. The event deceased was reported as serious. The family member states they would hate to link the Moderna vaccination to their uncle's death but the vaccination was the only alteration of the patient normal diet and medications. Treatment medication was not reported. The patient died on 17 Mar 2021. It was unknown if autopsy was performed. Action taken with the drug in response to the events was not applicable. The outcome of the event patient was found deceased was fatal whereas outcome of other events stiffness in neck, extreme fatigue was unknown.; Reporter's Comments: This is a case of sudden death in a 65-year-old male subject with a hx of obesity and diabetes who died 3 days after receiving the second dose of vaccine. Very limited information has been provided at this time."" Further information is requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Death"" "1147793-1" "1147793-1" "BRAIN HERNIATION" "10006126" "65-79 years" "65-79" "she got couple episodes of vomiting next day of vaccine and by the day after morning she became unresponsive and took to ER and found benign meningioma ( not known before ) and uncle herniation, thalamic infarct and followed by went for the decompressive surgery at the and brought home after 2 week and at the 3 rd week put on hospice and diet on 03/18/2021. She would be alive today if she hasn't received vaccine." "1147793-1" "1147793-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR OPERATION" "10051902" "65-79 years" "65-79" "she got couple episodes of vomiting next day of vaccine and by the day after morning she became unresponsive and took to ER and found benign meningioma ( not known before ) and uncle herniation, thalamic infarct and followed by went for the decompressive surgery at the and brought home after 2 week and at the 3 rd week put on hospice and diet on 03/18/2021. She would be alive today if she hasn't received vaccine." "1147793-1" "1147793-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "she got couple episodes of vomiting next day of vaccine and by the day after morning she became unresponsive and took to ER and found benign meningioma ( not known before ) and uncle herniation, thalamic infarct and followed by went for the decompressive surgery at the and brought home after 2 week and at the 3 rd week put on hospice and diet on 03/18/2021. She would be alive today if she hasn't received vaccine." "1147793-1" "1147793-1" "MENINGIOMA BENIGN" "10027192" "65-79 years" "65-79" "she got couple episodes of vomiting next day of vaccine and by the day after morning she became unresponsive and took to ER and found benign meningioma ( not known before ) and uncle herniation, thalamic infarct and followed by went for the decompressive surgery at the and brought home after 2 week and at the 3 rd week put on hospice and diet on 03/18/2021. She would be alive today if she hasn't received vaccine." "1147793-1" "1147793-1" "THALAMIC INFARCTION" "10064961" "65-79 years" "65-79" "she got couple episodes of vomiting next day of vaccine and by the day after morning she became unresponsive and took to ER and found benign meningioma ( not known before ) and uncle herniation, thalamic infarct and followed by went for the decompressive surgery at the and brought home after 2 week and at the 3 rd week put on hospice and diet on 03/18/2021. She would be alive today if she hasn't received vaccine." "1147793-1" "1147793-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "she got couple episodes of vomiting next day of vaccine and by the day after morning she became unresponsive and took to ER and found benign meningioma ( not known before ) and uncle herniation, thalamic infarct and followed by went for the decompressive surgery at the and brought home after 2 week and at the 3 rd week put on hospice and diet on 03/18/2021. She would be alive today if she hasn't received vaccine." "1147793-1" "1147793-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "she got couple episodes of vomiting next day of vaccine and by the day after morning she became unresponsive and took to ER and found benign meningioma ( not known before ) and uncle herniation, thalamic infarct and followed by went for the decompressive surgery at the and brought home after 2 week and at the 3 rd week put on hospice and diet on 03/18/2021. She would be alive today if she hasn't received vaccine." "1149826-1" "1149826-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient took the Pfizer Corona Virus shot does 1 on march 1, 2021. He passed away on march 20, 2021. Reported being fatigued and exhausted after taking does 1. Was sleeping up 10 hours a day. On the day he passed, he reported being light-headed and struggling to breath. The paramedics worked on him for 40 minutes to try and revive him." "1149826-1" "1149826-1" "DIZZINESS" "10013573" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient took the Pfizer Corona Virus shot does 1 on march 1, 2021. He passed away on march 20, 2021. Reported being fatigued and exhausted after taking does 1. Was sleeping up 10 hours a day. On the day he passed, he reported being light-headed and struggling to breath. The paramedics worked on him for 40 minutes to try and revive him." "1149826-1" "1149826-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient took the Pfizer Corona Virus shot does 1 on march 1, 2021. He passed away on march 20, 2021. Reported being fatigued and exhausted after taking does 1. Was sleeping up 10 hours a day. On the day he passed, he reported being light-headed and struggling to breath. The paramedics worked on him for 40 minutes to try and revive him." "1149826-1" "1149826-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient took the Pfizer Corona Virus shot does 1 on march 1, 2021. He passed away on march 20, 2021. Reported being fatigued and exhausted after taking does 1. Was sleeping up 10 hours a day. On the day he passed, he reported being light-headed and struggling to breath. The paramedics worked on him for 40 minutes to try and revive him." "1149826-1" "1149826-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient took the Pfizer Corona Virus shot does 1 on march 1, 2021. He passed away on march 20, 2021. Reported being fatigued and exhausted after taking does 1. Was sleeping up 10 hours a day. On the day he passed, he reported being light-headed and struggling to breath. The paramedics worked on him for 40 minutes to try and revive him." "1149826-1" "1149826-1" "SOMNOLENCE" "10041349" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient took the Pfizer Corona Virus shot does 1 on march 1, 2021. He passed away on march 20, 2021. Reported being fatigued and exhausted after taking does 1. Was sleeping up 10 hours a day. On the day he passed, he reported being light-headed and struggling to breath. The paramedics worked on him for 40 minutes to try and revive him." "1152693-1" "1152693-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received dose #1 of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine 2/13/2021. Family member reported patient death 3/12/2021" "1152765-1" "1152765-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient has passed away 3 days after receiving the 2nd dose of the Moderna Covid vaccine. They were pronounced dead Friday March 19. The patient lived alone and was on unreachable Thursday March 18th. The patient was found deceased the next day at their residence." "1153162-1" "1153162-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death; Trouble in breathing; chills; sweating; his body was really cold; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 79 years old, male patient, who received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced events death, trouble in breathing/dyspnoea, chills, sweating/hyperhidrosis and his body was really cold/hypothermia. The patient's medical history included blood clotting, blood pressure and diabetes. The relevant concomitant medications reported were provided as medications for blood thinner, blood pressure medication and diabetes medication. On 03 Feb 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the patient received their first of two planned doses of mRNA (Lot number: unknown) through intramuscular route of administration for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 03 Mar 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the patient received their second of two planned doses of mRNA (Lot number: unknown) through unknown route of administration for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 04 Mar 2021, after second dose patient experienced sweating, his body was really cold. His wife called ambulance and paramedics had quoted that these were usual symptoms of second shot and if they want, they can take him to hospital for monitoring. The patient doesn't want to go hospital and wanted to take rest in bed. On 05 Mar 2021, at 2am, four hours after first ambulance call, his wife noticed that he was still sweating, had chills and also had trouble in breathing. She called the ambulance second time and while it arrived at home it was too late and he was already passed. All the events were provided as intervention/medically important. No laboratory data was provided. No treatment information was provided. Action taken with mRNA-1273 in response to the events was not applicable. The events trouble in breathing, chills, sweating and body was really cold were not recovered. The patient died on 05 Mar 2021, due to unknown cause of death but On 19 Mar 2021, his wife talked with primary care physician and he mentioned that vaccine is one of the contributing factors to his death and it is noted on his death certificate. Plans for autopsy was unknown.; Reporter's Comments: This is a case of sudden death in a 79-year-old fmale patient with a history of blood clotting, abnormal blood pressure and diabetes, who died 2 days after receiving second dose of vaccine. Very limited information has been provided at this time.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1153162-1" "1153162-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death; Trouble in breathing; chills; sweating; his body was really cold; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 79 years old, male patient, who received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced events death, trouble in breathing/dyspnoea, chills, sweating/hyperhidrosis and his body was really cold/hypothermia. The patient's medical history included blood clotting, blood pressure and diabetes. The relevant concomitant medications reported were provided as medications for blood thinner, blood pressure medication and diabetes medication. On 03 Feb 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the patient received their first of two planned doses of mRNA (Lot number: unknown) through intramuscular route of administration for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 03 Mar 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the patient received their second of two planned doses of mRNA (Lot number: unknown) through unknown route of administration for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 04 Mar 2021, after second dose patient experienced sweating, his body was really cold. His wife called ambulance and paramedics had quoted that these were usual symptoms of second shot and if they want, they can take him to hospital for monitoring. The patient doesn't want to go hospital and wanted to take rest in bed. On 05 Mar 2021, at 2am, four hours after first ambulance call, his wife noticed that he was still sweating, had chills and also had trouble in breathing. She called the ambulance second time and while it arrived at home it was too late and he was already passed. All the events were provided as intervention/medically important. No laboratory data was provided. No treatment information was provided. Action taken with mRNA-1273 in response to the events was not applicable. The events trouble in breathing, chills, sweating and body was really cold were not recovered. The patient died on 05 Mar 2021, due to unknown cause of death but On 19 Mar 2021, his wife talked with primary care physician and he mentioned that vaccine is one of the contributing factors to his death and it is noted on his death certificate. Plans for autopsy was unknown.; Reporter's Comments: This is a case of sudden death in a 79-year-old fmale patient with a history of blood clotting, abnormal blood pressure and diabetes, who died 2 days after receiving second dose of vaccine. Very limited information has been provided at this time.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1153162-1" "1153162-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death; Trouble in breathing; chills; sweating; his body was really cold; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 79 years old, male patient, who received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced events death, trouble in breathing/dyspnoea, chills, sweating/hyperhidrosis and his body was really cold/hypothermia. The patient's medical history included blood clotting, blood pressure and diabetes. The relevant concomitant medications reported were provided as medications for blood thinner, blood pressure medication and diabetes medication. On 03 Feb 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the patient received their first of two planned doses of mRNA (Lot number: unknown) through intramuscular route of administration for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 03 Mar 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the patient received their second of two planned doses of mRNA (Lot number: unknown) through unknown route of administration for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 04 Mar 2021, after second dose patient experienced sweating, his body was really cold. His wife called ambulance and paramedics had quoted that these were usual symptoms of second shot and if they want, they can take him to hospital for monitoring. The patient doesn't want to go hospital and wanted to take rest in bed. On 05 Mar 2021, at 2am, four hours after first ambulance call, his wife noticed that he was still sweating, had chills and also had trouble in breathing. She called the ambulance second time and while it arrived at home it was too late and he was already passed. All the events were provided as intervention/medically important. No laboratory data was provided. No treatment information was provided. Action taken with mRNA-1273 in response to the events was not applicable. The events trouble in breathing, chills, sweating and body was really cold were not recovered. The patient died on 05 Mar 2021, due to unknown cause of death but On 19 Mar 2021, his wife talked with primary care physician and he mentioned that vaccine is one of the contributing factors to his death and it is noted on his death certificate. Plans for autopsy was unknown.; Reporter's Comments: This is a case of sudden death in a 79-year-old fmale patient with a history of blood clotting, abnormal blood pressure and diabetes, who died 2 days after receiving second dose of vaccine. Very limited information has been provided at this time.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1153162-1" "1153162-1" "HYPERHIDROSIS" "10020642" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death; Trouble in breathing; chills; sweating; his body was really cold; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 79 years old, male patient, who received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced events death, trouble in breathing/dyspnoea, chills, sweating/hyperhidrosis and his body was really cold/hypothermia. The patient's medical history included blood clotting, blood pressure and diabetes. The relevant concomitant medications reported were provided as medications for blood thinner, blood pressure medication and diabetes medication. On 03 Feb 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the patient received their first of two planned doses of mRNA (Lot number: unknown) through intramuscular route of administration for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 03 Mar 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the patient received their second of two planned doses of mRNA (Lot number: unknown) through unknown route of administration for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 04 Mar 2021, after second dose patient experienced sweating, his body was really cold. His wife called ambulance and paramedics had quoted that these were usual symptoms of second shot and if they want, they can take him to hospital for monitoring. The patient doesn't want to go hospital and wanted to take rest in bed. On 05 Mar 2021, at 2am, four hours after first ambulance call, his wife noticed that he was still sweating, had chills and also had trouble in breathing. She called the ambulance second time and while it arrived at home it was too late and he was already passed. All the events were provided as intervention/medically important. No laboratory data was provided. No treatment information was provided. Action taken with mRNA-1273 in response to the events was not applicable. The events trouble in breathing, chills, sweating and body was really cold were not recovered. The patient died on 05 Mar 2021, due to unknown cause of death but On 19 Mar 2021, his wife talked with primary care physician and he mentioned that vaccine is one of the contributing factors to his death and it is noted on his death certificate. Plans for autopsy was unknown.; Reporter's Comments: This is a case of sudden death in a 79-year-old fmale patient with a history of blood clotting, abnormal blood pressure and diabetes, who died 2 days after receiving second dose of vaccine. Very limited information has been provided at this time.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1153162-1" "1153162-1" "HYPOTHERMIA" "10021113" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death; Trouble in breathing; chills; sweating; his body was really cold; A spontaneous report was received from a consumer concerning a 79 years old, male patient, who received Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273) and experienced events death, trouble in breathing/dyspnoea, chills, sweating/hyperhidrosis and his body was really cold/hypothermia. The patient's medical history included blood clotting, blood pressure and diabetes. The relevant concomitant medications reported were provided as medications for blood thinner, blood pressure medication and diabetes medication. On 03 Feb 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the patient received their first of two planned doses of mRNA (Lot number: unknown) through intramuscular route of administration for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 03 Mar 2021, prior to the onset of the events, the patient received their second of two planned doses of mRNA (Lot number: unknown) through unknown route of administration for prophylaxis of COVID-19 infection. On 04 Mar 2021, after second dose patient experienced sweating, his body was really cold. His wife called ambulance and paramedics had quoted that these were usual symptoms of second shot and if they want, they can take him to hospital for monitoring. The patient doesn't want to go hospital and wanted to take rest in bed. On 05 Mar 2021, at 2am, four hours after first ambulance call, his wife noticed that he was still sweating, had chills and also had trouble in breathing. She called the ambulance second time and while it arrived at home it was too late and he was already passed. All the events were provided as intervention/medically important. No laboratory data was provided. No treatment information was provided. Action taken with mRNA-1273 in response to the events was not applicable. The events trouble in breathing, chills, sweating and body was really cold were not recovered. The patient died on 05 Mar 2021, due to unknown cause of death but On 19 Mar 2021, his wife talked with primary care physician and he mentioned that vaccine is one of the contributing factors to his death and it is noted on his death certificate. Plans for autopsy was unknown.; Reporter's Comments: This is a case of sudden death in a 79-year-old fmale patient with a history of blood clotting, abnormal blood pressure and diabetes, who died 2 days after receiving second dose of vaccine. Very limited information has been provided at this time.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1153971-1" "1153971-1" "BODY TEMPERATURE DECREASED" "10005910" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient passed away; Heavy breathing; Shortness of breath; Low temperature; Tired; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of DEATH (Patient passed away) in a 67-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. 046AZ1A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. Concomitant products included ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM (CRESTOR) for an unknown indication. On 18-Mar-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 19-Mar-2021, the patient experienced BODY TEMPERATURE DECREASED (low temperature) and FATIGUE (tired). On 20-Mar-2021, the patient experienced DEATH (Patient passed away) (seriousness criterion death), DYSPNOEA (heavy breathing) and DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath). The patient died on 20-Mar-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DYSPNOEA (heavy breathing), DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath), BODY TEMPERATURE DECREASED (low temperature) and FATIGUE (tired) outcome was unknown.; Reporter's Comments: Very limited information regarding these events has been provided at this time. The fatal outcome may be related to the patient's pre-existing comorbidities. Further information has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1153971-1" "1153971-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient passed away; Heavy breathing; Shortness of breath; Low temperature; Tired; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of DEATH (Patient passed away) in a 67-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. 046AZ1A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. Concomitant products included ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM (CRESTOR) for an unknown indication. On 18-Mar-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 19-Mar-2021, the patient experienced BODY TEMPERATURE DECREASED (low temperature) and FATIGUE (tired). On 20-Mar-2021, the patient experienced DEATH (Patient passed away) (seriousness criterion death), DYSPNOEA (heavy breathing) and DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath). The patient died on 20-Mar-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DYSPNOEA (heavy breathing), DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath), BODY TEMPERATURE DECREASED (low temperature) and FATIGUE (tired) outcome was unknown.; Reporter's Comments: Very limited information regarding these events has been provided at this time. The fatal outcome may be related to the patient's pre-existing comorbidities. Further information has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1153971-1" "1153971-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient passed away; Heavy breathing; Shortness of breath; Low temperature; Tired; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of DEATH (Patient passed away) in a 67-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. 046AZ1A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. Concomitant products included ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM (CRESTOR) for an unknown indication. On 18-Mar-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 19-Mar-2021, the patient experienced BODY TEMPERATURE DECREASED (low temperature) and FATIGUE (tired). On 20-Mar-2021, the patient experienced DEATH (Patient passed away) (seriousness criterion death), DYSPNOEA (heavy breathing) and DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath). The patient died on 20-Mar-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DYSPNOEA (heavy breathing), DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath), BODY TEMPERATURE DECREASED (low temperature) and FATIGUE (tired) outcome was unknown.; Reporter's Comments: Very limited information regarding these events has been provided at this time. The fatal outcome may be related to the patient's pre-existing comorbidities. Further information has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1153971-1" "1153971-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient passed away; Heavy breathing; Shortness of breath; Low temperature; Tired; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of DEATH (Patient passed away) in a 67-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. 046AZ1A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. Concomitant products included ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM (CRESTOR) for an unknown indication. On 18-Mar-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 19-Mar-2021, the patient experienced BODY TEMPERATURE DECREASED (low temperature) and FATIGUE (tired). On 20-Mar-2021, the patient experienced DEATH (Patient passed away) (seriousness criterion death), DYSPNOEA (heavy breathing) and DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath). The patient died on 20-Mar-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DYSPNOEA (heavy breathing), DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath), BODY TEMPERATURE DECREASED (low temperature) and FATIGUE (tired) outcome was unknown.; Reporter's Comments: Very limited information regarding these events has been provided at this time. The fatal outcome may be related to the patient's pre-existing comorbidities. Further information has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1156076-1" "1156076-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received her 2nd dose of the COVID-19 maderna vaccination on February 4, 2021. By the evening of February 4, 2021 her husband reported her health to decline rapidly. Her symptoms and complains included overall generalized body weakness and fatigue. She was reportedly unable to get out of bed on February 5, 2021. She continued to decline and became short of breath in the early morning hours of February 6, 2021. She went unresponsive and was pronounced deceased at 0615 by (medicolegal death investigator)." "1156076-1" "1156076-1" "AUTOPSY" "10050117" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received her 2nd dose of the COVID-19 maderna vaccination on February 4, 2021. By the evening of February 4, 2021 her husband reported her health to decline rapidly. Her symptoms and complains included overall generalized body weakness and fatigue. She was reportedly unable to get out of bed on February 5, 2021. She continued to decline and became short of breath in the early morning hours of February 6, 2021. She went unresponsive and was pronounced deceased at 0615 by (medicolegal death investigator)." "1156076-1" "1156076-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received her 2nd dose of the COVID-19 maderna vaccination on February 4, 2021. By the evening of February 4, 2021 her husband reported her health to decline rapidly. Her symptoms and complains included overall generalized body weakness and fatigue. She was reportedly unable to get out of bed on February 5, 2021. She continued to decline and became short of breath in the early morning hours of February 6, 2021. She went unresponsive and was pronounced deceased at 0615 by (medicolegal death investigator)." "1156076-1" "1156076-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received her 2nd dose of the COVID-19 maderna vaccination on February 4, 2021. By the evening of February 4, 2021 her husband reported her health to decline rapidly. Her symptoms and complains included overall generalized body weakness and fatigue. She was reportedly unable to get out of bed on February 5, 2021. She continued to decline and became short of breath in the early morning hours of February 6, 2021. She went unresponsive and was pronounced deceased at 0615 by (medicolegal death investigator)." "1156076-1" "1156076-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received her 2nd dose of the COVID-19 maderna vaccination on February 4, 2021. By the evening of February 4, 2021 her husband reported her health to decline rapidly. Her symptoms and complains included overall generalized body weakness and fatigue. She was reportedly unable to get out of bed on February 5, 2021. She continued to decline and became short of breath in the early morning hours of February 6, 2021. She went unresponsive and was pronounced deceased at 0615 by (medicolegal death investigator)." "1156076-1" "1156076-1" "GENERAL PHYSICAL HEALTH DETERIORATION" "10049438" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received her 2nd dose of the COVID-19 maderna vaccination on February 4, 2021. By the evening of February 4, 2021 her husband reported her health to decline rapidly. Her symptoms and complains included overall generalized body weakness and fatigue. She was reportedly unable to get out of bed on February 5, 2021. She continued to decline and became short of breath in the early morning hours of February 6, 2021. She went unresponsive and was pronounced deceased at 0615 by (medicolegal death investigator)." "1156076-1" "1156076-1" "MOBILITY DECREASED" "10048334" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received her 2nd dose of the COVID-19 maderna vaccination on February 4, 2021. By the evening of February 4, 2021 her husband reported her health to decline rapidly. Her symptoms and complains included overall generalized body weakness and fatigue. She was reportedly unable to get out of bed on February 5, 2021. She continued to decline and became short of breath in the early morning hours of February 6, 2021. She went unresponsive and was pronounced deceased at 0615 by (medicolegal death investigator)." "1156076-1" "1156076-1" "TRYPTASE" "10063240" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received her 2nd dose of the COVID-19 maderna vaccination on February 4, 2021. By the evening of February 4, 2021 her husband reported her health to decline rapidly. Her symptoms and complains included overall generalized body weakness and fatigue. She was reportedly unable to get out of bed on February 5, 2021. She continued to decline and became short of breath in the early morning hours of February 6, 2021. She went unresponsive and was pronounced deceased at 0615 by (medicolegal death investigator)." "1156076-1" "1156076-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received her 2nd dose of the COVID-19 maderna vaccination on February 4, 2021. By the evening of February 4, 2021 her husband reported her health to decline rapidly. Her symptoms and complains included overall generalized body weakness and fatigue. She was reportedly unable to get out of bed on February 5, 2021. She continued to decline and became short of breath in the early morning hours of February 6, 2021. She went unresponsive and was pronounced deceased at 0615 by (medicolegal death investigator)." "1156250-1" "1156250-1" "AUTOPSY" "10050117" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient recieved his second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on February 4, 2021. His complains consisted of overwhelming exhaustion. He was found dead in his hotel room on February 10, 2021." "1156250-1" "1156250-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient recieved his second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on February 4, 2021. His complains consisted of overwhelming exhaustion. He was found dead in his hotel room on February 10, 2021." "1156250-1" "1156250-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient recieved his second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on February 4, 2021. His complains consisted of overwhelming exhaustion. He was found dead in his hotel room on February 10, 2021." "1156250-1" "1156250-1" "TRYPTASE" "10063240" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient recieved his second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on February 4, 2021. His complains consisted of overwhelming exhaustion. He was found dead in his hotel room on February 10, 2021." "1156595-1" "1156595-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Mandatory EUA Reporting - Patient received Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on 1/4. She was living with someone who was diagnosed with COVID-19 on 1/11. Patient was tested on 1/11 and was negative for COVID-19. Then about 4-5 days later developed symptoms and tested positive. She was admitted to hospital on 1/20/2021 to medical floor, transferred to ICU on 1/27, and died on 2/5/2021." "1156595-1" "1156595-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Mandatory EUA Reporting - Patient received Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on 1/4. She was living with someone who was diagnosed with COVID-19 on 1/11. Patient was tested on 1/11 and was negative for COVID-19. Then about 4-5 days later developed symptoms and tested positive. She was admitted to hospital on 1/20/2021 to medical floor, transferred to ICU on 1/27, and died on 2/5/2021." "1156595-1" "1156595-1" "EXPOSURE TO SARS-COV-2" "10084456" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Mandatory EUA Reporting - Patient received Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on 1/4. She was living with someone who was diagnosed with COVID-19 on 1/11. Patient was tested on 1/11 and was negative for COVID-19. Then about 4-5 days later developed symptoms and tested positive. She was admitted to hospital on 1/20/2021 to medical floor, transferred to ICU on 1/27, and died on 2/5/2021." "1156595-1" "1156595-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Mandatory EUA Reporting - Patient received Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on 1/4. She was living with someone who was diagnosed with COVID-19 on 1/11. Patient was tested on 1/11 and was negative for COVID-19. Then about 4-5 days later developed symptoms and tested positive. She was admitted to hospital on 1/20/2021 to medical floor, transferred to ICU on 1/27, and died on 2/5/2021." "1156595-1" "1156595-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Mandatory EUA Reporting - Patient received Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on 1/4. She was living with someone who was diagnosed with COVID-19 on 1/11. Patient was tested on 1/11 and was negative for COVID-19. Then about 4-5 days later developed symptoms and tested positive. She was admitted to hospital on 1/20/2021 to medical floor, transferred to ICU on 1/27, and died on 2/5/2021." "1157033-1" "1157033-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per family patient reported c/o nausea and vomiting at home post treatment on 3/30/2021, he went to bed and was found unresponsive on 3/31, EMS was contacted and pronounced deceased at home on 3/31/2021. (exact time unknown)." "1157033-1" "1157033-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per family patient reported c/o nausea and vomiting at home post treatment on 3/30/2021, he went to bed and was found unresponsive on 3/31, EMS was contacted and pronounced deceased at home on 3/31/2021. (exact time unknown)." "1157033-1" "1157033-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per family patient reported c/o nausea and vomiting at home post treatment on 3/30/2021, he went to bed and was found unresponsive on 3/31, EMS was contacted and pronounced deceased at home on 3/31/2021. (exact time unknown)." "1157033-1" "1157033-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per family patient reported c/o nausea and vomiting at home post treatment on 3/30/2021, he went to bed and was found unresponsive on 3/31, EMS was contacted and pronounced deceased at home on 3/31/2021. (exact time unknown)." "1159084-1" "1159084-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was found deceased on 4/2/21" "1159118-1" "1159118-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient died at home in the night of 03/30/21 to 03/31/2021. Time of death unknown." "1160361-1" "1160361-1" "CARDIAC FAILURE" "10007554" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Respiratory distress, led to heart failure, and ultimately death of patient" "1160361-1" "1160361-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Respiratory distress, led to heart failure, and ultimately death of patient" "1160361-1" "1160361-1" "RESPIRATORY DISTRESS" "10038687" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Respiratory distress, led to heart failure, and ultimately death of patient" "1163141-1" "1163141-1" "FEELING HOT" "10016334" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Tongue swelling, feeling hot (no temperature taken)" "1163141-1" "1163141-1" "RENAL PAIN" "10038490" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Tongue swelling, feeling hot (no temperature taken)" "1163141-1" "1163141-1" "SWOLLEN TONGUE" "10042727" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Tongue swelling, feeling hot (no temperature taken)" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "ACTIVATED PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN TIME SHORTENED" "10000637" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE NORMAL" "10001552" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "AORTIC DILATATION" "10057453" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "AORTIC VALVE INCOMPETENCE" "10002915" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "APHASIA" "10002948" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE NORMAL" "10003482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "ATELECTASIS" "10003598" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "BLOOD ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE NORMAL" "10005310" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "BLOOD BILIRUBIN INCREASED" "10005364" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "BLOOD CHOLESTEROL NORMAL" "10005426" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "BLOOD TRIGLYCERIDES NORMAL" "10005840" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "BLOOD UREA NORMAL" "10005857" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "BRAIN OEDEMA" "10048962" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "BRAIN SCAN ABNORMAL" "10061943" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "CEREBRAL HAEMATOMA" "10053942" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "CEREBRAL MASS EFFECT" "10067086" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD ABNORMAL" "10072168" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "ECHOCARDIOGRAM ABNORMAL" "10061593" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "HEMIPLEGIA" "10019468" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "HIGH DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN NORMAL" "10020062" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "INTERNATIONAL NORMALISED RATIO INCREASED" "10022595" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "LOW DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN NORMAL" "10024911" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "LUNG CONSOLIDATION" "10025080" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "LUNG OPACITY" "10081792" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "LYMPHOCYTE PERCENTAGE DECREASED" "10052231" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "NEUTROPHIL PERCENTAGE" "10059467" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "PLATELET COUNT NORMAL" "10035530" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "PLEURAL EFFUSION" "10035598" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "PROCALCITONIN INCREASED" "10067081" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "PROTHROMBIN TIME PROLONGED" "10037063" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "PULMONARY OEDEMA" "10037423" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "RED BLOOD CELL COUNT NORMAL" "10038157" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "SEPTUM PELLUCIDUM AGENESIS" "10062267" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "SUBARACHNOID HAEMORRHAGE" "10042316" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "TROPONIN I NORMAL" "10073406" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "VENTRICULAR HYPERTROPHY" "10047295" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1166447-1" "1166447-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT NORMAL" "10047944" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Pt received 1st dose vaccine 2/17/2021, 2nd dose vaccine 3/10/2021. Had been on warfarin since 2015, unclear if pt had been taking atorvastatin (last refill was 2019 according to Dr, Adult Primary Care clinic). Pt was last seen normal by his wife at approximately 1030am, out in the yard. She went out at approximately 1130 am and found him down on the ground. Pt was brought in by paramedic to ER. IN ER, score =22, aphasic, R hemiplegic, CT scan of head showed large parenchymal hematoma in L basal ganglia with small SAH plus 2 mm L to F subfalcine midline shift. Pt was intubated in ER for airway protection after an episode of vomiting. In ER, pt was given - Vitamin K 10 mg IV x1, Levetiracetam 1500 mg IV x1, Nicardipine infusion, 4-factor PCC (KCentra) 3500 unitsx1, Sodium chloride 3% infusion, pantoprazole 40 mg IV x1, Ondansetron 4 mg IVx1. After intubation, pt also received propofol infusion, and admitted to CCU. 3/15 Repeat CT head showed expansion of hematoma associated with midline shift. 3/16-3/17 transfer to hospital was arranged, pt remained unresponsive. 3/18-3/19 comfort care" "1167363-1" "1167363-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On December 30th my father tested positive for COVID. He was reported asymptomatic by the care facility staff. He was given vaccine on Jan 14th and began feeling ill that evening. The morning of the Jan 15th the nursing facility had my father admitted to emergency and then to ICU. He stayed in the hospital for 10-14 days and then was released on hospice at the senior care facility. He passed away on Jan 31st. I'm not sure if the sudden change in my father's health was due or made worse due to the COVID vaccine as the hospital was treating several symptoms, but the timing seems suspicious. I have also not been able to get an explanation for why he was given a vaccine if he tested positive. I do not know which vaccine was given, but needed to select one to submit the form." "1167363-1" "1167363-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On December 30th my father tested positive for COVID. He was reported asymptomatic by the care facility staff. He was given vaccine on Jan 14th and began feeling ill that evening. The morning of the Jan 15th the nursing facility had my father admitted to emergency and then to ICU. He stayed in the hospital for 10-14 days and then was released on hospice at the senior care facility. He passed away on Jan 31st. I'm not sure if the sudden change in my father's health was due or made worse due to the COVID vaccine as the hospital was treating several symptoms, but the timing seems suspicious. I have also not been able to get an explanation for why he was given a vaccine if he tested positive. I do not know which vaccine was given, but needed to select one to submit the form." "1167363-1" "1167363-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On December 30th my father tested positive for COVID. He was reported asymptomatic by the care facility staff. He was given vaccine on Jan 14th and began feeling ill that evening. The morning of the Jan 15th the nursing facility had my father admitted to emergency and then to ICU. He stayed in the hospital for 10-14 days and then was released on hospice at the senior care facility. He passed away on Jan 31st. I'm not sure if the sudden change in my father's health was due or made worse due to the COVID vaccine as the hospital was treating several symptoms, but the timing seems suspicious. I have also not been able to get an explanation for why he was given a vaccine if he tested positive. I do not know which vaccine was given, but needed to select one to submit the form." "1167407-1" "1167407-1" "ACCIDENT" "10000369" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was involved in a single plane crash on the evening after receiving second vaccine dose" "1167892-1" "1167892-1" "BLOOD GLUCOSE" "10005553" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After 2nd vaccine my husband started getting confused. Worse and worse. Had him get a fasting blood draw and was supposed to see his dr the following Monday. His 2nd shot was 2/11/2021. He Died 2/27/2021. Took away my life and husband of 35 years! Would?ve been 70 years old today!" "1167892-1" "1167892-1" "CONFUSIONAL STATE" "10010305" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After 2nd vaccine my husband started getting confused. Worse and worse. Had him get a fasting blood draw and was supposed to see his dr the following Monday. His 2nd shot was 2/11/2021. He Died 2/27/2021. Took away my life and husband of 35 years! Would?ve been 70 years old today!" "1167892-1" "1167892-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After 2nd vaccine my husband started getting confused. Worse and worse. Had him get a fasting blood draw and was supposed to see his dr the following Monday. His 2nd shot was 2/11/2021. He Died 2/27/2021. Took away my life and husband of 35 years! Would?ve been 70 years old today!" "1176120-1" "1176120-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient died of expected causes 5 days post-vaccine. Patient was known to have advanced colon cancer. Patient's COD was metastatic cecal cancer, admitted to hospital on 3/22/21 for palliative treatment, PEG tube placement for decompression, and pain control." "1176120-1" "1176120-1" "FULL BLOOD COUNT" "10017411" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient died of expected causes 5 days post-vaccine. Patient was known to have advanced colon cancer. Patient's COD was metastatic cecal cancer, admitted to hospital on 3/22/21 for palliative treatment, PEG tube placement for decompression, and pain control." "1176120-1" "1176120-1" "GASTROSTOMY" "10048978" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient died of expected causes 5 days post-vaccine. Patient was known to have advanced colon cancer. Patient's COD was metastatic cecal cancer, admitted to hospital on 3/22/21 for palliative treatment, PEG tube placement for decompression, and pain control." "1176120-1" "1176120-1" "LABORATORY TEST" "10059938" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient died of expected causes 5 days post-vaccine. Patient was known to have advanced colon cancer. Patient's COD was metastatic cecal cancer, admitted to hospital on 3/22/21 for palliative treatment, PEG tube placement for decompression, and pain control." "1176120-1" "1176120-1" "METABOLIC FUNCTION TEST" "10062191" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient died of expected causes 5 days post-vaccine. Patient was known to have advanced colon cancer. Patient's COD was metastatic cecal cancer, admitted to hospital on 3/22/21 for palliative treatment, PEG tube placement for decompression, and pain control." "1176120-1" "1176120-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient died of expected causes 5 days post-vaccine. Patient was known to have advanced colon cancer. Patient's COD was metastatic cecal cancer, admitted to hospital on 3/22/21 for palliative treatment, PEG tube placement for decompression, and pain control." "1176120-1" "1176120-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient died of expected causes 5 days post-vaccine. Patient was known to have advanced colon cancer. Patient's COD was metastatic cecal cancer, admitted to hospital on 3/22/21 for palliative treatment, PEG tube placement for decompression, and pain control." "1177384-1" "1177384-1" "BREATH SOUNDS ABNORMAL" "10064780" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4:30pm slight nausea; arm pain; mild headache 5:00 pm headache more severe; up the back of head, described as unusual pain; thought a migraine was coming on. 5-7:00pm headache continues to worsen; chills; research on line side effects of Pfizer vaccine and they coincide with symptoms; 7:05 gets up to urinate (no assistance needed); screams out in pain 3 times while on toilet; starts to vomit; right side of face (eye and cheek and mouth droop like a stroke; left hand starts to curl. Loses consciousness immediately thereafter. 911 call; paramedics on the way; airway was swept and clear; gurgled breathing. Rushed to Hospital and assessed as having massive brain bleed. Pronounced dead at 10:22pm. Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke on Death Certificate." "1177384-1" "1177384-1" "CEREBRAL HAEMORRHAGE" "10008111" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4:30pm slight nausea; arm pain; mild headache 5:00 pm headache more severe; up the back of head, described as unusual pain; thought a migraine was coming on. 5-7:00pm headache continues to worsen; chills; research on line side effects of Pfizer vaccine and they coincide with symptoms; 7:05 gets up to urinate (no assistance needed); screams out in pain 3 times while on toilet; starts to vomit; right side of face (eye and cheek and mouth droop like a stroke; left hand starts to curl. Loses consciousness immediately thereafter. 911 call; paramedics on the way; airway was swept and clear; gurgled breathing. Rushed to Hospital and assessed as having massive brain bleed. Pronounced dead at 10:22pm. Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke on Death Certificate." "1177384-1" "1177384-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4:30pm slight nausea; arm pain; mild headache 5:00 pm headache more severe; up the back of head, described as unusual pain; thought a migraine was coming on. 5-7:00pm headache continues to worsen; chills; research on line side effects of Pfizer vaccine and they coincide with symptoms; 7:05 gets up to urinate (no assistance needed); screams out in pain 3 times while on toilet; starts to vomit; right side of face (eye and cheek and mouth droop like a stroke; left hand starts to curl. Loses consciousness immediately thereafter. 911 call; paramedics on the way; airway was swept and clear; gurgled breathing. Rushed to Hospital and assessed as having massive brain bleed. Pronounced dead at 10:22pm. Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke on Death Certificate." "1177384-1" "1177384-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4:30pm slight nausea; arm pain; mild headache 5:00 pm headache more severe; up the back of head, described as unusual pain; thought a migraine was coming on. 5-7:00pm headache continues to worsen; chills; research on line side effects of Pfizer vaccine and they coincide with symptoms; 7:05 gets up to urinate (no assistance needed); screams out in pain 3 times while on toilet; starts to vomit; right side of face (eye and cheek and mouth droop like a stroke; left hand starts to curl. Loses consciousness immediately thereafter. 911 call; paramedics on the way; airway was swept and clear; gurgled breathing. Rushed to Hospital and assessed as having massive brain bleed. Pronounced dead at 10:22pm. Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke on Death Certificate." "1177384-1" "1177384-1" "FACIAL PARALYSIS" "10016062" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4:30pm slight nausea; arm pain; mild headache 5:00 pm headache more severe; up the back of head, described as unusual pain; thought a migraine was coming on. 5-7:00pm headache continues to worsen; chills; research on line side effects of Pfizer vaccine and they coincide with symptoms; 7:05 gets up to urinate (no assistance needed); screams out in pain 3 times while on toilet; starts to vomit; right side of face (eye and cheek and mouth droop like a stroke; left hand starts to curl. Loses consciousness immediately thereafter. 911 call; paramedics on the way; airway was swept and clear; gurgled breathing. Rushed to Hospital and assessed as having massive brain bleed. Pronounced dead at 10:22pm. Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke on Death Certificate." "1177384-1" "1177384-1" "HAEMORRHAGIC STROKE" "10019016" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4:30pm slight nausea; arm pain; mild headache 5:00 pm headache more severe; up the back of head, described as unusual pain; thought a migraine was coming on. 5-7:00pm headache continues to worsen; chills; research on line side effects of Pfizer vaccine and they coincide with symptoms; 7:05 gets up to urinate (no assistance needed); screams out in pain 3 times while on toilet; starts to vomit; right side of face (eye and cheek and mouth droop like a stroke; left hand starts to curl. Loses consciousness immediately thereafter. 911 call; paramedics on the way; airway was swept and clear; gurgled breathing. Rushed to Hospital and assessed as having massive brain bleed. Pronounced dead at 10:22pm. Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke on Death Certificate." "1177384-1" "1177384-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4:30pm slight nausea; arm pain; mild headache 5:00 pm headache more severe; up the back of head, described as unusual pain; thought a migraine was coming on. 5-7:00pm headache continues to worsen; chills; research on line side effects of Pfizer vaccine and they coincide with symptoms; 7:05 gets up to urinate (no assistance needed); screams out in pain 3 times while on toilet; starts to vomit; right side of face (eye and cheek and mouth droop like a stroke; left hand starts to curl. Loses consciousness immediately thereafter. 911 call; paramedics on the way; airway was swept and clear; gurgled breathing. Rushed to Hospital and assessed as having massive brain bleed. Pronounced dead at 10:22pm. Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke on Death Certificate." "1177384-1" "1177384-1" "JOINT CONTRACTURE" "10023201" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4:30pm slight nausea; arm pain; mild headache 5:00 pm headache more severe; up the back of head, described as unusual pain; thought a migraine was coming on. 5-7:00pm headache continues to worsen; chills; research on line side effects of Pfizer vaccine and they coincide with symptoms; 7:05 gets up to urinate (no assistance needed); screams out in pain 3 times while on toilet; starts to vomit; right side of face (eye and cheek and mouth droop like a stroke; left hand starts to curl. Loses consciousness immediately thereafter. 911 call; paramedics on the way; airway was swept and clear; gurgled breathing. Rushed to Hospital and assessed as having massive brain bleed. Pronounced dead at 10:22pm. Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke on Death Certificate." "1177384-1" "1177384-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4:30pm slight nausea; arm pain; mild headache 5:00 pm headache more severe; up the back of head, described as unusual pain; thought a migraine was coming on. 5-7:00pm headache continues to worsen; chills; research on line side effects of Pfizer vaccine and they coincide with symptoms; 7:05 gets up to urinate (no assistance needed); screams out in pain 3 times while on toilet; starts to vomit; right side of face (eye and cheek and mouth droop like a stroke; left hand starts to curl. Loses consciousness immediately thereafter. 911 call; paramedics on the way; airway was swept and clear; gurgled breathing. Rushed to Hospital and assessed as having massive brain bleed. Pronounced dead at 10:22pm. Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke on Death Certificate." "1177384-1" "1177384-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4:30pm slight nausea; arm pain; mild headache 5:00 pm headache more severe; up the back of head, described as unusual pain; thought a migraine was coming on. 5-7:00pm headache continues to worsen; chills; research on line side effects of Pfizer vaccine and they coincide with symptoms; 7:05 gets up to urinate (no assistance needed); screams out in pain 3 times while on toilet; starts to vomit; right side of face (eye and cheek and mouth droop like a stroke; left hand starts to curl. Loses consciousness immediately thereafter. 911 call; paramedics on the way; airway was swept and clear; gurgled breathing. Rushed to Hospital and assessed as having massive brain bleed. Pronounced dead at 10:22pm. Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke on Death Certificate." "1177384-1" "1177384-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4:30pm slight nausea; arm pain; mild headache 5:00 pm headache more severe; up the back of head, described as unusual pain; thought a migraine was coming on. 5-7:00pm headache continues to worsen; chills; research on line side effects of Pfizer vaccine and they coincide with symptoms; 7:05 gets up to urinate (no assistance needed); screams out in pain 3 times while on toilet; starts to vomit; right side of face (eye and cheek and mouth droop like a stroke; left hand starts to curl. Loses consciousness immediately thereafter. 911 call; paramedics on the way; airway was swept and clear; gurgled breathing. Rushed to Hospital and assessed as having massive brain bleed. Pronounced dead at 10:22pm. Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke on Death Certificate." "1177384-1" "1177384-1" "PAIN IN EXTREMITY" "10033425" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4:30pm slight nausea; arm pain; mild headache 5:00 pm headache more severe; up the back of head, described as unusual pain; thought a migraine was coming on. 5-7:00pm headache continues to worsen; chills; research on line side effects of Pfizer vaccine and they coincide with symptoms; 7:05 gets up to urinate (no assistance needed); screams out in pain 3 times while on toilet; starts to vomit; right side of face (eye and cheek and mouth droop like a stroke; left hand starts to curl. Loses consciousness immediately thereafter. 911 call; paramedics on the way; airway was swept and clear; gurgled breathing. Rushed to Hospital and assessed as having massive brain bleed. Pronounced dead at 10:22pm. Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke on Death Certificate." "1177384-1" "1177384-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4:30pm slight nausea; arm pain; mild headache 5:00 pm headache more severe; up the back of head, described as unusual pain; thought a migraine was coming on. 5-7:00pm headache continues to worsen; chills; research on line side effects of Pfizer vaccine and they coincide with symptoms; 7:05 gets up to urinate (no assistance needed); screams out in pain 3 times while on toilet; starts to vomit; right side of face (eye and cheek and mouth droop like a stroke; left hand starts to curl. Loses consciousness immediately thereafter. 911 call; paramedics on the way; airway was swept and clear; gurgled breathing. Rushed to Hospital and assessed as having massive brain bleed. Pronounced dead at 10:22pm. Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke on Death Certificate." "1178909-1" "1178909-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He complained Fever and after that shortness of breath, and when I tried to see a Doctor he suddenly collapse and died" "1178909-1" "1178909-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He complained Fever and after that shortness of breath, and when I tried to see a Doctor he suddenly collapse and died" "1178909-1" "1178909-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He complained Fever and after that shortness of breath, and when I tried to see a Doctor he suddenly collapse and died" "1178909-1" "1178909-1" "SYNCOPE" "10042772" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He complained Fever and after that shortness of breath, and when I tried to see a Doctor he suddenly collapse and died" "1180840-1" "1180840-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "3.5 hours after receiving the vaccine, the patient was killed in a head-on collision. The patient was driving when her vehicle crossed the centerline and struck a second vehicle head on. It is unknown if the COVID19 vaccine contributed to the collision and death." "1180840-1" "1180840-1" "ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENT" "10039203" "65-79 years" "65-79" "3.5 hours after receiving the vaccine, the patient was killed in a head-on collision. The patient was driving when her vehicle crossed the centerline and struck a second vehicle head on. It is unknown if the COVID19 vaccine contributed to the collision and death." "1183418-1" "1183418-1" "ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME" "10001052" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine breakthrough hospitalization - SOB with O2 sat 50% when EMS arrived. On non-rebreather satting 70%. Chills, fever, cough, and chest pain. BP 152/79, HR 93, RR 20, SpO2 91%. Had been scheduled to receive COVID mAb day of admission, but clinical course worsened. Admitted to Medical ICU for acute respiratory failure with hypoxia and ARDS secondary to COVID-19. Placed on BIPAP and Rx with Remdesivir, dexamethasone, & tociluzumab. Treated for presumed pulmonary embolism with full-dose anticoagulation. Pt expressed wishes to remain DNR/DNI, ultimately she elected to transition to comfort measures only given worsening hypoxia." "1183418-1" "1183418-1" "BILEVEL POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE" "10064530" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine breakthrough hospitalization - SOB with O2 sat 50% when EMS arrived. On non-rebreather satting 70%. Chills, fever, cough, and chest pain. BP 152/79, HR 93, RR 20, SpO2 91%. Had been scheduled to receive COVID mAb day of admission, but clinical course worsened. Admitted to Medical ICU for acute respiratory failure with hypoxia and ARDS secondary to COVID-19. Placed on BIPAP and Rx with Remdesivir, dexamethasone, & tociluzumab. Treated for presumed pulmonary embolism with full-dose anticoagulation. Pt expressed wishes to remain DNR/DNI, ultimately she elected to transition to comfort measures only given worsening hypoxia." "1183418-1" "1183418-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine breakthrough hospitalization - SOB with O2 sat 50% when EMS arrived. On non-rebreather satting 70%. Chills, fever, cough, and chest pain. BP 152/79, HR 93, RR 20, SpO2 91%. Had been scheduled to receive COVID mAb day of admission, but clinical course worsened. Admitted to Medical ICU for acute respiratory failure with hypoxia and ARDS secondary to COVID-19. Placed on BIPAP and Rx with Remdesivir, dexamethasone, & tociluzumab. Treated for presumed pulmonary embolism with full-dose anticoagulation. Pt expressed wishes to remain DNR/DNI, ultimately she elected to transition to comfort measures only given worsening hypoxia." "1183418-1" "1183418-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine breakthrough hospitalization - SOB with O2 sat 50% when EMS arrived. On non-rebreather satting 70%. Chills, fever, cough, and chest pain. BP 152/79, HR 93, RR 20, SpO2 91%. Had been scheduled to receive COVID mAb day of admission, but clinical course worsened. Admitted to Medical ICU for acute respiratory failure with hypoxia and ARDS secondary to COVID-19. Placed on BIPAP and Rx with Remdesivir, dexamethasone, & tociluzumab. Treated for presumed pulmonary embolism with full-dose anticoagulation. Pt expressed wishes to remain DNR/DNI, ultimately she elected to transition to comfort measures only given worsening hypoxia." "1183418-1" "1183418-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine breakthrough hospitalization - SOB with O2 sat 50% when EMS arrived. On non-rebreather satting 70%. Chills, fever, cough, and chest pain. BP 152/79, HR 93, RR 20, SpO2 91%. Had been scheduled to receive COVID mAb day of admission, but clinical course worsened. Admitted to Medical ICU for acute respiratory failure with hypoxia and ARDS secondary to COVID-19. Placed on BIPAP and Rx with Remdesivir, dexamethasone, & tociluzumab. Treated for presumed pulmonary embolism with full-dose anticoagulation. Pt expressed wishes to remain DNR/DNI, ultimately she elected to transition to comfort measures only given worsening hypoxia." "1183418-1" "1183418-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine breakthrough hospitalization - SOB with O2 sat 50% when EMS arrived. On non-rebreather satting 70%. Chills, fever, cough, and chest pain. BP 152/79, HR 93, RR 20, SpO2 91%. Had been scheduled to receive COVID mAb day of admission, but clinical course worsened. Admitted to Medical ICU for acute respiratory failure with hypoxia and ARDS secondary to COVID-19. Placed on BIPAP and Rx with Remdesivir, dexamethasone, & tociluzumab. Treated for presumed pulmonary embolism with full-dose anticoagulation. Pt expressed wishes to remain DNR/DNI, ultimately she elected to transition to comfort measures only given worsening hypoxia." "1183418-1" "1183418-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine breakthrough hospitalization - SOB with O2 sat 50% when EMS arrived. On non-rebreather satting 70%. Chills, fever, cough, and chest pain. BP 152/79, HR 93, RR 20, SpO2 91%. Had been scheduled to receive COVID mAb day of admission, but clinical course worsened. Admitted to Medical ICU for acute respiratory failure with hypoxia and ARDS secondary to COVID-19. Placed on BIPAP and Rx with Remdesivir, dexamethasone, & tociluzumab. Treated for presumed pulmonary embolism with full-dose anticoagulation. Pt expressed wishes to remain DNR/DNI, ultimately she elected to transition to comfort measures only given worsening hypoxia." "1183418-1" "1183418-1" "HYPOXIA" "10021143" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine breakthrough hospitalization - SOB with O2 sat 50% when EMS arrived. On non-rebreather satting 70%. Chills, fever, cough, and chest pain. BP 152/79, HR 93, RR 20, SpO2 91%. Had been scheduled to receive COVID mAb day of admission, but clinical course worsened. Admitted to Medical ICU for acute respiratory failure with hypoxia and ARDS secondary to COVID-19. Placed on BIPAP and Rx with Remdesivir, dexamethasone, & tociluzumab. Treated for presumed pulmonary embolism with full-dose anticoagulation. Pt expressed wishes to remain DNR/DNI, ultimately she elected to transition to comfort measures only given worsening hypoxia." "1183418-1" "1183418-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine breakthrough hospitalization - SOB with O2 sat 50% when EMS arrived. On non-rebreather satting 70%. Chills, fever, cough, and chest pain. BP 152/79, HR 93, RR 20, SpO2 91%. Had been scheduled to receive COVID mAb day of admission, but clinical course worsened. Admitted to Medical ICU for acute respiratory failure with hypoxia and ARDS secondary to COVID-19. Placed on BIPAP and Rx with Remdesivir, dexamethasone, & tociluzumab. Treated for presumed pulmonary embolism with full-dose anticoagulation. Pt expressed wishes to remain DNR/DNI, ultimately she elected to transition to comfort measures only given worsening hypoxia." "1183418-1" "1183418-1" "PULMONARY EMBOLISM" "10037377" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine breakthrough hospitalization - SOB with O2 sat 50% when EMS arrived. On non-rebreather satting 70%. Chills, fever, cough, and chest pain. BP 152/79, HR 93, RR 20, SpO2 91%. Had been scheduled to receive COVID mAb day of admission, but clinical course worsened. Admitted to Medical ICU for acute respiratory failure with hypoxia and ARDS secondary to COVID-19. Placed on BIPAP and Rx with Remdesivir, dexamethasone, & tociluzumab. Treated for presumed pulmonary embolism with full-dose anticoagulation. Pt expressed wishes to remain DNR/DNI, ultimately she elected to transition to comfort measures only given worsening hypoxia." "1183418-1" "1183418-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine breakthrough hospitalization - SOB with O2 sat 50% when EMS arrived. On non-rebreather satting 70%. Chills, fever, cough, and chest pain. BP 152/79, HR 93, RR 20, SpO2 91%. Had been scheduled to receive COVID mAb day of admission, but clinical course worsened. Admitted to Medical ICU for acute respiratory failure with hypoxia and ARDS secondary to COVID-19. Placed on BIPAP and Rx with Remdesivir, dexamethasone, & tociluzumab. Treated for presumed pulmonary embolism with full-dose anticoagulation. Pt expressed wishes to remain DNR/DNI, ultimately she elected to transition to comfort measures only given worsening hypoxia." "1183418-1" "1183418-1" "RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10038695" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine breakthrough hospitalization - SOB with O2 sat 50% when EMS arrived. On non-rebreather satting 70%. Chills, fever, cough, and chest pain. BP 152/79, HR 93, RR 20, SpO2 91%. Had been scheduled to receive COVID mAb day of admission, but clinical course worsened. Admitted to Medical ICU for acute respiratory failure with hypoxia and ARDS secondary to COVID-19. Placed on BIPAP and Rx with Remdesivir, dexamethasone, & tociluzumab. Treated for presumed pulmonary embolism with full-dose anticoagulation. Pt expressed wishes to remain DNR/DNI, ultimately she elected to transition to comfort measures only given worsening hypoxia." "1183418-1" "1183418-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine breakthrough hospitalization - SOB with O2 sat 50% when EMS arrived. On non-rebreather satting 70%. Chills, fever, cough, and chest pain. BP 152/79, HR 93, RR 20, SpO2 91%. Had been scheduled to receive COVID mAb day of admission, but clinical course worsened. Admitted to Medical ICU for acute respiratory failure with hypoxia and ARDS secondary to COVID-19. Placed on BIPAP and Rx with Remdesivir, dexamethasone, & tociluzumab. Treated for presumed pulmonary embolism with full-dose anticoagulation. Pt expressed wishes to remain DNR/DNI, ultimately she elected to transition to comfort measures only given worsening hypoxia." "1185219-1" "1185219-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was vaccinated on 3/30/2021. Found DOA on 4/8/2021. Last time anyone spoke with the patient was on 4/3/2021." "1185285-1" "1185285-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt received vaccine on march 11, 2021 went into E.R at Hospital and admitted 3/16/2021 Positive COVID-19 Pneumonia" "1185285-1" "1185285-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt received vaccine on march 11, 2021 went into E.R at Hospital and admitted 3/16/2021 Positive COVID-19 Pneumonia" "1188497-1" "1188497-1" "ENDOSCOPY" "10014805" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After two days: severe nose bleed. After eight days: vomited blood; followed by endoscopy to fix stomach bleed. After 17 days days, lung hemorrhage." "1188497-1" "1188497-1" "EPISTAXIS" "10015090" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After two days: severe nose bleed. After eight days: vomited blood; followed by endoscopy to fix stomach bleed. After 17 days days, lung hemorrhage." "1188497-1" "1188497-1" "GASTROINTESTINAL HAEMORRHAGE" "10017955" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After two days: severe nose bleed. After eight days: vomited blood; followed by endoscopy to fix stomach bleed. After 17 days days, lung hemorrhage." "1188497-1" "1188497-1" "HAEMATEMESIS" "10018830" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After two days: severe nose bleed. After eight days: vomited blood; followed by endoscopy to fix stomach bleed. After 17 days days, lung hemorrhage." "1188497-1" "1188497-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After two days: severe nose bleed. After eight days: vomited blood; followed by endoscopy to fix stomach bleed. After 17 days days, lung hemorrhage." "1188497-1" "1188497-1" "PULMONARY HAEMORRHAGE" "10037394" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After two days: severe nose bleed. After eight days: vomited blood; followed by endoscopy to fix stomach bleed. After 17 days days, lung hemorrhage." "1191920-1" "1191920-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden Death; The first and second dose of vaccine was administered on 28Mar2021 12:00 PM.; The first and second dose of vaccine was administered on 28Mar2021 12:00 PM.; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. A 79-year-old male patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE; lot: EN6199) and second dose (lot: ER8730); both via an unspecified route of administration into the right arm on 28Mar2021 12:00 for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included coronary artery disease (CAD), hypertension, parkinson's disease, abdominal aortic aneurysm, cerebral aneurysm and arthritis. Concomitant medications included paracetamol (TYLENOL) taken for arthritis and a pill for his hypertension. It was reported that the first and second dose of vaccine was administered on 28Mar2021 12:00 PM. The patient's sudden death on 30Mar2021 15:30 was also reported. An autopsy was not performed. The patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to vaccination. Further information has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Sudden Death" "1191920-1" "1191920-1" "INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION" "10081572" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden Death; The first and second dose of vaccine was administered on 28Mar2021 12:00 PM.; The first and second dose of vaccine was administered on 28Mar2021 12:00 PM.; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. A 79-year-old male patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE; lot: EN6199) and second dose (lot: ER8730); both via an unspecified route of administration into the right arm on 28Mar2021 12:00 for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included coronary artery disease (CAD), hypertension, parkinson's disease, abdominal aortic aneurysm, cerebral aneurysm and arthritis. Concomitant medications included paracetamol (TYLENOL) taken for arthritis and a pill for his hypertension. It was reported that the first and second dose of vaccine was administered on 28Mar2021 12:00 PM. The patient's sudden death on 30Mar2021 15:30 was also reported. An autopsy was not performed. The patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to vaccination. Further information has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Sudden Death" "1191920-1" "1191920-1" "OVERDOSE" "10033295" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden Death; The first and second dose of vaccine was administered on 28Mar2021 12:00 PM.; The first and second dose of vaccine was administered on 28Mar2021 12:00 PM.; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. A 79-year-old male patient received the first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE; lot: EN6199) and second dose (lot: ER8730); both via an unspecified route of administration into the right arm on 28Mar2021 12:00 for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included coronary artery disease (CAD), hypertension, parkinson's disease, abdominal aortic aneurysm, cerebral aneurysm and arthritis. Concomitant medications included paracetamol (TYLENOL) taken for arthritis and a pill for his hypertension. It was reported that the first and second dose of vaccine was administered on 28Mar2021 12:00 PM. The patient's sudden death on 30Mar2021 15:30 was also reported. An autopsy was not performed. The patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to vaccination. Further information has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Sudden Death" "1191979-1" "1191979-1" "APHASIA" "10002948" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Started with intense headaches right after the 2nd dose of the Moderna vaccine on 03/06/2021. Had the headache for over two weeks, and eventually went to the hospital with loss of speech and movement on her left side of her body. They at first said it was strokes, then after the CT scan results came back they found multiple abscess in her brain. She does not have a history of strokes or brain abscess. Speech and motor functions never returned, and one abscess was so large that it caused a brain shift ( the two hemispheres separated) they performed brain surgery and it was not successful. She passed away on 3/31/2021 at 431 am." "1191979-1" "1191979-1" "BRAIN ABSCESS" "10006105" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Started with intense headaches right after the 2nd dose of the Moderna vaccine on 03/06/2021. Had the headache for over two weeks, and eventually went to the hospital with loss of speech and movement on her left side of her body. They at first said it was strokes, then after the CT scan results came back they found multiple abscess in her brain. She does not have a history of strokes or brain abscess. Speech and motor functions never returned, and one abscess was so large that it caused a brain shift ( the two hemispheres separated) they performed brain surgery and it was not successful. She passed away on 3/31/2021 at 431 am." "1191979-1" "1191979-1" "BRAIN OPERATION" "10061732" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Started with intense headaches right after the 2nd dose of the Moderna vaccine on 03/06/2021. Had the headache for over two weeks, and eventually went to the hospital with loss of speech and movement on her left side of her body. They at first said it was strokes, then after the CT scan results came back they found multiple abscess in her brain. She does not have a history of strokes or brain abscess. Speech and motor functions never returned, and one abscess was so large that it caused a brain shift ( the two hemispheres separated) they performed brain surgery and it was not successful. She passed away on 3/31/2021 at 431 am." "1191979-1" "1191979-1" "CEREBRAL MASS EFFECT" "10067086" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Started with intense headaches right after the 2nd dose of the Moderna vaccine on 03/06/2021. Had the headache for over two weeks, and eventually went to the hospital with loss of speech and movement on her left side of her body. They at first said it was strokes, then after the CT scan results came back they found multiple abscess in her brain. She does not have a history of strokes or brain abscess. Speech and motor functions never returned, and one abscess was so large that it caused a brain shift ( the two hemispheres separated) they performed brain surgery and it was not successful. She passed away on 3/31/2021 at 431 am." "1191979-1" "1191979-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD ABNORMAL" "10072168" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Started with intense headaches right after the 2nd dose of the Moderna vaccine on 03/06/2021. Had the headache for over two weeks, and eventually went to the hospital with loss of speech and movement on her left side of her body. They at first said it was strokes, then after the CT scan results came back they found multiple abscess in her brain. She does not have a history of strokes or brain abscess. Speech and motor functions never returned, and one abscess was so large that it caused a brain shift ( the two hemispheres separated) they performed brain surgery and it was not successful. She passed away on 3/31/2021 at 431 am." "1191979-1" "1191979-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Started with intense headaches right after the 2nd dose of the Moderna vaccine on 03/06/2021. Had the headache for over two weeks, and eventually went to the hospital with loss of speech and movement on her left side of her body. They at first said it was strokes, then after the CT scan results came back they found multiple abscess in her brain. She does not have a history of strokes or brain abscess. Speech and motor functions never returned, and one abscess was so large that it caused a brain shift ( the two hemispheres separated) they performed brain surgery and it was not successful. She passed away on 3/31/2021 at 431 am." "1191979-1" "1191979-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Started with intense headaches right after the 2nd dose of the Moderna vaccine on 03/06/2021. Had the headache for over two weeks, and eventually went to the hospital with loss of speech and movement on her left side of her body. They at first said it was strokes, then after the CT scan results came back they found multiple abscess in her brain. She does not have a history of strokes or brain abscess. Speech and motor functions never returned, and one abscess was so large that it caused a brain shift ( the two hemispheres separated) they performed brain surgery and it was not successful. She passed away on 3/31/2021 at 431 am." "1191979-1" "1191979-1" "MOTOR DYSFUNCTION" "10061296" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Started with intense headaches right after the 2nd dose of the Moderna vaccine on 03/06/2021. Had the headache for over two weeks, and eventually went to the hospital with loss of speech and movement on her left side of her body. They at first said it was strokes, then after the CT scan results came back they found multiple abscess in her brain. She does not have a history of strokes or brain abscess. Speech and motor functions never returned, and one abscess was so large that it caused a brain shift ( the two hemispheres separated) they performed brain surgery and it was not successful. She passed away on 3/31/2021 at 431 am." "1191979-1" "1191979-1" "MOVEMENT DISORDER" "10028035" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Started with intense headaches right after the 2nd dose of the Moderna vaccine on 03/06/2021. Had the headache for over two weeks, and eventually went to the hospital with loss of speech and movement on her left side of her body. They at first said it was strokes, then after the CT scan results came back they found multiple abscess in her brain. She does not have a history of strokes or brain abscess. Speech and motor functions never returned, and one abscess was so large that it caused a brain shift ( the two hemispheres separated) they performed brain surgery and it was not successful. She passed away on 3/31/2021 at 431 am." "1192036-1" "1192036-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer received from the Pfizer-sponsored program, COVAX US Support. A 73-year-old female patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), dose 2 intramuscular on 04Mar2021 11:30 (At the age of 73 years) (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as a single dose for covid-19 immunisation. The patient medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The patient previously received dose 1 of BNT162B2 via intramuscular on an unspecified date for COVID-19 immunization and experienced pain in her arm, bloating and pain. The patient died on 11Mar2021. AE required visit to emergency room, physician office and intensive care unit. The patient was admitted to the ICU for 1 day. It was reported that the patient received treatment for the event. It was not reported if an autopsy was performed. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Death" "1192426-1" "1192426-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Owner emailed the following message on 03/23/2021, ""Patient was feeling not good after the vaccinations and we call 911. She refused to go to hospital . Today she did do good and we call 911 and they took her because her oxygen dropped down . As of now she passed away"""" "1192426-1" "1192426-1" "FEELING ABNORMAL" "10016322" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Owner emailed the following message on 03/23/2021, ""Patient was feeling not good after the vaccinations and we call 911. She refused to go to hospital . Today she did do good and we call 911 and they took her because her oxygen dropped down . As of now she passed away"""" "1192426-1" "1192426-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Owner emailed the following message on 03/23/2021, ""Patient was feeling not good after the vaccinations and we call 911. She refused to go to hospital . Today she did do good and we call 911 and they took her because her oxygen dropped down . As of now she passed away"""" "1192987-1" "1192987-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death" "1194290-1" "1194290-1" "CARDIAC DISORDER" "10061024" "65-79 years" "65-79" "my mother collapsed in the kitchen she was rushed to hospital via ambulance she passed away, doctor said her heart was having a hard time he said there was a blood cot by lung" "1194290-1" "1194290-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "my mother collapsed in the kitchen she was rushed to hospital via ambulance she passed away, doctor said her heart was having a hard time he said there was a blood cot by lung" "1194290-1" "1194290-1" "PULMONARY THROMBOSIS" "10037437" "65-79 years" "65-79" "my mother collapsed in the kitchen she was rushed to hospital via ambulance she passed away, doctor said her heart was having a hard time he said there was a blood cot by lung" "1194290-1" "1194290-1" "SYNCOPE" "10042772" "65-79 years" "65-79" "my mother collapsed in the kitchen she was rushed to hospital via ambulance she passed away, doctor said her heart was having a hard time he said there was a blood cot by lung" "1197923-1" "1197923-1" "BLOOD GLUCOSE INCREASED" "10005557" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He was found down in cardiac arrest- EMS called CPR done and taken to Emergency room, unsuccessful CPR, patient died" "1197923-1" "1197923-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He was found down in cardiac arrest- EMS called CPR done and taken to Emergency room, unsuccessful CPR, patient died" "1197923-1" "1197923-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He was found down in cardiac arrest- EMS called CPR done and taken to Emergency room, unsuccessful CPR, patient died" "1197923-1" "1197923-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He was found down in cardiac arrest- EMS called CPR done and taken to Emergency room, unsuccessful CPR, patient died" "1198227-1" "1198227-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SON REPORTED THAT PATIENT WOKE UP 4/7/21 WITH FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS AND STAYED IN BED ALL DAY. PT DID NOT DRINK ANYTHING OR TAKE INSULIN ON 4/7/21. WHEN DAUGHTER ARRIVED AT PTS HOME THAT EVENING, PT WAS INCOHERENT. SHE CALLED 911 AND PT WAS TRANSPORTED TO THE HOSPITAL WHERE HE PASSED AWAY ON 4/9/21." "1198227-1" "1198227-1" "FLUID INTAKE REDUCED" "10056291" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SON REPORTED THAT PATIENT WOKE UP 4/7/21 WITH FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS AND STAYED IN BED ALL DAY. PT DID NOT DRINK ANYTHING OR TAKE INSULIN ON 4/7/21. WHEN DAUGHTER ARRIVED AT PTS HOME THAT EVENING, PT WAS INCOHERENT. SHE CALLED 911 AND PT WAS TRANSPORTED TO THE HOSPITAL WHERE HE PASSED AWAY ON 4/9/21." "1198227-1" "1198227-1" "INCOHERENT" "10021630" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SON REPORTED THAT PATIENT WOKE UP 4/7/21 WITH FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS AND STAYED IN BED ALL DAY. PT DID NOT DRINK ANYTHING OR TAKE INSULIN ON 4/7/21. WHEN DAUGHTER ARRIVED AT PTS HOME THAT EVENING, PT WAS INCOHERENT. SHE CALLED 911 AND PT WAS TRANSPORTED TO THE HOSPITAL WHERE HE PASSED AWAY ON 4/9/21." "1198227-1" "1198227-1" "INFLUENZA LIKE ILLNESS" "10022004" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SON REPORTED THAT PATIENT WOKE UP 4/7/21 WITH FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS AND STAYED IN BED ALL DAY. PT DID NOT DRINK ANYTHING OR TAKE INSULIN ON 4/7/21. WHEN DAUGHTER ARRIVED AT PTS HOME THAT EVENING, PT WAS INCOHERENT. SHE CALLED 911 AND PT WAS TRANSPORTED TO THE HOSPITAL WHERE HE PASSED AWAY ON 4/9/21." "1198405-1" "1198405-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt with Advanced PD underwent surgery on 3/1/21 and 3/8/21 to explant a malplaced DBS device and re-implant with a new DBS device. She struggled to recover following the surgeries and did not respond to her medications or the new device. She received her COVID vaccine on 3/15/21. No significant change following the vaccine but no improvement as expected as device settings and medications were titrated. We received a call from her husband that she died during the night of 4/1/21. She had seen her PCP on 3/31/21 without any concerns on vitals etc." "1198405-1" "1198405-1" "LABORATORY TEST" "10059938" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt with Advanced PD underwent surgery on 3/1/21 and 3/8/21 to explant a malplaced DBS device and re-implant with a new DBS device. She struggled to recover following the surgeries and did not respond to her medications or the new device. She received her COVID vaccine on 3/15/21. No significant change following the vaccine but no improvement as expected as device settings and medications were titrated. We received a call from her husband that she died during the night of 4/1/21. She had seen her PCP on 3/31/21 without any concerns on vitals etc." "1198405-1" "1198405-1" "MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING HEAD" "10085255" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt with Advanced PD underwent surgery on 3/1/21 and 3/8/21 to explant a malplaced DBS device and re-implant with a new DBS device. She struggled to recover following the surgeries and did not respond to her medications or the new device. She received her COVID vaccine on 3/15/21. No significant change following the vaccine but no improvement as expected as device settings and medications were titrated. We received a call from her husband that she died during the night of 4/1/21. She had seen her PCP on 3/31/21 without any concerns on vitals etc." "1202456-1" "1202456-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death. My mother passed away 3/18/2021 from pulmonary arrest." "1202456-1" "1202456-1" "RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10038669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death. My mother passed away 3/18/2021 from pulmonary arrest." "1203799-1" "1203799-1" "BEDRIDDEN" "10048948" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed chills and fatigue Saturday and Sunday (April 3rd and April 4th) . Patient developed diarrhea and lack of appetite Monday, April 5th. Patient was reported to be bedridden Wednesday, April 7th. Patients husband stated hat patients eyes were halfway closed, experiencing shallow breathing, and had a soft pulse. Husband call 911 while instructed to do chest compressions until EMTs arrived on site. First responder were reported to perform resuscitation efforts on the patient for 35 minutes until transporting the patient to the hospital." "1203799-1" "1203799-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed chills and fatigue Saturday and Sunday (April 3rd and April 4th) . Patient developed diarrhea and lack of appetite Monday, April 5th. Patient was reported to be bedridden Wednesday, April 7th. Patients husband stated hat patients eyes were halfway closed, experiencing shallow breathing, and had a soft pulse. Husband call 911 while instructed to do chest compressions until EMTs arrived on site. First responder were reported to perform resuscitation efforts on the patient for 35 minutes until transporting the patient to the hospital." "1203799-1" "1203799-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed chills and fatigue Saturday and Sunday (April 3rd and April 4th) . Patient developed diarrhea and lack of appetite Monday, April 5th. Patient was reported to be bedridden Wednesday, April 7th. Patients husband stated hat patients eyes were halfway closed, experiencing shallow breathing, and had a soft pulse. Husband call 911 while instructed to do chest compressions until EMTs arrived on site. First responder were reported to perform resuscitation efforts on the patient for 35 minutes until transporting the patient to the hospital." "1203799-1" "1203799-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed chills and fatigue Saturday and Sunday (April 3rd and April 4th) . Patient developed diarrhea and lack of appetite Monday, April 5th. Patient was reported to be bedridden Wednesday, April 7th. Patients husband stated hat patients eyes were halfway closed, experiencing shallow breathing, and had a soft pulse. Husband call 911 while instructed to do chest compressions until EMTs arrived on site. First responder were reported to perform resuscitation efforts on the patient for 35 minutes until transporting the patient to the hospital." "1203799-1" "1203799-1" "EYELID PTOSIS" "10015995" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed chills and fatigue Saturday and Sunday (April 3rd and April 4th) . Patient developed diarrhea and lack of appetite Monday, April 5th. Patient was reported to be bedridden Wednesday, April 7th. Patients husband stated hat patients eyes were halfway closed, experiencing shallow breathing, and had a soft pulse. Husband call 911 while instructed to do chest compressions until EMTs arrived on site. First responder were reported to perform resuscitation efforts on the patient for 35 minutes until transporting the patient to the hospital." "1203799-1" "1203799-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed chills and fatigue Saturday and Sunday (April 3rd and April 4th) . Patient developed diarrhea and lack of appetite Monday, April 5th. Patient was reported to be bedridden Wednesday, April 7th. Patients husband stated hat patients eyes were halfway closed, experiencing shallow breathing, and had a soft pulse. Husband call 911 while instructed to do chest compressions until EMTs arrived on site. First responder were reported to perform resuscitation efforts on the patient for 35 minutes until transporting the patient to the hospital." "1203799-1" "1203799-1" "HYPOPNOEA" "10021079" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed chills and fatigue Saturday and Sunday (April 3rd and April 4th) . Patient developed diarrhea and lack of appetite Monday, April 5th. Patient was reported to be bedridden Wednesday, April 7th. Patients husband stated hat patients eyes were halfway closed, experiencing shallow breathing, and had a soft pulse. Husband call 911 while instructed to do chest compressions until EMTs arrived on site. First responder were reported to perform resuscitation efforts on the patient for 35 minutes until transporting the patient to the hospital." "1203799-1" "1203799-1" "PULSE ABNORMAL" "10037466" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed chills and fatigue Saturday and Sunday (April 3rd and April 4th) . Patient developed diarrhea and lack of appetite Monday, April 5th. Patient was reported to be bedridden Wednesday, April 7th. Patients husband stated hat patients eyes were halfway closed, experiencing shallow breathing, and had a soft pulse. Husband call 911 while instructed to do chest compressions until EMTs arrived on site. First responder were reported to perform resuscitation efforts on the patient for 35 minutes until transporting the patient to the hospital." "1203799-1" "1203799-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed chills and fatigue Saturday and Sunday (April 3rd and April 4th) . Patient developed diarrhea and lack of appetite Monday, April 5th. Patient was reported to be bedridden Wednesday, April 7th. Patients husband stated hat patients eyes were halfway closed, experiencing shallow breathing, and had a soft pulse. Husband call 911 while instructed to do chest compressions until EMTs arrived on site. First responder were reported to perform resuscitation efforts on the patient for 35 minutes until transporting the patient to the hospital." "1204479-1" "1204479-1" "BACK PAIN" "10003988" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Initially 2 to 5 days just fatigue. Evening of March 26th unusual fatigue and lower back to middle back discomfort low pain level." "1204479-1" "1204479-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Initially 2 to 5 days just fatigue. Evening of March 26th unusual fatigue and lower back to middle back discomfort low pain level." "1204479-1" "1204479-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Initially 2 to 5 days just fatigue. Evening of March 26th unusual fatigue and lower back to middle back discomfort low pain level." "1204479-1" "1204479-1" "MUSCULOSKELETAL DISCOMFORT" "10053156" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Initially 2 to 5 days just fatigue. Evening of March 26th unusual fatigue and lower back to middle back discomfort low pain level." "1205305-1" "1205305-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "3-11 didn't feel well, passed away later that day" "1205305-1" "1205305-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "3-11 didn't feel well, passed away later that day" "1205632-1" "1205632-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My MOTHER had a health condition, diabetes and heart problems, she was at home with palliative care, due to her condition, she was fine in the last month she was able to walk, shower, eat alone, she felt happy to be able to recover, she got the vaccine because the doctor advised her, the same day she got fever, and began to feel fatigued, 3 days later my mother died, she had heart attack from shortness of breath." "1205632-1" "1205632-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My MOTHER had a health condition, diabetes and heart problems, she was at home with palliative care, due to her condition, she was fine in the last month she was able to walk, shower, eat alone, she felt happy to be able to recover, she got the vaccine because the doctor advised her, the same day she got fever, and began to feel fatigued, 3 days later my mother died, she had heart attack from shortness of breath." "1205632-1" "1205632-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My MOTHER had a health condition, diabetes and heart problems, she was at home with palliative care, due to her condition, she was fine in the last month she was able to walk, shower, eat alone, she felt happy to be able to recover, she got the vaccine because the doctor advised her, the same day she got fever, and began to feel fatigued, 3 days later my mother died, she had heart attack from shortness of breath." "1205632-1" "1205632-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My MOTHER had a health condition, diabetes and heart problems, she was at home with palliative care, due to her condition, she was fine in the last month she was able to walk, shower, eat alone, she felt happy to be able to recover, she got the vaccine because the doctor advised her, the same day she got fever, and began to feel fatigued, 3 days later my mother died, she had heart attack from shortness of breath." "1205632-1" "1205632-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My MOTHER had a health condition, diabetes and heart problems, she was at home with palliative care, due to her condition, she was fine in the last month she was able to walk, shower, eat alone, she felt happy to be able to recover, she got the vaccine because the doctor advised her, the same day she got fever, and began to feel fatigued, 3 days later my mother died, she had heart attack from shortness of breath." "1207097-1" "1207097-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "According to hospital records, patient presented to the ER in full cardiac arrest with ongoing CPR in progress." "1207097-1" "1207097-1" "ELECTROCARDIOGRAM ABNORMAL" "10014363" "65-79 years" "65-79" "According to hospital records, patient presented to the ER in full cardiac arrest with ongoing CPR in progress." "1207097-1" "1207097-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "According to hospital records, patient presented to the ER in full cardiac arrest with ongoing CPR in progress." "1207340-1" "1207340-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Covid like symptoms within days of vaccine. Outcome: death." "1207994-1" "1207994-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Blood Clot on back of leg" "1207994-1" "1207994-1" "THROMBOSIS" "10043607" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Blood Clot on back of leg" "1210581-1" "1210581-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's daughter in law called to report the adverse event and will be submitting a VAERS as well. Pt rcvd first dose of vaccine 03/03 and 16 days later on 03/19 he was hospitalized for respiratory unrest, cause unknown. It was not suspected to be caused by the vaccine at that time. Doctors encouraged him to rcv the second dose and pharmacy staff was informed pt had been given the go ahead to do so. Pt marked that he was not currently ill on his informed consent form and that he had not had a previous reaction to the vaccine. 5 days after rcving his second dose (03/30) he arrested again resulting in hospitalization later death on 4/4." "1210581-1" "1210581-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's daughter in law called to report the adverse event and will be submitting a VAERS as well. Pt rcvd first dose of vaccine 03/03 and 16 days later on 03/19 he was hospitalized for respiratory unrest, cause unknown. It was not suspected to be caused by the vaccine at that time. Doctors encouraged him to rcv the second dose and pharmacy staff was informed pt had been given the go ahead to do so. Pt marked that he was not currently ill on his informed consent form and that he had not had a previous reaction to the vaccine. 5 days after rcving his second dose (03/30) he arrested again resulting in hospitalization later death on 4/4." "1210581-1" "1210581-1" "RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10038669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's daughter in law called to report the adverse event and will be submitting a VAERS as well. Pt rcvd first dose of vaccine 03/03 and 16 days later on 03/19 he was hospitalized for respiratory unrest, cause unknown. It was not suspected to be caused by the vaccine at that time. Doctors encouraged him to rcv the second dose and pharmacy staff was informed pt had been given the go ahead to do so. Pt marked that he was not currently ill on his informed consent form and that he had not had a previous reaction to the vaccine. 5 days after rcving his second dose (03/30) he arrested again resulting in hospitalization later death on 4/4." "1211001-1" "1211001-1" "BRAIN INJURY" "10067967" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient is deceased. Had a blood clot travel to her brain and causes an un recoverable stroke" "1211001-1" "1211001-1" "CEREBRAL THROMBOSIS" "10008132" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient is deceased. Had a blood clot travel to her brain and causes an un recoverable stroke" "1211001-1" "1211001-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient is deceased. Had a blood clot travel to her brain and causes an un recoverable stroke" "1211001-1" "1211001-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient is deceased. Had a blood clot travel to her brain and causes an un recoverable stroke" "1211001-1" "1211001-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient is deceased. Had a blood clot travel to her brain and causes an un recoverable stroke" "1213131-1" "1213131-1" "AUTOPSY" "10050117" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DIED FROM BLOOD CLOT 3/29/2021 - AUTOPSY PERFORMED AND CONFIRMED" "1213131-1" "1213131-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DIED FROM BLOOD CLOT 3/29/2021 - AUTOPSY PERFORMED AND CONFIRMED" "1213131-1" "1213131-1" "FALL" "10016173" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DIED FROM BLOOD CLOT 3/29/2021 - AUTOPSY PERFORMED AND CONFIRMED" "1213131-1" "1213131-1" "HIP FRACTURE" "10020100" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DIED FROM BLOOD CLOT 3/29/2021 - AUTOPSY PERFORMED AND CONFIRMED" "1213131-1" "1213131-1" "SPINAL FRACTURE" "10041569" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DIED FROM BLOOD CLOT 3/29/2021 - AUTOPSY PERFORMED AND CONFIRMED" "1213131-1" "1213131-1" "THROMBOSIS" "10043607" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DIED FROM BLOOD CLOT 3/29/2021 - AUTOPSY PERFORMED AND CONFIRMED" "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "BACK PAIN" "10003988" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "BRAIN NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE INCREASED" "10053405" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "ECHOCARDIOGRAM ABNORMAL" "10061593" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "EMPHYSEMA" "10014561" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "GAIT INABILITY" "10017581" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "HAEMOGLOBIN DECREASED" "10018884" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "HEART RATE INCREASED" "10019303" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "HYPOXIA" "10021143" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "INTRACARDIAC THROMBUS" "10048620" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "LEUKOCYTOSIS" "10024378" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "LUMBAR VERTEBRAL FRACTURE" "10049947" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "PERIPHERAL ARTERY THROMBOSIS" "10072564" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "PLATELET COUNT DECREASED" "10035528" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "PROCALCITONIN NORMAL" "10077831" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "PULMONARY HYPERTENSION" "10037400" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "THROMBOSIS PROPHYLAXIS" "10043634" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "TRICUSPID VALVE INCOMPETENCE" "10044640" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "TROPONIN INCREASED" "10058267" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1216189-1" "1216189-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT INCREASED" "10047943" "65-79 years" "65-79" "78 year old woman admitted with severe back pain, inability to ambulate and leukocytosis on 3/31/21. History of hypertension, CHF, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and back pain. Work up included multiple consults. The patient was placed on SQ heparin for VTE prophylaxis. Acute L5 fracture was found along with emphysematous changes. Neurosurgical evaluation- no surgery was necessary. During the first 24 hours (before receiving the vaccine), the patient's Hg dropped 9.3 to 6.8 and platelets dropped 130K to 61 K with no apparent bleeding source. PRBC transfusion was given. GI consult was obtained the patient was scheduled to have EGD the following morning (day 3). Cardiology was obtained for elevated troponin and hypoxia. An echo obtained on day 2 showed moderate elevated pulmonary artery pressure, mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation, and normal sized right atrium and ventricle. The patient received the Janssen vaccine upon request the morning of hospital day 2 (4.1.21 at 11:02). At 11:37PM on 4/1/21 the patient received 5mg IV metoprolol for elevated HR of 132 (BP 129/67). At 0128 on 4/2/21 the patient's heart rate dropped into the 60's and then declined further requiring cardiac resuscitation. The attempt was unsuccessful and the patient expired at 01:43 on 4/2/21. An autopsy was conducted (results available on 4/13/21) showed a 4 cm clot in the patient's right atrium and a mural thrombus in her femoral artery." "1218987-1" "1218987-1" "CARDIAC FAILURE CONGESTIVE" "10007559" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date and time of vaccination: (list both if they received both shots): 02/02/21 1100, 02/23/21 1200 Date and time adverse event started: 02/05/21 1100 SOB AFTER FIRST SHOT ,FATIGUE , WAS ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL FOR 7 DAYS , RELEASED AND THEN RETURNED TO THE HOSPITAL , SENT BACK TO , SAW THE DOCTOR 24TH OF MARCH , DOCTOR ADVISED WATER REDUCTION AND THE PATIENT HAD DEVELOPED CHF , PATIENT PAST ON THE 29TH" "1218987-1" "1218987-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date and time of vaccination: (list both if they received both shots): 02/02/21 1100, 02/23/21 1200 Date and time adverse event started: 02/05/21 1100 SOB AFTER FIRST SHOT ,FATIGUE , WAS ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL FOR 7 DAYS , RELEASED AND THEN RETURNED TO THE HOSPITAL , SENT BACK TO , SAW THE DOCTOR 24TH OF MARCH , DOCTOR ADVISED WATER REDUCTION AND THE PATIENT HAD DEVELOPED CHF , PATIENT PAST ON THE 29TH" "1218987-1" "1218987-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date and time of vaccination: (list both if they received both shots): 02/02/21 1100, 02/23/21 1200 Date and time adverse event started: 02/05/21 1100 SOB AFTER FIRST SHOT ,FATIGUE , WAS ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL FOR 7 DAYS , RELEASED AND THEN RETURNED TO THE HOSPITAL , SENT BACK TO , SAW THE DOCTOR 24TH OF MARCH , DOCTOR ADVISED WATER REDUCTION AND THE PATIENT HAD DEVELOPED CHF , PATIENT PAST ON THE 29TH" "1218987-1" "1218987-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date and time of vaccination: (list both if they received both shots): 02/02/21 1100, 02/23/21 1200 Date and time adverse event started: 02/05/21 1100 SOB AFTER FIRST SHOT ,FATIGUE , WAS ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL FOR 7 DAYS , RELEASED AND THEN RETURNED TO THE HOSPITAL , SENT BACK TO , SAW THE DOCTOR 24TH OF MARCH , DOCTOR ADVISED WATER REDUCTION AND THE PATIENT HAD DEVELOPED CHF , PATIENT PAST ON THE 29TH" "1220155-1" "1220155-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Internal bleeding resulting in death." "1220155-1" "1220155-1" "INTERNAL HAEMORRHAGE" "10075192" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Internal bleeding resulting in death." "1220264-1" "1220264-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was scheduled for second dose on 4/14/21. Wife called that morning to say that patient passed away on 4/6/21. Wife Callie stated he saw the neurologist on 4/1/21. On 4/6 he was doing very well in the am and pm. She put him to bed, he woke up and called to her, gasped and passed away. She reports he tolerated the 3/17 vaccination well. I called the doctor on 4/16/21 for more information but he has not returned my call as of yet." "1220264-1" "1220264-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was scheduled for second dose on 4/14/21. Wife called that morning to say that patient passed away on 4/6/21. Wife Callie stated he saw the neurologist on 4/1/21. On 4/6 he was doing very well in the am and pm. She put him to bed, he woke up and called to her, gasped and passed away. She reports he tolerated the 3/17 vaccination well. I called the doctor on 4/16/21 for more information but he has not returned my call as of yet." "1221163-1" "1221163-1" "BEDRIDDEN" "10048948" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""heart attack; couldnt walk; couldnt get out of bed; body ache and pains; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (heart attack) in a 72-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 030M20A and 033A21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. Concurrent medical conditions included Neurological disorder NOS, Diabetes, peripheral artery disease, Disabled spouse (100% disable) and COPD. Concomitant products included GABAPENTIN for an unknown indication. On 13-Feb-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 20-Mar-2021, received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) dosage was changed to 2 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, the patient experienced MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (heart attack) (seriousness criterion death), GAIT DISTURBANCE (couldnt walk), BEDRIDDEN (couldnt get out of bed) and PAIN (body ache and pains). The patient died on 21-Mar-2021. The reported cause of death was Heart attack. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, GAIT DISTURBANCE (couldnt walk), BEDRIDDEN (couldnt get out of bed) and PAIN (body ache and pains) outcome was unknown. The action taken with mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) was unknown. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. The patient had a medical condition of ""agent orange"". The patient was a veteran. Treatment included for the events was acetaminophen (Tylenol). Based on the current available information and the temporal association between the product use and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded. This case was linked to US-MODERNATX, INC.-MOD-2021-075051 (Linked Report).; Sender's Comments: Based on the current available information and the temporal association between the product use and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded. US-MODERNATX, INC.-MOD-2021-075051:Case for second dose; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Heart attack"" "1221163-1" "1221163-1" "GAIT DISTURBANCE" "10017577" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""heart attack; couldnt walk; couldnt get out of bed; body ache and pains; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (heart attack) in a 72-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 030M20A and 033A21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. Concurrent medical conditions included Neurological disorder NOS, Diabetes, peripheral artery disease, Disabled spouse (100% disable) and COPD. Concomitant products included GABAPENTIN for an unknown indication. On 13-Feb-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 20-Mar-2021, received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) dosage was changed to 2 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, the patient experienced MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (heart attack) (seriousness criterion death), GAIT DISTURBANCE (couldnt walk), BEDRIDDEN (couldnt get out of bed) and PAIN (body ache and pains). The patient died on 21-Mar-2021. The reported cause of death was Heart attack. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, GAIT DISTURBANCE (couldnt walk), BEDRIDDEN (couldnt get out of bed) and PAIN (body ache and pains) outcome was unknown. The action taken with mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) was unknown. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. The patient had a medical condition of ""agent orange"". The patient was a veteran. Treatment included for the events was acetaminophen (Tylenol). Based on the current available information and the temporal association between the product use and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded. This case was linked to US-MODERNATX, INC.-MOD-2021-075051 (Linked Report).; Sender's Comments: Based on the current available information and the temporal association between the product use and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded. US-MODERNATX, INC.-MOD-2021-075051:Case for second dose; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Heart attack"" "1221163-1" "1221163-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""heart attack; couldnt walk; couldnt get out of bed; body ache and pains; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (heart attack) in a 72-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 030M20A and 033A21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. Concurrent medical conditions included Neurological disorder NOS, Diabetes, peripheral artery disease, Disabled spouse (100% disable) and COPD. Concomitant products included GABAPENTIN for an unknown indication. On 13-Feb-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 20-Mar-2021, received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) dosage was changed to 2 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, the patient experienced MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (heart attack) (seriousness criterion death), GAIT DISTURBANCE (couldnt walk), BEDRIDDEN (couldnt get out of bed) and PAIN (body ache and pains). The patient died on 21-Mar-2021. The reported cause of death was Heart attack. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, GAIT DISTURBANCE (couldnt walk), BEDRIDDEN (couldnt get out of bed) and PAIN (body ache and pains) outcome was unknown. The action taken with mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) was unknown. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. The patient had a medical condition of ""agent orange"". The patient was a veteran. Treatment included for the events was acetaminophen (Tylenol). Based on the current available information and the temporal association between the product use and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded. This case was linked to US-MODERNATX, INC.-MOD-2021-075051 (Linked Report).; Sender's Comments: Based on the current available information and the temporal association between the product use and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded. US-MODERNATX, INC.-MOD-2021-075051:Case for second dose; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Heart attack"" "1221163-1" "1221163-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""heart attack; couldnt walk; couldnt get out of bed; body ache and pains; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (heart attack) in a 72-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 030M20A and 033A21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. Concurrent medical conditions included Neurological disorder NOS, Diabetes, peripheral artery disease, Disabled spouse (100% disable) and COPD. Concomitant products included GABAPENTIN for an unknown indication. On 13-Feb-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 20-Mar-2021, received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) dosage was changed to 2 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, the patient experienced MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (heart attack) (seriousness criterion death), GAIT DISTURBANCE (couldnt walk), BEDRIDDEN (couldnt get out of bed) and PAIN (body ache and pains). The patient died on 21-Mar-2021. The reported cause of death was Heart attack. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, GAIT DISTURBANCE (couldnt walk), BEDRIDDEN (couldnt get out of bed) and PAIN (body ache and pains) outcome was unknown. The action taken with mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) was unknown. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. The patient had a medical condition of ""agent orange"". The patient was a veteran. Treatment included for the events was acetaminophen (Tylenol). Based on the current available information and the temporal association between the product use and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded. This case was linked to US-MODERNATX, INC.-MOD-2021-075051 (Linked Report).; Sender's Comments: Based on the current available information and the temporal association between the product use and the start date of the events a causal relationship cannot be excluded. US-MODERNATX, INC.-MOD-2021-075051:Case for second dose; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Heart attack"" "1224144-1" "1224144-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Developed fever, nausea and vomiting about 24 hours later. Symptoms lasted two days and began to subside, at which time shortness of breath began. Patient drove himself to the hospital for evaluation and treatment on Saturday, March 27th where he collapsed in cardiac arrest. he was resuscitated and stabilized on life support. He died of multiple organ failure on Monday March 29th. The official diagnosis was Severe Septic Shock. It is unclear if any infective agent was identified. It should be noted that sepsis is a condition in which immune dysregulation is inherent and includes cytokine storm activity. The possible correlation between vaccination and the subsequent development of sepsis should be investigated." "1224144-1" "1224144-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Developed fever, nausea and vomiting about 24 hours later. Symptoms lasted two days and began to subside, at which time shortness of breath began. Patient drove himself to the hospital for evaluation and treatment on Saturday, March 27th where he collapsed in cardiac arrest. he was resuscitated and stabilized on life support. He died of multiple organ failure on Monday March 29th. The official diagnosis was Severe Septic Shock. It is unclear if any infective agent was identified. It should be noted that sepsis is a condition in which immune dysregulation is inherent and includes cytokine storm activity. The possible correlation between vaccination and the subsequent development of sepsis should be investigated." "1224144-1" "1224144-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Developed fever, nausea and vomiting about 24 hours later. Symptoms lasted two days and began to subside, at which time shortness of breath began. Patient drove himself to the hospital for evaluation and treatment on Saturday, March 27th where he collapsed in cardiac arrest. he was resuscitated and stabilized on life support. He died of multiple organ failure on Monday March 29th. The official diagnosis was Severe Septic Shock. It is unclear if any infective agent was identified. It should be noted that sepsis is a condition in which immune dysregulation is inherent and includes cytokine storm activity. The possible correlation between vaccination and the subsequent development of sepsis should be investigated." "1224144-1" "1224144-1" "LIFE SUPPORT" "10024447" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Developed fever, nausea and vomiting about 24 hours later. Symptoms lasted two days and began to subside, at which time shortness of breath began. Patient drove himself to the hospital for evaluation and treatment on Saturday, March 27th where he collapsed in cardiac arrest. he was resuscitated and stabilized on life support. He died of multiple organ failure on Monday March 29th. The official diagnosis was Severe Septic Shock. It is unclear if any infective agent was identified. It should be noted that sepsis is a condition in which immune dysregulation is inherent and includes cytokine storm activity. The possible correlation between vaccination and the subsequent development of sepsis should be investigated." "1224144-1" "1224144-1" "MULTIPLE ORGAN DYSFUNCTION SYNDROME" "10077361" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Developed fever, nausea and vomiting about 24 hours later. Symptoms lasted two days and began to subside, at which time shortness of breath began. Patient drove himself to the hospital for evaluation and treatment on Saturday, March 27th where he collapsed in cardiac arrest. he was resuscitated and stabilized on life support. He died of multiple organ failure on Monday March 29th. The official diagnosis was Severe Septic Shock. It is unclear if any infective agent was identified. It should be noted that sepsis is a condition in which immune dysregulation is inherent and includes cytokine storm activity. The possible correlation between vaccination and the subsequent development of sepsis should be investigated." "1224144-1" "1224144-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Developed fever, nausea and vomiting about 24 hours later. Symptoms lasted two days and began to subside, at which time shortness of breath began. Patient drove himself to the hospital for evaluation and treatment on Saturday, March 27th where he collapsed in cardiac arrest. he was resuscitated and stabilized on life support. He died of multiple organ failure on Monday March 29th. The official diagnosis was Severe Septic Shock. It is unclear if any infective agent was identified. It should be noted that sepsis is a condition in which immune dysregulation is inherent and includes cytokine storm activity. The possible correlation between vaccination and the subsequent development of sepsis should be investigated." "1224144-1" "1224144-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Developed fever, nausea and vomiting about 24 hours later. Symptoms lasted two days and began to subside, at which time shortness of breath began. Patient drove himself to the hospital for evaluation and treatment on Saturday, March 27th where he collapsed in cardiac arrest. he was resuscitated and stabilized on life support. He died of multiple organ failure on Monday March 29th. The official diagnosis was Severe Septic Shock. It is unclear if any infective agent was identified. It should be noted that sepsis is a condition in which immune dysregulation is inherent and includes cytokine storm activity. The possible correlation between vaccination and the subsequent development of sepsis should be investigated." "1224144-1" "1224144-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Developed fever, nausea and vomiting about 24 hours later. Symptoms lasted two days and began to subside, at which time shortness of breath began. Patient drove himself to the hospital for evaluation and treatment on Saturday, March 27th where he collapsed in cardiac arrest. he was resuscitated and stabilized on life support. He died of multiple organ failure on Monday March 29th. The official diagnosis was Severe Septic Shock. It is unclear if any infective agent was identified. It should be noted that sepsis is a condition in which immune dysregulation is inherent and includes cytokine storm activity. The possible correlation between vaccination and the subsequent development of sepsis should be investigated." "1224144-1" "1224144-1" "SEPTIC SHOCK" "10040070" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Developed fever, nausea and vomiting about 24 hours later. Symptoms lasted two days and began to subside, at which time shortness of breath began. Patient drove himself to the hospital for evaluation and treatment on Saturday, March 27th where he collapsed in cardiac arrest. he was resuscitated and stabilized on life support. He died of multiple organ failure on Monday March 29th. The official diagnosis was Severe Septic Shock. It is unclear if any infective agent was identified. It should be noted that sepsis is a condition in which immune dysregulation is inherent and includes cytokine storm activity. The possible correlation between vaccination and the subsequent development of sepsis should be investigated." "1224144-1" "1224144-1" "SYNCOPE" "10042772" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Developed fever, nausea and vomiting about 24 hours later. Symptoms lasted two days and began to subside, at which time shortness of breath began. Patient drove himself to the hospital for evaluation and treatment on Saturday, March 27th where he collapsed in cardiac arrest. he was resuscitated and stabilized on life support. He died of multiple organ failure on Monday March 29th. The official diagnosis was Severe Septic Shock. It is unclear if any infective agent was identified. It should be noted that sepsis is a condition in which immune dysregulation is inherent and includes cytokine storm activity. The possible correlation between vaccination and the subsequent development of sepsis should be investigated." "1224144-1" "1224144-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Developed fever, nausea and vomiting about 24 hours later. Symptoms lasted two days and began to subside, at which time shortness of breath began. Patient drove himself to the hospital for evaluation and treatment on Saturday, March 27th where he collapsed in cardiac arrest. he was resuscitated and stabilized on life support. He died of multiple organ failure on Monday March 29th. The official diagnosis was Severe Septic Shock. It is unclear if any infective agent was identified. It should be noted that sepsis is a condition in which immune dysregulation is inherent and includes cytokine storm activity. The possible correlation between vaccination and the subsequent development of sepsis should be investigated." "1227320-1" "1227320-1" "CARDIAC STRESS TEST NORMAL" "10055063" "65-79 years" "65-79" "about 2 days after the 1st dose of the moderna vaccine, felt very tired and unwell for several days. He felt okay for about 2 weeks then on January 29, 2021 he felt intense chest pain. Concerned it was a heart attack, he was brought to the hospital. He stayed one night and the hospital ran several tests like EKG, stress test and others. Found his results to be normal and was released on January 20, 2021. Even the moment he was released, he felt very dizzy but hospital was not concerned and thought maybe side effect of medication. He continued to feel dizzy, fuzzy brain and hard time staying awake during the day and sleeping through the night for the rest of the week. He passed sometime in the early hours of February 6, 2021. Doctor's suspicion is a blood clot. He has no history of blood clots, heart problems or any health issues." "1227320-1" "1227320-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "about 2 days after the 1st dose of the moderna vaccine, felt very tired and unwell for several days. He felt okay for about 2 weeks then on January 29, 2021 he felt intense chest pain. Concerned it was a heart attack, he was brought to the hospital. He stayed one night and the hospital ran several tests like EKG, stress test and others. Found his results to be normal and was released on January 20, 2021. Even the moment he was released, he felt very dizzy but hospital was not concerned and thought maybe side effect of medication. He continued to feel dizzy, fuzzy brain and hard time staying awake during the day and sleeping through the night for the rest of the week. He passed sometime in the early hours of February 6, 2021. Doctor's suspicion is a blood clot. He has no history of blood clots, heart problems or any health issues." "1227320-1" "1227320-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "about 2 days after the 1st dose of the moderna vaccine, felt very tired and unwell for several days. He felt okay for about 2 weeks then on January 29, 2021 he felt intense chest pain. Concerned it was a heart attack, he was brought to the hospital. He stayed one night and the hospital ran several tests like EKG, stress test and others. Found his results to be normal and was released on January 20, 2021. Even the moment he was released, he felt very dizzy but hospital was not concerned and thought maybe side effect of medication. He continued to feel dizzy, fuzzy brain and hard time staying awake during the day and sleeping through the night for the rest of the week. He passed sometime in the early hours of February 6, 2021. Doctor's suspicion is a blood clot. He has no history of blood clots, heart problems or any health issues." "1227320-1" "1227320-1" "DIZZINESS" "10013573" "65-79 years" "65-79" "about 2 days after the 1st dose of the moderna vaccine, felt very tired and unwell for several days. He felt okay for about 2 weeks then on January 29, 2021 he felt intense chest pain. Concerned it was a heart attack, he was brought to the hospital. He stayed one night and the hospital ran several tests like EKG, stress test and others. Found his results to be normal and was released on January 20, 2021. Even the moment he was released, he felt very dizzy but hospital was not concerned and thought maybe side effect of medication. He continued to feel dizzy, fuzzy brain and hard time staying awake during the day and sleeping through the night for the rest of the week. He passed sometime in the early hours of February 6, 2021. Doctor's suspicion is a blood clot. He has no history of blood clots, heart problems or any health issues." "1227320-1" "1227320-1" "ELECTROCARDIOGRAM NORMAL" "10014373" "65-79 years" "65-79" "about 2 days after the 1st dose of the moderna vaccine, felt very tired and unwell for several days. He felt okay for about 2 weeks then on January 29, 2021 he felt intense chest pain. Concerned it was a heart attack, he was brought to the hospital. He stayed one night and the hospital ran several tests like EKG, stress test and others. Found his results to be normal and was released on January 20, 2021. Even the moment he was released, he felt very dizzy but hospital was not concerned and thought maybe side effect of medication. He continued to feel dizzy, fuzzy brain and hard time staying awake during the day and sleeping through the night for the rest of the week. He passed sometime in the early hours of February 6, 2021. Doctor's suspicion is a blood clot. He has no history of blood clots, heart problems or any health issues." "1227320-1" "1227320-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "about 2 days after the 1st dose of the moderna vaccine, felt very tired and unwell for several days. He felt okay for about 2 weeks then on January 29, 2021 he felt intense chest pain. Concerned it was a heart attack, he was brought to the hospital. He stayed one night and the hospital ran several tests like EKG, stress test and others. Found his results to be normal and was released on January 20, 2021. Even the moment he was released, he felt very dizzy but hospital was not concerned and thought maybe side effect of medication. He continued to feel dizzy, fuzzy brain and hard time staying awake during the day and sleeping through the night for the rest of the week. He passed sometime in the early hours of February 6, 2021. Doctor's suspicion is a blood clot. He has no history of blood clots, heart problems or any health issues." "1227320-1" "1227320-1" "FEELING ABNORMAL" "10016322" "65-79 years" "65-79" "about 2 days after the 1st dose of the moderna vaccine, felt very tired and unwell for several days. He felt okay for about 2 weeks then on January 29, 2021 he felt intense chest pain. Concerned it was a heart attack, he was brought to the hospital. He stayed one night and the hospital ran several tests like EKG, stress test and others. Found his results to be normal and was released on January 20, 2021. Even the moment he was released, he felt very dizzy but hospital was not concerned and thought maybe side effect of medication. He continued to feel dizzy, fuzzy brain and hard time staying awake during the day and sleeping through the night for the rest of the week. He passed sometime in the early hours of February 6, 2021. Doctor's suspicion is a blood clot. He has no history of blood clots, heart problems or any health issues." "1227320-1" "1227320-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "about 2 days after the 1st dose of the moderna vaccine, felt very tired and unwell for several days. He felt okay for about 2 weeks then on January 29, 2021 he felt intense chest pain. Concerned it was a heart attack, he was brought to the hospital. He stayed one night and the hospital ran several tests like EKG, stress test and others. Found his results to be normal and was released on January 20, 2021. Even the moment he was released, he felt very dizzy but hospital was not concerned and thought maybe side effect of medication. He continued to feel dizzy, fuzzy brain and hard time staying awake during the day and sleeping through the night for the rest of the week. He passed sometime in the early hours of February 6, 2021. Doctor's suspicion is a blood clot. He has no history of blood clots, heart problems or any health issues." "1227320-1" "1227320-1" "SOMNOLENCE" "10041349" "65-79 years" "65-79" "about 2 days after the 1st dose of the moderna vaccine, felt very tired and unwell for several days. He felt okay for about 2 weeks then on January 29, 2021 he felt intense chest pain. Concerned it was a heart attack, he was brought to the hospital. He stayed one night and the hospital ran several tests like EKG, stress test and others. Found his results to be normal and was released on January 20, 2021. Even the moment he was released, he felt very dizzy but hospital was not concerned and thought maybe side effect of medication. He continued to feel dizzy, fuzzy brain and hard time staying awake during the day and sleeping through the night for the rest of the week. He passed sometime in the early hours of February 6, 2021. Doctor's suspicion is a blood clot. He has no history of blood clots, heart problems or any health issues." "1228903-1" "1228903-1" "ANGIOGRAM CEREBRAL" "10052905" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient had massive intracerebral hemorrhage 3 days after vaccination. family claims patient was doing well until vaccination. there is a suspicion that patient might have had sinus venous thrombosis that lead to the the ICH." "1228903-1" "1228903-1" "CEREBRAL HAEMORRHAGE" "10008111" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient had massive intracerebral hemorrhage 3 days after vaccination. family claims patient was doing well until vaccination. there is a suspicion that patient might have had sinus venous thrombosis that lead to the the ICH." "1228903-1" "1228903-1" "CEREBRAL VENOUS SINUS THROMBOSIS" "10083037" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient had massive intracerebral hemorrhage 3 days after vaccination. family claims patient was doing well until vaccination. there is a suspicion that patient might have had sinus venous thrombosis that lead to the the ICH." "1228903-1" "1228903-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD" "10054003" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient had massive intracerebral hemorrhage 3 days after vaccination. family claims patient was doing well until vaccination. there is a suspicion that patient might have had sinus venous thrombosis that lead to the the ICH." "1228903-1" "1228903-1" "MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING HEAD" "10085255" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient had massive intracerebral hemorrhage 3 days after vaccination. family claims patient was doing well until vaccination. there is a suspicion that patient might have had sinus venous thrombosis that lead to the the ICH." "1229270-1" "1229270-1" "ABDOMINAL PAIN UPPER" "10000087" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever and diarrhea following a couple days after the vaccine Being administered. The day prior to hospital emergency admission uncontrollable throwing up extreme side/Stomach/chest pain. Was taken by ambulance to emergency." "1229270-1" "1229270-1" "CARDIAC DISORDER" "10061024" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever and diarrhea following a couple days after the vaccine Being administered. The day prior to hospital emergency admission uncontrollable throwing up extreme side/Stomach/chest pain. Was taken by ambulance to emergency." "1229270-1" "1229270-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever and diarrhea following a couple days after the vaccine Being administered. The day prior to hospital emergency admission uncontrollable throwing up extreme side/Stomach/chest pain. Was taken by ambulance to emergency." "1229270-1" "1229270-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever and diarrhea following a couple days after the vaccine Being administered. The day prior to hospital emergency admission uncontrollable throwing up extreme side/Stomach/chest pain. Was taken by ambulance to emergency." "1229270-1" "1229270-1" "LUNG DISORDER" "10025082" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever and diarrhea following a couple days after the vaccine Being administered. The day prior to hospital emergency admission uncontrollable throwing up extreme side/Stomach/chest pain. Was taken by ambulance to emergency." "1229270-1" "1229270-1" "MULTIPLE ORGAN DYSFUNCTION SYNDROME" "10077361" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever and diarrhea following a couple days after the vaccine Being administered. The day prior to hospital emergency admission uncontrollable throwing up extreme side/Stomach/chest pain. Was taken by ambulance to emergency." "1229270-1" "1229270-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever and diarrhea following a couple days after the vaccine Being administered. The day prior to hospital emergency admission uncontrollable throwing up extreme side/Stomach/chest pain. Was taken by ambulance to emergency." "1229270-1" "1229270-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever and diarrhea following a couple days after the vaccine Being administered. The day prior to hospital emergency admission uncontrollable throwing up extreme side/Stomach/chest pain. Was taken by ambulance to emergency." "1229270-1" "1229270-1" "RENAL FAILURE" "10038435" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever and diarrhea following a couple days after the vaccine Being administered. The day prior to hospital emergency admission uncontrollable throwing up extreme side/Stomach/chest pain. Was taken by ambulance to emergency." "1229270-1" "1229270-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever and diarrhea following a couple days after the vaccine Being administered. The day prior to hospital emergency admission uncontrollable throwing up extreme side/Stomach/chest pain. Was taken by ambulance to emergency." "1229733-1" "1229733-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DIED THE DAY AFTER GETTING VACCINE" "1229917-1" "1229917-1" "BODY TEMPERATURE DECREASED" "10005910" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4/3/21 at 0052 during Q15 rounds the patient was found laying awake on the floor next to his bed. He denied falling. Vitals showed BP 95/57, Temp 96, O2 sat 77%. He was evaluated and transferred to an acute care hospital with cardiac specialty. He was found to have elevated triponin and chest x-ray showed lung infiltrates; COVID test was negative. Diagnosis was MI and pnuemonia. He received a right coronary artery stent. The patient was intubated on full ventilation support. On 4/4/21 the patient went into cardiac arrest 3 times and was resuscitated. On 4/5/21 his condition declined and he went into cardiac arrest again and was resuscitated around noon. The patient died in acute care on 4/7/21 at 0608." "1229917-1" "1229917-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4/3/21 at 0052 during Q15 rounds the patient was found laying awake on the floor next to his bed. He denied falling. Vitals showed BP 95/57, Temp 96, O2 sat 77%. He was evaluated and transferred to an acute care hospital with cardiac specialty. He was found to have elevated triponin and chest x-ray showed lung infiltrates; COVID test was negative. Diagnosis was MI and pnuemonia. He received a right coronary artery stent. The patient was intubated on full ventilation support. On 4/4/21 the patient went into cardiac arrest 3 times and was resuscitated. On 4/5/21 his condition declined and he went into cardiac arrest again and was resuscitated around noon. The patient died in acute care on 4/7/21 at 0608." "1229917-1" "1229917-1" "CHEST X-RAY ABNORMAL" "10008499" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4/3/21 at 0052 during Q15 rounds the patient was found laying awake on the floor next to his bed. He denied falling. Vitals showed BP 95/57, Temp 96, O2 sat 77%. He was evaluated and transferred to an acute care hospital with cardiac specialty. He was found to have elevated triponin and chest x-ray showed lung infiltrates; COVID test was negative. Diagnosis was MI and pnuemonia. He received a right coronary artery stent. The patient was intubated on full ventilation support. On 4/4/21 the patient went into cardiac arrest 3 times and was resuscitated. On 4/5/21 his condition declined and he went into cardiac arrest again and was resuscitated around noon. The patient died in acute care on 4/7/21 at 0608." "1229917-1" "1229917-1" "CORONARY ARTERIAL STENT INSERTION" "10052086" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4/3/21 at 0052 during Q15 rounds the patient was found laying awake on the floor next to his bed. He denied falling. Vitals showed BP 95/57, Temp 96, O2 sat 77%. He was evaluated and transferred to an acute care hospital with cardiac specialty. He was found to have elevated triponin and chest x-ray showed lung infiltrates; COVID test was negative. Diagnosis was MI and pnuemonia. He received a right coronary artery stent. The patient was intubated on full ventilation support. On 4/4/21 the patient went into cardiac arrest 3 times and was resuscitated. On 4/5/21 his condition declined and he went into cardiac arrest again and was resuscitated around noon. The patient died in acute care on 4/7/21 at 0608." "1229917-1" "1229917-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4/3/21 at 0052 during Q15 rounds the patient was found laying awake on the floor next to his bed. He denied falling. Vitals showed BP 95/57, Temp 96, O2 sat 77%. He was evaluated and transferred to an acute care hospital with cardiac specialty. He was found to have elevated triponin and chest x-ray showed lung infiltrates; COVID test was negative. Diagnosis was MI and pnuemonia. He received a right coronary artery stent. The patient was intubated on full ventilation support. On 4/4/21 the patient went into cardiac arrest 3 times and was resuscitated. On 4/5/21 his condition declined and he went into cardiac arrest again and was resuscitated around noon. The patient died in acute care on 4/7/21 at 0608." "1229917-1" "1229917-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4/3/21 at 0052 during Q15 rounds the patient was found laying awake on the floor next to his bed. He denied falling. Vitals showed BP 95/57, Temp 96, O2 sat 77%. He was evaluated and transferred to an acute care hospital with cardiac specialty. He was found to have elevated triponin and chest x-ray showed lung infiltrates; COVID test was negative. Diagnosis was MI and pnuemonia. He received a right coronary artery stent. The patient was intubated on full ventilation support. On 4/4/21 the patient went into cardiac arrest 3 times and was resuscitated. On 4/5/21 his condition declined and he went into cardiac arrest again and was resuscitated around noon. The patient died in acute care on 4/7/21 at 0608." "1229917-1" "1229917-1" "GENERAL PHYSICAL HEALTH DETERIORATION" "10049438" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4/3/21 at 0052 during Q15 rounds the patient was found laying awake on the floor next to his bed. He denied falling. Vitals showed BP 95/57, Temp 96, O2 sat 77%. He was evaluated and transferred to an acute care hospital with cardiac specialty. He was found to have elevated triponin and chest x-ray showed lung infiltrates; COVID test was negative. Diagnosis was MI and pnuemonia. He received a right coronary artery stent. The patient was intubated on full ventilation support. On 4/4/21 the patient went into cardiac arrest 3 times and was resuscitated. On 4/5/21 his condition declined and he went into cardiac arrest again and was resuscitated around noon. The patient died in acute care on 4/7/21 at 0608." "1229917-1" "1229917-1" "LUNG INFILTRATION" "10025102" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4/3/21 at 0052 during Q15 rounds the patient was found laying awake on the floor next to his bed. He denied falling. Vitals showed BP 95/57, Temp 96, O2 sat 77%. He was evaluated and transferred to an acute care hospital with cardiac specialty. He was found to have elevated triponin and chest x-ray showed lung infiltrates; COVID test was negative. Diagnosis was MI and pnuemonia. He received a right coronary artery stent. The patient was intubated on full ventilation support. On 4/4/21 the patient went into cardiac arrest 3 times and was resuscitated. On 4/5/21 his condition declined and he went into cardiac arrest again and was resuscitated around noon. The patient died in acute care on 4/7/21 at 0608." "1229917-1" "1229917-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4/3/21 at 0052 during Q15 rounds the patient was found laying awake on the floor next to his bed. He denied falling. Vitals showed BP 95/57, Temp 96, O2 sat 77%. He was evaluated and transferred to an acute care hospital with cardiac specialty. He was found to have elevated triponin and chest x-ray showed lung infiltrates; COVID test was negative. Diagnosis was MI and pnuemonia. He received a right coronary artery stent. The patient was intubated on full ventilation support. On 4/4/21 the patient went into cardiac arrest 3 times and was resuscitated. On 4/5/21 his condition declined and he went into cardiac arrest again and was resuscitated around noon. The patient died in acute care on 4/7/21 at 0608." "1229917-1" "1229917-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4/3/21 at 0052 during Q15 rounds the patient was found laying awake on the floor next to his bed. He denied falling. Vitals showed BP 95/57, Temp 96, O2 sat 77%. He was evaluated and transferred to an acute care hospital with cardiac specialty. He was found to have elevated triponin and chest x-ray showed lung infiltrates; COVID test was negative. Diagnosis was MI and pnuemonia. He received a right coronary artery stent. The patient was intubated on full ventilation support. On 4/4/21 the patient went into cardiac arrest 3 times and was resuscitated. On 4/5/21 his condition declined and he went into cardiac arrest again and was resuscitated around noon. The patient died in acute care on 4/7/21 at 0608." "1229917-1" "1229917-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4/3/21 at 0052 during Q15 rounds the patient was found laying awake on the floor next to his bed. He denied falling. Vitals showed BP 95/57, Temp 96, O2 sat 77%. He was evaluated and transferred to an acute care hospital with cardiac specialty. He was found to have elevated triponin and chest x-ray showed lung infiltrates; COVID test was negative. Diagnosis was MI and pnuemonia. He received a right coronary artery stent. The patient was intubated on full ventilation support. On 4/4/21 the patient went into cardiac arrest 3 times and was resuscitated. On 4/5/21 his condition declined and he went into cardiac arrest again and was resuscitated around noon. The patient died in acute care on 4/7/21 at 0608." "1229917-1" "1229917-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4/3/21 at 0052 during Q15 rounds the patient was found laying awake on the floor next to his bed. He denied falling. Vitals showed BP 95/57, Temp 96, O2 sat 77%. He was evaluated and transferred to an acute care hospital with cardiac specialty. He was found to have elevated triponin and chest x-ray showed lung infiltrates; COVID test was negative. Diagnosis was MI and pnuemonia. He received a right coronary artery stent. The patient was intubated on full ventilation support. On 4/4/21 the patient went into cardiac arrest 3 times and was resuscitated. On 4/5/21 his condition declined and he went into cardiac arrest again and was resuscitated around noon. The patient died in acute care on 4/7/21 at 0608." "1229917-1" "1229917-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST NEGATIVE" "10084273" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4/3/21 at 0052 during Q15 rounds the patient was found laying awake on the floor next to his bed. He denied falling. Vitals showed BP 95/57, Temp 96, O2 sat 77%. He was evaluated and transferred to an acute care hospital with cardiac specialty. He was found to have elevated triponin and chest x-ray showed lung infiltrates; COVID test was negative. Diagnosis was MI and pnuemonia. He received a right coronary artery stent. The patient was intubated on full ventilation support. On 4/4/21 the patient went into cardiac arrest 3 times and was resuscitated. On 4/5/21 his condition declined and he went into cardiac arrest again and was resuscitated around noon. The patient died in acute care on 4/7/21 at 0608." "1229917-1" "1229917-1" "TROPONIN INCREASED" "10058267" "65-79 years" "65-79" "4/3/21 at 0052 during Q15 rounds the patient was found laying awake on the floor next to his bed. He denied falling. Vitals showed BP 95/57, Temp 96, O2 sat 77%. He was evaluated and transferred to an acute care hospital with cardiac specialty. He was found to have elevated triponin and chest x-ray showed lung infiltrates; COVID test was negative. Diagnosis was MI and pnuemonia. He received a right coronary artery stent. The patient was intubated on full ventilation support. On 4/4/21 the patient went into cardiac arrest 3 times and was resuscitated. On 4/5/21 his condition declined and he went into cardiac arrest again and was resuscitated around noon. The patient died in acute care on 4/7/21 at 0608." "1230008-1" "1230008-1" "ANGIOGRAM PULMONARY NORMAL" "10002442" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to ER on 4/16/21 complaining of chest pain. Patient stated she had the J&J vaccine a month ago and had been having problems. She was also being seen by a cardiologist." "1230008-1" "1230008-1" "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10007617" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to ER on 4/16/21 complaining of chest pain. Patient stated she had the J&J vaccine a month ago and had been having problems. She was also being seen by a cardiologist." "1230008-1" "1230008-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to ER on 4/16/21 complaining of chest pain. Patient stated she had the J&J vaccine a month ago and had been having problems. She was also being seen by a cardiologist." "1230008-1" "1230008-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to ER on 4/16/21 complaining of chest pain. Patient stated she had the J&J vaccine a month ago and had been having problems. She was also being seen by a cardiologist." "1230008-1" "1230008-1" "FIBRIN D DIMER INCREASED" "10016581" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to ER on 4/16/21 complaining of chest pain. Patient stated she had the J&J vaccine a month ago and had been having problems. She was also being seen by a cardiologist." "1230008-1" "1230008-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to ER on 4/16/21 complaining of chest pain. Patient stated she had the J&J vaccine a month ago and had been having problems. She was also being seen by a cardiologist." "1230879-1" "1230879-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Heavy lethargy followed by death." "1230879-1" "1230879-1" "LETHARGY" "10024264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Heavy lethargy followed by death." "1231694-1" "1231694-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "suffered a massive heart attack the morning following his first dose of Moderna vaccine. He was hospitalized for 21 days, first at Hospital and then . He passed away on February 11, 2021, at ." "1231694-1" "1231694-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "suffered a massive heart attack the morning following his first dose of Moderna vaccine. He was hospitalized for 21 days, first at Hospital and then . He passed away on February 11, 2021, at ." "1232413-1" "1232413-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "beginning the day after the vaccine Patient experienced dairrhea, extreme nausea, cramps, coughing and weakness. This persisted for 3 days. Patient suffered a stroke or multiple strokes either 5 or 6 days after administration of the vaccine. She has since died as a result of the strokes." "1232413-1" "1232413-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" "beginning the day after the vaccine Patient experienced dairrhea, extreme nausea, cramps, coughing and weakness. This persisted for 3 days. Patient suffered a stroke or multiple strokes either 5 or 6 days after administration of the vaccine. She has since died as a result of the strokes." "1232413-1" "1232413-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD ABNORMAL" "10072168" "65-79 years" "65-79" "beginning the day after the vaccine Patient experienced dairrhea, extreme nausea, cramps, coughing and weakness. This persisted for 3 days. Patient suffered a stroke or multiple strokes either 5 or 6 days after administration of the vaccine. She has since died as a result of the strokes." "1232413-1" "1232413-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "beginning the day after the vaccine Patient experienced dairrhea, extreme nausea, cramps, coughing and weakness. This persisted for 3 days. Patient suffered a stroke or multiple strokes either 5 or 6 days after administration of the vaccine. She has since died as a result of the strokes." "1232413-1" "1232413-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "beginning the day after the vaccine Patient experienced dairrhea, extreme nausea, cramps, coughing and weakness. This persisted for 3 days. Patient suffered a stroke or multiple strokes either 5 or 6 days after administration of the vaccine. She has since died as a result of the strokes." "1232413-1" "1232413-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "beginning the day after the vaccine Patient experienced dairrhea, extreme nausea, cramps, coughing and weakness. This persisted for 3 days. Patient suffered a stroke or multiple strokes either 5 or 6 days after administration of the vaccine. She has since died as a result of the strokes." "1232413-1" "1232413-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "beginning the day after the vaccine Patient experienced dairrhea, extreme nausea, cramps, coughing and weakness. This persisted for 3 days. Patient suffered a stroke or multiple strokes either 5 or 6 days after administration of the vaccine. She has since died as a result of the strokes." "1232413-1" "1232413-1" "MUSCLE SPASMS" "10028334" "65-79 years" "65-79" "beginning the day after the vaccine Patient experienced dairrhea, extreme nausea, cramps, coughing and weakness. This persisted for 3 days. Patient suffered a stroke or multiple strokes either 5 or 6 days after administration of the vaccine. She has since died as a result of the strokes." "1232413-1" "1232413-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "beginning the day after the vaccine Patient experienced dairrhea, extreme nausea, cramps, coughing and weakness. This persisted for 3 days. Patient suffered a stroke or multiple strokes either 5 or 6 days after administration of the vaccine. She has since died as a result of the strokes." "1233385-1" "1233385-1" "ABDOMINAL PAIN" "10000081" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt presented with abd pain, dark stool, altered mental status, febrile, hypotensive, septic, cardiogenic shock, progressed to multi organ dysfunction." "1233385-1" "1233385-1" "CARDIOGENIC SHOCK" "10007625" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt presented with abd pain, dark stool, altered mental status, febrile, hypotensive, septic, cardiogenic shock, progressed to multi organ dysfunction." "1233385-1" "1233385-1" "FAECES DISCOLOURED" "10016100" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt presented with abd pain, dark stool, altered mental status, febrile, hypotensive, septic, cardiogenic shock, progressed to multi organ dysfunction." "1233385-1" "1233385-1" "HYPOTENSION" "10021097" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt presented with abd pain, dark stool, altered mental status, febrile, hypotensive, septic, cardiogenic shock, progressed to multi organ dysfunction." "1233385-1" "1233385-1" "MENTAL STATUS CHANGES" "10048294" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt presented with abd pain, dark stool, altered mental status, febrile, hypotensive, septic, cardiogenic shock, progressed to multi organ dysfunction." "1233385-1" "1233385-1" "MULTIPLE ORGAN DYSFUNCTION SYNDROME" "10077361" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt presented with abd pain, dark stool, altered mental status, febrile, hypotensive, septic, cardiogenic shock, progressed to multi organ dysfunction." "1233385-1" "1233385-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt presented with abd pain, dark stool, altered mental status, febrile, hypotensive, septic, cardiogenic shock, progressed to multi organ dysfunction." "1233385-1" "1233385-1" "SEPSIS" "10040047" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt presented with abd pain, dark stool, altered mental status, febrile, hypotensive, septic, cardiogenic shock, progressed to multi organ dysfunction." "1234428-1" "1234428-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE EUA. Patient received vaccination on 2/10/21. No adverse reactions reported following vaccination. Patient had unplanned weight loss x 1 month of 14.1% and 6 month loss of 20.8% according to nursing nutrition notes. HT: 60in Wt 122lb. Patient died on 2/12/21." "1234428-1" "1234428-1" "WEIGHT DECREASED" "10047895" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE EUA. Patient received vaccination on 2/10/21. No adverse reactions reported following vaccination. Patient had unplanned weight loss x 1 month of 14.1% and 6 month loss of 20.8% according to nursing nutrition notes. HT: 60in Wt 122lb. Patient died on 2/12/21." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "ABDOMINAL PAIN" "10000081" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "ANGIOGRAM NORMAL" "10061638" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM ABDOMEN" "10053876" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "DIALYSIS" "10061105" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM ABNORMAL" "10014408" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "ENCEPHALOPATHY" "10014625" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "HEPATIC STEATOSIS" "10019708" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "HYPERAMMONAEMIA" "10020575" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "HYPOTENSION" "10021097" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "LETHARGY" "10024264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING HEAD NORMAL" "10085257" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "PELVIC VENOUS THROMBOSIS" "10034272" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "PLATELET COUNT DECREASED" "10035528" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "RENAL IMPAIRMENT" "10062237" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10038695" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "THROMBOCYTOPENIA" "10043554" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "ULTRASOUND ABDOMEN NORMAL" "10052040" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "ULTRASOUND DOPPLER ABNORMAL" "10045413" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "URINARY TRACT INFECTION" "10046571" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1237947-1" "1237947-1" "VENOGRAM NORMAL" "10047210" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient admitted 4/12/21 with fatigue and abdominal pain. Found to have UTI but no definite sepsis, and acute renal failure. Treated with iv antibiotics and iv fluids. Over next 48 hours developed worsening encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia. MRI/MRA/MRV showed no acute findings. Hyperammonemia noted, with no known Hx of cirrhosis; US did not show portal vein or hepatic vein thrombosis. Encephalopathy worsened, no clear etiology; EEG just showed generalized encephalopathy. Renal function worsened. Patient became obtunded and was intubated 4/16/19. Platelet nadir of 31k. Dialysis started. Left common femoral DVT developed. Patient had DIC type picture. Respiratory failure worsened, hypotension developed, patient passed away 4/20/21. No clear etiology of encephalopathy and thrombocytopenia identified, unclear if related to J&J vaccine received 2 weeks prior." "1238280-1" "1238280-1" "NO ADVERSE EVENT" "10067482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The decedent was visiting family. There are no reported adverse effects known." "1238623-1" "1238623-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was asymptomatic and was vaccinated on 1/22/2021. A facility caregiver tested positive for COVID, so patient was tested and received results on 1/27/2021 indicating positive for COVID-19. Patient expired early morning of 2/1/2021, still completely asymptomatic. Patient's physical condition had been fairly stable for the previous few years." "1238623-1" "1238623-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was asymptomatic and was vaccinated on 1/22/2021. A facility caregiver tested positive for COVID, so patient was tested and received results on 1/27/2021 indicating positive for COVID-19. Patient expired early morning of 2/1/2021, still completely asymptomatic. Patient's physical condition had been fairly stable for the previous few years." "1238623-1" "1238623-1" "SARS-COV-2 RNA INCREASED" "10085495" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was asymptomatic and was vaccinated on 1/22/2021. A facility caregiver tested positive for COVID, so patient was tested and received results on 1/27/2021 indicating positive for COVID-19. Patient expired early morning of 2/1/2021, still completely asymptomatic. Patient's physical condition had been fairly stable for the previous few years." "1238623-1" "1238623-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was asymptomatic and was vaccinated on 1/22/2021. A facility caregiver tested positive for COVID, so patient was tested and received results on 1/27/2021 indicating positive for COVID-19. Patient expired early morning of 2/1/2021, still completely asymptomatic. Patient's physical condition had been fairly stable for the previous few years." "1240133-1" "1240133-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Recipient was found deceased the next day after receiving 1st dose pfizer vaccination." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "CEREBRAL HAEMORRHAGE" "10008111" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD ABNORMAL" "10072168" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "DISORIENTATION" "10013395" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM" "10014407" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "FALL" "10016173" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "GAIT DISTURBANCE" "10017577" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "GAIT INABILITY" "10017581" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "ILLNESS" "10080284" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "INITIAL INSOMNIA" "10022035" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "LABORATORY TEST" "10059938" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING" "10078223" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "MOBILITY DECREASED" "10048334" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "SLEEP DISORDER" "10040984" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "SNORING" "10041235" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "WEIGHT BEARING DIFFICULTY" "10066454" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1240254-1" "1240254-1" "WITHDRAWAL OF LIFE SUPPORT" "10067595" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Monday night pt. became ill, threw up and had a fever. He went to bed, but around 11 pm he woke up disoriented, unable to walk. Was helped to the bathroom, but was unable to get back to bed on his own. Fell on his bottom. I had to call our son to come pick him up and help him back to bed, unable to hold his own weight.. Had trouble sleeping. Abt 1 pm needed help getting up again, same disorientation, also fell off the toilet and needed help getting back to the bed, unable to hold his own weight. Finally fell asleep. Next day seemed fine enough. Tuesday night, became ill again, went to bed. Got up to go to the bathroom, was wobbly, but able to make it. Was helped back, wobbly but able to walk. Trouble falling asleep, fever, chills. Finally fell asleep at 3 am Wed morning. I had to go to the doctor early, so left him sleeping in bed. When I came back around 11 am, he was still sleeping, snoring loudly. Became concerned. Wouldn't wake up. Called Paramedics. CT scan at the hospital revealed a brain bleed. Transported to hospital. Put on support for almost 2 weeks. No progress, no response. Finally support was discontinued and he died April 19th at 7:52 pm." "1242607-1" "1242607-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Ankle swelling with extreme foot pain(has neuropathy) No symptoms in 15 minutes after injection on both injections After the second injection had complaints of being shaky, not feeling well with generalized weakness" "1242607-1" "1242607-1" "JOINT SWELLING" "10023232" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Ankle swelling with extreme foot pain(has neuropathy) No symptoms in 15 minutes after injection on both injections After the second injection had complaints of being shaky, not feeling well with generalized weakness" "1242607-1" "1242607-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Ankle swelling with extreme foot pain(has neuropathy) No symptoms in 15 minutes after injection on both injections After the second injection had complaints of being shaky, not feeling well with generalized weakness" "1242607-1" "1242607-1" "NERVOUSNESS" "10029216" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Ankle swelling with extreme foot pain(has neuropathy) No symptoms in 15 minutes after injection on both injections After the second injection had complaints of being shaky, not feeling well with generalized weakness" "1242607-1" "1242607-1" "NEUROPATHY PERIPHERAL" "10029331" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Ankle swelling with extreme foot pain(has neuropathy) No symptoms in 15 minutes after injection on both injections After the second injection had complaints of being shaky, not feeling well with generalized weakness" "1242607-1" "1242607-1" "PAIN IN EXTREMITY" "10033425" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Ankle swelling with extreme foot pain(has neuropathy) No symptoms in 15 minutes after injection on both injections After the second injection had complaints of being shaky, not feeling well with generalized weakness" "1242607-1" "1242607-1" "TREMOR" "10044565" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Ankle swelling with extreme foot pain(has neuropathy) No symptoms in 15 minutes after injection on both injections After the second injection had complaints of being shaky, not feeling well with generalized weakness" "1243300-1" "1243300-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Started feeling bad two=three days after shot, became fatigued, lost 15 pounds and could not go to work. On morning of 4/21 was found unresponsive and rushed to hospital where he died 2 hours later" "1243300-1" "1243300-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Started feeling bad two=three days after shot, became fatigued, lost 15 pounds and could not go to work. On morning of 4/21 was found unresponsive and rushed to hospital where he died 2 hours later" "1243300-1" "1243300-1" "FEELING ABNORMAL" "10016322" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Started feeling bad two=three days after shot, became fatigued, lost 15 pounds and could not go to work. On morning of 4/21 was found unresponsive and rushed to hospital where he died 2 hours later" "1243300-1" "1243300-1" "IMPAIRED WORK ABILITY" "10052302" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Started feeling bad two=three days after shot, became fatigued, lost 15 pounds and could not go to work. On morning of 4/21 was found unresponsive and rushed to hospital where he died 2 hours later" "1243300-1" "1243300-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Started feeling bad two=three days after shot, became fatigued, lost 15 pounds and could not go to work. On morning of 4/21 was found unresponsive and rushed to hospital where he died 2 hours later" "1243300-1" "1243300-1" "WEIGHT DECREASED" "10047895" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Started feeling bad two=three days after shot, became fatigued, lost 15 pounds and could not go to work. On morning of 4/21 was found unresponsive and rushed to hospital where he died 2 hours later" "1244303-1" "1244303-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Flu like symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, no appetite and trouble drinking fluids for the first several days. Took him to the hospital due to concern over dehydration and not eating, but still having daily diarrhea. ER doc said that the electrolytes were fine and heart was ok, so, no reason to keep in hospital. That night he was I not able to get out of bed or even sit up. Monday called primary care doctor and decided to call hospice for more help. They provided 24/7 monitoring and care for several days. He just got worse every day until he died Tuesday early morning at about 1:10am at home." "1244303-1" "1244303-1" "BLOOD ELECTROLYTES NORMAL" "10061015" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Flu like symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, no appetite and trouble drinking fluids for the first several days. Took him to the hospital due to concern over dehydration and not eating, but still having daily diarrhea. ER doc said that the electrolytes were fine and heart was ok, so, no reason to keep in hospital. That night he was I not able to get out of bed or even sit up. Monday called primary care doctor and decided to call hospice for more help. They provided 24/7 monitoring and care for several days. He just got worse every day until he died Tuesday early morning at about 1:10am at home." "1244303-1" "1244303-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Flu like symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, no appetite and trouble drinking fluids for the first several days. Took him to the hospital due to concern over dehydration and not eating, but still having daily diarrhea. ER doc said that the electrolytes were fine and heart was ok, so, no reason to keep in hospital. That night he was I not able to get out of bed or even sit up. Monday called primary care doctor and decided to call hospice for more help. They provided 24/7 monitoring and care for several days. He just got worse every day until he died Tuesday early morning at about 1:10am at home." "1244303-1" "1244303-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Flu like symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, no appetite and trouble drinking fluids for the first several days. Took him to the hospital due to concern over dehydration and not eating, but still having daily diarrhea. ER doc said that the electrolytes were fine and heart was ok, so, no reason to keep in hospital. That night he was I not able to get out of bed or even sit up. Monday called primary care doctor and decided to call hospice for more help. They provided 24/7 monitoring and care for several days. He just got worse every day until he died Tuesday early morning at about 1:10am at home." "1244303-1" "1244303-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Flu like symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, no appetite and trouble drinking fluids for the first several days. Took him to the hospital due to concern over dehydration and not eating, but still having daily diarrhea. ER doc said that the electrolytes were fine and heart was ok, so, no reason to keep in hospital. That night he was I not able to get out of bed or even sit up. Monday called primary care doctor and decided to call hospice for more help. They provided 24/7 monitoring and care for several days. He just got worse every day until he died Tuesday early morning at about 1:10am at home." "1244303-1" "1244303-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Flu like symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, no appetite and trouble drinking fluids for the first several days. Took him to the hospital due to concern over dehydration and not eating, but still having daily diarrhea. ER doc said that the electrolytes were fine and heart was ok, so, no reason to keep in hospital. That night he was I not able to get out of bed or even sit up. Monday called primary care doctor and decided to call hospice for more help. They provided 24/7 monitoring and care for several days. He just got worse every day until he died Tuesday early morning at about 1:10am at home." "1244303-1" "1244303-1" "INFLUENZA LIKE ILLNESS" "10022004" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Flu like symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, no appetite and trouble drinking fluids for the first several days. Took him to the hospital due to concern over dehydration and not eating, but still having daily diarrhea. ER doc said that the electrolytes were fine and heart was ok, so, no reason to keep in hospital. That night he was I not able to get out of bed or even sit up. Monday called primary care doctor and decided to call hospice for more help. They provided 24/7 monitoring and care for several days. He just got worse every day until he died Tuesday early morning at about 1:10am at home." "1244303-1" "1244303-1" "LABORATORY TEST NORMAL" "10054052" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Flu like symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, no appetite and trouble drinking fluids for the first several days. Took him to the hospital due to concern over dehydration and not eating, but still having daily diarrhea. ER doc said that the electrolytes were fine and heart was ok, so, no reason to keep in hospital. That night he was I not able to get out of bed or even sit up. Monday called primary care doctor and decided to call hospice for more help. They provided 24/7 monitoring and care for several days. He just got worse every day until he died Tuesday early morning at about 1:10am at home." "1244303-1" "1244303-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Flu like symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, no appetite and trouble drinking fluids for the first several days. Took him to the hospital due to concern over dehydration and not eating, but still having daily diarrhea. ER doc said that the electrolytes were fine and heart was ok, so, no reason to keep in hospital. That night he was I not able to get out of bed or even sit up. Monday called primary care doctor and decided to call hospice for more help. They provided 24/7 monitoring and care for several days. He just got worse every day until he died Tuesday early morning at about 1:10am at home." "1249616-1" "1249616-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "MY HUSBAND DIED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF RECEIVING THE VACCINE. I WANT TO CONFIRM THAT YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS. PLEASE CALL ME ON MY CELL PHONE , THANK YOU," "1255719-1" "1255719-1" "CEREBRAL HAEMORRHAGE" "10008111" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""My father had a massive stroke and brain hemorrhage that took his life.; My father had a massive stroke and brain hemorrhage that took his life.; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. A 65-year-old male patient (reporter's father) received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), dose 2 via an unspecified route of administration at the age of 65-years-old on 15Mar2021 12:00 (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as single dose for COVID-19 immunisation. The patient's medical history was not reported. No known allergies. Not diagnosed with COVID prior vaccination. There were no concomitant medications. No other vaccines in four weeks. No other medications in two weeks. The patient previously received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), dose 1 via an unspecified route of administration on an unspecified date (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as single dose for COVID-19 immunisation. The reporter stated that, ""My father had a massive stroke and brain hemorrhage that took his life"" on 15Apr2021 09:30 PM. No treatment received for the events. The events resulted in Emergency room/department or urgent care. The patient died on 18Apr2021. It was not reported if an autopsy was performed. Unknown if tested for COVID post vaccination. Information about lot/batch number has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: My father had a massive stroke and brain hemorrhage that took his life.; My father had a massive stroke and brain hemorrhage that took his life."" "1255719-1" "1255719-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""My father had a massive stroke and brain hemorrhage that took his life.; My father had a massive stroke and brain hemorrhage that took his life.; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. A 65-year-old male patient (reporter's father) received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), dose 2 via an unspecified route of administration at the age of 65-years-old on 15Mar2021 12:00 (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as single dose for COVID-19 immunisation. The patient's medical history was not reported. No known allergies. Not diagnosed with COVID prior vaccination. There were no concomitant medications. No other vaccines in four weeks. No other medications in two weeks. The patient previously received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), dose 1 via an unspecified route of administration on an unspecified date (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as single dose for COVID-19 immunisation. The reporter stated that, ""My father had a massive stroke and brain hemorrhage that took his life"" on 15Apr2021 09:30 PM. No treatment received for the events. The events resulted in Emergency room/department or urgent care. The patient died on 18Apr2021. It was not reported if an autopsy was performed. Unknown if tested for COVID post vaccination. Information about lot/batch number has been requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: My father had a massive stroke and brain hemorrhage that took his life.; My father had a massive stroke and brain hemorrhage that took his life."" "1258114-1" "1258114-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death 1 week after 2nd dose of Phizer COVID vaccine, this person developed shortness of breath and was found passed away by his roomate." "1258114-1" "1258114-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death 1 week after 2nd dose of Phizer COVID vaccine, this person developed shortness of breath and was found passed away by his roomate." "1259030-1" "1259030-1" "CEREBRAL HAEMORRHAGE" "10008111" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per my aunt (uncle's wife), my uncle complained of severe headache especially on the right temple area, nausea, and dizziness at around 6am on 4/11/2021. Soon afterward, she noted my uncle has left side weakness and drooling when drinking." "1259030-1" "1259030-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD ABNORMAL" "10072168" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per my aunt (uncle's wife), my uncle complained of severe headache especially on the right temple area, nausea, and dizziness at around 6am on 4/11/2021. Soon afterward, she noted my uncle has left side weakness and drooling when drinking." "1259030-1" "1259030-1" "DIZZINESS" "10013573" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per my aunt (uncle's wife), my uncle complained of severe headache especially on the right temple area, nausea, and dizziness at around 6am on 4/11/2021. Soon afterward, she noted my uncle has left side weakness and drooling when drinking." "1259030-1" "1259030-1" "DROOLING" "10013642" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per my aunt (uncle's wife), my uncle complained of severe headache especially on the right temple area, nausea, and dizziness at around 6am on 4/11/2021. Soon afterward, she noted my uncle has left side weakness and drooling when drinking." "1259030-1" "1259030-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per my aunt (uncle's wife), my uncle complained of severe headache especially on the right temple area, nausea, and dizziness at around 6am on 4/11/2021. Soon afterward, she noted my uncle has left side weakness and drooling when drinking." "1259030-1" "1259030-1" "HEMIPARESIS" "10019465" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per my aunt (uncle's wife), my uncle complained of severe headache especially on the right temple area, nausea, and dizziness at around 6am on 4/11/2021. Soon afterward, she noted my uncle has left side weakness and drooling when drinking." "1259030-1" "1259030-1" "MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING HEAD ABNORMAL" "10085256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per my aunt (uncle's wife), my uncle complained of severe headache especially on the right temple area, nausea, and dizziness at around 6am on 4/11/2021. Soon afterward, she noted my uncle has left side weakness and drooling when drinking." "1259030-1" "1259030-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per my aunt (uncle's wife), my uncle complained of severe headache especially on the right temple area, nausea, and dizziness at around 6am on 4/11/2021. Soon afterward, she noted my uncle has left side weakness and drooling when drinking." "1259030-1" "1259030-1" "REDUCTION OF INCREASED INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE" "10062101" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per my aunt (uncle's wife), my uncle complained of severe headache especially on the right temple area, nausea, and dizziness at around 6am on 4/11/2021. Soon afterward, she noted my uncle has left side weakness and drooling when drinking." "1260729-1" "1260729-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""She had diareah and nausea for a few days with 1st shot but it got better. She complained about ""feeling off"" after the 2nd shot. Went to bed to try to sleep it off and she never got up again. We think she died Wednesday night or Thursday morning by how she stopped responding to texts. She was found deceased on Friday. They won't do an autopsy here. funeral home has her for now."" "1260729-1" "1260729-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""She had diareah and nausea for a few days with 1st shot but it got better. She complained about ""feeling off"" after the 2nd shot. Went to bed to try to sleep it off and she never got up again. We think she died Wednesday night or Thursday morning by how she stopped responding to texts. She was found deceased on Friday. They won't do an autopsy here. funeral home has her for now."" "1260729-1" "1260729-1" "FEELING ABNORMAL" "10016322" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""She had diareah and nausea for a few days with 1st shot but it got better. She complained about ""feeling off"" after the 2nd shot. Went to bed to try to sleep it off and she never got up again. We think she died Wednesday night or Thursday morning by how she stopped responding to texts. She was found deceased on Friday. They won't do an autopsy here. funeral home has her for now."" "1260729-1" "1260729-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""She had diareah and nausea for a few days with 1st shot but it got better. She complained about ""feeling off"" after the 2nd shot. Went to bed to try to sleep it off and she never got up again. We think she died Wednesday night or Thursday morning by how she stopped responding to texts. She was found deceased on Friday. They won't do an autopsy here. funeral home has her for now."" "1260747-1" "1260747-1" "ANGIOPLASTY" "10002475" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received notice of her vaccination appoint shortly before her AV Fistulogram, with angioplasty surgery on Tues, 2/2/21. She was nervous about getting the vaccine just days prior to her scheduled surgery. We called her primary doctor and was told to contact the surgeon. After multiple attempts to reach the surgeon and speaking with hospital staff, assuring us it was fine to get the vaccine prior to surgery. I still wanted to confirm with the surgeon and was finally able to speak to him. He assured me and to inform patient that it was fine to get the vaccine prior to surgery. On Sat, 1/30/21, patient received her Covid-19 Moderna vaccine. On Sun, 1/31/21, she got a covid-19 test to prepare for her surgery on Tues, 2/2/21. Her vaccine injection site was sore and she was tired, so she rested and took naps. On Mon, 2/1/21, she went to dialysis as usual. On Tues, 2/2/21, she had her surgery in morning. On Wed, 2/3/21, her dialysis facility could not perform treatment due to swelling of her arm. On 2/4/21 she rested, her arm still bothering her but had been assured to rest. On Fri 2/5/21, she went for her usual dialysis treatment but the facility was not able to perform dialysis and shortly after starting treatment, the facility called 911 to take patient to the hospital. Patient died with the next few hours without her family at her side." "1260747-1" "1260747-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received notice of her vaccination appoint shortly before her AV Fistulogram, with angioplasty surgery on Tues, 2/2/21. She was nervous about getting the vaccine just days prior to her scheduled surgery. We called her primary doctor and was told to contact the surgeon. After multiple attempts to reach the surgeon and speaking with hospital staff, assuring us it was fine to get the vaccine prior to surgery. I still wanted to confirm with the surgeon and was finally able to speak to him. He assured me and to inform patient that it was fine to get the vaccine prior to surgery. On Sat, 1/30/21, patient received her Covid-19 Moderna vaccine. On Sun, 1/31/21, she got a covid-19 test to prepare for her surgery on Tues, 2/2/21. Her vaccine injection site was sore and she was tired, so she rested and took naps. On Mon, 2/1/21, she went to dialysis as usual. On Tues, 2/2/21, she had her surgery in morning. On Wed, 2/3/21, her dialysis facility could not perform treatment due to swelling of her arm. On 2/4/21 she rested, her arm still bothering her but had been assured to rest. On Fri 2/5/21, she went for her usual dialysis treatment but the facility was not able to perform dialysis and shortly after starting treatment, the facility called 911 to take patient to the hospital. Patient died with the next few hours without her family at her side." "1260747-1" "1260747-1" "DIALYSIS" "10061105" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received notice of her vaccination appoint shortly before her AV Fistulogram, with angioplasty surgery on Tues, 2/2/21. She was nervous about getting the vaccine just days prior to her scheduled surgery. We called her primary doctor and was told to contact the surgeon. After multiple attempts to reach the surgeon and speaking with hospital staff, assuring us it was fine to get the vaccine prior to surgery. I still wanted to confirm with the surgeon and was finally able to speak to him. He assured me and to inform patient that it was fine to get the vaccine prior to surgery. On Sat, 1/30/21, patient received her Covid-19 Moderna vaccine. On Sun, 1/31/21, she got a covid-19 test to prepare for her surgery on Tues, 2/2/21. Her vaccine injection site was sore and she was tired, so she rested and took naps. On Mon, 2/1/21, she went to dialysis as usual. On Tues, 2/2/21, she had her surgery in morning. On Wed, 2/3/21, her dialysis facility could not perform treatment due to swelling of her arm. On 2/4/21 she rested, her arm still bothering her but had been assured to rest. On Fri 2/5/21, she went for her usual dialysis treatment but the facility was not able to perform dialysis and shortly after starting treatment, the facility called 911 to take patient to the hospital. Patient died with the next few hours without her family at her side." "1260747-1" "1260747-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received notice of her vaccination appoint shortly before her AV Fistulogram, with angioplasty surgery on Tues, 2/2/21. She was nervous about getting the vaccine just days prior to her scheduled surgery. We called her primary doctor and was told to contact the surgeon. After multiple attempts to reach the surgeon and speaking with hospital staff, assuring us it was fine to get the vaccine prior to surgery. I still wanted to confirm with the surgeon and was finally able to speak to him. He assured me and to inform patient that it was fine to get the vaccine prior to surgery. On Sat, 1/30/21, patient received her Covid-19 Moderna vaccine. On Sun, 1/31/21, she got a covid-19 test to prepare for her surgery on Tues, 2/2/21. Her vaccine injection site was sore and she was tired, so she rested and took naps. On Mon, 2/1/21, she went to dialysis as usual. On Tues, 2/2/21, she had her surgery in morning. On Wed, 2/3/21, her dialysis facility could not perform treatment due to swelling of her arm. On 2/4/21 she rested, her arm still bothering her but had been assured to rest. On Fri 2/5/21, she went for her usual dialysis treatment but the facility was not able to perform dialysis and shortly after starting treatment, the facility called 911 to take patient to the hospital. Patient died with the next few hours without her family at her side." "1260747-1" "1260747-1" "FISTULOGRAM" "10065149" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received notice of her vaccination appoint shortly before her AV Fistulogram, with angioplasty surgery on Tues, 2/2/21. She was nervous about getting the vaccine just days prior to her scheduled surgery. We called her primary doctor and was told to contact the surgeon. After multiple attempts to reach the surgeon and speaking with hospital staff, assuring us it was fine to get the vaccine prior to surgery. I still wanted to confirm with the surgeon and was finally able to speak to him. He assured me and to inform patient that it was fine to get the vaccine prior to surgery. On Sat, 1/30/21, patient received her Covid-19 Moderna vaccine. On Sun, 1/31/21, she got a covid-19 test to prepare for her surgery on Tues, 2/2/21. Her vaccine injection site was sore and she was tired, so she rested and took naps. On Mon, 2/1/21, she went to dialysis as usual. On Tues, 2/2/21, she had her surgery in morning. On Wed, 2/3/21, her dialysis facility could not perform treatment due to swelling of her arm. On 2/4/21 she rested, her arm still bothering her but had been assured to rest. On Fri 2/5/21, she went for her usual dialysis treatment but the facility was not able to perform dialysis and shortly after starting treatment, the facility called 911 to take patient to the hospital. Patient died with the next few hours without her family at her side." "1260747-1" "1260747-1" "INJECTION SITE PAIN" "10022086" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received notice of her vaccination appoint shortly before her AV Fistulogram, with angioplasty surgery on Tues, 2/2/21. She was nervous about getting the vaccine just days prior to her scheduled surgery. We called her primary doctor and was told to contact the surgeon. After multiple attempts to reach the surgeon and speaking with hospital staff, assuring us it was fine to get the vaccine prior to surgery. I still wanted to confirm with the surgeon and was finally able to speak to him. He assured me and to inform patient that it was fine to get the vaccine prior to surgery. On Sat, 1/30/21, patient received her Covid-19 Moderna vaccine. On Sun, 1/31/21, she got a covid-19 test to prepare for her surgery on Tues, 2/2/21. Her vaccine injection site was sore and she was tired, so she rested and took naps. On Mon, 2/1/21, she went to dialysis as usual. On Tues, 2/2/21, she had her surgery in morning. On Wed, 2/3/21, her dialysis facility could not perform treatment due to swelling of her arm. On 2/4/21 she rested, her arm still bothering her but had been assured to rest. On Fri 2/5/21, she went for her usual dialysis treatment but the facility was not able to perform dialysis and shortly after starting treatment, the facility called 911 to take patient to the hospital. Patient died with the next few hours without her family at her side." "1260747-1" "1260747-1" "PERIPHERAL SWELLING" "10048959" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received notice of her vaccination appoint shortly before her AV Fistulogram, with angioplasty surgery on Tues, 2/2/21. She was nervous about getting the vaccine just days prior to her scheduled surgery. We called her primary doctor and was told to contact the surgeon. After multiple attempts to reach the surgeon and speaking with hospital staff, assuring us it was fine to get the vaccine prior to surgery. I still wanted to confirm with the surgeon and was finally able to speak to him. He assured me and to inform patient that it was fine to get the vaccine prior to surgery. On Sat, 1/30/21, patient received her Covid-19 Moderna vaccine. On Sun, 1/31/21, she got a covid-19 test to prepare for her surgery on Tues, 2/2/21. Her vaccine injection site was sore and she was tired, so she rested and took naps. On Mon, 2/1/21, she went to dialysis as usual. On Tues, 2/2/21, she had her surgery in morning. On Wed, 2/3/21, her dialysis facility could not perform treatment due to swelling of her arm. On 2/4/21 she rested, her arm still bothering her but had been assured to rest. On Fri 2/5/21, she went for her usual dialysis treatment but the facility was not able to perform dialysis and shortly after starting treatment, the facility called 911 to take patient to the hospital. Patient died with the next few hours without her family at her side." "1260747-1" "1260747-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST" "10084354" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received notice of her vaccination appoint shortly before her AV Fistulogram, with angioplasty surgery on Tues, 2/2/21. She was nervous about getting the vaccine just days prior to her scheduled surgery. We called her primary doctor and was told to contact the surgeon. After multiple attempts to reach the surgeon and speaking with hospital staff, assuring us it was fine to get the vaccine prior to surgery. I still wanted to confirm with the surgeon and was finally able to speak to him. He assured me and to inform patient that it was fine to get the vaccine prior to surgery. On Sat, 1/30/21, patient received her Covid-19 Moderna vaccine. On Sun, 1/31/21, she got a covid-19 test to prepare for her surgery on Tues, 2/2/21. Her vaccine injection site was sore and she was tired, so she rested and took naps. On Mon, 2/1/21, she went to dialysis as usual. On Tues, 2/2/21, she had her surgery in morning. On Wed, 2/3/21, her dialysis facility could not perform treatment due to swelling of her arm. On 2/4/21 she rested, her arm still bothering her but had been assured to rest. On Fri 2/5/21, she went for her usual dialysis treatment but the facility was not able to perform dialysis and shortly after starting treatment, the facility called 911 to take patient to the hospital. Patient died with the next few hours without her family at her side." "1261483-1" "1261483-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Diagnosed with shingles; passed away suddenly; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of DEATH (passed away suddenly) and HERPES ZOSTER (Diagnosed with shingles) in a 75-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included No adverse event (No reported medical history). Concomitant products included VALACICLOVIR HYDROCHLORIDE (VALTREX) for an unknown indication. On 28-Dec-2020 at 3:30 PM, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 02-Jan-2021, the patient experienced HERPES ZOSTER (Diagnosed with shingles) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). The patient died on 13-Feb-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, HERPES ZOSTER (Diagnosed with shingles) outcome was unknown. Treatment included antiviral medication valtrex 1 mg. The action taken with mRNA-1273 with events was not applicable. Cause of death was unknown. Plans for an autopsy were not provided. This case concerns a 75-year-old, male patient, who experienced herpes zoster 5 days after and died 1 month 15 days after receiving the first dose of mRNA-1273. Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. Most recent FOLLOW-UP information incorporated above includes: On 11-Apr-2021: Follow-up included fatal event.; Sender's Comments: This case concerns a 75-year-old, male patient, who experienced herpes zoster 5 days after and died 1 month 15 days after receiving the first dose of mRNA-1273. Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1261483-1" "1261483-1" "HERPES ZOSTER" "10019974" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Diagnosed with shingles; passed away suddenly; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of DEATH (passed away suddenly) and HERPES ZOSTER (Diagnosed with shingles) in a 75-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included No adverse event (No reported medical history). Concomitant products included VALACICLOVIR HYDROCHLORIDE (VALTREX) for an unknown indication. On 28-Dec-2020 at 3:30 PM, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 02-Jan-2021, the patient experienced HERPES ZOSTER (Diagnosed with shingles) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). The patient died on 13-Feb-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, HERPES ZOSTER (Diagnosed with shingles) outcome was unknown. Treatment included antiviral medication valtrex 1 mg. The action taken with mRNA-1273 with events was not applicable. Cause of death was unknown. Plans for an autopsy were not provided. This case concerns a 75-year-old, male patient, who experienced herpes zoster 5 days after and died 1 month 15 days after receiving the first dose of mRNA-1273. Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. Most recent FOLLOW-UP information incorporated above includes: On 11-Apr-2021: Follow-up included fatal event.; Sender's Comments: This case concerns a 75-year-old, male patient, who experienced herpes zoster 5 days after and died 1 month 15 days after receiving the first dose of mRNA-1273. Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the start date of the events, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1263539-1" "1263539-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "With in one hour patient experienced severe Vomiting and Diarrhea. She had called her Doctors office. She saw a PA which told her to drink more water. She experienced Uncontrollable Diarrhea For 18 days. She was sent to Hospital by ambulance on Monday March 15, 2021. She was was treated with an IV and sent home discharged with Weakness. She continued to have Uncontrollable Diarrhea to were she was wearing Diapers. She fell from Weakness on March 16, 2021 to the point where she laid on the floor for an hour and half before she could drag herself up. She went to Hospital on March 18, 2021. Her blood pressure dropped and was admitted to ICU on the March 18th. She started suffering from a Heart attack and was taken back to have a stent put in her wrist to help with possible heart blockage. She went into cardiac arrest and passed away." "1263539-1" "1263539-1" "BLOOD PRESSURE DECREASED" "10005734" "65-79 years" "65-79" "With in one hour patient experienced severe Vomiting and Diarrhea. She had called her Doctors office. She saw a PA which told her to drink more water. She experienced Uncontrollable Diarrhea For 18 days. She was sent to Hospital by ambulance on Monday March 15, 2021. She was was treated with an IV and sent home discharged with Weakness. She continued to have Uncontrollable Diarrhea to were she was wearing Diapers. She fell from Weakness on March 16, 2021 to the point where she laid on the floor for an hour and half before she could drag herself up. She went to Hospital on March 18, 2021. Her blood pressure dropped and was admitted to ICU on the March 18th. She started suffering from a Heart attack and was taken back to have a stent put in her wrist to help with possible heart blockage. She went into cardiac arrest and passed away." "1263539-1" "1263539-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "With in one hour patient experienced severe Vomiting and Diarrhea. She had called her Doctors office. She saw a PA which told her to drink more water. She experienced Uncontrollable Diarrhea For 18 days. She was sent to Hospital by ambulance on Monday March 15, 2021. She was was treated with an IV and sent home discharged with Weakness. She continued to have Uncontrollable Diarrhea to were she was wearing Diapers. She fell from Weakness on March 16, 2021 to the point where she laid on the floor for an hour and half before she could drag herself up. She went to Hospital on March 18, 2021. Her blood pressure dropped and was admitted to ICU on the March 18th. She started suffering from a Heart attack and was taken back to have a stent put in her wrist to help with possible heart blockage. She went into cardiac arrest and passed away." "1263539-1" "1263539-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "With in one hour patient experienced severe Vomiting and Diarrhea. She had called her Doctors office. She saw a PA which told her to drink more water. She experienced Uncontrollable Diarrhea For 18 days. She was sent to Hospital by ambulance on Monday March 15, 2021. She was was treated with an IV and sent home discharged with Weakness. She continued to have Uncontrollable Diarrhea to were she was wearing Diapers. She fell from Weakness on March 16, 2021 to the point where she laid on the floor for an hour and half before she could drag herself up. She went to Hospital on March 18, 2021. Her blood pressure dropped and was admitted to ICU on the March 18th. She started suffering from a Heart attack and was taken back to have a stent put in her wrist to help with possible heart blockage. She went into cardiac arrest and passed away." "1263539-1" "1263539-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "With in one hour patient experienced severe Vomiting and Diarrhea. She had called her Doctors office. She saw a PA which told her to drink more water. She experienced Uncontrollable Diarrhea For 18 days. She was sent to Hospital by ambulance on Monday March 15, 2021. She was was treated with an IV and sent home discharged with Weakness. She continued to have Uncontrollable Diarrhea to were she was wearing Diapers. She fell from Weakness on March 16, 2021 to the point where she laid on the floor for an hour and half before she could drag herself up. She went to Hospital on March 18, 2021. Her blood pressure dropped and was admitted to ICU on the March 18th. She started suffering from a Heart attack and was taken back to have a stent put in her wrist to help with possible heart blockage. She went into cardiac arrest and passed away." "1263539-1" "1263539-1" "DYSSTASIA" "10050256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "With in one hour patient experienced severe Vomiting and Diarrhea. She had called her Doctors office. She saw a PA which told her to drink more water. She experienced Uncontrollable Diarrhea For 18 days. She was sent to Hospital by ambulance on Monday March 15, 2021. She was was treated with an IV and sent home discharged with Weakness. She continued to have Uncontrollable Diarrhea to were she was wearing Diapers. She fell from Weakness on March 16, 2021 to the point where she laid on the floor for an hour and half before she could drag herself up. She went to Hospital on March 18, 2021. Her blood pressure dropped and was admitted to ICU on the March 18th. She started suffering from a Heart attack and was taken back to have a stent put in her wrist to help with possible heart blockage. She went into cardiac arrest and passed away." "1263539-1" "1263539-1" "FALL" "10016173" "65-79 years" "65-79" "With in one hour patient experienced severe Vomiting and Diarrhea. She had called her Doctors office. She saw a PA which told her to drink more water. She experienced Uncontrollable Diarrhea For 18 days. She was sent to Hospital by ambulance on Monday March 15, 2021. She was was treated with an IV and sent home discharged with Weakness. She continued to have Uncontrollable Diarrhea to were she was wearing Diapers. She fell from Weakness on March 16, 2021 to the point where she laid on the floor for an hour and half before she could drag herself up. She went to Hospital on March 18, 2021. Her blood pressure dropped and was admitted to ICU on the March 18th. She started suffering from a Heart attack and was taken back to have a stent put in her wrist to help with possible heart blockage. She went into cardiac arrest and passed away." "1263539-1" "1263539-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "With in one hour patient experienced severe Vomiting and Diarrhea. She had called her Doctors office. She saw a PA which told her to drink more water. She experienced Uncontrollable Diarrhea For 18 days. She was sent to Hospital by ambulance on Monday March 15, 2021. She was was treated with an IV and sent home discharged with Weakness. She continued to have Uncontrollable Diarrhea to were she was wearing Diapers. She fell from Weakness on March 16, 2021 to the point where she laid on the floor for an hour and half before she could drag herself up. She went to Hospital on March 18, 2021. Her blood pressure dropped and was admitted to ICU on the March 18th. She started suffering from a Heart attack and was taken back to have a stent put in her wrist to help with possible heart blockage. She went into cardiac arrest and passed away." "1263539-1" "1263539-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "With in one hour patient experienced severe Vomiting and Diarrhea. She had called her Doctors office. She saw a PA which told her to drink more water. She experienced Uncontrollable Diarrhea For 18 days. She was sent to Hospital by ambulance on Monday March 15, 2021. She was was treated with an IV and sent home discharged with Weakness. She continued to have Uncontrollable Diarrhea to were she was wearing Diapers. She fell from Weakness on March 16, 2021 to the point where she laid on the floor for an hour and half before she could drag herself up. She went to Hospital on March 18, 2021. Her blood pressure dropped and was admitted to ICU on the March 18th. She started suffering from a Heart attack and was taken back to have a stent put in her wrist to help with possible heart blockage. She went into cardiac arrest and passed away." "1263539-1" "1263539-1" "STENT PLACEMENT" "10048561" "65-79 years" "65-79" "With in one hour patient experienced severe Vomiting and Diarrhea. She had called her Doctors office. She saw a PA which told her to drink more water. She experienced Uncontrollable Diarrhea For 18 days. She was sent to Hospital by ambulance on Monday March 15, 2021. She was was treated with an IV and sent home discharged with Weakness. She continued to have Uncontrollable Diarrhea to were she was wearing Diapers. She fell from Weakness on March 16, 2021 to the point where she laid on the floor for an hour and half before she could drag herself up. She went to Hospital on March 18, 2021. Her blood pressure dropped and was admitted to ICU on the March 18th. She started suffering from a Heart attack and was taken back to have a stent put in her wrist to help with possible heart blockage. She went into cardiac arrest and passed away." "1263539-1" "1263539-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "With in one hour patient experienced severe Vomiting and Diarrhea. She had called her Doctors office. She saw a PA which told her to drink more water. She experienced Uncontrollable Diarrhea For 18 days. She was sent to Hospital by ambulance on Monday March 15, 2021. She was was treated with an IV and sent home discharged with Weakness. She continued to have Uncontrollable Diarrhea to were she was wearing Diapers. She fell from Weakness on March 16, 2021 to the point where she laid on the floor for an hour and half before she could drag herself up. She went to Hospital on March 18, 2021. Her blood pressure dropped and was admitted to ICU on the March 18th. She started suffering from a Heart attack and was taken back to have a stent put in her wrist to help with possible heart blockage. She went into cardiac arrest and passed away." "1264707-1" "1264707-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "death; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer (subsequently medically confirmed) and describes the occurrence of DEATH (death) in a 65-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. Concurrent medical conditions included Cirrhosis of liver. On 25-Mar-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. Death occurred on 17-Apr-2021 The patient died on 17-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. Limited information regarding the patient's death has been provided at this time and a causal relationship cannot be excluded. It is not clear if the patient was hospitalized at the time of their death, only that they died in hospital; Sender's Comments: Limited information regarding the patient's death has been provided at this time and a causal relationship cannot be excluded. It is not clear if the patient was hospitalized at the time of their death, only that they died in hospital; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1267948-1" "1267948-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Exact time of symptom onset unknown. Clinic was notified by family at 10am on 4/21 that patient had expired at home. Family member reported that patient was tired and achy and was found deceased on the floor in his room. Patient had a history of Covid-19 in January, 2021." "1267948-1" "1267948-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Exact time of symptom onset unknown. Clinic was notified by family at 10am on 4/21 that patient had expired at home. Family member reported that patient was tired and achy and was found deceased on the floor in his room. Patient had a history of Covid-19 in January, 2021." "1267948-1" "1267948-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Exact time of symptom onset unknown. Clinic was notified by family at 10am on 4/21 that patient had expired at home. Family member reported that patient was tired and achy and was found deceased on the floor in his room. Patient had a history of Covid-19 in January, 2021." "1270832-1" "1270832-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Beginning the day after the inoculation, my husband began feeling worse in terms of his difficulty in breathing. He used the Albuterol inhaler more than usual. It progressively got worse over the next 2 weeks, ending with my husband?s sudden collapse and death exactly 2 weeks later on April 5, 2021. The inoculation may or may not have been directly linked to his unexpected death, but I feel it may have exasperated his condition, which led to his death. And I feel it is important to report this to you. I later heard that he should not have been using his Albuterol inhaler one week prior to receiving the Pfizer vaccine. I don?t know if that is true, but that information was never told to my husband, if it is." "1270832-1" "1270832-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Beginning the day after the inoculation, my husband began feeling worse in terms of his difficulty in breathing. He used the Albuterol inhaler more than usual. It progressively got worse over the next 2 weeks, ending with my husband?s sudden collapse and death exactly 2 weeks later on April 5, 2021. The inoculation may or may not have been directly linked to his unexpected death, but I feel it may have exasperated his condition, which led to his death. And I feel it is important to report this to you. I later heard that he should not have been using his Albuterol inhaler one week prior to receiving the Pfizer vaccine. I don?t know if that is true, but that information was never told to my husband, if it is." "1270832-1" "1270832-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Beginning the day after the inoculation, my husband began feeling worse in terms of his difficulty in breathing. He used the Albuterol inhaler more than usual. It progressively got worse over the next 2 weeks, ending with my husband?s sudden collapse and death exactly 2 weeks later on April 5, 2021. The inoculation may or may not have been directly linked to his unexpected death, but I feel it may have exasperated his condition, which led to his death. And I feel it is important to report this to you. I later heard that he should not have been using his Albuterol inhaler one week prior to receiving the Pfizer vaccine. I don?t know if that is true, but that information was never told to my husband, if it is." "1270832-1" "1270832-1" "SYNCOPE" "10042772" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Beginning the day after the inoculation, my husband began feeling worse in terms of his difficulty in breathing. He used the Albuterol inhaler more than usual. It progressively got worse over the next 2 weeks, ending with my husband?s sudden collapse and death exactly 2 weeks later on April 5, 2021. The inoculation may or may not have been directly linked to his unexpected death, but I feel it may have exasperated his condition, which led to his death. And I feel it is important to report this to you. I later heard that he should not have been using his Albuterol inhaler one week prior to receiving the Pfizer vaccine. I don?t know if that is true, but that information was never told to my husband, if it is." "1270844-1" "1270844-1" "SUDDEN DEATH" "10042434" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per pt's daughter, pt suddenly died at home with no known cause 23 days post second dose of the COVID vaccine. He had no terminal, chronic, or acute health conditions." "1272225-1" "1272225-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Confusion 6 days after shot. Within a week lost ability to walk, became urinary incontinent. Major chest congestion, slept all the time. Rushed by ambulance at day 12.. Diagnosed with pneumonia amd uti. Cardiac arrest at day 14, never woke up. Taken off life support 3/20/21." "1272225-1" "1272225-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD NORMAL" "10072167" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Confusion 6 days after shot. Within a week lost ability to walk, became urinary incontinent. Major chest congestion, slept all the time. Rushed by ambulance at day 12.. Diagnosed with pneumonia amd uti. Cardiac arrest at day 14, never woke up. Taken off life support 3/20/21." "1272225-1" "1272225-1" "CONFUSIONAL STATE" "10010305" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Confusion 6 days after shot. Within a week lost ability to walk, became urinary incontinent. Major chest congestion, slept all the time. Rushed by ambulance at day 12.. Diagnosed with pneumonia amd uti. Cardiac arrest at day 14, never woke up. Taken off life support 3/20/21." "1272225-1" "1272225-1" "CULTURE POSITIVE" "10061449" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Confusion 6 days after shot. Within a week lost ability to walk, became urinary incontinent. Major chest congestion, slept all the time. Rushed by ambulance at day 12.. Diagnosed with pneumonia amd uti. Cardiac arrest at day 14, never woke up. Taken off life support 3/20/21." "1272225-1" "1272225-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Confusion 6 days after shot. Within a week lost ability to walk, became urinary incontinent. Major chest congestion, slept all the time. Rushed by ambulance at day 12.. Diagnosed with pneumonia amd uti. Cardiac arrest at day 14, never woke up. Taken off life support 3/20/21." "1272225-1" "1272225-1" "GAIT INABILITY" "10017581" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Confusion 6 days after shot. Within a week lost ability to walk, became urinary incontinent. Major chest congestion, slept all the time. Rushed by ambulance at day 12.. Diagnosed with pneumonia amd uti. Cardiac arrest at day 14, never woke up. Taken off life support 3/20/21." "1272225-1" "1272225-1" "HYPERSOMNIA" "10020765" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Confusion 6 days after shot. Within a week lost ability to walk, became urinary incontinent. Major chest congestion, slept all the time. Rushed by ambulance at day 12.. Diagnosed with pneumonia amd uti. Cardiac arrest at day 14, never woke up. Taken off life support 3/20/21." "1272225-1" "1272225-1" "MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING HEAD ABNORMAL" "10085256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Confusion 6 days after shot. Within a week lost ability to walk, became urinary incontinent. Major chest congestion, slept all the time. Rushed by ambulance at day 12.. Diagnosed with pneumonia amd uti. Cardiac arrest at day 14, never woke up. Taken off life support 3/20/21." "1272225-1" "1272225-1" "NEUROLOGICAL SYMPTOM" "10060860" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Confusion 6 days after shot. Within a week lost ability to walk, became urinary incontinent. Major chest congestion, slept all the time. Rushed by ambulance at day 12.. Diagnosed with pneumonia amd uti. Cardiac arrest at day 14, never woke up. Taken off life support 3/20/21." "1272225-1" "1272225-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Confusion 6 days after shot. Within a week lost ability to walk, became urinary incontinent. Major chest congestion, slept all the time. Rushed by ambulance at day 12.. Diagnosed with pneumonia amd uti. Cardiac arrest at day 14, never woke up. Taken off life support 3/20/21." "1272225-1" "1272225-1" "RESPIRATORY TRACT CONGESTION" "10052251" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Confusion 6 days after shot. Within a week lost ability to walk, became urinary incontinent. Major chest congestion, slept all the time. Rushed by ambulance at day 12.. Diagnosed with pneumonia amd uti. Cardiac arrest at day 14, never woke up. Taken off life support 3/20/21." "1272225-1" "1272225-1" "URINARY INCONTINENCE" "10046543" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Confusion 6 days after shot. Within a week lost ability to walk, became urinary incontinent. Major chest congestion, slept all the time. Rushed by ambulance at day 12.. Diagnosed with pneumonia amd uti. Cardiac arrest at day 14, never woke up. Taken off life support 3/20/21." "1272225-1" "1272225-1" "URINARY TRACT INFECTION" "10046571" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Confusion 6 days after shot. Within a week lost ability to walk, became urinary incontinent. Major chest congestion, slept all the time. Rushed by ambulance at day 12.. Diagnosed with pneumonia amd uti. Cardiac arrest at day 14, never woke up. Taken off life support 3/20/21." "1272225-1" "1272225-1" "WITHDRAWAL OF LIFE SUPPORT" "10067595" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Confusion 6 days after shot. Within a week lost ability to walk, became urinary incontinent. Major chest congestion, slept all the time. Rushed by ambulance at day 12.. Diagnosed with pneumonia amd uti. Cardiac arrest at day 14, never woke up. Taken off life support 3/20/21." "1273324-1" "1273324-1" "AGGRESSION" "10001488" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The day before the first vaccine she was up and acting normal, laundry, housework and knew what to do. She has severe dementia but was doing OK and knew where she was. She got the first vaccine on 1/29/21, and the 3rd and 4th day they noticed she was having hallucinations and saying things that weren't there. She could hear baby's crying but there were no baby's present. Within 7 days she had what the son described as a stroke. He said that she was watching television and he was on a conference call and he noticed she walked into a wall and he asked if she was okay and starting stumbling across the room and when he touched her she felt very heavy and said that one side of her face was drooping. He got her back into the chair and called 9-1-1. She was so agitated at the hospital that the husband does not know what they gave her and they kept her for a week. They finally got her under control. They discharged her from there and she that was all that they could do with her. They brought her home with nurses assistance and her paranoia was evident, hallucinations were very evident. They said that they tried to do a CAT Scan and an MRI and they said that she did not have a stroke. Restless was very adamant, talking strange things and wanting to go to her son's house when she was there. Before that vaccination she knew where she was and after that she did not know where she was thinking she was at one location and just confusion. She then got her 2nd vaccine and then her husband went out of town and took her back home on 2/24/21 as he was able to get her in a car and travel and able to eat and knew somewhat what was going on. On 2/25/21 when he brought her home to a long term care facility. She was chanting constantly, had irritability, anger, cognition completely eroded. She was very agitated, very combative. Drugs would not calm her down, and tried to get CAT scans or MRI's but were unsuccessful due to her combativeness. She was screaming and yelling 24 hours a day to the top of her lungs and gave her Ativan which had the adverse effects of what they were supposed to do. Had biting, hallucinations, paranoia. She had a couple of falls, they had her in a wheelchair and tried to feed her and she would fall down. They took her to the hospital a few times and she progressively got worse. On 4/19/21 she shut down and quit eating, quit drinking, closed her eyes, and lasted a week like that and then she died on 4/24/21 @ 2:30 AM. None of her doctors could figure out what had happened. They were finally able to get a CAT scan and felt that she may have a stroke. Finally they memory care facility told them to come a take her to the hospital and they had moved their hospice patient's as she was screaming and disruptive and they could not handle her anymore. They thought she was suffering from Lewy body dementia at one point. They were going to have her tested for that and they could not do it on Saturday when she passed for genetics and missed those timelines and could not do it." "1273324-1" "1273324-1" "AGITATION" "10001497" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The day before the first vaccine she was up and acting normal, laundry, housework and knew what to do. She has severe dementia but was doing OK and knew where she was. She got the first vaccine on 1/29/21, and the 3rd and 4th day they noticed she was having hallucinations and saying things that weren't there. She could hear baby's crying but there were no baby's present. Within 7 days she had what the son described as a stroke. He said that she was watching television and he was on a conference call and he noticed she walked into a wall and he asked if she was okay and starting stumbling across the room and when he touched her she felt very heavy and said that one side of her face was drooping. He got her back into the chair and called 9-1-1. She was so agitated at the hospital that the husband does not know what they gave her and they kept her for a week. They finally got her under control. They discharged her from there and she that was all that they could do with her. They brought her home with nurses assistance and her paranoia was evident, hallucinations were very evident. They said that they tried to do a CAT Scan and an MRI and they said that she did not have a stroke. Restless was very adamant, talking strange things and wanting to go to her son's house when she was there. Before that vaccination she knew where she was and after that she did not know where she was thinking she was at one location and just confusion. She then got her 2nd vaccine and then her husband went out of town and took her back home on 2/24/21 as he was able to get her in a car and travel and able to eat and knew somewhat what was going on. On 2/25/21 when he brought her home to a long term care facility. She was chanting constantly, had irritability, anger, cognition completely eroded. She was very agitated, very combative. Drugs would not calm her down, and tried to get CAT scans or MRI's but were unsuccessful due to her combativeness. She was screaming and yelling 24 hours a day to the top of her lungs and gave her Ativan which had the adverse effects of what they were supposed to do. Had biting, hallucinations, paranoia. She had a couple of falls, they had her in a wheelchair and tried to feed her and she would fall down. They took her to the hospital a few times and she progressively got worse. On 4/19/21 she shut down and quit eating, quit drinking, closed her eyes, and lasted a week like that and then she died on 4/24/21 @ 2:30 AM. None of her doctors could figure out what had happened. They were finally able to get a CAT scan and felt that she may have a stroke. Finally they memory care facility told them to come a take her to the hospital and they had moved their hospice patient's as she was screaming and disruptive and they could not handle her anymore. They thought she was suffering from Lewy body dementia at one point. They were going to have her tested for that and they could not do it on Saturday when she passed for genetics and missed those timelines and could not do it." "1273324-1" "1273324-1" "ANGER" "10002368" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The day before the first vaccine she was up and acting normal, laundry, housework and knew what to do. She has severe dementia but was doing OK and knew where she was. She got the first vaccine on 1/29/21, and the 3rd and 4th day they noticed she was having hallucinations and saying things that weren't there. She could hear baby's crying but there were no baby's present. Within 7 days she had what the son described as a stroke. He said that she was watching television and he was on a conference call and he noticed she walked into a wall and he asked if she was okay and starting stumbling across the room and when he touched her she felt very heavy and said that one side of her face was drooping. He got her back into the chair and called 9-1-1. She was so agitated at the hospital that the husband does not know what they gave her and they kept her for a week. They finally got her under control. They discharged her from there and she that was all that they could do with her. They brought her home with nurses assistance and her paranoia was evident, hallucinations were very evident. They said that they tried to do a CAT Scan and an MRI and they said that she did not have a stroke. Restless was very adamant, talking strange things and wanting to go to her son's house when she was there. Before that vaccination she knew where she was and after that she did not know where she was thinking she was at one location and just confusion. She then got her 2nd vaccine and then her husband went out of town and took her back home on 2/24/21 as he was able to get her in a car and travel and able to eat and knew somewhat what was going on. On 2/25/21 when he brought her home to a long term care facility. She was chanting constantly, had irritability, anger, cognition completely eroded. She was very agitated, very combative. Drugs would not calm her down, and tried to get CAT scans or MRI's but were unsuccessful due to her combativeness. She was screaming and yelling 24 hours a day to the top of her lungs and gave her Ativan which had the adverse effects of what they were supposed to do. Had biting, hallucinations, paranoia. She had a couple of falls, they had her in a wheelchair and tried to feed her and she would fall down. They took her to the hospital a few times and she progressively got worse. On 4/19/21 she shut down and quit eating, quit drinking, closed her eyes, and lasted a week like that and then she died on 4/24/21 @ 2:30 AM. None of her doctors could figure out what had happened. They were finally able to get a CAT scan and felt that she may have a stroke. Finally they memory care facility told them to come a take her to the hospital and they had moved their hospice patient's as she was screaming and disruptive and they could not handle her anymore. They thought she was suffering from Lewy body dementia at one point. They were going to have her tested for that and they could not do it on Saturday when she passed for genetics and missed those timelines and could not do it." "1273324-1" "1273324-1" "COGNITIVE DISORDER" "10057668" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The day before the first vaccine she was up and acting normal, laundry, housework and knew what to do. She has severe dementia but was doing OK and knew where she was. She got the first vaccine on 1/29/21, and the 3rd and 4th day they noticed she was having hallucinations and saying things that weren't there. She could hear baby's crying but there were no baby's present. Within 7 days she had what the son described as a stroke. He said that she was watching television and he was on a conference call and he noticed she walked into a wall and he asked if she was okay and starting stumbling across the room and when he touched her she felt very heavy and said that one side of her face was drooping. He got her back into the chair and called 9-1-1. She was so agitated at the hospital that the husband does not know what they gave her and they kept her for a week. They finally got her under control. They discharged her from there and she that was all that they could do with her. They brought her home with nurses assistance and her paranoia was evident, hallucinations were very evident. They said that they tried to do a CAT Scan and an MRI and they said that she did not have a stroke. Restless was very adamant, talking strange things and wanting to go to her son's house when she was there. Before that vaccination she knew where she was and after that she did not know where she was thinking she was at one location and just confusion. She then got her 2nd vaccine and then her husband went out of town and took her back home on 2/24/21 as he was able to get her in a car and travel and able to eat and knew somewhat what was going on. On 2/25/21 when he brought her home to a long term care facility. She was chanting constantly, had irritability, anger, cognition completely eroded. She was very agitated, very combative. Drugs would not calm her down, and tried to get CAT scans or MRI's but were unsuccessful due to her combativeness. She was screaming and yelling 24 hours a day to the top of her lungs and gave her Ativan which had the adverse effects of what they were supposed to do. Had biting, hallucinations, paranoia. She had a couple of falls, they had her in a wheelchair and tried to feed her and she would fall down. They took her to the hospital a few times and she progressively got worse. On 4/19/21 she shut down and quit eating, quit drinking, closed her eyes, and lasted a week like that and then she died on 4/24/21 @ 2:30 AM. None of her doctors could figure out what had happened. They were finally able to get a CAT scan and felt that she may have a stroke. Finally they memory care facility told them to come a take her to the hospital and they had moved their hospice patient's as she was screaming and disruptive and they could not handle her anymore. They thought she was suffering from Lewy body dementia at one point. They were going to have her tested for that and they could not do it on Saturday when she passed for genetics and missed those timelines and could not do it." "1273324-1" "1273324-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM ABNORMAL" "10010235" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The day before the first vaccine she was up and acting normal, laundry, housework and knew what to do. She has severe dementia but was doing OK and knew where she was. She got the first vaccine on 1/29/21, and the 3rd and 4th day they noticed she was having hallucinations and saying things that weren't there. She could hear baby's crying but there were no baby's present. Within 7 days she had what the son described as a stroke. He said that she was watching television and he was on a conference call and he noticed she walked into a wall and he asked if she was okay and starting stumbling across the room and when he touched her she felt very heavy and said that one side of her face was drooping. He got her back into the chair and called 9-1-1. She was so agitated at the hospital that the husband does not know what they gave her and they kept her for a week. They finally got her under control. They discharged her from there and she that was all that they could do with her. They brought her home with nurses assistance and her paranoia was evident, hallucinations were very evident. They said that they tried to do a CAT Scan and an MRI and they said that she did not have a stroke. Restless was very adamant, talking strange things and wanting to go to her son's house when she was there. Before that vaccination she knew where she was and after that she did not know where she was thinking she was at one location and just confusion. She then got her 2nd vaccine and then her husband went out of town and took her back home on 2/24/21 as he was able to get her in a car and travel and able to eat and knew somewhat what was going on. On 2/25/21 when he brought her home to a long term care facility. She was chanting constantly, had irritability, anger, cognition completely eroded. She was very agitated, very combative. Drugs would not calm her down, and tried to get CAT scans or MRI's but were unsuccessful due to her combativeness. She was screaming and yelling 24 hours a day to the top of her lungs and gave her Ativan which had the adverse effects of what they were supposed to do. Had biting, hallucinations, paranoia. She had a couple of falls, they had her in a wheelchair and tried to feed her and she would fall down. They took her to the hospital a few times and she progressively got worse. On 4/19/21 she shut down and quit eating, quit drinking, closed her eyes, and lasted a week like that and then she died on 4/24/21 @ 2:30 AM. None of her doctors could figure out what had happened. They were finally able to get a CAT scan and felt that she may have a stroke. Finally they memory care facility told them to come a take her to the hospital and they had moved their hospice patient's as she was screaming and disruptive and they could not handle her anymore. They thought she was suffering from Lewy body dementia at one point. They were going to have her tested for that and they could not do it on Saturday when she passed for genetics and missed those timelines and could not do it." "1273324-1" "1273324-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The day before the first vaccine she was up and acting normal, laundry, housework and knew what to do. She has severe dementia but was doing OK and knew where she was. She got the first vaccine on 1/29/21, and the 3rd and 4th day they noticed she was having hallucinations and saying things that weren't there. She could hear baby's crying but there were no baby's present. Within 7 days she had what the son described as a stroke. He said that she was watching television and he was on a conference call and he noticed she walked into a wall and he asked if she was okay and starting stumbling across the room and when he touched her she felt very heavy and said that one side of her face was drooping. He got her back into the chair and called 9-1-1. She was so agitated at the hospital that the husband does not know what they gave her and they kept her for a week. They finally got her under control. They discharged her from there and she that was all that they could do with her. They brought her home with nurses assistance and her paranoia was evident, hallucinations were very evident. They said that they tried to do a CAT Scan and an MRI and they said that she did not have a stroke. Restless was very adamant, talking strange things and wanting to go to her son's house when she was there. Before that vaccination she knew where she was and after that she did not know where she was thinking she was at one location and just confusion. She then got her 2nd vaccine and then her husband went out of town and took her back home on 2/24/21 as he was able to get her in a car and travel and able to eat and knew somewhat what was going on. On 2/25/21 when he brought her home to a long term care facility. She was chanting constantly, had irritability, anger, cognition completely eroded. She was very agitated, very combative. Drugs would not calm her down, and tried to get CAT scans or MRI's but were unsuccessful due to her combativeness. She was screaming and yelling 24 hours a day to the top of her lungs and gave her Ativan which had the adverse effects of what they were supposed to do. Had biting, hallucinations, paranoia. She had a couple of falls, they had her in a wheelchair and tried to feed her and she would fall down. They took her to the hospital a few times and she progressively got worse. On 4/19/21 she shut down and quit eating, quit drinking, closed her eyes, and lasted a week like that and then she died on 4/24/21 @ 2:30 AM. None of her doctors could figure out what had happened. They were finally able to get a CAT scan and felt that she may have a stroke. Finally they memory care facility told them to come a take her to the hospital and they had moved their hospice patient's as she was screaming and disruptive and they could not handle her anymore. They thought she was suffering from Lewy body dementia at one point. They were going to have her tested for that and they could not do it on Saturday when she passed for genetics and missed those timelines and could not do it." "1273324-1" "1273324-1" "DIET REFUSAL" "10012775" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The day before the first vaccine she was up and acting normal, laundry, housework and knew what to do. She has severe dementia but was doing OK and knew where she was. She got the first vaccine on 1/29/21, and the 3rd and 4th day they noticed she was having hallucinations and saying things that weren't there. She could hear baby's crying but there were no baby's present. Within 7 days she had what the son described as a stroke. He said that she was watching television and he was on a conference call and he noticed she walked into a wall and he asked if she was okay and starting stumbling across the room and when he touched her she felt very heavy and said that one side of her face was drooping. He got her back into the chair and called 9-1-1. She was so agitated at the hospital that the husband does not know what they gave her and they kept her for a week. They finally got her under control. They discharged her from there and she that was all that they could do with her. They brought her home with nurses assistance and her paranoia was evident, hallucinations were very evident. They said that they tried to do a CAT Scan and an MRI and they said that she did not have a stroke. Restless was very adamant, talking strange things and wanting to go to her son's house when she was there. Before that vaccination she knew where she was and after that she did not know where she was thinking she was at one location and just confusion. She then got her 2nd vaccine and then her husband went out of town and took her back home on 2/24/21 as he was able to get her in a car and travel and able to eat and knew somewhat what was going on. On 2/25/21 when he brought her home to a long term care facility. She was chanting constantly, had irritability, anger, cognition completely eroded. She was very agitated, very combative. Drugs would not calm her down, and tried to get CAT scans or MRI's but were unsuccessful due to her combativeness. She was screaming and yelling 24 hours a day to the top of her lungs and gave her Ativan which had the adverse effects of what they were supposed to do. Had biting, hallucinations, paranoia. She had a couple of falls, they had her in a wheelchair and tried to feed her and she would fall down. They took her to the hospital a few times and she progressively got worse. On 4/19/21 she shut down and quit eating, quit drinking, closed her eyes, and lasted a week like that and then she died on 4/24/21 @ 2:30 AM. None of her doctors could figure out what had happened. They were finally able to get a CAT scan and felt that she may have a stroke. Finally they memory care facility told them to come a take her to the hospital and they had moved their hospice patient's as she was screaming and disruptive and they could not handle her anymore. They thought she was suffering from Lewy body dementia at one point. They were going to have her tested for that and they could not do it on Saturday when she passed for genetics and missed those timelines and could not do it." "1273324-1" "1273324-1" "FALL" "10016173" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The day before the first vaccine she was up and acting normal, laundry, housework and knew what to do. She has severe dementia but was doing OK and knew where she was. She got the first vaccine on 1/29/21, and the 3rd and 4th day they noticed she was having hallucinations and saying things that weren't there. She could hear baby's crying but there were no baby's present. Within 7 days she had what the son described as a stroke. He said that she was watching television and he was on a conference call and he noticed she walked into a wall and he asked if she was okay and starting stumbling across the room and when he touched her she felt very heavy and said that one side of her face was drooping. He got her back into the chair and called 9-1-1. She was so agitated at the hospital that the husband does not know what they gave her and they kept her for a week. They finally got her under control. They discharged her from there and she that was all that they could do with her. They brought her home with nurses assistance and her paranoia was evident, hallucinations were very evident. They said that they tried to do a CAT Scan and an MRI and they said that she did not have a stroke. Restless was very adamant, talking strange things and wanting to go to her son's house when she was there. Before that vaccination she knew where she was and after that she did not know where she was thinking she was at one location and just confusion. She then got her 2nd vaccine and then her husband went out of town and took her back home on 2/24/21 as he was able to get her in a car and travel and able to eat and knew somewhat what was going on. On 2/25/21 when he brought her home to a long term care facility. She was chanting constantly, had irritability, anger, cognition completely eroded. She was very agitated, very combative. Drugs would not calm her down, and tried to get CAT scans or MRI's but were unsuccessful due to her combativeness. She was screaming and yelling 24 hours a day to the top of her lungs and gave her Ativan which had the adverse effects of what they were supposed to do. Had biting, hallucinations, paranoia. She had a couple of falls, they had her in a wheelchair and tried to feed her and she would fall down. They took her to the hospital a few times and she progressively got worse. On 4/19/21 she shut down and quit eating, quit drinking, closed her eyes, and lasted a week like that and then she died on 4/24/21 @ 2:30 AM. None of her doctors could figure out what had happened. They were finally able to get a CAT scan and felt that she may have a stroke. Finally they memory care facility told them to come a take her to the hospital and they had moved their hospice patient's as she was screaming and disruptive and they could not handle her anymore. They thought she was suffering from Lewy body dementia at one point. They were going to have her tested for that and they could not do it on Saturday when she passed for genetics and missed those timelines and could not do it." "1273324-1" "1273324-1" "FLUID INTAKE REDUCED" "10056291" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The day before the first vaccine she was up and acting normal, laundry, housework and knew what to do. She has severe dementia but was doing OK and knew where she was. She got the first vaccine on 1/29/21, and the 3rd and 4th day they noticed she was having hallucinations and saying things that weren't there. She could hear baby's crying but there were no baby's present. Within 7 days she had what the son described as a stroke. He said that she was watching television and he was on a conference call and he noticed she walked into a wall and he asked if she was okay and starting stumbling across the room and when he touched her she felt very heavy and said that one side of her face was drooping. He got her back into the chair and called 9-1-1. She was so agitated at the hospital that the husband does not know what they gave her and they kept her for a week. They finally got her under control. They discharged her from there and she that was all that they could do with her. They brought her home with nurses assistance and her paranoia was evident, hallucinations were very evident. They said that they tried to do a CAT Scan and an MRI and they said that she did not have a stroke. Restless was very adamant, talking strange things and wanting to go to her son's house when she was there. Before that vaccination she knew where she was and after that she did not know where she was thinking she was at one location and just confusion. She then got her 2nd vaccine and then her husband went out of town and took her back home on 2/24/21 as he was able to get her in a car and travel and able to eat and knew somewhat what was going on. On 2/25/21 when he brought her home to a long term care facility. She was chanting constantly, had irritability, anger, cognition completely eroded. She was very agitated, very combative. Drugs would not calm her down, and tried to get CAT scans or MRI's but were unsuccessful due to her combativeness. She was screaming and yelling 24 hours a day to the top of her lungs and gave her Ativan which had the adverse effects of what they were supposed to do. Had biting, hallucinations, paranoia. She had a couple of falls, they had her in a wheelchair and tried to feed her and she would fall down. They took her to the hospital a few times and she progressively got worse. On 4/19/21 she shut down and quit eating, quit drinking, closed her eyes, and lasted a week like that and then she died on 4/24/21 @ 2:30 AM. None of her doctors could figure out what had happened. They were finally able to get a CAT scan and felt that she may have a stroke. Finally they memory care facility told them to come a take her to the hospital and they had moved their hospice patient's as she was screaming and disruptive and they could not handle her anymore. They thought she was suffering from Lewy body dementia at one point. They were going to have her tested for that and they could not do it on Saturday when she passed for genetics and missed those timelines and could not do it." "1273324-1" "1273324-1" "HALLUCINATION" "10019063" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The day before the first vaccine she was up and acting normal, laundry, housework and knew what to do. She has severe dementia but was doing OK and knew where she was. She got the first vaccine on 1/29/21, and the 3rd and 4th day they noticed she was having hallucinations and saying things that weren't there. She could hear baby's crying but there were no baby's present. Within 7 days she had what the son described as a stroke. He said that she was watching television and he was on a conference call and he noticed she walked into a wall and he asked if she was okay and starting stumbling across the room and when he touched her she felt very heavy and said that one side of her face was drooping. He got her back into the chair and called 9-1-1. She was so agitated at the hospital that the husband does not know what they gave her and they kept her for a week. They finally got her under control. They discharged her from there and she that was all that they could do with her. They brought her home with nurses assistance and her paranoia was evident, hallucinations were very evident. They said that they tried to do a CAT Scan and an MRI and they said that she did not have a stroke. Restless was very adamant, talking strange things and wanting to go to her son's house when she was there. Before that vaccination she knew where she was and after that she did not know where she was thinking she was at one location and just confusion. She then got her 2nd vaccine and then her husband went out of town and took her back home on 2/24/21 as he was able to get her in a car and travel and able to eat and knew somewhat what was going on. On 2/25/21 when he brought her home to a long term care facility. She was chanting constantly, had irritability, anger, cognition completely eroded. She was very agitated, very combative. Drugs would not calm her down, and tried to get CAT scans or MRI's but were unsuccessful due to her combativeness. She was screaming and yelling 24 hours a day to the top of her lungs and gave her Ativan which had the adverse effects of what they were supposed to do. Had biting, hallucinations, paranoia. She had a couple of falls, they had her in a wheelchair and tried to feed her and she would fall down. They took her to the hospital a few times and she progressively got worse. On 4/19/21 she shut down and quit eating, quit drinking, closed her eyes, and lasted a week like that and then she died on 4/24/21 @ 2:30 AM. None of her doctors could figure out what had happened. They were finally able to get a CAT scan and felt that she may have a stroke. Finally they memory care facility told them to come a take her to the hospital and they had moved their hospice patient's as she was screaming and disruptive and they could not handle her anymore. They thought she was suffering from Lewy body dementia at one point. They were going to have her tested for that and they could not do it on Saturday when she passed for genetics and missed those timelines and could not do it." "1273324-1" "1273324-1" "IRRITABILITY" "10022998" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The day before the first vaccine she was up and acting normal, laundry, housework and knew what to do. She has severe dementia but was doing OK and knew where she was. She got the first vaccine on 1/29/21, and the 3rd and 4th day they noticed she was having hallucinations and saying things that weren't there. She could hear baby's crying but there were no baby's present. Within 7 days she had what the son described as a stroke. He said that she was watching television and he was on a conference call and he noticed she walked into a wall and he asked if she was okay and starting stumbling across the room and when he touched her she felt very heavy and said that one side of her face was drooping. He got her back into the chair and called 9-1-1. She was so agitated at the hospital that the husband does not know what they gave her and they kept her for a week. They finally got her under control. They discharged her from there and she that was all that they could do with her. They brought her home with nurses assistance and her paranoia was evident, hallucinations were very evident. They said that they tried to do a CAT Scan and an MRI and they said that she did not have a stroke. Restless was very adamant, talking strange things and wanting to go to her son's house when she was there. Before that vaccination she knew where she was and after that she did not know where she was thinking she was at one location and just confusion. She then got her 2nd vaccine and then her husband went out of town and took her back home on 2/24/21 as he was able to get her in a car and travel and able to eat and knew somewhat what was going on. On 2/25/21 when he brought her home to a long term care facility. She was chanting constantly, had irritability, anger, cognition completely eroded. She was very agitated, very combative. Drugs would not calm her down, and tried to get CAT scans or MRI's but were unsuccessful due to her combativeness. She was screaming and yelling 24 hours a day to the top of her lungs and gave her Ativan which had the adverse effects of what they were supposed to do. Had biting, hallucinations, paranoia. She had a couple of falls, they had her in a wheelchair and tried to feed her and she would fall down. They took her to the hospital a few times and she progressively got worse. On 4/19/21 she shut down and quit eating, quit drinking, closed her eyes, and lasted a week like that and then she died on 4/24/21 @ 2:30 AM. None of her doctors could figure out what had happened. They were finally able to get a CAT scan and felt that she may have a stroke. Finally they memory care facility told them to come a take her to the hospital and they had moved their hospice patient's as she was screaming and disruptive and they could not handle her anymore. They thought she was suffering from Lewy body dementia at one point. They were going to have her tested for that and they could not do it on Saturday when she passed for genetics and missed those timelines and could not do it." "1273324-1" "1273324-1" "NEUROLOGICAL SYMPTOM" "10060860" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The day before the first vaccine she was up and acting normal, laundry, housework and knew what to do. She has severe dementia but was doing OK and knew where she was. She got the first vaccine on 1/29/21, and the 3rd and 4th day they noticed she was having hallucinations and saying things that weren't there. She could hear baby's crying but there were no baby's present. Within 7 days she had what the son described as a stroke. He said that she was watching television and he was on a conference call and he noticed she walked into a wall and he asked if she was okay and starting stumbling across the room and when he touched her she felt very heavy and said that one side of her face was drooping. He got her back into the chair and called 9-1-1. She was so agitated at the hospital that the husband does not know what they gave her and they kept her for a week. They finally got her under control. They discharged her from there and she that was all that they could do with her. They brought her home with nurses assistance and her paranoia was evident, hallucinations were very evident. They said that they tried to do a CAT Scan and an MRI and they said that she did not have a stroke. Restless was very adamant, talking strange things and wanting to go to her son's house when she was there. Before that vaccination she knew where she was and after that she did not know where she was thinking she was at one location and just confusion. She then got her 2nd vaccine and then her husband went out of town and took her back home on 2/24/21 as he was able to get her in a car and travel and able to eat and knew somewhat what was going on. On 2/25/21 when he brought her home to a long term care facility. She was chanting constantly, had irritability, anger, cognition completely eroded. She was very agitated, very combative. Drugs would not calm her down, and tried to get CAT scans or MRI's but were unsuccessful due to her combativeness. She was screaming and yelling 24 hours a day to the top of her lungs and gave her Ativan which had the adverse effects of what they were supposed to do. Had biting, hallucinations, paranoia. She had a couple of falls, they had her in a wheelchair and tried to feed her and she would fall down. They took her to the hospital a few times and she progressively got worse. On 4/19/21 she shut down and quit eating, quit drinking, closed her eyes, and lasted a week like that and then she died on 4/24/21 @ 2:30 AM. None of her doctors could figure out what had happened. They were finally able to get a CAT scan and felt that she may have a stroke. Finally they memory care facility told them to come a take her to the hospital and they had moved their hospice patient's as she was screaming and disruptive and they could not handle her anymore. They thought she was suffering from Lewy body dementia at one point. They were going to have her tested for that and they could not do it on Saturday when she passed for genetics and missed those timelines and could not do it." "1273324-1" "1273324-1" "PARANOIA" "10033864" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The day before the first vaccine she was up and acting normal, laundry, housework and knew what to do. She has severe dementia but was doing OK and knew where she was. She got the first vaccine on 1/29/21, and the 3rd and 4th day they noticed she was having hallucinations and saying things that weren't there. She could hear baby's crying but there were no baby's present. Within 7 days she had what the son described as a stroke. He said that she was watching television and he was on a conference call and he noticed she walked into a wall and he asked if she was okay and starting stumbling across the room and when he touched her she felt very heavy and said that one side of her face was drooping. He got her back into the chair and called 9-1-1. She was so agitated at the hospital that the husband does not know what they gave her and they kept her for a week. They finally got her under control. They discharged her from there and she that was all that they could do with her. They brought her home with nurses assistance and her paranoia was evident, hallucinations were very evident. They said that they tried to do a CAT Scan and an MRI and they said that she did not have a stroke. Restless was very adamant, talking strange things and wanting to go to her son's house when she was there. Before that vaccination she knew where she was and after that she did not know where she was thinking she was at one location and just confusion. She then got her 2nd vaccine and then her husband went out of town and took her back home on 2/24/21 as he was able to get her in a car and travel and able to eat and knew somewhat what was going on. On 2/25/21 when he brought her home to a long term care facility. She was chanting constantly, had irritability, anger, cognition completely eroded. She was very agitated, very combative. Drugs would not calm her down, and tried to get CAT scans or MRI's but were unsuccessful due to her combativeness. She was screaming and yelling 24 hours a day to the top of her lungs and gave her Ativan which had the adverse effects of what they were supposed to do. Had biting, hallucinations, paranoia. She had a couple of falls, they had her in a wheelchair and tried to feed her and she would fall down. They took her to the hospital a few times and she progressively got worse. On 4/19/21 she shut down and quit eating, quit drinking, closed her eyes, and lasted a week like that and then she died on 4/24/21 @ 2:30 AM. None of her doctors could figure out what had happened. They were finally able to get a CAT scan and felt that she may have a stroke. Finally they memory care facility told them to come a take her to the hospital and they had moved their hospice patient's as she was screaming and disruptive and they could not handle her anymore. They thought she was suffering from Lewy body dementia at one point. They were going to have her tested for that and they could not do it on Saturday when she passed for genetics and missed those timelines and could not do it." "1273324-1" "1273324-1" "SCREAMING" "10039740" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The day before the first vaccine she was up and acting normal, laundry, housework and knew what to do. She has severe dementia but was doing OK and knew where she was. She got the first vaccine on 1/29/21, and the 3rd and 4th day they noticed she was having hallucinations and saying things that weren't there. She could hear baby's crying but there were no baby's present. Within 7 days she had what the son described as a stroke. He said that she was watching television and he was on a conference call and he noticed she walked into a wall and he asked if she was okay and starting stumbling across the room and when he touched her she felt very heavy and said that one side of her face was drooping. He got her back into the chair and called 9-1-1. She was so agitated at the hospital that the husband does not know what they gave her and they kept her for a week. They finally got her under control. They discharged her from there and she that was all that they could do with her. They brought her home with nurses assistance and her paranoia was evident, hallucinations were very evident. They said that they tried to do a CAT Scan and an MRI and they said that she did not have a stroke. Restless was very adamant, talking strange things and wanting to go to her son's house when she was there. Before that vaccination she knew where she was and after that she did not know where she was thinking she was at one location and just confusion. She then got her 2nd vaccine and then her husband went out of town and took her back home on 2/24/21 as he was able to get her in a car and travel and able to eat and knew somewhat what was going on. On 2/25/21 when he brought her home to a long term care facility. She was chanting constantly, had irritability, anger, cognition completely eroded. She was very agitated, very combative. Drugs would not calm her down, and tried to get CAT scans or MRI's but were unsuccessful due to her combativeness. She was screaming and yelling 24 hours a day to the top of her lungs and gave her Ativan which had the adverse effects of what they were supposed to do. Had biting, hallucinations, paranoia. She had a couple of falls, they had her in a wheelchair and tried to feed her and she would fall down. They took her to the hospital a few times and she progressively got worse. On 4/19/21 she shut down and quit eating, quit drinking, closed her eyes, and lasted a week like that and then she died on 4/24/21 @ 2:30 AM. None of her doctors could figure out what had happened. They were finally able to get a CAT scan and felt that she may have a stroke. Finally they memory care facility told them to come a take her to the hospital and they had moved their hospice patient's as she was screaming and disruptive and they could not handle her anymore. They thought she was suffering from Lewy body dementia at one point. They were going to have her tested for that and they could not do it on Saturday when she passed for genetics and missed those timelines and could not do it." "1273324-1" "1273324-1" "WHEELCHAIR USER" "10047920" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The day before the first vaccine she was up and acting normal, laundry, housework and knew what to do. She has severe dementia but was doing OK and knew where she was. She got the first vaccine on 1/29/21, and the 3rd and 4th day they noticed she was having hallucinations and saying things that weren't there. She could hear baby's crying but there were no baby's present. Within 7 days she had what the son described as a stroke. He said that she was watching television and he was on a conference call and he noticed she walked into a wall and he asked if she was okay and starting stumbling across the room and when he touched her she felt very heavy and said that one side of her face was drooping. He got her back into the chair and called 9-1-1. She was so agitated at the hospital that the husband does not know what they gave her and they kept her for a week. They finally got her under control. They discharged her from there and she that was all that they could do with her. They brought her home with nurses assistance and her paranoia was evident, hallucinations were very evident. They said that they tried to do a CAT Scan and an MRI and they said that she did not have a stroke. Restless was very adamant, talking strange things and wanting to go to her son's house when she was there. Before that vaccination she knew where she was and after that she did not know where she was thinking she was at one location and just confusion. She then got her 2nd vaccine and then her husband went out of town and took her back home on 2/24/21 as he was able to get her in a car and travel and able to eat and knew somewhat what was going on. On 2/25/21 when he brought her home to a long term care facility. She was chanting constantly, had irritability, anger, cognition completely eroded. She was very agitated, very combative. Drugs would not calm her down, and tried to get CAT scans or MRI's but were unsuccessful due to her combativeness. She was screaming and yelling 24 hours a day to the top of her lungs and gave her Ativan which had the adverse effects of what they were supposed to do. Had biting, hallucinations, paranoia. She had a couple of falls, they had her in a wheelchair and tried to feed her and she would fall down. They took her to the hospital a few times and she progressively got worse. On 4/19/21 she shut down and quit eating, quit drinking, closed her eyes, and lasted a week like that and then she died on 4/24/21 @ 2:30 AM. None of her doctors could figure out what had happened. They were finally able to get a CAT scan and felt that she may have a stroke. Finally they memory care facility told them to come a take her to the hospital and they had moved their hospice patient's as she was screaming and disruptive and they could not handle her anymore. They thought she was suffering from Lewy body dementia at one point. They were going to have her tested for that and they could not do it on Saturday when she passed for genetics and missed those timelines and could not do it." "1283093-1" "1283093-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Tired, headache." "1283093-1" "1283093-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Tired, headache." "1285193-1" "1285193-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Multiple Blood Clots in Right Lung, clots passed through his heart and caused his death" "1285193-1" "1285193-1" "INTRACARDIAC THROMBUS" "10048620" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Multiple Blood Clots in Right Lung, clots passed through his heart and caused his death" "1285193-1" "1285193-1" "PULMONARY THROMBOSIS" "10037437" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Multiple Blood Clots in Right Lung, clots passed through his heart and caused his death" "1286431-1" "1286431-1" "ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10000891" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient reported to ER on 4/23/21 with complaint of chest pain. Symptoms started that morning. Felt fine the evening before. No fevers, chills or productive cough. He also had associated shortness of breath." "1286431-1" "1286431-1" "BRADYCARDIA" "10006093" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient reported to ER on 4/23/21 with complaint of chest pain. Symptoms started that morning. Felt fine the evening before. No fevers, chills or productive cough. He also had associated shortness of breath." "1286431-1" "1286431-1" "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10007617" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient reported to ER on 4/23/21 with complaint of chest pain. Symptoms started that morning. Felt fine the evening before. No fevers, chills or productive cough. He also had associated shortness of breath." "1286431-1" "1286431-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient reported to ER on 4/23/21 with complaint of chest pain. Symptoms started that morning. Felt fine the evening before. No fevers, chills or productive cough. He also had associated shortness of breath." "1286431-1" "1286431-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient reported to ER on 4/23/21 with complaint of chest pain. Symptoms started that morning. Felt fine the evening before. No fevers, chills or productive cough. He also had associated shortness of breath." "1286431-1" "1286431-1" "ELECTROCARDIOGRAM ABNORMAL" "10014363" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient reported to ER on 4/23/21 with complaint of chest pain. Symptoms started that morning. Felt fine the evening before. No fevers, chills or productive cough. He also had associated shortness of breath." "1286431-1" "1286431-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient reported to ER on 4/23/21 with complaint of chest pain. Symptoms started that morning. Felt fine the evening before. No fevers, chills or productive cough. He also had associated shortness of breath." "1286431-1" "1286431-1" "GENERAL PHYSICAL HEALTH DETERIORATION" "10049438" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient reported to ER on 4/23/21 with complaint of chest pain. Symptoms started that morning. Felt fine the evening before. No fevers, chills or productive cough. He also had associated shortness of breath." "1286431-1" "1286431-1" "HYPOTENSION" "10021097" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient reported to ER on 4/23/21 with complaint of chest pain. Symptoms started that morning. Felt fine the evening before. No fevers, chills or productive cough. He also had associated shortness of breath." "1286431-1" "1286431-1" "LABORATORY TEST" "10059938" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient reported to ER on 4/23/21 with complaint of chest pain. Symptoms started that morning. Felt fine the evening before. No fevers, chills or productive cough. He also had associated shortness of breath." "1286679-1" "1286679-1" "MUSCULOSKELETAL STIFFNESS" "10052904" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Neck pain and stiffness starting shortly after vaccine admin of 2nd dose" "1286679-1" "1286679-1" "NECK PAIN" "10028836" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Neck pain and stiffness starting shortly after vaccine admin of 2nd dose" "1287846-1" "1287846-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The person who received the vaccine got very sick 5 days after the receiving the vaccine. The patient was talking at 2:00 pm on the 28th and he was on a ventilator a few hours later. The doctors were never able to determine why he got so sick suddenly. He passed away on April 6th." "1287846-1" "1287846-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The person who received the vaccine got very sick 5 days after the receiving the vaccine. The patient was talking at 2:00 pm on the 28th and he was on a ventilator a few hours later. The doctors were never able to determine why he got so sick suddenly. He passed away on April 6th." "1287846-1" "1287846-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The person who received the vaccine got very sick 5 days after the receiving the vaccine. The patient was talking at 2:00 pm on the 28th and he was on a ventilator a few hours later. The doctors were never able to determine why he got so sick suddenly. He passed away on April 6th." "1290195-1" "1290195-1" "AGONAL RESPIRATION" "10085467" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Covid19 vaccine: The patient received her second dosage of Moderna on 3/23.Patient called family medicine triage on 4/1 regarding arm/shoulder pain from her vaccine site that was not improving. Pain started out near injection site but last couple days has been spreading to shoulder, some possible swelling, per patient. Finding it hard to sleep. Denies redness, warmth. Feels warm but no chills, doesn't have thermometer at home. The patient refused to call the COVID hotline. She was calling for an in-person appointment and was triaged for her symptoms. The next in-person appointment was not until Saturday 4/3, and it was given to the patient. She did not want to go to the ED. She suffered a witnessed massive heart attack the same day in her home and her partner called 911. Per parnter's report, walked around a little that day, in discomfort. Then came home and laid down with more arm pain. She had acute L arm pain and then agonal breathing - passed in order of 2-3 minutes. Likely cardiac arrest after MI for few days. She was BIBA the EMTs continued CPR for ~20 minutes but was unable to revive patient. She was pronounced dead on 2023." "1290195-1" "1290195-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Covid19 vaccine: The patient received her second dosage of Moderna on 3/23.Patient called family medicine triage on 4/1 regarding arm/shoulder pain from her vaccine site that was not improving. Pain started out near injection site but last couple days has been spreading to shoulder, some possible swelling, per patient. Finding it hard to sleep. Denies redness, warmth. Feels warm but no chills, doesn't have thermometer at home. The patient refused to call the COVID hotline. She was calling for an in-person appointment and was triaged for her symptoms. The next in-person appointment was not until Saturday 4/3, and it was given to the patient. She did not want to go to the ED. She suffered a witnessed massive heart attack the same day in her home and her partner called 911. Per parnter's report, walked around a little that day, in discomfort. Then came home and laid down with more arm pain. She had acute L arm pain and then agonal breathing - passed in order of 2-3 minutes. Likely cardiac arrest after MI for few days. She was BIBA the EMTs continued CPR for ~20 minutes but was unable to revive patient. She was pronounced dead on 2023." "1290195-1" "1290195-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Covid19 vaccine: The patient received her second dosage of Moderna on 3/23.Patient called family medicine triage on 4/1 regarding arm/shoulder pain from her vaccine site that was not improving. Pain started out near injection site but last couple days has been spreading to shoulder, some possible swelling, per patient. Finding it hard to sleep. Denies redness, warmth. Feels warm but no chills, doesn't have thermometer at home. The patient refused to call the COVID hotline. She was calling for an in-person appointment and was triaged for her symptoms. The next in-person appointment was not until Saturday 4/3, and it was given to the patient. She did not want to go to the ED. She suffered a witnessed massive heart attack the same day in her home and her partner called 911. Per parnter's report, walked around a little that day, in discomfort. Then came home and laid down with more arm pain. She had acute L arm pain and then agonal breathing - passed in order of 2-3 minutes. Likely cardiac arrest after MI for few days. She was BIBA the EMTs continued CPR for ~20 minutes but was unable to revive patient. She was pronounced dead on 2023." "1290195-1" "1290195-1" "DISCOMFORT" "10013082" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Covid19 vaccine: The patient received her second dosage of Moderna on 3/23.Patient called family medicine triage on 4/1 regarding arm/shoulder pain from her vaccine site that was not improving. Pain started out near injection site but last couple days has been spreading to shoulder, some possible swelling, per patient. Finding it hard to sleep. Denies redness, warmth. Feels warm but no chills, doesn't have thermometer at home. The patient refused to call the COVID hotline. She was calling for an in-person appointment and was triaged for her symptoms. The next in-person appointment was not until Saturday 4/3, and it was given to the patient. She did not want to go to the ED. She suffered a witnessed massive heart attack the same day in her home and her partner called 911. Per parnter's report, walked around a little that day, in discomfort. Then came home and laid down with more arm pain. She had acute L arm pain and then agonal breathing - passed in order of 2-3 minutes. Likely cardiac arrest after MI for few days. She was BIBA the EMTs continued CPR for ~20 minutes but was unable to revive patient. She was pronounced dead on 2023." "1290195-1" "1290195-1" "FEELING HOT" "10016334" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Covid19 vaccine: The patient received her second dosage of Moderna on 3/23.Patient called family medicine triage on 4/1 regarding arm/shoulder pain from her vaccine site that was not improving. Pain started out near injection site but last couple days has been spreading to shoulder, some possible swelling, per patient. Finding it hard to sleep. Denies redness, warmth. Feels warm but no chills, doesn't have thermometer at home. The patient refused to call the COVID hotline. She was calling for an in-person appointment and was triaged for her symptoms. The next in-person appointment was not until Saturday 4/3, and it was given to the patient. She did not want to go to the ED. She suffered a witnessed massive heart attack the same day in her home and her partner called 911. Per parnter's report, walked around a little that day, in discomfort. Then came home and laid down with more arm pain. She had acute L arm pain and then agonal breathing - passed in order of 2-3 minutes. Likely cardiac arrest after MI for few days. She was BIBA the EMTs continued CPR for ~20 minutes but was unable to revive patient. She was pronounced dead on 2023." "1290195-1" "1290195-1" "INJECTION SITE PAIN" "10022086" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Covid19 vaccine: The patient received her second dosage of Moderna on 3/23.Patient called family medicine triage on 4/1 regarding arm/shoulder pain from her vaccine site that was not improving. Pain started out near injection site but last couple days has been spreading to shoulder, some possible swelling, per patient. Finding it hard to sleep. Denies redness, warmth. Feels warm but no chills, doesn't have thermometer at home. The patient refused to call the COVID hotline. She was calling for an in-person appointment and was triaged for her symptoms. The next in-person appointment was not until Saturday 4/3, and it was given to the patient. She did not want to go to the ED. She suffered a witnessed massive heart attack the same day in her home and her partner called 911. Per parnter's report, walked around a little that day, in discomfort. Then came home and laid down with more arm pain. She had acute L arm pain and then agonal breathing - passed in order of 2-3 minutes. Likely cardiac arrest after MI for few days. She was BIBA the EMTs continued CPR for ~20 minutes but was unable to revive patient. She was pronounced dead on 2023." "1290195-1" "1290195-1" "INSOMNIA" "10022437" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Covid19 vaccine: The patient received her second dosage of Moderna on 3/23.Patient called family medicine triage on 4/1 regarding arm/shoulder pain from her vaccine site that was not improving. Pain started out near injection site but last couple days has been spreading to shoulder, some possible swelling, per patient. Finding it hard to sleep. Denies redness, warmth. Feels warm but no chills, doesn't have thermometer at home. The patient refused to call the COVID hotline. She was calling for an in-person appointment and was triaged for her symptoms. The next in-person appointment was not until Saturday 4/3, and it was given to the patient. She did not want to go to the ED. She suffered a witnessed massive heart attack the same day in her home and her partner called 911. Per parnter's report, walked around a little that day, in discomfort. Then came home and laid down with more arm pain. She had acute L arm pain and then agonal breathing - passed in order of 2-3 minutes. Likely cardiac arrest after MI for few days. She was BIBA the EMTs continued CPR for ~20 minutes but was unable to revive patient. She was pronounced dead on 2023." "1290195-1" "1290195-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Covid19 vaccine: The patient received her second dosage of Moderna on 3/23.Patient called family medicine triage on 4/1 regarding arm/shoulder pain from her vaccine site that was not improving. Pain started out near injection site but last couple days has been spreading to shoulder, some possible swelling, per patient. Finding it hard to sleep. Denies redness, warmth. Feels warm but no chills, doesn't have thermometer at home. The patient refused to call the COVID hotline. She was calling for an in-person appointment and was triaged for her symptoms. The next in-person appointment was not until Saturday 4/3, and it was given to the patient. She did not want to go to the ED. She suffered a witnessed massive heart attack the same day in her home and her partner called 911. Per parnter's report, walked around a little that day, in discomfort. Then came home and laid down with more arm pain. She had acute L arm pain and then agonal breathing - passed in order of 2-3 minutes. Likely cardiac arrest after MI for few days. She was BIBA the EMTs continued CPR for ~20 minutes but was unable to revive patient. She was pronounced dead on 2023." "1290195-1" "1290195-1" "PAIN IN EXTREMITY" "10033425" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Covid19 vaccine: The patient received her second dosage of Moderna on 3/23.Patient called family medicine triage on 4/1 regarding arm/shoulder pain from her vaccine site that was not improving. Pain started out near injection site but last couple days has been spreading to shoulder, some possible swelling, per patient. Finding it hard to sleep. Denies redness, warmth. Feels warm but no chills, doesn't have thermometer at home. The patient refused to call the COVID hotline. She was calling for an in-person appointment and was triaged for her symptoms. The next in-person appointment was not until Saturday 4/3, and it was given to the patient. She did not want to go to the ED. She suffered a witnessed massive heart attack the same day in her home and her partner called 911. Per parnter's report, walked around a little that day, in discomfort. Then came home and laid down with more arm pain. She had acute L arm pain and then agonal breathing - passed in order of 2-3 minutes. Likely cardiac arrest after MI for few days. She was BIBA the EMTs continued CPR for ~20 minutes but was unable to revive patient. She was pronounced dead on 2023." "1290195-1" "1290195-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Covid19 vaccine: The patient received her second dosage of Moderna on 3/23.Patient called family medicine triage on 4/1 regarding arm/shoulder pain from her vaccine site that was not improving. Pain started out near injection site but last couple days has been spreading to shoulder, some possible swelling, per patient. Finding it hard to sleep. Denies redness, warmth. Feels warm but no chills, doesn't have thermometer at home. The patient refused to call the COVID hotline. She was calling for an in-person appointment and was triaged for her symptoms. The next in-person appointment was not until Saturday 4/3, and it was given to the patient. She did not want to go to the ED. She suffered a witnessed massive heart attack the same day in her home and her partner called 911. Per parnter's report, walked around a little that day, in discomfort. Then came home and laid down with more arm pain. She had acute L arm pain and then agonal breathing - passed in order of 2-3 minutes. Likely cardiac arrest after MI for few days. She was BIBA the EMTs continued CPR for ~20 minutes but was unable to revive patient. She was pronounced dead on 2023." "1290421-1" "1290421-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, Diarrhea, chills, sweating, weakness beginning 7 hours after injection. Hospitalized due to these symptoms on March 10, and died on March 13." "1290421-1" "1290421-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, Diarrhea, chills, sweating, weakness beginning 7 hours after injection. Hospitalized due to these symptoms on March 10, and died on March 13." "1290421-1" "1290421-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, Diarrhea, chills, sweating, weakness beginning 7 hours after injection. Hospitalized due to these symptoms on March 10, and died on March 13." "1290421-1" "1290421-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, Diarrhea, chills, sweating, weakness beginning 7 hours after injection. Hospitalized due to these symptoms on March 10, and died on March 13." "1290421-1" "1290421-1" "HYPERHIDROSIS" "10020642" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, Diarrhea, chills, sweating, weakness beginning 7 hours after injection. Hospitalized due to these symptoms on March 10, and died on March 13." "1290421-1" "1290421-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, Diarrhea, chills, sweating, weakness beginning 7 hours after injection. Hospitalized due to these symptoms on March 10, and died on March 13." "1292411-1" "1292411-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death resulted two days after 2nd dose in series." "1293944-1" "1293944-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient suffered cardiac arrest today" "1296067-1" "1296067-1" "ABDOMINAL PAIN" "10000081" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient completed 2-dose Pfizer series on 1/31/21 and passed away on 2/13/21. Pt presented to ER on 2/11/21 with SOB, weakness, diffuse abdominal pain and diarrhea that started that day. Pt tested positive for COVID and was transferred out to a higher level of care. 1st dose: 1/5/21, 2nd dose: 1/31/21" "1296067-1" "1296067-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient completed 2-dose Pfizer series on 1/31/21 and passed away on 2/13/21. Pt presented to ER on 2/11/21 with SOB, weakness, diffuse abdominal pain and diarrhea that started that day. Pt tested positive for COVID and was transferred out to a higher level of care. 1st dose: 1/5/21, 2nd dose: 1/31/21" "1296067-1" "1296067-1" "BLOOD CULTURE NEGATIVE" "10005486" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient completed 2-dose Pfizer series on 1/31/21 and passed away on 2/13/21. Pt presented to ER on 2/11/21 with SOB, weakness, diffuse abdominal pain and diarrhea that started that day. Pt tested positive for COVID and was transferred out to a higher level of care. 1st dose: 1/5/21, 2nd dose: 1/31/21" "1296067-1" "1296067-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient completed 2-dose Pfizer series on 1/31/21 and passed away on 2/13/21. Pt presented to ER on 2/11/21 with SOB, weakness, diffuse abdominal pain and diarrhea that started that day. Pt tested positive for COVID and was transferred out to a higher level of care. 1st dose: 1/5/21, 2nd dose: 1/31/21" "1296067-1" "1296067-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient completed 2-dose Pfizer series on 1/31/21 and passed away on 2/13/21. Pt presented to ER on 2/11/21 with SOB, weakness, diffuse abdominal pain and diarrhea that started that day. Pt tested positive for COVID and was transferred out to a higher level of care. 1st dose: 1/5/21, 2nd dose: 1/31/21" "1296067-1" "1296067-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient completed 2-dose Pfizer series on 1/31/21 and passed away on 2/13/21. Pt presented to ER on 2/11/21 with SOB, weakness, diffuse abdominal pain and diarrhea that started that day. Pt tested positive for COVID and was transferred out to a higher level of care. 1st dose: 1/5/21, 2nd dose: 1/31/21" "1296067-1" "1296067-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient completed 2-dose Pfizer series on 1/31/21 and passed away on 2/13/21. Pt presented to ER on 2/11/21 with SOB, weakness, diffuse abdominal pain and diarrhea that started that day. Pt tested positive for COVID and was transferred out to a higher level of care. 1st dose: 1/5/21, 2nd dose: 1/31/21" "1296067-1" "1296067-1" "FIBRIN D DIMER INCREASED" "10016581" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient completed 2-dose Pfizer series on 1/31/21 and passed away on 2/13/21. Pt presented to ER on 2/11/21 with SOB, weakness, diffuse abdominal pain and diarrhea that started that day. Pt tested positive for COVID and was transferred out to a higher level of care. 1st dose: 1/5/21, 2nd dose: 1/31/21" "1296067-1" "1296067-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient completed 2-dose Pfizer series on 1/31/21 and passed away on 2/13/21. Pt presented to ER on 2/11/21 with SOB, weakness, diffuse abdominal pain and diarrhea that started that day. Pt tested positive for COVID and was transferred out to a higher level of care. 1st dose: 1/5/21, 2nd dose: 1/31/21" "1296067-1" "1296067-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient completed 2-dose Pfizer series on 1/31/21 and passed away on 2/13/21. Pt presented to ER on 2/11/21 with SOB, weakness, diffuse abdominal pain and diarrhea that started that day. Pt tested positive for COVID and was transferred out to a higher level of care. 1st dose: 1/5/21, 2nd dose: 1/31/21" "1296807-1" "1296807-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" "In the hours following the first dose on 3/19/2021, sustained fever between 100 - 102 degrees, headaches, chills, clammy. The symptoms continued all day on the 3/20/2021. Sometime after 5:30 am on the 3/21/2021 she could not breathe. Pulse oximeter registered 57. contacted ambulance, within their arrival 10-15 minutes later, pulse oximeter was down to 43. Lips were blue skin was pale and clammy. At hospital she received high doses of oxygen and was treated for other symptoms." "1296807-1" "1296807-1" "COLD SWEAT" "10009866" "65-79 years" "65-79" "In the hours following the first dose on 3/19/2021, sustained fever between 100 - 102 degrees, headaches, chills, clammy. The symptoms continued all day on the 3/20/2021. Sometime after 5:30 am on the 3/21/2021 she could not breathe. Pulse oximeter registered 57. contacted ambulance, within their arrival 10-15 minutes later, pulse oximeter was down to 43. Lips were blue skin was pale and clammy. At hospital she received high doses of oxygen and was treated for other symptoms." "1296807-1" "1296807-1" "CYANOSIS" "10011703" "65-79 years" "65-79" "In the hours following the first dose on 3/19/2021, sustained fever between 100 - 102 degrees, headaches, chills, clammy. The symptoms continued all day on the 3/20/2021. Sometime after 5:30 am on the 3/21/2021 she could not breathe. Pulse oximeter registered 57. contacted ambulance, within their arrival 10-15 minutes later, pulse oximeter was down to 43. Lips were blue skin was pale and clammy. At hospital she received high doses of oxygen and was treated for other symptoms." "1296807-1" "1296807-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "In the hours following the first dose on 3/19/2021, sustained fever between 100 - 102 degrees, headaches, chills, clammy. The symptoms continued all day on the 3/20/2021. Sometime after 5:30 am on the 3/21/2021 she could not breathe. Pulse oximeter registered 57. contacted ambulance, within their arrival 10-15 minutes later, pulse oximeter was down to 43. Lips were blue skin was pale and clammy. At hospital she received high doses of oxygen and was treated for other symptoms." "1296807-1" "1296807-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "In the hours following the first dose on 3/19/2021, sustained fever between 100 - 102 degrees, headaches, chills, clammy. The symptoms continued all day on the 3/20/2021. Sometime after 5:30 am on the 3/21/2021 she could not breathe. Pulse oximeter registered 57. contacted ambulance, within their arrival 10-15 minutes later, pulse oximeter was down to 43. Lips were blue skin was pale and clammy. At hospital she received high doses of oxygen and was treated for other symptoms." "1296807-1" "1296807-1" "GENERAL PHYSICAL HEALTH DETERIORATION" "10049438" "65-79 years" "65-79" "In the hours following the first dose on 3/19/2021, sustained fever between 100 - 102 degrees, headaches, chills, clammy. The symptoms continued all day on the 3/20/2021. Sometime after 5:30 am on the 3/21/2021 she could not breathe. Pulse oximeter registered 57. contacted ambulance, within their arrival 10-15 minutes later, pulse oximeter was down to 43. Lips were blue skin was pale and clammy. At hospital she received high doses of oxygen and was treated for other symptoms." "1296807-1" "1296807-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "In the hours following the first dose on 3/19/2021, sustained fever between 100 - 102 degrees, headaches, chills, clammy. The symptoms continued all day on the 3/20/2021. Sometime after 5:30 am on the 3/21/2021 she could not breathe. Pulse oximeter registered 57. contacted ambulance, within their arrival 10-15 minutes later, pulse oximeter was down to 43. Lips were blue skin was pale and clammy. At hospital she received high doses of oxygen and was treated for other symptoms." "1296807-1" "1296807-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "In the hours following the first dose on 3/19/2021, sustained fever between 100 - 102 degrees, headaches, chills, clammy. The symptoms continued all day on the 3/20/2021. Sometime after 5:30 am on the 3/21/2021 she could not breathe. Pulse oximeter registered 57. contacted ambulance, within their arrival 10-15 minutes later, pulse oximeter was down to 43. Lips were blue skin was pale and clammy. At hospital she received high doses of oxygen and was treated for other symptoms." "1296807-1" "1296807-1" "PALLOR" "10033546" "65-79 years" "65-79" "In the hours following the first dose on 3/19/2021, sustained fever between 100 - 102 degrees, headaches, chills, clammy. The symptoms continued all day on the 3/20/2021. Sometime after 5:30 am on the 3/21/2021 she could not breathe. Pulse oximeter registered 57. contacted ambulance, within their arrival 10-15 minutes later, pulse oximeter was down to 43. Lips were blue skin was pale and clammy. At hospital she received high doses of oxygen and was treated for other symptoms." "1296807-1" "1296807-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" "In the hours following the first dose on 3/19/2021, sustained fever between 100 - 102 degrees, headaches, chills, clammy. The symptoms continued all day on the 3/20/2021. Sometime after 5:30 am on the 3/21/2021 she could not breathe. Pulse oximeter registered 57. contacted ambulance, within their arrival 10-15 minutes later, pulse oximeter was down to 43. Lips were blue skin was pale and clammy. At hospital she received high doses of oxygen and was treated for other symptoms." "1296807-1" "1296807-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "In the hours following the first dose on 3/19/2021, sustained fever between 100 - 102 degrees, headaches, chills, clammy. The symptoms continued all day on the 3/20/2021. Sometime after 5:30 am on the 3/21/2021 she could not breathe. Pulse oximeter registered 57. contacted ambulance, within their arrival 10-15 minutes later, pulse oximeter was down to 43. Lips were blue skin was pale and clammy. At hospital she received high doses of oxygen and was treated for other symptoms." "1296807-1" "1296807-1" "RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10038669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "In the hours following the first dose on 3/19/2021, sustained fever between 100 - 102 degrees, headaches, chills, clammy. The symptoms continued all day on the 3/20/2021. Sometime after 5:30 am on the 3/21/2021 she could not breathe. Pulse oximeter registered 57. contacted ambulance, within their arrival 10-15 minutes later, pulse oximeter was down to 43. Lips were blue skin was pale and clammy. At hospital she received high doses of oxygen and was treated for other symptoms." "1296807-1" "1296807-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST NEGATIVE" "10084273" "65-79 years" "65-79" "In the hours following the first dose on 3/19/2021, sustained fever between 100 - 102 degrees, headaches, chills, clammy. The symptoms continued all day on the 3/20/2021. Sometime after 5:30 am on the 3/21/2021 she could not breathe. Pulse oximeter registered 57. contacted ambulance, within their arrival 10-15 minutes later, pulse oximeter was down to 43. Lips were blue skin was pale and clammy. At hospital she received high doses of oxygen and was treated for other symptoms." "1298020-1" "1298020-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She had no pain from the initial shot but then that night she stated she felt horrible, aches and pains and her cough worsened. a week later she said that the symptoms were just as bad, she was extremely tired also. Nauseated as well. She did not believe that she had a fever." "1298020-1" "1298020-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She had no pain from the initial shot but then that night she stated she felt horrible, aches and pains and her cough worsened. a week later she said that the symptoms were just as bad, she was extremely tired also. Nauseated as well. She did not believe that she had a fever." "1298020-1" "1298020-1" "FEELING ABNORMAL" "10016322" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She had no pain from the initial shot but then that night she stated she felt horrible, aches and pains and her cough worsened. a week later she said that the symptoms were just as bad, she was extremely tired also. Nauseated as well. She did not believe that she had a fever." "1298020-1" "1298020-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She had no pain from the initial shot but then that night she stated she felt horrible, aches and pains and her cough worsened. a week later she said that the symptoms were just as bad, she was extremely tired also. Nauseated as well. She did not believe that she had a fever." "1298020-1" "1298020-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She had no pain from the initial shot but then that night she stated she felt horrible, aches and pains and her cough worsened. a week later she said that the symptoms were just as bad, she was extremely tired also. Nauseated as well. She did not believe that she had a fever." "1307637-1" "1307637-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received dose 1 on 2/12/2021 and dose 2 on 3/15/2021 from community pharmacy. Tested positive on 4/7/2021. Hospitalized for COVID on 4/19/2021. Discharged on 4/29/2021 to hospice. Passed away on 5/1/2021." "1307637-1" "1307637-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received dose 1 on 2/12/2021 and dose 2 on 3/15/2021 from community pharmacy. Tested positive on 4/7/2021. Hospitalized for COVID on 4/19/2021. Discharged on 4/29/2021 to hospice. Passed away on 5/1/2021." "1307637-1" "1307637-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received dose 1 on 2/12/2021 and dose 2 on 3/15/2021 from community pharmacy. Tested positive on 4/7/2021. Hospitalized for COVID on 4/19/2021. Discharged on 4/29/2021 to hospice. Passed away on 5/1/2021." "1310651-1" "1310651-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received Moderna vaccine 3/2/2021 0.5 ml LD IM Lot: 029L20A and Moderna vaccine 3/30/2021 0.5 ml LD IM Lot: 019B21A. The patient was exposed to an infected person with Covid about 1 week after her second vaccine. She was admitted to the ICU with severe covid on 4/13/21. She was eventually transitioned to comfort care and died on 5/6/2021." "1310651-1" "1310651-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received Moderna vaccine 3/2/2021 0.5 ml LD IM Lot: 029L20A and Moderna vaccine 3/30/2021 0.5 ml LD IM Lot: 019B21A. The patient was exposed to an infected person with Covid about 1 week after her second vaccine. She was admitted to the ICU with severe covid on 4/13/21. She was eventually transitioned to comfort care and died on 5/6/2021." "1310651-1" "1310651-1" "EXPOSURE TO SARS-COV-2" "10084456" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received Moderna vaccine 3/2/2021 0.5 ml LD IM Lot: 029L20A and Moderna vaccine 3/30/2021 0.5 ml LD IM Lot: 019B21A. The patient was exposed to an infected person with Covid about 1 week after her second vaccine. She was admitted to the ICU with severe covid on 4/13/21. She was eventually transitioned to comfort care and died on 5/6/2021." "1310651-1" "1310651-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received Moderna vaccine 3/2/2021 0.5 ml LD IM Lot: 029L20A and Moderna vaccine 3/30/2021 0.5 ml LD IM Lot: 019B21A. The patient was exposed to an infected person with Covid about 1 week after her second vaccine. She was admitted to the ICU with severe covid on 4/13/21. She was eventually transitioned to comfort care and died on 5/6/2021." "1311363-1" "1311363-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Developed a cough after an unknown amount of time. Ultimately died on 5/12/21 at 1631 hours." "1311363-1" "1311363-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Developed a cough after an unknown amount of time. Ultimately died on 5/12/21 at 1631 hours." "1312036-1" "1312036-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death" "1314742-1" "1314742-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's body was found on May 1st. Since the shot , he was complaining of tinnitus, sore legs, dizziness (passed our several times), loss of bowel control, and unable to maintain a stream of thought, which are stroke symptoms. He has had surgery for blood clots in the past. He seemed to get worse in the weeks following the Jansen shot." "1314742-1" "1314742-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's body was found on May 1st. Since the shot , he was complaining of tinnitus, sore legs, dizziness (passed our several times), loss of bowel control, and unable to maintain a stream of thought, which are stroke symptoms. He has had surgery for blood clots in the past. He seemed to get worse in the weeks following the Jansen shot." "1314742-1" "1314742-1" "DISTURBANCE IN ATTENTION" "10013496" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's body was found on May 1st. Since the shot , he was complaining of tinnitus, sore legs, dizziness (passed our several times), loss of bowel control, and unable to maintain a stream of thought, which are stroke symptoms. He has had surgery for blood clots in the past. He seemed to get worse in the weeks following the Jansen shot." "1314742-1" "1314742-1" "DIZZINESS" "10013573" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's body was found on May 1st. Since the shot , he was complaining of tinnitus, sore legs, dizziness (passed our several times), loss of bowel control, and unable to maintain a stream of thought, which are stroke symptoms. He has had surgery for blood clots in the past. He seemed to get worse in the weeks following the Jansen shot." "1314742-1" "1314742-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's body was found on May 1st. Since the shot , he was complaining of tinnitus, sore legs, dizziness (passed our several times), loss of bowel control, and unable to maintain a stream of thought, which are stroke symptoms. He has had surgery for blood clots in the past. He seemed to get worse in the weeks following the Jansen shot." "1314742-1" "1314742-1" "NEUROLOGICAL SYMPTOM" "10060860" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's body was found on May 1st. Since the shot , he was complaining of tinnitus, sore legs, dizziness (passed our several times), loss of bowel control, and unable to maintain a stream of thought, which are stroke symptoms. He has had surgery for blood clots in the past. He seemed to get worse in the weeks following the Jansen shot." "1314742-1" "1314742-1" "PAIN IN EXTREMITY" "10033425" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's body was found on May 1st. Since the shot , he was complaining of tinnitus, sore legs, dizziness (passed our several times), loss of bowel control, and unable to maintain a stream of thought, which are stroke symptoms. He has had surgery for blood clots in the past. He seemed to get worse in the weeks following the Jansen shot." "1314742-1" "1314742-1" "TINNITUS" "10043882" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's body was found on May 1st. Since the shot , he was complaining of tinnitus, sore legs, dizziness (passed our several times), loss of bowel control, and unable to maintain a stream of thought, which are stroke symptoms. He has had surgery for blood clots in the past. He seemed to get worse in the weeks following the Jansen shot." "1317043-1" "1317043-1" "ANGIOGRAM CEREBRAL ABNORMAL" "10052906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Spontaneous Cortical Non aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage with diagnostic suspicion but not confirmation of cortical venous thrombosis, and spontaneous ventricular tachycardia." "1317043-1" "1317043-1" "CEREBRAL VENOUS THROMBOSIS" "10008138" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Spontaneous Cortical Non aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage with diagnostic suspicion but not confirmation of cortical venous thrombosis, and spontaneous ventricular tachycardia." "1317043-1" "1317043-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD ABNORMAL" "10072168" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Spontaneous Cortical Non aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage with diagnostic suspicion but not confirmation of cortical venous thrombosis, and spontaneous ventricular tachycardia." "1317043-1" "1317043-1" "MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING HEAD ABNORMAL" "10085256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Spontaneous Cortical Non aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage with diagnostic suspicion but not confirmation of cortical venous thrombosis, and spontaneous ventricular tachycardia." "1317043-1" "1317043-1" "SPONTANEOUS HAEMORRHAGE" "10074557" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Spontaneous Cortical Non aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage with diagnostic suspicion but not confirmation of cortical venous thrombosis, and spontaneous ventricular tachycardia." "1317043-1" "1317043-1" "SUBARACHNOID HAEMORRHAGE" "10042316" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Spontaneous Cortical Non aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage with diagnostic suspicion but not confirmation of cortical venous thrombosis, and spontaneous ventricular tachycardia." "1317043-1" "1317043-1" "VENOGRAM" "10047208" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Spontaneous Cortical Non aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage with diagnostic suspicion but not confirmation of cortical venous thrombosis, and spontaneous ventricular tachycardia." "1317043-1" "1317043-1" "VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA" "10047302" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Spontaneous Cortical Non aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage with diagnostic suspicion but not confirmation of cortical venous thrombosis, and spontaneous ventricular tachycardia." "1318046-1" "1318046-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per report from family, pt had been feeling unwell for 3-4 weeks prior to event on 4/27 where he collapsed and suffered a cardiac arrest. No interventions were performed until EMS arrived 10-15 mins later (again, per family report). Pt was revived following CPR, and suffered a 2nd episode of cardiac arrest (possible in the ED). Pt was noted to have PEA at that time. Pt was intubated and vented in ICU. Pt was cooled x24 hours (unsure of protocol name) and rewarmed over 24 hours more. Pt was weaned from all paralytics, etc. Per RN reports, pt failed all neuro tests except R eye went from 3 > 2 mm (4/29 +). Pt was transitioned to comfort care on 4/30 and passed within 5 minutes." "1318046-1" "1318046-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per report from family, pt had been feeling unwell for 3-4 weeks prior to event on 4/27 where he collapsed and suffered a cardiac arrest. No interventions were performed until EMS arrived 10-15 mins later (again, per family report). Pt was revived following CPR, and suffered a 2nd episode of cardiac arrest (possible in the ED). Pt was noted to have PEA at that time. Pt was intubated and vented in ICU. Pt was cooled x24 hours (unsure of protocol name) and rewarmed over 24 hours more. Pt was weaned from all paralytics, etc. Per RN reports, pt failed all neuro tests except R eye went from 3 > 2 mm (4/29 +). Pt was transitioned to comfort care on 4/30 and passed within 5 minutes." "1318046-1" "1318046-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per report from family, pt had been feeling unwell for 3-4 weeks prior to event on 4/27 where he collapsed and suffered a cardiac arrest. No interventions were performed until EMS arrived 10-15 mins later (again, per family report). Pt was revived following CPR, and suffered a 2nd episode of cardiac arrest (possible in the ED). Pt was noted to have PEA at that time. Pt was intubated and vented in ICU. Pt was cooled x24 hours (unsure of protocol name) and rewarmed over 24 hours more. Pt was weaned from all paralytics, etc. Per RN reports, pt failed all neuro tests except R eye went from 3 > 2 mm (4/29 +). Pt was transitioned to comfort care on 4/30 and passed within 5 minutes." "1318046-1" "1318046-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per report from family, pt had been feeling unwell for 3-4 weeks prior to event on 4/27 where he collapsed and suffered a cardiac arrest. No interventions were performed until EMS arrived 10-15 mins later (again, per family report). Pt was revived following CPR, and suffered a 2nd episode of cardiac arrest (possible in the ED). Pt was noted to have PEA at that time. Pt was intubated and vented in ICU. Pt was cooled x24 hours (unsure of protocol name) and rewarmed over 24 hours more. Pt was weaned from all paralytics, etc. Per RN reports, pt failed all neuro tests except R eye went from 3 > 2 mm (4/29 +). Pt was transitioned to comfort care on 4/30 and passed within 5 minutes." "1318046-1" "1318046-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per report from family, pt had been feeling unwell for 3-4 weeks prior to event on 4/27 where he collapsed and suffered a cardiac arrest. No interventions were performed until EMS arrived 10-15 mins later (again, per family report). Pt was revived following CPR, and suffered a 2nd episode of cardiac arrest (possible in the ED). Pt was noted to have PEA at that time. Pt was intubated and vented in ICU. Pt was cooled x24 hours (unsure of protocol name) and rewarmed over 24 hours more. Pt was weaned from all paralytics, etc. Per RN reports, pt failed all neuro tests except R eye went from 3 > 2 mm (4/29 +). Pt was transitioned to comfort care on 4/30 and passed within 5 minutes." "1318046-1" "1318046-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per report from family, pt had been feeling unwell for 3-4 weeks prior to event on 4/27 where he collapsed and suffered a cardiac arrest. No interventions were performed until EMS arrived 10-15 mins later (again, per family report). Pt was revived following CPR, and suffered a 2nd episode of cardiac arrest (possible in the ED). Pt was noted to have PEA at that time. Pt was intubated and vented in ICU. Pt was cooled x24 hours (unsure of protocol name) and rewarmed over 24 hours more. Pt was weaned from all paralytics, etc. Per RN reports, pt failed all neuro tests except R eye went from 3 > 2 mm (4/29 +). Pt was transitioned to comfort care on 4/30 and passed within 5 minutes." "1318046-1" "1318046-1" "NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION ABNORMAL" "10056832" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per report from family, pt had been feeling unwell for 3-4 weeks prior to event on 4/27 where he collapsed and suffered a cardiac arrest. No interventions were performed until EMS arrived 10-15 mins later (again, per family report). Pt was revived following CPR, and suffered a 2nd episode of cardiac arrest (possible in the ED). Pt was noted to have PEA at that time. Pt was intubated and vented in ICU. Pt was cooled x24 hours (unsure of protocol name) and rewarmed over 24 hours more. Pt was weaned from all paralytics, etc. Per RN reports, pt failed all neuro tests except R eye went from 3 > 2 mm (4/29 +). Pt was transitioned to comfort care on 4/30 and passed within 5 minutes." "1318046-1" "1318046-1" "PULSELESS ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY" "10058151" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per report from family, pt had been feeling unwell for 3-4 weeks prior to event on 4/27 where he collapsed and suffered a cardiac arrest. No interventions were performed until EMS arrived 10-15 mins later (again, per family report). Pt was revived following CPR, and suffered a 2nd episode of cardiac arrest (possible in the ED). Pt was noted to have PEA at that time. Pt was intubated and vented in ICU. Pt was cooled x24 hours (unsure of protocol name) and rewarmed over 24 hours more. Pt was weaned from all paralytics, etc. Per RN reports, pt failed all neuro tests except R eye went from 3 > 2 mm (4/29 +). Pt was transitioned to comfort care on 4/30 and passed within 5 minutes." "1318046-1" "1318046-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per report from family, pt had been feeling unwell for 3-4 weeks prior to event on 4/27 where he collapsed and suffered a cardiac arrest. No interventions were performed until EMS arrived 10-15 mins later (again, per family report). Pt was revived following CPR, and suffered a 2nd episode of cardiac arrest (possible in the ED). Pt was noted to have PEA at that time. Pt was intubated and vented in ICU. Pt was cooled x24 hours (unsure of protocol name) and rewarmed over 24 hours more. Pt was weaned from all paralytics, etc. Per RN reports, pt failed all neuro tests except R eye went from 3 > 2 mm (4/29 +). Pt was transitioned to comfort care on 4/30 and passed within 5 minutes." "1318046-1" "1318046-1" "SYNCOPE" "10042772" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per report from family, pt had been feeling unwell for 3-4 weeks prior to event on 4/27 where he collapsed and suffered a cardiac arrest. No interventions were performed until EMS arrived 10-15 mins later (again, per family report). Pt was revived following CPR, and suffered a 2nd episode of cardiac arrest (possible in the ED). Pt was noted to have PEA at that time. Pt was intubated and vented in ICU. Pt was cooled x24 hours (unsure of protocol name) and rewarmed over 24 hours more. Pt was weaned from all paralytics, etc. Per RN reports, pt failed all neuro tests except R eye went from 3 > 2 mm (4/29 +). Pt was transitioned to comfort care on 4/30 and passed within 5 minutes." "1319357-1" "1319357-1" "CARDIAC DEATH" "10049993" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Died of cardiac shock one week after second dose" "1319357-1" "1319357-1" "CARDIOGENIC SHOCK" "10007625" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Died of cardiac shock one week after second dose" "1320378-1" "1320378-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "DVT was twice as bad; death/natural process; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable Nurse reporting for reporter's husband. A 78-year-old male patient received bnt162b2 (reported as COVID vaccine), dose 2 via an unspecified route of administration on 20Mar2021 (Lot Number: EN6201; Expiration Date: 30Jun2021) as 2nd dose, single (at the age of 78-year-old) for COVID-19 immunisation. Medical history included diabetes, Liver cirrhosis, thrombocytopenia, Kidney stone, sarcoidosis, blood pressure abnormal, high cholesterol, pacemaker and they putted the IVC filter for blood clot. Concomitant medications included insulin, simvastatin, hydrochlorothiazide and omeprazole (PROTONIX), all taken for an unspecified indication, start and stop date were not reported; and carvedilol (COREG) taken for blood pressure, start and stop date were not reported. The patient previously received the first dose of bnt162b2 (Lot Number: EN6201; Expiration Date: 30Jun2021) on 27Feb2021 at the age of 78-year-old for COVID-19 immunization and experienced pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) on 12Mar2021, and went into the hospital 12Mar2021. Then the patient had the second COVID shot on 20Mar2021 and the reporter had taken him right back into the hospital couple days later because the DVT got twice as worst. The patient experienced DVT was twice as bad on an unspecified date in Mar2021, which required hospitalization on 22Mar2021. The patient underwent lab tests, he had lab tests on 22Mar2021 when he went in and he probably had them on 23rd and 24th of Mar2021. The reporter didn't know what all the lab tests were done in the hospital. The patient died on 12Apr2021. The reporter stated they put Reason of death as natural process because she sent him in the Hospice. An autopsy was not performed. The outcome of event DVT was unknown. The reporter considered there was a causal relationship, when he got his second COVID shot on 20Mar2021 and then he went back in the hospital on 22Mar2021 and the DVT was twice as bad.; Sender's Comments: Based on a positive temporal association, a possible contributory role of the suspect BNT162B2 cannot be excluded for the reported DVT. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to regulatory authorities, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: death/natural process" "1320378-1" "1320378-1" "DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS" "10051055" "65-79 years" "65-79" "DVT was twice as bad; death/natural process; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable Nurse reporting for reporter's husband. A 78-year-old male patient received bnt162b2 (reported as COVID vaccine), dose 2 via an unspecified route of administration on 20Mar2021 (Lot Number: EN6201; Expiration Date: 30Jun2021) as 2nd dose, single (at the age of 78-year-old) for COVID-19 immunisation. Medical history included diabetes, Liver cirrhosis, thrombocytopenia, Kidney stone, sarcoidosis, blood pressure abnormal, high cholesterol, pacemaker and they putted the IVC filter for blood clot. Concomitant medications included insulin, simvastatin, hydrochlorothiazide and omeprazole (PROTONIX), all taken for an unspecified indication, start and stop date were not reported; and carvedilol (COREG) taken for blood pressure, start and stop date were not reported. The patient previously received the first dose of bnt162b2 (Lot Number: EN6201; Expiration Date: 30Jun2021) on 27Feb2021 at the age of 78-year-old for COVID-19 immunization and experienced pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) on 12Mar2021, and went into the hospital 12Mar2021. Then the patient had the second COVID shot on 20Mar2021 and the reporter had taken him right back into the hospital couple days later because the DVT got twice as worst. The patient experienced DVT was twice as bad on an unspecified date in Mar2021, which required hospitalization on 22Mar2021. The patient underwent lab tests, he had lab tests on 22Mar2021 when he went in and he probably had them on 23rd and 24th of Mar2021. The reporter didn't know what all the lab tests were done in the hospital. The patient died on 12Apr2021. The reporter stated they put Reason of death as natural process because she sent him in the Hospice. An autopsy was not performed. The outcome of event DVT was unknown. The reporter considered there was a causal relationship, when he got his second COVID shot on 20Mar2021 and then he went back in the hospital on 22Mar2021 and the DVT was twice as bad.; Sender's Comments: Based on a positive temporal association, a possible contributory role of the suspect BNT162B2 cannot be excluded for the reported DVT. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to regulatory authorities, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: death/natural process" "1320378-1" "1320378-1" "LABORATORY TEST" "10059938" "65-79 years" "65-79" "DVT was twice as bad; death/natural process; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable Nurse reporting for reporter's husband. A 78-year-old male patient received bnt162b2 (reported as COVID vaccine), dose 2 via an unspecified route of administration on 20Mar2021 (Lot Number: EN6201; Expiration Date: 30Jun2021) as 2nd dose, single (at the age of 78-year-old) for COVID-19 immunisation. Medical history included diabetes, Liver cirrhosis, thrombocytopenia, Kidney stone, sarcoidosis, blood pressure abnormal, high cholesterol, pacemaker and they putted the IVC filter for blood clot. Concomitant medications included insulin, simvastatin, hydrochlorothiazide and omeprazole (PROTONIX), all taken for an unspecified indication, start and stop date were not reported; and carvedilol (COREG) taken for blood pressure, start and stop date were not reported. The patient previously received the first dose of bnt162b2 (Lot Number: EN6201; Expiration Date: 30Jun2021) on 27Feb2021 at the age of 78-year-old for COVID-19 immunization and experienced pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) on 12Mar2021, and went into the hospital 12Mar2021. Then the patient had the second COVID shot on 20Mar2021 and the reporter had taken him right back into the hospital couple days later because the DVT got twice as worst. The patient experienced DVT was twice as bad on an unspecified date in Mar2021, which required hospitalization on 22Mar2021. The patient underwent lab tests, he had lab tests on 22Mar2021 when he went in and he probably had them on 23rd and 24th of Mar2021. The reporter didn't know what all the lab tests were done in the hospital. The patient died on 12Apr2021. The reporter stated they put Reason of death as natural process because she sent him in the Hospice. An autopsy was not performed. The outcome of event DVT was unknown. The reporter considered there was a causal relationship, when he got his second COVID shot on 20Mar2021 and then he went back in the hospital on 22Mar2021 and the DVT was twice as bad.; Sender's Comments: Based on a positive temporal association, a possible contributory role of the suspect BNT162B2 cannot be excluded for the reported DVT. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to regulatory authorities, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: death/natural process" "1321140-1" "1321140-1" "CARDIAC MONITORING" "10053438" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, got her first Moderna shot on Feb. 4th, 2021 and developed trombosis in the legs about a week later. She went to the doctor, who at first didn't want to see her and told her to elevate her leg. Pt. had a scheduled eye appointment on Feb. 12th with an other doctor and when she asked if she had any other issues, pt. showed her her leg. The eye doctor immediately told her to go to urgent care. When she did she received blood thinners and started injections in her stomach for 5 days. Feb. 18th pt. suffered a mini stroke and went to the hospital emergency room. She was transferred over to another facility in the afternoon and kept overnight. She had a phone appointment with the Dr. on Feb. 24th and on the 26th she received a heart monitor to wear for 2 weeks. She also had a check up about her leg, which was still swollen. On March 4, pt. received her second Moderna shot and she was feverish and very tired for days and weeks after. By March 18th her condition didn't improve at all and in fact she was felling really bad over night, so on March 19th she was admitted again to the hospital. She was monitored and kept over night, but during the early morning she suffered a stroke and a heart attack and passed way the next day." "1321140-1" "1321140-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, got her first Moderna shot on Feb. 4th, 2021 and developed trombosis in the legs about a week later. She went to the doctor, who at first didn't want to see her and told her to elevate her leg. Pt. had a scheduled eye appointment on Feb. 12th with an other doctor and when she asked if she had any other issues, pt. showed her her leg. The eye doctor immediately told her to go to urgent care. When she did she received blood thinners and started injections in her stomach for 5 days. Feb. 18th pt. suffered a mini stroke and went to the hospital emergency room. She was transferred over to another facility in the afternoon and kept overnight. She had a phone appointment with the Dr. on Feb. 24th and on the 26th she received a heart monitor to wear for 2 weeks. She also had a check up about her leg, which was still swollen. On March 4, pt. received her second Moderna shot and she was feverish and very tired for days and weeks after. By March 18th her condition didn't improve at all and in fact she was felling really bad over night, so on March 19th she was admitted again to the hospital. She was monitored and kept over night, but during the early morning she suffered a stroke and a heart attack and passed way the next day." "1321140-1" "1321140-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, got her first Moderna shot on Feb. 4th, 2021 and developed trombosis in the legs about a week later. She went to the doctor, who at first didn't want to see her and told her to elevate her leg. Pt. had a scheduled eye appointment on Feb. 12th with an other doctor and when she asked if she had any other issues, pt. showed her her leg. The eye doctor immediately told her to go to urgent care. When she did she received blood thinners and started injections in her stomach for 5 days. Feb. 18th pt. suffered a mini stroke and went to the hospital emergency room. She was transferred over to another facility in the afternoon and kept overnight. She had a phone appointment with the Dr. on Feb. 24th and on the 26th she received a heart monitor to wear for 2 weeks. She also had a check up about her leg, which was still swollen. On March 4, pt. received her second Moderna shot and she was feverish and very tired for days and weeks after. By March 18th her condition didn't improve at all and in fact she was felling really bad over night, so on March 19th she was admitted again to the hospital. She was monitored and kept over night, but during the early morning she suffered a stroke and a heart attack and passed way the next day." "1321140-1" "1321140-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, got her first Moderna shot on Feb. 4th, 2021 and developed trombosis in the legs about a week later. She went to the doctor, who at first didn't want to see her and told her to elevate her leg. Pt. had a scheduled eye appointment on Feb. 12th with an other doctor and when she asked if she had any other issues, pt. showed her her leg. The eye doctor immediately told her to go to urgent care. When she did she received blood thinners and started injections in her stomach for 5 days. Feb. 18th pt. suffered a mini stroke and went to the hospital emergency room. She was transferred over to another facility in the afternoon and kept overnight. She had a phone appointment with the Dr. on Feb. 24th and on the 26th she received a heart monitor to wear for 2 weeks. She also had a check up about her leg, which was still swollen. On March 4, pt. received her second Moderna shot and she was feverish and very tired for days and weeks after. By March 18th her condition didn't improve at all and in fact she was felling really bad over night, so on March 19th she was admitted again to the hospital. She was monitored and kept over night, but during the early morning she suffered a stroke and a heart attack and passed way the next day." "1321140-1" "1321140-1" "FEELING ABNORMAL" "10016322" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, got her first Moderna shot on Feb. 4th, 2021 and developed trombosis in the legs about a week later. She went to the doctor, who at first didn't want to see her and told her to elevate her leg. Pt. had a scheduled eye appointment on Feb. 12th with an other doctor and when she asked if she had any other issues, pt. showed her her leg. The eye doctor immediately told her to go to urgent care. When she did she received blood thinners and started injections in her stomach for 5 days. Feb. 18th pt. suffered a mini stroke and went to the hospital emergency room. She was transferred over to another facility in the afternoon and kept overnight. She had a phone appointment with the Dr. on Feb. 24th and on the 26th she received a heart monitor to wear for 2 weeks. She also had a check up about her leg, which was still swollen. On March 4, pt. received her second Moderna shot and she was feverish and very tired for days and weeks after. By March 18th her condition didn't improve at all and in fact she was felling really bad over night, so on March 19th she was admitted again to the hospital. She was monitored and kept over night, but during the early morning she suffered a stroke and a heart attack and passed way the next day." "1321140-1" "1321140-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, got her first Moderna shot on Feb. 4th, 2021 and developed trombosis in the legs about a week later. She went to the doctor, who at first didn't want to see her and told her to elevate her leg. Pt. had a scheduled eye appointment on Feb. 12th with an other doctor and when she asked if she had any other issues, pt. showed her her leg. The eye doctor immediately told her to go to urgent care. When she did she received blood thinners and started injections in her stomach for 5 days. Feb. 18th pt. suffered a mini stroke and went to the hospital emergency room. She was transferred over to another facility in the afternoon and kept overnight. She had a phone appointment with the Dr. on Feb. 24th and on the 26th she received a heart monitor to wear for 2 weeks. She also had a check up about her leg, which was still swollen. On March 4, pt. received her second Moderna shot and she was feverish and very tired for days and weeks after. By March 18th her condition didn't improve at all and in fact she was felling really bad over night, so on March 19th she was admitted again to the hospital. She was monitored and kept over night, but during the early morning she suffered a stroke and a heart attack and passed way the next day." "1321140-1" "1321140-1" "PERIPHERAL SWELLING" "10048959" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, got her first Moderna shot on Feb. 4th, 2021 and developed trombosis in the legs about a week later. She went to the doctor, who at first didn't want to see her and told her to elevate her leg. Pt. had a scheduled eye appointment on Feb. 12th with an other doctor and when she asked if she had any other issues, pt. showed her her leg. The eye doctor immediately told her to go to urgent care. When she did she received blood thinners and started injections in her stomach for 5 days. Feb. 18th pt. suffered a mini stroke and went to the hospital emergency room. She was transferred over to another facility in the afternoon and kept overnight. She had a phone appointment with the Dr. on Feb. 24th and on the 26th she received a heart monitor to wear for 2 weeks. She also had a check up about her leg, which was still swollen. On March 4, pt. received her second Moderna shot and she was feverish and very tired for days and weeks after. By March 18th her condition didn't improve at all and in fact she was felling really bad over night, so on March 19th she was admitted again to the hospital. She was monitored and kept over night, but during the early morning she suffered a stroke and a heart attack and passed way the next day." "1321140-1" "1321140-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, got her first Moderna shot on Feb. 4th, 2021 and developed trombosis in the legs about a week later. She went to the doctor, who at first didn't want to see her and told her to elevate her leg. Pt. had a scheduled eye appointment on Feb. 12th with an other doctor and when she asked if she had any other issues, pt. showed her her leg. The eye doctor immediately told her to go to urgent care. When she did she received blood thinners and started injections in her stomach for 5 days. Feb. 18th pt. suffered a mini stroke and went to the hospital emergency room. She was transferred over to another facility in the afternoon and kept overnight. She had a phone appointment with the Dr. on Feb. 24th and on the 26th she received a heart monitor to wear for 2 weeks. She also had a check up about her leg, which was still swollen. On March 4, pt. received her second Moderna shot and she was feverish and very tired for days and weeks after. By March 18th her condition didn't improve at all and in fact she was felling really bad over night, so on March 19th she was admitted again to the hospital. She was monitored and kept over night, but during the early morning she suffered a stroke and a heart attack and passed way the next day." "1321140-1" "1321140-1" "THROMBOSIS" "10043607" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, got her first Moderna shot on Feb. 4th, 2021 and developed trombosis in the legs about a week later. She went to the doctor, who at first didn't want to see her and told her to elevate her leg. Pt. had a scheduled eye appointment on Feb. 12th with an other doctor and when she asked if she had any other issues, pt. showed her her leg. The eye doctor immediately told her to go to urgent care. When she did she received blood thinners and started injections in her stomach for 5 days. Feb. 18th pt. suffered a mini stroke and went to the hospital emergency room. She was transferred over to another facility in the afternoon and kept overnight. She had a phone appointment with the Dr. on Feb. 24th and on the 26th she received a heart monitor to wear for 2 weeks. She also had a check up about her leg, which was still swollen. On March 4, pt. received her second Moderna shot and she was feverish and very tired for days and weeks after. By March 18th her condition didn't improve at all and in fact she was felling really bad over night, so on March 19th she was admitted again to the hospital. She was monitored and kept over night, but during the early morning she suffered a stroke and a heart attack and passed way the next day." "1321140-1" "1321140-1" "TRANSIENT ISCHAEMIC ATTACK" "10044390" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, got her first Moderna shot on Feb. 4th, 2021 and developed trombosis in the legs about a week later. She went to the doctor, who at first didn't want to see her and told her to elevate her leg. Pt. had a scheduled eye appointment on Feb. 12th with an other doctor and when she asked if she had any other issues, pt. showed her her leg. The eye doctor immediately told her to go to urgent care. When she did she received blood thinners and started injections in her stomach for 5 days. Feb. 18th pt. suffered a mini stroke and went to the hospital emergency room. She was transferred over to another facility in the afternoon and kept overnight. She had a phone appointment with the Dr. on Feb. 24th and on the 26th she received a heart monitor to wear for 2 weeks. She also had a check up about her leg, which was still swollen. On March 4, pt. received her second Moderna shot and she was feverish and very tired for days and weeks after. By March 18th her condition didn't improve at all and in fact she was felling really bad over night, so on March 19th she was admitted again to the hospital. She was monitored and kept over night, but during the early morning she suffered a stroke and a heart attack and passed way the next day." "1321401-1" "1321401-1" "ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10000891" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt presented with coffee ground emesis and acute st elevation myocardia infarction. She was DNR. She was admitted and expired in a few hours." "1321401-1" "1321401-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt presented with coffee ground emesis and acute st elevation myocardia infarction. She was DNR. She was admitted and expired in a few hours." "1321401-1" "1321401-1" "HAEMATEMESIS" "10018830" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt presented with coffee ground emesis and acute st elevation myocardia infarction. She was DNR. She was admitted and expired in a few hours." "1324523-1" "1324523-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Witnessed Cardiac arrest at home. No bystander CPR; +30 min transport time, unsuccessful resuscitation. Code called upon arrival to hospital" "1324523-1" "1324523-1" "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10007617" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Witnessed Cardiac arrest at home. No bystander CPR; +30 min transport time, unsuccessful resuscitation. Code called upon arrival to hospital" "1324523-1" "1324523-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Witnessed Cardiac arrest at home. No bystander CPR; +30 min transport time, unsuccessful resuscitation. Code called upon arrival to hospital" "1326063-1" "1326063-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Died February 12, 2021" "1326951-1" "1326951-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She been feels ill slightly ill ever since the shot. Always short of breathe. Now she died of a blood clot / heart attack while at night in her chair." "1326951-1" "1326951-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She been feels ill slightly ill ever since the shot. Always short of breathe. Now she died of a blood clot / heart attack while at night in her chair." "1326951-1" "1326951-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She been feels ill slightly ill ever since the shot. Always short of breathe. Now she died of a blood clot / heart attack while at night in her chair." "1326951-1" "1326951-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She been feels ill slightly ill ever since the shot. Always short of breathe. Now she died of a blood clot / heart attack while at night in her chair." "1326951-1" "1326951-1" "THROMBOSIS" "10043607" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She been feels ill slightly ill ever since the shot. Always short of breathe. Now she died of a blood clot / heart attack while at night in her chair." "1327629-1" "1327629-1" "ABDOMINAL DISTENSION" "10000060" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt with history of recovered Covid, developed sudden absominal pain, distention, emesis, diagnosed with bowel infarct and pneumonia, one day after 1st covid vaccine. Died 1/5/21 in hospice." "1327629-1" "1327629-1" "ABDOMINAL PAIN" "10000081" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt with history of recovered Covid, developed sudden absominal pain, distention, emesis, diagnosed with bowel infarct and pneumonia, one day after 1st covid vaccine. Died 1/5/21 in hospice." "1327629-1" "1327629-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM ABNORMAL" "10010235" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt with history of recovered Covid, developed sudden absominal pain, distention, emesis, diagnosed with bowel infarct and pneumonia, one day after 1st covid vaccine. Died 1/5/21 in hospice." "1327629-1" "1327629-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt with history of recovered Covid, developed sudden absominal pain, distention, emesis, diagnosed with bowel infarct and pneumonia, one day after 1st covid vaccine. Died 1/5/21 in hospice." "1327629-1" "1327629-1" "INTESTINAL INFARCTION" "10022657" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt with history of recovered Covid, developed sudden absominal pain, distention, emesis, diagnosed with bowel infarct and pneumonia, one day after 1st covid vaccine. Died 1/5/21 in hospice." "1327629-1" "1327629-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt with history of recovered Covid, developed sudden absominal pain, distention, emesis, diagnosed with bowel infarct and pneumonia, one day after 1st covid vaccine. Died 1/5/21 in hospice." "1327629-1" "1327629-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt with history of recovered Covid, developed sudden absominal pain, distention, emesis, diagnosed with bowel infarct and pneumonia, one day after 1st covid vaccine. Died 1/5/21 in hospice." "1328936-1" "1328936-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "pt. daughter called pharmacy on May 18, 2021 (approximately 5:00pm MST) stating pt. passed away and wanted info on reporting incident to authorities=Technician gave pt. daughter phone # to report incident." "1333759-1" "1333759-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, patient was a health 79 year old women, only two health issues were COPD and moderate dementia. She had even gotten her annual labs done recently which came back all with in normal range, she as far as we knew did not have any issues with her heart. After her first vaccination in March she started to lose interest in things and didn't have energy to be as active as she was. After the second shot with in two days she started to report pain in chest and head and trouble breathing, She went to her PCP on 5/12 and he wanted her to go to a cardiologist, this referral was made but by the 16th she was in the ER due to extreme chest pain and trouble breathing, a stent was placed in her heart on 4/17/21 my mom's 80th birthday. with in 4 days she died. Her heart just deteriorated. i feel that if she didn't get this shot she would be alive today, she was healthy, now she is dead." "1333759-1" "1333759-1" "CARDIAC DISORDER" "10061024" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, patient was a health 79 year old women, only two health issues were COPD and moderate dementia. She had even gotten her annual labs done recently which came back all with in normal range, she as far as we knew did not have any issues with her heart. After her first vaccination in March she started to lose interest in things and didn't have energy to be as active as she was. After the second shot with in two days she started to report pain in chest and head and trouble breathing, She went to her PCP on 5/12 and he wanted her to go to a cardiologist, this referral was made but by the 16th she was in the ER due to extreme chest pain and trouble breathing, a stent was placed in her heart on 4/17/21 my mom's 80th birthday. with in 4 days she died. Her heart just deteriorated. i feel that if she didn't get this shot she would be alive today, she was healthy, now she is dead." "1333759-1" "1333759-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, patient was a health 79 year old women, only two health issues were COPD and moderate dementia. She had even gotten her annual labs done recently which came back all with in normal range, she as far as we knew did not have any issues with her heart. After her first vaccination in March she started to lose interest in things and didn't have energy to be as active as she was. After the second shot with in two days she started to report pain in chest and head and trouble breathing, She went to her PCP on 5/12 and he wanted her to go to a cardiologist, this referral was made but by the 16th she was in the ER due to extreme chest pain and trouble breathing, a stent was placed in her heart on 4/17/21 my mom's 80th birthday. with in 4 days she died. Her heart just deteriorated. i feel that if she didn't get this shot she would be alive today, she was healthy, now she is dead." "1333759-1" "1333759-1" "CORONARY ARTERIAL STENT INSERTION" "10052086" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, patient was a health 79 year old women, only two health issues were COPD and moderate dementia. She had even gotten her annual labs done recently which came back all with in normal range, she as far as we knew did not have any issues with her heart. After her first vaccination in March she started to lose interest in things and didn't have energy to be as active as she was. After the second shot with in two days she started to report pain in chest and head and trouble breathing, She went to her PCP on 5/12 and he wanted her to go to a cardiologist, this referral was made but by the 16th she was in the ER due to extreme chest pain and trouble breathing, a stent was placed in her heart on 4/17/21 my mom's 80th birthday. with in 4 days she died. Her heart just deteriorated. i feel that if she didn't get this shot she would be alive today, she was healthy, now she is dead." "1333759-1" "1333759-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, patient was a health 79 year old women, only two health issues were COPD and moderate dementia. She had even gotten her annual labs done recently which came back all with in normal range, she as far as we knew did not have any issues with her heart. After her first vaccination in March she started to lose interest in things and didn't have energy to be as active as she was. After the second shot with in two days she started to report pain in chest and head and trouble breathing, She went to her PCP on 5/12 and he wanted her to go to a cardiologist, this referral was made but by the 16th she was in the ER due to extreme chest pain and trouble breathing, a stent was placed in her heart on 4/17/21 my mom's 80th birthday. with in 4 days she died. Her heart just deteriorated. i feel that if she didn't get this shot she would be alive today, she was healthy, now she is dead." "1333759-1" "1333759-1" "DECREASED INTEREST" "10011971" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, patient was a health 79 year old women, only two health issues were COPD and moderate dementia. She had even gotten her annual labs done recently which came back all with in normal range, she as far as we knew did not have any issues with her heart. After her first vaccination in March she started to lose interest in things and didn't have energy to be as active as she was. After the second shot with in two days she started to report pain in chest and head and trouble breathing, She went to her PCP on 5/12 and he wanted her to go to a cardiologist, this referral was made but by the 16th she was in the ER due to extreme chest pain and trouble breathing, a stent was placed in her heart on 4/17/21 my mom's 80th birthday. with in 4 days she died. Her heart just deteriorated. i feel that if she didn't get this shot she would be alive today, she was healthy, now she is dead." "1333759-1" "1333759-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, patient was a health 79 year old women, only two health issues were COPD and moderate dementia. She had even gotten her annual labs done recently which came back all with in normal range, she as far as we knew did not have any issues with her heart. After her first vaccination in March she started to lose interest in things and didn't have energy to be as active as she was. After the second shot with in two days she started to report pain in chest and head and trouble breathing, She went to her PCP on 5/12 and he wanted her to go to a cardiologist, this referral was made but by the 16th she was in the ER due to extreme chest pain and trouble breathing, a stent was placed in her heart on 4/17/21 my mom's 80th birthday. with in 4 days she died. Her heart just deteriorated. i feel that if she didn't get this shot she would be alive today, she was healthy, now she is dead." "1333759-1" "1333759-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My mom, patient was a health 79 year old women, only two health issues were COPD and moderate dementia. She had even gotten her annual labs done recently which came back all with in normal range, she as far as we knew did not have any issues with her heart. After her first vaccination in March she started to lose interest in things and didn't have energy to be as active as she was. After the second shot with in two days she started to report pain in chest and head and trouble breathing, She went to her PCP on 5/12 and he wanted her to go to a cardiologist, this referral was made but by the 16th she was in the ER due to extreme chest pain and trouble breathing, a stent was placed in her heart on 4/17/21 my mom's 80th birthday. with in 4 days she died. Her heart just deteriorated. i feel that if she didn't get this shot she would be alive today, she was healthy, now she is dead." "1334886-1" "1334886-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient died 72 hours after receiving the vaccine; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DEATH (Patient died 72 hours after receiving the vaccine) in an 80-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. 046a21a) for COVID-19 vaccination. No Medical History information was reported. On 23-Apr-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. Death occurred on 26-Apr-2021 The patient died on 26-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. Concomitant medication was not provided, Treatment medication was not reported. A 79-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 died 3 days after the first dose of vaccine. No medical conditions or concomitant medications were reported. Very limited information has been reported at this time. Further information is being followed up.; Sender's Comments: A 79-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 died 3 days after the first dose of vaccine. No medical conditions or concomitant medications were reported. Very limited information has been reported at this time. Further information is being followed up.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Died 72 hours after receiving the vaccine." "1337689-1" "1337689-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Health district notified by Police Dept. that a homebound resident who received first dose of Moderna on 4/26/21 and was due for second dose moderna on 5/24/21 was found deceased at home on 5/21/21." "1337824-1" "1337824-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "foaming at the mouth and had a heart attack" "1337824-1" "1337824-1" "FOAMING AT MOUTH" "10062654" "65-79 years" "65-79" "foaming at the mouth and had a heart attack" "1337824-1" "1337824-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "foaming at the mouth and had a heart attack" "1339098-1" "1339098-1" "CEREBRAL ARTERY EMBOLISM" "10008088" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Massive stroke from huge clot right of brain. Never regained con.." "1339098-1" "1339098-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Massive stroke from huge clot right of brain. Never regained con.." "1339098-1" "1339098-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Massive stroke from huge clot right of brain. Never regained con.." "1339098-1" "1339098-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Massive stroke from huge clot right of brain. Never regained con.." "1339098-1" "1339098-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Massive stroke from huge clot right of brain. Never regained con.." "1339098-1" "1339098-1" "THROMBECTOMY" "10043530" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Massive stroke from huge clot right of brain. Never regained con.." "1344052-1" "1344052-1" "BLOOD CALCIUM NORMAL" "10005397" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Complicated young elder with AICD for recurrent Vtach who was found unresponsive around 20 hours after vaccine; Based on the defibrillator interrogation she had sustained ventricular tachycardia that was properly identified and treated by the device but which did not respond to device discharge, degenerated into ventricular fibrillation and unfortunately could not be terminated by her ICD. Not clear related to vaccine" "1344052-1" "1344052-1" "BLOOD CHLORIDE NORMAL" "10005421" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Complicated young elder with AICD for recurrent Vtach who was found unresponsive around 20 hours after vaccine; Based on the defibrillator interrogation she had sustained ventricular tachycardia that was properly identified and treated by the device but which did not respond to device discharge, degenerated into ventricular fibrillation and unfortunately could not be terminated by her ICD. Not clear related to vaccine" "1344052-1" "1344052-1" "BLOOD CREATININE NORMAL" "10005484" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Complicated young elder with AICD for recurrent Vtach who was found unresponsive around 20 hours after vaccine; Based on the defibrillator interrogation she had sustained ventricular tachycardia that was properly identified and treated by the device but which did not respond to device discharge, degenerated into ventricular fibrillation and unfortunately could not be terminated by her ICD. Not clear related to vaccine" "1344052-1" "1344052-1" "BLOOD GLUCOSE NORMAL" "10005558" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Complicated young elder with AICD for recurrent Vtach who was found unresponsive around 20 hours after vaccine; Based on the defibrillator interrogation she had sustained ventricular tachycardia that was properly identified and treated by the device but which did not respond to device discharge, degenerated into ventricular fibrillation and unfortunately could not be terminated by her ICD. Not clear related to vaccine" "1344052-1" "1344052-1" "BLOOD POTASSIUM NORMAL" "10005726" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Complicated young elder with AICD for recurrent Vtach who was found unresponsive around 20 hours after vaccine; Based on the defibrillator interrogation she had sustained ventricular tachycardia that was properly identified and treated by the device but which did not respond to device discharge, degenerated into ventricular fibrillation and unfortunately could not be terminated by her ICD. Not clear related to vaccine" "1344052-1" "1344052-1" "BLOOD SODIUM INCREASED" "10005803" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Complicated young elder with AICD for recurrent Vtach who was found unresponsive around 20 hours after vaccine; Based on the defibrillator interrogation she had sustained ventricular tachycardia that was properly identified and treated by the device but which did not respond to device discharge, degenerated into ventricular fibrillation and unfortunately could not be terminated by her ICD. Not clear related to vaccine" "1344052-1" "1344052-1" "BLOOD UREA INCREASED" "10005851" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Complicated young elder with AICD for recurrent Vtach who was found unresponsive around 20 hours after vaccine; Based on the defibrillator interrogation she had sustained ventricular tachycardia that was properly identified and treated by the device but which did not respond to device discharge, degenerated into ventricular fibrillation and unfortunately could not be terminated by her ICD. Not clear related to vaccine" "1344052-1" "1344052-1" "BLOOD UREA NITROGEN/CREATININE RATIO INCREASED" "10050760" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Complicated young elder with AICD for recurrent Vtach who was found unresponsive around 20 hours after vaccine; Based on the defibrillator interrogation she had sustained ventricular tachycardia that was properly identified and treated by the device but which did not respond to device discharge, degenerated into ventricular fibrillation and unfortunately could not be terminated by her ICD. Not clear related to vaccine" "1344052-1" "1344052-1" "CARBON DIOXIDE INCREASED" "10007225" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Complicated young elder with AICD for recurrent Vtach who was found unresponsive around 20 hours after vaccine; Based on the defibrillator interrogation she had sustained ventricular tachycardia that was properly identified and treated by the device but which did not respond to device discharge, degenerated into ventricular fibrillation and unfortunately could not be terminated by her ICD. Not clear related to vaccine" "1344052-1" "1344052-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Complicated young elder with AICD for recurrent Vtach who was found unresponsive around 20 hours after vaccine; Based on the defibrillator interrogation she had sustained ventricular tachycardia that was properly identified and treated by the device but which did not respond to device discharge, degenerated into ventricular fibrillation and unfortunately could not be terminated by her ICD. Not clear related to vaccine" "1344052-1" "1344052-1" "GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE NORMAL" "10018361" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Complicated young elder with AICD for recurrent Vtach who was found unresponsive around 20 hours after vaccine; Based on the defibrillator interrogation she had sustained ventricular tachycardia that was properly identified and treated by the device but which did not respond to device discharge, degenerated into ventricular fibrillation and unfortunately could not be terminated by her ICD. Not clear related to vaccine" "1344052-1" "1344052-1" "METABOLIC FUNCTION TEST" "10062191" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Complicated young elder with AICD for recurrent Vtach who was found unresponsive around 20 hours after vaccine; Based on the defibrillator interrogation she had sustained ventricular tachycardia that was properly identified and treated by the device but which did not respond to device discharge, degenerated into ventricular fibrillation and unfortunately could not be terminated by her ICD. Not clear related to vaccine" "1344052-1" "1344052-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Complicated young elder with AICD for recurrent Vtach who was found unresponsive around 20 hours after vaccine; Based on the defibrillator interrogation she had sustained ventricular tachycardia that was properly identified and treated by the device but which did not respond to device discharge, degenerated into ventricular fibrillation and unfortunately could not be terminated by her ICD. Not clear related to vaccine" "1344052-1" "1344052-1" "VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION" "10047290" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Complicated young elder with AICD for recurrent Vtach who was found unresponsive around 20 hours after vaccine; Based on the defibrillator interrogation she had sustained ventricular tachycardia that was properly identified and treated by the device but which did not respond to device discharge, degenerated into ventricular fibrillation and unfortunately could not be terminated by her ICD. Not clear related to vaccine" "1344052-1" "1344052-1" "VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA" "10047302" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Complicated young elder with AICD for recurrent Vtach who was found unresponsive around 20 hours after vaccine; Based on the defibrillator interrogation she had sustained ventricular tachycardia that was properly identified and treated by the device but which did not respond to device discharge, degenerated into ventricular fibrillation and unfortunately could not be terminated by her ICD. Not clear related to vaccine" "1347148-1" "1347148-1" "ANGINA PECTORIS" "10002383" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Heart pain/ chest pain. Hard to breathe Lack of energy Swollen legs Erratic heart rate Outcome: death 3 days after. Heart failure" "1347148-1" "1347148-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Heart pain/ chest pain. Hard to breathe Lack of energy Swollen legs Erratic heart rate Outcome: death 3 days after. Heart failure" "1347148-1" "1347148-1" "CARDIAC FAILURE" "10007554" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Heart pain/ chest pain. Hard to breathe Lack of energy Swollen legs Erratic heart rate Outcome: death 3 days after. Heart failure" "1347148-1" "1347148-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Heart pain/ chest pain. Hard to breathe Lack of energy Swollen legs Erratic heart rate Outcome: death 3 days after. Heart failure" "1347148-1" "1347148-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Heart pain/ chest pain. Hard to breathe Lack of energy Swollen legs Erratic heart rate Outcome: death 3 days after. Heart failure" "1347148-1" "1347148-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Heart pain/ chest pain. Hard to breathe Lack of energy Swollen legs Erratic heart rate Outcome: death 3 days after. Heart failure" "1347148-1" "1347148-1" "HEART RATE IRREGULAR" "10019304" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Heart pain/ chest pain. Hard to breathe Lack of energy Swollen legs Erratic heart rate Outcome: death 3 days after. Heart failure" "1347148-1" "1347148-1" "PERIPHERAL SWELLING" "10048959" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Heart pain/ chest pain. Hard to breathe Lack of energy Swollen legs Erratic heart rate Outcome: death 3 days after. Heart failure" "1351301-1" "1351301-1" "CHEST X-RAY NORMAL" "10008500" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident was given the vaccine on 05/19/21 and has been doing well until 05/25/21 around 10:01 am, he was found very congested, lungs with crackles, O2 saturation went down to 60-70 %, placed on 100% non-rebreather masks. Resident suctioned as ordered. Resident was placed on Hospice care. Resident expired at 11:58am." "1351301-1" "1351301-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident was given the vaccine on 05/19/21 and has been doing well until 05/25/21 around 10:01 am, he was found very congested, lungs with crackles, O2 saturation went down to 60-70 %, placed on 100% non-rebreather masks. Resident suctioned as ordered. Resident was placed on Hospice care. Resident expired at 11:58am." "1351301-1" "1351301-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident was given the vaccine on 05/19/21 and has been doing well until 05/25/21 around 10:01 am, he was found very congested, lungs with crackles, O2 saturation went down to 60-70 %, placed on 100% non-rebreather masks. Resident suctioned as ordered. Resident was placed on Hospice care. Resident expired at 11:58am." "1351301-1" "1351301-1" "RALES" "10037833" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident was given the vaccine on 05/19/21 and has been doing well until 05/25/21 around 10:01 am, he was found very congested, lungs with crackles, O2 saturation went down to 60-70 %, placed on 100% non-rebreather masks. Resident suctioned as ordered. Resident was placed on Hospice care. Resident expired at 11:58am." "1351301-1" "1351301-1" "RESPIRATORY TRACT CONGESTION" "10052251" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident was given the vaccine on 05/19/21 and has been doing well until 05/25/21 around 10:01 am, he was found very congested, lungs with crackles, O2 saturation went down to 60-70 %, placed on 100% non-rebreather masks. Resident suctioned as ordered. Resident was placed on Hospice care. Resident expired at 11:58am." "1354838-1" "1354838-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "71 y.o. male with history of leukemia who presents accompanied by his son with complaints of 6 week history of generalized weakness worsening over time accompanied by loss of appetite and weight loss. He reports receiving his initial COVID vaccine 6 weeks ago and symptoms began immediately following this. He denies pain or SOB. Pt with severe protein calorie malnutrition and AML presented with dehydration from MRSA Sepsis. Pt had weakness from dehydration, malnutrition and sepsis. He had a progressive downhill course. His family elected for comfort measures. He died of his illness and was pronounced dead at 4:13AM April 13, 2021" "1354838-1" "1354838-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "71 y.o. male with history of leukemia who presents accompanied by his son with complaints of 6 week history of generalized weakness worsening over time accompanied by loss of appetite and weight loss. He reports receiving his initial COVID vaccine 6 weeks ago and symptoms began immediately following this. He denies pain or SOB. Pt with severe protein calorie malnutrition and AML presented with dehydration from MRSA Sepsis. Pt had weakness from dehydration, malnutrition and sepsis. He had a progressive downhill course. His family elected for comfort measures. He died of his illness and was pronounced dead at 4:13AM April 13, 2021" "1354838-1" "1354838-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "71 y.o. male with history of leukemia who presents accompanied by his son with complaints of 6 week history of generalized weakness worsening over time accompanied by loss of appetite and weight loss. He reports receiving his initial COVID vaccine 6 weeks ago and symptoms began immediately following this. He denies pain or SOB. Pt with severe protein calorie malnutrition and AML presented with dehydration from MRSA Sepsis. Pt had weakness from dehydration, malnutrition and sepsis. He had a progressive downhill course. His family elected for comfort measures. He died of his illness and was pronounced dead at 4:13AM April 13, 2021" "1354838-1" "1354838-1" "DEHYDRATION" "10012174" "65-79 years" "65-79" "71 y.o. male with history of leukemia who presents accompanied by his son with complaints of 6 week history of generalized weakness worsening over time accompanied by loss of appetite and weight loss. He reports receiving his initial COVID vaccine 6 weeks ago and symptoms began immediately following this. He denies pain or SOB. Pt with severe protein calorie malnutrition and AML presented with dehydration from MRSA Sepsis. Pt had weakness from dehydration, malnutrition and sepsis. He had a progressive downhill course. His family elected for comfort measures. He died of his illness and was pronounced dead at 4:13AM April 13, 2021" "1354838-1" "1354838-1" "GENERAL PHYSICAL HEALTH DETERIORATION" "10049438" "65-79 years" "65-79" "71 y.o. male with history of leukemia who presents accompanied by his son with complaints of 6 week history of generalized weakness worsening over time accompanied by loss of appetite and weight loss. He reports receiving his initial COVID vaccine 6 weeks ago and symptoms began immediately following this. He denies pain or SOB. Pt with severe protein calorie malnutrition and AML presented with dehydration from MRSA Sepsis. Pt had weakness from dehydration, malnutrition and sepsis. He had a progressive downhill course. His family elected for comfort measures. He died of his illness and was pronounced dead at 4:13AM April 13, 2021" "1354838-1" "1354838-1" "ILLNESS" "10080284" "65-79 years" "65-79" "71 y.o. male with history of leukemia who presents accompanied by his son with complaints of 6 week history of generalized weakness worsening over time accompanied by loss of appetite and weight loss. He reports receiving his initial COVID vaccine 6 weeks ago and symptoms began immediately following this. He denies pain or SOB. Pt with severe protein calorie malnutrition and AML presented with dehydration from MRSA Sepsis. Pt had weakness from dehydration, malnutrition and sepsis. He had a progressive downhill course. His family elected for comfort measures. He died of his illness and was pronounced dead at 4:13AM April 13, 2021" "1354838-1" "1354838-1" "IMMEDIATE POST-INJECTION REACTION" "10067142" "65-79 years" "65-79" "71 y.o. male with history of leukemia who presents accompanied by his son with complaints of 6 week history of generalized weakness worsening over time accompanied by loss of appetite and weight loss. He reports receiving his initial COVID vaccine 6 weeks ago and symptoms began immediately following this. He denies pain or SOB. Pt with severe protein calorie malnutrition and AML presented with dehydration from MRSA Sepsis. Pt had weakness from dehydration, malnutrition and sepsis. He had a progressive downhill course. His family elected for comfort measures. He died of his illness and was pronounced dead at 4:13AM April 13, 2021" "1354838-1" "1354838-1" "MALNUTRITION" "10061273" "65-79 years" "65-79" "71 y.o. male with history of leukemia who presents accompanied by his son with complaints of 6 week history of generalized weakness worsening over time accompanied by loss of appetite and weight loss. He reports receiving his initial COVID vaccine 6 weeks ago and symptoms began immediately following this. He denies pain or SOB. Pt with severe protein calorie malnutrition and AML presented with dehydration from MRSA Sepsis. Pt had weakness from dehydration, malnutrition and sepsis. He had a progressive downhill course. His family elected for comfort measures. He died of his illness and was pronounced dead at 4:13AM April 13, 2021" "1354838-1" "1354838-1" "STAPHYLOCOCCAL SEPSIS" "10056430" "65-79 years" "65-79" "71 y.o. male with history of leukemia who presents accompanied by his son with complaints of 6 week history of generalized weakness worsening over time accompanied by loss of appetite and weight loss. He reports receiving his initial COVID vaccine 6 weeks ago and symptoms began immediately following this. He denies pain or SOB. Pt with severe protein calorie malnutrition and AML presented with dehydration from MRSA Sepsis. Pt had weakness from dehydration, malnutrition and sepsis. He had a progressive downhill course. His family elected for comfort measures. He died of his illness and was pronounced dead at 4:13AM April 13, 2021" "1354838-1" "1354838-1" "WEIGHT DECREASED" "10047895" "65-79 years" "65-79" "71 y.o. male with history of leukemia who presents accompanied by his son with complaints of 6 week history of generalized weakness worsening over time accompanied by loss of appetite and weight loss. He reports receiving his initial COVID vaccine 6 weeks ago and symptoms began immediately following this. He denies pain or SOB. Pt with severe protein calorie malnutrition and AML presented with dehydration from MRSA Sepsis. Pt had weakness from dehydration, malnutrition and sepsis. He had a progressive downhill course. His family elected for comfort measures. He died of his illness and was pronounced dead at 4:13AM April 13, 2021" "1355052-1" "1355052-1" "ABDOMINAL PAIN UPPER" "10000087" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She received her vaccine. The next few days, she was extremely tired and slept a lot. A couple days after the vaccine, she complained that her stomach hurt slightly. Days went by and the pain slowly got worse. She didn't feel like eating. Then on 2/8/21 in the middle of the night, she woke up in excruciating pstomach pain and her husband called ambulance. They rushed her to ER. The determined that her colon had ruptured near her stomach and they took her in for emergency colonoscopy. The surgery was a success, but a couple days after, she was weak and said she didn't want to fight any longer. They put her on hospice measures and she died 2/15/21. We feel that she was doing fine before the vaccine, and then all of a sudden this occurred. Seems to be too much of a coincidence. Finally taking the time to report it, in case there are others having colon and or stomach issues." "1355052-1" "1355052-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She received her vaccine. The next few days, she was extremely tired and slept a lot. A couple days after the vaccine, she complained that her stomach hurt slightly. Days went by and the pain slowly got worse. She didn't feel like eating. Then on 2/8/21 in the middle of the night, she woke up in excruciating pstomach pain and her husband called ambulance. They rushed her to ER. The determined that her colon had ruptured near her stomach and they took her in for emergency colonoscopy. The surgery was a success, but a couple days after, she was weak and said she didn't want to fight any longer. They put her on hospice measures and she died 2/15/21. We feel that she was doing fine before the vaccine, and then all of a sudden this occurred. Seems to be too much of a coincidence. Finally taking the time to report it, in case there are others having colon and or stomach issues." "1355052-1" "1355052-1" "COLONOSCOPY" "10010007" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She received her vaccine. The next few days, she was extremely tired and slept a lot. A couple days after the vaccine, she complained that her stomach hurt slightly. Days went by and the pain slowly got worse. She didn't feel like eating. Then on 2/8/21 in the middle of the night, she woke up in excruciating pstomach pain and her husband called ambulance. They rushed her to ER. The determined that her colon had ruptured near her stomach and they took her in for emergency colonoscopy. The surgery was a success, but a couple days after, she was weak and said she didn't want to fight any longer. They put her on hospice measures and she died 2/15/21. We feel that she was doing fine before the vaccine, and then all of a sudden this occurred. Seems to be too much of a coincidence. Finally taking the time to report it, in case there are others having colon and or stomach issues." "1355052-1" "1355052-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She received her vaccine. The next few days, she was extremely tired and slept a lot. A couple days after the vaccine, she complained that her stomach hurt slightly. Days went by and the pain slowly got worse. She didn't feel like eating. Then on 2/8/21 in the middle of the night, she woke up in excruciating pstomach pain and her husband called ambulance. They rushed her to ER. The determined that her colon had ruptured near her stomach and they took her in for emergency colonoscopy. The surgery was a success, but a couple days after, she was weak and said she didn't want to fight any longer. They put her on hospice measures and she died 2/15/21. We feel that she was doing fine before the vaccine, and then all of a sudden this occurred. Seems to be too much of a coincidence. Finally taking the time to report it, in case there are others having colon and or stomach issues." "1355052-1" "1355052-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She received her vaccine. The next few days, she was extremely tired and slept a lot. A couple days after the vaccine, she complained that her stomach hurt slightly. Days went by and the pain slowly got worse. She didn't feel like eating. Then on 2/8/21 in the middle of the night, she woke up in excruciating pstomach pain and her husband called ambulance. They rushed her to ER. The determined that her colon had ruptured near her stomach and they took her in for emergency colonoscopy. The surgery was a success, but a couple days after, she was weak and said she didn't want to fight any longer. They put her on hospice measures and she died 2/15/21. We feel that she was doing fine before the vaccine, and then all of a sudden this occurred. Seems to be too much of a coincidence. Finally taking the time to report it, in case there are others having colon and or stomach issues." "1355052-1" "1355052-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She received her vaccine. The next few days, she was extremely tired and slept a lot. A couple days after the vaccine, she complained that her stomach hurt slightly. Days went by and the pain slowly got worse. She didn't feel like eating. Then on 2/8/21 in the middle of the night, she woke up in excruciating pstomach pain and her husband called ambulance. They rushed her to ER. The determined that her colon had ruptured near her stomach and they took her in for emergency colonoscopy. The surgery was a success, but a couple days after, she was weak and said she didn't want to fight any longer. They put her on hospice measures and she died 2/15/21. We feel that she was doing fine before the vaccine, and then all of a sudden this occurred. Seems to be too much of a coincidence. Finally taking the time to report it, in case there are others having colon and or stomach issues." "1355052-1" "1355052-1" "HYPERSOMNIA" "10020765" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She received her vaccine. The next few days, she was extremely tired and slept a lot. A couple days after the vaccine, she complained that her stomach hurt slightly. Days went by and the pain slowly got worse. She didn't feel like eating. Then on 2/8/21 in the middle of the night, she woke up in excruciating pstomach pain and her husband called ambulance. They rushed her to ER. The determined that her colon had ruptured near her stomach and they took her in for emergency colonoscopy. The surgery was a success, but a couple days after, she was weak and said she didn't want to fight any longer. They put her on hospice measures and she died 2/15/21. We feel that she was doing fine before the vaccine, and then all of a sudden this occurred. Seems to be too much of a coincidence. Finally taking the time to report it, in case there are others having colon and or stomach issues." "1355052-1" "1355052-1" "LARGE INTESTINE PERFORATION" "10023804" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She received her vaccine. The next few days, she was extremely tired and slept a lot. A couple days after the vaccine, she complained that her stomach hurt slightly. Days went by and the pain slowly got worse. She didn't feel like eating. Then on 2/8/21 in the middle of the night, she woke up in excruciating pstomach pain and her husband called ambulance. They rushed her to ER. The determined that her colon had ruptured near her stomach and they took her in for emergency colonoscopy. The surgery was a success, but a couple days after, she was weak and said she didn't want to fight any longer. They put her on hospice measures and she died 2/15/21. We feel that she was doing fine before the vaccine, and then all of a sudden this occurred. Seems to be too much of a coincidence. Finally taking the time to report it, in case there are others having colon and or stomach issues." "1355052-1" "1355052-1" "MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING ABDOMINAL ABNORMAL" "10083132" "65-79 years" "65-79" "She received her vaccine. The next few days, she was extremely tired and slept a lot. A couple days after the vaccine, she complained that her stomach hurt slightly. Days went by and the pain slowly got worse. She didn't feel like eating. Then on 2/8/21 in the middle of the night, she woke up in excruciating pstomach pain and her husband called ambulance. They rushed her to ER. The determined that her colon had ruptured near her stomach and they took her in for emergency colonoscopy. The surgery was a success, but a couple days after, she was weak and said she didn't want to fight any longer. They put her on hospice measures and she died 2/15/21. We feel that she was doing fine before the vaccine, and then all of a sudden this occurred. Seems to be too much of a coincidence. Finally taking the time to report it, in case there are others having colon and or stomach issues." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "BLOOD CULTURE" "10005485" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "BLOOD LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE" "10005626" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "BLOOD LACTIC ACID" "10005632" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "BLOOD MAGNESIUM" "10005651" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "BLOOD PHOSPHORUS" "10005717" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "C-REACTIVE PROTEIN" "10006824" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "CULTURE URINE" "10011638" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "DIFFERENTIAL WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT" "10012784" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "FIBRIN D DIMER" "10016577" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "FULL BLOOD COUNT" "10017411" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "GRAM STAIN" "10018654" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "METABOLIC FUNCTION TEST" "10062191" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "PROCALCITONIN" "10064051" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10038695" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "SERUM FERRITIN" "10040246" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "TROPONIN" "10061576" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "URINE ANALYSIS" "10046614" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1355806-1" "1355806-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "My father received his vaccines through the hospital, on 1/23/21 and 2/13/21. The week of April 17, 2021, he started with diarrhea and cough. He spoke with his PCP and was told to quarantine and report any worsening symptoms. Wednesday or Thursday he began with vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids. His cough was nonproductive. On Saturday 4/17/21 he reported to Hospital ER with SOB, cough, vomiting & diarrhea. He was diagnosed with COVID PNA. He passed away 5/7/21 of COVID PNA, respiratory failure. He tested positive the week of 5/7/21 again of COVID 19. I feel this needs to be reported as he had both PFIZER vaccines in January & February and still ended up intubated and deceased from COVID 19." "1361447-1" "1361447-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM THORAX ABNORMAL" "10057799" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed cough about one month after the second dose of his vaccine. He does not have history of underlying lung disease. His CT scan showed diffuse ground glass appearance. Developed progressive and rapid respiratory failure. He was admitted to hospital on 5/13 and expired 5/30." "1361447-1" "1361447-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed cough about one month after the second dose of his vaccine. He does not have history of underlying lung disease. His CT scan showed diffuse ground glass appearance. Developed progressive and rapid respiratory failure. He was admitted to hospital on 5/13 and expired 5/30." "1361447-1" "1361447-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed cough about one month after the second dose of his vaccine. He does not have history of underlying lung disease. His CT scan showed diffuse ground glass appearance. Developed progressive and rapid respiratory failure. He was admitted to hospital on 5/13 and expired 5/30." "1361447-1" "1361447-1" "LUNG OPACITY" "10081792" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed cough about one month after the second dose of his vaccine. He does not have history of underlying lung disease. His CT scan showed diffuse ground glass appearance. Developed progressive and rapid respiratory failure. He was admitted to hospital on 5/13 and expired 5/30." "1361447-1" "1361447-1" "RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10038695" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed cough about one month after the second dose of his vaccine. He does not have history of underlying lung disease. His CT scan showed diffuse ground glass appearance. Developed progressive and rapid respiratory failure. He was admitted to hospital on 5/13 and expired 5/30." "1362271-1" "1362271-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death" "1362287-1" "1362287-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Stroke, ending in death" "1362287-1" "1362287-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Stroke, ending in death" "1365530-1" "1365530-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient passed away 3 days after receiving vaccination" "1366129-1" "1366129-1" "AUTOPSY" "10050117" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Abrupt syncope with cessation of pulse and respirations at 11:15AM at main office. CPR was started by the workers present. 911 activated and code was activated by EMS and continued during transport and arrival at ER. All resuscitation efforts failed to restore breathing and cardiac activity. A large amount of blood was encountered upon intubation, so Dr. informed next of kin that cause of death was likely a large pulmonary embolus." "1366129-1" "1366129-1" "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10007617" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Abrupt syncope with cessation of pulse and respirations at 11:15AM at main office. CPR was started by the workers present. 911 activated and code was activated by EMS and continued during transport and arrival at ER. All resuscitation efforts failed to restore breathing and cardiac activity. A large amount of blood was encountered upon intubation, so Dr. informed next of kin that cause of death was likely a large pulmonary embolus." "1366129-1" "1366129-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Abrupt syncope with cessation of pulse and respirations at 11:15AM at main office. CPR was started by the workers present. 911 activated and code was activated by EMS and continued during transport and arrival at ER. All resuscitation efforts failed to restore breathing and cardiac activity. A large amount of blood was encountered upon intubation, so Dr. informed next of kin that cause of death was likely a large pulmonary embolus." "1366129-1" "1366129-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Abrupt syncope with cessation of pulse and respirations at 11:15AM at main office. CPR was started by the workers present. 911 activated and code was activated by EMS and continued during transport and arrival at ER. All resuscitation efforts failed to restore breathing and cardiac activity. A large amount of blood was encountered upon intubation, so Dr. informed next of kin that cause of death was likely a large pulmonary embolus." "1366129-1" "1366129-1" "PULMONARY EMBOLISM" "10037377" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Abrupt syncope with cessation of pulse and respirations at 11:15AM at main office. CPR was started by the workers present. 911 activated and code was activated by EMS and continued during transport and arrival at ER. All resuscitation efforts failed to restore breathing and cardiac activity. A large amount of blood was encountered upon intubation, so Dr. informed next of kin that cause of death was likely a large pulmonary embolus." "1366129-1" "1366129-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Abrupt syncope with cessation of pulse and respirations at 11:15AM at main office. CPR was started by the workers present. 911 activated and code was activated by EMS and continued during transport and arrival at ER. All resuscitation efforts failed to restore breathing and cardiac activity. A large amount of blood was encountered upon intubation, so Dr. informed next of kin that cause of death was likely a large pulmonary embolus." "1366129-1" "1366129-1" "RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10038669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Abrupt syncope with cessation of pulse and respirations at 11:15AM at main office. CPR was started by the workers present. 911 activated and code was activated by EMS and continued during transport and arrival at ER. All resuscitation efforts failed to restore breathing and cardiac activity. A large amount of blood was encountered upon intubation, so Dr. informed next of kin that cause of death was likely a large pulmonary embolus." "1366129-1" "1366129-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Abrupt syncope with cessation of pulse and respirations at 11:15AM at main office. CPR was started by the workers present. 911 activated and code was activated by EMS and continued during transport and arrival at ER. All resuscitation efforts failed to restore breathing and cardiac activity. A large amount of blood was encountered upon intubation, so Dr. informed next of kin that cause of death was likely a large pulmonary embolus." "1366129-1" "1366129-1" "SYNCOPE" "10042772" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Abrupt syncope with cessation of pulse and respirations at 11:15AM at main office. CPR was started by the workers present. 911 activated and code was activated by EMS and continued during transport and arrival at ER. All resuscitation efforts failed to restore breathing and cardiac activity. A large amount of blood was encountered upon intubation, so Dr. informed next of kin that cause of death was likely a large pulmonary embolus." "1366129-1" "1366129-1" "TRACHEAL HAEMORRHAGE" "10062543" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Abrupt syncope with cessation of pulse and respirations at 11:15AM at main office. CPR was started by the workers present. 911 activated and code was activated by EMS and continued during transport and arrival at ER. All resuscitation efforts failed to restore breathing and cardiac activity. A large amount of blood was encountered upon intubation, so Dr. informed next of kin that cause of death was likely a large pulmonary embolus." "1368764-1" "1368764-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac arrest at home, EMS performed CPR. Return of spontaneous circulation in the field after 2 rounds of epinephrine, In ED unresponsive, placed on a ventilator, required high doses epi to maintain perfusing blood pressure. Has acute kidney injury with hyperkalemia, shock liver and severe metabolic acidosis with arterial pH 7.04. CT of the head showed early findings of anoxic brain injury. Admitted to ICU and treated with aggressively with vasopressors, bicarbonate drip, heparin drip and empiric broad spectrum antibiotics. Very poor medical and neurologic prognosis, discussed with family and patient was transitioned to comfort care and passed away on 03/21/21 at 1626" "1368764-1" "1368764-1" "BLOOD PH DECREASED" "10005706" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac arrest at home, EMS performed CPR. Return of spontaneous circulation in the field after 2 rounds of epinephrine, In ED unresponsive, placed on a ventilator, required high doses epi to maintain perfusing blood pressure. Has acute kidney injury with hyperkalemia, shock liver and severe metabolic acidosis with arterial pH 7.04. CT of the head showed early findings of anoxic brain injury. Admitted to ICU and treated with aggressively with vasopressors, bicarbonate drip, heparin drip and empiric broad spectrum antibiotics. Very poor medical and neurologic prognosis, discussed with family and patient was transitioned to comfort care and passed away on 03/21/21 at 1626" "1368764-1" "1368764-1" "BRAIN INJURY" "10067967" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac arrest at home, EMS performed CPR. Return of spontaneous circulation in the field after 2 rounds of epinephrine, In ED unresponsive, placed on a ventilator, required high doses epi to maintain perfusing blood pressure. Has acute kidney injury with hyperkalemia, shock liver and severe metabolic acidosis with arterial pH 7.04. CT of the head showed early findings of anoxic brain injury. Admitted to ICU and treated with aggressively with vasopressors, bicarbonate drip, heparin drip and empiric broad spectrum antibiotics. Very poor medical and neurologic prognosis, discussed with family and patient was transitioned to comfort care and passed away on 03/21/21 at 1626" "1368764-1" "1368764-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac arrest at home, EMS performed CPR. Return of spontaneous circulation in the field after 2 rounds of epinephrine, In ED unresponsive, placed on a ventilator, required high doses epi to maintain perfusing blood pressure. Has acute kidney injury with hyperkalemia, shock liver and severe metabolic acidosis with arterial pH 7.04. CT of the head showed early findings of anoxic brain injury. Admitted to ICU and treated with aggressively with vasopressors, bicarbonate drip, heparin drip and empiric broad spectrum antibiotics. Very poor medical and neurologic prognosis, discussed with family and patient was transitioned to comfort care and passed away on 03/21/21 at 1626" "1368764-1" "1368764-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD ABNORMAL" "10072168" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac arrest at home, EMS performed CPR. Return of spontaneous circulation in the field after 2 rounds of epinephrine, In ED unresponsive, placed on a ventilator, required high doses epi to maintain perfusing blood pressure. Has acute kidney injury with hyperkalemia, shock liver and severe metabolic acidosis with arterial pH 7.04. CT of the head showed early findings of anoxic brain injury. Admitted to ICU and treated with aggressively with vasopressors, bicarbonate drip, heparin drip and empiric broad spectrum antibiotics. Very poor medical and neurologic prognosis, discussed with family and patient was transitioned to comfort care and passed away on 03/21/21 at 1626" "1368764-1" "1368764-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac arrest at home, EMS performed CPR. Return of spontaneous circulation in the field after 2 rounds of epinephrine, In ED unresponsive, placed on a ventilator, required high doses epi to maintain perfusing blood pressure. Has acute kidney injury with hyperkalemia, shock liver and severe metabolic acidosis with arterial pH 7.04. CT of the head showed early findings of anoxic brain injury. Admitted to ICU and treated with aggressively with vasopressors, bicarbonate drip, heparin drip and empiric broad spectrum antibiotics. Very poor medical and neurologic prognosis, discussed with family and patient was transitioned to comfort care and passed away on 03/21/21 at 1626" "1368764-1" "1368764-1" "HYPERKALAEMIA" "10020646" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac arrest at home, EMS performed CPR. Return of spontaneous circulation in the field after 2 rounds of epinephrine, In ED unresponsive, placed on a ventilator, required high doses epi to maintain perfusing blood pressure. Has acute kidney injury with hyperkalemia, shock liver and severe metabolic acidosis with arterial pH 7.04. CT of the head showed early findings of anoxic brain injury. Admitted to ICU and treated with aggressively with vasopressors, bicarbonate drip, heparin drip and empiric broad spectrum antibiotics. Very poor medical and neurologic prognosis, discussed with family and patient was transitioned to comfort care and passed away on 03/21/21 at 1626" "1368764-1" "1368764-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac arrest at home, EMS performed CPR. Return of spontaneous circulation in the field after 2 rounds of epinephrine, In ED unresponsive, placed on a ventilator, required high doses epi to maintain perfusing blood pressure. Has acute kidney injury with hyperkalemia, shock liver and severe metabolic acidosis with arterial pH 7.04. CT of the head showed early findings of anoxic brain injury. Admitted to ICU and treated with aggressively with vasopressors, bicarbonate drip, heparin drip and empiric broad spectrum antibiotics. Very poor medical and neurologic prognosis, discussed with family and patient was transitioned to comfort care and passed away on 03/21/21 at 1626" "1368764-1" "1368764-1" "ISCHAEMIC HEPATITIS" "10023025" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac arrest at home, EMS performed CPR. Return of spontaneous circulation in the field after 2 rounds of epinephrine, In ED unresponsive, placed on a ventilator, required high doses epi to maintain perfusing blood pressure. Has acute kidney injury with hyperkalemia, shock liver and severe metabolic acidosis with arterial pH 7.04. CT of the head showed early findings of anoxic brain injury. Admitted to ICU and treated with aggressively with vasopressors, bicarbonate drip, heparin drip and empiric broad spectrum antibiotics. Very poor medical and neurologic prognosis, discussed with family and patient was transitioned to comfort care and passed away on 03/21/21 at 1626" "1368764-1" "1368764-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac arrest at home, EMS performed CPR. Return of spontaneous circulation in the field after 2 rounds of epinephrine, In ED unresponsive, placed on a ventilator, required high doses epi to maintain perfusing blood pressure. Has acute kidney injury with hyperkalemia, shock liver and severe metabolic acidosis with arterial pH 7.04. CT of the head showed early findings of anoxic brain injury. Admitted to ICU and treated with aggressively with vasopressors, bicarbonate drip, heparin drip and empiric broad spectrum antibiotics. Very poor medical and neurologic prognosis, discussed with family and patient was transitioned to comfort care and passed away on 03/21/21 at 1626" "1368764-1" "1368764-1" "METABOLIC ACIDOSIS" "10027417" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac arrest at home, EMS performed CPR. Return of spontaneous circulation in the field after 2 rounds of epinephrine, In ED unresponsive, placed on a ventilator, required high doses epi to maintain perfusing blood pressure. Has acute kidney injury with hyperkalemia, shock liver and severe metabolic acidosis with arterial pH 7.04. CT of the head showed early findings of anoxic brain injury. Admitted to ICU and treated with aggressively with vasopressors, bicarbonate drip, heparin drip and empiric broad spectrum antibiotics. Very poor medical and neurologic prognosis, discussed with family and patient was transitioned to comfort care and passed away on 03/21/21 at 1626" "1368764-1" "1368764-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac arrest at home, EMS performed CPR. Return of spontaneous circulation in the field after 2 rounds of epinephrine, In ED unresponsive, placed on a ventilator, required high doses epi to maintain perfusing blood pressure. Has acute kidney injury with hyperkalemia, shock liver and severe metabolic acidosis with arterial pH 7.04. CT of the head showed early findings of anoxic brain injury. Admitted to ICU and treated with aggressively with vasopressors, bicarbonate drip, heparin drip and empiric broad spectrum antibiotics. Very poor medical and neurologic prognosis, discussed with family and patient was transitioned to comfort care and passed away on 03/21/21 at 1626" "1368764-1" "1368764-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cardiac arrest at home, EMS performed CPR. Return of spontaneous circulation in the field after 2 rounds of epinephrine, In ED unresponsive, placed on a ventilator, required high doses epi to maintain perfusing blood pressure. Has acute kidney injury with hyperkalemia, shock liver and severe metabolic acidosis with arterial pH 7.04. CT of the head showed early findings of anoxic brain injury. Admitted to ICU and treated with aggressively with vasopressors, bicarbonate drip, heparin drip and empiric broad spectrum antibiotics. Very poor medical and neurologic prognosis, discussed with family and patient was transitioned to comfort care and passed away on 03/21/21 at 1626" "1370350-1" "1370350-1" "CARDIAC DISORDER" "10061024" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Heart problems; Breathing problems; Lymph nodes swollen; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of CARDIAC DISORDER (Heart problems), DYSPNOEA (Breathing problems) and LYMPHADENOPATHY (Lymph nodes swollen) in a 79-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 024m20a and 029I20a) for COVID-19 vaccination. Concurrent medical conditions included Diabetes, Lung cancer (in remission since November) and Liver disorder (liver problems). On 19-Jan-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 19-Feb-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 14-May-2021, the patient experienced CARDIAC DISORDER (Heart problems) (seriousness criterion death), DYSPNOEA (Breathing problems) (seriousness criterion death) and LYMPHADENOPATHY (Lymph nodes swollen) (seriousness criterion death). The patient died on 15-May-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. No relevant concomitant medications were provided. Daughter of the patient reported that the patient passed away after his lymph nodes swollen, had breathing problems, and hart problems. She stated that the patient was in remission of lung cancer since November, and that he was diabetic and had liver problems. They wanted to be part of the trials for the vaccine. She wanted his cases to be research because his lymph nodes were swollen, and that for her means there's a correlation between the vaccine taking and his demised. No treatment information was provided. Very limited information regarding these events has been provided at this time. Further information has been requested. The patient's medical history of diabetes, liver disorder and lung cancer are confounding factors that may play possible contributory roles.; Sender's Comments: Very limited information regarding these events has been provided at this time. Further information has been requested. The patient's medical history of diabetes, liver disorder and lung cancer are confounding factors that may play possible contributory roles.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: passed away" "1370350-1" "1370350-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Heart problems; Breathing problems; Lymph nodes swollen; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of CARDIAC DISORDER (Heart problems), DYSPNOEA (Breathing problems) and LYMPHADENOPATHY (Lymph nodes swollen) in a 79-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 024m20a and 029I20a) for COVID-19 vaccination. Concurrent medical conditions included Diabetes, Lung cancer (in remission since November) and Liver disorder (liver problems). On 19-Jan-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 19-Feb-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 14-May-2021, the patient experienced CARDIAC DISORDER (Heart problems) (seriousness criterion death), DYSPNOEA (Breathing problems) (seriousness criterion death) and LYMPHADENOPATHY (Lymph nodes swollen) (seriousness criterion death). The patient died on 15-May-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. No relevant concomitant medications were provided. Daughter of the patient reported that the patient passed away after his lymph nodes swollen, had breathing problems, and hart problems. She stated that the patient was in remission of lung cancer since November, and that he was diabetic and had liver problems. They wanted to be part of the trials for the vaccine. She wanted his cases to be research because his lymph nodes were swollen, and that for her means there's a correlation between the vaccine taking and his demised. No treatment information was provided. Very limited information regarding these events has been provided at this time. Further information has been requested. The patient's medical history of diabetes, liver disorder and lung cancer are confounding factors that may play possible contributory roles.; Sender's Comments: Very limited information regarding these events has been provided at this time. Further information has been requested. The patient's medical history of diabetes, liver disorder and lung cancer are confounding factors that may play possible contributory roles.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: passed away" "1370350-1" "1370350-1" "LYMPHADENOPATHY" "10025197" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Heart problems; Breathing problems; Lymph nodes swollen; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of CARDIAC DISORDER (Heart problems), DYSPNOEA (Breathing problems) and LYMPHADENOPATHY (Lymph nodes swollen) in a 79-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 024m20a and 029I20a) for COVID-19 vaccination. Concurrent medical conditions included Diabetes, Lung cancer (in remission since November) and Liver disorder (liver problems). On 19-Jan-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 19-Feb-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 14-May-2021, the patient experienced CARDIAC DISORDER (Heart problems) (seriousness criterion death), DYSPNOEA (Breathing problems) (seriousness criterion death) and LYMPHADENOPATHY (Lymph nodes swollen) (seriousness criterion death). The patient died on 15-May-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. No relevant concomitant medications were provided. Daughter of the patient reported that the patient passed away after his lymph nodes swollen, had breathing problems, and hart problems. She stated that the patient was in remission of lung cancer since November, and that he was diabetic and had liver problems. They wanted to be part of the trials for the vaccine. She wanted his cases to be research because his lymph nodes were swollen, and that for her means there's a correlation between the vaccine taking and his demised. No treatment information was provided. Very limited information regarding these events has been provided at this time. Further information has been requested. The patient's medical history of diabetes, liver disorder and lung cancer are confounding factors that may play possible contributory roles.; Sender's Comments: Very limited information regarding these events has been provided at this time. Further information has been requested. The patient's medical history of diabetes, liver disorder and lung cancer are confounding factors that may play possible contributory roles.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: passed away" "1378167-1" "1378167-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The night after receiving the vaccine, the patient began having continuous fevers and coughs. It was later discovered that there were blood clots in the lung and legs. Patient health rapidly declined during hospitalization period. Mobility, apetite and overall strength and energy decreased. Patient was fully bedridden and soon lost eye sight." "1378167-1" "1378167-1" "BEDRIDDEN" "10048948" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The night after receiving the vaccine, the patient began having continuous fevers and coughs. It was later discovered that there were blood clots in the lung and legs. Patient health rapidly declined during hospitalization period. Mobility, apetite and overall strength and energy decreased. Patient was fully bedridden and soon lost eye sight." "1378167-1" "1378167-1" "BLINDNESS" "10005169" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The night after receiving the vaccine, the patient began having continuous fevers and coughs. It was later discovered that there were blood clots in the lung and legs. Patient health rapidly declined during hospitalization period. Mobility, apetite and overall strength and energy decreased. Patient was fully bedridden and soon lost eye sight." "1378167-1" "1378167-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The night after receiving the vaccine, the patient began having continuous fevers and coughs. It was later discovered that there were blood clots in the lung and legs. Patient health rapidly declined during hospitalization period. Mobility, apetite and overall strength and energy decreased. Patient was fully bedridden and soon lost eye sight." "1378167-1" "1378167-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The night after receiving the vaccine, the patient began having continuous fevers and coughs. It was later discovered that there were blood clots in the lung and legs. Patient health rapidly declined during hospitalization period. Mobility, apetite and overall strength and energy decreased. Patient was fully bedridden and soon lost eye sight." "1378167-1" "1378167-1" "GENERAL PHYSICAL HEALTH DETERIORATION" "10049438" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The night after receiving the vaccine, the patient began having continuous fevers and coughs. It was later discovered that there were blood clots in the lung and legs. Patient health rapidly declined during hospitalization period. Mobility, apetite and overall strength and energy decreased. Patient was fully bedridden and soon lost eye sight." "1378167-1" "1378167-1" "MOBILITY DECREASED" "10048334" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The night after receiving the vaccine, the patient began having continuous fevers and coughs. It was later discovered that there were blood clots in the lung and legs. Patient health rapidly declined during hospitalization period. Mobility, apetite and overall strength and energy decreased. Patient was fully bedridden and soon lost eye sight." "1378167-1" "1378167-1" "PULMONARY THROMBOSIS" "10037437" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The night after receiving the vaccine, the patient began having continuous fevers and coughs. It was later discovered that there were blood clots in the lung and legs. Patient health rapidly declined during hospitalization period. Mobility, apetite and overall strength and energy decreased. Patient was fully bedridden and soon lost eye sight." "1378167-1" "1378167-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The night after receiving the vaccine, the patient began having continuous fevers and coughs. It was later discovered that there were blood clots in the lung and legs. Patient health rapidly declined during hospitalization period. Mobility, apetite and overall strength and energy decreased. Patient was fully bedridden and soon lost eye sight." "1378167-1" "1378167-1" "THROMBOSIS" "10043607" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The night after receiving the vaccine, the patient began having continuous fevers and coughs. It was later discovered that there were blood clots in the lung and legs. Patient health rapidly declined during hospitalization period. Mobility, apetite and overall strength and energy decreased. Patient was fully bedridden and soon lost eye sight." "1381906-1" "1381906-1" "ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME" "10001052" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine recieved 5/11/21 5/19/21 Presented to ED with respiratory failure. Noted bilateral ground glass opacity, respiratory failure 5/25/21 Intubated for respiratory failure with ARDS 5/30/21 Deceased" "1381906-1" "1381906-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM THORAX ABNORMAL" "10057799" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine recieved 5/11/21 5/19/21 Presented to ED with respiratory failure. Noted bilateral ground glass opacity, respiratory failure 5/25/21 Intubated for respiratory failure with ARDS 5/30/21 Deceased" "1381906-1" "1381906-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine recieved 5/11/21 5/19/21 Presented to ED with respiratory failure. Noted bilateral ground glass opacity, respiratory failure 5/25/21 Intubated for respiratory failure with ARDS 5/30/21 Deceased" "1381906-1" "1381906-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine recieved 5/11/21 5/19/21 Presented to ED with respiratory failure. Noted bilateral ground glass opacity, respiratory failure 5/25/21 Intubated for respiratory failure with ARDS 5/30/21 Deceased" "1381906-1" "1381906-1" "LUNG OPACITY" "10081792" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine recieved 5/11/21 5/19/21 Presented to ED with respiratory failure. Noted bilateral ground glass opacity, respiratory failure 5/25/21 Intubated for respiratory failure with ARDS 5/30/21 Deceased" "1381906-1" "1381906-1" "RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10038695" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Vaccine recieved 5/11/21 5/19/21 Presented to ED with respiratory failure. Noted bilateral ground glass opacity, respiratory failure 5/25/21 Intubated for respiratory failure with ARDS 5/30/21 Deceased" "1382202-1" "1382202-1" "CARDIAC ASSISTANCE DEVICE USER" "10053686" "65-79 years" "65-79" "During rounds at 10pm, CNA observed resident unresponsive. Nurse was immediately called, who in turn call the code. Nursing staff responded and started CPR. A total of 16 rounds of compressions and shocked x 2, prior to Paramedics taking over 10 minutes later. They continued CPR for another 10 minutes before resident was pronounced dead." "1382202-1" "1382202-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "During rounds at 10pm, CNA observed resident unresponsive. Nurse was immediately called, who in turn call the code. Nursing staff responded and started CPR. A total of 16 rounds of compressions and shocked x 2, prior to Paramedics taking over 10 minutes later. They continued CPR for another 10 minutes before resident was pronounced dead." "1382202-1" "1382202-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "During rounds at 10pm, CNA observed resident unresponsive. Nurse was immediately called, who in turn call the code. Nursing staff responded and started CPR. A total of 16 rounds of compressions and shocked x 2, prior to Paramedics taking over 10 minutes later. They continued CPR for another 10 minutes before resident was pronounced dead." "1382202-1" "1382202-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "During rounds at 10pm, CNA observed resident unresponsive. Nurse was immediately called, who in turn call the code. Nursing staff responded and started CPR. A total of 16 rounds of compressions and shocked x 2, prior to Paramedics taking over 10 minutes later. They continued CPR for another 10 minutes before resident was pronounced dead." "1382330-1" "1382330-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Case is a vaccine breakthrough case of interest who died of COVID-19 pneumonia on 6/2/2021 after an approximately 2 week hospitalization. Whole genome sequencing resulted in identification of B.1.1.7." "1382330-1" "1382330-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Case is a vaccine breakthrough case of interest who died of COVID-19 pneumonia on 6/2/2021 after an approximately 2 week hospitalization. Whole genome sequencing resulted in identification of B.1.1.7." "1382330-1" "1382330-1" "GENE SEQUENCING" "10069604" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Case is a vaccine breakthrough case of interest who died of COVID-19 pneumonia on 6/2/2021 after an approximately 2 week hospitalization. Whole genome sequencing resulted in identification of B.1.1.7." "1382330-1" "1382330-1" "VACCINE BREAKTHROUGH INFECTION" "10067923" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Case is a vaccine breakthrough case of interest who died of COVID-19 pneumonia on 6/2/2021 after an approximately 2 week hospitalization. Whole genome sequencing resulted in identification of B.1.1.7." "1382602-1" "1382602-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Altered mental status, stroke, death" "1382602-1" "1382602-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Altered mental status, stroke, death" "1382602-1" "1382602-1" "MENTAL STATUS CHANGES" "10048294" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Altered mental status, stroke, death" "1382624-1" "1382624-1" "SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH" "10049418" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden Cardiac Death" "1383801-1" "1383801-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "RAPID DECLINE IN HEALTH; LACK OF INTEREST IN LIVING; REQUESTED HOSPICE AT AGE 72 WITH NO MAJOR TERMINAL ILLNESS; STOPPED SOCIALIZING, INTERACTING WITH ANYONE; LACK OF APPETITE; VERY WEAK AND FRAIL; DEATH FOLLOWING 2ND SHOT" "1383801-1" "1383801-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "RAPID DECLINE IN HEALTH; LACK OF INTEREST IN LIVING; REQUESTED HOSPICE AT AGE 72 WITH NO MAJOR TERMINAL ILLNESS; STOPPED SOCIALIZING, INTERACTING WITH ANYONE; LACK OF APPETITE; VERY WEAK AND FRAIL; DEATH FOLLOWING 2ND SHOT" "1383801-1" "1383801-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "RAPID DECLINE IN HEALTH; LACK OF INTEREST IN LIVING; REQUESTED HOSPICE AT AGE 72 WITH NO MAJOR TERMINAL ILLNESS; STOPPED SOCIALIZING, INTERACTING WITH ANYONE; LACK OF APPETITE; VERY WEAK AND FRAIL; DEATH FOLLOWING 2ND SHOT" "1383801-1" "1383801-1" "DECREASED INTEREST" "10011971" "65-79 years" "65-79" "RAPID DECLINE IN HEALTH; LACK OF INTEREST IN LIVING; REQUESTED HOSPICE AT AGE 72 WITH NO MAJOR TERMINAL ILLNESS; STOPPED SOCIALIZING, INTERACTING WITH ANYONE; LACK OF APPETITE; VERY WEAK AND FRAIL; DEATH FOLLOWING 2ND SHOT" "1383801-1" "1383801-1" "GENERAL PHYSICAL HEALTH DETERIORATION" "10049438" "65-79 years" "65-79" "RAPID DECLINE IN HEALTH; LACK OF INTEREST IN LIVING; REQUESTED HOSPICE AT AGE 72 WITH NO MAJOR TERMINAL ILLNESS; STOPPED SOCIALIZING, INTERACTING WITH ANYONE; LACK OF APPETITE; VERY WEAK AND FRAIL; DEATH FOLLOWING 2ND SHOT" "1383801-1" "1383801-1" "SOCIAL AVOIDANT BEHAVIOUR" "10041243" "65-79 years" "65-79" "RAPID DECLINE IN HEALTH; LACK OF INTEREST IN LIVING; REQUESTED HOSPICE AT AGE 72 WITH NO MAJOR TERMINAL ILLNESS; STOPPED SOCIALIZING, INTERACTING WITH ANYONE; LACK OF APPETITE; VERY WEAK AND FRAIL; DEATH FOLLOWING 2ND SHOT" "1383801-1" "1383801-1" "ULTRASOUND LIVER" "10045427" "65-79 years" "65-79" "RAPID DECLINE IN HEALTH; LACK OF INTEREST IN LIVING; REQUESTED HOSPICE AT AGE 72 WITH NO MAJOR TERMINAL ILLNESS; STOPPED SOCIALIZING, INTERACTING WITH ANYONE; LACK OF APPETITE; VERY WEAK AND FRAIL; DEATH FOLLOWING 2ND SHOT" "1389545-1" "1389545-1" "AUTOPSY" "10050117" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred 8 days after vaccination - pulmonary thromboemboli found on autopsy." "1389545-1" "1389545-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred 8 days after vaccination - pulmonary thromboemboli found on autopsy." "1389545-1" "1389545-1" "PULMONARY EMBOLISM" "10037377" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred 8 days after vaccination - pulmonary thromboemboli found on autopsy." "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "ANTICOAGULANT THERAPY" "10053468" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "ATRIAL FIBRILLATION" "10003658" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "BLOOD CREATININE INCREASED" "10005483" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "BLOOD POTASSIUM DECREASED" "10005724" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "BRAIN NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE NORMAL" "10053409" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "CARDIAC TELEMETRY" "10053448" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10007617" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "CARDIOMEGALY" "10007632" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "CHEST X-RAY ABNORMAL" "10008499" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE" "10063083" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "CONTINUOUS POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE" "10052934" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "DEHYDRATION" "10012174" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION" "10052337" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "ECHOCARDIOGRAM ABNORMAL" "10061593" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "EJECTION FRACTION NORMAL" "10064144" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "ELECTROCARDIOGRAM ABNORMAL" "10014363" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "FALL" "10016173" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "FEEDING DISORDER" "10061148" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "FLUID INTAKE REDUCED" "10056291" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "HYPOKALAEMIA" "10021015" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "HYPOTENSION" "10021097" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "HYPOVOLAEMIA" "10021137" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "MYOCARDIAL NECROSIS MARKER NORMAL" "10075212" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "PALPITATIONS" "10033557" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "RENAL IMPAIRMENT" "10062237" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS" "10038540" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME" "10040979" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH" "10049418" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "TACHYCARDIA" "10043071" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391483-1" "1391483-1" "URINE OUTPUT" "10059894" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Outcome: Patient Death CHIEF COMPLAINT in ER: chest pain, SOB History of Present Illness: Patient is a 66 yo with PMH of chronic afib on chronic anticoagulation who presented to the ER with a chief complaint of shortness of breath and increased fatigue over the past several weeks that has progressively become worse. Patient denies orthopnea or PND but does have some palpitations and occasional chest pain associated with increased fatigue with exertion. On evaluation emergency room patient was noted to be tachycardic consistent with chronic atrial fib, also acute renal insufficiency likely secondary to dehydration. Patient is admitted to the medical service for further treatment and evaluation. DEATH SUMMARY Date of Admission: 04/07/2021 Time of Death: 04/10/2021 at 0737 Final Diagnoses: 1. Sudden Cardiac Death 2. Acute Renal Impairment Secondary to Hypovolemia, A TN 3. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation w/ RVR, Resolved 4. Atypical Chest Pain, Resolved 5. Hypokalemia, Resolved 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 7. Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure Hospital Course: Patient is a pleasant 66yo admitted for acute renal impairment secondary to significant o hypovolemia resulting in ATN as well as atrial fibrillation w/ RVR after presenting to ER with complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, malaise, and anorexia that began after receiving his second COVID vaccine on 4/01/2021. Please see H&P for full details. Patient reported that on the day after his COVID #2 vaccine, he lost his appetite and was not able to eat or drink. He continued to take his home medications as prescribed including losartan, chlorthalidone, and meloxicam. After experiencing progressive worsening of symptoms for 5 days, patient presented to ER for further evaluation. Upon arrival to ER, patient was noted to be hypotensive and tachycardic. EKG showed atrial fibrillation w/ RVR. Routine labs were obtained and were remarkable for elevated creatinine and mild hypokalemia w/ normal BNP and negative cardiac enzymes. CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette, but no evidence of pulmonary edema or other acute abnormalities. Patient was subsequently admitted for further evaluation and medical management. He was staited on aggressive IV hydration for his hypotension and hypovolemia w/ PRN IV metoprolol as needed for HR> l lObpm. He was continued on anticoagulation. Serial cardiac enzymes were obtained and were negative. TIE report from Dr's office that was performed recently was obtained and showed EF of 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. Patient's wife brought his CPAP from home and patient wore his CPAP while sleeping during his hospital stay. During the course of hospitalization, patient's blood pressure & HR improved, though he remained in atrial fibrillation. His creatinine continued to trend up consistent with ATN, but patient continued to produce adequate urine and he had no signficant electrolyte derangements. IVF were adjusted based on urine output and volume status. Patient had no recurrence in his presenting complaint of chest pain and he overall reported feeling better throughout his course of hospitalization despite reporting that he continued to have little appetite. Patient was monitored closely on telemetry throughout his hospital stay. On the morning of 4/10/2021, lab tech and nurse walked into the patient's room to obtain specimen for AM labs. Patient reportedly tried to get out of the bed independently, grabbed at his chest & pulled off his telemetry, and fell to his knees. Staff called Code 99 and patient was placed back in the bed. He was noted to be in asystole. ACLS was performed and despite maximal efforts, patient subsequently expired at 0737. I personally called the patient's cardiologist & personal friend, to discuss the events leading up to the patient's death. Upon review of the patient's course of hospitalization, it was felt that patient most likely experienced sudden cardiac death. Of note, Dr reports that the patient frequently contacts him via text message with concerns or complaints. He states that the patient did not message him during the hospitalization to report any chest pain or other concerns. Disposition: Patient Expired" "1391671-1" "1391671-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Her surgery in the morning went very well according to her doctor. Later in the afternoon, pt. had a massive stroke. Next day pt. died at Hospital ." "1391671-1" "1391671-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Her surgery in the morning went very well according to her doctor. Later in the afternoon, pt. had a massive stroke. Next day pt. died at Hospital ." "1391671-1" "1391671-1" "SURGERY" "10042609" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Her surgery in the morning went very well according to her doctor. Later in the afternoon, pt. had a massive stroke. Next day pt. died at Hospital ." "1396391-1" "1396391-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "No adverse event reported during home visit provided by RN on 5/26/2021 from 11:15am to 11:45am. VIS information given to patient prior to vaccination. Patient went to ER on 5/27/2021-5/28/2021 and reported that not feeling well. Patient discharged home from ER. Family found him dead in his apartment on 6/3/2021." "1396391-1" "1396391-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "No adverse event reported during home visit provided by RN on 5/26/2021 from 11:15am to 11:45am. VIS information given to patient prior to vaccination. Patient went to ER on 5/27/2021-5/28/2021 and reported that not feeling well. Patient discharged home from ER. Family found him dead in his apartment on 6/3/2021." "1397041-1" "1397041-1" "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10007617" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Day after shot patient was tired, he was not feeling well, & he never fully recovered. He went to work on Monday, May 10th & worked until 6:00pm. Returned home eat a little & went to bed. Tuesday, May 11th he worked at home, Wednesday, May 12th we had coffee, laughed & joked around & he went back to work at home. I went to check on him about five minutes later & he was sitting up sleeping. He would usually wake up & say I took a power nap but he was not breathing. I started mouth 2 mouth but he did not respond. My sister told my nephew to call 911 & they told us to lay him on the floor & start CPR until the paramedics arrived. Once they arrived & took over they tried to get him to breathe & restart his heart. The paramedics worked on him for a long time giving us updates on what they were trying to do. Patient never regained consciousness. They indicated probably a heart attack." "1397041-1" "1397041-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Day after shot patient was tired, he was not feeling well, & he never fully recovered. He went to work on Monday, May 10th & worked until 6:00pm. Returned home eat a little & went to bed. Tuesday, May 11th he worked at home, Wednesday, May 12th we had coffee, laughed & joked around & he went back to work at home. I went to check on him about five minutes later & he was sitting up sleeping. He would usually wake up & say I took a power nap but he was not breathing. I started mouth 2 mouth but he did not respond. My sister told my nephew to call 911 & they told us to lay him on the floor & start CPR until the paramedics arrived. Once they arrived & took over they tried to get him to breathe & restart his heart. The paramedics worked on him for a long time giving us updates on what they were trying to do. Patient never regained consciousness. They indicated probably a heart attack." "1397041-1" "1397041-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Day after shot patient was tired, he was not feeling well, & he never fully recovered. He went to work on Monday, May 10th & worked until 6:00pm. Returned home eat a little & went to bed. Tuesday, May 11th he worked at home, Wednesday, May 12th we had coffee, laughed & joked around & he went back to work at home. I went to check on him about five minutes later & he was sitting up sleeping. He would usually wake up & say I took a power nap but he was not breathing. I started mouth 2 mouth but he did not respond. My sister told my nephew to call 911 & they told us to lay him on the floor & start CPR until the paramedics arrived. Once they arrived & took over they tried to get him to breathe & restart his heart. The paramedics worked on him for a long time giving us updates on what they were trying to do. Patient never regained consciousness. They indicated probably a heart attack." "1397041-1" "1397041-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Day after shot patient was tired, he was not feeling well, & he never fully recovered. He went to work on Monday, May 10th & worked until 6:00pm. Returned home eat a little & went to bed. Tuesday, May 11th he worked at home, Wednesday, May 12th we had coffee, laughed & joked around & he went back to work at home. I went to check on him about five minutes later & he was sitting up sleeping. He would usually wake up & say I took a power nap but he was not breathing. I started mouth 2 mouth but he did not respond. My sister told my nephew to call 911 & they told us to lay him on the floor & start CPR until the paramedics arrived. Once they arrived & took over they tried to get him to breathe & restart his heart. The paramedics worked on him for a long time giving us updates on what they were trying to do. Patient never regained consciousness. They indicated probably a heart attack." "1397041-1" "1397041-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Day after shot patient was tired, he was not feeling well, & he never fully recovered. He went to work on Monday, May 10th & worked until 6:00pm. Returned home eat a little & went to bed. Tuesday, May 11th he worked at home, Wednesday, May 12th we had coffee, laughed & joked around & he went back to work at home. I went to check on him about five minutes later & he was sitting up sleeping. He would usually wake up & say I took a power nap but he was not breathing. I started mouth 2 mouth but he did not respond. My sister told my nephew to call 911 & they told us to lay him on the floor & start CPR until the paramedics arrived. Once they arrived & took over they tried to get him to breathe & restart his heart. The paramedics worked on him for a long time giving us updates on what they were trying to do. Patient never regained consciousness. They indicated probably a heart attack." "1397041-1" "1397041-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Day after shot patient was tired, he was not feeling well, & he never fully recovered. He went to work on Monday, May 10th & worked until 6:00pm. Returned home eat a little & went to bed. Tuesday, May 11th he worked at home, Wednesday, May 12th we had coffee, laughed & joked around & he went back to work at home. I went to check on him about five minutes later & he was sitting up sleeping. He would usually wake up & say I took a power nap but he was not breathing. I started mouth 2 mouth but he did not respond. My sister told my nephew to call 911 & they told us to lay him on the floor & start CPR until the paramedics arrived. Once they arrived & took over they tried to get him to breathe & restart his heart. The paramedics worked on him for a long time giving us updates on what they were trying to do. Patient never regained consciousness. They indicated probably a heart attack." "1397041-1" "1397041-1" "RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10038669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Day after shot patient was tired, he was not feeling well, & he never fully recovered. He went to work on Monday, May 10th & worked until 6:00pm. Returned home eat a little & went to bed. Tuesday, May 11th he worked at home, Wednesday, May 12th we had coffee, laughed & joked around & he went back to work at home. I went to check on him about five minutes later & he was sitting up sleeping. He would usually wake up & say I took a power nap but he was not breathing. I started mouth 2 mouth but he did not respond. My sister told my nephew to call 911 & they told us to lay him on the floor & start CPR until the paramedics arrived. Once they arrived & took over they tried to get him to breathe & restart his heart. The paramedics worked on him for a long time giving us updates on what they were trying to do. Patient never regained consciousness. They indicated probably a heart attack." "1397041-1" "1397041-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Day after shot patient was tired, he was not feeling well, & he never fully recovered. He went to work on Monday, May 10th & worked until 6:00pm. Returned home eat a little & went to bed. Tuesday, May 11th he worked at home, Wednesday, May 12th we had coffee, laughed & joked around & he went back to work at home. I went to check on him about five minutes later & he was sitting up sleeping. He would usually wake up & say I took a power nap but he was not breathing. I started mouth 2 mouth but he did not respond. My sister told my nephew to call 911 & they told us to lay him on the floor & start CPR until the paramedics arrived. Once they arrived & took over they tried to get him to breathe & restart his heart. The paramedics worked on him for a long time giving us updates on what they were trying to do. Patient never regained consciousness. They indicated probably a heart attack." "1397041-1" "1397041-1" "SOMNOLENCE" "10041349" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Day after shot patient was tired, he was not feeling well, & he never fully recovered. He went to work on Monday, May 10th & worked until 6:00pm. Returned home eat a little & went to bed. Tuesday, May 11th he worked at home, Wednesday, May 12th we had coffee, laughed & joked around & he went back to work at home. I went to check on him about five minutes later & he was sitting up sleeping. He would usually wake up & say I took a power nap but he was not breathing. I started mouth 2 mouth but he did not respond. My sister told my nephew to call 911 & they told us to lay him on the floor & start CPR until the paramedics arrived. Once they arrived & took over they tried to get him to breathe & restart his heart. The paramedics worked on him for a long time giving us updates on what they were trying to do. Patient never regained consciousness. They indicated probably a heart attack." "1397041-1" "1397041-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Day after shot patient was tired, he was not feeling well, & he never fully recovered. He went to work on Monday, May 10th & worked until 6:00pm. Returned home eat a little & went to bed. Tuesday, May 11th he worked at home, Wednesday, May 12th we had coffee, laughed & joked around & he went back to work at home. I went to check on him about five minutes later & he was sitting up sleeping. He would usually wake up & say I took a power nap but he was not breathing. I started mouth 2 mouth but he did not respond. My sister told my nephew to call 911 & they told us to lay him on the floor & start CPR until the paramedics arrived. Once they arrived & took over they tried to get him to breathe & restart his heart. The paramedics worked on him for a long time giving us updates on what they were trying to do. Patient never regained consciousness. They indicated probably a heart attack." "1402834-1" "1402834-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Strokes, very weak, vomiting, suffered mild heart attack." "1402834-1" "1402834-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Strokes, very weak, vomiting, suffered mild heart attack." "1402834-1" "1402834-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Strokes, very weak, vomiting, suffered mild heart attack." "1402834-1" "1402834-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Strokes, very weak, vomiting, suffered mild heart attack." "1402834-1" "1402834-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Strokes, very weak, vomiting, suffered mild heart attack." "1412755-1" "1412755-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient found in respiratory arrest at 4:20am on 6/19/21. CPR initiated and continued by EMS, along with IV fluids and intubation, remained in asystole throughout course of CPR. CPR terminated by EMS." "1412755-1" "1412755-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient found in respiratory arrest at 4:20am on 6/19/21. CPR initiated and continued by EMS, along with IV fluids and intubation, remained in asystole throughout course of CPR. CPR terminated by EMS." "1412755-1" "1412755-1" "RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10038669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient found in respiratory arrest at 4:20am on 6/19/21. CPR initiated and continued by EMS, along with IV fluids and intubation, remained in asystole throughout course of CPR. CPR terminated by EMS." "1412755-1" "1412755-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient found in respiratory arrest at 4:20am on 6/19/21. CPR initiated and continued by EMS, along with IV fluids and intubation, remained in asystole throughout course of CPR. CPR terminated by EMS." "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "BRADYKINESIA" "10006100" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "BRAIN OEDEMA" "10048962" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM ABDOMEN" "10053876" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD ABNORMAL" "10072168" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM THORAX" "10053875" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "CONFUSIONAL STATE" "10010305" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "DISORIENTATION" "10013395" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "FALL" "10016173" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "FEELING ABNORMAL" "10016322" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "GAIT DISTURBANCE" "10017577" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "GLIOBLASTOMA" "10018336" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "HEMIPARESIS" "10019465" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "IMPAIRED DRIVING ABILITY" "10049564" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "INTRACRANIAL MASS" "10077667" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "LOSS OF PERSONAL INDEPENDENCE IN DAILY ACTIVITIES" "10079487" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING HEAD ABNORMAL" "10085256" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "MENTAL IMPAIRMENT" "10027374" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "MUSCULAR WEAKNESS" "10028372" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415311-1" "1415311-1" "SCAN WITH CONTRAST" "10059696" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received her 1st dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on March 08, 2021. About a week later she started complaining of feeling fatigued, confused, and disoriented some days. These symptoms progressively got worse over the next 3 months. She received her 2nd dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on April 05, 2021. A week later she mentioned waking up more disoriented in the mornings and would look at her hands and think to herself, ""Who's hands are these?"" She said she felt like she wasn't in her right mind. Soon after this she felt she couldn't go to the grocery store alone or drive because she might get lost. She never had symptoms of Dementia prior to March 2021. On May 10, 2021 I noticed she was moving slower and using walls to guide her through her home as she walked. She mentioned she felt more fatigued at this time. On the weekend of May 21, 2021 we took a trip for her birthday and she was mentioning how it was a struggle for her to pack for the trip because she couldn't think clearly and had made a mess in her room trying to find her clothes. She was a very tidy & organized person, so this was very unusual. A week after the trip she mentioned losing some strength in her left leg and needing to lean on walls as she walked through her home. On June 4, 2021 the weakness got worse and she mentioned she felt more ""off"" and wanted to shower before heading to the hospital to be evaluated - when she got out of the shower she completely lost strength in her left leg and fell to the ground, but was conscious. She was taken to Hospital where a CT scan was done that showed brain swelling and a mass. She was then transported to Medical Center where an MRI was done, confirming the swelling and 4cm mass - doctors there believed it could be a Glioblastoma and mentioned it is very aggressive. When asked if the vaccine may have caused this, we were quickly dismissed and told there could be no connection at all. After further research we found that GBM (Glioblastoma) could grow as quickly as .5mm per day and when calculating the time between her 1st dose and her hospitalization (approx. 90 days) it equated to 4.5cm, her mass was 4cm. Even if there was a mass there before her vaccine, there is reason to believe it may have been aggravated by the vaccine. Surgery was suggested, but after 4 days she expressed that she wanted to opt out of the surgery and pursue a second opinion or natural treatments. She was discharged on June 9, 2021 and taken home with medication. She was more alert and lively at home - able to converse and move around with assistance, but did not have strength in her left leg and was losing more strength in her left arm. On June 13, 2021 she suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. CPR was performed in the ambulance and she was taken to Hospital where they stabilized her but she never regained consciousness. She was taken home for Hospice on June 16, 2021 and passed away on June 19, 2021."" "1415978-1" "1415978-1" "CEREBRAL HAEMORRHAGE" "10008111" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Brain bleed, broken leg, death" "1415978-1" "1415978-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Brain bleed, broken leg, death" "1415978-1" "1415978-1" "LOWER LIMB FRACTURE" "10061599" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Brain bleed, broken leg, death" "1415978-1" "1415978-1" "MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING HEAD ABNORMAL" "10085256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Brain bleed, broken leg, death" "1416338-1" "1416338-1" "ARTERIOSCLEROSIS" "10003210" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""My dad died on February 19th after having been visibly sick immediately after being vaccinated until the day he died, according to his friends. Was told by a friend that he dropped something he was holding while hanging out with friends and they called an ambulance but he refused the ambulance. I do not know that exact date of that incident only that it was following vaccination. Was also told by numerous others that he seemed ""sick"". No other details are known."" "1416338-1" "1416338-1" "CARDIAC FAILURE CONGESTIVE" "10007559" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""My dad died on February 19th after having been visibly sick immediately after being vaccinated until the day he died, according to his friends. Was told by a friend that he dropped something he was holding while hanging out with friends and they called an ambulance but he refused the ambulance. I do not know that exact date of that incident only that it was following vaccination. Was also told by numerous others that he seemed ""sick"". No other details are known."" "1416338-1" "1416338-1" "CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE" "10011078" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""My dad died on February 19th after having been visibly sick immediately after being vaccinated until the day he died, according to his friends. Was told by a friend that he dropped something he was holding while hanging out with friends and they called an ambulance but he refused the ambulance. I do not know that exact date of that incident only that it was following vaccination. Was also told by numerous others that he seemed ""sick"". No other details are known."" "1416338-1" "1416338-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""My dad died on February 19th after having been visibly sick immediately after being vaccinated until the day he died, according to his friends. Was told by a friend that he dropped something he was holding while hanging out with friends and they called an ambulance but he refused the ambulance. I do not know that exact date of that incident only that it was following vaccination. Was also told by numerous others that he seemed ""sick"". No other details are known."" "1416338-1" "1416338-1" "IMMEDIATE POST-INJECTION REACTION" "10067142" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""My dad died on February 19th after having been visibly sick immediately after being vaccinated until the day he died, according to his friends. Was told by a friend that he dropped something he was holding while hanging out with friends and they called an ambulance but he refused the ambulance. I do not know that exact date of that incident only that it was following vaccination. Was also told by numerous others that he seemed ""sick"". No other details are known."" "1416338-1" "1416338-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""My dad died on February 19th after having been visibly sick immediately after being vaccinated until the day he died, according to his friends. Was told by a friend that he dropped something he was holding while hanging out with friends and they called an ambulance but he refused the ambulance. I do not know that exact date of that incident only that it was following vaccination. Was also told by numerous others that he seemed ""sick"". No other details are known."" "1416338-1" "1416338-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST NEGATIVE" "10084273" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""My dad died on February 19th after having been visibly sick immediately after being vaccinated until the day he died, according to his friends. Was told by a friend that he dropped something he was holding while hanging out with friends and they called an ambulance but he refused the ambulance. I do not know that exact date of that incident only that it was following vaccination. Was also told by numerous others that he seemed ""sick"". No other details are known."" "1417871-1" "1417871-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain with fatigue with the first and second dose. Was reported to not be able to hold anything down with second dose and sudden death while sleeping (nap for fatigue). Found dead in bed 3/21/2021. No allergic reactions were reported. No unusual electrolyte findings suggested the cause." "1417871-1" "1417871-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain with fatigue with the first and second dose. Was reported to not be able to hold anything down with second dose and sudden death while sleeping (nap for fatigue). Found dead in bed 3/21/2021. No allergic reactions were reported. No unusual electrolyte findings suggested the cause." "1417871-1" "1417871-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain with fatigue with the first and second dose. Was reported to not be able to hold anything down with second dose and sudden death while sleeping (nap for fatigue). Found dead in bed 3/21/2021. No allergic reactions were reported. No unusual electrolyte findings suggested the cause." "1417871-1" "1417871-1" "MYALGIA" "10028411" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain with fatigue with the first and second dose. Was reported to not be able to hold anything down with second dose and sudden death while sleeping (nap for fatigue). Found dead in bed 3/21/2021. No allergic reactions were reported. No unusual electrolyte findings suggested the cause." "1417871-1" "1417871-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain with fatigue with the first and second dose. Was reported to not be able to hold anything down with second dose and sudden death while sleeping (nap for fatigue). Found dead in bed 3/21/2021. No allergic reactions were reported. No unusual electrolyte findings suggested the cause." "1417871-1" "1417871-1" "SUDDEN DEATH" "10042434" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain with fatigue with the first and second dose. Was reported to not be able to hold anything down with second dose and sudden death while sleeping (nap for fatigue). Found dead in bed 3/21/2021. No allergic reactions were reported. No unusual electrolyte findings suggested the cause." "1417871-1" "1417871-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain with fatigue with the first and second dose. Was reported to not be able to hold anything down with second dose and sudden death while sleeping (nap for fatigue). Found dead in bed 3/21/2021. No allergic reactions were reported. No unusual electrolyte findings suggested the cause." "1420517-1" "1420517-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 week history of shortness of breath and nonproductive cough beginning shortly after receipt of second dose. Patient became hypoxic and had diffuse consolidation through left lung with wedge-shapes consolidation involving the right upper and midlateral lungs. Leukocytosis and bandemia noted and acute renal failure. Developed atrial fibrillation and rapid ventricular response. Multilobal pneumonia, septic shock, non-q-wave myocardial infarction, acute renal failure. Patient expired." "1420517-1" "1420517-1" "ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10000891" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 week history of shortness of breath and nonproductive cough beginning shortly after receipt of second dose. Patient became hypoxic and had diffuse consolidation through left lung with wedge-shapes consolidation involving the right upper and midlateral lungs. Leukocytosis and bandemia noted and acute renal failure. Developed atrial fibrillation and rapid ventricular response. Multilobal pneumonia, septic shock, non-q-wave myocardial infarction, acute renal failure. Patient expired." "1420517-1" "1420517-1" "ATRIAL FIBRILLATION" "10003658" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 week history of shortness of breath and nonproductive cough beginning shortly after receipt of second dose. Patient became hypoxic and had diffuse consolidation through left lung with wedge-shapes consolidation involving the right upper and midlateral lungs. Leukocytosis and bandemia noted and acute renal failure. Developed atrial fibrillation and rapid ventricular response. Multilobal pneumonia, septic shock, non-q-wave myocardial infarction, acute renal failure. Patient expired." "1420517-1" "1420517-1" "BANDAEMIA" "10072081" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 week history of shortness of breath and nonproductive cough beginning shortly after receipt of second dose. Patient became hypoxic and had diffuse consolidation through left lung with wedge-shapes consolidation involving the right upper and midlateral lungs. Leukocytosis and bandemia noted and acute renal failure. Developed atrial fibrillation and rapid ventricular response. Multilobal pneumonia, septic shock, non-q-wave myocardial infarction, acute renal failure. Patient expired." "1420517-1" "1420517-1" "BLOOD UREA INCREASED" "10005851" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 week history of shortness of breath and nonproductive cough beginning shortly after receipt of second dose. Patient became hypoxic and had diffuse consolidation through left lung with wedge-shapes consolidation involving the right upper and midlateral lungs. Leukocytosis and bandemia noted and acute renal failure. Developed atrial fibrillation and rapid ventricular response. Multilobal pneumonia, septic shock, non-q-wave myocardial infarction, acute renal failure. Patient expired." "1420517-1" "1420517-1" "C-REACTIVE PROTEIN INCREASED" "10006825" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 week history of shortness of breath and nonproductive cough beginning shortly after receipt of second dose. Patient became hypoxic and had diffuse consolidation through left lung with wedge-shapes consolidation involving the right upper and midlateral lungs. Leukocytosis and bandemia noted and acute renal failure. Developed atrial fibrillation and rapid ventricular response. Multilobal pneumonia, septic shock, non-q-wave myocardial infarction, acute renal failure. Patient expired." "1420517-1" "1420517-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 week history of shortness of breath and nonproductive cough beginning shortly after receipt of second dose. Patient became hypoxic and had diffuse consolidation through left lung with wedge-shapes consolidation involving the right upper and midlateral lungs. Leukocytosis and bandemia noted and acute renal failure. Developed atrial fibrillation and rapid ventricular response. Multilobal pneumonia, septic shock, non-q-wave myocardial infarction, acute renal failure. Patient expired." "1420517-1" "1420517-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 week history of shortness of breath and nonproductive cough beginning shortly after receipt of second dose. Patient became hypoxic and had diffuse consolidation through left lung with wedge-shapes consolidation involving the right upper and midlateral lungs. Leukocytosis and bandemia noted and acute renal failure. Developed atrial fibrillation and rapid ventricular response. Multilobal pneumonia, septic shock, non-q-wave myocardial infarction, acute renal failure. Patient expired." "1420517-1" "1420517-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 week history of shortness of breath and nonproductive cough beginning shortly after receipt of second dose. Patient became hypoxic and had diffuse consolidation through left lung with wedge-shapes consolidation involving the right upper and midlateral lungs. Leukocytosis and bandemia noted and acute renal failure. Developed atrial fibrillation and rapid ventricular response. Multilobal pneumonia, septic shock, non-q-wave myocardial infarction, acute renal failure. Patient expired." "1420517-1" "1420517-1" "HYPOXIA" "10021143" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 week history of shortness of breath and nonproductive cough beginning shortly after receipt of second dose. Patient became hypoxic and had diffuse consolidation through left lung with wedge-shapes consolidation involving the right upper and midlateral lungs. Leukocytosis and bandemia noted and acute renal failure. Developed atrial fibrillation and rapid ventricular response. Multilobal pneumonia, septic shock, non-q-wave myocardial infarction, acute renal failure. Patient expired." "1420517-1" "1420517-1" "LEUKOCYTOSIS" "10024378" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 week history of shortness of breath and nonproductive cough beginning shortly after receipt of second dose. Patient became hypoxic and had diffuse consolidation through left lung with wedge-shapes consolidation involving the right upper and midlateral lungs. Leukocytosis and bandemia noted and acute renal failure. Developed atrial fibrillation and rapid ventricular response. Multilobal pneumonia, septic shock, non-q-wave myocardial infarction, acute renal failure. Patient expired." "1420517-1" "1420517-1" "LUNG CONSOLIDATION" "10025080" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 week history of shortness of breath and nonproductive cough beginning shortly after receipt of second dose. Patient became hypoxic and had diffuse consolidation through left lung with wedge-shapes consolidation involving the right upper and midlateral lungs. Leukocytosis and bandemia noted and acute renal failure. Developed atrial fibrillation and rapid ventricular response. Multilobal pneumonia, septic shock, non-q-wave myocardial infarction, acute renal failure. Patient expired." "1420517-1" "1420517-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 week history of shortness of breath and nonproductive cough beginning shortly after receipt of second dose. Patient became hypoxic and had diffuse consolidation through left lung with wedge-shapes consolidation involving the right upper and midlateral lungs. Leukocytosis and bandemia noted and acute renal failure. Developed atrial fibrillation and rapid ventricular response. Multilobal pneumonia, septic shock, non-q-wave myocardial infarction, acute renal failure. Patient expired." "1420517-1" "1420517-1" "RED BLOOD CELL COUNT DECREASED" "10038153" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 week history of shortness of breath and nonproductive cough beginning shortly after receipt of second dose. Patient became hypoxic and had diffuse consolidation through left lung with wedge-shapes consolidation involving the right upper and midlateral lungs. Leukocytosis and bandemia noted and acute renal failure. Developed atrial fibrillation and rapid ventricular response. Multilobal pneumonia, septic shock, non-q-wave myocardial infarction, acute renal failure. Patient expired." "1420517-1" "1420517-1" "SEPTIC SHOCK" "10040070" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 week history of shortness of breath and nonproductive cough beginning shortly after receipt of second dose. Patient became hypoxic and had diffuse consolidation through left lung with wedge-shapes consolidation involving the right upper and midlateral lungs. Leukocytosis and bandemia noted and acute renal failure. Developed atrial fibrillation and rapid ventricular response. Multilobal pneumonia, septic shock, non-q-wave myocardial infarction, acute renal failure. Patient expired." "1420517-1" "1420517-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT INCREASED" "10047943" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 week history of shortness of breath and nonproductive cough beginning shortly after receipt of second dose. Patient became hypoxic and had diffuse consolidation through left lung with wedge-shapes consolidation involving the right upper and midlateral lungs. Leukocytosis and bandemia noted and acute renal failure. Developed atrial fibrillation and rapid ventricular response. Multilobal pneumonia, septic shock, non-q-wave myocardial infarction, acute renal failure. Patient expired." "1421273-1" "1421273-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "DEATH WITHIN 24 HOURS" "1421500-1" "1421500-1" "CARDIOMYOPATHY" "10007636" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Covid 19, Blood Clot in Lung, Myocardia" "1421500-1" "1421500-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Covid 19, Blood Clot in Lung, Myocardia" "1421500-1" "1421500-1" "PULMONARY THROMBOSIS" "10037437" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Covid 19, Blood Clot in Lung, Myocardia" "1431522-1" "1431522-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt's cause of death was due to COIVD -19 illness. No one believes that the vaccine was part of the death. The patient was fully vaccinated with 2 doses of Pfizer vaccine." "1431522-1" "1431522-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt's cause of death was due to COIVD -19 illness. No one believes that the vaccine was part of the death. The patient was fully vaccinated with 2 doses of Pfizer vaccine." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "AGITATION" "10001497" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "BILIARY COLIC" "10004663" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "BLOOD TEST ABNORMAL" "10061016" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "CARDIAC FAILURE CONGESTIVE" "10007559" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURE" "10061816" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "DRAINAGE" "10084562" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "HALLUCINATION" "10019063" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "HEPATIC PAIN" "10019705" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "HYPERVENTILATION" "10020910" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "ILLNESS" "10080284" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "LABORATORY TEST" "10059938" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "PLEURAL EFFUSION" "10035598" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "RENAL IMPAIRMENT" "10062237" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "SLEEP DISORDER" "10040984" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1431733-1" "1431733-1" "VENTRICULAR ASSIST DEVICE INSERTION" "10052371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am filing this on behalf of my sister, who feels it needs to be reported but she is too grief-stricken to do this herself. The morning after the second shot, my sister texted that her husband was up at least 10 times during the night, and five times the next night. He was agitated and hallucinating (swatting at bugs that weren't there.) For the next four weeks he had progressively more difficult breathing, and on 4/28 a liter of fluid was drained from his chest. He continued to have difficulty breathing and was taken by ambulance to Hospital on May 2 where they again drained his chest and diagnosed him with pneumonia. A nurse told him they were seeing a number of cases of fluid around the lungs (his fluid was around the lungs, not in them) after COVID vaccines. He was sent home May 4 and commented that it was strange his cardiologist hadn't visited. Almost immediately he was experiencing liver and gall bladder pain, even though tests for those showed the two organs were healthy. On May 8 my sister said patient woke up hyperventilating, which also became more frequent. On the 9th his daughter told me the labs were not trending well, and on May 10 he saw his cardiologist. He diagnosed him with congestive heart failure and got him an appointment at the Heart Hospital on May 17 - he explained congestive heart failure is scary but can be managed through programs at the heart hospital. He began sleeping outside because it made it easier to breathe. On May 15 he was advised to go to the ER/Hospital for tests the heart hospital would need and, once there, they discovered his kidneys weren't functioning and he was admitted immediately. He spent 17 days at Hospital- if the kidneys improved, the heart got worse. If the heart improved, the kidneys failed. He was released on June 2. On June 7 my brother took him to get blood work done - Patient was too weak to get in and out of the car by himself. The blood work came back bad, and on June 8 he was admitted to the Heart Hospital. On June 10 he was transferred to the Regional Community Hospital to be closer to his cardiologist. From there he continued to decline, and the doctors wanted to do surgery for a LVAD but couldn't. To help him get stronger, he had an impeller put in by catheter on June 19 and died that night. His own cardiologist said congestive heart failure is manageable. The symptoms started the night of the second vaccine and his illness wasn't gradual - he went off a cliff. With all the heart problems appearing in males, we don't think this was coincidence." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "AUTOPSY" "10050117" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "BIOPSY LIVER ABNORMAL" "10004792" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "BIOPSY MUSCLE" "10004802" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "BLOOD BILIRUBIN INCREASED" "10005364" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "BLOOD CREATINE PHOSPHOKINASE INCREASED" "10005470" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "CHOLESTATIC LIVER INJURY" "10067969" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "DIALYSIS" "10061105" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "DRUG-INDUCED LIVER INJURY" "10072268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "HEPATIC FAILURE" "10019663" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "IMMUNE-MEDIATED MYOSITIS" "10083073" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "IMMUNOGLOBULIN THERAPY" "10069534" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "LIVER FUNCTION TEST INCREASED" "10077692" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "MAGNETIC RESONANCE CHOLANGIOPANCREATOGRAPHY" "10066085" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "NECROTISING MYOSITIS" "10074769" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "RENAL FAILURE" "10038435" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10038695" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1440726-1" "1440726-1" "WHOLE BODY SCAN" "10062151" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was admitted to Hospital on 7/14 after after two weeks of weakness and found to have AKI and cholestatic liver injury of unknown origin. His clinical course was complicated by progressive liver failure (bili to 20s, LFts >6K), hypoxemic respiratory failure, renal failure requiring dialysis), and a CK >120K. He had an extensive workup including MRCP, Pan CT, liver and muscle biopsy which did not reveal definitive dx. Leading diagnosis is statin -induced immune mediated necrotizing myositis, though biopsy not quite consistent and his labs are beyond what has been reported in the literature. He passed away on 7/28 despite treatment with IVIG, pulse dose steroids, broad spectrum abx. Cause of acute decompensation still unknown, autopsy pending. But wife noted he received covid vaccine doses x2 a few weeks prior to hospitalization, which warranted reporting due to unexplained etiology." "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "ATRIAL FIBRILLATION" "10003658" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "BLOOD CREATININE" "10005480" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10007617" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "CARDIOMEGALY" "10007632" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE" "10063083" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "DEHYDRATION" "10012174" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION" "10052337" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "ECHOCARDIOGRAM" "10014113" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "EJECTION FRACTION" "10050527" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "ELECTROCARDIOGRAM" "10014362" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "FALL" "10016173" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "FEEDING DISORDER" "10061148" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "FLUID INTAKE REDUCED" "10056291" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "HYPOKALAEMIA" "10021015" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "HYPOTENSION" "10021097" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "HYPOVOLAEMIA" "10021137" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "MYOCARDIAL NECROSIS MARKER" "10075210" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "PALPITATIONS" "10033557" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "RENAL IMPAIRMENT" "10062237" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS" "10038540" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME" "10040979" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH" "10049418" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1445672-1" "1445672-1" "TACHYCARDIA" "10043071" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden cardiac death; Acute kidney injury; Atrial fibrillation; Cardiac arrest; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardiomegaly; Chest pain; Chronic left ventricular failure; Condition aggravated; Decreased appetite; Dehydration; Diastolic dysfunction; Dyspnoea; Fall; Fatigue; Feeding disorder; Fluid intake reduced; Hypokalaemia; Hypotension; Hypovolaemia; Malaise; Palpitations; Renal impairment; Renal tubular necrosis; Sleep apnoea syndrome; Tachycardia; This case was received via DA VAERS (Reference number: 1391483) on 22-Jun-2021 and was forwarded to Moderna on 22-Jun-2021. This regulatory authority case was reported by an other health care professional and describes the occurrence of SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH (Sudden cardiac death), ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) in a 66-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch no. Unknown) for COVID-19 vaccination. The patient's past medical history included Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Atrial fibrillation (Chronic Afib), Pulmonary hypertension, Cholecystectomy, Hernia repair, Tonsillectomy and Anticoagulant therapy on 02-Apr-2021. Concomitant products included CHLORTHALIDONE, LOSARTAN POTASSIUM (LOSARTAN POTASSIUM ACCORD), MELOXICAM and METOPROLOL SUCCINATE for an unknown indication. On 01-Apr-2021, the patient received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 02-Apr-2021, the patient experienced ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FALL (Fall) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FATIGUE (Fatigue) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), MALAISE (Malaise) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis) (seriousness criteria hospitalization, medically significant and life threatening), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) (seriousness criteria hospitalization and life threatening). The patient died on 10-Apr-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (Acute kidney injury), ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (Atrial fibrillation), CARDIAC ARREST (Cardiac arrest), CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST (Cardio-respiratory arrest), CARDIOMEGALY (Cardiomegaly), CHEST PAIN (Chest pain), CHRONIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE (Chronic left ventricular failure), CONDITION AGGRAVATED (Condition aggravated), DECREASED APPETITE (Decreased appetite), DEHYDRATION (Dehydration), DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION (Diastolic dysfunction), DYSPNOEA (Dyspnoea), FALL (Fall), FATIGUE (Fatigue), FEEDING DISORDER (Feeding disorder), FLUID INTAKE REDUCED (Fluid intake reduced), HYPOKALAEMIA (Hypokalaemia), HYPOTENSION (Hypotension), HYPOVOLAEMIA (Hypovolaemia), MALAISE (Malaise), PALPITATIONS (Palpitations), RENAL IMPAIRMENT (Renal impairment), RENAL TUBULAR NECROSIS (Renal tubular necrosis), SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME (Sleep apnoea syndrome) and TACHYCARDIA (Tachycardia) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 02-Apr-2021, Blood creatinine: increased (Inconclusive) increased. On 02-Apr-2021, Chest X-ray: abnormal (abnormal) CXR showed enlarged cardiac silhouette.. On 02-Apr-2021, Echocardiogram: normal (normal) normal. On 02-Apr-2021, Ejection fraction: normal (normal) 55-60% with Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction. On 02-Apr-2021, Electrocardiogram: abnormal (abnormal) atrial fibrillation. On 02-Apr-2021, Myocardial necrosis marker: normal (Negative) normal. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments. Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) was performed and despite maximal effort, the patient subsequently expired at 0737. Company Comment : This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 66-year-old male patient with medical history of Coronary artery disease, Congestive heart failure, Hypertension, Chronic Atrial fibrillation and Pulmonary hypertension, that occurred 10 days after receiving second dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). The patient experienced sudden cardiac death during hospitalization for worsening dyspnea in the past weeks prior to hospitalization. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death" "1446338-1" "1446338-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt received initial dose of vaccine on March 16, 2021. Pt received the second dose on April 15, 2021. Pt had CVA on April 16, 2021 affecting right hand and lower arm with generalized weakness. Pt was fully cognizant at this time. Pt developed pneumonia and was hospitalized in ICU on April 29,2021, requiring ventilation support. Pt died May 6, 2021." "1446338-1" "1446338-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt received initial dose of vaccine on March 16, 2021. Pt received the second dose on April 15, 2021. Pt had CVA on April 16, 2021 affecting right hand and lower arm with generalized weakness. Pt was fully cognizant at this time. Pt developed pneumonia and was hospitalized in ICU on April 29,2021, requiring ventilation support. Pt died May 6, 2021." "1446338-1" "1446338-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt received initial dose of vaccine on March 16, 2021. Pt received the second dose on April 15, 2021. Pt had CVA on April 16, 2021 affecting right hand and lower arm with generalized weakness. Pt was fully cognizant at this time. Pt developed pneumonia and was hospitalized in ICU on April 29,2021, requiring ventilation support. Pt died May 6, 2021." "1446338-1" "1446338-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt received initial dose of vaccine on March 16, 2021. Pt received the second dose on April 15, 2021. Pt had CVA on April 16, 2021 affecting right hand and lower arm with generalized weakness. Pt was fully cognizant at this time. Pt developed pneumonia and was hospitalized in ICU on April 29,2021, requiring ventilation support. Pt died May 6, 2021." "1446338-1" "1446338-1" "MUSCULAR WEAKNESS" "10028372" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt received initial dose of vaccine on March 16, 2021. Pt received the second dose on April 15, 2021. Pt had CVA on April 16, 2021 affecting right hand and lower arm with generalized weakness. Pt was fully cognizant at this time. Pt developed pneumonia and was hospitalized in ICU on April 29,2021, requiring ventilation support. Pt died May 6, 2021." "1446338-1" "1446338-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt received initial dose of vaccine on March 16, 2021. Pt received the second dose on April 15, 2021. Pt had CVA on April 16, 2021 affecting right hand and lower arm with generalized weakness. Pt was fully cognizant at this time. Pt developed pneumonia and was hospitalized in ICU on April 29,2021, requiring ventilation support. Pt died May 6, 2021." "1446993-1" "1446993-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Unable to recover- date of death 5-29-2021" "1447016-1" "1447016-1" "AUTOPSY" "10050117" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death - less than 24 hours after 2nd dose of Covid19 - Pfizer vaccination" "1447016-1" "1447016-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death - less than 24 hours after 2nd dose of Covid19 - Pfizer vaccination" "1450256-1" "1450256-1" "APHASIA" "10002948" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Wife stated that Husband passed after receiving dose of Pfizer vaccine, he developed a Guillain-Barre Syndrome after receiving vaccine. Wife stated that he lost ability to walk, ability to speak was severely impacted, had difficulty eating and drinking bc his throat muscles were effected from the syndrome. Then, he couldn't sit up in bed. Then, after was diagnosed that's when his kidneys started to fail and then his heart stopped. DOD: 04/06/2021" "1450256-1" "1450256-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Wife stated that Husband passed after receiving dose of Pfizer vaccine, he developed a Guillain-Barre Syndrome after receiving vaccine. Wife stated that he lost ability to walk, ability to speak was severely impacted, had difficulty eating and drinking bc his throat muscles were effected from the syndrome. Then, he couldn't sit up in bed. Then, after was diagnosed that's when his kidneys started to fail and then his heart stopped. DOD: 04/06/2021" "1450256-1" "1450256-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Wife stated that Husband passed after receiving dose of Pfizer vaccine, he developed a Guillain-Barre Syndrome after receiving vaccine. Wife stated that he lost ability to walk, ability to speak was severely impacted, had difficulty eating and drinking bc his throat muscles were effected from the syndrome. Then, he couldn't sit up in bed. Then, after was diagnosed that's when his kidneys started to fail and then his heart stopped. DOD: 04/06/2021" "1450256-1" "1450256-1" "DYSPHAGIA" "10013950" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Wife stated that Husband passed after receiving dose of Pfizer vaccine, he developed a Guillain-Barre Syndrome after receiving vaccine. Wife stated that he lost ability to walk, ability to speak was severely impacted, had difficulty eating and drinking bc his throat muscles were effected from the syndrome. Then, he couldn't sit up in bed. Then, after was diagnosed that's when his kidneys started to fail and then his heart stopped. DOD: 04/06/2021" "1450256-1" "1450256-1" "GAIT INABILITY" "10017581" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Wife stated that Husband passed after receiving dose of Pfizer vaccine, he developed a Guillain-Barre Syndrome after receiving vaccine. Wife stated that he lost ability to walk, ability to speak was severely impacted, had difficulty eating and drinking bc his throat muscles were effected from the syndrome. Then, he couldn't sit up in bed. Then, after was diagnosed that's when his kidneys started to fail and then his heart stopped. DOD: 04/06/2021" "1450256-1" "1450256-1" "GUILLAIN-BARRE SYNDROME" "10018767" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Wife stated that Husband passed after receiving dose of Pfizer vaccine, he developed a Guillain-Barre Syndrome after receiving vaccine. Wife stated that he lost ability to walk, ability to speak was severely impacted, had difficulty eating and drinking bc his throat muscles were effected from the syndrome. Then, he couldn't sit up in bed. Then, after was diagnosed that's when his kidneys started to fail and then his heart stopped. DOD: 04/06/2021" "1450256-1" "1450256-1" "MOBILITY DECREASED" "10048334" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Wife stated that Husband passed after receiving dose of Pfizer vaccine, he developed a Guillain-Barre Syndrome after receiving vaccine. Wife stated that he lost ability to walk, ability to speak was severely impacted, had difficulty eating and drinking bc his throat muscles were effected from the syndrome. Then, he couldn't sit up in bed. Then, after was diagnosed that's when his kidneys started to fail and then his heart stopped. DOD: 04/06/2021" "1450256-1" "1450256-1" "PHARYNGEAL DISORDER" "10067353" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Wife stated that Husband passed after receiving dose of Pfizer vaccine, he developed a Guillain-Barre Syndrome after receiving vaccine. Wife stated that he lost ability to walk, ability to speak was severely impacted, had difficulty eating and drinking bc his throat muscles were effected from the syndrome. Then, he couldn't sit up in bed. Then, after was diagnosed that's when his kidneys started to fail and then his heart stopped. DOD: 04/06/2021" "1450256-1" "1450256-1" "RENAL FAILURE" "10038435" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Wife stated that Husband passed after receiving dose of Pfizer vaccine, he developed a Guillain-Barre Syndrome after receiving vaccine. Wife stated that he lost ability to walk, ability to speak was severely impacted, had difficulty eating and drinking bc his throat muscles were effected from the syndrome. Then, he couldn't sit up in bed. Then, after was diagnosed that's when his kidneys started to fail and then his heart stopped. DOD: 04/06/2021" "1454152-1" "1454152-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" "73 year old male, vaccinated with the Janssen Covid-19 vaccine at the time of hospital admission (5/31/21) for a type 3 odontoid fracture; C2 vertebral body fracture extending into bilateral transverse foramina and nasal bone fracture from a fall from standing. Admitted to the trauma service for pain control. Noted to be somnolent throughout admission. On 6/2, developed AKI, likely related to dehydration vs. contrast nephropathy. On the early morning of 6/3, found unresponsive. Given naloxone 0.02 mg x 3 with no documented response. Transferred to the ICU, intubated and had PEA arrest on induction for intubation. CPR was initiated and he received epi x 1 with ROSC within 3 minutes. Remained intubated and sedated in the ICU with labile pressures on 2 pressors throughout the day on 6/3. The patient expired following compassionate extubation 6/3 2211." "1454152-1" "1454152-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "73 year old male, vaccinated with the Janssen Covid-19 vaccine at the time of hospital admission (5/31/21) for a type 3 odontoid fracture; C2 vertebral body fracture extending into bilateral transverse foramina and nasal bone fracture from a fall from standing. Admitted to the trauma service for pain control. Noted to be somnolent throughout admission. On 6/2, developed AKI, likely related to dehydration vs. contrast nephropathy. On the early morning of 6/3, found unresponsive. Given naloxone 0.02 mg x 3 with no documented response. Transferred to the ICU, intubated and had PEA arrest on induction for intubation. CPR was initiated and he received epi x 1 with ROSC within 3 minutes. Remained intubated and sedated in the ICU with labile pressures on 2 pressors throughout the day on 6/3. The patient expired following compassionate extubation 6/3 2211." "1454152-1" "1454152-1" "DEHYDRATION" "10012174" "65-79 years" "65-79" "73 year old male, vaccinated with the Janssen Covid-19 vaccine at the time of hospital admission (5/31/21) for a type 3 odontoid fracture; C2 vertebral body fracture extending into bilateral transverse foramina and nasal bone fracture from a fall from standing. Admitted to the trauma service for pain control. Noted to be somnolent throughout admission. On 6/2, developed AKI, likely related to dehydration vs. contrast nephropathy. On the early morning of 6/3, found unresponsive. Given naloxone 0.02 mg x 3 with no documented response. Transferred to the ICU, intubated and had PEA arrest on induction for intubation. CPR was initiated and he received epi x 1 with ROSC within 3 minutes. Remained intubated and sedated in the ICU with labile pressures on 2 pressors throughout the day on 6/3. The patient expired following compassionate extubation 6/3 2211." "1454152-1" "1454152-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "73 year old male, vaccinated with the Janssen Covid-19 vaccine at the time of hospital admission (5/31/21) for a type 3 odontoid fracture; C2 vertebral body fracture extending into bilateral transverse foramina and nasal bone fracture from a fall from standing. Admitted to the trauma service for pain control. Noted to be somnolent throughout admission. On 6/2, developed AKI, likely related to dehydration vs. contrast nephropathy. On the early morning of 6/3, found unresponsive. Given naloxone 0.02 mg x 3 with no documented response. Transferred to the ICU, intubated and had PEA arrest on induction for intubation. CPR was initiated and he received epi x 1 with ROSC within 3 minutes. Remained intubated and sedated in the ICU with labile pressures on 2 pressors throughout the day on 6/3. The patient expired following compassionate extubation 6/3 2211." "1454152-1" "1454152-1" "EXTUBATION" "10015894" "65-79 years" "65-79" "73 year old male, vaccinated with the Janssen Covid-19 vaccine at the time of hospital admission (5/31/21) for a type 3 odontoid fracture; C2 vertebral body fracture extending into bilateral transverse foramina and nasal bone fracture from a fall from standing. Admitted to the trauma service for pain control. Noted to be somnolent throughout admission. On 6/2, developed AKI, likely related to dehydration vs. contrast nephropathy. On the early morning of 6/3, found unresponsive. Given naloxone 0.02 mg x 3 with no documented response. Transferred to the ICU, intubated and had PEA arrest on induction for intubation. CPR was initiated and he received epi x 1 with ROSC within 3 minutes. Remained intubated and sedated in the ICU with labile pressures on 2 pressors throughout the day on 6/3. The patient expired following compassionate extubation 6/3 2211." "1454152-1" "1454152-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "73 year old male, vaccinated with the Janssen Covid-19 vaccine at the time of hospital admission (5/31/21) for a type 3 odontoid fracture; C2 vertebral body fracture extending into bilateral transverse foramina and nasal bone fracture from a fall from standing. Admitted to the trauma service for pain control. Noted to be somnolent throughout admission. On 6/2, developed AKI, likely related to dehydration vs. contrast nephropathy. On the early morning of 6/3, found unresponsive. Given naloxone 0.02 mg x 3 with no documented response. Transferred to the ICU, intubated and had PEA arrest on induction for intubation. CPR was initiated and he received epi x 1 with ROSC within 3 minutes. Remained intubated and sedated in the ICU with labile pressures on 2 pressors throughout the day on 6/3. The patient expired following compassionate extubation 6/3 2211." "1454152-1" "1454152-1" "NEPHROPATHY TOXIC" "10029155" "65-79 years" "65-79" "73 year old male, vaccinated with the Janssen Covid-19 vaccine at the time of hospital admission (5/31/21) for a type 3 odontoid fracture; C2 vertebral body fracture extending into bilateral transverse foramina and nasal bone fracture from a fall from standing. Admitted to the trauma service for pain control. Noted to be somnolent throughout admission. On 6/2, developed AKI, likely related to dehydration vs. contrast nephropathy. On the early morning of 6/3, found unresponsive. Given naloxone 0.02 mg x 3 with no documented response. Transferred to the ICU, intubated and had PEA arrest on induction for intubation. CPR was initiated and he received epi x 1 with ROSC within 3 minutes. Remained intubated and sedated in the ICU with labile pressures on 2 pressors throughout the day on 6/3. The patient expired following compassionate extubation 6/3 2211." "1454152-1" "1454152-1" "PULSELESS ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY" "10058151" "65-79 years" "65-79" "73 year old male, vaccinated with the Janssen Covid-19 vaccine at the time of hospital admission (5/31/21) for a type 3 odontoid fracture; C2 vertebral body fracture extending into bilateral transverse foramina and nasal bone fracture from a fall from standing. Admitted to the trauma service for pain control. Noted to be somnolent throughout admission. On 6/2, developed AKI, likely related to dehydration vs. contrast nephropathy. On the early morning of 6/3, found unresponsive. Given naloxone 0.02 mg x 3 with no documented response. Transferred to the ICU, intubated and had PEA arrest on induction for intubation. CPR was initiated and he received epi x 1 with ROSC within 3 minutes. Remained intubated and sedated in the ICU with labile pressures on 2 pressors throughout the day on 6/3. The patient expired following compassionate extubation 6/3 2211." "1454152-1" "1454152-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "73 year old male, vaccinated with the Janssen Covid-19 vaccine at the time of hospital admission (5/31/21) for a type 3 odontoid fracture; C2 vertebral body fracture extending into bilateral transverse foramina and nasal bone fracture from a fall from standing. Admitted to the trauma service for pain control. Noted to be somnolent throughout admission. On 6/2, developed AKI, likely related to dehydration vs. contrast nephropathy. On the early morning of 6/3, found unresponsive. Given naloxone 0.02 mg x 3 with no documented response. Transferred to the ICU, intubated and had PEA arrest on induction for intubation. CPR was initiated and he received epi x 1 with ROSC within 3 minutes. Remained intubated and sedated in the ICU with labile pressures on 2 pressors throughout the day on 6/3. The patient expired following compassionate extubation 6/3 2211." "1454152-1" "1454152-1" "SOMNOLENCE" "10041349" "65-79 years" "65-79" "73 year old male, vaccinated with the Janssen Covid-19 vaccine at the time of hospital admission (5/31/21) for a type 3 odontoid fracture; C2 vertebral body fracture extending into bilateral transverse foramina and nasal bone fracture from a fall from standing. Admitted to the trauma service for pain control. Noted to be somnolent throughout admission. On 6/2, developed AKI, likely related to dehydration vs. contrast nephropathy. On the early morning of 6/3, found unresponsive. Given naloxone 0.02 mg x 3 with no documented response. Transferred to the ICU, intubated and had PEA arrest on induction for intubation. CPR was initiated and he received epi x 1 with ROSC within 3 minutes. Remained intubated and sedated in the ICU with labile pressures on 2 pressors throughout the day on 6/3. The patient expired following compassionate extubation 6/3 2211." "1454152-1" "1454152-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "73 year old male, vaccinated with the Janssen Covid-19 vaccine at the time of hospital admission (5/31/21) for a type 3 odontoid fracture; C2 vertebral body fracture extending into bilateral transverse foramina and nasal bone fracture from a fall from standing. Admitted to the trauma service for pain control. Noted to be somnolent throughout admission. On 6/2, developed AKI, likely related to dehydration vs. contrast nephropathy. On the early morning of 6/3, found unresponsive. Given naloxone 0.02 mg x 3 with no documented response. Transferred to the ICU, intubated and had PEA arrest on induction for intubation. CPR was initiated and he received epi x 1 with ROSC within 3 minutes. Remained intubated and sedated in the ICU with labile pressures on 2 pressors throughout the day on 6/3. The patient expired following compassionate extubation 6/3 2211." "1454267-1" "1454267-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Breakthrough; resulted in death from COVID related symptoms." "1454267-1" "1454267-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Breakthrough; resulted in death from COVID related symptoms." "1454267-1" "1454267-1" "VACCINE BREAKTHROUGH INFECTION" "10067923" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Breakthrough; resulted in death from COVID related symptoms." "1470347-1" "1470347-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DEVELOPED ACUTE RESPIRATORY AND RENAL FAILURE AND EXPIRED 7/11/2021" "1470347-1" "1470347-1" "ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10001053" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DEVELOPED ACUTE RESPIRATORY AND RENAL FAILURE AND EXPIRED 7/11/2021" "1470347-1" "1470347-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DEVELOPED ACUTE RESPIRATORY AND RENAL FAILURE AND EXPIRED 7/11/2021" "1470347-1" "1470347-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DEVELOPED ACUTE RESPIRATORY AND RENAL FAILURE AND EXPIRED 7/11/2021" "1470347-1" "1470347-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DEVELOPED ACUTE RESPIRATORY AND RENAL FAILURE AND EXPIRED 7/11/2021" "1474596-1" "1474596-1" "BLOOD TEST" "10061726" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt.'s daughter states after receiving the 2nd Phizer dose 06/09/2021, shortly after 06/11/2021 started experiencing chest pain, went into Cardiac Arrest and Passed away 06/19/2021." "1474596-1" "1474596-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt.'s daughter states after receiving the 2nd Phizer dose 06/09/2021, shortly after 06/11/2021 started experiencing chest pain, went into Cardiac Arrest and Passed away 06/19/2021." "1474596-1" "1474596-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt.'s daughter states after receiving the 2nd Phizer dose 06/09/2021, shortly after 06/11/2021 started experiencing chest pain, went into Cardiac Arrest and Passed away 06/19/2021." "1474596-1" "1474596-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt.'s daughter states after receiving the 2nd Phizer dose 06/09/2021, shortly after 06/11/2021 started experiencing chest pain, went into Cardiac Arrest and Passed away 06/19/2021." "1474596-1" "1474596-1" "ELECTROCARDIOGRAM" "10014362" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt.'s daughter states after receiving the 2nd Phizer dose 06/09/2021, shortly after 06/11/2021 started experiencing chest pain, went into Cardiac Arrest and Passed away 06/19/2021." "1478375-1" "1478375-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient passed away 18 days after vaccine receipt. Patient was not previously COVID-19 positive and did not have any predisposing factors(PMH, allergies, etc.) for experiencing an adverse drug event. The ADR did not occur at the time of the administration of the vaccine nor was there an ADR that occurred between the observation period and the date of death. Patient had end-stage Parkinson's dementia which was the cause of death. Not attributed to vaccination." "1478698-1" "1478698-1" "ABDOMINAL PAIN LOWER" "10000084" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""ILLNESS, LOWER ABDOMINAL PAIN, LOWER BACK AND UP SIDES - IN AND OUT OF DR.'S APPT. AND MEDS. FINALLY DIAGNOSED WITH NON-HODGKINS LYMPHOMA AROUND 6/6/2021 AND BEGAN CHEMO 6/28/2021. DECEASED FROM ""NEUTROPENIC FEVER"" (NOT OFFICAL AS THEY HAVE YET TO PRODUCE A DEATH CERTIFICATE.)."" "1478698-1" "1478698-1" "BACK PAIN" "10003988" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""ILLNESS, LOWER ABDOMINAL PAIN, LOWER BACK AND UP SIDES - IN AND OUT OF DR.'S APPT. AND MEDS. FINALLY DIAGNOSED WITH NON-HODGKINS LYMPHOMA AROUND 6/6/2021 AND BEGAN CHEMO 6/28/2021. DECEASED FROM ""NEUTROPENIC FEVER"" (NOT OFFICAL AS THEY HAVE YET TO PRODUCE A DEATH CERTIFICATE.)."" "1478698-1" "1478698-1" "CHEMOTHERAPY" "10061758" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""ILLNESS, LOWER ABDOMINAL PAIN, LOWER BACK AND UP SIDES - IN AND OUT OF DR.'S APPT. AND MEDS. FINALLY DIAGNOSED WITH NON-HODGKINS LYMPHOMA AROUND 6/6/2021 AND BEGAN CHEMO 6/28/2021. DECEASED FROM ""NEUTROPENIC FEVER"" (NOT OFFICAL AS THEY HAVE YET TO PRODUCE A DEATH CERTIFICATE.)."" "1478698-1" "1478698-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""ILLNESS, LOWER ABDOMINAL PAIN, LOWER BACK AND UP SIDES - IN AND OUT OF DR.'S APPT. AND MEDS. FINALLY DIAGNOSED WITH NON-HODGKINS LYMPHOMA AROUND 6/6/2021 AND BEGAN CHEMO 6/28/2021. DECEASED FROM ""NEUTROPENIC FEVER"" (NOT OFFICAL AS THEY HAVE YET TO PRODUCE A DEATH CERTIFICATE.)."" "1478698-1" "1478698-1" "FEBRILE NEUTROPENIA" "10016288" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""ILLNESS, LOWER ABDOMINAL PAIN, LOWER BACK AND UP SIDES - IN AND OUT OF DR.'S APPT. AND MEDS. FINALLY DIAGNOSED WITH NON-HODGKINS LYMPHOMA AROUND 6/6/2021 AND BEGAN CHEMO 6/28/2021. DECEASED FROM ""NEUTROPENIC FEVER"" (NOT OFFICAL AS THEY HAVE YET TO PRODUCE A DEATH CERTIFICATE.)."" "1478698-1" "1478698-1" "ILLNESS" "10080284" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""ILLNESS, LOWER ABDOMINAL PAIN, LOWER BACK AND UP SIDES - IN AND OUT OF DR.'S APPT. AND MEDS. FINALLY DIAGNOSED WITH NON-HODGKINS LYMPHOMA AROUND 6/6/2021 AND BEGAN CHEMO 6/28/2021. DECEASED FROM ""NEUTROPENIC FEVER"" (NOT OFFICAL AS THEY HAVE YET TO PRODUCE A DEATH CERTIFICATE.)."" "1478698-1" "1478698-1" "NON-HODGKIN'S LYMPHOMA" "10029547" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""ILLNESS, LOWER ABDOMINAL PAIN, LOWER BACK AND UP SIDES - IN AND OUT OF DR.'S APPT. AND MEDS. FINALLY DIAGNOSED WITH NON-HODGKINS LYMPHOMA AROUND 6/6/2021 AND BEGAN CHEMO 6/28/2021. DECEASED FROM ""NEUTROPENIC FEVER"" (NOT OFFICAL AS THEY HAVE YET TO PRODUCE A DEATH CERTIFICATE.)."" "1479422-1" "1479422-1" "BIOPSY LUNG" "10004794" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after her first shot on FEB 24 she began looking white as ghost. She was very weak, unstable, in pain, and felt like her life force was getting drained out of her. Then her 2nd shot on MAR 24 and she continued to not feel good. On May 9th she lost consciousness on the bathroom floor, rushed to the ER. She was admitted and told she had pneumonia. By that evening she could not breathe. Her lungs filled with blood and she was dead within 6 days." "1479422-1" "1479422-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after her first shot on FEB 24 she began looking white as ghost. She was very weak, unstable, in pain, and felt like her life force was getting drained out of her. Then her 2nd shot on MAR 24 and she continued to not feel good. On May 9th she lost consciousness on the bathroom floor, rushed to the ER. She was admitted and told she had pneumonia. By that evening she could not breathe. Her lungs filled with blood and she was dead within 6 days." "1479422-1" "1479422-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after her first shot on FEB 24 she began looking white as ghost. She was very weak, unstable, in pain, and felt like her life force was getting drained out of her. Then her 2nd shot on MAR 24 and she continued to not feel good. On May 9th she lost consciousness on the bathroom floor, rushed to the ER. She was admitted and told she had pneumonia. By that evening she could not breathe. Her lungs filled with blood and she was dead within 6 days." "1479422-1" "1479422-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after her first shot on FEB 24 she began looking white as ghost. She was very weak, unstable, in pain, and felt like her life force was getting drained out of her. Then her 2nd shot on MAR 24 and she continued to not feel good. On May 9th she lost consciousness on the bathroom floor, rushed to the ER. She was admitted and told she had pneumonia. By that evening she could not breathe. Her lungs filled with blood and she was dead within 6 days." "1479422-1" "1479422-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after her first shot on FEB 24 she began looking white as ghost. She was very weak, unstable, in pain, and felt like her life force was getting drained out of her. Then her 2nd shot on MAR 24 and she continued to not feel good. On May 9th she lost consciousness on the bathroom floor, rushed to the ER. She was admitted and told she had pneumonia. By that evening she could not breathe. Her lungs filled with blood and she was dead within 6 days." "1479422-1" "1479422-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after her first shot on FEB 24 she began looking white as ghost. She was very weak, unstable, in pain, and felt like her life force was getting drained out of her. Then her 2nd shot on MAR 24 and she continued to not feel good. On May 9th she lost consciousness on the bathroom floor, rushed to the ER. She was admitted and told she had pneumonia. By that evening she could not breathe. Her lungs filled with blood and she was dead within 6 days." "1479422-1" "1479422-1" "PULMONARY HAEMORRHAGE" "10037394" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after her first shot on FEB 24 she began looking white as ghost. She was very weak, unstable, in pain, and felt like her life force was getting drained out of her. Then her 2nd shot on MAR 24 and she continued to not feel good. On May 9th she lost consciousness on the bathroom floor, rushed to the ER. She was admitted and told she had pneumonia. By that evening she could not breathe. Her lungs filled with blood and she was dead within 6 days." "1479422-1" "1479422-1" "RED BLOOD CELL COUNT DECREASED" "10038153" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after her first shot on FEB 24 she began looking white as ghost. She was very weak, unstable, in pain, and felt like her life force was getting drained out of her. Then her 2nd shot on MAR 24 and she continued to not feel good. On May 9th she lost consciousness on the bathroom floor, rushed to the ER. She was admitted and told she had pneumonia. By that evening she could not breathe. Her lungs filled with blood and she was dead within 6 days." "1483525-1" "1483525-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse. A 65-years-old non pregnant female patient received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection, Batch/Lot number was not reported), via intramuscular route, administered in right arm on 17Jun2021 16:00 (age at vaccination: 65 years) as DOSE 1, SINGLE for covid-19 immunisation. The medical history included muscular sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis and covid-19. The patient had covid prior vaccination. There were no known allergies. On 18Jun2021, the patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died, on 18Jun2021 22:00, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5l to maintain at 92%). The patient was attempted for resuscitation via CPR and EMS. On an unknown date, the patient underwent sars-cov-2 test which was positive. The patient received other medications received within 2 weeks of vaccination. The patient has not been tested for covid-19 since the vaccination. The patient died on 18Jun2021 due to cardiac arrest. An autopsy was not performed. The device timestamp was 04Jul2021. Information on Lot/Batch information has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Based on temporal association, the causal relationship between BNT162B2 and the events, cardiac arrest, Dyspnea, Death cannot be completely ruled out. The impact of this report on benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethic committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Cardiac arrest" "1483525-1" "1483525-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse. A 65-years-old non pregnant female patient received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection, Batch/Lot number was not reported), via intramuscular route, administered in right arm on 17Jun2021 16:00 (age at vaccination: 65 years) as DOSE 1, SINGLE for covid-19 immunisation. The medical history included muscular sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis and covid-19. The patient had covid prior vaccination. There were no known allergies. On 18Jun2021, the patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died, on 18Jun2021 22:00, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5l to maintain at 92%). The patient was attempted for resuscitation via CPR and EMS. On an unknown date, the patient underwent sars-cov-2 test which was positive. The patient received other medications received within 2 weeks of vaccination. The patient has not been tested for covid-19 since the vaccination. The patient died on 18Jun2021 due to cardiac arrest. An autopsy was not performed. The device timestamp was 04Jul2021. Information on Lot/Batch information has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Based on temporal association, the causal relationship between BNT162B2 and the events, cardiac arrest, Dyspnea, Death cannot be completely ruled out. The impact of this report on benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethic committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Cardiac arrest" "1483525-1" "1483525-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse. A 65-years-old non pregnant female patient received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection, Batch/Lot number was not reported), via intramuscular route, administered in right arm on 17Jun2021 16:00 (age at vaccination: 65 years) as DOSE 1, SINGLE for covid-19 immunisation. The medical history included muscular sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis and covid-19. The patient had covid prior vaccination. There were no known allergies. On 18Jun2021, the patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died, on 18Jun2021 22:00, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5l to maintain at 92%). The patient was attempted for resuscitation via CPR and EMS. On an unknown date, the patient underwent sars-cov-2 test which was positive. The patient received other medications received within 2 weeks of vaccination. The patient has not been tested for covid-19 since the vaccination. The patient died on 18Jun2021 due to cardiac arrest. An autopsy was not performed. The device timestamp was 04Jul2021. Information on Lot/Batch information has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Based on temporal association, the causal relationship between BNT162B2 and the events, cardiac arrest, Dyspnea, Death cannot be completely ruled out. The impact of this report on benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethic committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Cardiac arrest" "1483525-1" "1483525-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION INCREASED" "10033320" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse. A 65-years-old non pregnant female patient received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection, Batch/Lot number was not reported), via intramuscular route, administered in right arm on 17Jun2021 16:00 (age at vaccination: 65 years) as DOSE 1, SINGLE for covid-19 immunisation. The medical history included muscular sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis and covid-19. The patient had covid prior vaccination. There were no known allergies. On 18Jun2021, the patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died, on 18Jun2021 22:00, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5l to maintain at 92%). The patient was attempted for resuscitation via CPR and EMS. On an unknown date, the patient underwent sars-cov-2 test which was positive. The patient received other medications received within 2 weeks of vaccination. The patient has not been tested for covid-19 since the vaccination. The patient died on 18Jun2021 due to cardiac arrest. An autopsy was not performed. The device timestamp was 04Jul2021. Information on Lot/Batch information has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Based on temporal association, the causal relationship between BNT162B2 and the events, cardiac arrest, Dyspnea, Death cannot be completely ruled out. The impact of this report on benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethic committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Cardiac arrest" "1483525-1" "1483525-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST" "10084354" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); Patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died on 18Jun2021, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5L to maintain at 92%); This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse. A 65-years-old non pregnant female patient received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection, Batch/Lot number was not reported), via intramuscular route, administered in right arm on 17Jun2021 16:00 (age at vaccination: 65 years) as DOSE 1, SINGLE for covid-19 immunisation. The medical history included muscular sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis and covid-19. The patient had covid prior vaccination. There were no known allergies. On 18Jun2021, the patient went into unexpected and sudden cardiac arrest and died, on 18Jun2021 22:00, prior to cardiac arrest patient was short of breath and was using increased oxygen (5l to maintain at 92%). The patient was attempted for resuscitation via CPR and EMS. On an unknown date, the patient underwent sars-cov-2 test which was positive. The patient received other medications received within 2 weeks of vaccination. The patient has not been tested for covid-19 since the vaccination. The patient died on 18Jun2021 due to cardiac arrest. An autopsy was not performed. The device timestamp was 04Jul2021. Information on Lot/Batch information has been requested.; Sender's Comments: Based on temporal association, the causal relationship between BNT162B2 and the events, cardiac arrest, Dyspnea, Death cannot be completely ruled out. The impact of this report on benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethic committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Cardiac arrest" "1483888-1" "1483888-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Tingling/numbness in feet on 3/27/2021. By 3/29/2021 woke up and could not stand. Went to local ER. Transferred to other hospital that evening. Put on ventilator 3/30/2021 for 2 weeks. Diagnose Guillian Barre Syndrome. Adverse reaction to GBS treatment caused kidney failure and many complications. In ICU 2 months then dies on 05/29/2021." "1483888-1" "1483888-1" "DYSSTASIA" "10050256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Tingling/numbness in feet on 3/27/2021. By 3/29/2021 woke up and could not stand. Went to local ER. Transferred to other hospital that evening. Put on ventilator 3/30/2021 for 2 weeks. Diagnose Guillian Barre Syndrome. Adverse reaction to GBS treatment caused kidney failure and many complications. In ICU 2 months then dies on 05/29/2021." "1483888-1" "1483888-1" "GUILLAIN-BARRE SYNDROME" "10018767" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Tingling/numbness in feet on 3/27/2021. By 3/29/2021 woke up and could not stand. Went to local ER. Transferred to other hospital that evening. Put on ventilator 3/30/2021 for 2 weeks. Diagnose Guillian Barre Syndrome. Adverse reaction to GBS treatment caused kidney failure and many complications. In ICU 2 months then dies on 05/29/2021." "1483888-1" "1483888-1" "HYPOAESTHESIA" "10020937" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Tingling/numbness in feet on 3/27/2021. By 3/29/2021 woke up and could not stand. Went to local ER. Transferred to other hospital that evening. Put on ventilator 3/30/2021 for 2 weeks. Diagnose Guillian Barre Syndrome. Adverse reaction to GBS treatment caused kidney failure and many complications. In ICU 2 months then dies on 05/29/2021." "1483888-1" "1483888-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Tingling/numbness in feet on 3/27/2021. By 3/29/2021 woke up and could not stand. Went to local ER. Transferred to other hospital that evening. Put on ventilator 3/30/2021 for 2 weeks. Diagnose Guillian Barre Syndrome. Adverse reaction to GBS treatment caused kidney failure and many complications. In ICU 2 months then dies on 05/29/2021." "1483888-1" "1483888-1" "LABORATORY TEST" "10059938" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Tingling/numbness in feet on 3/27/2021. By 3/29/2021 woke up and could not stand. Went to local ER. Transferred to other hospital that evening. Put on ventilator 3/30/2021 for 2 weeks. Diagnose Guillian Barre Syndrome. Adverse reaction to GBS treatment caused kidney failure and many complications. In ICU 2 months then dies on 05/29/2021." "1483888-1" "1483888-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Tingling/numbness in feet on 3/27/2021. By 3/29/2021 woke up and could not stand. Went to local ER. Transferred to other hospital that evening. Put on ventilator 3/30/2021 for 2 weeks. Diagnose Guillian Barre Syndrome. Adverse reaction to GBS treatment caused kidney failure and many complications. In ICU 2 months then dies on 05/29/2021." "1483888-1" "1483888-1" "PARAESTHESIA" "10033775" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Tingling/numbness in feet on 3/27/2021. By 3/29/2021 woke up and could not stand. Went to local ER. Transferred to other hospital that evening. Put on ventilator 3/30/2021 for 2 weeks. Diagnose Guillian Barre Syndrome. Adverse reaction to GBS treatment caused kidney failure and many complications. In ICU 2 months then dies on 05/29/2021." "1483888-1" "1483888-1" "RENAL FAILURE" "10038435" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Tingling/numbness in feet on 3/27/2021. By 3/29/2021 woke up and could not stand. Went to local ER. Transferred to other hospital that evening. Put on ventilator 3/30/2021 for 2 weeks. Diagnose Guillian Barre Syndrome. Adverse reaction to GBS treatment caused kidney failure and many complications. In ICU 2 months then dies on 05/29/2021." "1484573-1" "1484573-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74 year old male with a past medical history of CHF, CKD stage III, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation treated on Xarelto, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, history of alcohol abuse who presented to hospital postacute care with hypoxemia and worsening shortness of breath over the previous week. He noticed a progression of the shortness of breath and subsequently developed cough without productive sputum. Due to his worsening shortness of breath and cough he underwent PCR testing for COVID-19 was found to be positive. He reports that he received 2 doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine the last of which was 6 weeks ago. The patient had an extensive hospital stay that included acute decompensated heart failure, ARDS with COVID, intubation, cardiogenic shock, and AKI on CKD requiring CRRT. His family ultimately made the decision to transition to hospice care and the patient passed away 7/12/21." "1484573-1" "1484573-1" "ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME" "10001052" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74 year old male with a past medical history of CHF, CKD stage III, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation treated on Xarelto, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, history of alcohol abuse who presented to hospital postacute care with hypoxemia and worsening shortness of breath over the previous week. He noticed a progression of the shortness of breath and subsequently developed cough without productive sputum. Due to his worsening shortness of breath and cough he underwent PCR testing for COVID-19 was found to be positive. He reports that he received 2 doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine the last of which was 6 weeks ago. The patient had an extensive hospital stay that included acute decompensated heart failure, ARDS with COVID, intubation, cardiogenic shock, and AKI on CKD requiring CRRT. His family ultimately made the decision to transition to hospice care and the patient passed away 7/12/21." "1484573-1" "1484573-1" "CARDIAC FAILURE ACUTE" "10007556" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74 year old male with a past medical history of CHF, CKD stage III, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation treated on Xarelto, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, history of alcohol abuse who presented to hospital postacute care with hypoxemia and worsening shortness of breath over the previous week. He noticed a progression of the shortness of breath and subsequently developed cough without productive sputum. Due to his worsening shortness of breath and cough he underwent PCR testing for COVID-19 was found to be positive. He reports that he received 2 doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine the last of which was 6 weeks ago. The patient had an extensive hospital stay that included acute decompensated heart failure, ARDS with COVID, intubation, cardiogenic shock, and AKI on CKD requiring CRRT. His family ultimately made the decision to transition to hospice care and the patient passed away 7/12/21." "1484573-1" "1484573-1" "CARDIOGENIC SHOCK" "10007625" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74 year old male with a past medical history of CHF, CKD stage III, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation treated on Xarelto, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, history of alcohol abuse who presented to hospital postacute care with hypoxemia and worsening shortness of breath over the previous week. He noticed a progression of the shortness of breath and subsequently developed cough without productive sputum. Due to his worsening shortness of breath and cough he underwent PCR testing for COVID-19 was found to be positive. He reports that he received 2 doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine the last of which was 6 weeks ago. The patient had an extensive hospital stay that included acute decompensated heart failure, ARDS with COVID, intubation, cardiogenic shock, and AKI on CKD requiring CRRT. His family ultimately made the decision to transition to hospice care and the patient passed away 7/12/21." "1484573-1" "1484573-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74 year old male with a past medical history of CHF, CKD stage III, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation treated on Xarelto, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, history of alcohol abuse who presented to hospital postacute care with hypoxemia and worsening shortness of breath over the previous week. He noticed a progression of the shortness of breath and subsequently developed cough without productive sputum. Due to his worsening shortness of breath and cough he underwent PCR testing for COVID-19 was found to be positive. He reports that he received 2 doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine the last of which was 6 weeks ago. The patient had an extensive hospital stay that included acute decompensated heart failure, ARDS with COVID, intubation, cardiogenic shock, and AKI on CKD requiring CRRT. His family ultimately made the decision to transition to hospice care and the patient passed away 7/12/21." "1484573-1" "1484573-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74 year old male with a past medical history of CHF, CKD stage III, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation treated on Xarelto, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, history of alcohol abuse who presented to hospital postacute care with hypoxemia and worsening shortness of breath over the previous week. He noticed a progression of the shortness of breath and subsequently developed cough without productive sputum. Due to his worsening shortness of breath and cough he underwent PCR testing for COVID-19 was found to be positive. He reports that he received 2 doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine the last of which was 6 weeks ago. The patient had an extensive hospital stay that included acute decompensated heart failure, ARDS with COVID, intubation, cardiogenic shock, and AKI on CKD requiring CRRT. His family ultimately made the decision to transition to hospice care and the patient passed away 7/12/21." "1484573-1" "1484573-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74 year old male with a past medical history of CHF, CKD stage III, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation treated on Xarelto, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, history of alcohol abuse who presented to hospital postacute care with hypoxemia and worsening shortness of breath over the previous week. He noticed a progression of the shortness of breath and subsequently developed cough without productive sputum. Due to his worsening shortness of breath and cough he underwent PCR testing for COVID-19 was found to be positive. He reports that he received 2 doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine the last of which was 6 weeks ago. The patient had an extensive hospital stay that included acute decompensated heart failure, ARDS with COVID, intubation, cardiogenic shock, and AKI on CKD requiring CRRT. His family ultimately made the decision to transition to hospice care and the patient passed away 7/12/21." "1484573-1" "1484573-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74 year old male with a past medical history of CHF, CKD stage III, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation treated on Xarelto, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, history of alcohol abuse who presented to hospital postacute care with hypoxemia and worsening shortness of breath over the previous week. He noticed a progression of the shortness of breath and subsequently developed cough without productive sputum. Due to his worsening shortness of breath and cough he underwent PCR testing for COVID-19 was found to be positive. He reports that he received 2 doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine the last of which was 6 weeks ago. The patient had an extensive hospital stay that included acute decompensated heart failure, ARDS with COVID, intubation, cardiogenic shock, and AKI on CKD requiring CRRT. His family ultimately made the decision to transition to hospice care and the patient passed away 7/12/21." "1484573-1" "1484573-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74 year old male with a past medical history of CHF, CKD stage III, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation treated on Xarelto, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, history of alcohol abuse who presented to hospital postacute care with hypoxemia and worsening shortness of breath over the previous week. He noticed a progression of the shortness of breath and subsequently developed cough without productive sputum. Due to his worsening shortness of breath and cough he underwent PCR testing for COVID-19 was found to be positive. He reports that he received 2 doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine the last of which was 6 weeks ago. The patient had an extensive hospital stay that included acute decompensated heart failure, ARDS with COVID, intubation, cardiogenic shock, and AKI on CKD requiring CRRT. His family ultimately made the decision to transition to hospice care and the patient passed away 7/12/21." "1484573-1" "1484573-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74 year old male with a past medical history of CHF, CKD stage III, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation treated on Xarelto, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, history of alcohol abuse who presented to hospital postacute care with hypoxemia and worsening shortness of breath over the previous week. He noticed a progression of the shortness of breath and subsequently developed cough without productive sputum. Due to his worsening shortness of breath and cough he underwent PCR testing for COVID-19 was found to be positive. He reports that he received 2 doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine the last of which was 6 weeks ago. The patient had an extensive hospital stay that included acute decompensated heart failure, ARDS with COVID, intubation, cardiogenic shock, and AKI on CKD requiring CRRT. His family ultimately made the decision to transition to hospice care and the patient passed away 7/12/21." "1484573-1" "1484573-1" "HYPOXIA" "10021143" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74 year old male with a past medical history of CHF, CKD stage III, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation treated on Xarelto, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, history of alcohol abuse who presented to hospital postacute care with hypoxemia and worsening shortness of breath over the previous week. He noticed a progression of the shortness of breath and subsequently developed cough without productive sputum. Due to his worsening shortness of breath and cough he underwent PCR testing for COVID-19 was found to be positive. He reports that he received 2 doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine the last of which was 6 weeks ago. The patient had an extensive hospital stay that included acute decompensated heart failure, ARDS with COVID, intubation, cardiogenic shock, and AKI on CKD requiring CRRT. His family ultimately made the decision to transition to hospice care and the patient passed away 7/12/21." "1484573-1" "1484573-1" "RENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPY" "10074746" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74 year old male with a past medical history of CHF, CKD stage III, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation treated on Xarelto, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, history of alcohol abuse who presented to hospital postacute care with hypoxemia and worsening shortness of breath over the previous week. He noticed a progression of the shortness of breath and subsequently developed cough without productive sputum. Due to his worsening shortness of breath and cough he underwent PCR testing for COVID-19 was found to be positive. He reports that he received 2 doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine the last of which was 6 weeks ago. The patient had an extensive hospital stay that included acute decompensated heart failure, ARDS with COVID, intubation, cardiogenic shock, and AKI on CKD requiring CRRT. His family ultimately made the decision to transition to hospice care and the patient passed away 7/12/21." "1484573-1" "1484573-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74 year old male with a past medical history of CHF, CKD stage III, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation treated on Xarelto, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, history of alcohol abuse who presented to hospital postacute care with hypoxemia and worsening shortness of breath over the previous week. He noticed a progression of the shortness of breath and subsequently developed cough without productive sputum. Due to his worsening shortness of breath and cough he underwent PCR testing for COVID-19 was found to be positive. He reports that he received 2 doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine the last of which was 6 weeks ago. The patient had an extensive hospital stay that included acute decompensated heart failure, ARDS with COVID, intubation, cardiogenic shock, and AKI on CKD requiring CRRT. His family ultimately made the decision to transition to hospice care and the patient passed away 7/12/21." "1485145-1" "1485145-1" "BRAIN OPERATION" "10061732" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Woke up at 5am and transported to hospital . never regain conciousmess" "1485145-1" "1485145-1" "CEREBRAL HAEMORRHAGE" "10008111" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Woke up at 5am and transported to hospital . never regain conciousmess" "1485145-1" "1485145-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Woke up at 5am and transported to hospital . never regain conciousmess" "1490310-1" "1490310-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "2 mini heart attacks the night of 4/3/2021, major heart attack morning of 4/4/2021 which lead to her death." "1490310-1" "1490310-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "2 mini heart attacks the night of 4/3/2021, major heart attack morning of 4/4/2021 which lead to her death." "1490566-1" "1490566-1" "BLOOD TEST" "10061726" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Non stop hiccups, fatigue, coughing, raspy voice" "1490566-1" "1490566-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Non stop hiccups, fatigue, coughing, raspy voice" "1490566-1" "1490566-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Non stop hiccups, fatigue, coughing, raspy voice" "1490566-1" "1490566-1" "DYSPHONIA" "10013952" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Non stop hiccups, fatigue, coughing, raspy voice" "1490566-1" "1490566-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Non stop hiccups, fatigue, coughing, raspy voice" "1490566-1" "1490566-1" "HICCUPS" "10020039" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Non stop hiccups, fatigue, coughing, raspy voice" "1494168-1" "1494168-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fatigue, body aches, initially, June 29, 30th. Then fever and respiratory difficulty July 6 and 7th. Cough on July 8th, then labored breathing on July 10th, went to the ED." "1494168-1" "1494168-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fatigue, body aches, initially, June 29, 30th. Then fever and respiratory difficulty July 6 and 7th. Cough on July 8th, then labored breathing on July 10th, went to the ED." "1494168-1" "1494168-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fatigue, body aches, initially, June 29, 30th. Then fever and respiratory difficulty July 6 and 7th. Cough on July 8th, then labored breathing on July 10th, went to the ED." "1494168-1" "1494168-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fatigue, body aches, initially, June 29, 30th. Then fever and respiratory difficulty July 6 and 7th. Cough on July 8th, then labored breathing on July 10th, went to the ED." "1494168-1" "1494168-1" "INFLUENZA A VIRUS TEST NEGATIVE" "10070417" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fatigue, body aches, initially, June 29, 30th. Then fever and respiratory difficulty July 6 and 7th. Cough on July 8th, then labored breathing on July 10th, went to the ED." "1494168-1" "1494168-1" "INFLUENZA B VIRUS TEST" "10071544" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fatigue, body aches, initially, June 29, 30th. Then fever and respiratory difficulty July 6 and 7th. Cough on July 8th, then labored breathing on July 10th, went to the ED." "1494168-1" "1494168-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fatigue, body aches, initially, June 29, 30th. Then fever and respiratory difficulty July 6 and 7th. Cough on July 8th, then labored breathing on July 10th, went to the ED." "1494168-1" "1494168-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fatigue, body aches, initially, June 29, 30th. Then fever and respiratory difficulty July 6 and 7th. Cough on July 8th, then labored breathing on July 10th, went to the ED." "1494168-1" "1494168-1" "RESPIRATORY DISORDER" "10038683" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fatigue, body aches, initially, June 29, 30th. Then fever and respiratory difficulty July 6 and 7th. Cough on July 8th, then labored breathing on July 10th, went to the ED." "1494168-1" "1494168-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fatigue, body aches, initially, June 29, 30th. Then fever and respiratory difficulty July 6 and 7th. Cough on July 8th, then labored breathing on July 10th, went to the ED." "1501996-1" "1501996-1" "ANGIOGRAM" "10061637" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt Recieved firts Pfizer covid shot on May 7 , ( Shot was given at Pharmacy ) over the next week, not feeling well, body aches, headache, ect. by the started felling better on the 15th of May , then took a turn for the worse. On the 18th, hypodermic Temp 95, severe dyspnea on May 19th. Pt was checked into Medical Center, on the 19th May. A Lymphnode on his Clavicle was found and was found to have lymphoma. Also, his Sister, believes that he had his second Pfizer Covid shot on May 20. and that he tested pos for Covid. He was sent home on the 4th of June. He came back to my emergency room on the 10th of June for respiratory failue., was intubated and sent to the ICU where he expired on June 24." "1501996-1" "1501996-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM THORAX ABNORMAL" "10057799" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt Recieved firts Pfizer covid shot on May 7 , ( Shot was given at Pharmacy ) over the next week, not feeling well, body aches, headache, ect. by the started felling better on the 15th of May , then took a turn for the worse. On the 18th, hypodermic Temp 95, severe dyspnea on May 19th. Pt was checked into Medical Center, on the 19th May. A Lymphnode on his Clavicle was found and was found to have lymphoma. Also, his Sister, believes that he had his second Pfizer Covid shot on May 20. and that he tested pos for Covid. He was sent home on the 4th of June. He came back to my emergency room on the 10th of June for respiratory failue., was intubated and sent to the ICU where he expired on June 24." "1501996-1" "1501996-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt Recieved firts Pfizer covid shot on May 7 , ( Shot was given at Pharmacy ) over the next week, not feeling well, body aches, headache, ect. by the started felling better on the 15th of May , then took a turn for the worse. On the 18th, hypodermic Temp 95, severe dyspnea on May 19th. Pt was checked into Medical Center, on the 19th May. A Lymphnode on his Clavicle was found and was found to have lymphoma. Also, his Sister, believes that he had his second Pfizer Covid shot on May 20. and that he tested pos for Covid. He was sent home on the 4th of June. He came back to my emergency room on the 10th of June for respiratory failue., was intubated and sent to the ICU where he expired on June 24." "1501996-1" "1501996-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt Recieved firts Pfizer covid shot on May 7 , ( Shot was given at Pharmacy ) over the next week, not feeling well, body aches, headache, ect. by the started felling better on the 15th of May , then took a turn for the worse. On the 18th, hypodermic Temp 95, severe dyspnea on May 19th. Pt was checked into Medical Center, on the 19th May. A Lymphnode on his Clavicle was found and was found to have lymphoma. Also, his Sister, believes that he had his second Pfizer Covid shot on May 20. and that he tested pos for Covid. He was sent home on the 4th of June. He came back to my emergency room on the 10th of June for respiratory failue., was intubated and sent to the ICU where he expired on June 24." "1501996-1" "1501996-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt Recieved firts Pfizer covid shot on May 7 , ( Shot was given at Pharmacy ) over the next week, not feeling well, body aches, headache, ect. by the started felling better on the 15th of May , then took a turn for the worse. On the 18th, hypodermic Temp 95, severe dyspnea on May 19th. Pt was checked into Medical Center, on the 19th May. A Lymphnode on his Clavicle was found and was found to have lymphoma. Also, his Sister, believes that he had his second Pfizer Covid shot on May 20. and that he tested pos for Covid. He was sent home on the 4th of June. He came back to my emergency room on the 10th of June for respiratory failue., was intubated and sent to the ICU where he expired on June 24." "1501996-1" "1501996-1" "HILAR LYMPHADENOPATHY" "10020094" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt Recieved firts Pfizer covid shot on May 7 , ( Shot was given at Pharmacy ) over the next week, not feeling well, body aches, headache, ect. by the started felling better on the 15th of May , then took a turn for the worse. On the 18th, hypodermic Temp 95, severe dyspnea on May 19th. Pt was checked into Medical Center, on the 19th May. A Lymphnode on his Clavicle was found and was found to have lymphoma. Also, his Sister, believes that he had his second Pfizer Covid shot on May 20. and that he tested pos for Covid. He was sent home on the 4th of June. He came back to my emergency room on the 10th of June for respiratory failue., was intubated and sent to the ICU where he expired on June 24." "1501996-1" "1501996-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt Recieved firts Pfizer covid shot on May 7 , ( Shot was given at Pharmacy ) over the next week, not feeling well, body aches, headache, ect. by the started felling better on the 15th of May , then took a turn for the worse. On the 18th, hypodermic Temp 95, severe dyspnea on May 19th. Pt was checked into Medical Center, on the 19th May. A Lymphnode on his Clavicle was found and was found to have lymphoma. Also, his Sister, believes that he had his second Pfizer Covid shot on May 20. and that he tested pos for Covid. He was sent home on the 4th of June. He came back to my emergency room on the 10th of June for respiratory failue., was intubated and sent to the ICU where he expired on June 24." "1501996-1" "1501996-1" "LUNG INFILTRATION" "10025102" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt Recieved firts Pfizer covid shot on May 7 , ( Shot was given at Pharmacy ) over the next week, not feeling well, body aches, headache, ect. by the started felling better on the 15th of May , then took a turn for the worse. On the 18th, hypodermic Temp 95, severe dyspnea on May 19th. Pt was checked into Medical Center, on the 19th May. A Lymphnode on his Clavicle was found and was found to have lymphoma. Also, his Sister, believes that he had his second Pfizer Covid shot on May 20. and that he tested pos for Covid. He was sent home on the 4th of June. He came back to my emergency room on the 10th of June for respiratory failue., was intubated and sent to the ICU where he expired on June 24." "1501996-1" "1501996-1" "LUNG OPACITY" "10081792" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt Recieved firts Pfizer covid shot on May 7 , ( Shot was given at Pharmacy ) over the next week, not feeling well, body aches, headache, ect. by the started felling better on the 15th of May , then took a turn for the worse. On the 18th, hypodermic Temp 95, severe dyspnea on May 19th. Pt was checked into Medical Center, on the 19th May. A Lymphnode on his Clavicle was found and was found to have lymphoma. Also, his Sister, believes that he had his second Pfizer Covid shot on May 20. and that he tested pos for Covid. He was sent home on the 4th of June. He came back to my emergency room on the 10th of June for respiratory failue., was intubated and sent to the ICU where he expired on June 24." "1501996-1" "1501996-1" "LYMPHADENOPATHY MEDIASTINAL" "10025205" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt Recieved firts Pfizer covid shot on May 7 , ( Shot was given at Pharmacy ) over the next week, not feeling well, body aches, headache, ect. by the started felling better on the 15th of May , then took a turn for the worse. On the 18th, hypodermic Temp 95, severe dyspnea on May 19th. Pt was checked into Medical Center, on the 19th May. A Lymphnode on his Clavicle was found and was found to have lymphoma. Also, his Sister, believes that he had his second Pfizer Covid shot on May 20. and that he tested pos for Covid. He was sent home on the 4th of June. He came back to my emergency room on the 10th of June for respiratory failue., was intubated and sent to the ICU where he expired on June 24." "1501996-1" "1501996-1" "RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10038695" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt Recieved firts Pfizer covid shot on May 7 , ( Shot was given at Pharmacy ) over the next week, not feeling well, body aches, headache, ect. by the started felling better on the 15th of May , then took a turn for the worse. On the 18th, hypodermic Temp 95, severe dyspnea on May 19th. Pt was checked into Medical Center, on the 19th May. A Lymphnode on his Clavicle was found and was found to have lymphoma. Also, his Sister, believes that he had his second Pfizer Covid shot on May 20. and that he tested pos for Covid. He was sent home on the 4th of June. He came back to my emergency room on the 10th of June for respiratory failue., was intubated and sent to the ICU where he expired on June 24." "1501996-1" "1501996-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt Recieved firts Pfizer covid shot on May 7 , ( Shot was given at Pharmacy ) over the next week, not feeling well, body aches, headache, ect. by the started felling better on the 15th of May , then took a turn for the worse. On the 18th, hypodermic Temp 95, severe dyspnea on May 19th. Pt was checked into Medical Center, on the 19th May. A Lymphnode on his Clavicle was found and was found to have lymphoma. Also, his Sister, believes that he had his second Pfizer Covid shot on May 20. and that he tested pos for Covid. He was sent home on the 4th of June. He came back to my emergency room on the 10th of June for respiratory failue., was intubated and sent to the ICU where he expired on June 24." "1502013-1" "1502013-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "developed COVID after vaccine, sx onset 4/21/21, hospitalized 4/24-4/27, treated with remdesivir and steroids, improved, then readmitted 5/2/21 with respiratory failure, required ICU admission 5/21/21, intubated, PEA arrest, passed away 5/24/21." "1502013-1" "1502013-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "developed COVID after vaccine, sx onset 4/21/21, hospitalized 4/24-4/27, treated with remdesivir and steroids, improved, then readmitted 5/2/21 with respiratory failure, required ICU admission 5/21/21, intubated, PEA arrest, passed away 5/24/21." "1502013-1" "1502013-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "developed COVID after vaccine, sx onset 4/21/21, hospitalized 4/24-4/27, treated with remdesivir and steroids, improved, then readmitted 5/2/21 with respiratory failure, required ICU admission 5/21/21, intubated, PEA arrest, passed away 5/24/21." "1502013-1" "1502013-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "developed COVID after vaccine, sx onset 4/21/21, hospitalized 4/24-4/27, treated with remdesivir and steroids, improved, then readmitted 5/2/21 with respiratory failure, required ICU admission 5/21/21, intubated, PEA arrest, passed away 5/24/21." "1502013-1" "1502013-1" "PULSELESS ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY" "10058151" "65-79 years" "65-79" "developed COVID after vaccine, sx onset 4/21/21, hospitalized 4/24-4/27, treated with remdesivir and steroids, improved, then readmitted 5/2/21 with respiratory failure, required ICU admission 5/21/21, intubated, PEA arrest, passed away 5/24/21." "1502013-1" "1502013-1" "RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10038695" "65-79 years" "65-79" "developed COVID after vaccine, sx onset 4/21/21, hospitalized 4/24-4/27, treated with remdesivir and steroids, improved, then readmitted 5/2/21 with respiratory failure, required ICU admission 5/21/21, intubated, PEA arrest, passed away 5/24/21." "1502013-1" "1502013-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "developed COVID after vaccine, sx onset 4/21/21, hospitalized 4/24-4/27, treated with remdesivir and steroids, improved, then readmitted 5/2/21 with respiratory failure, required ICU admission 5/21/21, intubated, PEA arrest, passed away 5/24/21." "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "ABDOMINAL DISTENSION" "10000060" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "BLOOD PRESSURE IMMEASURABLE" "10005748" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "CARDIAC DYSFUNCTION" "10079751" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "CENTRAL VENOUS CATHETERISATION" "10053377" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "DECUBITUS ULCER" "10011985" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "DEPRESSED LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10012373" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "DIALYSIS" "10061105" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "FALL" "10016173" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "GAIT INABILITY" "10017581" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "MYOCARDIAL NECROSIS MARKER INCREASED" "10075211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION IMMEASURABLE" "10051197" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "RENAL IMPAIRMENT" "10062237" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "TRANSFUSION" "10066152" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1503509-1" "1503509-1" "URINARY RETENTION" "10046555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "after first vaccine was given 4/08, patient became very weak, tired and slept almost the entire 3 weeks, when it was time to take the second dose, on 4/29 she drove herself to the hospital, got the shot and went home, that evening she becan to feel very weak and fell down, calling an ambulance for help, the following day, she fell down once again, called 911 and got help getting to her feet, she began to realize her body was too weak to carry herself and when she fell the 3rd time called 911 and asked to go to the hospital. arriving she was immediately give blood transfusions, being told her kidneys had somehow gotten much much worse out of no where and they were no longer producing red blood cells properly, within the first week she was in the hospital, she was given 4 total blood transfusions and was told her heart was not functioning properly, There were elevated enzymes. She was beginning to bloat as her kidneys were not working at all anymore, she was no longer urinating. she was scheduled to have a dialysis port put in and she started dialysis. she was given medication and was sent to a rehab facility for a few weeks where she made no progress at all, she was still weak and unable to walk. due to her inability to walk she was sent home from the rehab, our family had to rally around her to help keep her clean, no bed was sent to us, no commode, we had to find money for all of these things, she quickly got bed sores and we tried all we could do to care for her with little help there was home health coming to see her twice a week, and we repeatedly asked if someone could look into the vaccine doing this to her no one cared to hear our suspicions of the vaccine doing this to our mother, she went to the dialysis clinic 3 times a week all the while paying for her own 800 dollar a week gurney transportation due to her inability to walk, on july 15th she finally got to see her dr, upon taking her vital signs they found no pulse, no blood pressure and no pulse ox but the dr did not seem to think this was a good reason to go to the hospital. we asked if the vaccine did this to her, the dr laughed it off, she went back home and was very tired, she went to sleep and the next morning when my father tried to wake her up for dialysis, she would not wake, 911 was called and she was once again rushed to the hospital, where her heart stopped within minutes of arriving.we asked the people in the ER if there was anyway we could talk to someone about the vaccine doing this to her. our mother is dead!! we were advised to call the health department, they told us to call the cdc, and i was directed to the compensation fund" "1505241-1" "1505241-1" "ADENOCARCINOMA" "10001141" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was not previously COVID-19 positive and did not have any predisposing factors(PMH, allergies, etc.) for experiencing an adverse drug event. The ADR did not occur at the time of the administration of the vaccine nor was there an ADR that occurred between the observation period and the date of death. Likely comorbidities that were related to death were adenocarcinoma and possible stroke symptoms." "1505241-1" "1505241-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was not previously COVID-19 positive and did not have any predisposing factors(PMH, allergies, etc.) for experiencing an adverse drug event. The ADR did not occur at the time of the administration of the vaccine nor was there an ADR that occurred between the observation period and the date of death. Likely comorbidities that were related to death were adenocarcinoma and possible stroke symptoms." "1505323-1" "1505323-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "positive covid infection after vaccination" "1505323-1" "1505323-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "positive covid infection after vaccination" "1505591-1" "1505591-1" "INJECTION SITE PAIN" "10022086" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Soreness in the arm at sight. Tumors started coming back daily in his stomach, sides and back outside the rib cage. Looked like big hard masses. Cancer was in remission for about 6 months and aggressively came back after taking the 2cnd vaccine." "1505591-1" "1505591-1" "MANTLE CELL LYMPHOMA RECURRENT" "10026800" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Soreness in the arm at sight. Tumors started coming back daily in his stomach, sides and back outside the rib cage. Looked like big hard masses. Cancer was in remission for about 6 months and aggressively came back after taking the 2cnd vaccine." "1511092-1" "1511092-1" "BLOOD TEST NORMAL" "10050540" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient began feeling like she was having panic attacks. She was nauseous and went to the ER. ER ran tests including Ct scan, ekg and blood work. All tests came back normal. A couple of hours later patient became delirious and oxygen started to drop. Then patient was intubated at which point she had a major heart attack and died." "1511092-1" "1511092-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM NORMAL" "10010236" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient began feeling like she was having panic attacks. She was nauseous and went to the ER. ER ran tests including Ct scan, ekg and blood work. All tests came back normal. A couple of hours later patient became delirious and oxygen started to drop. Then patient was intubated at which point she had a major heart attack and died." "1511092-1" "1511092-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient began feeling like she was having panic attacks. She was nauseous and went to the ER. ER ran tests including Ct scan, ekg and blood work. All tests came back normal. A couple of hours later patient became delirious and oxygen started to drop. Then patient was intubated at which point she had a major heart attack and died." "1511092-1" "1511092-1" "DELIRIUM" "10012218" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient began feeling like she was having panic attacks. She was nauseous and went to the ER. ER ran tests including Ct scan, ekg and blood work. All tests came back normal. A couple of hours later patient became delirious and oxygen started to drop. Then patient was intubated at which point she had a major heart attack and died." "1511092-1" "1511092-1" "ELECTROCARDIOGRAM NORMAL" "10014373" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient began feeling like she was having panic attacks. She was nauseous and went to the ER. ER ran tests including Ct scan, ekg and blood work. All tests came back normal. A couple of hours later patient became delirious and oxygen started to drop. Then patient was intubated at which point she had a major heart attack and died." "1511092-1" "1511092-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient began feeling like she was having panic attacks. She was nauseous and went to the ER. ER ran tests including Ct scan, ekg and blood work. All tests came back normal. A couple of hours later patient became delirious and oxygen started to drop. Then patient was intubated at which point she had a major heart attack and died." "1511092-1" "1511092-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient began feeling like she was having panic attacks. She was nauseous and went to the ER. ER ran tests including Ct scan, ekg and blood work. All tests came back normal. A couple of hours later patient became delirious and oxygen started to drop. Then patient was intubated at which point she had a major heart attack and died." "1511092-1" "1511092-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient began feeling like she was having panic attacks. She was nauseous and went to the ER. ER ran tests including Ct scan, ekg and blood work. All tests came back normal. A couple of hours later patient became delirious and oxygen started to drop. Then patient was intubated at which point she had a major heart attack and died." "1511092-1" "1511092-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient began feeling like she was having panic attacks. She was nauseous and went to the ER. ER ran tests including Ct scan, ekg and blood work. All tests came back normal. A couple of hours later patient became delirious and oxygen started to drop. Then patient was intubated at which point she had a major heart attack and died." "1511092-1" "1511092-1" "PANIC ATTACK" "10033664" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient began feeling like she was having panic attacks. She was nauseous and went to the ER. ER ran tests including Ct scan, ekg and blood work. All tests came back normal. A couple of hours later patient became delirious and oxygen started to drop. Then patient was intubated at which point she had a major heart attack and died." "1511267-1" "1511267-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Within 2 days of second shot, Patient exhibited extreme fatigue. This continued for the next several weeks culminating with the inability to move which resulted in admission to Hospital the week of 2/22/21. After weeks to stabilize vital systems, a diagnosis of multiple myeloma was obtained. Patient continued to decline until multiple organ failure occurred within 30 days of admission. Death occurred on 3/25/21. It is not clear whether the vaccine potentially caused and/or exacerbated a previously undiagnosed condition (multiple myeloma). However, the proximity of an immune cell related cancer which resulted in rapid decline and death within 60 days of vaccination should be noted in case there are any other previously undiagnosed blood cancers being found in newly vaccinated individuals." "1511267-1" "1511267-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Within 2 days of second shot, Patient exhibited extreme fatigue. This continued for the next several weeks culminating with the inability to move which resulted in admission to Hospital the week of 2/22/21. After weeks to stabilize vital systems, a diagnosis of multiple myeloma was obtained. Patient continued to decline until multiple organ failure occurred within 30 days of admission. Death occurred on 3/25/21. It is not clear whether the vaccine potentially caused and/or exacerbated a previously undiagnosed condition (multiple myeloma). However, the proximity of an immune cell related cancer which resulted in rapid decline and death within 60 days of vaccination should be noted in case there are any other previously undiagnosed blood cancers being found in newly vaccinated individuals." "1511267-1" "1511267-1" "GENERAL PHYSICAL HEALTH DETERIORATION" "10049438" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Within 2 days of second shot, Patient exhibited extreme fatigue. This continued for the next several weeks culminating with the inability to move which resulted in admission to Hospital the week of 2/22/21. After weeks to stabilize vital systems, a diagnosis of multiple myeloma was obtained. Patient continued to decline until multiple organ failure occurred within 30 days of admission. Death occurred on 3/25/21. It is not clear whether the vaccine potentially caused and/or exacerbated a previously undiagnosed condition (multiple myeloma). However, the proximity of an immune cell related cancer which resulted in rapid decline and death within 60 days of vaccination should be noted in case there are any other previously undiagnosed blood cancers being found in newly vaccinated individuals." "1511267-1" "1511267-1" "MOBILITY DECREASED" "10048334" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Within 2 days of second shot, Patient exhibited extreme fatigue. This continued for the next several weeks culminating with the inability to move which resulted in admission to Hospital the week of 2/22/21. After weeks to stabilize vital systems, a diagnosis of multiple myeloma was obtained. Patient continued to decline until multiple organ failure occurred within 30 days of admission. Death occurred on 3/25/21. It is not clear whether the vaccine potentially caused and/or exacerbated a previously undiagnosed condition (multiple myeloma). However, the proximity of an immune cell related cancer which resulted in rapid decline and death within 60 days of vaccination should be noted in case there are any other previously undiagnosed blood cancers being found in newly vaccinated individuals." "1511267-1" "1511267-1" "MULTIPLE ORGAN DYSFUNCTION SYNDROME" "10077361" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Within 2 days of second shot, Patient exhibited extreme fatigue. This continued for the next several weeks culminating with the inability to move which resulted in admission to Hospital the week of 2/22/21. After weeks to stabilize vital systems, a diagnosis of multiple myeloma was obtained. Patient continued to decline until multiple organ failure occurred within 30 days of admission. Death occurred on 3/25/21. It is not clear whether the vaccine potentially caused and/or exacerbated a previously undiagnosed condition (multiple myeloma). However, the proximity of an immune cell related cancer which resulted in rapid decline and death within 60 days of vaccination should be noted in case there are any other previously undiagnosed blood cancers being found in newly vaccinated individuals." "1511267-1" "1511267-1" "PLASMA CELL MYELOMA" "10035226" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Within 2 days of second shot, Patient exhibited extreme fatigue. This continued for the next several weeks culminating with the inability to move which resulted in admission to Hospital the week of 2/22/21. After weeks to stabilize vital systems, a diagnosis of multiple myeloma was obtained. Patient continued to decline until multiple organ failure occurred within 30 days of admission. Death occurred on 3/25/21. It is not clear whether the vaccine potentially caused and/or exacerbated a previously undiagnosed condition (multiple myeloma). However, the proximity of an immune cell related cancer which resulted in rapid decline and death within 60 days of vaccination should be noted in case there are any other previously undiagnosed blood cancers being found in newly vaccinated individuals." "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "ASPIRATION" "10003504" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "BLADDER CATHETERISATION" "10005028" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "CEREBRAL ATROPHY" "10008096" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "CEREBRAL SMALL VESSEL ISCHAEMIC DISEASE" "10070878" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "COMA SCALE ABNORMAL" "10069709" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD ABNORMAL" "10072168" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "PARANASAL SINUS INFLAMMATION" "10083836" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "PULSELESS ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY" "10058151" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "RESPIRATORY DISTRESS" "10038687" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1515492-1" "1515492-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Staff at SNF stated, ""feeling well yesterday."" On 4/5 at staff initiated a call for resp. distress at 2235, he was pulseless, and CPR was started. Fire Dept. there at 2245 to assume CPR. EMS arrived at 2252 and found pt. in PEA with vomit in airway. He received 2 rounds of epi with return of circulation. He was intubated in the field. His post-arrest rhythm appeared to be ST. He was transferred to local ER at 2256 where a right SC line and FC placed. He received Zosyn while in local ER. His GCS was 3. FiO2 = 80%, COVID-19 PCR positive. He was transferred to another facility r/t lack of beds. He was placed in COVID ICU on with ventilator. He remains unresponsive during stay 4/6 - 4/7. Pt. expired on 4/7/21"" "1519899-1" "1519899-1" "ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10001053" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/23/21 after worsening shortness of breath for the past 5 days. Patient tested positive for covid-19 5 days prior to admission. Patient was pronounced deceased on 8/1/2021 @22:53. Patient completed Pfizer vaccination series in February. Information below is copied from progress note (8/1/21): PLAN: NEURO: h/o peripheral neuropathy, HOH o Lyrica o PRN: Tylenol o PRN: Trazadone Cardio: h/o HTN o Hydralazine prn o Statin daily o ASA RESP: Acute Hypoxic Respiratory Failure Secondary to Covid - 19 o HFNC, goal O2 sat 88%, wean as able o Bipap QHS o CPT, flutter valve, IS o Solumedrol BID o Guaifenesin prn o Albuterol prn o ABG/CXR PRN RENAL/FEN: h/o CKD 3 o Regular diet o Monitor electrolytes and replete as needed o Monitor renal indices ENDO: o Blood glucose checks AC & HS with insulin sliding scale coverage PRN HEME: h/o non hodgkins lymphoma with bone, liver and pulm involvment o Monitor CBC o Stopped chemo in June- resume when feasible ID: Covid - 19 o Completed Remdesivir o No ABX at this time o Trend inflammatory markers o Supportive care PPX: o DVT ppx: SCDs, Lovenox o GI ppx: Protonix" "1519899-1" "1519899-1" "ANTICOAGULANT THERAPY" "10053468" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/23/21 after worsening shortness of breath for the past 5 days. Patient tested positive for covid-19 5 days prior to admission. Patient was pronounced deceased on 8/1/2021 @22:53. Patient completed Pfizer vaccination series in February. Information below is copied from progress note (8/1/21): PLAN: NEURO: h/o peripheral neuropathy, HOH o Lyrica o PRN: Tylenol o PRN: Trazadone Cardio: h/o HTN o Hydralazine prn o Statin daily o ASA RESP: Acute Hypoxic Respiratory Failure Secondary to Covid - 19 o HFNC, goal O2 sat 88%, wean as able o Bipap QHS o CPT, flutter valve, IS o Solumedrol BID o Guaifenesin prn o Albuterol prn o ABG/CXR PRN RENAL/FEN: h/o CKD 3 o Regular diet o Monitor electrolytes and replete as needed o Monitor renal indices ENDO: o Blood glucose checks AC & HS with insulin sliding scale coverage PRN HEME: h/o non hodgkins lymphoma with bone, liver and pulm involvment o Monitor CBC o Stopped chemo in June- resume when feasible ID: Covid - 19 o Completed Remdesivir o No ABX at this time o Trend inflammatory markers o Supportive care PPX: o DVT ppx: SCDs, Lovenox o GI ppx: Protonix" "1519899-1" "1519899-1" "BILEVEL POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE" "10064530" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/23/21 after worsening shortness of breath for the past 5 days. Patient tested positive for covid-19 5 days prior to admission. Patient was pronounced deceased on 8/1/2021 @22:53. Patient completed Pfizer vaccination series in February. Information below is copied from progress note (8/1/21): PLAN: NEURO: h/o peripheral neuropathy, HOH o Lyrica o PRN: Tylenol o PRN: Trazadone Cardio: h/o HTN o Hydralazine prn o Statin daily o ASA RESP: Acute Hypoxic Respiratory Failure Secondary to Covid - 19 o HFNC, goal O2 sat 88%, wean as able o Bipap QHS o CPT, flutter valve, IS o Solumedrol BID o Guaifenesin prn o Albuterol prn o ABG/CXR PRN RENAL/FEN: h/o CKD 3 o Regular diet o Monitor electrolytes and replete as needed o Monitor renal indices ENDO: o Blood glucose checks AC & HS with insulin sliding scale coverage PRN HEME: h/o non hodgkins lymphoma with bone, liver and pulm involvment o Monitor CBC o Stopped chemo in June- resume when feasible ID: Covid - 19 o Completed Remdesivir o No ABX at this time o Trend inflammatory markers o Supportive care PPX: o DVT ppx: SCDs, Lovenox o GI ppx: Protonix" "1519899-1" "1519899-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/23/21 after worsening shortness of breath for the past 5 days. Patient tested positive for covid-19 5 days prior to admission. Patient was pronounced deceased on 8/1/2021 @22:53. Patient completed Pfizer vaccination series in February. Information below is copied from progress note (8/1/21): PLAN: NEURO: h/o peripheral neuropathy, HOH o Lyrica o PRN: Tylenol o PRN: Trazadone Cardio: h/o HTN o Hydralazine prn o Statin daily o ASA RESP: Acute Hypoxic Respiratory Failure Secondary to Covid - 19 o HFNC, goal O2 sat 88%, wean as able o Bipap QHS o CPT, flutter valve, IS o Solumedrol BID o Guaifenesin prn o Albuterol prn o ABG/CXR PRN RENAL/FEN: h/o CKD 3 o Regular diet o Monitor electrolytes and replete as needed o Monitor renal indices ENDO: o Blood glucose checks AC & HS with insulin sliding scale coverage PRN HEME: h/o non hodgkins lymphoma with bone, liver and pulm involvment o Monitor CBC o Stopped chemo in June- resume when feasible ID: Covid - 19 o Completed Remdesivir o No ABX at this time o Trend inflammatory markers o Supportive care PPX: o DVT ppx: SCDs, Lovenox o GI ppx: Protonix" "1519899-1" "1519899-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/23/21 after worsening shortness of breath for the past 5 days. Patient tested positive for covid-19 5 days prior to admission. Patient was pronounced deceased on 8/1/2021 @22:53. Patient completed Pfizer vaccination series in February. Information below is copied from progress note (8/1/21): PLAN: NEURO: h/o peripheral neuropathy, HOH o Lyrica o PRN: Tylenol o PRN: Trazadone Cardio: h/o HTN o Hydralazine prn o Statin daily o ASA RESP: Acute Hypoxic Respiratory Failure Secondary to Covid - 19 o HFNC, goal O2 sat 88%, wean as able o Bipap QHS o CPT, flutter valve, IS o Solumedrol BID o Guaifenesin prn o Albuterol prn o ABG/CXR PRN RENAL/FEN: h/o CKD 3 o Regular diet o Monitor electrolytes and replete as needed o Monitor renal indices ENDO: o Blood glucose checks AC & HS with insulin sliding scale coverage PRN HEME: h/o non hodgkins lymphoma with bone, liver and pulm involvment o Monitor CBC o Stopped chemo in June- resume when feasible ID: Covid - 19 o Completed Remdesivir o No ABX at this time o Trend inflammatory markers o Supportive care PPX: o DVT ppx: SCDs, Lovenox o GI ppx: Protonix" "1519899-1" "1519899-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/23/21 after worsening shortness of breath for the past 5 days. Patient tested positive for covid-19 5 days prior to admission. Patient was pronounced deceased on 8/1/2021 @22:53. Patient completed Pfizer vaccination series in February. Information below is copied from progress note (8/1/21): PLAN: NEURO: h/o peripheral neuropathy, HOH o Lyrica o PRN: Tylenol o PRN: Trazadone Cardio: h/o HTN o Hydralazine prn o Statin daily o ASA RESP: Acute Hypoxic Respiratory Failure Secondary to Covid - 19 o HFNC, goal O2 sat 88%, wean as able o Bipap QHS o CPT, flutter valve, IS o Solumedrol BID o Guaifenesin prn o Albuterol prn o ABG/CXR PRN RENAL/FEN: h/o CKD 3 o Regular diet o Monitor electrolytes and replete as needed o Monitor renal indices ENDO: o Blood glucose checks AC & HS with insulin sliding scale coverage PRN HEME: h/o non hodgkins lymphoma with bone, liver and pulm involvment o Monitor CBC o Stopped chemo in June- resume when feasible ID: Covid - 19 o Completed Remdesivir o No ABX at this time o Trend inflammatory markers o Supportive care PPX: o DVT ppx: SCDs, Lovenox o GI ppx: Protonix" "1519899-1" "1519899-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/23/21 after worsening shortness of breath for the past 5 days. Patient tested positive for covid-19 5 days prior to admission. Patient was pronounced deceased on 8/1/2021 @22:53. Patient completed Pfizer vaccination series in February. Information below is copied from progress note (8/1/21): PLAN: NEURO: h/o peripheral neuropathy, HOH o Lyrica o PRN: Tylenol o PRN: Trazadone Cardio: h/o HTN o Hydralazine prn o Statin daily o ASA RESP: Acute Hypoxic Respiratory Failure Secondary to Covid - 19 o HFNC, goal O2 sat 88%, wean as able o Bipap QHS o CPT, flutter valve, IS o Solumedrol BID o Guaifenesin prn o Albuterol prn o ABG/CXR PRN RENAL/FEN: h/o CKD 3 o Regular diet o Monitor electrolytes and replete as needed o Monitor renal indices ENDO: o Blood glucose checks AC & HS with insulin sliding scale coverage PRN HEME: h/o non hodgkins lymphoma with bone, liver and pulm involvment o Monitor CBC o Stopped chemo in June- resume when feasible ID: Covid - 19 o Completed Remdesivir o No ABX at this time o Trend inflammatory markers o Supportive care PPX: o DVT ppx: SCDs, Lovenox o GI ppx: Protonix" "1523226-1" "1523226-1" "ANXIETY" "10002855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Drenching night sweat on April 4 and then happening every few nights and sometimes every night throughout April and May. Also, starting early April, just feeling ill, aching all over, several nights of extreme anxiety which was not normal, extreme tiredness to the point (mid April) of almost going off the road driving." "1523226-1" "1523226-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Drenching night sweat on April 4 and then happening every few nights and sometimes every night throughout April and May. Also, starting early April, just feeling ill, aching all over, several nights of extreme anxiety which was not normal, extreme tiredness to the point (mid April) of almost going off the road driving." "1523226-1" "1523226-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Drenching night sweat on April 4 and then happening every few nights and sometimes every night throughout April and May. Also, starting early April, just feeling ill, aching all over, several nights of extreme anxiety which was not normal, extreme tiredness to the point (mid April) of almost going off the road driving." "1523226-1" "1523226-1" "IMPAIRED DRIVING ABILITY" "10049564" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Drenching night sweat on April 4 and then happening every few nights and sometimes every night throughout April and May. Also, starting early April, just feeling ill, aching all over, several nights of extreme anxiety which was not normal, extreme tiredness to the point (mid April) of almost going off the road driving." "1523226-1" "1523226-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Drenching night sweat on April 4 and then happening every few nights and sometimes every night throughout April and May. Also, starting early April, just feeling ill, aching all over, several nights of extreme anxiety which was not normal, extreme tiredness to the point (mid April) of almost going off the road driving." "1523226-1" "1523226-1" "NIGHT SWEATS" "10029410" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Drenching night sweat on April 4 and then happening every few nights and sometimes every night throughout April and May. Also, starting early April, just feeling ill, aching all over, several nights of extreme anxiety which was not normal, extreme tiredness to the point (mid April) of almost going off the road driving." "1523226-1" "1523226-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Drenching night sweat on April 4 and then happening every few nights and sometimes every night throughout April and May. Also, starting early April, just feeling ill, aching all over, several nights of extreme anxiety which was not normal, extreme tiredness to the point (mid April) of almost going off the road driving." "1523226-1" "1523226-1" "SARCOMA" "10039491" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Drenching night sweat on April 4 and then happening every few nights and sometimes every night throughout April and May. Also, starting early April, just feeling ill, aching all over, several nights of extreme anxiety which was not normal, extreme tiredness to the point (mid April) of almost going off the road driving." "1523226-1" "1523226-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT INCREASED" "10047943" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Drenching night sweat on April 4 and then happening every few nights and sometimes every night throughout April and May. Also, starting early April, just feeling ill, aching all over, several nights of extreme anxiety which was not normal, extreme tiredness to the point (mid April) of almost going off the road driving." "1532026-1" "1532026-1" "ARTHRITIS" "10003246" "65-79 years" "65-79" "it made her arthritis flare up. She was having issues breathing and catching her breath. She had swelling and a rash, weakness, pain and the worse is she passed away on Sunday July 25, 2021." "1532026-1" "1532026-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "it made her arthritis flare up. She was having issues breathing and catching her breath. She had swelling and a rash, weakness, pain and the worse is she passed away on Sunday July 25, 2021." "1532026-1" "1532026-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "it made her arthritis flare up. She was having issues breathing and catching her breath. She had swelling and a rash, weakness, pain and the worse is she passed away on Sunday July 25, 2021." "1532026-1" "1532026-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "it made her arthritis flare up. She was having issues breathing and catching her breath. She had swelling and a rash, weakness, pain and the worse is she passed away on Sunday July 25, 2021." "1532026-1" "1532026-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "it made her arthritis flare up. She was having issues breathing and catching her breath. She had swelling and a rash, weakness, pain and the worse is she passed away on Sunday July 25, 2021." "1532026-1" "1532026-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "it made her arthritis flare up. She was having issues breathing and catching her breath. She had swelling and a rash, weakness, pain and the worse is she passed away on Sunday July 25, 2021." "1532026-1" "1532026-1" "RASH" "10037844" "65-79 years" "65-79" "it made her arthritis flare up. She was having issues breathing and catching her breath. She had swelling and a rash, weakness, pain and the worse is she passed away on Sunday July 25, 2021." "1532026-1" "1532026-1" "SWELLING" "10042674" "65-79 years" "65-79" "it made her arthritis flare up. She was having issues breathing and catching her breath. She had swelling and a rash, weakness, pain and the worse is she passed away on Sunday July 25, 2021." "1536189-1" "1536189-1" "ALCOHOL POISONING" "10001605" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt founds unresponsive and transferred to the hospital. Pt was intubated after being given Narcan with no response. Pt was GCS 3 at the scene. Medical History of alcoholism, frequent falls and CAD, Hep C, etc. Pt Neurosurgery was consulted due to SAH and admitted to the trauma service. DX: Acute alcohol intoxication; Coma; TBI with loss of consciousness; Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. COVID + on admission. Pt expired on 8/8/2021." "1536189-1" "1536189-1" "COMA" "10010071" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt founds unresponsive and transferred to the hospital. Pt was intubated after being given Narcan with no response. Pt was GCS 3 at the scene. Medical History of alcoholism, frequent falls and CAD, Hep C, etc. Pt Neurosurgery was consulted due to SAH and admitted to the trauma service. DX: Acute alcohol intoxication; Coma; TBI with loss of consciousness; Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. COVID + on admission. Pt expired on 8/8/2021." "1536189-1" "1536189-1" "COMA SCALE ABNORMAL" "10069709" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt founds unresponsive and transferred to the hospital. Pt was intubated after being given Narcan with no response. Pt was GCS 3 at the scene. Medical History of alcoholism, frequent falls and CAD, Hep C, etc. Pt Neurosurgery was consulted due to SAH and admitted to the trauma service. DX: Acute alcohol intoxication; Coma; TBI with loss of consciousness; Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. COVID + on admission. Pt expired on 8/8/2021." "1536189-1" "1536189-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt founds unresponsive and transferred to the hospital. Pt was intubated after being given Narcan with no response. Pt was GCS 3 at the scene. Medical History of alcoholism, frequent falls and CAD, Hep C, etc. Pt Neurosurgery was consulted due to SAH and admitted to the trauma service. DX: Acute alcohol intoxication; Coma; TBI with loss of consciousness; Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. COVID + on admission. Pt expired on 8/8/2021." "1536189-1" "1536189-1" "CRANIOCEREBRAL INJURY" "10070976" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt founds unresponsive and transferred to the hospital. Pt was intubated after being given Narcan with no response. Pt was GCS 3 at the scene. Medical History of alcoholism, frequent falls and CAD, Hep C, etc. Pt Neurosurgery was consulted due to SAH and admitted to the trauma service. DX: Acute alcohol intoxication; Coma; TBI with loss of consciousness; Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. COVID + on admission. Pt expired on 8/8/2021." "1536189-1" "1536189-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt founds unresponsive and transferred to the hospital. Pt was intubated after being given Narcan with no response. Pt was GCS 3 at the scene. Medical History of alcoholism, frequent falls and CAD, Hep C, etc. Pt Neurosurgery was consulted due to SAH and admitted to the trauma service. DX: Acute alcohol intoxication; Coma; TBI with loss of consciousness; Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. COVID + on admission. Pt expired on 8/8/2021." "1536189-1" "1536189-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt founds unresponsive and transferred to the hospital. Pt was intubated after being given Narcan with no response. Pt was GCS 3 at the scene. Medical History of alcoholism, frequent falls and CAD, Hep C, etc. Pt Neurosurgery was consulted due to SAH and admitted to the trauma service. DX: Acute alcohol intoxication; Coma; TBI with loss of consciousness; Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. COVID + on admission. Pt expired on 8/8/2021." "1536189-1" "1536189-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt founds unresponsive and transferred to the hospital. Pt was intubated after being given Narcan with no response. Pt was GCS 3 at the scene. Medical History of alcoholism, frequent falls and CAD, Hep C, etc. Pt Neurosurgery was consulted due to SAH and admitted to the trauma service. DX: Acute alcohol intoxication; Coma; TBI with loss of consciousness; Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. COVID + on admission. Pt expired on 8/8/2021." "1536189-1" "1536189-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt founds unresponsive and transferred to the hospital. Pt was intubated after being given Narcan with no response. Pt was GCS 3 at the scene. Medical History of alcoholism, frequent falls and CAD, Hep C, etc. Pt Neurosurgery was consulted due to SAH and admitted to the trauma service. DX: Acute alcohol intoxication; Coma; TBI with loss of consciousness; Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. COVID + on admission. Pt expired on 8/8/2021." "1536189-1" "1536189-1" "SUBARACHNOID HAEMORRHAGE" "10042316" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt founds unresponsive and transferred to the hospital. Pt was intubated after being given Narcan with no response. Pt was GCS 3 at the scene. Medical History of alcoholism, frequent falls and CAD, Hep C, etc. Pt Neurosurgery was consulted due to SAH and admitted to the trauma service. DX: Acute alcohol intoxication; Coma; TBI with loss of consciousness; Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. COVID + on admission. Pt expired on 8/8/2021." "1536189-1" "1536189-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt founds unresponsive and transferred to the hospital. Pt was intubated after being given Narcan with no response. Pt was GCS 3 at the scene. Medical History of alcoholism, frequent falls and CAD, Hep C, etc. Pt Neurosurgery was consulted due to SAH and admitted to the trauma service. DX: Acute alcohol intoxication; Coma; TBI with loss of consciousness; Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. COVID + on admission. Pt expired on 8/8/2021." "1536208-1" "1536208-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admited to hospital on 8/7. Expired 8/8" "1536208-1" "1536208-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admited to hospital on 8/7. Expired 8/8" "1536208-1" "1536208-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admited to hospital on 8/7. Expired 8/8" "1536899-1" "1536899-1" "CEREBRAL HAEMORRHAGE" "10008111" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 -2 days after the first dose he started getting confused . 3rd day we admitted him to the hospital . At one point they thought or were testing about his brain bleeding . Roughly after 4 days in the hopsital his body crashed he was in a coma and then died roughly 14 days after the injection on March 24, 2021. He died of an acute intracerebral hemorrhage which we were told he had a blood clot then stroke" "1536899-1" "1536899-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 -2 days after the first dose he started getting confused . 3rd day we admitted him to the hospital . At one point they thought or were testing about his brain bleeding . Roughly after 4 days in the hopsital his body crashed he was in a coma and then died roughly 14 days after the injection on March 24, 2021. He died of an acute intracerebral hemorrhage which we were told he had a blood clot then stroke" "1536899-1" "1536899-1" "COMA" "10010071" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 -2 days after the first dose he started getting confused . 3rd day we admitted him to the hospital . At one point they thought or were testing about his brain bleeding . Roughly after 4 days in the hopsital his body crashed he was in a coma and then died roughly 14 days after the injection on March 24, 2021. He died of an acute intracerebral hemorrhage which we were told he had a blood clot then stroke" "1536899-1" "1536899-1" "CONFUSIONAL STATE" "10010305" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 -2 days after the first dose he started getting confused . 3rd day we admitted him to the hospital . At one point they thought or were testing about his brain bleeding . Roughly after 4 days in the hopsital his body crashed he was in a coma and then died roughly 14 days after the injection on March 24, 2021. He died of an acute intracerebral hemorrhage which we were told he had a blood clot then stroke" "1536899-1" "1536899-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 -2 days after the first dose he started getting confused . 3rd day we admitted him to the hospital . At one point they thought or were testing about his brain bleeding . Roughly after 4 days in the hopsital his body crashed he was in a coma and then died roughly 14 days after the injection on March 24, 2021. He died of an acute intracerebral hemorrhage which we were told he had a blood clot then stroke" "1536899-1" "1536899-1" "THROMBOSIS" "10043607" "65-79 years" "65-79" "1 -2 days after the first dose he started getting confused . 3rd day we admitted him to the hospital . At one point they thought or were testing about his brain bleeding . Roughly after 4 days in the hopsital his body crashed he was in a coma and then died roughly 14 days after the injection on March 24, 2021. He died of an acute intracerebral hemorrhage which we were told he had a blood clot then stroke" "1542057-1" "1542057-1" "APHASIA" "10002948" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extremely painful recurrence of bulbous phemphigoid covered most of body. 3.5 weeks after initial vaccine. Required hospitalization 3 times and admission to rehab twice. Unable to walk, difficulty breathing, swollen legs, 2nd hospital. Unable to speak or walk 3rd hosp, ended in death/ bacteremia." "1542057-1" "1542057-1" "BACTERAEMIA" "10003997" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extremely painful recurrence of bulbous phemphigoid covered most of body. 3.5 weeks after initial vaccine. Required hospitalization 3 times and admission to rehab twice. Unable to walk, difficulty breathing, swollen legs, 2nd hospital. Unable to speak or walk 3rd hosp, ended in death/ bacteremia." "1542057-1" "1542057-1" "BLOOD CULTURE" "10005485" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extremely painful recurrence of bulbous phemphigoid covered most of body. 3.5 weeks after initial vaccine. Required hospitalization 3 times and admission to rehab twice. Unable to walk, difficulty breathing, swollen legs, 2nd hospital. Unable to speak or walk 3rd hosp, ended in death/ bacteremia." "1542057-1" "1542057-1" "CENTRAL VENOUS CATHETERISATION" "10053377" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extremely painful recurrence of bulbous phemphigoid covered most of body. 3.5 weeks after initial vaccine. Required hospitalization 3 times and admission to rehab twice. Unable to walk, difficulty breathing, swollen legs, 2nd hospital. Unable to speak or walk 3rd hosp, ended in death/ bacteremia." "1542057-1" "1542057-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM" "10010234" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extremely painful recurrence of bulbous phemphigoid covered most of body. 3.5 weeks after initial vaccine. Required hospitalization 3 times and admission to rehab twice. Unable to walk, difficulty breathing, swollen legs, 2nd hospital. Unable to speak or walk 3rd hosp, ended in death/ bacteremia." "1542057-1" "1542057-1" "CULTURE URINE" "10011638" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extremely painful recurrence of bulbous phemphigoid covered most of body. 3.5 weeks after initial vaccine. Required hospitalization 3 times and admission to rehab twice. Unable to walk, difficulty breathing, swollen legs, 2nd hospital. Unable to speak or walk 3rd hosp, ended in death/ bacteremia." "1542057-1" "1542057-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extremely painful recurrence of bulbous phemphigoid covered most of body. 3.5 weeks after initial vaccine. Required hospitalization 3 times and admission to rehab twice. Unable to walk, difficulty breathing, swollen legs, 2nd hospital. Unable to speak or walk 3rd hosp, ended in death/ bacteremia." "1542057-1" "1542057-1" "DISEASE RECURRENCE" "10061819" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extremely painful recurrence of bulbous phemphigoid covered most of body. 3.5 weeks after initial vaccine. Required hospitalization 3 times and admission to rehab twice. Unable to walk, difficulty breathing, swollen legs, 2nd hospital. Unable to speak or walk 3rd hosp, ended in death/ bacteremia." "1542057-1" "1542057-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extremely painful recurrence of bulbous phemphigoid covered most of body. 3.5 weeks after initial vaccine. Required hospitalization 3 times and admission to rehab twice. Unable to walk, difficulty breathing, swollen legs, 2nd hospital. Unable to speak or walk 3rd hosp, ended in death/ bacteremia." "1542057-1" "1542057-1" "GAIT INABILITY" "10017581" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extremely painful recurrence of bulbous phemphigoid covered most of body. 3.5 weeks after initial vaccine. Required hospitalization 3 times and admission to rehab twice. Unable to walk, difficulty breathing, swollen legs, 2nd hospital. Unable to speak or walk 3rd hosp, ended in death/ bacteremia." "1542057-1" "1542057-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extremely painful recurrence of bulbous phemphigoid covered most of body. 3.5 weeks after initial vaccine. Required hospitalization 3 times and admission to rehab twice. Unable to walk, difficulty breathing, swollen legs, 2nd hospital. Unable to speak or walk 3rd hosp, ended in death/ bacteremia." "1542057-1" "1542057-1" "PEMPHIGOID" "10034277" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extremely painful recurrence of bulbous phemphigoid covered most of body. 3.5 weeks after initial vaccine. Required hospitalization 3 times and admission to rehab twice. Unable to walk, difficulty breathing, swollen legs, 2nd hospital. Unable to speak or walk 3rd hosp, ended in death/ bacteremia." "1542057-1" "1542057-1" "PERIPHERAL SWELLING" "10048959" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extremely painful recurrence of bulbous phemphigoid covered most of body. 3.5 weeks after initial vaccine. Required hospitalization 3 times and admission to rehab twice. Unable to walk, difficulty breathing, swollen legs, 2nd hospital. Unable to speak or walk 3rd hosp, ended in death/ bacteremia." "1542057-1" "1542057-1" "ULTRASOUND SCAN" "10045434" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extremely painful recurrence of bulbous phemphigoid covered most of body. 3.5 weeks after initial vaccine. Required hospitalization 3 times and admission to rehab twice. Unable to walk, difficulty breathing, swollen legs, 2nd hospital. Unable to speak or walk 3rd hosp, ended in death/ bacteremia." "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "BILEVEL POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE" "10064530" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "BLOOD GASES" "10005537" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "EMPHYSEMA" "10014561" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "EPISTAXIS" "10015090" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "HYPERGLYCAEMIA" "10020635" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "HYPOGEUSIA" "10020989" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "HYPOXIA" "10021143" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "INFECTION" "10021789" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "INSOMNIA" "10022437" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "LABORATORY TEST" "10059938" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "MUSCLE SPASMS" "10028334" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "NASAL DRYNESS" "10028740" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "REFUSAL OF TREATMENT BY PATIENT" "10056407" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1545487-1" "1545487-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized due to breakthrough covid-19 infection on 7/27/21 with complaints of shortness of breath, nonproductive cough, daily fevers, decrease taste, chest pain when coughing, and fatigued. Patient completed the Pfizer vaccine series in February. Patients condition worsened over hospital course and he was pronounced deceased on 8/09/21 @21:55. Below information is copied from progress note on 8/08/21: 7/30/21: Patient has had no new issues overnight. He remains on HFNC + NRB 80L/100% maximum support, refusing bipap. Educated on importance of utilizing bipap, still refusing. Sats remain mid 80s. 8/1: No acute events overnight. Tol slow wean of HFNC. Bipap overnight. Hemodynamically stable. 8/2: No acute events overnight. On FFB overnight 85% 12/8. Was reportedly in chair most of the day yesterday on HFNC 70%/70l with stable sats. Hemodynamically stable. No fevers. 8/3:Patient sitting up in chair , on HFNC, nostrils bloody and with dry mucus. Requesting to be placed on regular diet with no restrictions. Uneventful night. 8/4: Sats upon intial exam this AM by this provider were 77%. Pt had just transferred bed to chair with HFNC and NRB. Sats slow to recover but with NRB, slowly improved to 89%. Pt states that he slept poorly last night and this AM upon getting up had trouble with severe left thigh cramp. Was given Robaxin, pain med, warm pack to thigh and is better now. Added Melatonin to HS meds prn to help with sleep. Additional aspart given for hyperglycemia. 8/5: no events overnight. Patient remained on BIPAP with no issues. 8/6: Pt required BIPAP d/t decreasing O2 sats to low 80s on HFNC. 8/7: Intubated last night for hypoxemia refractory to FFB 100%. Currently stable sats on APRN 100%, PH 30. Sub cut emphysema to neck. AM CXR, ABG, and labs pending. TF ordered. Wife notified of intubation- she was diagnosed with covid at same time as husband. She will contact her son who has been fully immunized and no current covid s/s. 8/8: patient remained intubated and sedated on ventilator overnight. APRV PH 24, 95% fiO2" "1549114-1" "1549114-1" "CEREBRAL HAEMORRHAGE" "10008111" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After the shot, sick, tired, aches and pains for two - three days. Day 3 - 5 Dizziness, blurred vision. Day 5 went to the hospital, ER found sign of stroke. Day 7 saw a neurologist, was told that a stroke occurred, but was not sure if it was new or old. Day 12, massive Ischemic Stroke followed by multiple hemorrhages. The Clot left a 10mm hole in the left side of the brain." "1549114-1" "1549114-1" "CEREBRAL THROMBOSIS" "10008132" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After the shot, sick, tired, aches and pains for two - three days. Day 3 - 5 Dizziness, blurred vision. Day 5 went to the hospital, ER found sign of stroke. Day 7 saw a neurologist, was told that a stroke occurred, but was not sure if it was new or old. Day 12, massive Ischemic Stroke followed by multiple hemorrhages. The Clot left a 10mm hole in the left side of the brain." "1549114-1" "1549114-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After the shot, sick, tired, aches and pains for two - three days. Day 3 - 5 Dizziness, blurred vision. Day 5 went to the hospital, ER found sign of stroke. Day 7 saw a neurologist, was told that a stroke occurred, but was not sure if it was new or old. Day 12, massive Ischemic Stroke followed by multiple hemorrhages. The Clot left a 10mm hole in the left side of the brain." "1549114-1" "1549114-1" "DIZZINESS" "10013573" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After the shot, sick, tired, aches and pains for two - three days. Day 3 - 5 Dizziness, blurred vision. Day 5 went to the hospital, ER found sign of stroke. Day 7 saw a neurologist, was told that a stroke occurred, but was not sure if it was new or old. Day 12, massive Ischemic Stroke followed by multiple hemorrhages. The Clot left a 10mm hole in the left side of the brain." "1549114-1" "1549114-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After the shot, sick, tired, aches and pains for two - three days. Day 3 - 5 Dizziness, blurred vision. Day 5 went to the hospital, ER found sign of stroke. Day 7 saw a neurologist, was told that a stroke occurred, but was not sure if it was new or old. Day 12, massive Ischemic Stroke followed by multiple hemorrhages. The Clot left a 10mm hole in the left side of the brain." "1549114-1" "1549114-1" "ILLNESS" "10080284" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After the shot, sick, tired, aches and pains for two - three days. Day 3 - 5 Dizziness, blurred vision. Day 5 went to the hospital, ER found sign of stroke. Day 7 saw a neurologist, was told that a stroke occurred, but was not sure if it was new or old. Day 12, massive Ischemic Stroke followed by multiple hemorrhages. The Clot left a 10mm hole in the left side of the brain." "1549114-1" "1549114-1" "ISCHAEMIC STROKE" "10061256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After the shot, sick, tired, aches and pains for two - three days. Day 3 - 5 Dizziness, blurred vision. Day 5 went to the hospital, ER found sign of stroke. Day 7 saw a neurologist, was told that a stroke occurred, but was not sure if it was new or old. Day 12, massive Ischemic Stroke followed by multiple hemorrhages. The Clot left a 10mm hole in the left side of the brain." "1549114-1" "1549114-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After the shot, sick, tired, aches and pains for two - three days. Day 3 - 5 Dizziness, blurred vision. Day 5 went to the hospital, ER found sign of stroke. Day 7 saw a neurologist, was told that a stroke occurred, but was not sure if it was new or old. Day 12, massive Ischemic Stroke followed by multiple hemorrhages. The Clot left a 10mm hole in the left side of the brain." "1549114-1" "1549114-1" "VISION BLURRED" "10047513" "65-79 years" "65-79" "After the shot, sick, tired, aches and pains for two - three days. Day 3 - 5 Dizziness, blurred vision. Day 5 went to the hospital, ER found sign of stroke. Day 7 saw a neurologist, was told that a stroke occurred, but was not sure if it was new or old. Day 12, massive Ischemic Stroke followed by multiple hemorrhages. The Clot left a 10mm hole in the left side of the brain." "1553959-1" "1553959-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted to hospital on 7/23/2021. Intubated on 8/1. Expired 8/12" "1553959-1" "1553959-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted to hospital on 7/23/2021. Intubated on 8/1. Expired 8/12" "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "ABDOMINAL PAIN" "10000081" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE INCREASED" "10001551" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "ANTICOAGULANT THERAPY" "10053468" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE INCREASED" "10003481" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "BLOOD BICARBONATE DECREASED" "10005359" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "BLOOD BILIRUBIN INCREASED" "10005364" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "BLOOD CREATININE INCREASED" "10005483" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "BLOOD LACTIC ACID" "10005632" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM ABDOMEN" "10053876" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM LIVER" "10076215" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM PELVIS" "10075023" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "GENERAL PHYSICAL HEALTH DETERIORATION" "10049438" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "HEPATIC ISCHAEMIA" "10056328" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "INTESTINAL ISCHAEMIA" "10022680" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "MESENTERIC VEIN THROMBOSIS" "10027402" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "MULTIPLE ORGAN DYSFUNCTION SYNDROME" "10077361" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "PLATELET COUNT DECREASED" "10035528" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "PORTAL VEIN THROMBOSIS" "10036206" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "SCAN WITH CONTRAST" "10059696" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "SEPTIC SHOCK" "10040070" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "THROMBECTOMY" "10043530" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "VENOGRAM" "10047208" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574074-1" "1574074-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT INCREASED" "10047943" "65-79 years" "65-79" "69 year old male who presented with abdominal pain due to mesenteric venous thrombosis of the portal vein / superior mesenteric vein confluence. He was managed medically with therapeutic heparin anticoagulation, however he rapidly progressed in less than 24 hours despite medical therapy to having extensive superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis causing bowel and liver ischemia with septic shock. He went to Interventional Radiology and underwent extensive thrombectomy, however he was too unstable to undergo surgery for resection of dead bowel and died secondary to septic shock and multi organ failure." "1574282-1" "1574282-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted to hospital with shortess of breath, cough, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. While admitted increase in oxygen demands" "1574282-1" "1574282-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted to hospital with shortess of breath, cough, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. While admitted increase in oxygen demands" "1574282-1" "1574282-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted to hospital with shortess of breath, cough, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. While admitted increase in oxygen demands" "1574282-1" "1574282-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted to hospital with shortess of breath, cough, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. While admitted increase in oxygen demands" "1574282-1" "1574282-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted to hospital with shortess of breath, cough, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. While admitted increase in oxygen demands" "1574401-1" "1574401-1" "BIOPSY" "10004720" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Several pain in her legs, hands, and arms. developed Several Vasculitis. Hospitalized for 4 months in pain. Acquired COVID in the hospital and died 5 days later." "1574401-1" "1574401-1" "BIOPSY MUSCLE" "10004802" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Several pain in her legs, hands, and arms. developed Several Vasculitis. Hospitalized for 4 months in pain. Acquired COVID in the hospital and died 5 days later." "1574401-1" "1574401-1" "BIOPSY PERIPHERAL NERVE" "10004845" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Several pain in her legs, hands, and arms. developed Several Vasculitis. Hospitalized for 4 months in pain. Acquired COVID in the hospital and died 5 days later." "1574401-1" "1574401-1" "BIOPSY PHARYNX" "10004851" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Several pain in her legs, hands, and arms. developed Several Vasculitis. Hospitalized for 4 months in pain. Acquired COVID in the hospital and died 5 days later." "1574401-1" "1574401-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Several pain in her legs, hands, and arms. developed Several Vasculitis. Hospitalized for 4 months in pain. Acquired COVID in the hospital and died 5 days later." "1574401-1" "1574401-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Several pain in her legs, hands, and arms. developed Several Vasculitis. Hospitalized for 4 months in pain. Acquired COVID in the hospital and died 5 days later." "1574401-1" "1574401-1" "PAIN IN EXTREMITY" "10033425" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Several pain in her legs, hands, and arms. developed Several Vasculitis. Hospitalized for 4 months in pain. Acquired COVID in the hospital and died 5 days later." "1574401-1" "1574401-1" "VASCULITIS" "10047115" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Several pain in her legs, hands, and arms. developed Several Vasculitis. Hospitalized for 4 months in pain. Acquired COVID in the hospital and died 5 days later." "1577967-1" "1577967-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Hospitalization for COVID19 8/01/21 and death 8/09/21" "1577967-1" "1577967-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Hospitalization for COVID19 8/01/21 and death 8/09/21" "1577972-1" "1577972-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Hospitalization 8/6/21 for Covid19 and death 8/10/21" "1577972-1" "1577972-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Hospitalization 8/6/21 for Covid19 and death 8/10/21" "1577987-1" "1577987-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Hospitalization 7/28/21 for Covid19 and death 8/07/21. Received dexamethasone 6 mg IV daily and Remdesivir for 8 doses" "1577987-1" "1577987-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Hospitalization 7/28/21 for Covid19 and death 8/07/21. Received dexamethasone 6 mg IV daily and Remdesivir for 8 doses" "1578507-1" "1578507-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SHORT OF BREATH, EXPOSURE TO WIFE WITH covid, FEVER, ADMITTED TO ICU AND THEN HOSPICE" "1578507-1" "1578507-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SHORT OF BREATH, EXPOSURE TO WIFE WITH covid, FEVER, ADMITTED TO ICU AND THEN HOSPICE" "1578507-1" "1578507-1" "EXPOSURE TO SARS-COV-2" "10084456" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SHORT OF BREATH, EXPOSURE TO WIFE WITH covid, FEVER, ADMITTED TO ICU AND THEN HOSPICE" "1578507-1" "1578507-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SHORT OF BREATH, EXPOSURE TO WIFE WITH covid, FEVER, ADMITTED TO ICU AND THEN HOSPICE" "1578507-1" "1578507-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SHORT OF BREATH, EXPOSURE TO WIFE WITH covid, FEVER, ADMITTED TO ICU AND THEN HOSPICE" "1578507-1" "1578507-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST" "10084354" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SHORT OF BREATH, EXPOSURE TO WIFE WITH covid, FEVER, ADMITTED TO ICU AND THEN HOSPICE" "1578516-1" "1578516-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" "ALTERED MENTAL STATUS, SHORT OF BREATH" "1578516-1" "1578516-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "ALTERED MENTAL STATUS, SHORT OF BREATH" "1578516-1" "1578516-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "ALTERED MENTAL STATUS, SHORT OF BREATH" "1578516-1" "1578516-1" "MENTAL STATUS CHANGES" "10048294" "65-79 years" "65-79" "ALTERED MENTAL STATUS, SHORT OF BREATH" "1578516-1" "1578516-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST" "10084354" "65-79 years" "65-79" "ALTERED MENTAL STATUS, SHORT OF BREATH" "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "ARTHRALGIA" "10003239" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "BACK PAIN" "10003988" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "CARDIAC FLUTTER" "10052840" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "HEART RATE INCREASED" "10019303" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "INJECTION SITE ERYTHEMA" "10022061" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "INJECTION SITE SWELLING" "10053425" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "JAUNDICE" "10023126" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "MYALGIA" "10028411" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "PALPITATIONS" "10033557" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "PANCREATITIS" "10033645" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1582335-1" "1582335-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Chest and back pain, Shortness of breath, Feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, feeling unwell, diarrhea, vomiting and eventually signs of pancreatitis, jaundice and death within 4 months of 2nd shot. This is 5 in family and friend group taking Pfizer." "1583177-1" "1583177-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" "08/11/2021 19:08 The patient presents with 77 year old male with a PMHx of HTN, MI, distant lung cancer, CAD, and high cholesterol presents with shortness of breath x 2 days. Pt got COVID a week ago and states he was feeling better but reports he started to have shortness of breath 2 days ago. He denies taking any medication for COVID. He denies fever, n/v, diarrhea or any other symptoms. Pt reports he had a headache, chills, myalgia but denies those symptoms now. Pt states he is here to get BAM done. Pt reports he got his COVID vaccine earlier this year but is unsure which one. No chest pain, abdominal pain, urinary symptoms. No leg swelling. No other complaints. The onset was 1 weeks ago." "1583177-1" "1583177-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "08/11/2021 19:08 The patient presents with 77 year old male with a PMHx of HTN, MI, distant lung cancer, CAD, and high cholesterol presents with shortness of breath x 2 days. Pt got COVID a week ago and states he was feeling better but reports he started to have shortness of breath 2 days ago. He denies taking any medication for COVID. He denies fever, n/v, diarrhea or any other symptoms. Pt reports he had a headache, chills, myalgia but denies those symptoms now. Pt states he is here to get BAM done. Pt reports he got his COVID vaccine earlier this year but is unsure which one. No chest pain, abdominal pain, urinary symptoms. No leg swelling. No other complaints. The onset was 1 weeks ago." "1583177-1" "1583177-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "08/11/2021 19:08 The patient presents with 77 year old male with a PMHx of HTN, MI, distant lung cancer, CAD, and high cholesterol presents with shortness of breath x 2 days. Pt got COVID a week ago and states he was feeling better but reports he started to have shortness of breath 2 days ago. He denies taking any medication for COVID. He denies fever, n/v, diarrhea or any other symptoms. Pt reports he had a headache, chills, myalgia but denies those symptoms now. Pt states he is here to get BAM done. Pt reports he got his COVID vaccine earlier this year but is unsure which one. No chest pain, abdominal pain, urinary symptoms. No leg swelling. No other complaints. The onset was 1 weeks ago." "1583177-1" "1583177-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "08/11/2021 19:08 The patient presents with 77 year old male with a PMHx of HTN, MI, distant lung cancer, CAD, and high cholesterol presents with shortness of breath x 2 days. Pt got COVID a week ago and states he was feeling better but reports he started to have shortness of breath 2 days ago. He denies taking any medication for COVID. He denies fever, n/v, diarrhea or any other symptoms. Pt reports he had a headache, chills, myalgia but denies those symptoms now. Pt states he is here to get BAM done. Pt reports he got his COVID vaccine earlier this year but is unsure which one. No chest pain, abdominal pain, urinary symptoms. No leg swelling. No other complaints. The onset was 1 weeks ago." "1583177-1" "1583177-1" "MYALGIA" "10028411" "65-79 years" "65-79" "08/11/2021 19:08 The patient presents with 77 year old male with a PMHx of HTN, MI, distant lung cancer, CAD, and high cholesterol presents with shortness of breath x 2 days. Pt got COVID a week ago and states he was feeling better but reports he started to have shortness of breath 2 days ago. He denies taking any medication for COVID. He denies fever, n/v, diarrhea or any other symptoms. Pt reports he had a headache, chills, myalgia but denies those symptoms now. Pt states he is here to get BAM done. Pt reports he got his COVID vaccine earlier this year but is unsure which one. No chest pain, abdominal pain, urinary symptoms. No leg swelling. No other complaints. The onset was 1 weeks ago." "1583177-1" "1583177-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "08/11/2021 19:08 The patient presents with 77 year old male with a PMHx of HTN, MI, distant lung cancer, CAD, and high cholesterol presents with shortness of breath x 2 days. Pt got COVID a week ago and states he was feeling better but reports he started to have shortness of breath 2 days ago. He denies taking any medication for COVID. He denies fever, n/v, diarrhea or any other symptoms. Pt reports he had a headache, chills, myalgia but denies those symptoms now. Pt states he is here to get BAM done. Pt reports he got his COVID vaccine earlier this year but is unsure which one. No chest pain, abdominal pain, urinary symptoms. No leg swelling. No other complaints. The onset was 1 weeks ago." "1583196-1" "1583196-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt was hospitalized with covid and died" "1583196-1" "1583196-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt was hospitalized with covid and died" "1583196-1" "1583196-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt was hospitalized with covid and died" "1586852-1" "1586852-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Recent N/V/D Presented Viral Gastroenteritis COVID vaccine related" "1586852-1" "1586852-1" "GASTROENTERITIS VIRAL" "10017918" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Recent N/V/D Presented Viral Gastroenteritis COVID vaccine related" "1586852-1" "1586852-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Recent N/V/D Presented Viral Gastroenteritis COVID vaccine related" "1586852-1" "1586852-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Recent N/V/D Presented Viral Gastroenteritis COVID vaccine related" "1587137-1" "1587137-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" "signs and symptoms of covid- hospitalization and death" "1587137-1" "1587137-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "signs and symptoms of covid- hospitalization and death" "1587137-1" "1587137-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "signs and symptoms of covid- hospitalization and death" "1587137-1" "1587137-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST" "10084354" "65-79 years" "65-79" "signs and symptoms of covid- hospitalization and death" "1591215-1" "1591215-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cause of death not documented. No ADRs reported between the observation period and date of death. Significant comorbidities include multiple myeloma, HTN, BPH, PTSD. History of hospitalization prior to death not available. Death updated on the system on JuL 28, 2021." "1591241-1" "1591241-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cause of death not documented. Not information about previously COVID-19 positive, predisposing factors, hospitalization history, and co-morbidities on the electronic health record. No adverse events during the observation period after administration of the vaccine. No primary care provider listed. Death documented on our EHR on 08/02/2021." "1591271-1" "1591271-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cause of death not documented. The ADR did not occur at the time of the administration of the vaccine nor was there an ADR that occurred between the observation period and the date of death. Significant comorbidities include HTN, hyperlipidemia, COPD, GERD, prolonged QT interval, and history of polypectomy." "1591545-1" "1591545-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt was hospitalized with covid 8/15 and died 8/20" "1591545-1" "1591545-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt was hospitalized with covid 8/15 and died 8/20" "1591545-1" "1591545-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt was hospitalized with covid 8/15 and died 8/20" "1591608-1" "1591608-1" "CENTRAL VENOUS CATHETER REMOVAL" "10067098" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""This is the case of a 76 year old with a history of DM, high cholesterol, and a recent humeral bone infection. The decedent had his PORT removed today after his bone infection appeared to be healed. The decedent did not smoke cigarettes, did not drink alcohol, did not use illicit drugs, did not have depression, and did not have any COVID symptoms. Today the decedent appeared in high spirits after he received his booster/third shot of Moderna. He received it on 8/19/21 at the Pharmacy at 1300 hours. This evening the decedent was with his wife when he told her all of a sudden he felt sick. He started toward the bathroom when she reported hearing a noise from him that ""she has never heard before"". She heard the decedent collapse and called 911. EMS started ALS and EMS took over. They continued for minutes but he could not be resuscitated and was pronounced on scene. EMS confirmed all of the medications were in order, no concerns of foul play, or any other unnatural death. Jurisdiction is assumed due to vaccination shot within 48 hours. Previous vaccinations received included Moderna on 2/14/21, lot #015M20A, Second shot 3/14/21 lot #044A21A"" "1591608-1" "1591608-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""This is the case of a 76 year old with a history of DM, high cholesterol, and a recent humeral bone infection. The decedent had his PORT removed today after his bone infection appeared to be healed. The decedent did not smoke cigarettes, did not drink alcohol, did not use illicit drugs, did not have depression, and did not have any COVID symptoms. Today the decedent appeared in high spirits after he received his booster/third shot of Moderna. He received it on 8/19/21 at the Pharmacy at 1300 hours. This evening the decedent was with his wife when he told her all of a sudden he felt sick. He started toward the bathroom when she reported hearing a noise from him that ""she has never heard before"". She heard the decedent collapse and called 911. EMS started ALS and EMS took over. They continued for minutes but he could not be resuscitated and was pronounced on scene. EMS confirmed all of the medications were in order, no concerns of foul play, or any other unnatural death. Jurisdiction is assumed due to vaccination shot within 48 hours. Previous vaccinations received included Moderna on 2/14/21, lot #015M20A, Second shot 3/14/21 lot #044A21A"" "1591608-1" "1591608-1" "EXTRA DOSE ADMINISTERED" "10064366" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""This is the case of a 76 year old with a history of DM, high cholesterol, and a recent humeral bone infection. The decedent had his PORT removed today after his bone infection appeared to be healed. The decedent did not smoke cigarettes, did not drink alcohol, did not use illicit drugs, did not have depression, and did not have any COVID symptoms. Today the decedent appeared in high spirits after he received his booster/third shot of Moderna. He received it on 8/19/21 at the Pharmacy at 1300 hours. This evening the decedent was with his wife when he told her all of a sudden he felt sick. He started toward the bathroom when she reported hearing a noise from him that ""she has never heard before"". She heard the decedent collapse and called 911. EMS started ALS and EMS took over. They continued for minutes but he could not be resuscitated and was pronounced on scene. EMS confirmed all of the medications were in order, no concerns of foul play, or any other unnatural death. Jurisdiction is assumed due to vaccination shot within 48 hours. Previous vaccinations received included Moderna on 2/14/21, lot #015M20A, Second shot 3/14/21 lot #044A21A"" "1591608-1" "1591608-1" "LIFE SUPPORT" "10024447" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""This is the case of a 76 year old with a history of DM, high cholesterol, and a recent humeral bone infection. The decedent had his PORT removed today after his bone infection appeared to be healed. The decedent did not smoke cigarettes, did not drink alcohol, did not use illicit drugs, did not have depression, and did not have any COVID symptoms. Today the decedent appeared in high spirits after he received his booster/third shot of Moderna. He received it on 8/19/21 at the Pharmacy at 1300 hours. This evening the decedent was with his wife when he told her all of a sudden he felt sick. He started toward the bathroom when she reported hearing a noise from him that ""she has never heard before"". She heard the decedent collapse and called 911. EMS started ALS and EMS took over. They continued for minutes but he could not be resuscitated and was pronounced on scene. EMS confirmed all of the medications were in order, no concerns of foul play, or any other unnatural death. Jurisdiction is assumed due to vaccination shot within 48 hours. Previous vaccinations received included Moderna on 2/14/21, lot #015M20A, Second shot 3/14/21 lot #044A21A"" "1591608-1" "1591608-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""This is the case of a 76 year old with a history of DM, high cholesterol, and a recent humeral bone infection. The decedent had his PORT removed today after his bone infection appeared to be healed. The decedent did not smoke cigarettes, did not drink alcohol, did not use illicit drugs, did not have depression, and did not have any COVID symptoms. Today the decedent appeared in high spirits after he received his booster/third shot of Moderna. He received it on 8/19/21 at the Pharmacy at 1300 hours. This evening the decedent was with his wife when he told her all of a sudden he felt sick. He started toward the bathroom when she reported hearing a noise from him that ""she has never heard before"". She heard the decedent collapse and called 911. EMS started ALS and EMS took over. They continued for minutes but he could not be resuscitated and was pronounced on scene. EMS confirmed all of the medications were in order, no concerns of foul play, or any other unnatural death. Jurisdiction is assumed due to vaccination shot within 48 hours. Previous vaccinations received included Moderna on 2/14/21, lot #015M20A, Second shot 3/14/21 lot #044A21A"" "1591608-1" "1591608-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""This is the case of a 76 year old with a history of DM, high cholesterol, and a recent humeral bone infection. The decedent had his PORT removed today after his bone infection appeared to be healed. The decedent did not smoke cigarettes, did not drink alcohol, did not use illicit drugs, did not have depression, and did not have any COVID symptoms. Today the decedent appeared in high spirits after he received his booster/third shot of Moderna. He received it on 8/19/21 at the Pharmacy at 1300 hours. This evening the decedent was with his wife when he told her all of a sudden he felt sick. He started toward the bathroom when she reported hearing a noise from him that ""she has never heard before"". She heard the decedent collapse and called 911. EMS started ALS and EMS took over. They continued for minutes but he could not be resuscitated and was pronounced on scene. EMS confirmed all of the medications were in order, no concerns of foul play, or any other unnatural death. Jurisdiction is assumed due to vaccination shot within 48 hours. Previous vaccinations received included Moderna on 2/14/21, lot #015M20A, Second shot 3/14/21 lot #044A21A"" "1591608-1" "1591608-1" "SYNCOPE" "10042772" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""This is the case of a 76 year old with a history of DM, high cholesterol, and a recent humeral bone infection. The decedent had his PORT removed today after his bone infection appeared to be healed. The decedent did not smoke cigarettes, did not drink alcohol, did not use illicit drugs, did not have depression, and did not have any COVID symptoms. Today the decedent appeared in high spirits after he received his booster/third shot of Moderna. He received it on 8/19/21 at the Pharmacy at 1300 hours. This evening the decedent was with his wife when he told her all of a sudden he felt sick. He started toward the bathroom when she reported hearing a noise from him that ""she has never heard before"". She heard the decedent collapse and called 911. EMS started ALS and EMS took over. They continued for minutes but he could not be resuscitated and was pronounced on scene. EMS confirmed all of the medications were in order, no concerns of foul play, or any other unnatural death. Jurisdiction is assumed due to vaccination shot within 48 hours. Previous vaccinations received included Moderna on 2/14/21, lot #015M20A, Second shot 3/14/21 lot #044A21A"" "1617486-1" "1617486-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "NEXT DAY AFTER RECIEVING THE VACCINE, MY FATHER EXPERIENCED CHEST PAIN, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, AND WEAKNESS. DUE TO MY FATHER BEING BLIND, HE WAS NOT PROPERLY INFORMED OF ALL THE POTENTIAL RISK, AND SIDE EFFECTS BY THE CLINIC. THE CLINIC GAVE HIM LITERATURE ON THIS, BUT HE COULDNT SEE TO READ ALL THE SIDE EFFECTS THAT MAY BE CAUSED BY TAKING THIS VACCINE, NOT KNOWING HOW CRITICAL IT WAS TO BE SEEN BY A PHYSICIAN, HE STAYED HOME. CONTINUED TO HAVE SHORTNESS OF BREATH, AND WEAKNESS SYMPTOMS UNTIL HE PASSED. MY FATHER DIED ON 8/9/2021." "1617486-1" "1617486-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "NEXT DAY AFTER RECIEVING THE VACCINE, MY FATHER EXPERIENCED CHEST PAIN, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, AND WEAKNESS. DUE TO MY FATHER BEING BLIND, HE WAS NOT PROPERLY INFORMED OF ALL THE POTENTIAL RISK, AND SIDE EFFECTS BY THE CLINIC. THE CLINIC GAVE HIM LITERATURE ON THIS, BUT HE COULDNT SEE TO READ ALL THE SIDE EFFECTS THAT MAY BE CAUSED BY TAKING THIS VACCINE, NOT KNOWING HOW CRITICAL IT WAS TO BE SEEN BY A PHYSICIAN, HE STAYED HOME. CONTINUED TO HAVE SHORTNESS OF BREATH, AND WEAKNESS SYMPTOMS UNTIL HE PASSED. MY FATHER DIED ON 8/9/2021." "1617486-1" "1617486-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "NEXT DAY AFTER RECIEVING THE VACCINE, MY FATHER EXPERIENCED CHEST PAIN, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, AND WEAKNESS. DUE TO MY FATHER BEING BLIND, HE WAS NOT PROPERLY INFORMED OF ALL THE POTENTIAL RISK, AND SIDE EFFECTS BY THE CLINIC. THE CLINIC GAVE HIM LITERATURE ON THIS, BUT HE COULDNT SEE TO READ ALL THE SIDE EFFECTS THAT MAY BE CAUSED BY TAKING THIS VACCINE, NOT KNOWING HOW CRITICAL IT WAS TO BE SEEN BY A PHYSICIAN, HE STAYED HOME. CONTINUED TO HAVE SHORTNESS OF BREATH, AND WEAKNESS SYMPTOMS UNTIL HE PASSED. MY FATHER DIED ON 8/9/2021." "1617486-1" "1617486-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "NEXT DAY AFTER RECIEVING THE VACCINE, MY FATHER EXPERIENCED CHEST PAIN, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, AND WEAKNESS. DUE TO MY FATHER BEING BLIND, HE WAS NOT PROPERLY INFORMED OF ALL THE POTENTIAL RISK, AND SIDE EFFECTS BY THE CLINIC. THE CLINIC GAVE HIM LITERATURE ON THIS, BUT HE COULDNT SEE TO READ ALL THE SIDE EFFECTS THAT MAY BE CAUSED BY TAKING THIS VACCINE, NOT KNOWING HOW CRITICAL IT WAS TO BE SEEN BY A PHYSICIAN, HE STAYED HOME. CONTINUED TO HAVE SHORTNESS OF BREATH, AND WEAKNESS SYMPTOMS UNTIL HE PASSED. MY FATHER DIED ON 8/9/2021." "1622738-1" "1622738-1" "SUDDEN DEATH" "10042434" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden death" "1624134-1" "1624134-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "shortness of breath and weakness" "1624134-1" "1624134-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "shortness of breath and weakness" "1624537-1" "1624537-1" "SUDDEN DEATH" "10042434" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden death" "1625032-1" "1625032-1" "BIOPSY LIVER" "10004791" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Loss of appetite after vaccine, fatigue, died of organ (liver) failure." "1625032-1" "1625032-1" "BLOOD BILIRUBIN INCREASED" "10005364" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Loss of appetite after vaccine, fatigue, died of organ (liver) failure." "1625032-1" "1625032-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Loss of appetite after vaccine, fatigue, died of organ (liver) failure." "1625032-1" "1625032-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Loss of appetite after vaccine, fatigue, died of organ (liver) failure." "1625032-1" "1625032-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Loss of appetite after vaccine, fatigue, died of organ (liver) failure." "1625032-1" "1625032-1" "HEPATIC ENZYME INCREASED" "10060795" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Loss of appetite after vaccine, fatigue, died of organ (liver) failure." "1625032-1" "1625032-1" "HEPATIC FAILURE" "10019663" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Loss of appetite after vaccine, fatigue, died of organ (liver) failure." "1625032-1" "1625032-1" "HEPATIC LESION" "10061998" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Loss of appetite after vaccine, fatigue, died of organ (liver) failure." "1625032-1" "1625032-1" "HEPATIC MASS" "10057110" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Loss of appetite after vaccine, fatigue, died of organ (liver) failure." "1625032-1" "1625032-1" "PARACENTESIS" "10061905" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Loss of appetite after vaccine, fatigue, died of organ (liver) failure." "1628006-1" "1628006-1" "ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10001053" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Hospitalization 8/14-8/22/2021 for acute respiratory failure/pneumonia due to COVID. Treated with dexamethasone 6 mg IV daily; Remdesivir for 5 days. Expired 8/22/2021" "1628006-1" "1628006-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Hospitalization 8/14-8/22/2021 for acute respiratory failure/pneumonia due to COVID. Treated with dexamethasone 6 mg IV daily; Remdesivir for 5 days. Expired 8/22/2021" "1628006-1" "1628006-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Hospitalization 8/14-8/22/2021 for acute respiratory failure/pneumonia due to COVID. Treated with dexamethasone 6 mg IV daily; Remdesivir for 5 days. Expired 8/22/2021" "1628098-1" "1628098-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Hospitalization for COVID pneumonia/hypoxemia 8/15-8/21/2021. Treated with dexamethasone 6 mg IV daily; Remdesivir for 5 days; Expired 08/21/2021." "1628098-1" "1628098-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Hospitalization for COVID pneumonia/hypoxemia 8/15-8/21/2021. Treated with dexamethasone 6 mg IV daily; Remdesivir for 5 days; Expired 08/21/2021." "1628098-1" "1628098-1" "HYPOXIA" "10021143" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Hospitalization for COVID pneumonia/hypoxemia 8/15-8/21/2021. Treated with dexamethasone 6 mg IV daily; Remdesivir for 5 days; Expired 08/21/2021." "1628578-1" "1628578-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized on 8/22/21 stating that she could not breath and passed away. Her second COVID vaccine was received on 8/19/2021." "1628578-1" "1628578-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was hospitalized on 8/22/21 stating that she could not breath and passed away. Her second COVID vaccine was received on 8/19/2021." "1632600-1" "1632600-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "throwing up, high white blood cell count, raspatory arrest, cardiac arrest, un able to destabilize, death do to organ failure" "1632600-1" "1632600-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "throwing up, high white blood cell count, raspatory arrest, cardiac arrest, un able to destabilize, death do to organ failure" "1632600-1" "1632600-1" "GENERAL PHYSICAL HEALTH DETERIORATION" "10049438" "65-79 years" "65-79" "throwing up, high white blood cell count, raspatory arrest, cardiac arrest, un able to destabilize, death do to organ failure" "1632600-1" "1632600-1" "ORGAN FAILURE" "10053159" "65-79 years" "65-79" "throwing up, high white blood cell count, raspatory arrest, cardiac arrest, un able to destabilize, death do to organ failure" "1632600-1" "1632600-1" "RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10038669" "65-79 years" "65-79" "throwing up, high white blood cell count, raspatory arrest, cardiac arrest, un able to destabilize, death do to organ failure" "1632600-1" "1632600-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "throwing up, high white blood cell count, raspatory arrest, cardiac arrest, un able to destabilize, death do to organ failure" "1632600-1" "1632600-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT INCREASED" "10047943" "65-79 years" "65-79" "throwing up, high white blood cell count, raspatory arrest, cardiac arrest, un able to destabilize, death do to organ failure" "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "ACIDOSIS" "10000486" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10001053" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "BILEVEL POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE" "10064530" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "BLOOD PH DECREASED" "10005706" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "BRONCHOSTENOSIS" "10006487" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "CHEST X-RAY ABNORMAL" "10008499" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM ABDOMEN ABNORMAL" "10057798" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM THORAX ABNORMAL" "10057799" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "DIAPHRAGMATIC HERNIA" "10012713" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "GENERAL PHYSICAL HEALTH DETERIORATION" "10049438" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "HIATUS HERNIA" "10020028" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "LEUKOCYTOSIS" "10024378" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "LUNG CONSOLIDATION" "10025080" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "N-TERMINAL PROHORMONE BRAIN NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE INCREASED" "10071662" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "PCO2 INCREASED" "10034183" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "PROCALCITONIN INCREASED" "10067081" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "PULMONARY ARTERY STENOSIS" "10037338" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "PULMONARY MASS" "10056342" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "PULMONARY VALVE STENOSIS" "10037450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "RESPIRATORY DISTRESS" "10038687" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10038695" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "SHIFT TO THE LEFT" "10056383" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1632629-1" "1632629-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT INCREASED" "10047943" "65-79 years" "65-79" "74-year-old female presents emergency room complaining of shortness of breath. EMS reported that initial sats were 50% she was placed on a non-rebreather mask. She subsequently was placed on BiPAP in the emergency room and her saturations actually decreased therefore she was placed back on a non-rebreather mask. The patient continued to decline and ultimately required intubation after her initial blood gas revealed her to be extremely acidotic with a pH is 7.19 and pCO2 of 83. Little is known about the patient's history otherwise I do not know if she has had any fever. I have been told that the patient has been fully vaccinated for COVID. She has had a COVID swab returned as positive tonight. I am unaware of exposures at this time. She has other remarkable findings in the emergency room specifically a leukocytosis of 34,000 with left shift. ProBNP is 11000. Procalcitonin is elevated at 1.18. The patient has a history of incarcerated diaphragmatic hernia in 2014. On chest x-ray tonight it appears that she has stomach in her chest. On the CT it also appears that she has hiatal hernia with part of the stomach in the chest also part of the colon in the chest through her diaphragmatic hernia. Question of bowel obstruction is raised but no definitive answer is given on CT. Patient also has a consolidation of the right upper lobe with possible mass. CT also reveals bilateral findings consistent with COVID. No PE. The patient I believe has a cardiac history and has a history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. DISCHARGE: Patient was a 74-year-old patient, who was admitted after arriving via EMS with respiratory distress. Apparently, she had been sick for 2 weeks for shortness of breath. She came to the ER, was emergently intubated with acute hypoxic hypercapnic respiratory failure. The patient has multiple CTs done, one of the chest revealed a central mass with significant narrowing of the right upper lobe and right middle lobe pulmonary arteries, stenosis of the right upper lobe bronchus. I thought she probably had a postobstructive pneumonia. Also, of note, she has some patchy airspace disease, consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. The patient did test positive for COVID-19. The patient was intubated, placed in ICU. Palliative Care was consulted and after discussion with family, it was decided to remove her from the ventilator given her diagnoses. The patient was extubated and pronounced by Dr. at 05:39 p.m." "1636579-1" "1636579-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cough, SOB" "1636579-1" "1636579-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cough, SOB" "1636579-1" "1636579-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cough, SOB" "1636579-1" "1636579-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST" "10084354" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Cough, SOB" "1641180-1" "1641180-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with difficulty breathing, came by EMS. Pt admitted to ICU." "1641180-1" "1641180-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with difficulty breathing, came by EMS. Pt admitted to ICU." "1641180-1" "1641180-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with difficulty breathing, came by EMS. Pt admitted to ICU." "1641180-1" "1641180-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with difficulty breathing, came by EMS. Pt admitted to ICU." "1641180-1" "1641180-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with difficulty breathing, came by EMS. Pt admitted to ICU." "1641358-1" "1641358-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Difficulty breathing, on 6L oxygen from PCP office, cough, weakness." "1641358-1" "1641358-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Difficulty breathing, on 6L oxygen from PCP office, cough, weakness." "1641358-1" "1641358-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Difficulty breathing, on 6L oxygen from PCP office, cough, weakness." "1641358-1" "1641358-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Difficulty breathing, on 6L oxygen from PCP office, cough, weakness." "1641358-1" "1641358-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST" "10084354" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Difficulty breathing, on 6L oxygen from PCP office, cough, weakness." "1641422-1" "1641422-1" "CHEST X-RAY ABNORMAL" "10008499" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o SOB that started earlier that morning. Pt became very winded and could not catch his breath, EMS called and pt sats in the 60-70's with tachypnea." "1641422-1" "1641422-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM THORAX ABNORMAL" "10057799" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o SOB that started earlier that morning. Pt became very winded and could not catch his breath, EMS called and pt sats in the 60-70's with tachypnea." "1641422-1" "1641422-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o SOB that started earlier that morning. Pt became very winded and could not catch his breath, EMS called and pt sats in the 60-70's with tachypnea." "1641422-1" "1641422-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o SOB that started earlier that morning. Pt became very winded and could not catch his breath, EMS called and pt sats in the 60-70's with tachypnea." "1641422-1" "1641422-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o SOB that started earlier that morning. Pt became very winded and could not catch his breath, EMS called and pt sats in the 60-70's with tachypnea." "1641422-1" "1641422-1" "LUNG OPACITY" "10081792" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o SOB that started earlier that morning. Pt became very winded and could not catch his breath, EMS called and pt sats in the 60-70's with tachypnea." "1641422-1" "1641422-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o SOB that started earlier that morning. Pt became very winded and could not catch his breath, EMS called and pt sats in the 60-70's with tachypnea." "1641422-1" "1641422-1" "SCAN WITH CONTRAST ABNORMAL" "10062152" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o SOB that started earlier that morning. Pt became very winded and could not catch his breath, EMS called and pt sats in the 60-70's with tachypnea." "1641422-1" "1641422-1" "TACHYPNOEA" "10043089" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o SOB that started earlier that morning. Pt became very winded and could not catch his breath, EMS called and pt sats in the 60-70's with tachypnea." "1641444-1" "1641444-1" "ANGIOGRAM PULMONARY" "10002440" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with SOB that began morning of. Found to be hypoxic by EMS." "1641444-1" "1641444-1" "CHEST X-RAY ABNORMAL" "10008499" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with SOB that began morning of. Found to be hypoxic by EMS." "1641444-1" "1641444-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with SOB that began morning of. Found to be hypoxic by EMS." "1641444-1" "1641444-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with SOB that began morning of. Found to be hypoxic by EMS." "1641444-1" "1641444-1" "HYPOXIA" "10021143" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with SOB that began morning of. Found to be hypoxic by EMS." "1641444-1" "1641444-1" "LUNG INFILTRATION" "10025102" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with SOB that began morning of. Found to be hypoxic by EMS." "1641444-1" "1641444-1" "PLEURAL EFFUSION" "10035598" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with SOB that began morning of. Found to be hypoxic by EMS." "1641444-1" "1641444-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with SOB that began morning of. Found to be hypoxic by EMS." "1641444-1" "1641444-1" "SCAN WITH CONTRAST" "10059696" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with SOB that began morning of. Found to be hypoxic by EMS." "1641551-1" "1641551-1" "CONFUSIONAL STATE" "10010305" "65-79 years" "65-79" "7/30/21: admitted for multiple falls 8/5/21: Transitioned to Inpatient Rehab. 8/13/21: He became altered and hypoxic, prompting testing for COVID-19. Resulted positive COVID PCR on 8/13/21; breathing comfortably on 2L nasal cannula 8/17/21: completed remdesivir course, worsening confusion and altered mentation; using heated-high flow at 35L, non-rebreather 8/19/21: patient discharged to hospice. 8/22/21: patient passed. Time of death 0508." "1641551-1" "1641551-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "7/30/21: admitted for multiple falls 8/5/21: Transitioned to Inpatient Rehab. 8/13/21: He became altered and hypoxic, prompting testing for COVID-19. Resulted positive COVID PCR on 8/13/21; breathing comfortably on 2L nasal cannula 8/17/21: completed remdesivir course, worsening confusion and altered mentation; using heated-high flow at 35L, non-rebreather 8/19/21: patient discharged to hospice. 8/22/21: patient passed. Time of death 0508." "1641551-1" "1641551-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "7/30/21: admitted for multiple falls 8/5/21: Transitioned to Inpatient Rehab. 8/13/21: He became altered and hypoxic, prompting testing for COVID-19. Resulted positive COVID PCR on 8/13/21; breathing comfortably on 2L nasal cannula 8/17/21: completed remdesivir course, worsening confusion and altered mentation; using heated-high flow at 35L, non-rebreather 8/19/21: patient discharged to hospice. 8/22/21: patient passed. Time of death 0508." "1641551-1" "1641551-1" "FALL" "10016173" "65-79 years" "65-79" "7/30/21: admitted for multiple falls 8/5/21: Transitioned to Inpatient Rehab. 8/13/21: He became altered and hypoxic, prompting testing for COVID-19. Resulted positive COVID PCR on 8/13/21; breathing comfortably on 2L nasal cannula 8/17/21: completed remdesivir course, worsening confusion and altered mentation; using heated-high flow at 35L, non-rebreather 8/19/21: patient discharged to hospice. 8/22/21: patient passed. Time of death 0508." "1641551-1" "1641551-1" "HYPOXIA" "10021143" "65-79 years" "65-79" "7/30/21: admitted for multiple falls 8/5/21: Transitioned to Inpatient Rehab. 8/13/21: He became altered and hypoxic, prompting testing for COVID-19. Resulted positive COVID PCR on 8/13/21; breathing comfortably on 2L nasal cannula 8/17/21: completed remdesivir course, worsening confusion and altered mentation; using heated-high flow at 35L, non-rebreather 8/19/21: patient discharged to hospice. 8/22/21: patient passed. Time of death 0508." "1641551-1" "1641551-1" "MENTAL STATUS CHANGES" "10048294" "65-79 years" "65-79" "7/30/21: admitted for multiple falls 8/5/21: Transitioned to Inpatient Rehab. 8/13/21: He became altered and hypoxic, prompting testing for COVID-19. Resulted positive COVID PCR on 8/13/21; breathing comfortably on 2L nasal cannula 8/17/21: completed remdesivir course, worsening confusion and altered mentation; using heated-high flow at 35L, non-rebreather 8/19/21: patient discharged to hospice. 8/22/21: patient passed. Time of death 0508." "1641551-1" "1641551-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "7/30/21: admitted for multiple falls 8/5/21: Transitioned to Inpatient Rehab. 8/13/21: He became altered and hypoxic, prompting testing for COVID-19. Resulted positive COVID PCR on 8/13/21; breathing comfortably on 2L nasal cannula 8/17/21: completed remdesivir course, worsening confusion and altered mentation; using heated-high flow at 35L, non-rebreather 8/19/21: patient discharged to hospice. 8/22/21: patient passed. Time of death 0508." "1645204-1" "1645204-1" "ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE" "10062599" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of COMA (went into a coma), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop), COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness), PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) and PYREXIA (fever) in a 74-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In February 2021, the patient experienced PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). In July 2021, the patient experienced COMA (went into a coma) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability and medically significant) and COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization prolonged and disability). On an unknown date, the patient experienced HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) (seriousness criteria death and hospitalization prolonged) and PYREXIA (fever) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). The patient died on 23-Jul-2021. The reported cause of death was Coma, Cardiac arrest, Movements reduced, Arterial occlusion, Foot drop, covid-19, Crackles lung, Oral thrush, Weakness, Pain and Fever. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): In 2021, Biopsy: abnormal (abnormal) extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. In 2021, Biopsy muscle: abnormal (abnormal) muscles were debilitating. In 2021, COVID-19: positive (Positive) positive. No concomitant and treatment information was provided. Patient was removed from the hospital and taken to a rehabilitation facility. Patient had a fever at that facility and a little bit of crackling in her lungs. Then patient was admitted back in the hospital for four months. They did a biopsy in the throat due to thrush in patients mouth, which the patient never had before. patient was completely weak, and couldn't find out what patient had.. After 3 months in the hospital, they found that patient had extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. They gave patient a treatment to lower her vascular system; the name is unknown. patient was doing well, but then patient acquired COVID in July 2021. Two days after patient was diagnosed with COVID, and fell into cardiac arrest. patient went into a coma, then passed 3 days later on 23Jul2021. patient was in the hospital for a total of 131 days. Company Comment: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: cardiac arrest; coma; Pain; Movements reduced; arterial occlusion; foot drop; fever; crackles lung; Oral thrush; weakness; COVID-19" "1645204-1" "1645204-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of COMA (went into a coma), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop), COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness), PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) and PYREXIA (fever) in a 74-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In February 2021, the patient experienced PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). In July 2021, the patient experienced COMA (went into a coma) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability and medically significant) and COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization prolonged and disability). On an unknown date, the patient experienced HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) (seriousness criteria death and hospitalization prolonged) and PYREXIA (fever) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). The patient died on 23-Jul-2021. The reported cause of death was Coma, Cardiac arrest, Movements reduced, Arterial occlusion, Foot drop, covid-19, Crackles lung, Oral thrush, Weakness, Pain and Fever. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): In 2021, Biopsy: abnormal (abnormal) extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. In 2021, Biopsy muscle: abnormal (abnormal) muscles were debilitating. In 2021, COVID-19: positive (Positive) positive. No concomitant and treatment information was provided. Patient was removed from the hospital and taken to a rehabilitation facility. Patient had a fever at that facility and a little bit of crackling in her lungs. Then patient was admitted back in the hospital for four months. They did a biopsy in the throat due to thrush in patients mouth, which the patient never had before. patient was completely weak, and couldn't find out what patient had.. After 3 months in the hospital, they found that patient had extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. They gave patient a treatment to lower her vascular system; the name is unknown. patient was doing well, but then patient acquired COVID in July 2021. Two days after patient was diagnosed with COVID, and fell into cardiac arrest. patient went into a coma, then passed 3 days later on 23Jul2021. patient was in the hospital for a total of 131 days. Company Comment: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: cardiac arrest; coma; Pain; Movements reduced; arterial occlusion; foot drop; fever; crackles lung; Oral thrush; weakness; COVID-19" "1645204-1" "1645204-1" "BIOPSY" "10004720" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of COMA (went into a coma), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop), COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness), PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) and PYREXIA (fever) in a 74-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In February 2021, the patient experienced PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). In July 2021, the patient experienced COMA (went into a coma) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability and medically significant) and COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization prolonged and disability). On an unknown date, the patient experienced HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) (seriousness criteria death and hospitalization prolonged) and PYREXIA (fever) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). The patient died on 23-Jul-2021. The reported cause of death was Coma, Cardiac arrest, Movements reduced, Arterial occlusion, Foot drop, covid-19, Crackles lung, Oral thrush, Weakness, Pain and Fever. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): In 2021, Biopsy: abnormal (abnormal) extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. In 2021, Biopsy muscle: abnormal (abnormal) muscles were debilitating. In 2021, COVID-19: positive (Positive) positive. No concomitant and treatment information was provided. Patient was removed from the hospital and taken to a rehabilitation facility. Patient had a fever at that facility and a little bit of crackling in her lungs. Then patient was admitted back in the hospital for four months. They did a biopsy in the throat due to thrush in patients mouth, which the patient never had before. patient was completely weak, and couldn't find out what patient had.. After 3 months in the hospital, they found that patient had extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. They gave patient a treatment to lower her vascular system; the name is unknown. patient was doing well, but then patient acquired COVID in July 2021. Two days after patient was diagnosed with COVID, and fell into cardiac arrest. patient went into a coma, then passed 3 days later on 23Jul2021. patient was in the hospital for a total of 131 days. Company Comment: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: cardiac arrest; coma; Pain; Movements reduced; arterial occlusion; foot drop; fever; crackles lung; Oral thrush; weakness; COVID-19" "1645204-1" "1645204-1" "BIOPSY MUSCLE" "10004802" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of COMA (went into a coma), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop), COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness), PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) and PYREXIA (fever) in a 74-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In February 2021, the patient experienced PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). In July 2021, the patient experienced COMA (went into a coma) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability and medically significant) and COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization prolonged and disability). On an unknown date, the patient experienced HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) (seriousness criteria death and hospitalization prolonged) and PYREXIA (fever) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). The patient died on 23-Jul-2021. The reported cause of death was Coma, Cardiac arrest, Movements reduced, Arterial occlusion, Foot drop, covid-19, Crackles lung, Oral thrush, Weakness, Pain and Fever. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): In 2021, Biopsy: abnormal (abnormal) extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. In 2021, Biopsy muscle: abnormal (abnormal) muscles were debilitating. In 2021, COVID-19: positive (Positive) positive. No concomitant and treatment information was provided. Patient was removed from the hospital and taken to a rehabilitation facility. Patient had a fever at that facility and a little bit of crackling in her lungs. Then patient was admitted back in the hospital for four months. They did a biopsy in the throat due to thrush in patients mouth, which the patient never had before. patient was completely weak, and couldn't find out what patient had.. After 3 months in the hospital, they found that patient had extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. They gave patient a treatment to lower her vascular system; the name is unknown. patient was doing well, but then patient acquired COVID in July 2021. Two days after patient was diagnosed with COVID, and fell into cardiac arrest. patient went into a coma, then passed 3 days later on 23Jul2021. patient was in the hospital for a total of 131 days. Company Comment: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: cardiac arrest; coma; Pain; Movements reduced; arterial occlusion; foot drop; fever; crackles lung; Oral thrush; weakness; COVID-19" "1645204-1" "1645204-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of COMA (went into a coma), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop), COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness), PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) and PYREXIA (fever) in a 74-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In February 2021, the patient experienced PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). In July 2021, the patient experienced COMA (went into a coma) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability and medically significant) and COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization prolonged and disability). On an unknown date, the patient experienced HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) (seriousness criteria death and hospitalization prolonged) and PYREXIA (fever) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). The patient died on 23-Jul-2021. The reported cause of death was Coma, Cardiac arrest, Movements reduced, Arterial occlusion, Foot drop, covid-19, Crackles lung, Oral thrush, Weakness, Pain and Fever. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): In 2021, Biopsy: abnormal (abnormal) extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. In 2021, Biopsy muscle: abnormal (abnormal) muscles were debilitating. In 2021, COVID-19: positive (Positive) positive. No concomitant and treatment information was provided. Patient was removed from the hospital and taken to a rehabilitation facility. Patient had a fever at that facility and a little bit of crackling in her lungs. Then patient was admitted back in the hospital for four months. They did a biopsy in the throat due to thrush in patients mouth, which the patient never had before. patient was completely weak, and couldn't find out what patient had.. After 3 months in the hospital, they found that patient had extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. They gave patient a treatment to lower her vascular system; the name is unknown. patient was doing well, but then patient acquired COVID in July 2021. Two days after patient was diagnosed with COVID, and fell into cardiac arrest. patient went into a coma, then passed 3 days later on 23Jul2021. patient was in the hospital for a total of 131 days. Company Comment: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: cardiac arrest; coma; Pain; Movements reduced; arterial occlusion; foot drop; fever; crackles lung; Oral thrush; weakness; COVID-19" "1645204-1" "1645204-1" "COMA" "10010071" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of COMA (went into a coma), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop), COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness), PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) and PYREXIA (fever) in a 74-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In February 2021, the patient experienced PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). In July 2021, the patient experienced COMA (went into a coma) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability and medically significant) and COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization prolonged and disability). On an unknown date, the patient experienced HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) (seriousness criteria death and hospitalization prolonged) and PYREXIA (fever) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). The patient died on 23-Jul-2021. The reported cause of death was Coma, Cardiac arrest, Movements reduced, Arterial occlusion, Foot drop, covid-19, Crackles lung, Oral thrush, Weakness, Pain and Fever. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): In 2021, Biopsy: abnormal (abnormal) extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. In 2021, Biopsy muscle: abnormal (abnormal) muscles were debilitating. In 2021, COVID-19: positive (Positive) positive. No concomitant and treatment information was provided. Patient was removed from the hospital and taken to a rehabilitation facility. Patient had a fever at that facility and a little bit of crackling in her lungs. Then patient was admitted back in the hospital for four months. They did a biopsy in the throat due to thrush in patients mouth, which the patient never had before. patient was completely weak, and couldn't find out what patient had.. After 3 months in the hospital, they found that patient had extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. They gave patient a treatment to lower her vascular system; the name is unknown. patient was doing well, but then patient acquired COVID in July 2021. Two days after patient was diagnosed with COVID, and fell into cardiac arrest. patient went into a coma, then passed 3 days later on 23Jul2021. patient was in the hospital for a total of 131 days. Company Comment: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: cardiac arrest; coma; Pain; Movements reduced; arterial occlusion; foot drop; fever; crackles lung; Oral thrush; weakness; COVID-19" "1645204-1" "1645204-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of COMA (went into a coma), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop), COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness), PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) and PYREXIA (fever) in a 74-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In February 2021, the patient experienced PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). In July 2021, the patient experienced COMA (went into a coma) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability and medically significant) and COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization prolonged and disability). On an unknown date, the patient experienced HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) (seriousness criteria death and hospitalization prolonged) and PYREXIA (fever) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). The patient died on 23-Jul-2021. The reported cause of death was Coma, Cardiac arrest, Movements reduced, Arterial occlusion, Foot drop, covid-19, Crackles lung, Oral thrush, Weakness, Pain and Fever. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): In 2021, Biopsy: abnormal (abnormal) extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. In 2021, Biopsy muscle: abnormal (abnormal) muscles were debilitating. In 2021, COVID-19: positive (Positive) positive. No concomitant and treatment information was provided. Patient was removed from the hospital and taken to a rehabilitation facility. Patient had a fever at that facility and a little bit of crackling in her lungs. Then patient was admitted back in the hospital for four months. They did a biopsy in the throat due to thrush in patients mouth, which the patient never had before. patient was completely weak, and couldn't find out what patient had.. After 3 months in the hospital, they found that patient had extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. They gave patient a treatment to lower her vascular system; the name is unknown. patient was doing well, but then patient acquired COVID in July 2021. Two days after patient was diagnosed with COVID, and fell into cardiac arrest. patient went into a coma, then passed 3 days later on 23Jul2021. patient was in the hospital for a total of 131 days. Company Comment: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: cardiac arrest; coma; Pain; Movements reduced; arterial occlusion; foot drop; fever; crackles lung; Oral thrush; weakness; COVID-19" "1645204-1" "1645204-1" "HOSPITALISATION" "10054112" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of COMA (went into a coma), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop), COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness), PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) and PYREXIA (fever) in a 74-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In February 2021, the patient experienced PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). In July 2021, the patient experienced COMA (went into a coma) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability and medically significant) and COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization prolonged and disability). On an unknown date, the patient experienced HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) (seriousness criteria death and hospitalization prolonged) and PYREXIA (fever) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). The patient died on 23-Jul-2021. The reported cause of death was Coma, Cardiac arrest, Movements reduced, Arterial occlusion, Foot drop, covid-19, Crackles lung, Oral thrush, Weakness, Pain and Fever. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): In 2021, Biopsy: abnormal (abnormal) extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. In 2021, Biopsy muscle: abnormal (abnormal) muscles were debilitating. In 2021, COVID-19: positive (Positive) positive. No concomitant and treatment information was provided. Patient was removed from the hospital and taken to a rehabilitation facility. Patient had a fever at that facility and a little bit of crackling in her lungs. Then patient was admitted back in the hospital for four months. They did a biopsy in the throat due to thrush in patients mouth, which the patient never had before. patient was completely weak, and couldn't find out what patient had.. After 3 months in the hospital, they found that patient had extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. They gave patient a treatment to lower her vascular system; the name is unknown. patient was doing well, but then patient acquired COVID in July 2021. Two days after patient was diagnosed with COVID, and fell into cardiac arrest. patient went into a coma, then passed 3 days later on 23Jul2021. patient was in the hospital for a total of 131 days. Company Comment: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: cardiac arrest; coma; Pain; Movements reduced; arterial occlusion; foot drop; fever; crackles lung; Oral thrush; weakness; COVID-19" "1645204-1" "1645204-1" "HYPOKINESIA" "10021021" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of COMA (went into a coma), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop), COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness), PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) and PYREXIA (fever) in a 74-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In February 2021, the patient experienced PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). In July 2021, the patient experienced COMA (went into a coma) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability and medically significant) and COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization prolonged and disability). On an unknown date, the patient experienced HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) (seriousness criteria death and hospitalization prolonged) and PYREXIA (fever) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). The patient died on 23-Jul-2021. The reported cause of death was Coma, Cardiac arrest, Movements reduced, Arterial occlusion, Foot drop, covid-19, Crackles lung, Oral thrush, Weakness, Pain and Fever. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): In 2021, Biopsy: abnormal (abnormal) extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. In 2021, Biopsy muscle: abnormal (abnormal) muscles were debilitating. In 2021, COVID-19: positive (Positive) positive. No concomitant and treatment information was provided. Patient was removed from the hospital and taken to a rehabilitation facility. Patient had a fever at that facility and a little bit of crackling in her lungs. Then patient was admitted back in the hospital for four months. They did a biopsy in the throat due to thrush in patients mouth, which the patient never had before. patient was completely weak, and couldn't find out what patient had.. After 3 months in the hospital, they found that patient had extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. They gave patient a treatment to lower her vascular system; the name is unknown. patient was doing well, but then patient acquired COVID in July 2021. Two days after patient was diagnosed with COVID, and fell into cardiac arrest. patient went into a coma, then passed 3 days later on 23Jul2021. patient was in the hospital for a total of 131 days. Company Comment: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: cardiac arrest; coma; Pain; Movements reduced; arterial occlusion; foot drop; fever; crackles lung; Oral thrush; weakness; COVID-19" "1645204-1" "1645204-1" "ORAL CANDIDIASIS" "10030963" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of COMA (went into a coma), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop), COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness), PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) and PYREXIA (fever) in a 74-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In February 2021, the patient experienced PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). In July 2021, the patient experienced COMA (went into a coma) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability and medically significant) and COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization prolonged and disability). On an unknown date, the patient experienced HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) (seriousness criteria death and hospitalization prolonged) and PYREXIA (fever) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). The patient died on 23-Jul-2021. The reported cause of death was Coma, Cardiac arrest, Movements reduced, Arterial occlusion, Foot drop, covid-19, Crackles lung, Oral thrush, Weakness, Pain and Fever. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): In 2021, Biopsy: abnormal (abnormal) extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. In 2021, Biopsy muscle: abnormal (abnormal) muscles were debilitating. In 2021, COVID-19: positive (Positive) positive. No concomitant and treatment information was provided. Patient was removed from the hospital and taken to a rehabilitation facility. Patient had a fever at that facility and a little bit of crackling in her lungs. Then patient was admitted back in the hospital for four months. They did a biopsy in the throat due to thrush in patients mouth, which the patient never had before. patient was completely weak, and couldn't find out what patient had.. After 3 months in the hospital, they found that patient had extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. They gave patient a treatment to lower her vascular system; the name is unknown. patient was doing well, but then patient acquired COVID in July 2021. Two days after patient was diagnosed with COVID, and fell into cardiac arrest. patient went into a coma, then passed 3 days later on 23Jul2021. patient was in the hospital for a total of 131 days. Company Comment: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: cardiac arrest; coma; Pain; Movements reduced; arterial occlusion; foot drop; fever; crackles lung; Oral thrush; weakness; COVID-19" "1645204-1" "1645204-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of COMA (went into a coma), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop), COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness), PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) and PYREXIA (fever) in a 74-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In February 2021, the patient experienced PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). In July 2021, the patient experienced COMA (went into a coma) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability and medically significant) and COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization prolonged and disability). On an unknown date, the patient experienced HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) (seriousness criteria death and hospitalization prolonged) and PYREXIA (fever) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). The patient died on 23-Jul-2021. The reported cause of death was Coma, Cardiac arrest, Movements reduced, Arterial occlusion, Foot drop, covid-19, Crackles lung, Oral thrush, Weakness, Pain and Fever. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): In 2021, Biopsy: abnormal (abnormal) extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. In 2021, Biopsy muscle: abnormal (abnormal) muscles were debilitating. In 2021, COVID-19: positive (Positive) positive. No concomitant and treatment information was provided. Patient was removed from the hospital and taken to a rehabilitation facility. Patient had a fever at that facility and a little bit of crackling in her lungs. Then patient was admitted back in the hospital for four months. They did a biopsy in the throat due to thrush in patients mouth, which the patient never had before. patient was completely weak, and couldn't find out what patient had.. After 3 months in the hospital, they found that patient had extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. They gave patient a treatment to lower her vascular system; the name is unknown. patient was doing well, but then patient acquired COVID in July 2021. Two days after patient was diagnosed with COVID, and fell into cardiac arrest. patient went into a coma, then passed 3 days later on 23Jul2021. patient was in the hospital for a total of 131 days. Company Comment: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: cardiac arrest; coma; Pain; Movements reduced; arterial occlusion; foot drop; fever; crackles lung; Oral thrush; weakness; COVID-19" "1645204-1" "1645204-1" "PERONEAL NERVE PALSY" "10034701" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of COMA (went into a coma), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop), COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness), PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) and PYREXIA (fever) in a 74-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In February 2021, the patient experienced PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). In July 2021, the patient experienced COMA (went into a coma) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability and medically significant) and COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization prolonged and disability). On an unknown date, the patient experienced HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) (seriousness criteria death and hospitalization prolonged) and PYREXIA (fever) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). The patient died on 23-Jul-2021. The reported cause of death was Coma, Cardiac arrest, Movements reduced, Arterial occlusion, Foot drop, covid-19, Crackles lung, Oral thrush, Weakness, Pain and Fever. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): In 2021, Biopsy: abnormal (abnormal) extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. In 2021, Biopsy muscle: abnormal (abnormal) muscles were debilitating. In 2021, COVID-19: positive (Positive) positive. No concomitant and treatment information was provided. Patient was removed from the hospital and taken to a rehabilitation facility. Patient had a fever at that facility and a little bit of crackling in her lungs. Then patient was admitted back in the hospital for four months. They did a biopsy in the throat due to thrush in patients mouth, which the patient never had before. patient was completely weak, and couldn't find out what patient had.. After 3 months in the hospital, they found that patient had extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. They gave patient a treatment to lower her vascular system; the name is unknown. patient was doing well, but then patient acquired COVID in July 2021. Two days after patient was diagnosed with COVID, and fell into cardiac arrest. patient went into a coma, then passed 3 days later on 23Jul2021. patient was in the hospital for a total of 131 days. Company Comment: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: cardiac arrest; coma; Pain; Movements reduced; arterial occlusion; foot drop; fever; crackles lung; Oral thrush; weakness; COVID-19" "1645204-1" "1645204-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of COMA (went into a coma), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop), COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness), PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) and PYREXIA (fever) in a 74-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In February 2021, the patient experienced PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). In July 2021, the patient experienced COMA (went into a coma) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability and medically significant) and COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization prolonged and disability). On an unknown date, the patient experienced HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) (seriousness criteria death and hospitalization prolonged) and PYREXIA (fever) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). The patient died on 23-Jul-2021. The reported cause of death was Coma, Cardiac arrest, Movements reduced, Arterial occlusion, Foot drop, covid-19, Crackles lung, Oral thrush, Weakness, Pain and Fever. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): In 2021, Biopsy: abnormal (abnormal) extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. In 2021, Biopsy muscle: abnormal (abnormal) muscles were debilitating. In 2021, COVID-19: positive (Positive) positive. No concomitant and treatment information was provided. Patient was removed from the hospital and taken to a rehabilitation facility. Patient had a fever at that facility and a little bit of crackling in her lungs. Then patient was admitted back in the hospital for four months. They did a biopsy in the throat due to thrush in patients mouth, which the patient never had before. patient was completely weak, and couldn't find out what patient had.. After 3 months in the hospital, they found that patient had extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. They gave patient a treatment to lower her vascular system; the name is unknown. patient was doing well, but then patient acquired COVID in July 2021. Two days after patient was diagnosed with COVID, and fell into cardiac arrest. patient went into a coma, then passed 3 days later on 23Jul2021. patient was in the hospital for a total of 131 days. Company Comment: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: cardiac arrest; coma; Pain; Movements reduced; arterial occlusion; foot drop; fever; crackles lung; Oral thrush; weakness; COVID-19" "1645204-1" "1645204-1" "RALES" "10037833" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of COMA (went into a coma), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop), COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness), PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) and PYREXIA (fever) in a 74-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In February 2021, the patient experienced PAIN (extreme pain/continued with the pain) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). In July 2021, the patient experienced COMA (went into a coma) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability, medically significant and life threatening), CARDIAC ARREST (2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization, disability and medically significant) and COVID-19 (acquired COVID/2 days after she was diagnosed with COVID, she fell into cardiac arrest) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization prolonged and disability). On an unknown date, the patient experienced HYPOKINESIA (couldn't get out of bed/couldn't move) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (clogged arteries in her legs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), PERONEAL NERVE PALSY (foot drop) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), RALES (a little bit of crackling in her lungs) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ORAL CANDIDIASIS (thrush in her mouth) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), ASTHENIA (completely weak/extreme weakness) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability), HOSPITALISATION (she was in the hospital for a total of 131 days) (seriousness criteria death and hospitalization prolonged) and PYREXIA (fever) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and disability). The patient died on 23-Jul-2021. The reported cause of death was Coma, Cardiac arrest, Movements reduced, Arterial occlusion, Foot drop, covid-19, Crackles lung, Oral thrush, Weakness, Pain and Fever. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): In 2021, Biopsy: abnormal (abnormal) extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. In 2021, Biopsy muscle: abnormal (abnormal) muscles were debilitating. In 2021, COVID-19: positive (Positive) positive. No concomitant and treatment information was provided. Patient was removed from the hospital and taken to a rehabilitation facility. Patient had a fever at that facility and a little bit of crackling in her lungs. Then patient was admitted back in the hospital for four months. They did a biopsy in the throat due to thrush in patients mouth, which the patient never had before. patient was completely weak, and couldn't find out what patient had.. After 3 months in the hospital, they found that patient had extreme vasculitis after a nerve biopsy. They gave patient a treatment to lower her vascular system; the name is unknown. patient was doing well, but then patient acquired COVID in July 2021. Two days after patient was diagnosed with COVID, and fell into cardiac arrest. patient went into a coma, then passed 3 days later on 23Jul2021. patient was in the hospital for a total of 131 days. Company Comment: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of death in a 74-year-old female patient, after receiving on February, date unknown an unspecified dose of vaccine (Lot number unknown). Cause of death was coma, cardiac arrest, movements reduced, arterial occlusion, foot drop, covid-19, crackles lung, oral thrush, weakness, pain and fever. Very limited information regarding underlying medical history, concomitant medications and autopsy report was provided at this time. Further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: cardiac arrest; coma; Pain; Movements reduced; arterial occlusion; foot drop; fever; crackles lung; Oral thrush; weakness; COVID-19" "1645285-1" "1645285-1" "BLOOD PRESSURE MEASUREMENT" "10076581" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He was placed in the ICU and passed on 16Aug2021; COVID-19; High grade fever; Lack of drug effect; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DEATH (He was placed in the ICU and passed on 16Aug2021), COVID-19 (COVID-19) and PYREXIA (High grade fever) in a 67-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In August 2021, the patient experienced COVID-19 (COVID-19) (seriousness criteria death and life threatening), PYREXIA (High grade fever) (seriousness criterion life threatening) and DRUG INEFFECTIVE (Lack of drug effect). On 16-Aug-2021, PYREXIA (High grade fever) outcome was unknown. The patient died on 16-Aug-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DRUG INEFFECTIVE (Lack of drug effect) had resolved. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Blood pressure measurement: very low (Low) very low. On an unknown date, Oxygen saturation: low (Low) oxygen was not going to the blood. On an unknown date, SARS-CoV-2 test: positive (Positive) positive. Concomitant information was not provided by reporter. No treatment information was provided. Patient had 1st dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in last week of Jan2021 and 2nd dose was administered 28 days after. Two weeks ago patient was diagnosed to have COVID-19 and initially had high grade fever for a few days but had to be taken to a hospital where patient was intubated because oxygen was not going to the blood and was also noted to have very low blood pressure. Patient was placed in the ICU and passed on 16-Aug-2021. Company comment: This is a case of COVID-19 infection with fatal outcome in a 67-year-old male who died about six months after receiving the second dose of vaccine. This report refers to a case of Drug ineffective for mRNA-1273, lot #unspecified (for the two doses). Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the Drug ineffective event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. For the event COVID-19, based on the mechanism of action of mRNA-1273 causal association between the event of COVID-19 infection and mRNA-1273 is assessed as not applicable. Based on the prolonged time since the last dose of vaccine was administered and compatibility of the event of Pyrexia with a severe COVID-19 infection, this event is assessed as unlikely related to mRNA-1273. Further information was requested.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of COVID-19 infection with fatal outcome in a 67-year-old male who died about six months after receiving the second dose of vaccine. This report refers to a case of Drug ineffective for mRNA-1273, lot #unspecified (for the two doses). Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the Drug ineffective event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. For the event COVID-19, based on the mechanism of action of mRNA-1273 causal association between the event of COVID-19 infection and mRNA-1273 is assessed as not applicable. Based on the prolonged time since the last dose of vaccine was administered and compatibility of the event of Pyrexia with a severe COVID-19 infection, this event is assessed as unlikely related to mRNA-1273. Further information was requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1645285-1" "1645285-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He was placed in the ICU and passed on 16Aug2021; COVID-19; High grade fever; Lack of drug effect; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DEATH (He was placed in the ICU and passed on 16Aug2021), COVID-19 (COVID-19) and PYREXIA (High grade fever) in a 67-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In August 2021, the patient experienced COVID-19 (COVID-19) (seriousness criteria death and life threatening), PYREXIA (High grade fever) (seriousness criterion life threatening) and DRUG INEFFECTIVE (Lack of drug effect). On 16-Aug-2021, PYREXIA (High grade fever) outcome was unknown. The patient died on 16-Aug-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DRUG INEFFECTIVE (Lack of drug effect) had resolved. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Blood pressure measurement: very low (Low) very low. On an unknown date, Oxygen saturation: low (Low) oxygen was not going to the blood. On an unknown date, SARS-CoV-2 test: positive (Positive) positive. Concomitant information was not provided by reporter. No treatment information was provided. Patient had 1st dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in last week of Jan2021 and 2nd dose was administered 28 days after. Two weeks ago patient was diagnosed to have COVID-19 and initially had high grade fever for a few days but had to be taken to a hospital where patient was intubated because oxygen was not going to the blood and was also noted to have very low blood pressure. Patient was placed in the ICU and passed on 16-Aug-2021. Company comment: This is a case of COVID-19 infection with fatal outcome in a 67-year-old male who died about six months after receiving the second dose of vaccine. This report refers to a case of Drug ineffective for mRNA-1273, lot #unspecified (for the two doses). Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the Drug ineffective event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. For the event COVID-19, based on the mechanism of action of mRNA-1273 causal association between the event of COVID-19 infection and mRNA-1273 is assessed as not applicable. Based on the prolonged time since the last dose of vaccine was administered and compatibility of the event of Pyrexia with a severe COVID-19 infection, this event is assessed as unlikely related to mRNA-1273. Further information was requested.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of COVID-19 infection with fatal outcome in a 67-year-old male who died about six months after receiving the second dose of vaccine. This report refers to a case of Drug ineffective for mRNA-1273, lot #unspecified (for the two doses). Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the Drug ineffective event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. For the event COVID-19, based on the mechanism of action of mRNA-1273 causal association between the event of COVID-19 infection and mRNA-1273 is assessed as not applicable. Based on the prolonged time since the last dose of vaccine was administered and compatibility of the event of Pyrexia with a severe COVID-19 infection, this event is assessed as unlikely related to mRNA-1273. Further information was requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1645285-1" "1645285-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He was placed in the ICU and passed on 16Aug2021; COVID-19; High grade fever; Lack of drug effect; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DEATH (He was placed in the ICU and passed on 16Aug2021), COVID-19 (COVID-19) and PYREXIA (High grade fever) in a 67-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In August 2021, the patient experienced COVID-19 (COVID-19) (seriousness criteria death and life threatening), PYREXIA (High grade fever) (seriousness criterion life threatening) and DRUG INEFFECTIVE (Lack of drug effect). On 16-Aug-2021, PYREXIA (High grade fever) outcome was unknown. The patient died on 16-Aug-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DRUG INEFFECTIVE (Lack of drug effect) had resolved. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Blood pressure measurement: very low (Low) very low. On an unknown date, Oxygen saturation: low (Low) oxygen was not going to the blood. On an unknown date, SARS-CoV-2 test: positive (Positive) positive. Concomitant information was not provided by reporter. No treatment information was provided. Patient had 1st dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in last week of Jan2021 and 2nd dose was administered 28 days after. Two weeks ago patient was diagnosed to have COVID-19 and initially had high grade fever for a few days but had to be taken to a hospital where patient was intubated because oxygen was not going to the blood and was also noted to have very low blood pressure. Patient was placed in the ICU and passed on 16-Aug-2021. Company comment: This is a case of COVID-19 infection with fatal outcome in a 67-year-old male who died about six months after receiving the second dose of vaccine. This report refers to a case of Drug ineffective for mRNA-1273, lot #unspecified (for the two doses). Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the Drug ineffective event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. For the event COVID-19, based on the mechanism of action of mRNA-1273 causal association between the event of COVID-19 infection and mRNA-1273 is assessed as not applicable. Based on the prolonged time since the last dose of vaccine was administered and compatibility of the event of Pyrexia with a severe COVID-19 infection, this event is assessed as unlikely related to mRNA-1273. Further information was requested.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of COVID-19 infection with fatal outcome in a 67-year-old male who died about six months after receiving the second dose of vaccine. This report refers to a case of Drug ineffective for mRNA-1273, lot #unspecified (for the two doses). Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the Drug ineffective event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. For the event COVID-19, based on the mechanism of action of mRNA-1273 causal association between the event of COVID-19 infection and mRNA-1273 is assessed as not applicable. Based on the prolonged time since the last dose of vaccine was administered and compatibility of the event of Pyrexia with a severe COVID-19 infection, this event is assessed as unlikely related to mRNA-1273. Further information was requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1645285-1" "1645285-1" "DRUG INEFFECTIVE" "10013709" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He was placed in the ICU and passed on 16Aug2021; COVID-19; High grade fever; Lack of drug effect; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DEATH (He was placed in the ICU and passed on 16Aug2021), COVID-19 (COVID-19) and PYREXIA (High grade fever) in a 67-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In August 2021, the patient experienced COVID-19 (COVID-19) (seriousness criteria death and life threatening), PYREXIA (High grade fever) (seriousness criterion life threatening) and DRUG INEFFECTIVE (Lack of drug effect). On 16-Aug-2021, PYREXIA (High grade fever) outcome was unknown. The patient died on 16-Aug-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DRUG INEFFECTIVE (Lack of drug effect) had resolved. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Blood pressure measurement: very low (Low) very low. On an unknown date, Oxygen saturation: low (Low) oxygen was not going to the blood. On an unknown date, SARS-CoV-2 test: positive (Positive) positive. Concomitant information was not provided by reporter. No treatment information was provided. Patient had 1st dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in last week of Jan2021 and 2nd dose was administered 28 days after. Two weeks ago patient was diagnosed to have COVID-19 and initially had high grade fever for a few days but had to be taken to a hospital where patient was intubated because oxygen was not going to the blood and was also noted to have very low blood pressure. Patient was placed in the ICU and passed on 16-Aug-2021. Company comment: This is a case of COVID-19 infection with fatal outcome in a 67-year-old male who died about six months after receiving the second dose of vaccine. This report refers to a case of Drug ineffective for mRNA-1273, lot #unspecified (for the two doses). Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the Drug ineffective event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. For the event COVID-19, based on the mechanism of action of mRNA-1273 causal association between the event of COVID-19 infection and mRNA-1273 is assessed as not applicable. Based on the prolonged time since the last dose of vaccine was administered and compatibility of the event of Pyrexia with a severe COVID-19 infection, this event is assessed as unlikely related to mRNA-1273. Further information was requested.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of COVID-19 infection with fatal outcome in a 67-year-old male who died about six months after receiving the second dose of vaccine. This report refers to a case of Drug ineffective for mRNA-1273, lot #unspecified (for the two doses). Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the Drug ineffective event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. For the event COVID-19, based on the mechanism of action of mRNA-1273 causal association between the event of COVID-19 infection and mRNA-1273 is assessed as not applicable. Based on the prolonged time since the last dose of vaccine was administered and compatibility of the event of Pyrexia with a severe COVID-19 infection, this event is assessed as unlikely related to mRNA-1273. Further information was requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1645285-1" "1645285-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION" "10033316" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He was placed in the ICU and passed on 16Aug2021; COVID-19; High grade fever; Lack of drug effect; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DEATH (He was placed in the ICU and passed on 16Aug2021), COVID-19 (COVID-19) and PYREXIA (High grade fever) in a 67-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In August 2021, the patient experienced COVID-19 (COVID-19) (seriousness criteria death and life threatening), PYREXIA (High grade fever) (seriousness criterion life threatening) and DRUG INEFFECTIVE (Lack of drug effect). On 16-Aug-2021, PYREXIA (High grade fever) outcome was unknown. The patient died on 16-Aug-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DRUG INEFFECTIVE (Lack of drug effect) had resolved. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Blood pressure measurement: very low (Low) very low. On an unknown date, Oxygen saturation: low (Low) oxygen was not going to the blood. On an unknown date, SARS-CoV-2 test: positive (Positive) positive. Concomitant information was not provided by reporter. No treatment information was provided. Patient had 1st dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in last week of Jan2021 and 2nd dose was administered 28 days after. Two weeks ago patient was diagnosed to have COVID-19 and initially had high grade fever for a few days but had to be taken to a hospital where patient was intubated because oxygen was not going to the blood and was also noted to have very low blood pressure. Patient was placed in the ICU and passed on 16-Aug-2021. Company comment: This is a case of COVID-19 infection with fatal outcome in a 67-year-old male who died about six months after receiving the second dose of vaccine. This report refers to a case of Drug ineffective for mRNA-1273, lot #unspecified (for the two doses). Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the Drug ineffective event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. For the event COVID-19, based on the mechanism of action of mRNA-1273 causal association between the event of COVID-19 infection and mRNA-1273 is assessed as not applicable. Based on the prolonged time since the last dose of vaccine was administered and compatibility of the event of Pyrexia with a severe COVID-19 infection, this event is assessed as unlikely related to mRNA-1273. Further information was requested.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of COVID-19 infection with fatal outcome in a 67-year-old male who died about six months after receiving the second dose of vaccine. This report refers to a case of Drug ineffective for mRNA-1273, lot #unspecified (for the two doses). Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the Drug ineffective event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. For the event COVID-19, based on the mechanism of action of mRNA-1273 causal association between the event of COVID-19 infection and mRNA-1273 is assessed as not applicable. Based on the prolonged time since the last dose of vaccine was administered and compatibility of the event of Pyrexia with a severe COVID-19 infection, this event is assessed as unlikely related to mRNA-1273. Further information was requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1645285-1" "1645285-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He was placed in the ICU and passed on 16Aug2021; COVID-19; High grade fever; Lack of drug effect; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DEATH (He was placed in the ICU and passed on 16Aug2021), COVID-19 (COVID-19) and PYREXIA (High grade fever) in a 67-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In August 2021, the patient experienced COVID-19 (COVID-19) (seriousness criteria death and life threatening), PYREXIA (High grade fever) (seriousness criterion life threatening) and DRUG INEFFECTIVE (Lack of drug effect). On 16-Aug-2021, PYREXIA (High grade fever) outcome was unknown. The patient died on 16-Aug-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DRUG INEFFECTIVE (Lack of drug effect) had resolved. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Blood pressure measurement: very low (Low) very low. On an unknown date, Oxygen saturation: low (Low) oxygen was not going to the blood. On an unknown date, SARS-CoV-2 test: positive (Positive) positive. Concomitant information was not provided by reporter. No treatment information was provided. Patient had 1st dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in last week of Jan2021 and 2nd dose was administered 28 days after. Two weeks ago patient was diagnosed to have COVID-19 and initially had high grade fever for a few days but had to be taken to a hospital where patient was intubated because oxygen was not going to the blood and was also noted to have very low blood pressure. Patient was placed in the ICU and passed on 16-Aug-2021. Company comment: This is a case of COVID-19 infection with fatal outcome in a 67-year-old male who died about six months after receiving the second dose of vaccine. This report refers to a case of Drug ineffective for mRNA-1273, lot #unspecified (for the two doses). Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the Drug ineffective event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. For the event COVID-19, based on the mechanism of action of mRNA-1273 causal association between the event of COVID-19 infection and mRNA-1273 is assessed as not applicable. Based on the prolonged time since the last dose of vaccine was administered and compatibility of the event of Pyrexia with a severe COVID-19 infection, this event is assessed as unlikely related to mRNA-1273. Further information was requested.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of COVID-19 infection with fatal outcome in a 67-year-old male who died about six months after receiving the second dose of vaccine. This report refers to a case of Drug ineffective for mRNA-1273, lot #unspecified (for the two doses). Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the Drug ineffective event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. For the event COVID-19, based on the mechanism of action of mRNA-1273 causal association between the event of COVID-19 infection and mRNA-1273 is assessed as not applicable. Based on the prolonged time since the last dose of vaccine was administered and compatibility of the event of Pyrexia with a severe COVID-19 infection, this event is assessed as unlikely related to mRNA-1273. Further information was requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1645285-1" "1645285-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST" "10084354" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He was placed in the ICU and passed on 16Aug2021; COVID-19; High grade fever; Lack of drug effect; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DEATH (He was placed in the ICU and passed on 16Aug2021), COVID-19 (COVID-19) and PYREXIA (High grade fever) in a 67-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. No Medical History information was reported. In January 2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. In February 2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. In August 2021, the patient experienced COVID-19 (COVID-19) (seriousness criteria death and life threatening), PYREXIA (High grade fever) (seriousness criterion life threatening) and DRUG INEFFECTIVE (Lack of drug effect). On 16-Aug-2021, PYREXIA (High grade fever) outcome was unknown. The patient died on 16-Aug-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DRUG INEFFECTIVE (Lack of drug effect) had resolved. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Blood pressure measurement: very low (Low) very low. On an unknown date, Oxygen saturation: low (Low) oxygen was not going to the blood. On an unknown date, SARS-CoV-2 test: positive (Positive) positive. Concomitant information was not provided by reporter. No treatment information was provided. Patient had 1st dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in last week of Jan2021 and 2nd dose was administered 28 days after. Two weeks ago patient was diagnosed to have COVID-19 and initially had high grade fever for a few days but had to be taken to a hospital where patient was intubated because oxygen was not going to the blood and was also noted to have very low blood pressure. Patient was placed in the ICU and passed on 16-Aug-2021. Company comment: This is a case of COVID-19 infection with fatal outcome in a 67-year-old male who died about six months after receiving the second dose of vaccine. This report refers to a case of Drug ineffective for mRNA-1273, lot #unspecified (for the two doses). Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the Drug ineffective event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. For the event COVID-19, based on the mechanism of action of mRNA-1273 causal association between the event of COVID-19 infection and mRNA-1273 is assessed as not applicable. Based on the prolonged time since the last dose of vaccine was administered and compatibility of the event of Pyrexia with a severe COVID-19 infection, this event is assessed as unlikely related to mRNA-1273. Further information was requested.; Sender's Comments: This is a case of COVID-19 infection with fatal outcome in a 67-year-old male who died about six months after receiving the second dose of vaccine. This report refers to a case of Drug ineffective for mRNA-1273, lot #unspecified (for the two doses). Based on the current available information and temporal association between the use of the product and the Drug ineffective event, a causal relationship cannot be excluded. For the event COVID-19, based on the mechanism of action of mRNA-1273 causal association between the event of COVID-19 infection and mRNA-1273 is assessed as not applicable. Based on the prolonged time since the last dose of vaccine was administered and compatibility of the event of Pyrexia with a severe COVID-19 infection, this event is assessed as unlikely related to mRNA-1273. Further information was requested.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "ABDOMINAL DISCOMFORT" "10000059" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "COLD SWEAT" "10009866" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "DIZZINESS" "10013573" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "DYSPEPSIA" "10013946" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "FAECES DISCOLOURED" "10016100" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "FALL" "10016173" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "FEELING COLD" "10016326" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "GAIT INABILITY" "10017581" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "HAEMATOCRIT DECREASED" "10018838" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "INFLUENZA LIKE ILLNESS" "10022004" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "LETHARGY" "10024264" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "MULTIPLE ORGAN DYSFUNCTION SYNDROME" "10077361" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "OESOPHAGEAL PAIN" "10030180" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "ORAL HERPES" "10067152" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "PRURITUS" "10037087" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "TREMOR" "10044565" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1651434-1" "1651434-1" "UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL HAEMORRHAGE" "10046274" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient died 2 weeks following the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine, Pt died of upper G.I bleed and multi system organ failure in ER at Hospital on feb 19. . Ist day following vaccine, pt experienced fever of 101, shaking chills, feeling like the ""flu"". Over the next several days, pt c/o lethargy, ""No energy"", GI distress, esophageal and stomach "" burning"". He had decreased appetite, and took tums daily. He complained that his 60yr old smallpox and polio site in arm was ""itching."" He had an outbreak of a cold sore on mouth. ( not experience for over 15 years). Pt on Feb 19 was not feeling well, felt dizzy, became cold, clammy before calling ambulance. He was not able to walk to bathroom, he fell and had dark colored stools when medics arrived. He was awake and oriented."" "1655796-1" "1655796-1" "ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10001053" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/15/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to nausea, vomiting and generalized weakness for the past 5 days. Patient tested positive for COVID on 8/15/21. Diagnosed with: COVID-19 pneumonia, acute hypoxic resp failure, SIRS Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in March 2021. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 3/11/2021 Lot # EN6199 and the second dose on 3/31/2021 Lot # ER8737 8/18/21: Patient discharged to hospice care 8/19/21: Patient expired. Time of Death 1710" "1655796-1" "1655796-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/15/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to nausea, vomiting and generalized weakness for the past 5 days. Patient tested positive for COVID on 8/15/21. Diagnosed with: COVID-19 pneumonia, acute hypoxic resp failure, SIRS Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in March 2021. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 3/11/2021 Lot # EN6199 and the second dose on 3/31/2021 Lot # ER8737 8/18/21: Patient discharged to hospice care 8/19/21: Patient expired. Time of Death 1710" "1655796-1" "1655796-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/15/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to nausea, vomiting and generalized weakness for the past 5 days. Patient tested positive for COVID on 8/15/21. Diagnosed with: COVID-19 pneumonia, acute hypoxic resp failure, SIRS Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in March 2021. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 3/11/2021 Lot # EN6199 and the second dose on 3/31/2021 Lot # ER8737 8/18/21: Patient discharged to hospice care 8/19/21: Patient expired. Time of Death 1710" "1655796-1" "1655796-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/15/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to nausea, vomiting and generalized weakness for the past 5 days. Patient tested positive for COVID on 8/15/21. Diagnosed with: COVID-19 pneumonia, acute hypoxic resp failure, SIRS Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in March 2021. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 3/11/2021 Lot # EN6199 and the second dose on 3/31/2021 Lot # ER8737 8/18/21: Patient discharged to hospice care 8/19/21: Patient expired. Time of Death 1710" "1655796-1" "1655796-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/15/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to nausea, vomiting and generalized weakness for the past 5 days. Patient tested positive for COVID on 8/15/21. Diagnosed with: COVID-19 pneumonia, acute hypoxic resp failure, SIRS Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in March 2021. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 3/11/2021 Lot # EN6199 and the second dose on 3/31/2021 Lot # ER8737 8/18/21: Patient discharged to hospice care 8/19/21: Patient expired. Time of Death 1710" "1655796-1" "1655796-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/15/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to nausea, vomiting and generalized weakness for the past 5 days. Patient tested positive for COVID on 8/15/21. Diagnosed with: COVID-19 pneumonia, acute hypoxic resp failure, SIRS Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in March 2021. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 3/11/2021 Lot # EN6199 and the second dose on 3/31/2021 Lot # ER8737 8/18/21: Patient discharged to hospice care 8/19/21: Patient expired. Time of Death 1710" "1655796-1" "1655796-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/15/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to nausea, vomiting and generalized weakness for the past 5 days. Patient tested positive for COVID on 8/15/21. Diagnosed with: COVID-19 pneumonia, acute hypoxic resp failure, SIRS Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in March 2021. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 3/11/2021 Lot # EN6199 and the second dose on 3/31/2021 Lot # ER8737 8/18/21: Patient discharged to hospice care 8/19/21: Patient expired. Time of Death 1710" "1655796-1" "1655796-1" "SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE SYNDROME" "10051379" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/15/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to nausea, vomiting and generalized weakness for the past 5 days. Patient tested positive for COVID on 8/15/21. Diagnosed with: COVID-19 pneumonia, acute hypoxic resp failure, SIRS Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in March 2021. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 3/11/2021 Lot # EN6199 and the second dose on 3/31/2021 Lot # ER8737 8/18/21: Patient discharged to hospice care 8/19/21: Patient expired. Time of Death 1710" "1655796-1" "1655796-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/15/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to nausea, vomiting and generalized weakness for the past 5 days. Patient tested positive for COVID on 8/15/21. Diagnosed with: COVID-19 pneumonia, acute hypoxic resp failure, SIRS Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in March 2021. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 3/11/2021 Lot # EN6199 and the second dose on 3/31/2021 Lot # ER8737 8/18/21: Patient discharged to hospice care 8/19/21: Patient expired. Time of Death 1710" "1655864-1" "1655864-1" "ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME" "10001052" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Admit Hospital. COVID breakthrough. Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath and syncope. EMS were called by the patient's family after they found her unconscious on the floor. Her initial O2 saturation was in the 60's. Patient was brought to ICU and intubated. 8/26/21 remains in hospital intubated on vent. CRRT started. Diagnosed with: Severe ARDS, multifocal Pneumonia due to COVID-19, acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy, acute COPD exacerbation (likely 2/2 multi-focal pneumonia). Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Jan/Feb 2021. 8/27/2021: patient died. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 1/23/2021 Lot # EL1283 and the second dose on 2/15/2021 Lot # EL9265" "1655864-1" "1655864-1" "CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE" "10009033" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Admit Hospital. COVID breakthrough. Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath and syncope. EMS were called by the patient's family after they found her unconscious on the floor. Her initial O2 saturation was in the 60's. Patient was brought to ICU and intubated. 8/26/21 remains in hospital intubated on vent. CRRT started. Diagnosed with: Severe ARDS, multifocal Pneumonia due to COVID-19, acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy, acute COPD exacerbation (likely 2/2 multi-focal pneumonia). Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Jan/Feb 2021. 8/27/2021: patient died. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 1/23/2021 Lot # EL1283 and the second dose on 2/15/2021 Lot # EL9265" "1655864-1" "1655864-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Admit Hospital. COVID breakthrough. Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath and syncope. EMS were called by the patient's family after they found her unconscious on the floor. Her initial O2 saturation was in the 60's. Patient was brought to ICU and intubated. 8/26/21 remains in hospital intubated on vent. CRRT started. Diagnosed with: Severe ARDS, multifocal Pneumonia due to COVID-19, acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy, acute COPD exacerbation (likely 2/2 multi-focal pneumonia). Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Jan/Feb 2021. 8/27/2021: patient died. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 1/23/2021 Lot # EL1283 and the second dose on 2/15/2021 Lot # EL9265" "1655864-1" "1655864-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Admit Hospital. COVID breakthrough. Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath and syncope. EMS were called by the patient's family after they found her unconscious on the floor. Her initial O2 saturation was in the 60's. Patient was brought to ICU and intubated. 8/26/21 remains in hospital intubated on vent. CRRT started. Diagnosed with: Severe ARDS, multifocal Pneumonia due to COVID-19, acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy, acute COPD exacerbation (likely 2/2 multi-focal pneumonia). Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Jan/Feb 2021. 8/27/2021: patient died. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 1/23/2021 Lot # EL1283 and the second dose on 2/15/2021 Lot # EL9265" "1655864-1" "1655864-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Admit Hospital. COVID breakthrough. Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath and syncope. EMS were called by the patient's family after they found her unconscious on the floor. Her initial O2 saturation was in the 60's. Patient was brought to ICU and intubated. 8/26/21 remains in hospital intubated on vent. CRRT started. Diagnosed with: Severe ARDS, multifocal Pneumonia due to COVID-19, acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy, acute COPD exacerbation (likely 2/2 multi-focal pneumonia). Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Jan/Feb 2021. 8/27/2021: patient died. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 1/23/2021 Lot # EL1283 and the second dose on 2/15/2021 Lot # EL9265" "1655864-1" "1655864-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Admit Hospital. COVID breakthrough. Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath and syncope. EMS were called by the patient's family after they found her unconscious on the floor. Her initial O2 saturation was in the 60's. Patient was brought to ICU and intubated. 8/26/21 remains in hospital intubated on vent. CRRT started. Diagnosed with: Severe ARDS, multifocal Pneumonia due to COVID-19, acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy, acute COPD exacerbation (likely 2/2 multi-focal pneumonia). Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Jan/Feb 2021. 8/27/2021: patient died. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 1/23/2021 Lot # EL1283 and the second dose on 2/15/2021 Lot # EL9265" "1655864-1" "1655864-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Admit Hospital. COVID breakthrough. Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath and syncope. EMS were called by the patient's family after they found her unconscious on the floor. Her initial O2 saturation was in the 60's. Patient was brought to ICU and intubated. 8/26/21 remains in hospital intubated on vent. CRRT started. Diagnosed with: Severe ARDS, multifocal Pneumonia due to COVID-19, acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy, acute COPD exacerbation (likely 2/2 multi-focal pneumonia). Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Jan/Feb 2021. 8/27/2021: patient died. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 1/23/2021 Lot # EL1283 and the second dose on 2/15/2021 Lot # EL9265" "1655864-1" "1655864-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Admit Hospital. COVID breakthrough. Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath and syncope. EMS were called by the patient's family after they found her unconscious on the floor. Her initial O2 saturation was in the 60's. Patient was brought to ICU and intubated. 8/26/21 remains in hospital intubated on vent. CRRT started. Diagnosed with: Severe ARDS, multifocal Pneumonia due to COVID-19, acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy, acute COPD exacerbation (likely 2/2 multi-focal pneumonia). Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Jan/Feb 2021. 8/27/2021: patient died. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 1/23/2021 Lot # EL1283 and the second dose on 2/15/2021 Lot # EL9265" "1655864-1" "1655864-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Admit Hospital. COVID breakthrough. Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath and syncope. EMS were called by the patient's family after they found her unconscious on the floor. Her initial O2 saturation was in the 60's. Patient was brought to ICU and intubated. 8/26/21 remains in hospital intubated on vent. CRRT started. Diagnosed with: Severe ARDS, multifocal Pneumonia due to COVID-19, acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy, acute COPD exacerbation (likely 2/2 multi-focal pneumonia). Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Jan/Feb 2021. 8/27/2021: patient died. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 1/23/2021 Lot # EL1283 and the second dose on 2/15/2021 Lot # EL9265" "1655864-1" "1655864-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Admit Hospital. COVID breakthrough. Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath and syncope. EMS were called by the patient's family after they found her unconscious on the floor. Her initial O2 saturation was in the 60's. Patient was brought to ICU and intubated. 8/26/21 remains in hospital intubated on vent. CRRT started. Diagnosed with: Severe ARDS, multifocal Pneumonia due to COVID-19, acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy, acute COPD exacerbation (likely 2/2 multi-focal pneumonia). Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Jan/Feb 2021. 8/27/2021: patient died. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 1/23/2021 Lot # EL1283 and the second dose on 2/15/2021 Lot # EL9265" "1655864-1" "1655864-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Admit Hospital. COVID breakthrough. Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath and syncope. EMS were called by the patient's family after they found her unconscious on the floor. Her initial O2 saturation was in the 60's. Patient was brought to ICU and intubated. 8/26/21 remains in hospital intubated on vent. CRRT started. Diagnosed with: Severe ARDS, multifocal Pneumonia due to COVID-19, acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy, acute COPD exacerbation (likely 2/2 multi-focal pneumonia). Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Jan/Feb 2021. 8/27/2021: patient died. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 1/23/2021 Lot # EL1283 and the second dose on 2/15/2021 Lot # EL9265" "1655864-1" "1655864-1" "RENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPY" "10074746" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Admit Hospital. COVID breakthrough. Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath and syncope. EMS were called by the patient's family after they found her unconscious on the floor. Her initial O2 saturation was in the 60's. Patient was brought to ICU and intubated. 8/26/21 remains in hospital intubated on vent. CRRT started. Diagnosed with: Severe ARDS, multifocal Pneumonia due to COVID-19, acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy, acute COPD exacerbation (likely 2/2 multi-focal pneumonia). Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Jan/Feb 2021. 8/27/2021: patient died. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 1/23/2021 Lot # EL1283 and the second dose on 2/15/2021 Lot # EL9265" "1655864-1" "1655864-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Admit Hospital. COVID breakthrough. Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath and syncope. EMS were called by the patient's family after they found her unconscious on the floor. Her initial O2 saturation was in the 60's. Patient was brought to ICU and intubated. 8/26/21 remains in hospital intubated on vent. CRRT started. Diagnosed with: Severe ARDS, multifocal Pneumonia due to COVID-19, acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy, acute COPD exacerbation (likely 2/2 multi-focal pneumonia). Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Jan/Feb 2021. 8/27/2021: patient died. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 1/23/2021 Lot # EL1283 and the second dose on 2/15/2021 Lot # EL9265" "1655864-1" "1655864-1" "SYNCOPE" "10042772" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Admit Hospital. COVID breakthrough. Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath and syncope. EMS were called by the patient's family after they found her unconscious on the floor. Her initial O2 saturation was in the 60's. Patient was brought to ICU and intubated. 8/26/21 remains in hospital intubated on vent. CRRT started. Diagnosed with: Severe ARDS, multifocal Pneumonia due to COVID-19, acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy, acute COPD exacerbation (likely 2/2 multi-focal pneumonia). Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Jan/Feb 2021. 8/27/2021: patient died. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 1/23/2021 Lot # EL1283 and the second dose on 2/15/2021 Lot # EL9265" "1655864-1" "1655864-1" "TOXIC ENCEPHALOPATHY" "10044221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Admit Hospital. COVID breakthrough. Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath and syncope. EMS were called by the patient's family after they found her unconscious on the floor. Her initial O2 saturation was in the 60's. Patient was brought to ICU and intubated. 8/26/21 remains in hospital intubated on vent. CRRT started. Diagnosed with: Severe ARDS, multifocal Pneumonia due to COVID-19, acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy, acute COPD exacerbation (likely 2/2 multi-focal pneumonia). Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Jan/Feb 2021. 8/27/2021: patient died. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 1/23/2021 Lot # EL1283 and the second dose on 2/15/2021 Lot # EL9265" "1655864-1" "1655864-1" "VACCINE BREAKTHROUGH INFECTION" "10067923" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Admit Hospital. COVID breakthrough. Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath and syncope. EMS were called by the patient's family after they found her unconscious on the floor. Her initial O2 saturation was in the 60's. Patient was brought to ICU and intubated. 8/26/21 remains in hospital intubated on vent. CRRT started. Diagnosed with: Severe ARDS, multifocal Pneumonia due to COVID-19, acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy, acute COPD exacerbation (likely 2/2 multi-focal pneumonia). Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Jan/Feb 2021. 8/27/2021: patient died. Please note: Patient received first dose Pfizer vaccine on 1/23/2021 Lot # EL1283 and the second dose on 2/15/2021 Lot # EL9265" "1655908-1" "1655908-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient came to the ED in cardiac arrest day after vaccine, patient expired." "1655908-1" "1655908-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient came to the ED in cardiac arrest day after vaccine, patient expired." "1655956-1" "1655956-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath since 1 week ago. Associated symptoms include dry cough and dizziness. Intubated in the ER. Diagnosed with: acute hypoxic resp failure, COVID-19 pneumonia, septic shock, oliguric AKI requiring CRRT, partial proximal IVC thrombosis, emboli in the lingula Note: patient previously vaccinated with J&J COVID-19 vaccine on 4/27/21. 8/30/21: patient died this morning." "1655956-1" "1655956-1" "ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10001053" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath since 1 week ago. Associated symptoms include dry cough and dizziness. Intubated in the ER. Diagnosed with: acute hypoxic resp failure, COVID-19 pneumonia, septic shock, oliguric AKI requiring CRRT, partial proximal IVC thrombosis, emboli in the lingula Note: patient previously vaccinated with J&J COVID-19 vaccine on 4/27/21. 8/30/21: patient died this morning." "1655956-1" "1655956-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath since 1 week ago. Associated symptoms include dry cough and dizziness. Intubated in the ER. Diagnosed with: acute hypoxic resp failure, COVID-19 pneumonia, septic shock, oliguric AKI requiring CRRT, partial proximal IVC thrombosis, emboli in the lingula Note: patient previously vaccinated with J&J COVID-19 vaccine on 4/27/21. 8/30/21: patient died this morning." "1655956-1" "1655956-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath since 1 week ago. Associated symptoms include dry cough and dizziness. Intubated in the ER. Diagnosed with: acute hypoxic resp failure, COVID-19 pneumonia, septic shock, oliguric AKI requiring CRRT, partial proximal IVC thrombosis, emboli in the lingula Note: patient previously vaccinated with J&J COVID-19 vaccine on 4/27/21. 8/30/21: patient died this morning." "1655956-1" "1655956-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath since 1 week ago. Associated symptoms include dry cough and dizziness. Intubated in the ER. Diagnosed with: acute hypoxic resp failure, COVID-19 pneumonia, septic shock, oliguric AKI requiring CRRT, partial proximal IVC thrombosis, emboli in the lingula Note: patient previously vaccinated with J&J COVID-19 vaccine on 4/27/21. 8/30/21: patient died this morning." "1655956-1" "1655956-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath since 1 week ago. Associated symptoms include dry cough and dizziness. Intubated in the ER. Diagnosed with: acute hypoxic resp failure, COVID-19 pneumonia, septic shock, oliguric AKI requiring CRRT, partial proximal IVC thrombosis, emboli in the lingula Note: patient previously vaccinated with J&J COVID-19 vaccine on 4/27/21. 8/30/21: patient died this morning." "1655956-1" "1655956-1" "DIZZINESS" "10013573" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath since 1 week ago. Associated symptoms include dry cough and dizziness. Intubated in the ER. Diagnosed with: acute hypoxic resp failure, COVID-19 pneumonia, septic shock, oliguric AKI requiring CRRT, partial proximal IVC thrombosis, emboli in the lingula Note: patient previously vaccinated with J&J COVID-19 vaccine on 4/27/21. 8/30/21: patient died this morning." "1655956-1" "1655956-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath since 1 week ago. Associated symptoms include dry cough and dizziness. Intubated in the ER. Diagnosed with: acute hypoxic resp failure, COVID-19 pneumonia, septic shock, oliguric AKI requiring CRRT, partial proximal IVC thrombosis, emboli in the lingula Note: patient previously vaccinated with J&J COVID-19 vaccine on 4/27/21. 8/30/21: patient died this morning." "1655956-1" "1655956-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath since 1 week ago. Associated symptoms include dry cough and dizziness. Intubated in the ER. Diagnosed with: acute hypoxic resp failure, COVID-19 pneumonia, septic shock, oliguric AKI requiring CRRT, partial proximal IVC thrombosis, emboli in the lingula Note: patient previously vaccinated with J&J COVID-19 vaccine on 4/27/21. 8/30/21: patient died this morning." "1655956-1" "1655956-1" "PULMONARY EMBOLISM" "10037377" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath since 1 week ago. Associated symptoms include dry cough and dizziness. Intubated in the ER. Diagnosed with: acute hypoxic resp failure, COVID-19 pneumonia, septic shock, oliguric AKI requiring CRRT, partial proximal IVC thrombosis, emboli in the lingula Note: patient previously vaccinated with J&J COVID-19 vaccine on 4/27/21. 8/30/21: patient died this morning." "1655956-1" "1655956-1" "RENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPY" "10074746" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath since 1 week ago. Associated symptoms include dry cough and dizziness. Intubated in the ER. Diagnosed with: acute hypoxic resp failure, COVID-19 pneumonia, septic shock, oliguric AKI requiring CRRT, partial proximal IVC thrombosis, emboli in the lingula Note: patient previously vaccinated with J&J COVID-19 vaccine on 4/27/21. 8/30/21: patient died this morning." "1655956-1" "1655956-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath since 1 week ago. Associated symptoms include dry cough and dizziness. Intubated in the ER. Diagnosed with: acute hypoxic resp failure, COVID-19 pneumonia, septic shock, oliguric AKI requiring CRRT, partial proximal IVC thrombosis, emboli in the lingula Note: patient previously vaccinated with J&J COVID-19 vaccine on 4/27/21. 8/30/21: patient died this morning." "1655956-1" "1655956-1" "SEPTIC SHOCK" "10040070" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath since 1 week ago. Associated symptoms include dry cough and dizziness. Intubated in the ER. Diagnosed with: acute hypoxic resp failure, COVID-19 pneumonia, septic shock, oliguric AKI requiring CRRT, partial proximal IVC thrombosis, emboli in the lingula Note: patient previously vaccinated with J&J COVID-19 vaccine on 4/27/21. 8/30/21: patient died this morning." "1655956-1" "1655956-1" "VENA CAVA THROMBOSIS" "10047195" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/13/21: Patient arrived at the ER due to shortness of breath since 1 week ago. Associated symptoms include dry cough and dizziness. Intubated in the ER. Diagnosed with: acute hypoxic resp failure, COVID-19 pneumonia, septic shock, oliguric AKI requiring CRRT, partial proximal IVC thrombosis, emboli in the lingula Note: patient previously vaccinated with J&J COVID-19 vaccine on 4/27/21. 8/30/21: patient died this morning." "1656127-1" "1656127-1" "ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10001053" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Result Type: History and Physical Date: August 14, 2021 2:17 Result Status: Auth (Verified) Result Title: Admission H & P Performed By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Verified By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Encounter info: Inpatient, 08/14/2021 - 08/25/2021 * Final Report * Date of Admission 08/14/2021 Chief Complaint for resp distress, COVID+, intubated by EMS and given 4mg versed, 20mg etomidate, 100mg ketamine, 125mg solumedrol History of Present Illness 75-year-old female sent from secondary to respiratory distress. Patient is intubated in the ER therefore history is taken from ER records and chart. Patient had recent admission at hospital rib patient had been initially admitted with symptomatic anemia and abnormal vaginal bleeding. At that time patient was found to have brainstem mass likely metastatic cancer secondary endometrial cancer. Patient required blood transfusion. Patient presents today with acute worsening of shortness of breath at 11:30 a.m. this evening. patient has known covid-19. Per EMS patient's initial O2 sats were in the 70s. Patient started on CPAP with no improvement. Patient intubated in the field. Course of symptoms constant degree at onset severe degree of present severe. No known exacerbating alleviating factors. No known other associated symptoms. Patient by emergency department patient started IV pressors given IV antibiotics. Pneumonia due to COVID-19 virus U07.1 Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure Respiratory failure J96.90 Severe sepsis R65.20 Recent diagnosis metastatic CA likely endometrial History of Abnormal vaginal bleeding CM Ongoing Assessment AH NEW Patient: Age: 75 years Sex: Female DOB: Associated Diagnoses: None Author: Professional Services CM Contact Information: Discharge Planner . Discharge Planner Phone . Assessment Ongoing Assessment Situation: was advised that pt expired this morning 8/25/21. contacted (ex-spouse) to inform him of this information. Pt was not under hospice services as ex-spouse only returned part of the paperwork.." "1656127-1" "1656127-1" "ANAEMIA" "10002034" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Result Type: History and Physical Date: August 14, 2021 2:17 Result Status: Auth (Verified) Result Title: Admission H & P Performed By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Verified By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Encounter info: Inpatient, 08/14/2021 - 08/25/2021 * Final Report * Date of Admission 08/14/2021 Chief Complaint for resp distress, COVID+, intubated by EMS and given 4mg versed, 20mg etomidate, 100mg ketamine, 125mg solumedrol History of Present Illness 75-year-old female sent from secondary to respiratory distress. Patient is intubated in the ER therefore history is taken from ER records and chart. Patient had recent admission at hospital rib patient had been initially admitted with symptomatic anemia and abnormal vaginal bleeding. At that time patient was found to have brainstem mass likely metastatic cancer secondary endometrial cancer. Patient required blood transfusion. Patient presents today with acute worsening of shortness of breath at 11:30 a.m. this evening. patient has known covid-19. Per EMS patient's initial O2 sats were in the 70s. Patient started on CPAP with no improvement. Patient intubated in the field. Course of symptoms constant degree at onset severe degree of present severe. No known exacerbating alleviating factors. No known other associated symptoms. Patient by emergency department patient started IV pressors given IV antibiotics. Pneumonia due to COVID-19 virus U07.1 Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure Respiratory failure J96.90 Severe sepsis R65.20 Recent diagnosis metastatic CA likely endometrial History of Abnormal vaginal bleeding CM Ongoing Assessment AH NEW Patient: Age: 75 years Sex: Female DOB: Associated Diagnoses: None Author: Professional Services CM Contact Information: Discharge Planner . Discharge Planner Phone . Assessment Ongoing Assessment Situation: was advised that pt expired this morning 8/25/21. contacted (ex-spouse) to inform him of this information. Pt was not under hospice services as ex-spouse only returned part of the paperwork.." "1656127-1" "1656127-1" "BRAIN CANCER METASTATIC" "10055093" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Result Type: History and Physical Date: August 14, 2021 2:17 Result Status: Auth (Verified) Result Title: Admission H & P Performed By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Verified By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Encounter info: Inpatient, 08/14/2021 - 08/25/2021 * Final Report * Date of Admission 08/14/2021 Chief Complaint for resp distress, COVID+, intubated by EMS and given 4mg versed, 20mg etomidate, 100mg ketamine, 125mg solumedrol History of Present Illness 75-year-old female sent from secondary to respiratory distress. Patient is intubated in the ER therefore history is taken from ER records and chart. Patient had recent admission at hospital rib patient had been initially admitted with symptomatic anemia and abnormal vaginal bleeding. At that time patient was found to have brainstem mass likely metastatic cancer secondary endometrial cancer. Patient required blood transfusion. Patient presents today with acute worsening of shortness of breath at 11:30 a.m. this evening. patient has known covid-19. Per EMS patient's initial O2 sats were in the 70s. Patient started on CPAP with no improvement. Patient intubated in the field. Course of symptoms constant degree at onset severe degree of present severe. No known exacerbating alleviating factors. No known other associated symptoms. Patient by emergency department patient started IV pressors given IV antibiotics. Pneumonia due to COVID-19 virus U07.1 Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure Respiratory failure J96.90 Severe sepsis R65.20 Recent diagnosis metastatic CA likely endometrial History of Abnormal vaginal bleeding CM Ongoing Assessment AH NEW Patient: Age: 75 years Sex: Female DOB: Associated Diagnoses: None Author: Professional Services CM Contact Information: Discharge Planner . Discharge Planner Phone . Assessment Ongoing Assessment Situation: was advised that pt expired this morning 8/25/21. contacted (ex-spouse) to inform him of this information. Pt was not under hospice services as ex-spouse only returned part of the paperwork.." "1656127-1" "1656127-1" "CONTINUOUS POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE" "10052934" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Result Type: History and Physical Date: August 14, 2021 2:17 Result Status: Auth (Verified) Result Title: Admission H & P Performed By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Verified By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Encounter info: Inpatient, 08/14/2021 - 08/25/2021 * Final Report * Date of Admission 08/14/2021 Chief Complaint for resp distress, COVID+, intubated by EMS and given 4mg versed, 20mg etomidate, 100mg ketamine, 125mg solumedrol History of Present Illness 75-year-old female sent from secondary to respiratory distress. Patient is intubated in the ER therefore history is taken from ER records and chart. Patient had recent admission at hospital rib patient had been initially admitted with symptomatic anemia and abnormal vaginal bleeding. At that time patient was found to have brainstem mass likely metastatic cancer secondary endometrial cancer. Patient required blood transfusion. Patient presents today with acute worsening of shortness of breath at 11:30 a.m. this evening. patient has known covid-19. Per EMS patient's initial O2 sats were in the 70s. Patient started on CPAP with no improvement. Patient intubated in the field. Course of symptoms constant degree at onset severe degree of present severe. No known exacerbating alleviating factors. No known other associated symptoms. Patient by emergency department patient started IV pressors given IV antibiotics. Pneumonia due to COVID-19 virus U07.1 Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure Respiratory failure J96.90 Severe sepsis R65.20 Recent diagnosis metastatic CA likely endometrial History of Abnormal vaginal bleeding CM Ongoing Assessment AH NEW Patient: Age: 75 years Sex: Female DOB: Associated Diagnoses: None Author: Professional Services CM Contact Information: Discharge Planner . Discharge Planner Phone . Assessment Ongoing Assessment Situation: was advised that pt expired this morning 8/25/21. contacted (ex-spouse) to inform him of this information. Pt was not under hospice services as ex-spouse only returned part of the paperwork.." "1656127-1" "1656127-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Result Type: History and Physical Date: August 14, 2021 2:17 Result Status: Auth (Verified) Result Title: Admission H & P Performed By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Verified By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Encounter info: Inpatient, 08/14/2021 - 08/25/2021 * Final Report * Date of Admission 08/14/2021 Chief Complaint for resp distress, COVID+, intubated by EMS and given 4mg versed, 20mg etomidate, 100mg ketamine, 125mg solumedrol History of Present Illness 75-year-old female sent from secondary to respiratory distress. Patient is intubated in the ER therefore history is taken from ER records and chart. Patient had recent admission at hospital rib patient had been initially admitted with symptomatic anemia and abnormal vaginal bleeding. At that time patient was found to have brainstem mass likely metastatic cancer secondary endometrial cancer. Patient required blood transfusion. Patient presents today with acute worsening of shortness of breath at 11:30 a.m. this evening. patient has known covid-19. Per EMS patient's initial O2 sats were in the 70s. Patient started on CPAP with no improvement. Patient intubated in the field. Course of symptoms constant degree at onset severe degree of present severe. No known exacerbating alleviating factors. No known other associated symptoms. Patient by emergency department patient started IV pressors given IV antibiotics. Pneumonia due to COVID-19 virus U07.1 Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure Respiratory failure J96.90 Severe sepsis R65.20 Recent diagnosis metastatic CA likely endometrial History of Abnormal vaginal bleeding CM Ongoing Assessment AH NEW Patient: Age: 75 years Sex: Female DOB: Associated Diagnoses: None Author: Professional Services CM Contact Information: Discharge Planner . Discharge Planner Phone . Assessment Ongoing Assessment Situation: was advised that pt expired this morning 8/25/21. contacted (ex-spouse) to inform him of this information. Pt was not under hospice services as ex-spouse only returned part of the paperwork.." "1656127-1" "1656127-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Result Type: History and Physical Date: August 14, 2021 2:17 Result Status: Auth (Verified) Result Title: Admission H & P Performed By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Verified By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Encounter info: Inpatient, 08/14/2021 - 08/25/2021 * Final Report * Date of Admission 08/14/2021 Chief Complaint for resp distress, COVID+, intubated by EMS and given 4mg versed, 20mg etomidate, 100mg ketamine, 125mg solumedrol History of Present Illness 75-year-old female sent from secondary to respiratory distress. Patient is intubated in the ER therefore history is taken from ER records and chart. Patient had recent admission at hospital rib patient had been initially admitted with symptomatic anemia and abnormal vaginal bleeding. At that time patient was found to have brainstem mass likely metastatic cancer secondary endometrial cancer. Patient required blood transfusion. Patient presents today with acute worsening of shortness of breath at 11:30 a.m. this evening. patient has known covid-19. Per EMS patient's initial O2 sats were in the 70s. Patient started on CPAP with no improvement. Patient intubated in the field. Course of symptoms constant degree at onset severe degree of present severe. No known exacerbating alleviating factors. No known other associated symptoms. Patient by emergency department patient started IV pressors given IV antibiotics. Pneumonia due to COVID-19 virus U07.1 Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure Respiratory failure J96.90 Severe sepsis R65.20 Recent diagnosis metastatic CA likely endometrial History of Abnormal vaginal bleeding CM Ongoing Assessment AH NEW Patient: Age: 75 years Sex: Female DOB: Associated Diagnoses: None Author: Professional Services CM Contact Information: Discharge Planner . Discharge Planner Phone . Assessment Ongoing Assessment Situation: was advised that pt expired this morning 8/25/21. contacted (ex-spouse) to inform him of this information. Pt was not under hospice services as ex-spouse only returned part of the paperwork.." "1656127-1" "1656127-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Result Type: History and Physical Date: August 14, 2021 2:17 Result Status: Auth (Verified) Result Title: Admission H & P Performed By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Verified By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Encounter info: Inpatient, 08/14/2021 - 08/25/2021 * Final Report * Date of Admission 08/14/2021 Chief Complaint for resp distress, COVID+, intubated by EMS and given 4mg versed, 20mg etomidate, 100mg ketamine, 125mg solumedrol History of Present Illness 75-year-old female sent from secondary to respiratory distress. Patient is intubated in the ER therefore history is taken from ER records and chart. Patient had recent admission at hospital rib patient had been initially admitted with symptomatic anemia and abnormal vaginal bleeding. At that time patient was found to have brainstem mass likely metastatic cancer secondary endometrial cancer. Patient required blood transfusion. Patient presents today with acute worsening of shortness of breath at 11:30 a.m. this evening. patient has known covid-19. Per EMS patient's initial O2 sats were in the 70s. Patient started on CPAP with no improvement. Patient intubated in the field. Course of symptoms constant degree at onset severe degree of present severe. No known exacerbating alleviating factors. No known other associated symptoms. Patient by emergency department patient started IV pressors given IV antibiotics. Pneumonia due to COVID-19 virus U07.1 Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure Respiratory failure J96.90 Severe sepsis R65.20 Recent diagnosis metastatic CA likely endometrial History of Abnormal vaginal bleeding CM Ongoing Assessment AH NEW Patient: Age: 75 years Sex: Female DOB: Associated Diagnoses: None Author: Professional Services CM Contact Information: Discharge Planner . Discharge Planner Phone . Assessment Ongoing Assessment Situation: was advised that pt expired this morning 8/25/21. contacted (ex-spouse) to inform him of this information. Pt was not under hospice services as ex-spouse only returned part of the paperwork.." "1656127-1" "1656127-1" "ENDOMETRIAL CANCER" "10014733" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Result Type: History and Physical Date: August 14, 2021 2:17 Result Status: Auth (Verified) Result Title: Admission H & P Performed By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Verified By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Encounter info: Inpatient, 08/14/2021 - 08/25/2021 * Final Report * Date of Admission 08/14/2021 Chief Complaint for resp distress, COVID+, intubated by EMS and given 4mg versed, 20mg etomidate, 100mg ketamine, 125mg solumedrol History of Present Illness 75-year-old female sent from secondary to respiratory distress. Patient is intubated in the ER therefore history is taken from ER records and chart. Patient had recent admission at hospital rib patient had been initially admitted with symptomatic anemia and abnormal vaginal bleeding. At that time patient was found to have brainstem mass likely metastatic cancer secondary endometrial cancer. Patient required blood transfusion. Patient presents today with acute worsening of shortness of breath at 11:30 a.m. this evening. patient has known covid-19. Per EMS patient's initial O2 sats were in the 70s. Patient started on CPAP with no improvement. Patient intubated in the field. Course of symptoms constant degree at onset severe degree of present severe. No known exacerbating alleviating factors. No known other associated symptoms. Patient by emergency department patient started IV pressors given IV antibiotics. Pneumonia due to COVID-19 virus U07.1 Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure Respiratory failure J96.90 Severe sepsis R65.20 Recent diagnosis metastatic CA likely endometrial History of Abnormal vaginal bleeding CM Ongoing Assessment AH NEW Patient: Age: 75 years Sex: Female DOB: Associated Diagnoses: None Author: Professional Services CM Contact Information: Discharge Planner . Discharge Planner Phone . Assessment Ongoing Assessment Situation: was advised that pt expired this morning 8/25/21. contacted (ex-spouse) to inform him of this information. Pt was not under hospice services as ex-spouse only returned part of the paperwork.." "1656127-1" "1656127-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Result Type: History and Physical Date: August 14, 2021 2:17 Result Status: Auth (Verified) Result Title: Admission H & P Performed By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Verified By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Encounter info: Inpatient, 08/14/2021 - 08/25/2021 * Final Report * Date of Admission 08/14/2021 Chief Complaint for resp distress, COVID+, intubated by EMS and given 4mg versed, 20mg etomidate, 100mg ketamine, 125mg solumedrol History of Present Illness 75-year-old female sent from secondary to respiratory distress. Patient is intubated in the ER therefore history is taken from ER records and chart. Patient had recent admission at hospital rib patient had been initially admitted with symptomatic anemia and abnormal vaginal bleeding. At that time patient was found to have brainstem mass likely metastatic cancer secondary endometrial cancer. Patient required blood transfusion. Patient presents today with acute worsening of shortness of breath at 11:30 a.m. this evening. patient has known covid-19. Per EMS patient's initial O2 sats were in the 70s. Patient started on CPAP with no improvement. Patient intubated in the field. Course of symptoms constant degree at onset severe degree of present severe. No known exacerbating alleviating factors. No known other associated symptoms. Patient by emergency department patient started IV pressors given IV antibiotics. Pneumonia due to COVID-19 virus U07.1 Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure Respiratory failure J96.90 Severe sepsis R65.20 Recent diagnosis metastatic CA likely endometrial History of Abnormal vaginal bleeding CM Ongoing Assessment AH NEW Patient: Age: 75 years Sex: Female DOB: Associated Diagnoses: None Author: Professional Services CM Contact Information: Discharge Planner . Discharge Planner Phone . Assessment Ongoing Assessment Situation: was advised that pt expired this morning 8/25/21. contacted (ex-spouse) to inform him of this information. Pt was not under hospice services as ex-spouse only returned part of the paperwork.." "1656127-1" "1656127-1" "INTRACRANIAL MASS" "10077667" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Result Type: History and Physical Date: August 14, 2021 2:17 Result Status: Auth (Verified) Result Title: Admission H & P Performed By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Verified By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Encounter info: Inpatient, 08/14/2021 - 08/25/2021 * Final Report * Date of Admission 08/14/2021 Chief Complaint for resp distress, COVID+, intubated by EMS and given 4mg versed, 20mg etomidate, 100mg ketamine, 125mg solumedrol History of Present Illness 75-year-old female sent from secondary to respiratory distress. Patient is intubated in the ER therefore history is taken from ER records and chart. Patient had recent admission at hospital rib patient had been initially admitted with symptomatic anemia and abnormal vaginal bleeding. At that time patient was found to have brainstem mass likely metastatic cancer secondary endometrial cancer. Patient required blood transfusion. Patient presents today with acute worsening of shortness of breath at 11:30 a.m. this evening. patient has known covid-19. Per EMS patient's initial O2 sats were in the 70s. Patient started on CPAP with no improvement. Patient intubated in the field. Course of symptoms constant degree at onset severe degree of present severe. No known exacerbating alleviating factors. No known other associated symptoms. Patient by emergency department patient started IV pressors given IV antibiotics. Pneumonia due to COVID-19 virus U07.1 Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure Respiratory failure J96.90 Severe sepsis R65.20 Recent diagnosis metastatic CA likely endometrial History of Abnormal vaginal bleeding CM Ongoing Assessment AH NEW Patient: Age: 75 years Sex: Female DOB: Associated Diagnoses: None Author: Professional Services CM Contact Information: Discharge Planner . Discharge Planner Phone . Assessment Ongoing Assessment Situation: was advised that pt expired this morning 8/25/21. contacted (ex-spouse) to inform him of this information. Pt was not under hospice services as ex-spouse only returned part of the paperwork.." "1656127-1" "1656127-1" "RESPIRATORY DISTRESS" "10038687" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Result Type: History and Physical Date: August 14, 2021 2:17 Result Status: Auth (Verified) Result Title: Admission H & P Performed By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Verified By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Encounter info: Inpatient, 08/14/2021 - 08/25/2021 * Final Report * Date of Admission 08/14/2021 Chief Complaint for resp distress, COVID+, intubated by EMS and given 4mg versed, 20mg etomidate, 100mg ketamine, 125mg solumedrol History of Present Illness 75-year-old female sent from secondary to respiratory distress. Patient is intubated in the ER therefore history is taken from ER records and chart. Patient had recent admission at hospital rib patient had been initially admitted with symptomatic anemia and abnormal vaginal bleeding. At that time patient was found to have brainstem mass likely metastatic cancer secondary endometrial cancer. Patient required blood transfusion. Patient presents today with acute worsening of shortness of breath at 11:30 a.m. this evening. patient has known covid-19. Per EMS patient's initial O2 sats were in the 70s. Patient started on CPAP with no improvement. Patient intubated in the field. Course of symptoms constant degree at onset severe degree of present severe. No known exacerbating alleviating factors. No known other associated symptoms. Patient by emergency department patient started IV pressors given IV antibiotics. Pneumonia due to COVID-19 virus U07.1 Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure Respiratory failure J96.90 Severe sepsis R65.20 Recent diagnosis metastatic CA likely endometrial History of Abnormal vaginal bleeding CM Ongoing Assessment AH NEW Patient: Age: 75 years Sex: Female DOB: Associated Diagnoses: None Author: Professional Services CM Contact Information: Discharge Planner . Discharge Planner Phone . Assessment Ongoing Assessment Situation: was advised that pt expired this morning 8/25/21. contacted (ex-spouse) to inform him of this information. Pt was not under hospice services as ex-spouse only returned part of the paperwork.." "1656127-1" "1656127-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Result Type: History and Physical Date: August 14, 2021 2:17 Result Status: Auth (Verified) Result Title: Admission H & P Performed By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Verified By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Encounter info: Inpatient, 08/14/2021 - 08/25/2021 * Final Report * Date of Admission 08/14/2021 Chief Complaint for resp distress, COVID+, intubated by EMS and given 4mg versed, 20mg etomidate, 100mg ketamine, 125mg solumedrol History of Present Illness 75-year-old female sent from secondary to respiratory distress. Patient is intubated in the ER therefore history is taken from ER records and chart. Patient had recent admission at hospital rib patient had been initially admitted with symptomatic anemia and abnormal vaginal bleeding. At that time patient was found to have brainstem mass likely metastatic cancer secondary endometrial cancer. Patient required blood transfusion. Patient presents today with acute worsening of shortness of breath at 11:30 a.m. this evening. patient has known covid-19. Per EMS patient's initial O2 sats were in the 70s. Patient started on CPAP with no improvement. Patient intubated in the field. Course of symptoms constant degree at onset severe degree of present severe. No known exacerbating alleviating factors. No known other associated symptoms. Patient by emergency department patient started IV pressors given IV antibiotics. Pneumonia due to COVID-19 virus U07.1 Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure Respiratory failure J96.90 Severe sepsis R65.20 Recent diagnosis metastatic CA likely endometrial History of Abnormal vaginal bleeding CM Ongoing Assessment AH NEW Patient: Age: 75 years Sex: Female DOB: Associated Diagnoses: None Author: Professional Services CM Contact Information: Discharge Planner . Discharge Planner Phone . Assessment Ongoing Assessment Situation: was advised that pt expired this morning 8/25/21. contacted (ex-spouse) to inform him of this information. Pt was not under hospice services as ex-spouse only returned part of the paperwork.." "1656127-1" "1656127-1" "SEPSIS" "10040047" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Result Type: History and Physical Date: August 14, 2021 2:17 Result Status: Auth (Verified) Result Title: Admission H & P Performed By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Verified By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Encounter info: Inpatient, 08/14/2021 - 08/25/2021 * Final Report * Date of Admission 08/14/2021 Chief Complaint for resp distress, COVID+, intubated by EMS and given 4mg versed, 20mg etomidate, 100mg ketamine, 125mg solumedrol History of Present Illness 75-year-old female sent from secondary to respiratory distress. Patient is intubated in the ER therefore history is taken from ER records and chart. Patient had recent admission at hospital rib patient had been initially admitted with symptomatic anemia and abnormal vaginal bleeding. At that time patient was found to have brainstem mass likely metastatic cancer secondary endometrial cancer. Patient required blood transfusion. Patient presents today with acute worsening of shortness of breath at 11:30 a.m. this evening. patient has known covid-19. Per EMS patient's initial O2 sats were in the 70s. Patient started on CPAP with no improvement. Patient intubated in the field. Course of symptoms constant degree at onset severe degree of present severe. No known exacerbating alleviating factors. No known other associated symptoms. Patient by emergency department patient started IV pressors given IV antibiotics. Pneumonia due to COVID-19 virus U07.1 Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure Respiratory failure J96.90 Severe sepsis R65.20 Recent diagnosis metastatic CA likely endometrial History of Abnormal vaginal bleeding CM Ongoing Assessment AH NEW Patient: Age: 75 years Sex: Female DOB: Associated Diagnoses: None Author: Professional Services CM Contact Information: Discharge Planner . Discharge Planner Phone . Assessment Ongoing Assessment Situation: was advised that pt expired this morning 8/25/21. contacted (ex-spouse) to inform him of this information. Pt was not under hospice services as ex-spouse only returned part of the paperwork.." "1656127-1" "1656127-1" "TRANSFUSION" "10066152" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Result Type: History and Physical Date: August 14, 2021 2:17 Result Status: Auth (Verified) Result Title: Admission H & P Performed By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Verified By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Encounter info: Inpatient, 08/14/2021 - 08/25/2021 * Final Report * Date of Admission 08/14/2021 Chief Complaint for resp distress, COVID+, intubated by EMS and given 4mg versed, 20mg etomidate, 100mg ketamine, 125mg solumedrol History of Present Illness 75-year-old female sent from secondary to respiratory distress. Patient is intubated in the ER therefore history is taken from ER records and chart. Patient had recent admission at hospital rib patient had been initially admitted with symptomatic anemia and abnormal vaginal bleeding. At that time patient was found to have brainstem mass likely metastatic cancer secondary endometrial cancer. Patient required blood transfusion. Patient presents today with acute worsening of shortness of breath at 11:30 a.m. this evening. patient has known covid-19. Per EMS patient's initial O2 sats were in the 70s. Patient started on CPAP with no improvement. Patient intubated in the field. Course of symptoms constant degree at onset severe degree of present severe. No known exacerbating alleviating factors. No known other associated symptoms. Patient by emergency department patient started IV pressors given IV antibiotics. Pneumonia due to COVID-19 virus U07.1 Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure Respiratory failure J96.90 Severe sepsis R65.20 Recent diagnosis metastatic CA likely endometrial History of Abnormal vaginal bleeding CM Ongoing Assessment AH NEW Patient: Age: 75 years Sex: Female DOB: Associated Diagnoses: None Author: Professional Services CM Contact Information: Discharge Planner . Discharge Planner Phone . Assessment Ongoing Assessment Situation: was advised that pt expired this morning 8/25/21. contacted (ex-spouse) to inform him of this information. Pt was not under hospice services as ex-spouse only returned part of the paperwork.." "1656127-1" "1656127-1" "VAGINAL HAEMORRHAGE" "10046910" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Result Type: History and Physical Date: August 14, 2021 2:17 Result Status: Auth (Verified) Result Title: Admission H & P Performed By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Verified By: MD on August 14, 2021 2:21 Encounter info: Inpatient, 08/14/2021 - 08/25/2021 * Final Report * Date of Admission 08/14/2021 Chief Complaint for resp distress, COVID+, intubated by EMS and given 4mg versed, 20mg etomidate, 100mg ketamine, 125mg solumedrol History of Present Illness 75-year-old female sent from secondary to respiratory distress. Patient is intubated in the ER therefore history is taken from ER records and chart. Patient had recent admission at hospital rib patient had been initially admitted with symptomatic anemia and abnormal vaginal bleeding. At that time patient was found to have brainstem mass likely metastatic cancer secondary endometrial cancer. Patient required blood transfusion. Patient presents today with acute worsening of shortness of breath at 11:30 a.m. this evening. patient has known covid-19. Per EMS patient's initial O2 sats were in the 70s. Patient started on CPAP with no improvement. Patient intubated in the field. Course of symptoms constant degree at onset severe degree of present severe. No known exacerbating alleviating factors. No known other associated symptoms. Patient by emergency department patient started IV pressors given IV antibiotics. Pneumonia due to COVID-19 virus U07.1 Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure Respiratory failure J96.90 Severe sepsis R65.20 Recent diagnosis metastatic CA likely endometrial History of Abnormal vaginal bleeding CM Ongoing Assessment AH NEW Patient: Age: 75 years Sex: Female DOB: Associated Diagnoses: None Author: Professional Services CM Contact Information: Discharge Planner . Discharge Planner Phone . Assessment Ongoing Assessment Situation: was advised that pt expired this morning 8/25/21. contacted (ex-spouse) to inform him of this information. Pt was not under hospice services as ex-spouse only returned part of the paperwork.." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "ARTERIOSCLEROSIS" "10003210" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "AUTOPSY" "10050117" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "BLOOD CHLORIDE NORMAL" "10005421" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "BLOOD CREATININE NORMAL" "10005484" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "BLOOD IMMUNOGLOBULIN E NORMAL" "10005592" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "BLOOD KETONE BODY" "10057593" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "BLOOD POTASSIUM NORMAL" "10005726" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "BLOOD SODIUM NORMAL" "10005804" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "CARDIAC FAILURE CONGESTIVE" "10007559" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "CONGESTIVE HEPATOPATHY" "10084058" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "HEPATIC CIRRHOSIS" "10019641" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "HYPERTENSIVE HEART DISEASE" "10020823" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "INFLUENZA A VIRUS TEST NEGATIVE" "10070417" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "INFLUENZA B VIRUS TEST" "10071544" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "INFLUENZA VIRUS TEST NEGATIVE" "10070718" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "LABORATORY TEST NORMAL" "10054052" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "MYOCARDIAL FIBROSIS" "10028594" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "OBESITY" "10029883" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "OEDEMA MUCOSAL" "10030111" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "PLATELET COUNT NORMAL" "10035530" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "PULMONARY CONGESTION" "10037368" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "PULMONARY HYPERTENSION" "10037400" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "PULMONARY OEDEMA" "10037423" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "RED BLOOD CELL COUNT INCREASED" "10038155" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST NEGATIVE" "10084273" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "TRYPTASE" "10063240" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656482-1" "1656482-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT INCREASED" "10047943" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred; I performed an autopsy (I'm a Medical Examiner/forensic pathologist) and ultimately certified the death as follows: Cause of death: Congestive Heart Failure due to Atherosclerotic and Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Other significant conditions: Class 1 Obesity. Manner of death: Natural. There is NO evidence to indicate that the vaccination is related to her death." "1656531-1" "1656531-1" "ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10001053" "65-79 years" "65-79" "breakthrough Covid infection, acute resp failure, patient died" "1656531-1" "1656531-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "breakthrough Covid infection, acute resp failure, patient died" "1656531-1" "1656531-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "breakthrough Covid infection, acute resp failure, patient died" "1656531-1" "1656531-1" "INFECTION" "10021789" "65-79 years" "65-79" "breakthrough Covid infection, acute resp failure, patient died" "1662832-1" "1662832-1" "ENCEPHALOPATHY" "10014625" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever of unknown origin and encephalopathy. Rapid neurological and respiratory decline of unknown origin." "1662832-1" "1662832-1" "NERVOUS SYSTEM DISORDER" "10029202" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever of unknown origin and encephalopathy. Rapid neurological and respiratory decline of unknown origin." "1662832-1" "1662832-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever of unknown origin and encephalopathy. Rapid neurological and respiratory decline of unknown origin." "1662832-1" "1662832-1" "RESPIRATORY DISORDER" "10038683" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever of unknown origin and encephalopathy. Rapid neurological and respiratory decline of unknown origin." "1666413-1" "1666413-1" "ABNORMAL BEHAVIOUR" "10061422" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Right leg showed signs of blood flow stoppage away from groin. Heavyset cough, wet, began as well (both on Monday 2 days after vaccination). Fully in CHF (congested heart failure AND blackening of right foot) and told by STAT home health nurse on her visit Wednesday at 8:00am to get him IMMEDIATELY to the Emergency Room! Was at Hospital from May 19-June 2, 2021. Was given transfusions for White Blood count abnormalities, was clearly showing serious and repeated (as many as 3x daily/night for up to 2 hours each) cognitive ?sundowners? signs to nurses. Began to choke often, twice my use of back pats to clear when nurses unavailable. Not normal! Began talking of God and his beliefs for the first time, with me after a week In treatment. So many brand new issues there is no way this was not vaccine related!" "1666413-1" "1666413-1" "ASPIRATION PLEURAL CAVITY" "10003522" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Right leg showed signs of blood flow stoppage away from groin. Heavyset cough, wet, began as well (both on Monday 2 days after vaccination). Fully in CHF (congested heart failure AND blackening of right foot) and told by STAT home health nurse on her visit Wednesday at 8:00am to get him IMMEDIATELY to the Emergency Room! Was at Hospital from May 19-June 2, 2021. Was given transfusions for White Blood count abnormalities, was clearly showing serious and repeated (as many as 3x daily/night for up to 2 hours each) cognitive ?sundowners? signs to nurses. Began to choke often, twice my use of back pats to clear when nurses unavailable. Not normal! Began talking of God and his beliefs for the first time, with me after a week In treatment. So many brand new issues there is no way this was not vaccine related!" "1666413-1" "1666413-1" "CARDIAC FAILURE CONGESTIVE" "10007559" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Right leg showed signs of blood flow stoppage away from groin. Heavyset cough, wet, began as well (both on Monday 2 days after vaccination). Fully in CHF (congested heart failure AND blackening of right foot) and told by STAT home health nurse on her visit Wednesday at 8:00am to get him IMMEDIATELY to the Emergency Room! Was at Hospital from May 19-June 2, 2021. Was given transfusions for White Blood count abnormalities, was clearly showing serious and repeated (as many as 3x daily/night for up to 2 hours each) cognitive ?sundowners? signs to nurses. Began to choke often, twice my use of back pats to clear when nurses unavailable. Not normal! Began talking of God and his beliefs for the first time, with me after a week In treatment. So many brand new issues there is no way this was not vaccine related!" "1666413-1" "1666413-1" "CHOKING" "10008589" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Right leg showed signs of blood flow stoppage away from groin. Heavyset cough, wet, began as well (both on Monday 2 days after vaccination). Fully in CHF (congested heart failure AND blackening of right foot) and told by STAT home health nurse on her visit Wednesday at 8:00am to get him IMMEDIATELY to the Emergency Room! Was at Hospital from May 19-June 2, 2021. Was given transfusions for White Blood count abnormalities, was clearly showing serious and repeated (as many as 3x daily/night for up to 2 hours each) cognitive ?sundowners? signs to nurses. Began to choke often, twice my use of back pats to clear when nurses unavailable. Not normal! Began talking of God and his beliefs for the first time, with me after a week In treatment. So many brand new issues there is no way this was not vaccine related!" "1666413-1" "1666413-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM" "10010234" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Right leg showed signs of blood flow stoppage away from groin. Heavyset cough, wet, began as well (both on Monday 2 days after vaccination). Fully in CHF (congested heart failure AND blackening of right foot) and told by STAT home health nurse on her visit Wednesday at 8:00am to get him IMMEDIATELY to the Emergency Room! Was at Hospital from May 19-June 2, 2021. Was given transfusions for White Blood count abnormalities, was clearly showing serious and repeated (as many as 3x daily/night for up to 2 hours each) cognitive ?sundowners? signs to nurses. Began to choke often, twice my use of back pats to clear when nurses unavailable. Not normal! Began talking of God and his beliefs for the first time, with me after a week In treatment. So many brand new issues there is no way this was not vaccine related!" "1666413-1" "1666413-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Right leg showed signs of blood flow stoppage away from groin. Heavyset cough, wet, began as well (both on Monday 2 days after vaccination). Fully in CHF (congested heart failure AND blackening of right foot) and told by STAT home health nurse on her visit Wednesday at 8:00am to get him IMMEDIATELY to the Emergency Room! Was at Hospital from May 19-June 2, 2021. Was given transfusions for White Blood count abnormalities, was clearly showing serious and repeated (as many as 3x daily/night for up to 2 hours each) cognitive ?sundowners? signs to nurses. Began to choke often, twice my use of back pats to clear when nurses unavailable. Not normal! Began talking of God and his beliefs for the first time, with me after a week In treatment. So many brand new issues there is no way this was not vaccine related!" "1666413-1" "1666413-1" "DELIRIUM" "10012218" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Right leg showed signs of blood flow stoppage away from groin. Heavyset cough, wet, began as well (both on Monday 2 days after vaccination). Fully in CHF (congested heart failure AND blackening of right foot) and told by STAT home health nurse on her visit Wednesday at 8:00am to get him IMMEDIATELY to the Emergency Room! Was at Hospital from May 19-June 2, 2021. Was given transfusions for White Blood count abnormalities, was clearly showing serious and repeated (as many as 3x daily/night for up to 2 hours each) cognitive ?sundowners? signs to nurses. Began to choke often, twice my use of back pats to clear when nurses unavailable. Not normal! Began talking of God and his beliefs for the first time, with me after a week In treatment. So many brand new issues there is no way this was not vaccine related!" "1666413-1" "1666413-1" "FOOT AMPUTATION" "10016960" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Right leg showed signs of blood flow stoppage away from groin. Heavyset cough, wet, began as well (both on Monday 2 days after vaccination). Fully in CHF (congested heart failure AND blackening of right foot) and told by STAT home health nurse on her visit Wednesday at 8:00am to get him IMMEDIATELY to the Emergency Room! Was at Hospital from May 19-June 2, 2021. Was given transfusions for White Blood count abnormalities, was clearly showing serious and repeated (as many as 3x daily/night for up to 2 hours each) cognitive ?sundowners? signs to nurses. Began to choke often, twice my use of back pats to clear when nurses unavailable. Not normal! Began talking of God and his beliefs for the first time, with me after a week In treatment. So many brand new issues there is no way this was not vaccine related!" "1666413-1" "1666413-1" "LIMB OPERATION" "10061226" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Right leg showed signs of blood flow stoppage away from groin. Heavyset cough, wet, began as well (both on Monday 2 days after vaccination). Fully in CHF (congested heart failure AND blackening of right foot) and told by STAT home health nurse on her visit Wednesday at 8:00am to get him IMMEDIATELY to the Emergency Room! Was at Hospital from May 19-June 2, 2021. Was given transfusions for White Blood count abnormalities, was clearly showing serious and repeated (as many as 3x daily/night for up to 2 hours each) cognitive ?sundowners? signs to nurses. Began to choke often, twice my use of back pats to clear when nurses unavailable. Not normal! Began talking of God and his beliefs for the first time, with me after a week In treatment. So many brand new issues there is no way this was not vaccine related!" "1666413-1" "1666413-1" "POOR PERIPHERAL CIRCULATION" "10036155" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Right leg showed signs of blood flow stoppage away from groin. Heavyset cough, wet, began as well (both on Monday 2 days after vaccination). Fully in CHF (congested heart failure AND blackening of right foot) and told by STAT home health nurse on her visit Wednesday at 8:00am to get him IMMEDIATELY to the Emergency Room! Was at Hospital from May 19-June 2, 2021. Was given transfusions for White Blood count abnormalities, was clearly showing serious and repeated (as many as 3x daily/night for up to 2 hours each) cognitive ?sundowners? signs to nurses. Began to choke often, twice my use of back pats to clear when nurses unavailable. Not normal! Began talking of God and his beliefs for the first time, with me after a week In treatment. So many brand new issues there is no way this was not vaccine related!" "1666413-1" "1666413-1" "PRODUCTIVE COUGH" "10036790" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Right leg showed signs of blood flow stoppage away from groin. Heavyset cough, wet, began as well (both on Monday 2 days after vaccination). Fully in CHF (congested heart failure AND blackening of right foot) and told by STAT home health nurse on her visit Wednesday at 8:00am to get him IMMEDIATELY to the Emergency Room! Was at Hospital from May 19-June 2, 2021. Was given transfusions for White Blood count abnormalities, was clearly showing serious and repeated (as many as 3x daily/night for up to 2 hours each) cognitive ?sundowners? signs to nurses. Began to choke often, twice my use of back pats to clear when nurses unavailable. Not normal! Began talking of God and his beliefs for the first time, with me after a week In treatment. So many brand new issues there is no way this was not vaccine related!" "1666413-1" "1666413-1" "SKIN DISCOLOURATION" "10040829" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Right leg showed signs of blood flow stoppage away from groin. Heavyset cough, wet, began as well (both on Monday 2 days after vaccination). Fully in CHF (congested heart failure AND blackening of right foot) and told by STAT home health nurse on her visit Wednesday at 8:00am to get him IMMEDIATELY to the Emergency Room! Was at Hospital from May 19-June 2, 2021. Was given transfusions for White Blood count abnormalities, was clearly showing serious and repeated (as many as 3x daily/night for up to 2 hours each) cognitive ?sundowners? signs to nurses. Began to choke often, twice my use of back pats to clear when nurses unavailable. Not normal! Began talking of God and his beliefs for the first time, with me after a week In treatment. So many brand new issues there is no way this was not vaccine related!" "1666413-1" "1666413-1" "TRANSFUSION" "10066152" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Right leg showed signs of blood flow stoppage away from groin. Heavyset cough, wet, began as well (both on Monday 2 days after vaccination). Fully in CHF (congested heart failure AND blackening of right foot) and told by STAT home health nurse on her visit Wednesday at 8:00am to get him IMMEDIATELY to the Emergency Room! Was at Hospital from May 19-June 2, 2021. Was given transfusions for White Blood count abnormalities, was clearly showing serious and repeated (as many as 3x daily/night for up to 2 hours each) cognitive ?sundowners? signs to nurses. Began to choke often, twice my use of back pats to clear when nurses unavailable. Not normal! Began talking of God and his beliefs for the first time, with me after a week In treatment. So many brand new issues there is no way this was not vaccine related!" "1666413-1" "1666413-1" "VENOUS OPERATION" "10062175" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Right leg showed signs of blood flow stoppage away from groin. Heavyset cough, wet, began as well (both on Monday 2 days after vaccination). Fully in CHF (congested heart failure AND blackening of right foot) and told by STAT home health nurse on her visit Wednesday at 8:00am to get him IMMEDIATELY to the Emergency Room! Was at Hospital from May 19-June 2, 2021. Was given transfusions for White Blood count abnormalities, was clearly showing serious and repeated (as many as 3x daily/night for up to 2 hours each) cognitive ?sundowners? signs to nurses. Began to choke often, twice my use of back pats to clear when nurses unavailable. Not normal! Began talking of God and his beliefs for the first time, with me after a week In treatment. So many brand new issues there is no way this was not vaccine related!" "1666413-1" "1666413-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT ABNORMAL" "10047940" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Right leg showed signs of blood flow stoppage away from groin. Heavyset cough, wet, began as well (both on Monday 2 days after vaccination). Fully in CHF (congested heart failure AND blackening of right foot) and told by STAT home health nurse on her visit Wednesday at 8:00am to get him IMMEDIATELY to the Emergency Room! Was at Hospital from May 19-June 2, 2021. Was given transfusions for White Blood count abnormalities, was clearly showing serious and repeated (as many as 3x daily/night for up to 2 hours each) cognitive ?sundowners? signs to nurses. Began to choke often, twice my use of back pats to clear when nurses unavailable. Not normal! Began talking of God and his beliefs for the first time, with me after a week In treatment. So many brand new issues there is no way this was not vaccine related!" "1666413-1" "1666413-1" "X-RAY" "10048064" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Right leg showed signs of blood flow stoppage away from groin. Heavyset cough, wet, began as well (both on Monday 2 days after vaccination). Fully in CHF (congested heart failure AND blackening of right foot) and told by STAT home health nurse on her visit Wednesday at 8:00am to get him IMMEDIATELY to the Emergency Room! Was at Hospital from May 19-June 2, 2021. Was given transfusions for White Blood count abnormalities, was clearly showing serious and repeated (as many as 3x daily/night for up to 2 hours each) cognitive ?sundowners? signs to nurses. Began to choke often, twice my use of back pats to clear when nurses unavailable. Not normal! Began talking of God and his beliefs for the first time, with me after a week In treatment. So many brand new issues there is no way this was not vaccine related!" "1670444-1" "1670444-1" "AGITATION" "10001497" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission 08/03/2021. Chief Complaint COVID + on 7/29/21, increased shortness of breath; placed on 4L NC in triage This is a 72-year-old Caucasian gentleman who presented to the hospital on August 3rd with complaints of shortness of breath after being diagnosed with COVID-19 4 days earlier. The patient has a known history of COPD and states that he uses a trilogy machine at home but is not on oxygen on an around the clock basis. The patient did ultimately require intubation but was extubated on August 8th. He had some difficulties yesterday with oxygenation and was on BiPAP at 100% there was some concern that he was going to need re-intubation. However, the patient status has improved somewhat today he is on Precedex to help control some of his agitation and restlessness and he is now been weaned to high-flow nasal cannula. The patient is in the intensive care unit and is awake and alert to self and place but otherwise pleasantly confused. He does not know the year nor the name of the president. Result Title: Patient Death Performed By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Verified By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Encounter info: 3791927, DEL, Inpatient, 08/28/2021 - 08/29/2021 Examined patient. No spontaneous audible heart sounds, no spontaneous audible breath sounds, no corneal reflex, no pupil response. Patient expired at 1705 with family at bedside." "1670444-1" "1670444-1" "BILEVEL POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE" "10064530" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission 08/03/2021. Chief Complaint COVID + on 7/29/21, increased shortness of breath; placed on 4L NC in triage This is a 72-year-old Caucasian gentleman who presented to the hospital on August 3rd with complaints of shortness of breath after being diagnosed with COVID-19 4 days earlier. The patient has a known history of COPD and states that he uses a trilogy machine at home but is not on oxygen on an around the clock basis. The patient did ultimately require intubation but was extubated on August 8th. He had some difficulties yesterday with oxygenation and was on BiPAP at 100% there was some concern that he was going to need re-intubation. However, the patient status has improved somewhat today he is on Precedex to help control some of his agitation and restlessness and he is now been weaned to high-flow nasal cannula. The patient is in the intensive care unit and is awake and alert to self and place but otherwise pleasantly confused. He does not know the year nor the name of the president. Result Title: Patient Death Performed By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Verified By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Encounter info: 3791927, DEL, Inpatient, 08/28/2021 - 08/29/2021 Examined patient. No spontaneous audible heart sounds, no spontaneous audible breath sounds, no corneal reflex, no pupil response. Patient expired at 1705 with family at bedside." "1670444-1" "1670444-1" "CONFUSIONAL STATE" "10010305" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission 08/03/2021. Chief Complaint COVID + on 7/29/21, increased shortness of breath; placed on 4L NC in triage This is a 72-year-old Caucasian gentleman who presented to the hospital on August 3rd with complaints of shortness of breath after being diagnosed with COVID-19 4 days earlier. The patient has a known history of COPD and states that he uses a trilogy machine at home but is not on oxygen on an around the clock basis. The patient did ultimately require intubation but was extubated on August 8th. He had some difficulties yesterday with oxygenation and was on BiPAP at 100% there was some concern that he was going to need re-intubation. However, the patient status has improved somewhat today he is on Precedex to help control some of his agitation and restlessness and he is now been weaned to high-flow nasal cannula. The patient is in the intensive care unit and is awake and alert to self and place but otherwise pleasantly confused. He does not know the year nor the name of the president. Result Title: Patient Death Performed By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Verified By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Encounter info: 3791927, DEL, Inpatient, 08/28/2021 - 08/29/2021 Examined patient. No spontaneous audible heart sounds, no spontaneous audible breath sounds, no corneal reflex, no pupil response. Patient expired at 1705 with family at bedside." "1670444-1" "1670444-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission 08/03/2021. Chief Complaint COVID + on 7/29/21, increased shortness of breath; placed on 4L NC in triage This is a 72-year-old Caucasian gentleman who presented to the hospital on August 3rd with complaints of shortness of breath after being diagnosed with COVID-19 4 days earlier. The patient has a known history of COPD and states that he uses a trilogy machine at home but is not on oxygen on an around the clock basis. The patient did ultimately require intubation but was extubated on August 8th. He had some difficulties yesterday with oxygenation and was on BiPAP at 100% there was some concern that he was going to need re-intubation. However, the patient status has improved somewhat today he is on Precedex to help control some of his agitation and restlessness and he is now been weaned to high-flow nasal cannula. The patient is in the intensive care unit and is awake and alert to self and place but otherwise pleasantly confused. He does not know the year nor the name of the president. Result Title: Patient Death Performed By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Verified By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Encounter info: 3791927, DEL, Inpatient, 08/28/2021 - 08/29/2021 Examined patient. No spontaneous audible heart sounds, no spontaneous audible breath sounds, no corneal reflex, no pupil response. Patient expired at 1705 with family at bedside." "1670444-1" "1670444-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission 08/03/2021. Chief Complaint COVID + on 7/29/21, increased shortness of breath; placed on 4L NC in triage This is a 72-year-old Caucasian gentleman who presented to the hospital on August 3rd with complaints of shortness of breath after being diagnosed with COVID-19 4 days earlier. The patient has a known history of COPD and states that he uses a trilogy machine at home but is not on oxygen on an around the clock basis. The patient did ultimately require intubation but was extubated on August 8th. He had some difficulties yesterday with oxygenation and was on BiPAP at 100% there was some concern that he was going to need re-intubation. However, the patient status has improved somewhat today he is on Precedex to help control some of his agitation and restlessness and he is now been weaned to high-flow nasal cannula. The patient is in the intensive care unit and is awake and alert to self and place but otherwise pleasantly confused. He does not know the year nor the name of the president. Result Title: Patient Death Performed By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Verified By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Encounter info: 3791927, DEL, Inpatient, 08/28/2021 - 08/29/2021 Examined patient. No spontaneous audible heart sounds, no spontaneous audible breath sounds, no corneal reflex, no pupil response. Patient expired at 1705 with family at bedside." "1670444-1" "1670444-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission 08/03/2021. Chief Complaint COVID + on 7/29/21, increased shortness of breath; placed on 4L NC in triage This is a 72-year-old Caucasian gentleman who presented to the hospital on August 3rd with complaints of shortness of breath after being diagnosed with COVID-19 4 days earlier. The patient has a known history of COPD and states that he uses a trilogy machine at home but is not on oxygen on an around the clock basis. The patient did ultimately require intubation but was extubated on August 8th. He had some difficulties yesterday with oxygenation and was on BiPAP at 100% there was some concern that he was going to need re-intubation. However, the patient status has improved somewhat today he is on Precedex to help control some of his agitation and restlessness and he is now been weaned to high-flow nasal cannula. The patient is in the intensive care unit and is awake and alert to self and place but otherwise pleasantly confused. He does not know the year nor the name of the president. Result Title: Patient Death Performed By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Verified By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Encounter info: 3791927, DEL, Inpatient, 08/28/2021 - 08/29/2021 Examined patient. No spontaneous audible heart sounds, no spontaneous audible breath sounds, no corneal reflex, no pupil response. Patient expired at 1705 with family at bedside." "1670444-1" "1670444-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission 08/03/2021. Chief Complaint COVID + on 7/29/21, increased shortness of breath; placed on 4L NC in triage This is a 72-year-old Caucasian gentleman who presented to the hospital on August 3rd with complaints of shortness of breath after being diagnosed with COVID-19 4 days earlier. The patient has a known history of COPD and states that he uses a trilogy machine at home but is not on oxygen on an around the clock basis. The patient did ultimately require intubation but was extubated on August 8th. He had some difficulties yesterday with oxygenation and was on BiPAP at 100% there was some concern that he was going to need re-intubation. However, the patient status has improved somewhat today he is on Precedex to help control some of his agitation and restlessness and he is now been weaned to high-flow nasal cannula. The patient is in the intensive care unit and is awake and alert to self and place but otherwise pleasantly confused. He does not know the year nor the name of the president. Result Title: Patient Death Performed By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Verified By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Encounter info: 3791927, DEL, Inpatient, 08/28/2021 - 08/29/2021 Examined patient. No spontaneous audible heart sounds, no spontaneous audible breath sounds, no corneal reflex, no pupil response. Patient expired at 1705 with family at bedside." "1670444-1" "1670444-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission 08/03/2021. Chief Complaint COVID + on 7/29/21, increased shortness of breath; placed on 4L NC in triage This is a 72-year-old Caucasian gentleman who presented to the hospital on August 3rd with complaints of shortness of breath after being diagnosed with COVID-19 4 days earlier. The patient has a known history of COPD and states that he uses a trilogy machine at home but is not on oxygen on an around the clock basis. The patient did ultimately require intubation but was extubated on August 8th. He had some difficulties yesterday with oxygenation and was on BiPAP at 100% there was some concern that he was going to need re-intubation. However, the patient status has improved somewhat today he is on Precedex to help control some of his agitation and restlessness and he is now been weaned to high-flow nasal cannula. The patient is in the intensive care unit and is awake and alert to self and place but otherwise pleasantly confused. He does not know the year nor the name of the president. Result Title: Patient Death Performed By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Verified By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Encounter info: 3791927, DEL, Inpatient, 08/28/2021 - 08/29/2021 Examined patient. No spontaneous audible heart sounds, no spontaneous audible breath sounds, no corneal reflex, no pupil response. Patient expired at 1705 with family at bedside." "1670444-1" "1670444-1" "RESTLESSNESS" "10038743" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission 08/03/2021. Chief Complaint COVID + on 7/29/21, increased shortness of breath; placed on 4L NC in triage This is a 72-year-old Caucasian gentleman who presented to the hospital on August 3rd with complaints of shortness of breath after being diagnosed with COVID-19 4 days earlier. The patient has a known history of COPD and states that he uses a trilogy machine at home but is not on oxygen on an around the clock basis. The patient did ultimately require intubation but was extubated on August 8th. He had some difficulties yesterday with oxygenation and was on BiPAP at 100% there was some concern that he was going to need re-intubation. However, the patient status has improved somewhat today he is on Precedex to help control some of his agitation and restlessness and he is now been weaned to high-flow nasal cannula. The patient is in the intensive care unit and is awake and alert to self and place but otherwise pleasantly confused. He does not know the year nor the name of the president. Result Title: Patient Death Performed By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Verified By: RN on August 28, 2021 19:38 EDT Encounter info: 3791927, DEL, Inpatient, 08/28/2021 - 08/29/2021 Examined patient. No spontaneous audible heart sounds, no spontaneous audible breath sounds, no corneal reflex, no pupil response. Patient expired at 1705 with family at bedside." "1670560-1" "1670560-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient deceased 08/25/2021" "1670621-1" "1670621-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient died" "1670826-1" "1670826-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death." "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "AGITATION" "10001497" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "ANGIOGRAM PULMONARY ABNORMAL" "10002441" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "ANTICOAGULANT THERAPY" "10053468" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "ANXIETY" "10002855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "BILEVEL POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE" "10064530" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "BLOOD GASES" "10005537" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "BLOOD PRESSURE DECREASED" "10005734" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "CONFUSIONAL STATE" "10010305" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "ECHOCARDIOGRAM" "10014113" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "EMPHYSEMA" "10014561" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "GASTROINTESTINAL TUBE INSERTION" "10053050" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "HAEMOGLOBIN DECREASED" "10018884" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "HAEMOPTYSIS" "10018964" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "INFECTION" "10021789" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "PACKED RED BLOOD CELL TRANSFUSION" "10033359" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "PATIENT RESTRAINT" "10053316" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "PULMONARY EMBOLISM" "10037377" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "PULMONARY MASS" "10056342" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675012-1" "1675012-1" "TREATMENT NONCOMPLIANCE" "10049414" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/12/21. Hospitalized from 08/18/21 - 08/30/21. Below is copied from discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: HPI: Patient is a 70 year old male with a PMHx of COPD / Emphysema with home O2 dependence recently increased to 3L/NC, HFrEF, recent Dx of PE one month ago on Eliquis and depression who presented to the ED for worsening shortness of breath and hemoptysis. He is Covid positive and did receive the J&J vaccine. He was admitted to the Hospitalist's Service. He has worsening shortness of breath and increased oxygen demand and work of breathing. He is transferred to the ICU for increased level of care. 8/22: CTA Chest negative for PE but showed severe centrilobular emphysema, left lung apex cavitary lesion (infxn vs. Malignancy). Echo pending. Patient on BiPAP 10/5, 70% FiO2. No other concerns. 8/23: Holding off Baricitinib given concern for CAP. Given Lasix 40 IV x 1 and will resume home Lasix BID in AM for HFrEF. Currently on BiPAP 10/6, 80%. Weaning to HFNC +/- NRB as tolerated. 8/24: Pt with high level of anxiety prn yesterday for which Buspar was effective. He has been anxious overnight. Remains on HFNC. 8/25: Over day time transitioned to bipap with improvement in oxygenation. Reports no change in respiratory status. 8/26: Patient had several episodes of removing HFNC or BiPAP. Placed in restraints w/mittens on HFNC + NRB. Patient with more confusion recently as well. Started on Seroquel. Currently on HFNC + NRB 60L/100%. 8/27: Patient with confusion/agitation yesterday. CT head ordered but patient unable to cooperate even w/Ativan. Patient maxed out on Precedex gtt and still agitated. Added ketamine gtt w/improvement in sedation and patient able to tolerate BiPAP. NG placed. 8/28: Patient with increasing O2 demands last night, patient subsequently intubated and placed on PRVC. Today, patient changed from PRVC to PS with improvements in oxygenation. Patient on 14/10 75% PS satting mid 90's. 8/29: Overnight patients blood pressure dropping despite being on Levo and Vaso infusions. Neosynephrine infusion added. Bedside ultrasound performed showing ~50% collapse of IVC on inspiration - patient bolused 1L IVF with minimal improvement of blood pressure. Patient with increasing O2 requirements. ABG performed showing Hgb 6.5. Patient type & screened, crossmatched, transfused 1u PRBC's. Vancomycin added for broad spectrum antibiotic coverage. Spoke with patients significant other who came in to the hospital to see patient - she confirms status of DNR with being ok for intubation. 1957: Maxed on 4 vasopressors. GCS 3T. HR trended down to asystole. No heart tones auscultated. Time of death 1957. Significant other notified. Discharged Condition: deceased" "1675027-1" "1675027-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/15/21. Hospitalized from 08/21/21 - 08/27/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient lost pulse soon after family visit. 4 rounds of ACLS performed. Asystole on monitor Time of death pronounced at 1719. Alerted by RN that patient regained a weak pulse at 1722. Pressors restarted. Patient again lost pulse soon after and 1 round of ACLS was performed. No ROSC obtained. Asystole on monitor. No cardiac activity noted. Time of death 1734. 75 y.o. male with a PMH of HTN, HLD, COVId diagnosed 1 week ago presents to the ED c/o worsening SOB. Over the past week he has been noticing exertional SOB, fatigue and dyspnea. He had been able to recover with rest , today he was not able to get back to baseline so he decided to come in. At triage he was satting in the 70s on RA. He was placed on a nonrebreather at that time." "1675027-1" "1675027-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/15/21. Hospitalized from 08/21/21 - 08/27/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient lost pulse soon after family visit. 4 rounds of ACLS performed. Asystole on monitor Time of death pronounced at 1719. Alerted by RN that patient regained a weak pulse at 1722. Pressors restarted. Patient again lost pulse soon after and 1 round of ACLS was performed. No ROSC obtained. Asystole on monitor. No cardiac activity noted. Time of death 1734. 75 y.o. male with a PMH of HTN, HLD, COVId diagnosed 1 week ago presents to the ED c/o worsening SOB. Over the past week he has been noticing exertional SOB, fatigue and dyspnea. He had been able to recover with rest , today he was not able to get back to baseline so he decided to come in. At triage he was satting in the 70s on RA. He was placed on a nonrebreather at that time." "1675027-1" "1675027-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/15/21. Hospitalized from 08/21/21 - 08/27/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient lost pulse soon after family visit. 4 rounds of ACLS performed. Asystole on monitor Time of death pronounced at 1719. Alerted by RN that patient regained a weak pulse at 1722. Pressors restarted. Patient again lost pulse soon after and 1 round of ACLS was performed. No ROSC obtained. Asystole on monitor. No cardiac activity noted. Time of death 1734. 75 y.o. male with a PMH of HTN, HLD, COVId diagnosed 1 week ago presents to the ED c/o worsening SOB. Over the past week he has been noticing exertional SOB, fatigue and dyspnea. He had been able to recover with rest , today he was not able to get back to baseline so he decided to come in. At triage he was satting in the 70s on RA. He was placed on a nonrebreather at that time." "1675027-1" "1675027-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/15/21. Hospitalized from 08/21/21 - 08/27/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient lost pulse soon after family visit. 4 rounds of ACLS performed. Asystole on monitor Time of death pronounced at 1719. Alerted by RN that patient regained a weak pulse at 1722. Pressors restarted. Patient again lost pulse soon after and 1 round of ACLS was performed. No ROSC obtained. Asystole on monitor. No cardiac activity noted. Time of death 1734. 75 y.o. male with a PMH of HTN, HLD, COVId diagnosed 1 week ago presents to the ED c/o worsening SOB. Over the past week he has been noticing exertional SOB, fatigue and dyspnea. He had been able to recover with rest , today he was not able to get back to baseline so he decided to come in. At triage he was satting in the 70s on RA. He was placed on a nonrebreather at that time." "1675027-1" "1675027-1" "DYSPNOEA EXERTIONAL" "10013971" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/15/21. Hospitalized from 08/21/21 - 08/27/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient lost pulse soon after family visit. 4 rounds of ACLS performed. Asystole on monitor Time of death pronounced at 1719. Alerted by RN that patient regained a weak pulse at 1722. Pressors restarted. Patient again lost pulse soon after and 1 round of ACLS was performed. No ROSC obtained. Asystole on monitor. No cardiac activity noted. Time of death 1734. 75 y.o. male with a PMH of HTN, HLD, COVId diagnosed 1 week ago presents to the ED c/o worsening SOB. Over the past week he has been noticing exertional SOB, fatigue and dyspnea. He had been able to recover with rest , today he was not able to get back to baseline so he decided to come in. At triage he was satting in the 70s on RA. He was placed on a nonrebreather at that time." "1675027-1" "1675027-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/15/21. Hospitalized from 08/21/21 - 08/27/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient lost pulse soon after family visit. 4 rounds of ACLS performed. Asystole on monitor Time of death pronounced at 1719. Alerted by RN that patient regained a weak pulse at 1722. Pressors restarted. Patient again lost pulse soon after and 1 round of ACLS was performed. No ROSC obtained. Asystole on monitor. No cardiac activity noted. Time of death 1734. 75 y.o. male with a PMH of HTN, HLD, COVId diagnosed 1 week ago presents to the ED c/o worsening SOB. Over the past week he has been noticing exertional SOB, fatigue and dyspnea. He had been able to recover with rest , today he was not able to get back to baseline so he decided to come in. At triage he was satting in the 70s on RA. He was placed on a nonrebreather at that time." "1675027-1" "1675027-1" "INFECTION" "10021789" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/15/21. Hospitalized from 08/21/21 - 08/27/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient lost pulse soon after family visit. 4 rounds of ACLS performed. Asystole on monitor Time of death pronounced at 1719. Alerted by RN that patient regained a weak pulse at 1722. Pressors restarted. Patient again lost pulse soon after and 1 round of ACLS was performed. No ROSC obtained. Asystole on monitor. No cardiac activity noted. Time of death 1734. 75 y.o. male with a PMH of HTN, HLD, COVId diagnosed 1 week ago presents to the ED c/o worsening SOB. Over the past week he has been noticing exertional SOB, fatigue and dyspnea. He had been able to recover with rest , today he was not able to get back to baseline so he decided to come in. At triage he was satting in the 70s on RA. He was placed on a nonrebreather at that time." "1675027-1" "1675027-1" "LIFE SUPPORT" "10024447" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/15/21. Hospitalized from 08/21/21 - 08/27/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient lost pulse soon after family visit. 4 rounds of ACLS performed. Asystole on monitor Time of death pronounced at 1719. Alerted by RN that patient regained a weak pulse at 1722. Pressors restarted. Patient again lost pulse soon after and 1 round of ACLS was performed. No ROSC obtained. Asystole on monitor. No cardiac activity noted. Time of death 1734. 75 y.o. male with a PMH of HTN, HLD, COVId diagnosed 1 week ago presents to the ED c/o worsening SOB. Over the past week he has been noticing exertional SOB, fatigue and dyspnea. He had been able to recover with rest , today he was not able to get back to baseline so he decided to come in. At triage he was satting in the 70s on RA. He was placed on a nonrebreather at that time." "1675027-1" "1675027-1" "PULSE ABNORMAL" "10037466" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/15/21. Hospitalized from 08/21/21 - 08/27/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient lost pulse soon after family visit. 4 rounds of ACLS performed. Asystole on monitor Time of death pronounced at 1719. Alerted by RN that patient regained a weak pulse at 1722. Pressors restarted. Patient again lost pulse soon after and 1 round of ACLS was performed. No ROSC obtained. Asystole on monitor. No cardiac activity noted. Time of death 1734. 75 y.o. male with a PMH of HTN, HLD, COVId diagnosed 1 week ago presents to the ED c/o worsening SOB. Over the past week he has been noticing exertional SOB, fatigue and dyspnea. He had been able to recover with rest , today he was not able to get back to baseline so he decided to come in. At triage he was satting in the 70s on RA. He was placed on a nonrebreather at that time." "1675027-1" "1675027-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/15/21. Hospitalized from 08/21/21 - 08/27/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient lost pulse soon after family visit. 4 rounds of ACLS performed. Asystole on monitor Time of death pronounced at 1719. Alerted by RN that patient regained a weak pulse at 1722. Pressors restarted. Patient again lost pulse soon after and 1 round of ACLS was performed. No ROSC obtained. Asystole on monitor. No cardiac activity noted. Time of death 1734. 75 y.o. male with a PMH of HTN, HLD, COVId diagnosed 1 week ago presents to the ED c/o worsening SOB. Over the past week he has been noticing exertional SOB, fatigue and dyspnea. He had been able to recover with rest , today he was not able to get back to baseline so he decided to come in. At triage he was satting in the 70s on RA. He was placed on a nonrebreather at that time." "1675027-1" "1675027-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. He received J&J vaccine on 03/15/21. Hospitalized from 08/21/21 - 08/27/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient lost pulse soon after family visit. 4 rounds of ACLS performed. Asystole on monitor Time of death pronounced at 1719. Alerted by RN that patient regained a weak pulse at 1722. Pressors restarted. Patient again lost pulse soon after and 1 round of ACLS was performed. No ROSC obtained. Asystole on monitor. No cardiac activity noted. Time of death 1734. 75 y.o. male with a PMH of HTN, HLD, COVId diagnosed 1 week ago presents to the ED c/o worsening SOB. Over the past week he has been noticing exertional SOB, fatigue and dyspnea. He had been able to recover with rest , today he was not able to get back to baseline so he decided to come in. At triage he was satting in the 70s on RA. He was placed on a nonrebreather at that time." "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10001053" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "ATRIAL FIBRILLATION" "10003658" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "BREATH SOUNDS ABSENT" "10062285" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "BRONCHOSCOPY NORMAL" "10006481" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE" "10064848" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "CULTURE NEGATIVE" "10061448" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "HAEMATEMESIS" "10018830" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "HAEMOGLOBIN DECREASED" "10018884" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "HYPOGLYCAEMIA" "10020993" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "LETHARGY" "10024264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "LEUKOCYTOSIS" "10024378" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "MENTAL STATUS CHANGES" "10048294" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "PRONE POSITION" "10074744" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "PUPIL FIXED" "10037515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "SEDATION" "10039897" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "TREMOR" "10044565" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1675092-1" "1675092-1" "VACCINE BREAKTHROUGH INFECTION" "10067923" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 02/19/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/13/21 - 08/31/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: Patient is a vaccinated 75 y.o. male with a pmhx of HTN, DM, CAD s/p PCI (10 yrs ago), CKD3 and breast cancer s/p lumpectomy and CT who presented to ED on 8/13/21 c/o SOB in setting of known COVID-19 infection. Patient recieved both doses of his vaccine (2nd dose 2/2021). Patient was admitted to hospitalist service for acute hypoxic respiratory failure in setting of COVID-19. Throughout course of stay, had increasing oxygenation requirements (requiring FFCPAP after found to have removed mask from face) with pulse ox O2 sats reportedly in 20's, lethargy, and new onset tremor. On pulmonology's evaluation at bedside, patient was A&Ox2 (person/place, thinks year is 2001). Not hypoglycemic on accucheck. Difficult to obtain hx as patient with AMS however shakes head yes when asked if he feels SOB. Admitted to ICU on 18Aug, now intubated and sedated. Bronchoscopy performed at bedside, which was unrevealing. Did not show any mucous plugging. Received solumedrol and lipitor. Toci not given due to depleted supplies. Episodes of hypoglycemia, NPH 35u TID d/c. S/p D5W drip. Continue with SSI. Oligouric AKI on CKD, requiring CRRT. Nephrology on board. New onset A-fib with RVR, now rate controlled. S/p amiodarone drip & metoprolol. Increasing leukocytosis. Continue Vanc/Aztreonam/Flagyl and empiric Caspo, follow cultures. Episodes of coffee ground emesis. Hgb downtrended. Recevied 1 unit of pRBC. Hgb stable. On Levophed. Continue proning protocol. CRRT better when placed in left position. Keep net even. Wean off Levo as tolerated, start midodrine 10mg tid. DC empiric Abx given negative cultures. Palliative care for goals of care. Shock state of unclear etiology at this time. EV1000 hemodynamics to help guide management. Currently on 40 of levophed and vasopressin. Poor oxygenation. Prone ventilation discontinued. DC'd empiric Abx given negative cultures. Spoke to patient's wife and she wants patient to be DNR with no escalation of care given his overall poor prognosis. Plan to compassionately wean. Confirmed DNR. No further escalation of care. Death Note I was called to the room of patient to pronounce that patient had died. Patient was laying motionless and unresponsive to verbal/tactile stimuli. Pupils where fixed and dilated. There were no spontaneous breath sounds. Peripheral pulses were absent. No heartbeat was heard during auscultation. Family was made aware. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was DNR code. Time of death was 1724, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse" "1685546-1" "1685546-1" "CHEST X-RAY ABNORMAL" "10008499" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/14/21: patient brought to ED as she was found unresponsive by family last time was seen was 8:00 p.m. on arrival to ED patient has to be intubated for low GCS round 3 stroke alert team was activated head CT is negative chest x-ray significant for right upper lobe mass patient required norepinephrine as she was hypotensive. COVID test PCR came back positive. admitted to COVID unit Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on 4/26/21 & 5/17/21. Diagnosed with hypoxic respiratory failure secondary to covid pneumonia. 8/22/21: patient died." "1685546-1" "1685546-1" "COMA SCALE ABNORMAL" "10069709" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/14/21: patient brought to ED as she was found unresponsive by family last time was seen was 8:00 p.m. on arrival to ED patient has to be intubated for low GCS round 3 stroke alert team was activated head CT is negative chest x-ray significant for right upper lobe mass patient required norepinephrine as she was hypotensive. COVID test PCR came back positive. admitted to COVID unit Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on 4/26/21 & 5/17/21. Diagnosed with hypoxic respiratory failure secondary to covid pneumonia. 8/22/21: patient died." "1685546-1" "1685546-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD NORMAL" "10072167" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/14/21: patient brought to ED as she was found unresponsive by family last time was seen was 8:00 p.m. on arrival to ED patient has to be intubated for low GCS round 3 stroke alert team was activated head CT is negative chest x-ray significant for right upper lobe mass patient required norepinephrine as she was hypotensive. COVID test PCR came back positive. admitted to COVID unit Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on 4/26/21 & 5/17/21. Diagnosed with hypoxic respiratory failure secondary to covid pneumonia. 8/22/21: patient died." "1685546-1" "1685546-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/14/21: patient brought to ED as she was found unresponsive by family last time was seen was 8:00 p.m. on arrival to ED patient has to be intubated for low GCS round 3 stroke alert team was activated head CT is negative chest x-ray significant for right upper lobe mass patient required norepinephrine as she was hypotensive. COVID test PCR came back positive. admitted to COVID unit Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on 4/26/21 & 5/17/21. Diagnosed with hypoxic respiratory failure secondary to covid pneumonia. 8/22/21: patient died." "1685546-1" "1685546-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/14/21: patient brought to ED as she was found unresponsive by family last time was seen was 8:00 p.m. on arrival to ED patient has to be intubated for low GCS round 3 stroke alert team was activated head CT is negative chest x-ray significant for right upper lobe mass patient required norepinephrine as she was hypotensive. COVID test PCR came back positive. admitted to COVID unit Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on 4/26/21 & 5/17/21. Diagnosed with hypoxic respiratory failure secondary to covid pneumonia. 8/22/21: patient died." "1685546-1" "1685546-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/14/21: patient brought to ED as she was found unresponsive by family last time was seen was 8:00 p.m. on arrival to ED patient has to be intubated for low GCS round 3 stroke alert team was activated head CT is negative chest x-ray significant for right upper lobe mass patient required norepinephrine as she was hypotensive. COVID test PCR came back positive. admitted to COVID unit Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on 4/26/21 & 5/17/21. Diagnosed with hypoxic respiratory failure secondary to covid pneumonia. 8/22/21: patient died." "1685546-1" "1685546-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/14/21: patient brought to ED as she was found unresponsive by family last time was seen was 8:00 p.m. on arrival to ED patient has to be intubated for low GCS round 3 stroke alert team was activated head CT is negative chest x-ray significant for right upper lobe mass patient required norepinephrine as she was hypotensive. COVID test PCR came back positive. admitted to COVID unit Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on 4/26/21 & 5/17/21. Diagnosed with hypoxic respiratory failure secondary to covid pneumonia. 8/22/21: patient died." "1685546-1" "1685546-1" "HYPOTENSION" "10021097" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/14/21: patient brought to ED as she was found unresponsive by family last time was seen was 8:00 p.m. on arrival to ED patient has to be intubated for low GCS round 3 stroke alert team was activated head CT is negative chest x-ray significant for right upper lobe mass patient required norepinephrine as she was hypotensive. COVID test PCR came back positive. admitted to COVID unit Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on 4/26/21 & 5/17/21. Diagnosed with hypoxic respiratory failure secondary to covid pneumonia. 8/22/21: patient died." "1685546-1" "1685546-1" "PULMONARY MASS" "10056342" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/14/21: patient brought to ED as she was found unresponsive by family last time was seen was 8:00 p.m. on arrival to ED patient has to be intubated for low GCS round 3 stroke alert team was activated head CT is negative chest x-ray significant for right upper lobe mass patient required norepinephrine as she was hypotensive. COVID test PCR came back positive. admitted to COVID unit Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on 4/26/21 & 5/17/21. Diagnosed with hypoxic respiratory failure secondary to covid pneumonia. 8/22/21: patient died." "1685546-1" "1685546-1" "RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10038695" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/14/21: patient brought to ED as she was found unresponsive by family last time was seen was 8:00 p.m. on arrival to ED patient has to be intubated for low GCS round 3 stroke alert team was activated head CT is negative chest x-ray significant for right upper lobe mass patient required norepinephrine as she was hypotensive. COVID test PCR came back positive. admitted to COVID unit Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on 4/26/21 & 5/17/21. Diagnosed with hypoxic respiratory failure secondary to covid pneumonia. 8/22/21: patient died." "1685546-1" "1685546-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/14/21: patient brought to ED as she was found unresponsive by family last time was seen was 8:00 p.m. on arrival to ED patient has to be intubated for low GCS round 3 stroke alert team was activated head CT is negative chest x-ray significant for right upper lobe mass patient required norepinephrine as she was hypotensive. COVID test PCR came back positive. admitted to COVID unit Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on 4/26/21 & 5/17/21. Diagnosed with hypoxic respiratory failure secondary to covid pneumonia. 8/22/21: patient died." "1685546-1" "1685546-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "8/14/21: patient brought to ED as she was found unresponsive by family last time was seen was 8:00 p.m. on arrival to ED patient has to be intubated for low GCS round 3 stroke alert team was activated head CT is negative chest x-ray significant for right upper lobe mass patient required norepinephrine as she was hypotensive. COVID test PCR came back positive. admitted to COVID unit Note: patient previously vaccinated with Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on 4/26/21 & 5/17/21. Diagnosed with hypoxic respiratory failure secondary to covid pneumonia. 8/22/21: patient died." "1688947-1" "1688947-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o URI and nasal drainage onset 3 weeks prior." "1688947-1" "1688947-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST" "10084354" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o URI and nasal drainage onset 3 weeks prior." "1688947-1" "1688947-1" "SINUS OPERATION" "10062245" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o URI and nasal drainage onset 3 weeks prior." "1688947-1" "1688947-1" "UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTION" "10046306" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o URI and nasal drainage onset 3 weeks prior." "1689072-1" "1689072-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Suffered a major heart attack on 09/06/2021 and expired on 09/07/2021 on hospice." "1689072-1" "1689072-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Suffered a major heart attack on 09/06/2021 and expired on 09/07/2021 on hospice." "1689346-1" "1689346-1" "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10007617" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to our ED on 9/2/21 complaining of progressive shortness of breath. She tested positive for COVID-19 PCR on admission. She expired 9/9/21 following cardiopulmonary arrest." "1689346-1" "1689346-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to our ED on 9/2/21 complaining of progressive shortness of breath. She tested positive for COVID-19 PCR on admission. She expired 9/9/21 following cardiopulmonary arrest." "1689346-1" "1689346-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to our ED on 9/2/21 complaining of progressive shortness of breath. She tested positive for COVID-19 PCR on admission. She expired 9/9/21 following cardiopulmonary arrest." "1689346-1" "1689346-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to our ED on 9/2/21 complaining of progressive shortness of breath. She tested positive for COVID-19 PCR on admission. She expired 9/9/21 following cardiopulmonary arrest." "1689346-1" "1689346-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented to our ED on 9/2/21 complaining of progressive shortness of breath. She tested positive for COVID-19 PCR on admission. She expired 9/9/21 following cardiopulmonary arrest." "1689447-1" "1689447-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o cough, difficulty breathing." "1689447-1" "1689447-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o cough, difficulty breathing." "1689447-1" "1689447-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o cough, difficulty breathing." "1689447-1" "1689447-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST" "10084354" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o cough, difficulty breathing." "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE INCREASED" "10001551" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "ANXIETY" "10002855" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE INCREASED" "10003481" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "BLOOD ALBUMIN DECREASED" "10005287" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "BLOOD BILIRUBIN INCREASED" "10005364" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "BLOOD CREATININE INCREASED" "10005483" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "BLOOD CULTURE POSITIVE" "10005488" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "BLOOD POTASSIUM INCREASED" "10005725" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "BLOOD SODIUM NORMAL" "10005804" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "BLOOD UREA INCREASED" "10005851" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "CARDIAC TELEMETRY" "10053448" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "COMA" "10010071" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "HYPOTENSION" "10021097" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "PULMONARY MASS" "10056342" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "SEPSIS" "10040047" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "STREPTOCOCCUS TEST POSITIVE" "10070055" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694645-1" "1694645-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT INCREASED" "10047943" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""HOSPITAL COURSE: This is a 66-year-old male with history of hep C cirrhosis, BPH with chronic retention, methamphetamine/tobacco/PTSD/homelessness, mesothelioma and non-small cell carcinoma of the lung s/p chemo/XRT, and middle lobectomy/thoracotomy at medical facility in 2013. He had a hospitalization in July 2020 where he was noted to have recurrent pulmonary malignancy, but was not a surgical candidate. He was counseled to discharge to Transitional Care but he instead requested discharge to the street. He repeated has declined appropriate care when in the hospital, and he has repeatedly left the hospital against medical advice and without appropriate follow-up plan in place. He was interviewed by Dr. on 7/2 who documented fixed delusions but capacity to make his own medical decisions, feeling patient's interpretation of facts ""did not appear to be unduly influenced by delusion"". I discussed the patient's care with admitting physician, and we agreed that in the combination of social and medical chaos, and noting a prior decision by another Dr. not to proceed with surgical intervention of a pulmonary mass, that heroic resuscitative efforts would be futile, and patient should be limited code - no compressions or intubation. Dr., palliative care, reviewed chart and also agrees that No Code is appropriate. On the last day of hospitalization, September 8, 2021, this patient was seen and examined at the bedside and he was comatose and did not respond to voice, touch, or a sternal rub. For maintenance of an adequate blood pressure this patient was on a maximal dose of vasopressin at 20 mL/h. This patient was noted with severe acute kidney injury on admission and on the day of discharge his sodium was 139, potassium 5.6, BUN 144, and creatinine 5.22. This patient was seen in consultation by the nephrology service but his blood pressure was too low to allow hemodialysis. If the patient's white blood count was 16.7 on the day of discharge. Total bilirubin was elevated at 3.7, AST 49, ALT 74, and serum albumin was low at 1.4. Blood cultures on admission September 4, 2021 were positive for Streptococcus pneumonia a and Staphylococcus hominis. This patient was receiving appropriate IV antibiotic therapy during this hospitalization. The patient again was comatose and given the constellation of the severe end organ damage in the setting of severe sepsis the patient was subsequently transitioned to comfort care and end-of-life care. I discussed this case with Dr. with the nephrology service and Dr. with the palliative care service and we all agreed that a transition to comfort care was the best treatment plan for this patient. In the morning on September 8, 2021 I did not renew the patient's treatment with IV vasopressin and I discontinued all IV antibiotic therapy. Telemetry was also discontinued. IV morphine and IV Ativan were ordered for treatment of pain and anxiety respectively. This patient subsequently expired at 12:45 PM on September 8, 2021. I was unable to make contact with any family members or any possible DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY for this patient. The mortuary on duty was contacted this afternoon. This patient was pronounced expired on September 8, 2021 at 12:45 PM."" "1694755-1" "1694755-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted to medical center 8/25/2021 on the COVID unit. Moved to ICU on 9/4 and intubated. Extubated on 9/12 and expired" "1694755-1" "1694755-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted to medical center 8/25/2021 on the COVID unit. Moved to ICU on 9/4 and intubated. Extubated on 9/12 and expired" "1694755-1" "1694755-1" "EXTUBATION" "10015894" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted to medical center 8/25/2021 on the COVID unit. Moved to ICU on 9/4 and intubated. Extubated on 9/12 and expired" "1694755-1" "1694755-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted to medical center 8/25/2021 on the COVID unit. Moved to ICU on 9/4 and intubated. Extubated on 9/12 and expired" "1696219-1" "1696219-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Daughter called on 9/13/2021. Reports patient began having palpitations the day after the vaccine. She thought the palpitations was due to anxiety and did not wish to go to the ED. She had a friend who was passing away and she was slightly upset. She continued to have some symptoms. On 3/28/2021, she passed away." "1696219-1" "1696219-1" "FEELING ABNORMAL" "10016322" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Daughter called on 9/13/2021. Reports patient began having palpitations the day after the vaccine. She thought the palpitations was due to anxiety and did not wish to go to the ED. She had a friend who was passing away and she was slightly upset. She continued to have some symptoms. On 3/28/2021, she passed away." "1696219-1" "1696219-1" "PALPITATIONS" "10033557" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Daughter called on 9/13/2021. Reports patient began having palpitations the day after the vaccine. She thought the palpitations was due to anxiety and did not wish to go to the ED. She had a friend who was passing away and she was slightly upset. She continued to have some symptoms. On 3/28/2021, she passed away." "1696394-1" "1696394-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SOB WITH HOSPITALIZATION AND DEATH" "1696394-1" "1696394-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SOB WITH HOSPITALIZATION AND DEATH" "1696394-1" "1696394-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SOB WITH HOSPITALIZATION AND DEATH" "1696394-1" "1696394-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SOB WITH HOSPITALIZATION AND DEATH" "1696571-1" "1696571-1" "CHEST DISCOMFORT" "10008469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with confusion, nausea, fever one week prior, loss of appetite, on/off pressure to chest." "1696571-1" "1696571-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with confusion, nausea, fever one week prior, loss of appetite, on/off pressure to chest." "1696571-1" "1696571-1" "CONFUSIONAL STATE" "10010305" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with confusion, nausea, fever one week prior, loss of appetite, on/off pressure to chest." "1696571-1" "1696571-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with confusion, nausea, fever one week prior, loss of appetite, on/off pressure to chest." "1696571-1" "1696571-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with confusion, nausea, fever one week prior, loss of appetite, on/off pressure to chest." "1696571-1" "1696571-1" "LABORATORY TEST" "10059938" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with confusion, nausea, fever one week prior, loss of appetite, on/off pressure to chest." "1696571-1" "1696571-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with confusion, nausea, fever one week prior, loss of appetite, on/off pressure to chest." "1696571-1" "1696571-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with confusion, nausea, fever one week prior, loss of appetite, on/off pressure to chest." "1696571-1" "1696571-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER with confusion, nausea, fever one week prior, loss of appetite, on/off pressure to chest." "1696626-1" "1696626-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted to hospital 8/30 c/o Can't breath. Started on Nasal cannula at 4 L/min. 9/2 60 L/MIN heated high flow. 9/3 BIPAP. Expired 9/12" "1696626-1" "1696626-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted to hospital 8/30 c/o Can't breath. Started on Nasal cannula at 4 L/min. 9/2 60 L/MIN heated high flow. 9/3 BIPAP. Expired 9/12" "1696626-1" "1696626-1" "POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE THERAPY" "10086397" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted to hospital 8/30 c/o Can't breath. Started on Nasal cannula at 4 L/min. 9/2 60 L/MIN heated high flow. 9/3 BIPAP. Expired 9/12" "1696737-1" "1696737-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DEVELOPED ACUTE RESP FAILURE WITH HYPOXIA 2ND TO COVID PNEUMONIA, AKI," "1696737-1" "1696737-1" "ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10001053" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DEVELOPED ACUTE RESP FAILURE WITH HYPOXIA 2ND TO COVID PNEUMONIA, AKI," "1696737-1" "1696737-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DEVELOPED ACUTE RESP FAILURE WITH HYPOXIA 2ND TO COVID PNEUMONIA, AKI," "1696737-1" "1696737-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DEVELOPED ACUTE RESP FAILURE WITH HYPOXIA 2ND TO COVID PNEUMONIA, AKI," "1696737-1" "1696737-1" "GANGRENE" "10017711" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DEVELOPED ACUTE RESP FAILURE WITH HYPOXIA 2ND TO COVID PNEUMONIA, AKI," "1696737-1" "1696737-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "PATIENT DEVELOPED ACUTE RESP FAILURE WITH HYPOXIA 2ND TO COVID PNEUMONIA, AKI," "1700218-1" "1700218-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o fever, hypoxia." "1700218-1" "1700218-1" "HYPOXIA" "10021143" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o fever, hypoxia." "1700218-1" "1700218-1" "LABORATORY TEST" "10059938" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o fever, hypoxia." "1700218-1" "1700218-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o fever, hypoxia." "1700218-1" "1700218-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST" "10084354" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o fever, hypoxia." "1700531-1" "1700531-1" "ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10000891" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SOB, Sudden onset Atrial Flutter March 10 2021" "1700531-1" "1700531-1" "ANTICOAGULANT THERAPY" "10053468" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SOB, Sudden onset Atrial Flutter March 10 2021" "1700531-1" "1700531-1" "ATRIAL FLUTTER" "10003662" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SOB, Sudden onset Atrial Flutter March 10 2021" "1700531-1" "1700531-1" "CARDIOGENIC SHOCK" "10007625" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SOB, Sudden onset Atrial Flutter March 10 2021" "1700531-1" "1700531-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SOB, Sudden onset Atrial Flutter March 10 2021" "1700531-1" "1700531-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SOB, Sudden onset Atrial Flutter March 10 2021" "1700531-1" "1700531-1" "INTERNATIONAL NORMALISED RATIO INCREASED" "10022595" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SOB, Sudden onset Atrial Flutter March 10 2021" "1700531-1" "1700531-1" "TROPONIN INCREASED" "10058267" "65-79 years" "65-79" "SOB, Sudden onset Atrial Flutter March 10 2021" "1700698-1" "1700698-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o difficulty breathing and cough." "1700698-1" "1700698-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o difficulty breathing and cough." "1700698-1" "1700698-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o difficulty breathing and cough." "1700698-1" "1700698-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST" "10084354" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o difficulty breathing and cough." "1703929-1" "1703929-1" "ABDOMINAL PAIN" "10000081" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76-year-old Laotian male with reported cirrhosis of the liver, whom we are consulted on for septic shock. All history was obtained from the ICU RN & from the chart, given the patient is intubated. Was driving down to another State. He presented to the ER on 9/3 with generalized weakness and abdominal pain. In the ER, he was hypotensive & confused. CT C/A/P demonstrated cirrhosis of the liver & suspected gastric bleeding. GI was consulted for an EGD, however, the patient was too unstable to undergo endoscopy, hence this procedure had to be canceled. Initial Hgb was 9.7. Unknown baseline. He was transfused. Placed on pressors. He was intubated for respiratory distress." "1703929-1" "1703929-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76-year-old Laotian male with reported cirrhosis of the liver, whom we are consulted on for septic shock. All history was obtained from the ICU RN & from the chart, given the patient is intubated. Was driving down to another State. He presented to the ER on 9/3 with generalized weakness and abdominal pain. In the ER, he was hypotensive & confused. CT C/A/P demonstrated cirrhosis of the liver & suspected gastric bleeding. GI was consulted for an EGD, however, the patient was too unstable to undergo endoscopy, hence this procedure had to be canceled. Initial Hgb was 9.7. Unknown baseline. He was transfused. Placed on pressors. He was intubated for respiratory distress." "1703929-1" "1703929-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM ABDOMEN ABNORMAL" "10057798" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76-year-old Laotian male with reported cirrhosis of the liver, whom we are consulted on for septic shock. All history was obtained from the ICU RN & from the chart, given the patient is intubated. Was driving down to another State. He presented to the ER on 9/3 with generalized weakness and abdominal pain. In the ER, he was hypotensive & confused. CT C/A/P demonstrated cirrhosis of the liver & suspected gastric bleeding. GI was consulted for an EGD, however, the patient was too unstable to undergo endoscopy, hence this procedure had to be canceled. Initial Hgb was 9.7. Unknown baseline. He was transfused. Placed on pressors. He was intubated for respiratory distress." "1703929-1" "1703929-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM PELVIS" "10075023" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76-year-old Laotian male with reported cirrhosis of the liver, whom we are consulted on for septic shock. All history was obtained from the ICU RN & from the chart, given the patient is intubated. Was driving down to another State. He presented to the ER on 9/3 with generalized weakness and abdominal pain. In the ER, he was hypotensive & confused. CT C/A/P demonstrated cirrhosis of the liver & suspected gastric bleeding. GI was consulted for an EGD, however, the patient was too unstable to undergo endoscopy, hence this procedure had to be canceled. Initial Hgb was 9.7. Unknown baseline. He was transfused. Placed on pressors. He was intubated for respiratory distress." "1703929-1" "1703929-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM THORAX" "10053875" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76-year-old Laotian male with reported cirrhosis of the liver, whom we are consulted on for septic shock. All history was obtained from the ICU RN & from the chart, given the patient is intubated. Was driving down to another State. He presented to the ER on 9/3 with generalized weakness and abdominal pain. In the ER, he was hypotensive & confused. CT C/A/P demonstrated cirrhosis of the liver & suspected gastric bleeding. GI was consulted for an EGD, however, the patient was too unstable to undergo endoscopy, hence this procedure had to be canceled. Initial Hgb was 9.7. Unknown baseline. He was transfused. Placed on pressors. He was intubated for respiratory distress." "1703929-1" "1703929-1" "CONFUSIONAL STATE" "10010305" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76-year-old Laotian male with reported cirrhosis of the liver, whom we are consulted on for septic shock. All history was obtained from the ICU RN & from the chart, given the patient is intubated. Was driving down to another State. He presented to the ER on 9/3 with generalized weakness and abdominal pain. In the ER, he was hypotensive & confused. CT C/A/P demonstrated cirrhosis of the liver & suspected gastric bleeding. GI was consulted for an EGD, however, the patient was too unstable to undergo endoscopy, hence this procedure had to be canceled. Initial Hgb was 9.7. Unknown baseline. He was transfused. Placed on pressors. He was intubated for respiratory distress." "1703929-1" "1703929-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76-year-old Laotian male with reported cirrhosis of the liver, whom we are consulted on for septic shock. All history was obtained from the ICU RN & from the chart, given the patient is intubated. Was driving down to another State. He presented to the ER on 9/3 with generalized weakness and abdominal pain. In the ER, he was hypotensive & confused. CT C/A/P demonstrated cirrhosis of the liver & suspected gastric bleeding. GI was consulted for an EGD, however, the patient was too unstable to undergo endoscopy, hence this procedure had to be canceled. Initial Hgb was 9.7. Unknown baseline. He was transfused. Placed on pressors. He was intubated for respiratory distress." "1703929-1" "1703929-1" "GASTRIC HAEMORRHAGE" "10017788" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76-year-old Laotian male with reported cirrhosis of the liver, whom we are consulted on for septic shock. All history was obtained from the ICU RN & from the chart, given the patient is intubated. Was driving down to another State. He presented to the ER on 9/3 with generalized weakness and abdominal pain. In the ER, he was hypotensive & confused. CT C/A/P demonstrated cirrhosis of the liver & suspected gastric bleeding. GI was consulted for an EGD, however, the patient was too unstable to undergo endoscopy, hence this procedure had to be canceled. Initial Hgb was 9.7. Unknown baseline. He was transfused. Placed on pressors. He was intubated for respiratory distress." "1703929-1" "1703929-1" "HAEMOGLOBIN DECREASED" "10018884" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76-year-old Laotian male with reported cirrhosis of the liver, whom we are consulted on for septic shock. All history was obtained from the ICU RN & from the chart, given the patient is intubated. Was driving down to another State. He presented to the ER on 9/3 with generalized weakness and abdominal pain. In the ER, he was hypotensive & confused. CT C/A/P demonstrated cirrhosis of the liver & suspected gastric bleeding. GI was consulted for an EGD, however, the patient was too unstable to undergo endoscopy, hence this procedure had to be canceled. Initial Hgb was 9.7. Unknown baseline. He was transfused. Placed on pressors. He was intubated for respiratory distress." "1703929-1" "1703929-1" "HEPATIC CIRRHOSIS" "10019641" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76-year-old Laotian male with reported cirrhosis of the liver, whom we are consulted on for septic shock. All history was obtained from the ICU RN & from the chart, given the patient is intubated. Was driving down to another State. He presented to the ER on 9/3 with generalized weakness and abdominal pain. In the ER, he was hypotensive & confused. CT C/A/P demonstrated cirrhosis of the liver & suspected gastric bleeding. GI was consulted for an EGD, however, the patient was too unstable to undergo endoscopy, hence this procedure had to be canceled. Initial Hgb was 9.7. Unknown baseline. He was transfused. Placed on pressors. He was intubated for respiratory distress." "1703929-1" "1703929-1" "HYPOTENSION" "10021097" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76-year-old Laotian male with reported cirrhosis of the liver, whom we are consulted on for septic shock. All history was obtained from the ICU RN & from the chart, given the patient is intubated. Was driving down to another State. He presented to the ER on 9/3 with generalized weakness and abdominal pain. In the ER, he was hypotensive & confused. CT C/A/P demonstrated cirrhosis of the liver & suspected gastric bleeding. GI was consulted for an EGD, however, the patient was too unstable to undergo endoscopy, hence this procedure had to be canceled. Initial Hgb was 9.7. Unknown baseline. He was transfused. Placed on pressors. He was intubated for respiratory distress." "1703929-1" "1703929-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76-year-old Laotian male with reported cirrhosis of the liver, whom we are consulted on for septic shock. All history was obtained from the ICU RN & from the chart, given the patient is intubated. Was driving down to another State. He presented to the ER on 9/3 with generalized weakness and abdominal pain. In the ER, he was hypotensive & confused. CT C/A/P demonstrated cirrhosis of the liver & suspected gastric bleeding. GI was consulted for an EGD, however, the patient was too unstable to undergo endoscopy, hence this procedure had to be canceled. Initial Hgb was 9.7. Unknown baseline. He was transfused. Placed on pressors. He was intubated for respiratory distress." "1703929-1" "1703929-1" "RESPIRATORY DISTRESS" "10038687" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76-year-old Laotian male with reported cirrhosis of the liver, whom we are consulted on for septic shock. All history was obtained from the ICU RN & from the chart, given the patient is intubated. Was driving down to another State. He presented to the ER on 9/3 with generalized weakness and abdominal pain. In the ER, he was hypotensive & confused. CT C/A/P demonstrated cirrhosis of the liver & suspected gastric bleeding. GI was consulted for an EGD, however, the patient was too unstable to undergo endoscopy, hence this procedure had to be canceled. Initial Hgb was 9.7. Unknown baseline. He was transfused. Placed on pressors. He was intubated for respiratory distress." "1703929-1" "1703929-1" "SEPTIC SHOCK" "10040070" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76-year-old Laotian male with reported cirrhosis of the liver, whom we are consulted on for septic shock. All history was obtained from the ICU RN & from the chart, given the patient is intubated. Was driving down to another State. He presented to the ER on 9/3 with generalized weakness and abdominal pain. In the ER, he was hypotensive & confused. CT C/A/P demonstrated cirrhosis of the liver & suspected gastric bleeding. GI was consulted for an EGD, however, the patient was too unstable to undergo endoscopy, hence this procedure had to be canceled. Initial Hgb was 9.7. Unknown baseline. He was transfused. Placed on pressors. He was intubated for respiratory distress." "1703929-1" "1703929-1" "TRANSFUSION" "10066152" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76-year-old Laotian male with reported cirrhosis of the liver, whom we are consulted on for septic shock. All history was obtained from the ICU RN & from the chart, given the patient is intubated. Was driving down to another State. He presented to the ER on 9/3 with generalized weakness and abdominal pain. In the ER, he was hypotensive & confused. CT C/A/P demonstrated cirrhosis of the liver & suspected gastric bleeding. GI was consulted for an EGD, however, the patient was too unstable to undergo endoscopy, hence this procedure had to be canceled. Initial Hgb was 9.7. Unknown baseline. He was transfused. Placed on pressors. He was intubated for respiratory distress." "1704749-1" "1704749-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am the coordinator for the facility. She started to have problems after the first dose of the vaccine. There was also a lot of fatigue and feeling poorly. Her condition got worse after the second dose of the vaccine and she saw her doctor. It was discovered that she was in the final stage of Lung cancer. She had two treatments of radiation and then it was advised that she receive Hospice Care. She passed away shortly after that." "1704749-1" "1704749-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am the coordinator for the facility. She started to have problems after the first dose of the vaccine. There was also a lot of fatigue and feeling poorly. Her condition got worse after the second dose of the vaccine and she saw her doctor. It was discovered that she was in the final stage of Lung cancer. She had two treatments of radiation and then it was advised that she receive Hospice Care. She passed away shortly after that." "1704749-1" "1704749-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am the coordinator for the facility. She started to have problems after the first dose of the vaccine. There was also a lot of fatigue and feeling poorly. Her condition got worse after the second dose of the vaccine and she saw her doctor. It was discovered that she was in the final stage of Lung cancer. She had two treatments of radiation and then it was advised that she receive Hospice Care. She passed away shortly after that." "1704749-1" "1704749-1" "FEELING ABNORMAL" "10016322" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am the coordinator for the facility. She started to have problems after the first dose of the vaccine. There was also a lot of fatigue and feeling poorly. Her condition got worse after the second dose of the vaccine and she saw her doctor. It was discovered that she was in the final stage of Lung cancer. She had two treatments of radiation and then it was advised that she receive Hospice Care. She passed away shortly after that." "1704749-1" "1704749-1" "LUNG NEOPLASM MALIGNANT" "10058467" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am the coordinator for the facility. She started to have problems after the first dose of the vaccine. There was also a lot of fatigue and feeling poorly. Her condition got worse after the second dose of the vaccine and she saw her doctor. It was discovered that she was in the final stage of Lung cancer. She had two treatments of radiation and then it was advised that she receive Hospice Care. She passed away shortly after that." "1704749-1" "1704749-1" "RADIOTHERAPY" "10037794" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am the coordinator for the facility. She started to have problems after the first dose of the vaccine. There was also a lot of fatigue and feeling poorly. Her condition got worse after the second dose of the vaccine and she saw her doctor. It was discovered that she was in the final stage of Lung cancer. She had two treatments of radiation and then it was advised that she receive Hospice Care. She passed away shortly after that." "1713499-1" "1713499-1" "BLOOD TEST" "10061726" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Severe and continue headaches for months, followed by two heart attacks on Sept 7, resulting in damaged heart artery leading to death on September 17, 2021 at 3AM." "1713499-1" "1713499-1" "CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE" "10011078" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Severe and continue headaches for months, followed by two heart attacks on Sept 7, resulting in damaged heart artery leading to death on September 17, 2021 at 3AM." "1713499-1" "1713499-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Severe and continue headaches for months, followed by two heart attacks on Sept 7, resulting in damaged heart artery leading to death on September 17, 2021 at 3AM." "1713499-1" "1713499-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Severe and continue headaches for months, followed by two heart attacks on Sept 7, resulting in damaged heart artery leading to death on September 17, 2021 at 3AM." "1713499-1" "1713499-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Severe and continue headaches for months, followed by two heart attacks on Sept 7, resulting in damaged heart artery leading to death on September 17, 2021 at 3AM." "1715352-1" "1715352-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient was on hospice for senile degeneration of the brain. She had been having abnormal vaginal bleeding in the months leading up to her death, and in mid July, she had increased facial drooping. The vaccine was administered on 9/16 and on 9/18 at 0540, her sister/ primary caregiver called to report that she was breathing ""differently"" and her ""eyes were glassy"". She died at 2239 on 9/18. It is unclear if the vaccine is related to her death; however, we are reporting to VAERS per CDC guidance. She is also being reported to the Office of the Medical Examiner."" "1715352-1" "1715352-1" "FACIAL PARALYSIS" "10016062" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient was on hospice for senile degeneration of the brain. She had been having abnormal vaginal bleeding in the months leading up to her death, and in mid July, she had increased facial drooping. The vaccine was administered on 9/16 and on 9/18 at 0540, her sister/ primary caregiver called to report that she was breathing ""differently"" and her ""eyes were glassy"". She died at 2239 on 9/18. It is unclear if the vaccine is related to her death; however, we are reporting to VAERS per CDC guidance. She is also being reported to the Office of the Medical Examiner."" "1715352-1" "1715352-1" "GLASSY EYES" "10072465" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient was on hospice for senile degeneration of the brain. She had been having abnormal vaginal bleeding in the months leading up to her death, and in mid July, she had increased facial drooping. The vaccine was administered on 9/16 and on 9/18 at 0540, her sister/ primary caregiver called to report that she was breathing ""differently"" and her ""eyes were glassy"". She died at 2239 on 9/18. It is unclear if the vaccine is related to her death; however, we are reporting to VAERS per CDC guidance. She is also being reported to the Office of the Medical Examiner."" "1715352-1" "1715352-1" "RESPIRATION ABNORMAL" "10038647" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient was on hospice for senile degeneration of the brain. She had been having abnormal vaginal bleeding in the months leading up to her death, and in mid July, she had increased facial drooping. The vaccine was administered on 9/16 and on 9/18 at 0540, her sister/ primary caregiver called to report that she was breathing ""differently"" and her ""eyes were glassy"". She died at 2239 on 9/18. It is unclear if the vaccine is related to her death; however, we are reporting to VAERS per CDC guidance. She is also being reported to the Office of the Medical Examiner."" "1719415-1" "1719415-1" "ABDOMINAL DISTENSION" "10000060" "65-79 years" "65-79" "extreme fatigue, sudden weight loss and distended belly" "1719415-1" "1719415-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "extreme fatigue, sudden weight loss and distended belly" "1719415-1" "1719415-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "extreme fatigue, sudden weight loss and distended belly" "1719415-1" "1719415-1" "METASTASIS" "10062194" "65-79 years" "65-79" "extreme fatigue, sudden weight loss and distended belly" "1719415-1" "1719415-1" "NEOPLASM MALIGNANT" "10028997" "65-79 years" "65-79" "extreme fatigue, sudden weight loss and distended belly" "1719415-1" "1719415-1" "WEIGHT DECREASED" "10047895" "65-79 years" "65-79" "extreme fatigue, sudden weight loss and distended belly" "1719557-1" "1719557-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident received 3rd dose of COVID-19 vaccination d/t immunocompromising condition - ESRD with dialysis. Following the vaccination he had not adverse reactions or side effects. The family met with the MD and reviewed resident status. The resident was told his dialysis treatments were not working. Resident's wounds were worsening and he was not a surgical candidate. Family and resident decided to utilize hospice and palliative care approaches and dialysis treatment was stopped on 9/8/21. Reported to VAERS d/t death after COVID vaccination. In this case the decline in condition seems to be stopping dialysis treatment but reported d/t unclear information on reporting requirements." "1719557-1" "1719557-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident received 3rd dose of COVID-19 vaccination d/t immunocompromising condition - ESRD with dialysis. Following the vaccination he had not adverse reactions or side effects. The family met with the MD and reviewed resident status. The resident was told his dialysis treatments were not working. Resident's wounds were worsening and he was not a surgical candidate. Family and resident decided to utilize hospice and palliative care approaches and dialysis treatment was stopped on 9/8/21. Reported to VAERS d/t death after COVID vaccination. In this case the decline in condition seems to be stopping dialysis treatment but reported d/t unclear information on reporting requirements." "1719557-1" "1719557-1" "DECUBITUS ULCER" "10011985" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident received 3rd dose of COVID-19 vaccination d/t immunocompromising condition - ESRD with dialysis. Following the vaccination he had not adverse reactions or side effects. The family met with the MD and reviewed resident status. The resident was told his dialysis treatments were not working. Resident's wounds were worsening and he was not a surgical candidate. Family and resident decided to utilize hospice and palliative care approaches and dialysis treatment was stopped on 9/8/21. Reported to VAERS d/t death after COVID vaccination. In this case the decline in condition seems to be stopping dialysis treatment but reported d/t unclear information on reporting requirements." "1719557-1" "1719557-1" "END STAGE RENAL DISEASE" "10077512" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Resident received 3rd dose of COVID-19 vaccination d/t immunocompromising condition - ESRD with dialysis. Following the vaccination he had not adverse reactions or side effects. The family met with the MD and reviewed resident status. The resident was told his dialysis treatments were not working. Resident's wounds were worsening and he was not a surgical candidate. Family and resident decided to utilize hospice and palliative care approaches and dialysis treatment was stopped on 9/8/21. Reported to VAERS d/t death after COVID vaccination. In this case the decline in condition seems to be stopping dialysis treatment but reported d/t unclear information on reporting requirements." "1719757-1" "1719757-1" "BLOOD TEST" "10061726" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Contracted COVID 2 months after second shot (second dose administered on 05/17/21) and passed away after hospitalization." "1719757-1" "1719757-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Contracted COVID 2 months after second shot (second dose administered on 05/17/21) and passed away after hospitalization." "1719757-1" "1719757-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Contracted COVID 2 months after second shot (second dose administered on 05/17/21) and passed away after hospitalization." "1719757-1" "1719757-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Contracted COVID 2 months after second shot (second dose administered on 05/17/21) and passed away after hospitalization." "1719757-1" "1719757-1" "LABORATORY TEST" "10059938" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Contracted COVID 2 months after second shot (second dose administered on 05/17/21) and passed away after hospitalization." "1719757-1" "1719757-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Contracted COVID 2 months after second shot (second dose administered on 05/17/21) and passed away after hospitalization." "1719757-1" "1719757-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Contracted COVID 2 months after second shot (second dose administered on 05/17/21) and passed away after hospitalization." "1719757-1" "1719757-1" "X-RAY" "10048064" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Contracted COVID 2 months after second shot (second dose administered on 05/17/21) and passed away after hospitalization." "1719793-1" "1719793-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient found in bathroom at 1 pm unconscious; When put back to bed no pulse or respirations and CPR started; Unsuccessful; Unclear if at all related to the vaccine" "1719793-1" "1719793-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient found in bathroom at 1 pm unconscious; When put back to bed no pulse or respirations and CPR started; Unsuccessful; Unclear if at all related to the vaccine" "1719793-1" "1719793-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient found in bathroom at 1 pm unconscious; When put back to bed no pulse or respirations and CPR started; Unsuccessful; Unclear if at all related to the vaccine" "1719793-1" "1719793-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient found in bathroom at 1 pm unconscious; When put back to bed no pulse or respirations and CPR started; Unsuccessful; Unclear if at all related to the vaccine" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "ATRIAL FIBRILLATION" "10003658" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "CARDIAC DISORDER" "10061024" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "CHEMOTHERAPY" "10061758" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "CHEST SCAN" "10076373" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "DIABETES MELLITUS" "10012601" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "DIZZINESS" "10013573" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "LUNG NEOPLASM MALIGNANT" "10058467" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "LYMPHADENOPATHY" "10025197" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "PERIPHERAL SWELLING" "10048959" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "SWELLING" "10042674" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1720323-1" "1720323-1" "TRANSFUSION" "10066152" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""After 1st dosage: Complaints of breathing problems, lite chest pains, tiredness, dizzy and headaches. (Vitals ok) After 2nd dosage: Worsen, breathing problems worsen, vitals change dramatical, Oxy levels, blood Pressure, heart went into AFIB. 3 ER ""Chest Compression"" to stabilize. Body swollen, feet, hands and legs In March, Same challenges, -- A chest scan was done, Lung cancer came back, Heart still acting up. diabetes fluctuated, swollen lymph nodes, etc. loose stools, tired, dizzy, - Still suffering for oxygen. March/April û In Intensive care: stabilized introduced chemo to shrink the cancer. Blood transfusions, monitoring afib, vitals, he needed constant respiratory therapy to continue to breathe. | Note: Dec 2020 he was in remission of the lung cancer. All his medications were the same. The only new toxin that was introduced to his system was the Moderna Vaccines. One on January 19th, 2021 and 2nd Feb 19,th 2021. If you need all his medical records - Please let me know. My father was a strong man, even with his alignments he was strong a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines, we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted. Please confirm receipt of my submission. 3 EMT Emergencies - 3 Heart Compression Shocks."" "1722888-1" "1722888-1" "CARDIAC FAILURE CONGESTIVE" "10007559" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented with Edema and developed CHF and Cardiomyopathy progressing to death on 08/15/2021" "1722888-1" "1722888-1" "CARDIOMYOPATHY" "10007636" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented with Edema and developed CHF and Cardiomyopathy progressing to death on 08/15/2021" "1722888-1" "1722888-1" "CATHETERISATION CARDIAC NORMAL" "10007817" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented with Edema and developed CHF and Cardiomyopathy progressing to death on 08/15/2021" "1722888-1" "1722888-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented with Edema and developed CHF and Cardiomyopathy progressing to death on 08/15/2021" "1722888-1" "1722888-1" "ECHOCARDIOGRAM ABNORMAL" "10061593" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented with Edema and developed CHF and Cardiomyopathy progressing to death on 08/15/2021" "1722888-1" "1722888-1" "OEDEMA" "10030095" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient presented with Edema and developed CHF and Cardiomyopathy progressing to death on 08/15/2021" "1723384-1" "1723384-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "77 years old male with past medical history of A. fib on anticoagulation, glaucoma, prostate cancer on Lupron, arthritis, brought to the emergency room today for confusion and weakness. The patient reported that his weakness started around 6 AM when he woke up trying to go to pee. He reported that he was having trouble trying to keep his head up and he was confused as he does not know how to use his phone. However, he has no focal deficit. I believes he may have taken too much of his norco10mg as well. He cannot recall how often he took the med. He also claims to add tylenol 500mg To the norco 10 to help with his pain. I believe he call his neighbor and the neighbor called the ambulance and he was brought to the emergency room. On presentation, his heart rate was 107 but his systolic blood pressure was 93. Due to history of A. fib and on anticoagulation, the patient had a rectal exam and guaiac stool was strongly positive. He got Kcentra infusion to reverse the Eliquis. The work-up in the ER showed her the patient has INR 2.12, hemoglobin 11.8, platelet of 70, sodium 131, potassium 4.7, chloride 97, BUN 30 and creatinine 1.3. There is no chest x-ray, UA or CT scan of the head done. However, the patient denies any recent head injury. On the medical floor, the patient continued to be confused but no focal deficit or facial droop. He is quite confused and his answer is quite tangential. I spent around 30 minutes trying to get the history and it looks like he has been on new medication for his prostate cancer. It also sounds like he has been treated with a new medication for his A. fib. However, it sounds like the patient stopped these medications. However, he cannot provide me the exact name of the medication nor when he stopped taking them. It seems like the patient has leg swelling and he has been going on for about 6-week, after he started on the new medication to treat his A. fib. However, he reported that the medication was not helping his A. fib and he went back to his old medication. Other than that, his history is quite confusing as he is Talking mostly about his wife, who is being admitted to another hospital for possible CVA workup... ROS: Limited but (-) HA, visual changes, f,c,n/v, diarrhea, sob, chestpain, neckpain, lnew focal weakness, dysuria, dysphagia, dyspnea." "1723384-1" "1723384-1" "BLOOD CHLORIDE DECREASED" "10005419" "65-79 years" "65-79" "77 years old male with past medical history of A. fib on anticoagulation, glaucoma, prostate cancer on Lupron, arthritis, brought to the emergency room today for confusion and weakness. The patient reported that his weakness started around 6 AM when he woke up trying to go to pee. He reported that he was having trouble trying to keep his head up and he was confused as he does not know how to use his phone. However, he has no focal deficit. I believes he may have taken too much of his norco10mg as well. He cannot recall how often he took the med. He also claims to add tylenol 500mg To the norco 10 to help with his pain. I believe he call his neighbor and the neighbor called the ambulance and he was brought to the emergency room. On presentation, his heart rate was 107 but his systolic blood pressure was 93. Due to history of A. fib and on anticoagulation, the patient had a rectal exam and guaiac stool was strongly positive. He got Kcentra infusion to reverse the Eliquis. The work-up in the ER showed her the patient has INR 2.12, hemoglobin 11.8, platelet of 70, sodium 131, potassium 4.7, chloride 97, BUN 30 and creatinine 1.3. There is no chest x-ray, UA or CT scan of the head done. However, the patient denies any recent head injury. On the medical floor, the patient continued to be confused but no focal deficit or facial droop. He is quite confused and his answer is quite tangential. I spent around 30 minutes trying to get the history and it looks like he has been on new medication for his prostate cancer. It also sounds like he has been treated with a new medication for his A. fib. However, it sounds like the patient stopped these medications. However, he cannot provide me the exact name of the medication nor when he stopped taking them. It seems like the patient has leg swelling and he has been going on for about 6-week, after he started on the new medication to treat his A. fib. However, he reported that the medication was not helping his A. fib and he went back to his old medication. Other than that, his history is quite confusing as he is Talking mostly about his wife, who is being admitted to another hospital for possible CVA workup... ROS: Limited but (-) HA, visual changes, f,c,n/v, diarrhea, sob, chestpain, neckpain, lnew focal weakness, dysuria, dysphagia, dyspnea." "1723384-1" "1723384-1" "BLOOD CREATININE INCREASED" "10005483" "65-79 years" "65-79" "77 years old male with past medical history of A. fib on anticoagulation, glaucoma, prostate cancer on Lupron, arthritis, brought to the emergency room today for confusion and weakness. The patient reported that his weakness started around 6 AM when he woke up trying to go to pee. He reported that he was having trouble trying to keep his head up and he was confused as he does not know how to use his phone. However, he has no focal deficit. I believes he may have taken too much of his norco10mg as well. He cannot recall how often he took the med. He also claims to add tylenol 500mg To the norco 10 to help with his pain. I believe he call his neighbor and the neighbor called the ambulance and he was brought to the emergency room. On presentation, his heart rate was 107 but his systolic blood pressure was 93. Due to history of A. fib and on anticoagulation, the patient had a rectal exam and guaiac stool was strongly positive. He got Kcentra infusion to reverse the Eliquis. The work-up in the ER showed her the patient has INR 2.12, hemoglobin 11.8, platelet of 70, sodium 131, potassium 4.7, chloride 97, BUN 30 and creatinine 1.3. There is no chest x-ray, UA or CT scan of the head done. However, the patient denies any recent head injury. On the medical floor, the patient continued to be confused but no focal deficit or facial droop. He is quite confused and his answer is quite tangential. I spent around 30 minutes trying to get the history and it looks like he has been on new medication for his prostate cancer. It also sounds like he has been treated with a new medication for his A. fib. However, it sounds like the patient stopped these medications. However, he cannot provide me the exact name of the medication nor when he stopped taking them. It seems like the patient has leg swelling and he has been going on for about 6-week, after he started on the new medication to treat his A. fib. However, he reported that the medication was not helping his A. fib and he went back to his old medication. Other than that, his history is quite confusing as he is Talking mostly about his wife, who is being admitted to another hospital for possible CVA workup... ROS: Limited but (-) HA, visual changes, f,c,n/v, diarrhea, sob, chestpain, neckpain, lnew focal weakness, dysuria, dysphagia, dyspnea." "1723384-1" "1723384-1" "BLOOD POTASSIUM NORMAL" "10005726" "65-79 years" "65-79" "77 years old male with past medical history of A. fib on anticoagulation, glaucoma, prostate cancer on Lupron, arthritis, brought to the emergency room today for confusion and weakness. The patient reported that his weakness started around 6 AM when he woke up trying to go to pee. He reported that he was having trouble trying to keep his head up and he was confused as he does not know how to use his phone. However, he has no focal deficit. I believes he may have taken too much of his norco10mg as well. He cannot recall how often he took the med. He also claims to add tylenol 500mg To the norco 10 to help with his pain. I believe he call his neighbor and the neighbor called the ambulance and he was brought to the emergency room. On presentation, his heart rate was 107 but his systolic blood pressure was 93. Due to history of A. fib and on anticoagulation, the patient had a rectal exam and guaiac stool was strongly positive. He got Kcentra infusion to reverse the Eliquis. The work-up in the ER showed her the patient has INR 2.12, hemoglobin 11.8, platelet of 70, sodium 131, potassium 4.7, chloride 97, BUN 30 and creatinine 1.3. There is no chest x-ray, UA or CT scan of the head done. However, the patient denies any recent head injury. On the medical floor, the patient continued to be confused but no focal deficit or facial droop. He is quite confused and his answer is quite tangential. I spent around 30 minutes trying to get the history and it looks like he has been on new medication for his prostate cancer. It also sounds like he has been treated with a new medication for his A. fib. However, it sounds like the patient stopped these medications. However, he cannot provide me the exact name of the medication nor when he stopped taking them. It seems like the patient has leg swelling and he has been going on for about 6-week, after he started on the new medication to treat his A. fib. However, he reported that the medication was not helping his A. fib and he went back to his old medication. Other than that, his history is quite confusing as he is Talking mostly about his wife, who is being admitted to another hospital for possible CVA workup... ROS: Limited but (-) HA, visual changes, f,c,n/v, diarrhea, sob, chestpain, neckpain, lnew focal weakness, dysuria, dysphagia, dyspnea." "1723384-1" "1723384-1" "BLOOD SODIUM DECREASED" "10005802" "65-79 years" "65-79" "77 years old male with past medical history of A. fib on anticoagulation, glaucoma, prostate cancer on Lupron, arthritis, brought to the emergency room today for confusion and weakness. The patient reported that his weakness started around 6 AM when he woke up trying to go to pee. He reported that he was having trouble trying to keep his head up and he was confused as he does not know how to use his phone. However, he has no focal deficit. I believes he may have taken too much of his norco10mg as well. He cannot recall how often he took the med. He also claims to add tylenol 500mg To the norco 10 to help with his pain. I believe he call his neighbor and the neighbor called the ambulance and he was brought to the emergency room. On presentation, his heart rate was 107 but his systolic blood pressure was 93. Due to history of A. fib and on anticoagulation, the patient had a rectal exam and guaiac stool was strongly positive. He got Kcentra infusion to reverse the Eliquis. The work-up in the ER showed her the patient has INR 2.12, hemoglobin 11.8, platelet of 70, sodium 131, potassium 4.7, chloride 97, BUN 30 and creatinine 1.3. There is no chest x-ray, UA or CT scan of the head done. However, the patient denies any recent head injury. On the medical floor, the patient continued to be confused but no focal deficit or facial droop. He is quite confused and his answer is quite tangential. I spent around 30 minutes trying to get the history and it looks like he has been on new medication for his prostate cancer. It also sounds like he has been treated with a new medication for his A. fib. However, it sounds like the patient stopped these medications. However, he cannot provide me the exact name of the medication nor when he stopped taking them. It seems like the patient has leg swelling and he has been going on for about 6-week, after he started on the new medication to treat his A. fib. However, he reported that the medication was not helping his A. fib and he went back to his old medication. Other than that, his history is quite confusing as he is Talking mostly about his wife, who is being admitted to another hospital for possible CVA workup... ROS: Limited but (-) HA, visual changes, f,c,n/v, diarrhea, sob, chestpain, neckpain, lnew focal weakness, dysuria, dysphagia, dyspnea." "1723384-1" "1723384-1" "BLOOD UREA INCREASED" "10005851" "65-79 years" "65-79" "77 years old male with past medical history of A. fib on anticoagulation, glaucoma, prostate cancer on Lupron, arthritis, brought to the emergency room today for confusion and weakness. The patient reported that his weakness started around 6 AM when he woke up trying to go to pee. He reported that he was having trouble trying to keep his head up and he was confused as he does not know how to use his phone. However, he has no focal deficit. I believes he may have taken too much of his norco10mg as well. He cannot recall how often he took the med. He also claims to add tylenol 500mg To the norco 10 to help with his pain. I believe he call his neighbor and the neighbor called the ambulance and he was brought to the emergency room. On presentation, his heart rate was 107 but his systolic blood pressure was 93. Due to history of A. fib and on anticoagulation, the patient had a rectal exam and guaiac stool was strongly positive. He got Kcentra infusion to reverse the Eliquis. The work-up in the ER showed her the patient has INR 2.12, hemoglobin 11.8, platelet of 70, sodium 131, potassium 4.7, chloride 97, BUN 30 and creatinine 1.3. There is no chest x-ray, UA or CT scan of the head done. However, the patient denies any recent head injury. On the medical floor, the patient continued to be confused but no focal deficit or facial droop. He is quite confused and his answer is quite tangential. I spent around 30 minutes trying to get the history and it looks like he has been on new medication for his prostate cancer. It also sounds like he has been treated with a new medication for his A. fib. However, it sounds like the patient stopped these medications. However, he cannot provide me the exact name of the medication nor when he stopped taking them. It seems like the patient has leg swelling and he has been going on for about 6-week, after he started on the new medication to treat his A. fib. However, he reported that the medication was not helping his A. fib and he went back to his old medication. Other than that, his history is quite confusing as he is Talking mostly about his wife, who is being admitted to another hospital for possible CVA workup... ROS: Limited but (-) HA, visual changes, f,c,n/v, diarrhea, sob, chestpain, neckpain, lnew focal weakness, dysuria, dysphagia, dyspnea." "1723384-1" "1723384-1" "CONFUSIONAL STATE" "10010305" "65-79 years" "65-79" "77 years old male with past medical history of A. fib on anticoagulation, glaucoma, prostate cancer on Lupron, arthritis, brought to the emergency room today for confusion and weakness. The patient reported that his weakness started around 6 AM when he woke up trying to go to pee. He reported that he was having trouble trying to keep his head up and he was confused as he does not know how to use his phone. However, he has no focal deficit. I believes he may have taken too much of his norco10mg as well. He cannot recall how often he took the med. He also claims to add tylenol 500mg To the norco 10 to help with his pain. I believe he call his neighbor and the neighbor called the ambulance and he was brought to the emergency room. On presentation, his heart rate was 107 but his systolic blood pressure was 93. Due to history of A. fib and on anticoagulation, the patient had a rectal exam and guaiac stool was strongly positive. He got Kcentra infusion to reverse the Eliquis. The work-up in the ER showed her the patient has INR 2.12, hemoglobin 11.8, platelet of 70, sodium 131, potassium 4.7, chloride 97, BUN 30 and creatinine 1.3. There is no chest x-ray, UA or CT scan of the head done. However, the patient denies any recent head injury. On the medical floor, the patient continued to be confused but no focal deficit or facial droop. He is quite confused and his answer is quite tangential. I spent around 30 minutes trying to get the history and it looks like he has been on new medication for his prostate cancer. It also sounds like he has been treated with a new medication for his A. fib. However, it sounds like the patient stopped these medications. However, he cannot provide me the exact name of the medication nor when he stopped taking them. It seems like the patient has leg swelling and he has been going on for about 6-week, after he started on the new medication to treat his A. fib. However, he reported that the medication was not helping his A. fib and he went back to his old medication. Other than that, his history is quite confusing as he is Talking mostly about his wife, who is being admitted to another hospital for possible CVA workup... ROS: Limited but (-) HA, visual changes, f,c,n/v, diarrhea, sob, chestpain, neckpain, lnew focal weakness, dysuria, dysphagia, dyspnea." "1723384-1" "1723384-1" "HAEMOGLOBIN DECREASED" "10018884" "65-79 years" "65-79" "77 years old male with past medical history of A. fib on anticoagulation, glaucoma, prostate cancer on Lupron, arthritis, brought to the emergency room today for confusion and weakness. The patient reported that his weakness started around 6 AM when he woke up trying to go to pee. He reported that he was having trouble trying to keep his head up and he was confused as he does not know how to use his phone. However, he has no focal deficit. I believes he may have taken too much of his norco10mg as well. He cannot recall how often he took the med. He also claims to add tylenol 500mg To the norco 10 to help with his pain. I believe he call his neighbor and the neighbor called the ambulance and he was brought to the emergency room. On presentation, his heart rate was 107 but his systolic blood pressure was 93. Due to history of A. fib and on anticoagulation, the patient had a rectal exam and guaiac stool was strongly positive. He got Kcentra infusion to reverse the Eliquis. The work-up in the ER showed her the patient has INR 2.12, hemoglobin 11.8, platelet of 70, sodium 131, potassium 4.7, chloride 97, BUN 30 and creatinine 1.3. There is no chest x-ray, UA or CT scan of the head done. However, the patient denies any recent head injury. On the medical floor, the patient continued to be confused but no focal deficit or facial droop. He is quite confused and his answer is quite tangential. I spent around 30 minutes trying to get the history and it looks like he has been on new medication for his prostate cancer. It also sounds like he has been treated with a new medication for his A. fib. However, it sounds like the patient stopped these medications. However, he cannot provide me the exact name of the medication nor when he stopped taking them. It seems like the patient has leg swelling and he has been going on for about 6-week, after he started on the new medication to treat his A. fib. However, he reported that the medication was not helping his A. fib and he went back to his old medication. Other than that, his history is quite confusing as he is Talking mostly about his wife, who is being admitted to another hospital for possible CVA workup... ROS: Limited but (-) HA, visual changes, f,c,n/v, diarrhea, sob, chestpain, neckpain, lnew focal weakness, dysuria, dysphagia, dyspnea." "1723384-1" "1723384-1" "INTERNATIONAL NORMALISED RATIO INCREASED" "10022595" "65-79 years" "65-79" "77 years old male with past medical history of A. fib on anticoagulation, glaucoma, prostate cancer on Lupron, arthritis, brought to the emergency room today for confusion and weakness. The patient reported that his weakness started around 6 AM when he woke up trying to go to pee. He reported that he was having trouble trying to keep his head up and he was confused as he does not know how to use his phone. However, he has no focal deficit. I believes he may have taken too much of his norco10mg as well. He cannot recall how often he took the med. He also claims to add tylenol 500mg To the norco 10 to help with his pain. I believe he call his neighbor and the neighbor called the ambulance and he was brought to the emergency room. On presentation, his heart rate was 107 but his systolic blood pressure was 93. Due to history of A. fib and on anticoagulation, the patient had a rectal exam and guaiac stool was strongly positive. He got Kcentra infusion to reverse the Eliquis. The work-up in the ER showed her the patient has INR 2.12, hemoglobin 11.8, platelet of 70, sodium 131, potassium 4.7, chloride 97, BUN 30 and creatinine 1.3. There is no chest x-ray, UA or CT scan of the head done. However, the patient denies any recent head injury. On the medical floor, the patient continued to be confused but no focal deficit or facial droop. He is quite confused and his answer is quite tangential. I spent around 30 minutes trying to get the history and it looks like he has been on new medication for his prostate cancer. It also sounds like he has been treated with a new medication for his A. fib. However, it sounds like the patient stopped these medications. However, he cannot provide me the exact name of the medication nor when he stopped taking them. It seems like the patient has leg swelling and he has been going on for about 6-week, after he started on the new medication to treat his A. fib. However, he reported that the medication was not helping his A. fib and he went back to his old medication. Other than that, his history is quite confusing as he is Talking mostly about his wife, who is being admitted to another hospital for possible CVA workup... ROS: Limited but (-) HA, visual changes, f,c,n/v, diarrhea, sob, chestpain, neckpain, lnew focal weakness, dysuria, dysphagia, dyspnea." "1723384-1" "1723384-1" "MEMORY IMPAIRMENT" "10027175" "65-79 years" "65-79" "77 years old male with past medical history of A. fib on anticoagulation, glaucoma, prostate cancer on Lupron, arthritis, brought to the emergency room today for confusion and weakness. The patient reported that his weakness started around 6 AM when he woke up trying to go to pee. He reported that he was having trouble trying to keep his head up and he was confused as he does not know how to use his phone. However, he has no focal deficit. I believes he may have taken too much of his norco10mg as well. He cannot recall how often he took the med. He also claims to add tylenol 500mg To the norco 10 to help with his pain. I believe he call his neighbor and the neighbor called the ambulance and he was brought to the emergency room. On presentation, his heart rate was 107 but his systolic blood pressure was 93. Due to history of A. fib and on anticoagulation, the patient had a rectal exam and guaiac stool was strongly positive. He got Kcentra infusion to reverse the Eliquis. The work-up in the ER showed her the patient has INR 2.12, hemoglobin 11.8, platelet of 70, sodium 131, potassium 4.7, chloride 97, BUN 30 and creatinine 1.3. There is no chest x-ray, UA or CT scan of the head done. However, the patient denies any recent head injury. On the medical floor, the patient continued to be confused but no focal deficit or facial droop. He is quite confused and his answer is quite tangential. I spent around 30 minutes trying to get the history and it looks like he has been on new medication for his prostate cancer. It also sounds like he has been treated with a new medication for his A. fib. However, it sounds like the patient stopped these medications. However, he cannot provide me the exact name of the medication nor when he stopped taking them. It seems like the patient has leg swelling and he has been going on for about 6-week, after he started on the new medication to treat his A. fib. However, he reported that the medication was not helping his A. fib and he went back to his old medication. Other than that, his history is quite confusing as he is Talking mostly about his wife, who is being admitted to another hospital for possible CVA workup... ROS: Limited but (-) HA, visual changes, f,c,n/v, diarrhea, sob, chestpain, neckpain, lnew focal weakness, dysuria, dysphagia, dyspnea." "1723384-1" "1723384-1" "OCCULT BLOOD POSITIVE" "10061880" "65-79 years" "65-79" "77 years old male with past medical history of A. fib on anticoagulation, glaucoma, prostate cancer on Lupron, arthritis, brought to the emergency room today for confusion and weakness. The patient reported that his weakness started around 6 AM when he woke up trying to go to pee. He reported that he was having trouble trying to keep his head up and he was confused as he does not know how to use his phone. However, he has no focal deficit. I believes he may have taken too much of his norco10mg as well. He cannot recall how often he took the med. He also claims to add tylenol 500mg To the norco 10 to help with his pain. I believe he call his neighbor and the neighbor called the ambulance and he was brought to the emergency room. On presentation, his heart rate was 107 but his systolic blood pressure was 93. Due to history of A. fib and on anticoagulation, the patient had a rectal exam and guaiac stool was strongly positive. He got Kcentra infusion to reverse the Eliquis. The work-up in the ER showed her the patient has INR 2.12, hemoglobin 11.8, platelet of 70, sodium 131, potassium 4.7, chloride 97, BUN 30 and creatinine 1.3. There is no chest x-ray, UA or CT scan of the head done. However, the patient denies any recent head injury. On the medical floor, the patient continued to be confused but no focal deficit or facial droop. He is quite confused and his answer is quite tangential. I spent around 30 minutes trying to get the history and it looks like he has been on new medication for his prostate cancer. It also sounds like he has been treated with a new medication for his A. fib. However, it sounds like the patient stopped these medications. However, he cannot provide me the exact name of the medication nor when he stopped taking them. It seems like the patient has leg swelling and he has been going on for about 6-week, after he started on the new medication to treat his A. fib. However, he reported that the medication was not helping his A. fib and he went back to his old medication. Other than that, his history is quite confusing as he is Talking mostly about his wife, who is being admitted to another hospital for possible CVA workup... ROS: Limited but (-) HA, visual changes, f,c,n/v, diarrhea, sob, chestpain, neckpain, lnew focal weakness, dysuria, dysphagia, dyspnea." "1723384-1" "1723384-1" "PLATELET COUNT DECREASED" "10035528" "65-79 years" "65-79" "77 years old male with past medical history of A. fib on anticoagulation, glaucoma, prostate cancer on Lupron, arthritis, brought to the emergency room today for confusion and weakness. The patient reported that his weakness started around 6 AM when he woke up trying to go to pee. He reported that he was having trouble trying to keep his head up and he was confused as he does not know how to use his phone. However, he has no focal deficit. I believes he may have taken too much of his norco10mg as well. He cannot recall how often he took the med. He also claims to add tylenol 500mg To the norco 10 to help with his pain. I believe he call his neighbor and the neighbor called the ambulance and he was brought to the emergency room. On presentation, his heart rate was 107 but his systolic blood pressure was 93. Due to history of A. fib and on anticoagulation, the patient had a rectal exam and guaiac stool was strongly positive. He got Kcentra infusion to reverse the Eliquis. The work-up in the ER showed her the patient has INR 2.12, hemoglobin 11.8, platelet of 70, sodium 131, potassium 4.7, chloride 97, BUN 30 and creatinine 1.3. There is no chest x-ray, UA or CT scan of the head done. However, the patient denies any recent head injury. On the medical floor, the patient continued to be confused but no focal deficit or facial droop. He is quite confused and his answer is quite tangential. I spent around 30 minutes trying to get the history and it looks like he has been on new medication for his prostate cancer. It also sounds like he has been treated with a new medication for his A. fib. However, it sounds like the patient stopped these medications. However, he cannot provide me the exact name of the medication nor when he stopped taking them. It seems like the patient has leg swelling and he has been going on for about 6-week, after he started on the new medication to treat his A. fib. However, he reported that the medication was not helping his A. fib and he went back to his old medication. Other than that, his history is quite confusing as he is Talking mostly about his wife, who is being admitted to another hospital for possible CVA workup... ROS: Limited but (-) HA, visual changes, f,c,n/v, diarrhea, sob, chestpain, neckpain, lnew focal weakness, dysuria, dysphagia, dyspnea." "1723384-1" "1723384-1" "POSTURE ABNORMAL" "10036436" "65-79 years" "65-79" "77 years old male with past medical history of A. fib on anticoagulation, glaucoma, prostate cancer on Lupron, arthritis, brought to the emergency room today for confusion and weakness. The patient reported that his weakness started around 6 AM when he woke up trying to go to pee. He reported that he was having trouble trying to keep his head up and he was confused as he does not know how to use his phone. However, he has no focal deficit. I believes he may have taken too much of his norco10mg as well. He cannot recall how often he took the med. He also claims to add tylenol 500mg To the norco 10 to help with his pain. I believe he call his neighbor and the neighbor called the ambulance and he was brought to the emergency room. On presentation, his heart rate was 107 but his systolic blood pressure was 93. Due to history of A. fib and on anticoagulation, the patient had a rectal exam and guaiac stool was strongly positive. He got Kcentra infusion to reverse the Eliquis. The work-up in the ER showed her the patient has INR 2.12, hemoglobin 11.8, platelet of 70, sodium 131, potassium 4.7, chloride 97, BUN 30 and creatinine 1.3. There is no chest x-ray, UA or CT scan of the head done. However, the patient denies any recent head injury. On the medical floor, the patient continued to be confused but no focal deficit or facial droop. He is quite confused and his answer is quite tangential. I spent around 30 minutes trying to get the history and it looks like he has been on new medication for his prostate cancer. It also sounds like he has been treated with a new medication for his A. fib. However, it sounds like the patient stopped these medications. However, he cannot provide me the exact name of the medication nor when he stopped taking them. It seems like the patient has leg swelling and he has been going on for about 6-week, after he started on the new medication to treat his A. fib. However, he reported that the medication was not helping his A. fib and he went back to his old medication. Other than that, his history is quite confusing as he is Talking mostly about his wife, who is being admitted to another hospital for possible CVA workup... ROS: Limited but (-) HA, visual changes, f,c,n/v, diarrhea, sob, chestpain, neckpain, lnew focal weakness, dysuria, dysphagia, dyspnea." "1725384-1" "1725384-1" "AGITATION" "10001497" "65-79 years" "65-79" "very agitated; couldn't breathe/ lungs were low; stroke; weak/ very bad; yellow; was sweating a lot; I am not feeling well; blood pressure was very low; Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke), AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) in a 77-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 002B21A and 042L20A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. The patient's past medical history included Stomach ulcer. Concurrent medical conditions included Bone cancer (In treatment for past 5 years), Hypercholesteremia and Hypertension. On 11-Feb-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, the patient experienced INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered). On 11-Apr-2021, after starting mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine), the patient experienced ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), YELLOW SKIN (yellow) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). On 12-Apr-2021, the patient experienced CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and medically significant). On an unknown date, the patient experienced AGITATION (very agitated) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). The patient was hospitalized from 11-Apr-2021 to 12-Apr-2021 due to AGITATION, ASTHENIA, CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT, DYSPNOEA, HYPERHIDROSIS, HYPOTENSION, MALAISE and YELLOW SKIN. On 21-Mar-2021, INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered) had resolved. On 12-Apr-2021, HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) outcome was unknown. The patient died on 12-Apr-2021. The reported cause of death was Stroke. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) and MALAISE (I am not feeling well) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 11-Apr-2021, Blood pressure measurement: low (Low) Low. Relevant concomitant medications included, cancer medications, cholesterol medications, blood pressure medications and some other unspecified medications were reported. Treatment information was not provided. The reporter was not sure if the patient has got Moderna vaccine itself. Patient was in treatment for cancer for past 5 years. His doctor has changed the pills a few years ago and he was not able to tolerate this change of pills as they were too strong. In an appointment with the doctor, patient was very agitated and could not breathe. Patient's lungs were mentioned as too low. So the patient was with a machine that helped him to breathe properly. On 11-April-2021, patient was sent to the hospital. On 12-April-2021 past midnight, the patient died of a stroke. Company comment: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age. Reporter did not allow further contact; Sender's Comments: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Stroke" "1725384-1" "1725384-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "very agitated; couldn't breathe/ lungs were low; stroke; weak/ very bad; yellow; was sweating a lot; I am not feeling well; blood pressure was very low; Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke), AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) in a 77-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 002B21A and 042L20A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. The patient's past medical history included Stomach ulcer. Concurrent medical conditions included Bone cancer (In treatment for past 5 years), Hypercholesteremia and Hypertension. On 11-Feb-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, the patient experienced INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered). On 11-Apr-2021, after starting mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine), the patient experienced ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), YELLOW SKIN (yellow) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). On 12-Apr-2021, the patient experienced CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and medically significant). On an unknown date, the patient experienced AGITATION (very agitated) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). The patient was hospitalized from 11-Apr-2021 to 12-Apr-2021 due to AGITATION, ASTHENIA, CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT, DYSPNOEA, HYPERHIDROSIS, HYPOTENSION, MALAISE and YELLOW SKIN. On 21-Mar-2021, INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered) had resolved. On 12-Apr-2021, HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) outcome was unknown. The patient died on 12-Apr-2021. The reported cause of death was Stroke. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) and MALAISE (I am not feeling well) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 11-Apr-2021, Blood pressure measurement: low (Low) Low. Relevant concomitant medications included, cancer medications, cholesterol medications, blood pressure medications and some other unspecified medications were reported. Treatment information was not provided. The reporter was not sure if the patient has got Moderna vaccine itself. Patient was in treatment for cancer for past 5 years. His doctor has changed the pills a few years ago and he was not able to tolerate this change of pills as they were too strong. In an appointment with the doctor, patient was very agitated and could not breathe. Patient's lungs were mentioned as too low. So the patient was with a machine that helped him to breathe properly. On 11-April-2021, patient was sent to the hospital. On 12-April-2021 past midnight, the patient died of a stroke. Company comment: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age. Reporter did not allow further contact; Sender's Comments: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Stroke" "1725384-1" "1725384-1" "BLOOD PRESSURE MEASUREMENT" "10076581" "65-79 years" "65-79" "very agitated; couldn't breathe/ lungs were low; stroke; weak/ very bad; yellow; was sweating a lot; I am not feeling well; blood pressure was very low; Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke), AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) in a 77-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 002B21A and 042L20A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. The patient's past medical history included Stomach ulcer. Concurrent medical conditions included Bone cancer (In treatment for past 5 years), Hypercholesteremia and Hypertension. On 11-Feb-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, the patient experienced INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered). On 11-Apr-2021, after starting mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine), the patient experienced ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), YELLOW SKIN (yellow) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). On 12-Apr-2021, the patient experienced CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and medically significant). On an unknown date, the patient experienced AGITATION (very agitated) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). The patient was hospitalized from 11-Apr-2021 to 12-Apr-2021 due to AGITATION, ASTHENIA, CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT, DYSPNOEA, HYPERHIDROSIS, HYPOTENSION, MALAISE and YELLOW SKIN. On 21-Mar-2021, INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered) had resolved. On 12-Apr-2021, HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) outcome was unknown. The patient died on 12-Apr-2021. The reported cause of death was Stroke. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) and MALAISE (I am not feeling well) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 11-Apr-2021, Blood pressure measurement: low (Low) Low. Relevant concomitant medications included, cancer medications, cholesterol medications, blood pressure medications and some other unspecified medications were reported. Treatment information was not provided. The reporter was not sure if the patient has got Moderna vaccine itself. Patient was in treatment for cancer for past 5 years. His doctor has changed the pills a few years ago and he was not able to tolerate this change of pills as they were too strong. In an appointment with the doctor, patient was very agitated and could not breathe. Patient's lungs were mentioned as too low. So the patient was with a machine that helped him to breathe properly. On 11-April-2021, patient was sent to the hospital. On 12-April-2021 past midnight, the patient died of a stroke. Company comment: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age. Reporter did not allow further contact; Sender's Comments: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Stroke" "1725384-1" "1725384-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" "very agitated; couldn't breathe/ lungs were low; stroke; weak/ very bad; yellow; was sweating a lot; I am not feeling well; blood pressure was very low; Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke), AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) in a 77-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 002B21A and 042L20A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. The patient's past medical history included Stomach ulcer. Concurrent medical conditions included Bone cancer (In treatment for past 5 years), Hypercholesteremia and Hypertension. On 11-Feb-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, the patient experienced INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered). On 11-Apr-2021, after starting mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine), the patient experienced ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), YELLOW SKIN (yellow) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). On 12-Apr-2021, the patient experienced CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and medically significant). On an unknown date, the patient experienced AGITATION (very agitated) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). The patient was hospitalized from 11-Apr-2021 to 12-Apr-2021 due to AGITATION, ASTHENIA, CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT, DYSPNOEA, HYPERHIDROSIS, HYPOTENSION, MALAISE and YELLOW SKIN. On 21-Mar-2021, INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered) had resolved. On 12-Apr-2021, HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) outcome was unknown. The patient died on 12-Apr-2021. The reported cause of death was Stroke. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) and MALAISE (I am not feeling well) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 11-Apr-2021, Blood pressure measurement: low (Low) Low. Relevant concomitant medications included, cancer medications, cholesterol medications, blood pressure medications and some other unspecified medications were reported. Treatment information was not provided. The reporter was not sure if the patient has got Moderna vaccine itself. Patient was in treatment for cancer for past 5 years. His doctor has changed the pills a few years ago and he was not able to tolerate this change of pills as they were too strong. In an appointment with the doctor, patient was very agitated and could not breathe. Patient's lungs were mentioned as too low. So the patient was with a machine that helped him to breathe properly. On 11-April-2021, patient was sent to the hospital. On 12-April-2021 past midnight, the patient died of a stroke. Company comment: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age. Reporter did not allow further contact; Sender's Comments: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Stroke" "1725384-1" "1725384-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "very agitated; couldn't breathe/ lungs were low; stroke; weak/ very bad; yellow; was sweating a lot; I am not feeling well; blood pressure was very low; Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke), AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) in a 77-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 002B21A and 042L20A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. The patient's past medical history included Stomach ulcer. Concurrent medical conditions included Bone cancer (In treatment for past 5 years), Hypercholesteremia and Hypertension. On 11-Feb-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, the patient experienced INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered). On 11-Apr-2021, after starting mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine), the patient experienced ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), YELLOW SKIN (yellow) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). On 12-Apr-2021, the patient experienced CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and medically significant). On an unknown date, the patient experienced AGITATION (very agitated) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). The patient was hospitalized from 11-Apr-2021 to 12-Apr-2021 due to AGITATION, ASTHENIA, CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT, DYSPNOEA, HYPERHIDROSIS, HYPOTENSION, MALAISE and YELLOW SKIN. On 21-Mar-2021, INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered) had resolved. On 12-Apr-2021, HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) outcome was unknown. The patient died on 12-Apr-2021. The reported cause of death was Stroke. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) and MALAISE (I am not feeling well) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 11-Apr-2021, Blood pressure measurement: low (Low) Low. Relevant concomitant medications included, cancer medications, cholesterol medications, blood pressure medications and some other unspecified medications were reported. Treatment information was not provided. The reporter was not sure if the patient has got Moderna vaccine itself. Patient was in treatment for cancer for past 5 years. His doctor has changed the pills a few years ago and he was not able to tolerate this change of pills as they were too strong. In an appointment with the doctor, patient was very agitated and could not breathe. Patient's lungs were mentioned as too low. So the patient was with a machine that helped him to breathe properly. On 11-April-2021, patient was sent to the hospital. On 12-April-2021 past midnight, the patient died of a stroke. Company comment: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age. Reporter did not allow further contact; Sender's Comments: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Stroke" "1725384-1" "1725384-1" "HYPERHIDROSIS" "10020642" "65-79 years" "65-79" "very agitated; couldn't breathe/ lungs were low; stroke; weak/ very bad; yellow; was sweating a lot; I am not feeling well; blood pressure was very low; Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke), AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) in a 77-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 002B21A and 042L20A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. The patient's past medical history included Stomach ulcer. Concurrent medical conditions included Bone cancer (In treatment for past 5 years), Hypercholesteremia and Hypertension. On 11-Feb-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, the patient experienced INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered). On 11-Apr-2021, after starting mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine), the patient experienced ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), YELLOW SKIN (yellow) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). On 12-Apr-2021, the patient experienced CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and medically significant). On an unknown date, the patient experienced AGITATION (very agitated) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). The patient was hospitalized from 11-Apr-2021 to 12-Apr-2021 due to AGITATION, ASTHENIA, CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT, DYSPNOEA, HYPERHIDROSIS, HYPOTENSION, MALAISE and YELLOW SKIN. On 21-Mar-2021, INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered) had resolved. On 12-Apr-2021, HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) outcome was unknown. The patient died on 12-Apr-2021. The reported cause of death was Stroke. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) and MALAISE (I am not feeling well) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 11-Apr-2021, Blood pressure measurement: low (Low) Low. Relevant concomitant medications included, cancer medications, cholesterol medications, blood pressure medications and some other unspecified medications were reported. Treatment information was not provided. The reporter was not sure if the patient has got Moderna vaccine itself. Patient was in treatment for cancer for past 5 years. His doctor has changed the pills a few years ago and he was not able to tolerate this change of pills as they were too strong. In an appointment with the doctor, patient was very agitated and could not breathe. Patient's lungs were mentioned as too low. So the patient was with a machine that helped him to breathe properly. On 11-April-2021, patient was sent to the hospital. On 12-April-2021 past midnight, the patient died of a stroke. Company comment: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age. Reporter did not allow further contact; Sender's Comments: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Stroke" "1725384-1" "1725384-1" "HYPOTENSION" "10021097" "65-79 years" "65-79" "very agitated; couldn't breathe/ lungs were low; stroke; weak/ very bad; yellow; was sweating a lot; I am not feeling well; blood pressure was very low; Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke), AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) in a 77-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 002B21A and 042L20A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. The patient's past medical history included Stomach ulcer. Concurrent medical conditions included Bone cancer (In treatment for past 5 years), Hypercholesteremia and Hypertension. On 11-Feb-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, the patient experienced INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered). On 11-Apr-2021, after starting mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine), the patient experienced ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), YELLOW SKIN (yellow) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). On 12-Apr-2021, the patient experienced CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and medically significant). On an unknown date, the patient experienced AGITATION (very agitated) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). The patient was hospitalized from 11-Apr-2021 to 12-Apr-2021 due to AGITATION, ASTHENIA, CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT, DYSPNOEA, HYPERHIDROSIS, HYPOTENSION, MALAISE and YELLOW SKIN. On 21-Mar-2021, INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered) had resolved. On 12-Apr-2021, HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) outcome was unknown. The patient died on 12-Apr-2021. The reported cause of death was Stroke. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) and MALAISE (I am not feeling well) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 11-Apr-2021, Blood pressure measurement: low (Low) Low. Relevant concomitant medications included, cancer medications, cholesterol medications, blood pressure medications and some other unspecified medications were reported. Treatment information was not provided. The reporter was not sure if the patient has got Moderna vaccine itself. Patient was in treatment for cancer for past 5 years. His doctor has changed the pills a few years ago and he was not able to tolerate this change of pills as they were too strong. In an appointment with the doctor, patient was very agitated and could not breathe. Patient's lungs were mentioned as too low. So the patient was with a machine that helped him to breathe properly. On 11-April-2021, patient was sent to the hospital. On 12-April-2021 past midnight, the patient died of a stroke. Company comment: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age. Reporter did not allow further contact; Sender's Comments: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Stroke" "1725384-1" "1725384-1" "INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION" "10081572" "65-79 years" "65-79" "very agitated; couldn't breathe/ lungs were low; stroke; weak/ very bad; yellow; was sweating a lot; I am not feeling well; blood pressure was very low; Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke), AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) in a 77-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 002B21A and 042L20A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. The patient's past medical history included Stomach ulcer. Concurrent medical conditions included Bone cancer (In treatment for past 5 years), Hypercholesteremia and Hypertension. On 11-Feb-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, the patient experienced INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered). On 11-Apr-2021, after starting mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine), the patient experienced ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), YELLOW SKIN (yellow) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). On 12-Apr-2021, the patient experienced CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and medically significant). On an unknown date, the patient experienced AGITATION (very agitated) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). The patient was hospitalized from 11-Apr-2021 to 12-Apr-2021 due to AGITATION, ASTHENIA, CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT, DYSPNOEA, HYPERHIDROSIS, HYPOTENSION, MALAISE and YELLOW SKIN. On 21-Mar-2021, INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered) had resolved. On 12-Apr-2021, HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) outcome was unknown. The patient died on 12-Apr-2021. The reported cause of death was Stroke. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) and MALAISE (I am not feeling well) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 11-Apr-2021, Blood pressure measurement: low (Low) Low. Relevant concomitant medications included, cancer medications, cholesterol medications, blood pressure medications and some other unspecified medications were reported. Treatment information was not provided. The reporter was not sure if the patient has got Moderna vaccine itself. Patient was in treatment for cancer for past 5 years. His doctor has changed the pills a few years ago and he was not able to tolerate this change of pills as they were too strong. In an appointment with the doctor, patient was very agitated and could not breathe. Patient's lungs were mentioned as too low. So the patient was with a machine that helped him to breathe properly. On 11-April-2021, patient was sent to the hospital. On 12-April-2021 past midnight, the patient died of a stroke. Company comment: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age. Reporter did not allow further contact; Sender's Comments: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Stroke" "1725384-1" "1725384-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "very agitated; couldn't breathe/ lungs were low; stroke; weak/ very bad; yellow; was sweating a lot; I am not feeling well; blood pressure was very low; Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke), AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) in a 77-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 002B21A and 042L20A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. The patient's past medical history included Stomach ulcer. Concurrent medical conditions included Bone cancer (In treatment for past 5 years), Hypercholesteremia and Hypertension. On 11-Feb-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, the patient experienced INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered). On 11-Apr-2021, after starting mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine), the patient experienced ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), YELLOW SKIN (yellow) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). On 12-Apr-2021, the patient experienced CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and medically significant). On an unknown date, the patient experienced AGITATION (very agitated) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). The patient was hospitalized from 11-Apr-2021 to 12-Apr-2021 due to AGITATION, ASTHENIA, CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT, DYSPNOEA, HYPERHIDROSIS, HYPOTENSION, MALAISE and YELLOW SKIN. On 21-Mar-2021, INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered) had resolved. On 12-Apr-2021, HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) outcome was unknown. The patient died on 12-Apr-2021. The reported cause of death was Stroke. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) and MALAISE (I am not feeling well) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 11-Apr-2021, Blood pressure measurement: low (Low) Low. Relevant concomitant medications included, cancer medications, cholesterol medications, blood pressure medications and some other unspecified medications were reported. Treatment information was not provided. The reporter was not sure if the patient has got Moderna vaccine itself. Patient was in treatment for cancer for past 5 years. His doctor has changed the pills a few years ago and he was not able to tolerate this change of pills as they were too strong. In an appointment with the doctor, patient was very agitated and could not breathe. Patient's lungs were mentioned as too low. So the patient was with a machine that helped him to breathe properly. On 11-April-2021, patient was sent to the hospital. On 12-April-2021 past midnight, the patient died of a stroke. Company comment: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age. Reporter did not allow further contact; Sender's Comments: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Stroke" "1725384-1" "1725384-1" "YELLOW SKIN" "10048245" "65-79 years" "65-79" "very agitated; couldn't breathe/ lungs were low; stroke; weak/ very bad; yellow; was sweating a lot; I am not feeling well; blood pressure was very low; Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke), AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) in a 77-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 002B21A and 042L20A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. The patient's past medical history included Stomach ulcer. Concurrent medical conditions included Bone cancer (In treatment for past 5 years), Hypercholesteremia and Hypertension. On 11-Feb-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 21-Mar-2021, the patient experienced INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered). On 11-Apr-2021, after starting mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine), the patient experienced ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), YELLOW SKIN (yellow) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) (seriousness criterion hospitalization), MALAISE (I am not feeling well) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). On 12-Apr-2021, the patient experienced CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT (stroke) (seriousness criteria death, hospitalization and medically significant). On an unknown date, the patient experienced AGITATION (very agitated) (seriousness criterion hospitalization) and DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low) (seriousness criterion hospitalization). The patient was hospitalized from 11-Apr-2021 to 12-Apr-2021 due to AGITATION, ASTHENIA, CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT, DYSPNOEA, HYPERHIDROSIS, HYPOTENSION, MALAISE and YELLOW SKIN. On 21-Mar-2021, INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered) had resolved. On 12-Apr-2021, HYPOTENSION (blood pressure was very low) outcome was unknown. The patient died on 12-Apr-2021. The reported cause of death was Stroke. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, AGITATION (very agitated), DYSPNOEA (couldn't breathe/ lungs were low), ASTHENIA (weak/ very bad), YELLOW SKIN (yellow), HYPERHIDROSIS (was sweating a lot) and MALAISE (I am not feeling well) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 11-Apr-2021, Blood pressure measurement: low (Low) Low. Relevant concomitant medications included, cancer medications, cholesterol medications, blood pressure medications and some other unspecified medications were reported. Treatment information was not provided. The reporter was not sure if the patient has got Moderna vaccine itself. Patient was in treatment for cancer for past 5 years. His doctor has changed the pills a few years ago and he was not able to tolerate this change of pills as they were too strong. In an appointment with the doctor, patient was very agitated and could not breathe. Patient's lungs were mentioned as too low. So the patient was with a machine that helped him to breathe properly. On 11-April-2021, patient was sent to the hospital. On 12-April-2021 past midnight, the patient died of a stroke. Company comment: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age. Reporter did not allow further contact; Sender's Comments: This is a case of inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered for this 77-year-old male patient with medical history of stomach ulcer, hypercholesteremia and hypertension, who experienced the unexpected events of cerebrovascular accident, agitation, dyspnoea, asthenia, yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, malaise and hypotension. The events of asthenia yellow skin, hyperhidrosis, occurred 22 days after the second dose of mRNA-1273, and the remaining events occurred a day later. The rechallenge was not applicable as the events occurred after the second dose and no information about the first dose was disclosed. Causality for the events was not provided by the reporter. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 is not affected by this report. Cerebrovascular accident is confounder by the history of bonecancer, hypercholesteremia, hypertension and advanced age.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Stroke" "1726206-1" "1726206-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Rapid hearth rate after 1st and 2nd vaccine. He died ." "1726206-1" "1726206-1" "HEART RATE INCREASED" "10019303" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Rapid hearth rate after 1st and 2nd vaccine. He died ." "1726206-1" "1726206-1" "VACCINE POSITIVE RECHALLENGE" "10066903" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Rapid hearth rate after 1st and 2nd vaccine. He died ." "1731266-1" "1731266-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Deceased. Heart attack. 24-48 hours after 2nd injection." "1731266-1" "1731266-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Deceased. Heart attack. 24-48 hours after 2nd injection." "1734462-1" "1734462-1" "ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY" "10069339" "65-79 years" "65-79" "on Day 8 post vaccination, who presents to ED complaining of worsening shortness of breath for the past 4 days associated with cough and fever. Tested positive for COVID 8/29/21. Pneumonia, ARF, Septic Shock, AKF, Received CRRT from effects of Baricitinib, . Coded resulting in Death 9/25/21." "1734462-1" "1734462-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "on Day 8 post vaccination, who presents to ED complaining of worsening shortness of breath for the past 4 days associated with cough and fever. Tested positive for COVID 8/29/21. Pneumonia, ARF, Septic Shock, AKF, Received CRRT from effects of Baricitinib, . Coded resulting in Death 9/25/21." "1734462-1" "1734462-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "on Day 8 post vaccination, who presents to ED complaining of worsening shortness of breath for the past 4 days associated with cough and fever. Tested positive for COVID 8/29/21. Pneumonia, ARF, Septic Shock, AKF, Received CRRT from effects of Baricitinib, . Coded resulting in Death 9/25/21." "1734462-1" "1734462-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "on Day 8 post vaccination, who presents to ED complaining of worsening shortness of breath for the past 4 days associated with cough and fever. Tested positive for COVID 8/29/21. Pneumonia, ARF, Septic Shock, AKF, Received CRRT from effects of Baricitinib, . Coded resulting in Death 9/25/21." "1734462-1" "1734462-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "on Day 8 post vaccination, who presents to ED complaining of worsening shortness of breath for the past 4 days associated with cough and fever. Tested positive for COVID 8/29/21. Pneumonia, ARF, Septic Shock, AKF, Received CRRT from effects of Baricitinib, . Coded resulting in Death 9/25/21." "1734462-1" "1734462-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" "on Day 8 post vaccination, who presents to ED complaining of worsening shortness of breath for the past 4 days associated with cough and fever. Tested positive for COVID 8/29/21. Pneumonia, ARF, Septic Shock, AKF, Received CRRT from effects of Baricitinib, . Coded resulting in Death 9/25/21." "1734462-1" "1734462-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "on Day 8 post vaccination, who presents to ED complaining of worsening shortness of breath for the past 4 days associated with cough and fever. Tested positive for COVID 8/29/21. Pneumonia, ARF, Septic Shock, AKF, Received CRRT from effects of Baricitinib, . Coded resulting in Death 9/25/21." "1734462-1" "1734462-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "on Day 8 post vaccination, who presents to ED complaining of worsening shortness of breath for the past 4 days associated with cough and fever. Tested positive for COVID 8/29/21. Pneumonia, ARF, Septic Shock, AKF, Received CRRT from effects of Baricitinib, . Coded resulting in Death 9/25/21." "1734462-1" "1734462-1" "SEPTIC SHOCK" "10040070" "65-79 years" "65-79" "on Day 8 post vaccination, who presents to ED complaining of worsening shortness of breath for the past 4 days associated with cough and fever. Tested positive for COVID 8/29/21. Pneumonia, ARF, Septic Shock, AKF, Received CRRT from effects of Baricitinib, . Coded resulting in Death 9/25/21." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "ANAEMIA" "10002034" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "APHASIA" "10002948" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "BREATH SOUNDS ABSENT" "10062285" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10007617" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "ENCEPHALOPATHY" "10014625" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION COMPLICATION" "10063349" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "EXTUBATION" "10015894" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "FACIAL PARALYSIS" "10016062" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "HAEMORRHAGE" "10055798" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "HEART SOUNDS ABNORMAL" "10019311" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "HEMIPARESIS" "10019465" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "INFECTION" "10021789" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "MYDRIASIS" "10028521" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "NEUROLOGICAL SYMPTOM" "10060860" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "PULSELESS ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY" "10058151" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "PUPIL FIXED" "10037515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10038695" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734641-1" "1734641-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received Pfizer vaccine (2nd dose in series) on 03/28/2021. Patient was hospitalized from 08/31/21 - 09/24/21. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Patient is a 73 y.o. female with PMH of RA/PMR and hypothyroidism who was initially admitted to the hospital on 8/31 for stroke like symptoms (left sided weakness, right facial droop and aphasia) for which she recieved TNK and had neuro ICU admission. MRI and stroke workup was unrevealing how patient remained enephalopathic with development of hypoxic respiratory failure requiring intubation from 9/5-9/14. Following extubation, patient was downgraded to hospitalist serevice for further management on 9/16. On 9/24, patient was admitted to MICU following cardiac arrest with asystole noted on telemetry. Patient recieved 6 rounds of CPR, epix3, bicarbx2, and calcium. She was intubated at that time and ROSC was achieved with post-resuscitation BP 100/50. Epi gtt was started and patient was admitted to MICU service. Immediately upon arrival to patient coded again at 4:21 AM with PEA arrest. She recieved Epix5, bicarbx3 with ROSC at 4:36. Upon achieving ROSC, patient again became pulseless with PEA arrest at which time an additional 3 rounds of CPR were performed however patient did not achieve ROSC and began to have copious blood return from ETT. Given patients anemia and active bleed, TNK was not administered as risks overweighed benefits. No further rounds of CPR performed. No Subsequent spontaneous movements were present. There was no response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 5:16 AM. Family was notified and condolensces were offered." "1734652-1" "1734652-1" "ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10001053" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt. is a 65 y.o. female with past medical history of asthma, diabetes, morbid obesity with BMI of 55, hypertension, who presents to the Emergency Department with chief complaint of as mentioned above. The patient has been sick for the last 1 week with fever, cough, shortness of breath. She went to ER a couple times and was diagnosed with COVID-19 and viral pneumonia. The patient was sent home with Decadron. Despite the treatment, the patient progressively became more hypoxic with oxygen saturation of 70 to 80% at her baseline of 4 L of home O2. The patient also continues to have fever 101 F. Onset of her condition was gradual with moderate symptom. Exertion aggravates her condition and oxygen helps In the ER today, the patient has fever 101.5 Fahrenheit. Blood pressure was mildly low between 90-110. The patient had a chest x-ray today that showed stable diffuse patchy multi lobar lung infiltrate. The patient at this point is being admitted for COVID-19, multi lobar pneumonia, acute on chronic hypoxic respiratory failure, failure of outpatient treatment." "1734652-1" "1734652-1" "CHEST X-RAY ABNORMAL" "10008499" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt. is a 65 y.o. female with past medical history of asthma, diabetes, morbid obesity with BMI of 55, hypertension, who presents to the Emergency Department with chief complaint of as mentioned above. The patient has been sick for the last 1 week with fever, cough, shortness of breath. She went to ER a couple times and was diagnosed with COVID-19 and viral pneumonia. The patient was sent home with Decadron. Despite the treatment, the patient progressively became more hypoxic with oxygen saturation of 70 to 80% at her baseline of 4 L of home O2. The patient also continues to have fever 101 F. Onset of her condition was gradual with moderate symptom. Exertion aggravates her condition and oxygen helps In the ER today, the patient has fever 101.5 Fahrenheit. Blood pressure was mildly low between 90-110. The patient had a chest x-ray today that showed stable diffuse patchy multi lobar lung infiltrate. The patient at this point is being admitted for COVID-19, multi lobar pneumonia, acute on chronic hypoxic respiratory failure, failure of outpatient treatment." "1734652-1" "1734652-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt. is a 65 y.o. female with past medical history of asthma, diabetes, morbid obesity with BMI of 55, hypertension, who presents to the Emergency Department with chief complaint of as mentioned above. The patient has been sick for the last 1 week with fever, cough, shortness of breath. She went to ER a couple times and was diagnosed with COVID-19 and viral pneumonia. The patient was sent home with Decadron. Despite the treatment, the patient progressively became more hypoxic with oxygen saturation of 70 to 80% at her baseline of 4 L of home O2. The patient also continues to have fever 101 F. Onset of her condition was gradual with moderate symptom. Exertion aggravates her condition and oxygen helps In the ER today, the patient has fever 101.5 Fahrenheit. Blood pressure was mildly low between 90-110. The patient had a chest x-ray today that showed stable diffuse patchy multi lobar lung infiltrate. The patient at this point is being admitted for COVID-19, multi lobar pneumonia, acute on chronic hypoxic respiratory failure, failure of outpatient treatment." "1734652-1" "1734652-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt. is a 65 y.o. female with past medical history of asthma, diabetes, morbid obesity with BMI of 55, hypertension, who presents to the Emergency Department with chief complaint of as mentioned above. The patient has been sick for the last 1 week with fever, cough, shortness of breath. She went to ER a couple times and was diagnosed with COVID-19 and viral pneumonia. The patient was sent home with Decadron. Despite the treatment, the patient progressively became more hypoxic with oxygen saturation of 70 to 80% at her baseline of 4 L of home O2. The patient also continues to have fever 101 F. Onset of her condition was gradual with moderate symptom. Exertion aggravates her condition and oxygen helps In the ER today, the patient has fever 101.5 Fahrenheit. Blood pressure was mildly low between 90-110. The patient had a chest x-ray today that showed stable diffuse patchy multi lobar lung infiltrate. The patient at this point is being admitted for COVID-19, multi lobar pneumonia, acute on chronic hypoxic respiratory failure, failure of outpatient treatment." "1734652-1" "1734652-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt. is a 65 y.o. female with past medical history of asthma, diabetes, morbid obesity with BMI of 55, hypertension, who presents to the Emergency Department with chief complaint of as mentioned above. The patient has been sick for the last 1 week with fever, cough, shortness of breath. She went to ER a couple times and was diagnosed with COVID-19 and viral pneumonia. The patient was sent home with Decadron. Despite the treatment, the patient progressively became more hypoxic with oxygen saturation of 70 to 80% at her baseline of 4 L of home O2. The patient also continues to have fever 101 F. Onset of her condition was gradual with moderate symptom. Exertion aggravates her condition and oxygen helps In the ER today, the patient has fever 101.5 Fahrenheit. Blood pressure was mildly low between 90-110. The patient had a chest x-ray today that showed stable diffuse patchy multi lobar lung infiltrate. The patient at this point is being admitted for COVID-19, multi lobar pneumonia, acute on chronic hypoxic respiratory failure, failure of outpatient treatment." "1734652-1" "1734652-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt. is a 65 y.o. female with past medical history of asthma, diabetes, morbid obesity with BMI of 55, hypertension, who presents to the Emergency Department with chief complaint of as mentioned above. The patient has been sick for the last 1 week with fever, cough, shortness of breath. She went to ER a couple times and was diagnosed with COVID-19 and viral pneumonia. The patient was sent home with Decadron. Despite the treatment, the patient progressively became more hypoxic with oxygen saturation of 70 to 80% at her baseline of 4 L of home O2. The patient also continues to have fever 101 F. Onset of her condition was gradual with moderate symptom. Exertion aggravates her condition and oxygen helps In the ER today, the patient has fever 101.5 Fahrenheit. Blood pressure was mildly low between 90-110. The patient had a chest x-ray today that showed stable diffuse patchy multi lobar lung infiltrate. The patient at this point is being admitted for COVID-19, multi lobar pneumonia, acute on chronic hypoxic respiratory failure, failure of outpatient treatment." "1734652-1" "1734652-1" "HYPOTENSION" "10021097" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt. is a 65 y.o. female with past medical history of asthma, diabetes, morbid obesity with BMI of 55, hypertension, who presents to the Emergency Department with chief complaint of as mentioned above. The patient has been sick for the last 1 week with fever, cough, shortness of breath. She went to ER a couple times and was diagnosed with COVID-19 and viral pneumonia. The patient was sent home with Decadron. Despite the treatment, the patient progressively became more hypoxic with oxygen saturation of 70 to 80% at her baseline of 4 L of home O2. The patient also continues to have fever 101 F. Onset of her condition was gradual with moderate symptom. Exertion aggravates her condition and oxygen helps In the ER today, the patient has fever 101.5 Fahrenheit. Blood pressure was mildly low between 90-110. The patient had a chest x-ray today that showed stable diffuse patchy multi lobar lung infiltrate. The patient at this point is being admitted for COVID-19, multi lobar pneumonia, acute on chronic hypoxic respiratory failure, failure of outpatient treatment." "1734652-1" "1734652-1" "HYPOXIA" "10021143" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt. is a 65 y.o. female with past medical history of asthma, diabetes, morbid obesity with BMI of 55, hypertension, who presents to the Emergency Department with chief complaint of as mentioned above. The patient has been sick for the last 1 week with fever, cough, shortness of breath. She went to ER a couple times and was diagnosed with COVID-19 and viral pneumonia. The patient was sent home with Decadron. Despite the treatment, the patient progressively became more hypoxic with oxygen saturation of 70 to 80% at her baseline of 4 L of home O2. The patient also continues to have fever 101 F. Onset of her condition was gradual with moderate symptom. Exertion aggravates her condition and oxygen helps In the ER today, the patient has fever 101.5 Fahrenheit. Blood pressure was mildly low between 90-110. The patient had a chest x-ray today that showed stable diffuse patchy multi lobar lung infiltrate. The patient at this point is being admitted for COVID-19, multi lobar pneumonia, acute on chronic hypoxic respiratory failure, failure of outpatient treatment." "1734652-1" "1734652-1" "LUNG INFILTRATION" "10025102" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt. is a 65 y.o. female with past medical history of asthma, diabetes, morbid obesity with BMI of 55, hypertension, who presents to the Emergency Department with chief complaint of as mentioned above. The patient has been sick for the last 1 week with fever, cough, shortness of breath. She went to ER a couple times and was diagnosed with COVID-19 and viral pneumonia. The patient was sent home with Decadron. Despite the treatment, the patient progressively became more hypoxic with oxygen saturation of 70 to 80% at her baseline of 4 L of home O2. The patient also continues to have fever 101 F. Onset of her condition was gradual with moderate symptom. Exertion aggravates her condition and oxygen helps In the ER today, the patient has fever 101.5 Fahrenheit. Blood pressure was mildly low between 90-110. The patient had a chest x-ray today that showed stable diffuse patchy multi lobar lung infiltrate. The patient at this point is being admitted for COVID-19, multi lobar pneumonia, acute on chronic hypoxic respiratory failure, failure of outpatient treatment." "1734652-1" "1734652-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt. is a 65 y.o. female with past medical history of asthma, diabetes, morbid obesity with BMI of 55, hypertension, who presents to the Emergency Department with chief complaint of as mentioned above. The patient has been sick for the last 1 week with fever, cough, shortness of breath. She went to ER a couple times and was diagnosed with COVID-19 and viral pneumonia. The patient was sent home with Decadron. Despite the treatment, the patient progressively became more hypoxic with oxygen saturation of 70 to 80% at her baseline of 4 L of home O2. The patient also continues to have fever 101 F. Onset of her condition was gradual with moderate symptom. Exertion aggravates her condition and oxygen helps In the ER today, the patient has fever 101.5 Fahrenheit. Blood pressure was mildly low between 90-110. The patient had a chest x-ray today that showed stable diffuse patchy multi lobar lung infiltrate. The patient at this point is being admitted for COVID-19, multi lobar pneumonia, acute on chronic hypoxic respiratory failure, failure of outpatient treatment." "1734652-1" "1734652-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt. is a 65 y.o. female with past medical history of asthma, diabetes, morbid obesity with BMI of 55, hypertension, who presents to the Emergency Department with chief complaint of as mentioned above. The patient has been sick for the last 1 week with fever, cough, shortness of breath. She went to ER a couple times and was diagnosed with COVID-19 and viral pneumonia. The patient was sent home with Decadron. Despite the treatment, the patient progressively became more hypoxic with oxygen saturation of 70 to 80% at her baseline of 4 L of home O2. The patient also continues to have fever 101 F. Onset of her condition was gradual with moderate symptom. Exertion aggravates her condition and oxygen helps In the ER today, the patient has fever 101.5 Fahrenheit. Blood pressure was mildly low between 90-110. The patient had a chest x-ray today that showed stable diffuse patchy multi lobar lung infiltrate. The patient at this point is being admitted for COVID-19, multi lobar pneumonia, acute on chronic hypoxic respiratory failure, failure of outpatient treatment." "1734652-1" "1734652-1" "PNEUMONIA VIRAL" "10035737" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt. is a 65 y.o. female with past medical history of asthma, diabetes, morbid obesity with BMI of 55, hypertension, who presents to the Emergency Department with chief complaint of as mentioned above. The patient has been sick for the last 1 week with fever, cough, shortness of breath. She went to ER a couple times and was diagnosed with COVID-19 and viral pneumonia. The patient was sent home with Decadron. Despite the treatment, the patient progressively became more hypoxic with oxygen saturation of 70 to 80% at her baseline of 4 L of home O2. The patient also continues to have fever 101 F. Onset of her condition was gradual with moderate symptom. Exertion aggravates her condition and oxygen helps In the ER today, the patient has fever 101.5 Fahrenheit. Blood pressure was mildly low between 90-110. The patient had a chest x-ray today that showed stable diffuse patchy multi lobar lung infiltrate. The patient at this point is being admitted for COVID-19, multi lobar pneumonia, acute on chronic hypoxic respiratory failure, failure of outpatient treatment." "1734652-1" "1734652-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt. is a 65 y.o. female with past medical history of asthma, diabetes, morbid obesity with BMI of 55, hypertension, who presents to the Emergency Department with chief complaint of as mentioned above. The patient has been sick for the last 1 week with fever, cough, shortness of breath. She went to ER a couple times and was diagnosed with COVID-19 and viral pneumonia. The patient was sent home with Decadron. Despite the treatment, the patient progressively became more hypoxic with oxygen saturation of 70 to 80% at her baseline of 4 L of home O2. The patient also continues to have fever 101 F. Onset of her condition was gradual with moderate symptom. Exertion aggravates her condition and oxygen helps In the ER today, the patient has fever 101.5 Fahrenheit. Blood pressure was mildly low between 90-110. The patient had a chest x-ray today that showed stable diffuse patchy multi lobar lung infiltrate. The patient at this point is being admitted for COVID-19, multi lobar pneumonia, acute on chronic hypoxic respiratory failure, failure of outpatient treatment." "1735866-1" "1735866-1" "APHASIA" "10002948" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient fell off edge of bed face forward; ambulance was called. They helped her up off the floor, then assisted her into a chair in the living room. Later that same evening, patient got up and walked into the bathroom to use the toilet. While sitting on the toilet, she fell forward and to the left hitting her head on the side of the bathtub that was positioned to the left of the toilet. Her husband asked if she was okay. She responded, ""I hit my head"", then she stopped talking and he went for help. Emergency workers attempted CPR, but were unable to recussitate."" "1735866-1" "1735866-1" "FALL" "10016173" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient fell off edge of bed face forward; ambulance was called. They helped her up off the floor, then assisted her into a chair in the living room. Later that same evening, patient got up and walked into the bathroom to use the toilet. While sitting on the toilet, she fell forward and to the left hitting her head on the side of the bathtub that was positioned to the left of the toilet. Her husband asked if she was okay. She responded, ""I hit my head"", then she stopped talking and he went for help. Emergency workers attempted CPR, but were unable to recussitate."" "1735866-1" "1735866-1" "HEAD INJURY" "10019196" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient fell off edge of bed face forward; ambulance was called. They helped her up off the floor, then assisted her into a chair in the living room. Later that same evening, patient got up and walked into the bathroom to use the toilet. While sitting on the toilet, she fell forward and to the left hitting her head on the side of the bathtub that was positioned to the left of the toilet. Her husband asked if she was okay. She responded, ""I hit my head"", then she stopped talking and he went for help. Emergency workers attempted CPR, but were unable to recussitate."" "1740833-1" "1740833-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Covid-19 after complete vaccination. Patient expired on 9/26/2021" "1740833-1" "1740833-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Covid-19 after complete vaccination. Patient expired on 9/26/2021" "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "BREATH SOUNDS ABSENT" "10062285" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "CATHETER PLACEMENT" "10052915" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "CHEST X-RAY ABNORMAL" "10008499" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "HEART SOUNDS ABNORMAL" "10019311" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "PNEUMOMEDIASTINUM" "10050184" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "PNEUMOTHORAX" "10035759" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "PULSE ABSENT" "10037469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "PUPIL FIXED" "10037515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10038695" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "SUBCUTANEOUS EMPHYSEMA" "10042344" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1757402-1" "1757402-1" "VACCINE BREAKTHROUGH INFECTION" "10067923" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient required hospitalization due to breakthrough infection. Patient received J&J vaccine on 03/11/21. Patient was hospitalized from 08/01/2021 - 08/17/2021. Below is copied from patients discharge (death) summary: Hospital Course: a 67 y.o. male with a PMH of Type II DM and HFpEF who initially presented to the ED complaining of shortness of breath with a recent COVID positive result. Patient stated this started around 7/26/2021 along with a nonproductive cough, subjective fevers, loss of appetite and nausea, with minimal diarrhea. He described the cough as being nonproductive. On the morning of 8/01/2021 the cough worsened which prompted him to call EMS. On arrival to the ED his SpO2 was at 81%-86% on room air. He was then placed on HFNC at 60L and FiO2 on 60% which brought his SpO2 at 94%. Pt stated he was vaccinated on March with J&J. He finished coverage. MICU consulted for increasing oxygen requirements. At the time of consult, he was sating 90% of max settings on HFNC, however pt was intubated on 8/9 due to respiratory failure. Upon discussion patient confirmed he is full code. On 8/10 pt desatted with development of SubQ emphysema. Stat CXR revealed large pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax. Emergent right sided Pigtail catheter was placed with increase in O2 sats. Patient self-extubated on 8/14 followed by desaturation to the 50s, he was subsequently re-intubated. I was called to patient?s bedside to pronounce that patient has expired. No spontaneous movements were present. There was not response to verbal or tactile stimuli. Pupils were dilated and fixed. No breath sounds were appreciated over either lung field. No carotid pulses or peripheral pulses were palpable. No heart sounds were auscultated over entire precordium. Patient pronounced dead at 1903. Dr. notified. Family were notified. Condolences offered. Chaplain and postmortem services offered. Pt was Full code. Time of death was 1903, confirmed and witnessed by Nurse." "1761994-1" "1761994-1" "CHEST DISCOMFORT" "10008469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "09/16/2021-09/19/2021 Patient remained in bed coughing, feeling ill, drinking fluids and eating but slept mostly. 09/20/2021-Patient complained about being congested so she took mucus relief and cough drops 09/21/2021-09/23/2021-Patient began moving around the house feeling short of breath and a little foggy but symptoms felt to be slowly disipating and she was glad to be out of bed. Took a shower and sat outside to get fresh air and discussed how 09/16-09/19 she had never felt the burning in her chest and tightness like anything before and was glad it was over with. She was given water and left to her own accord at 10:30 pm. 09/24/21- At approximately 9:30 patient was discovered in her bed having died sometime throughout the night." "1761994-1" "1761994-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "09/16/2021-09/19/2021 Patient remained in bed coughing, feeling ill, drinking fluids and eating but slept mostly. 09/20/2021-Patient complained about being congested so she took mucus relief and cough drops 09/21/2021-09/23/2021-Patient began moving around the house feeling short of breath and a little foggy but symptoms felt to be slowly disipating and she was glad to be out of bed. Took a shower and sat outside to get fresh air and discussed how 09/16-09/19 she had never felt the burning in her chest and tightness like anything before and was glad it was over with. She was given water and left to her own accord at 10:30 pm. 09/24/21- At approximately 9:30 patient was discovered in her bed having died sometime throughout the night." "1761994-1" "1761994-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "09/16/2021-09/19/2021 Patient remained in bed coughing, feeling ill, drinking fluids and eating but slept mostly. 09/20/2021-Patient complained about being congested so she took mucus relief and cough drops 09/21/2021-09/23/2021-Patient began moving around the house feeling short of breath and a little foggy but symptoms felt to be slowly disipating and she was glad to be out of bed. Took a shower and sat outside to get fresh air and discussed how 09/16-09/19 she had never felt the burning in her chest and tightness like anything before and was glad it was over with. She was given water and left to her own accord at 10:30 pm. 09/24/21- At approximately 9:30 patient was discovered in her bed having died sometime throughout the night." "1761994-1" "1761994-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "09/16/2021-09/19/2021 Patient remained in bed coughing, feeling ill, drinking fluids and eating but slept mostly. 09/20/2021-Patient complained about being congested so she took mucus relief and cough drops 09/21/2021-09/23/2021-Patient began moving around the house feeling short of breath and a little foggy but symptoms felt to be slowly disipating and she was glad to be out of bed. Took a shower and sat outside to get fresh air and discussed how 09/16-09/19 she had never felt the burning in her chest and tightness like anything before and was glad it was over with. She was given water and left to her own accord at 10:30 pm. 09/24/21- At approximately 9:30 patient was discovered in her bed having died sometime throughout the night." "1761994-1" "1761994-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "09/16/2021-09/19/2021 Patient remained in bed coughing, feeling ill, drinking fluids and eating but slept mostly. 09/20/2021-Patient complained about being congested so she took mucus relief and cough drops 09/21/2021-09/23/2021-Patient began moving around the house feeling short of breath and a little foggy but symptoms felt to be slowly disipating and she was glad to be out of bed. Took a shower and sat outside to get fresh air and discussed how 09/16-09/19 she had never felt the burning in her chest and tightness like anything before and was glad it was over with. She was given water and left to her own accord at 10:30 pm. 09/24/21- At approximately 9:30 patient was discovered in her bed having died sometime throughout the night." "1761994-1" "1761994-1" "FEELING ABNORMAL" "10016322" "65-79 years" "65-79" "09/16/2021-09/19/2021 Patient remained in bed coughing, feeling ill, drinking fluids and eating but slept mostly. 09/20/2021-Patient complained about being congested so she took mucus relief and cough drops 09/21/2021-09/23/2021-Patient began moving around the house feeling short of breath and a little foggy but symptoms felt to be slowly disipating and she was glad to be out of bed. Took a shower and sat outside to get fresh air and discussed how 09/16-09/19 she had never felt the burning in her chest and tightness like anything before and was glad it was over with. She was given water and left to her own accord at 10:30 pm. 09/24/21- At approximately 9:30 patient was discovered in her bed having died sometime throughout the night." "1761994-1" "1761994-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "09/16/2021-09/19/2021 Patient remained in bed coughing, feeling ill, drinking fluids and eating but slept mostly. 09/20/2021-Patient complained about being congested so she took mucus relief and cough drops 09/21/2021-09/23/2021-Patient began moving around the house feeling short of breath and a little foggy but symptoms felt to be slowly disipating and she was glad to be out of bed. Took a shower and sat outside to get fresh air and discussed how 09/16-09/19 she had never felt the burning in her chest and tightness like anything before and was glad it was over with. She was given water and left to her own accord at 10:30 pm. 09/24/21- At approximately 9:30 patient was discovered in her bed having died sometime throughout the night." "1761994-1" "1761994-1" "RESPIRATORY TRACT CONGESTION" "10052251" "65-79 years" "65-79" "09/16/2021-09/19/2021 Patient remained in bed coughing, feeling ill, drinking fluids and eating but slept mostly. 09/20/2021-Patient complained about being congested so she took mucus relief and cough drops 09/21/2021-09/23/2021-Patient began moving around the house feeling short of breath and a little foggy but symptoms felt to be slowly disipating and she was glad to be out of bed. Took a shower and sat outside to get fresh air and discussed how 09/16-09/19 she had never felt the burning in her chest and tightness like anything before and was glad it was over with. She was given water and left to her own accord at 10:30 pm. 09/24/21- At approximately 9:30 patient was discovered in her bed having died sometime throughout the night." "1761994-1" "1761994-1" "SOMNOLENCE" "10041349" "65-79 years" "65-79" "09/16/2021-09/19/2021 Patient remained in bed coughing, feeling ill, drinking fluids and eating but slept mostly. 09/20/2021-Patient complained about being congested so she took mucus relief and cough drops 09/21/2021-09/23/2021-Patient began moving around the house feeling short of breath and a little foggy but symptoms felt to be slowly disipating and she was glad to be out of bed. Took a shower and sat outside to get fresh air and discussed how 09/16-09/19 she had never felt the burning in her chest and tightness like anything before and was glad it was over with. She was given water and left to her own accord at 10:30 pm. 09/24/21- At approximately 9:30 patient was discovered in her bed having died sometime throughout the night." "1776636-1" "1776636-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Died of heart attack 10 days after vaccine with no family history or prior indication of heart problems" "1776636-1" "1776636-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Died of heart attack 10 days after vaccine with no family history or prior indication of heart problems" "1790377-1" "1790377-1" "BED REST" "10050118" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""she found her mother dead on her bed; More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose; shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever; the patient had burning in her chest; stayed in bed for a few days; not feeling well/ did not feel great; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DEATH (she found her mother dead on her bed) in a 65-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 037C21A and 027C21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. Concurrent medical conditions included Blood sugar increased (took Insulin because she had her blood sugar levels up for 6 months). Concomitant products included INSULIN for Blood sugar increased, GABAPENTIN, CEFIXIME (FLEXERIL [CEFIXIME]) and RISPERIDONE for an unknown indication. On 05-Aug-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 15-Sep-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 15-Sep-2021, the patient experienced INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose). In September 2021, the patient experienced DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) and VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great). The patient died on 24-Sep-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) and VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great) was resolving and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Blood glucose: up (High) Had blood sugar levels up for 6 months. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter considered BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) to be possibly related. No further causality assessments were provided for DEATH (she found her mother dead on her bed), DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great) and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose). It was reported that treatment was not taken by the patient. Caller states that she took her mother to take her second vaccination with the Moderna Covid19 vaccine on 15September2021.After the vaccine, she had some side effects: At first she stayed in bed for a few days, not feeling well, she had some side effects and didn't feel great. It took her 3 days to get out of bed, she had shortness of breath but was feeling good. Caller also stated that the patient had burning in her chest: The patient stated she never felt anything like the burning in her chest that she felt those 3 days, and also felt shortness of breath. Stated ""it was the worst ever"". After those 3 days she got up and started moving around for a couple of days. And caller states that 9 days after, on 24September2021, she found her mother dead on her bed. Patient did not see any doctor for months, she was fine, and there was no diagnose made by a doctor on the cause. Patient did not receive any treatment, she had side effects and didn't feel well, but started feeling better and thought everything was better. She did not have a prior diagnose of Covid or Myocarditis or Pericarditis, and did not experience symptoms like this before. Company Comment: This case concerns a 65 year-old female patient with no relevant medical history, who experienced the unexpected fatal event of Death (unknown cause). The event occurred approximately one week after the second dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine. the cause of death is unknown, however the non-serious events of shortness of breath and chest pain may have contributed to the event and fatal outcome. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 vaccine is not affected by this report.; Sender's Comments: This case concerns a 65 year-old female patient with no relevant medical history, who experienced the unexpected fatal event of Death (unknown cause). The event occurred approximately one week after the second dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine. the cause of death is unknown, however the non-serious events of shortness of breath and chest pain may have contributed to the event and fatal outcome. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 vaccine is not affected by this report.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death"" "1790377-1" "1790377-1" "BLOOD GLUCOSE" "10005553" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""she found her mother dead on her bed; More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose; shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever; the patient had burning in her chest; stayed in bed for a few days; not feeling well/ did not feel great; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DEATH (she found her mother dead on her bed) in a 65-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 037C21A and 027C21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. Concurrent medical conditions included Blood sugar increased (took Insulin because she had her blood sugar levels up for 6 months). Concomitant products included INSULIN for Blood sugar increased, GABAPENTIN, CEFIXIME (FLEXERIL [CEFIXIME]) and RISPERIDONE for an unknown indication. On 05-Aug-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 15-Sep-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 15-Sep-2021, the patient experienced INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose). In September 2021, the patient experienced DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) and VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great). The patient died on 24-Sep-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) and VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great) was resolving and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Blood glucose: up (High) Had blood sugar levels up for 6 months. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter considered BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) to be possibly related. No further causality assessments were provided for DEATH (she found her mother dead on her bed), DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great) and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose). It was reported that treatment was not taken by the patient. Caller states that she took her mother to take her second vaccination with the Moderna Covid19 vaccine on 15September2021.After the vaccine, she had some side effects: At first she stayed in bed for a few days, not feeling well, she had some side effects and didn't feel great. It took her 3 days to get out of bed, she had shortness of breath but was feeling good. Caller also stated that the patient had burning in her chest: The patient stated she never felt anything like the burning in her chest that she felt those 3 days, and also felt shortness of breath. Stated ""it was the worst ever"". After those 3 days she got up and started moving around for a couple of days. And caller states that 9 days after, on 24September2021, she found her mother dead on her bed. Patient did not see any doctor for months, she was fine, and there was no diagnose made by a doctor on the cause. Patient did not receive any treatment, she had side effects and didn't feel well, but started feeling better and thought everything was better. She did not have a prior diagnose of Covid or Myocarditis or Pericarditis, and did not experience symptoms like this before. Company Comment: This case concerns a 65 year-old female patient with no relevant medical history, who experienced the unexpected fatal event of Death (unknown cause). The event occurred approximately one week after the second dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine. the cause of death is unknown, however the non-serious events of shortness of breath and chest pain may have contributed to the event and fatal outcome. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 vaccine is not affected by this report.; Sender's Comments: This case concerns a 65 year-old female patient with no relevant medical history, who experienced the unexpected fatal event of Death (unknown cause). The event occurred approximately one week after the second dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine. the cause of death is unknown, however the non-serious events of shortness of breath and chest pain may have contributed to the event and fatal outcome. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 vaccine is not affected by this report.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death"" "1790377-1" "1790377-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""she found her mother dead on her bed; More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose; shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever; the patient had burning in her chest; stayed in bed for a few days; not feeling well/ did not feel great; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DEATH (she found her mother dead on her bed) in a 65-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 037C21A and 027C21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. Concurrent medical conditions included Blood sugar increased (took Insulin because she had her blood sugar levels up for 6 months). Concomitant products included INSULIN for Blood sugar increased, GABAPENTIN, CEFIXIME (FLEXERIL [CEFIXIME]) and RISPERIDONE for an unknown indication. On 05-Aug-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 15-Sep-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 15-Sep-2021, the patient experienced INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose). In September 2021, the patient experienced DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) and VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great). The patient died on 24-Sep-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) and VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great) was resolving and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Blood glucose: up (High) Had blood sugar levels up for 6 months. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter considered BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) to be possibly related. No further causality assessments were provided for DEATH (she found her mother dead on her bed), DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great) and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose). It was reported that treatment was not taken by the patient. Caller states that she took her mother to take her second vaccination with the Moderna Covid19 vaccine on 15September2021.After the vaccine, she had some side effects: At first she stayed in bed for a few days, not feeling well, she had some side effects and didn't feel great. It took her 3 days to get out of bed, she had shortness of breath but was feeling good. Caller also stated that the patient had burning in her chest: The patient stated she never felt anything like the burning in her chest that she felt those 3 days, and also felt shortness of breath. Stated ""it was the worst ever"". After those 3 days she got up and started moving around for a couple of days. And caller states that 9 days after, on 24September2021, she found her mother dead on her bed. Patient did not see any doctor for months, she was fine, and there was no diagnose made by a doctor on the cause. Patient did not receive any treatment, she had side effects and didn't feel well, but started feeling better and thought everything was better. She did not have a prior diagnose of Covid or Myocarditis or Pericarditis, and did not experience symptoms like this before. Company Comment: This case concerns a 65 year-old female patient with no relevant medical history, who experienced the unexpected fatal event of Death (unknown cause). The event occurred approximately one week after the second dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine. the cause of death is unknown, however the non-serious events of shortness of breath and chest pain may have contributed to the event and fatal outcome. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 vaccine is not affected by this report.; Sender's Comments: This case concerns a 65 year-old female patient with no relevant medical history, who experienced the unexpected fatal event of Death (unknown cause). The event occurred approximately one week after the second dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine. the cause of death is unknown, however the non-serious events of shortness of breath and chest pain may have contributed to the event and fatal outcome. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 vaccine is not affected by this report.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death"" "1790377-1" "1790377-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""she found her mother dead on her bed; More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose; shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever; the patient had burning in her chest; stayed in bed for a few days; not feeling well/ did not feel great; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DEATH (she found her mother dead on her bed) in a 65-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 037C21A and 027C21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. Concurrent medical conditions included Blood sugar increased (took Insulin because she had her blood sugar levels up for 6 months). Concomitant products included INSULIN for Blood sugar increased, GABAPENTIN, CEFIXIME (FLEXERIL [CEFIXIME]) and RISPERIDONE for an unknown indication. On 05-Aug-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 15-Sep-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 15-Sep-2021, the patient experienced INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose). In September 2021, the patient experienced DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) and VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great). The patient died on 24-Sep-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) and VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great) was resolving and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Blood glucose: up (High) Had blood sugar levels up for 6 months. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter considered BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) to be possibly related. No further causality assessments were provided for DEATH (she found her mother dead on her bed), DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great) and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose). It was reported that treatment was not taken by the patient. Caller states that she took her mother to take her second vaccination with the Moderna Covid19 vaccine on 15September2021.After the vaccine, she had some side effects: At first she stayed in bed for a few days, not feeling well, she had some side effects and didn't feel great. It took her 3 days to get out of bed, she had shortness of breath but was feeling good. Caller also stated that the patient had burning in her chest: The patient stated she never felt anything like the burning in her chest that she felt those 3 days, and also felt shortness of breath. Stated ""it was the worst ever"". After those 3 days she got up and started moving around for a couple of days. And caller states that 9 days after, on 24September2021, she found her mother dead on her bed. Patient did not see any doctor for months, she was fine, and there was no diagnose made by a doctor on the cause. Patient did not receive any treatment, she had side effects and didn't feel well, but started feeling better and thought everything was better. She did not have a prior diagnose of Covid or Myocarditis or Pericarditis, and did not experience symptoms like this before. Company Comment: This case concerns a 65 year-old female patient with no relevant medical history, who experienced the unexpected fatal event of Death (unknown cause). The event occurred approximately one week after the second dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine. the cause of death is unknown, however the non-serious events of shortness of breath and chest pain may have contributed to the event and fatal outcome. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 vaccine is not affected by this report.; Sender's Comments: This case concerns a 65 year-old female patient with no relevant medical history, who experienced the unexpected fatal event of Death (unknown cause). The event occurred approximately one week after the second dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine. the cause of death is unknown, however the non-serious events of shortness of breath and chest pain may have contributed to the event and fatal outcome. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 vaccine is not affected by this report.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death"" "1790377-1" "1790377-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""she found her mother dead on her bed; More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose; shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever; the patient had burning in her chest; stayed in bed for a few days; not feeling well/ did not feel great; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DEATH (she found her mother dead on her bed) in a 65-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 037C21A and 027C21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. Concurrent medical conditions included Blood sugar increased (took Insulin because she had her blood sugar levels up for 6 months). Concomitant products included INSULIN for Blood sugar increased, GABAPENTIN, CEFIXIME (FLEXERIL [CEFIXIME]) and RISPERIDONE for an unknown indication. On 05-Aug-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 15-Sep-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 15-Sep-2021, the patient experienced INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose). In September 2021, the patient experienced DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) and VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great). The patient died on 24-Sep-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) and VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great) was resolving and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Blood glucose: up (High) Had blood sugar levels up for 6 months. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter considered BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) to be possibly related. No further causality assessments were provided for DEATH (she found her mother dead on her bed), DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great) and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose). It was reported that treatment was not taken by the patient. Caller states that she took her mother to take her second vaccination with the Moderna Covid19 vaccine on 15September2021.After the vaccine, she had some side effects: At first she stayed in bed for a few days, not feeling well, she had some side effects and didn't feel great. It took her 3 days to get out of bed, she had shortness of breath but was feeling good. Caller also stated that the patient had burning in her chest: The patient stated she never felt anything like the burning in her chest that she felt those 3 days, and also felt shortness of breath. Stated ""it was the worst ever"". After those 3 days she got up and started moving around for a couple of days. And caller states that 9 days after, on 24September2021, she found her mother dead on her bed. Patient did not see any doctor for months, she was fine, and there was no diagnose made by a doctor on the cause. Patient did not receive any treatment, she had side effects and didn't feel well, but started feeling better and thought everything was better. She did not have a prior diagnose of Covid or Myocarditis or Pericarditis, and did not experience symptoms like this before. Company Comment: This case concerns a 65 year-old female patient with no relevant medical history, who experienced the unexpected fatal event of Death (unknown cause). The event occurred approximately one week after the second dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine. the cause of death is unknown, however the non-serious events of shortness of breath and chest pain may have contributed to the event and fatal outcome. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 vaccine is not affected by this report.; Sender's Comments: This case concerns a 65 year-old female patient with no relevant medical history, who experienced the unexpected fatal event of Death (unknown cause). The event occurred approximately one week after the second dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine. the cause of death is unknown, however the non-serious events of shortness of breath and chest pain may have contributed to the event and fatal outcome. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 vaccine is not affected by this report.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death"" "1790377-1" "1790377-1" "INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION" "10081572" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""she found her mother dead on her bed; More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose; shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever; the patient had burning in her chest; stayed in bed for a few days; not feeling well/ did not feel great; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DEATH (she found her mother dead on her bed) in a 65-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 037C21A and 027C21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. Concurrent medical conditions included Blood sugar increased (took Insulin because she had her blood sugar levels up for 6 months). Concomitant products included INSULIN for Blood sugar increased, GABAPENTIN, CEFIXIME (FLEXERIL [CEFIXIME]) and RISPERIDONE for an unknown indication. On 05-Aug-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 15-Sep-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 15-Sep-2021, the patient experienced INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose). In September 2021, the patient experienced DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) and VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great). The patient died on 24-Sep-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) and VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great) was resolving and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Blood glucose: up (High) Had blood sugar levels up for 6 months. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter considered BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) to be possibly related. No further causality assessments were provided for DEATH (she found her mother dead on her bed), DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great) and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose). It was reported that treatment was not taken by the patient. Caller states that she took her mother to take her second vaccination with the Moderna Covid19 vaccine on 15September2021.After the vaccine, she had some side effects: At first she stayed in bed for a few days, not feeling well, she had some side effects and didn't feel great. It took her 3 days to get out of bed, she had shortness of breath but was feeling good. Caller also stated that the patient had burning in her chest: The patient stated she never felt anything like the burning in her chest that she felt those 3 days, and also felt shortness of breath. Stated ""it was the worst ever"". After those 3 days she got up and started moving around for a couple of days. And caller states that 9 days after, on 24September2021, she found her mother dead on her bed. Patient did not see any doctor for months, she was fine, and there was no diagnose made by a doctor on the cause. Patient did not receive any treatment, she had side effects and didn't feel well, but started feeling better and thought everything was better. She did not have a prior diagnose of Covid or Myocarditis or Pericarditis, and did not experience symptoms like this before. Company Comment: This case concerns a 65 year-old female patient with no relevant medical history, who experienced the unexpected fatal event of Death (unknown cause). The event occurred approximately one week after the second dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine. the cause of death is unknown, however the non-serious events of shortness of breath and chest pain may have contributed to the event and fatal outcome. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 vaccine is not affected by this report.; Sender's Comments: This case concerns a 65 year-old female patient with no relevant medical history, who experienced the unexpected fatal event of Death (unknown cause). The event occurred approximately one week after the second dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine. the cause of death is unknown, however the non-serious events of shortness of breath and chest pain may have contributed to the event and fatal outcome. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 vaccine is not affected by this report.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death"" "1790377-1" "1790377-1" "VACCINATION COMPLICATION" "10046861" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""she found her mother dead on her bed; More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose; shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever; the patient had burning in her chest; stayed in bed for a few days; not feeling well/ did not feel great; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DEATH (she found her mother dead on her bed) in a 65-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos. 037C21A and 027C21A) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. Concurrent medical conditions included Blood sugar increased (took Insulin because she had her blood sugar levels up for 6 months). Concomitant products included INSULIN for Blood sugar increased, GABAPENTIN, CEFIXIME (FLEXERIL [CEFIXIME]) and RISPERIDONE for an unknown indication. On 05-Aug-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On 15-Sep-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form. On 15-Sep-2021, the patient experienced INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose). In September 2021, the patient experienced DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) and VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great). The patient died on 24-Sep-2021. The cause of death was not reported. It is unknown if an autopsy was performed. At the time of death, DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) and VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great) was resolving and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose) outcome was unknown. DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Blood glucose: up (High) Had blood sugar levels up for 6 months. For mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (Unknown), the reporter considered BED REST (stayed in bed for a few days) to be possibly related. No further causality assessments were provided for DEATH (she found her mother dead on her bed), DYSPNOEA (shortness of breath/ it was the worst ever), CHEST PAIN (the patient had burning in her chest), VACCINATION COMPLICATION (not feeling well/ did not feel great) and INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION (More than 36 days after the first dose without receiving the second dose). It was reported that treatment was not taken by the patient. Caller states that she took her mother to take her second vaccination with the Moderna Covid19 vaccine on 15September2021.After the vaccine, she had some side effects: At first she stayed in bed for a few days, not feeling well, she had some side effects and didn't feel great. It took her 3 days to get out of bed, she had shortness of breath but was feeling good. Caller also stated that the patient had burning in her chest: The patient stated she never felt anything like the burning in her chest that she felt those 3 days, and also felt shortness of breath. Stated ""it was the worst ever"". After those 3 days she got up and started moving around for a couple of days. And caller states that 9 days after, on 24September2021, she found her mother dead on her bed. Patient did not see any doctor for months, she was fine, and there was no diagnose made by a doctor on the cause. Patient did not receive any treatment, she had side effects and didn't feel well, but started feeling better and thought everything was better. She did not have a prior diagnose of Covid or Myocarditis or Pericarditis, and did not experience symptoms like this before. Company Comment: This case concerns a 65 year-old female patient with no relevant medical history, who experienced the unexpected fatal event of Death (unknown cause). The event occurred approximately one week after the second dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine. the cause of death is unknown, however the non-serious events of shortness of breath and chest pain may have contributed to the event and fatal outcome. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 vaccine is not affected by this report.; Sender's Comments: This case concerns a 65 year-old female patient with no relevant medical history, who experienced the unexpected fatal event of Death (unknown cause). The event occurred approximately one week after the second dose of mRNA-1273 vaccine. the cause of death is unknown, however the non-serious events of shortness of breath and chest pain may have contributed to the event and fatal outcome. The benefit-risk relationship of mRNA-1273 vaccine is not affected by this report.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: unknown cause of death"" "1794922-1" "1794922-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o difficulty breathing onset 3 days prior." "1794922-1" "1794922-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM THORAX" "10053875" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o difficulty breathing onset 3 days prior." "1794922-1" "1794922-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o difficulty breathing onset 3 days prior." "1794922-1" "1794922-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST" "10084354" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o difficulty breathing onset 3 days prior." "1794958-1" "1794958-1" "ASTHENIA" "10003549" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, diarrhea, shortness of breath, weak. Went to hospital, tested positive for Covid-19 and died." "1794958-1" "1794958-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, diarrhea, shortness of breath, weak. Went to hospital, tested positive for Covid-19 and died." "1794958-1" "1794958-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, diarrhea, shortness of breath, weak. Went to hospital, tested positive for Covid-19 and died." "1794958-1" "1794958-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, diarrhea, shortness of breath, weak. Went to hospital, tested positive for Covid-19 and died." "1794958-1" "1794958-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, diarrhea, shortness of breath, weak. Went to hospital, tested positive for Covid-19 and died." "1794958-1" "1794958-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, diarrhea, shortness of breath, weak. Went to hospital, tested positive for Covid-19 and died." "1794958-1" "1794958-1" "SARS-COV-2 ANTIBODY TEST" "10084501" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, diarrhea, shortness of breath, weak. Went to hospital, tested positive for Covid-19 and died." "1794958-1" "1794958-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Fever, diarrhea, shortness of breath, weak. Went to hospital, tested positive for Covid-19 and died." "1794994-1" "1794994-1" "ACUTE CARDIAC EVENT" "10081099" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Informed of cardia event and dealth 10/17/2021" "1794994-1" "1794994-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Informed of cardia event and dealth 10/17/2021" "1797778-1" "1797778-1" "ANTICOAGULANT THERAPY" "10053468" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA. Afebrile. BP was 80's/50's @ 9 am -- > 101/61 at noon. O2 sats 92% on room air. WBC 7.8K. GFR 69. Lactate POC 3.5. Blood cx from 9/14 NGTD. COVID-19 PCR pending. CT chest PE today: no PE, but showed bilateral patchy opacities with pulmonary nodules, suspicious for metastases. LLE venous doppler showed an occlusive LLE DVT. This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA." "1797778-1" "1797778-1" "BLOOD CULTURE NEGATIVE" "10005486" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA. Afebrile. BP was 80's/50's @ 9 am -- > 101/61 at noon. O2 sats 92% on room air. WBC 7.8K. GFR 69. Lactate POC 3.5. Blood cx from 9/14 NGTD. COVID-19 PCR pending. CT chest PE today: no PE, but showed bilateral patchy opacities with pulmonary nodules, suspicious for metastases. LLE venous doppler showed an occlusive LLE DVT. This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA." "1797778-1" "1797778-1" "BLOOD LACTIC ACID INCREASED" "10005635" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA. Afebrile. BP was 80's/50's @ 9 am -- > 101/61 at noon. O2 sats 92% on room air. WBC 7.8K. GFR 69. Lactate POC 3.5. Blood cx from 9/14 NGTD. COVID-19 PCR pending. CT chest PE today: no PE, but showed bilateral patchy opacities with pulmonary nodules, suspicious for metastases. LLE venous doppler showed an occlusive LLE DVT. This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA." "1797778-1" "1797778-1" "CHEMOTHERAPY" "10061758" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA. Afebrile. BP was 80's/50's @ 9 am -- > 101/61 at noon. O2 sats 92% on room air. WBC 7.8K. GFR 69. Lactate POC 3.5. Blood cx from 9/14 NGTD. COVID-19 PCR pending. CT chest PE today: no PE, but showed bilateral patchy opacities with pulmonary nodules, suspicious for metastases. LLE venous doppler showed an occlusive LLE DVT. This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA." "1797778-1" "1797778-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM THORAX ABNORMAL" "10057799" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA. Afebrile. BP was 80's/50's @ 9 am -- > 101/61 at noon. O2 sats 92% on room air. WBC 7.8K. GFR 69. Lactate POC 3.5. Blood cx from 9/14 NGTD. COVID-19 PCR pending. CT chest PE today: no PE, but showed bilateral patchy opacities with pulmonary nodules, suspicious for metastases. LLE venous doppler showed an occlusive LLE DVT. This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA." "1797778-1" "1797778-1" "DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS" "10051055" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA. Afebrile. BP was 80's/50's @ 9 am -- > 101/61 at noon. O2 sats 92% on room air. WBC 7.8K. GFR 69. Lactate POC 3.5. Blood cx from 9/14 NGTD. COVID-19 PCR pending. CT chest PE today: no PE, but showed bilateral patchy opacities with pulmonary nodules, suspicious for metastases. LLE venous doppler showed an occlusive LLE DVT. This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA." "1797778-1" "1797778-1" "GASTRIC CANCER" "10017758" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA. Afebrile. BP was 80's/50's @ 9 am -- > 101/61 at noon. O2 sats 92% on room air. WBC 7.8K. GFR 69. Lactate POC 3.5. Blood cx from 9/14 NGTD. COVID-19 PCR pending. CT chest PE today: no PE, but showed bilateral patchy opacities with pulmonary nodules, suspicious for metastases. LLE venous doppler showed an occlusive LLE DVT. This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA." "1797778-1" "1797778-1" "GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE DECREASED" "10018358" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA. Afebrile. BP was 80's/50's @ 9 am -- > 101/61 at noon. O2 sats 92% on room air. WBC 7.8K. GFR 69. Lactate POC 3.5. Blood cx from 9/14 NGTD. COVID-19 PCR pending. CT chest PE today: no PE, but showed bilateral patchy opacities with pulmonary nodules, suspicious for metastases. LLE venous doppler showed an occlusive LLE DVT. This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA." "1797778-1" "1797778-1" "LUNG OPACITY" "10081792" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA. Afebrile. BP was 80's/50's @ 9 am -- > 101/61 at noon. O2 sats 92% on room air. WBC 7.8K. GFR 69. Lactate POC 3.5. Blood cx from 9/14 NGTD. COVID-19 PCR pending. CT chest PE today: no PE, but showed bilateral patchy opacities with pulmonary nodules, suspicious for metastases. LLE venous doppler showed an occlusive LLE DVT. This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA." "1797778-1" "1797778-1" "METASTASIS" "10062194" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA. Afebrile. BP was 80's/50's @ 9 am -- > 101/61 at noon. O2 sats 92% on room air. WBC 7.8K. GFR 69. Lactate POC 3.5. Blood cx from 9/14 NGTD. COVID-19 PCR pending. CT chest PE today: no PE, but showed bilateral patchy opacities with pulmonary nodules, suspicious for metastases. LLE venous doppler showed an occlusive LLE DVT. This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA." "1797778-1" "1797778-1" "MUSCULOSKELETAL CHEST PAIN" "10050819" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA. Afebrile. BP was 80's/50's @ 9 am -- > 101/61 at noon. O2 sats 92% on room air. WBC 7.8K. GFR 69. Lactate POC 3.5. Blood cx from 9/14 NGTD. COVID-19 PCR pending. CT chest PE today: no PE, but showed bilateral patchy opacities with pulmonary nodules, suspicious for metastases. LLE venous doppler showed an occlusive LLE DVT. This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA." "1797778-1" "1797778-1" "OEDEMA PERIPHERAL" "10030124" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA. Afebrile. BP was 80's/50's @ 9 am -- > 101/61 at noon. O2 sats 92% on room air. WBC 7.8K. GFR 69. Lactate POC 3.5. Blood cx from 9/14 NGTD. COVID-19 PCR pending. CT chest PE today: no PE, but showed bilateral patchy opacities with pulmonary nodules, suspicious for metastases. LLE venous doppler showed an occlusive LLE DVT. This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA." "1797778-1" "1797778-1" "PULMONARY MASS" "10056342" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA. Afebrile. BP was 80's/50's @ 9 am -- > 101/61 at noon. O2 sats 92% on room air. WBC 7.8K. GFR 69. Lactate POC 3.5. Blood cx from 9/14 NGTD. COVID-19 PCR pending. CT chest PE today: no PE, but showed bilateral patchy opacities with pulmonary nodules, suspicious for metastases. LLE venous doppler showed an occlusive LLE DVT. This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA." "1797778-1" "1797778-1" "RADIOTHERAPY" "10037794" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA. Afebrile. BP was 80's/50's @ 9 am -- > 101/61 at noon. O2 sats 92% on room air. WBC 7.8K. GFR 69. Lactate POC 3.5. Blood cx from 9/14 NGTD. COVID-19 PCR pending. CT chest PE today: no PE, but showed bilateral patchy opacities with pulmonary nodules, suspicious for metastases. LLE venous doppler showed an occlusive LLE DVT. This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA." "1797778-1" "1797778-1" "SEPSIS" "10040047" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA. Afebrile. BP was 80's/50's @ 9 am -- > 101/61 at noon. O2 sats 92% on room air. WBC 7.8K. GFR 69. Lactate POC 3.5. Blood cx from 9/14 NGTD. COVID-19 PCR pending. CT chest PE today: no PE, but showed bilateral patchy opacities with pulmonary nodules, suspicious for metastases. LLE venous doppler showed an occlusive LLE DVT. This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA." "1797778-1" "1797778-1" "ULTRASOUND DOPPLER ABNORMAL" "10045413" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA. Afebrile. BP was 80's/50's @ 9 am -- > 101/61 at noon. O2 sats 92% on room air. WBC 7.8K. GFR 69. Lactate POC 3.5. Blood cx from 9/14 NGTD. COVID-19 PCR pending. CT chest PE today: no PE, but showed bilateral patchy opacities with pulmonary nodules, suspicious for metastases. LLE venous doppler showed an occlusive LLE DVT. This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA." "1797778-1" "1797778-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT NORMAL" "10047944" "65-79 years" "65-79" "This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA. Afebrile. BP was 80's/50's @ 9 am -- > 101/61 at noon. O2 sats 92% on room air. WBC 7.8K. GFR 69. Lactate POC 3.5. Blood cx from 9/14 NGTD. COVID-19 PCR pending. CT chest PE today: no PE, but showed bilateral patchy opacities with pulmonary nodules, suspicious for metastases. LLE venous doppler showed an occlusive LLE DVT. This is a 76 year old male, with recently diagnosed cancer (?? gastric), whom we are consulted on for sepsis. He is receiving outpatient Chemotherapy & XRT. Recently diagnosed LLE DVT, for which he was begun on Eliquis as an outpatient by Oncology. He presented to the ER yesterday with worsening LLE edema, along with rib cage pain. He is s/p a prior R AKA." "1802198-1" "1802198-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred within 24 hours of COVID-19 booster vaccine" "1802198-1" "1802198-1" "TOXICOLOGIC TEST" "10061384" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Death occurred within 24 hours of COVID-19 booster vaccine" "1802763-1" "1802763-1" "BIOPSY" "10004720" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient had tumors growing in her mouth which was diagnosed as squamous cell cancer in May 2021. Patient had surgery May 17, 2021, they removed the tumor, took a graph from her leg and bone from the leg to reconstruct the jaw. By July 6, 2021, the tumor had grown back and was the size of an almond. Patient had chemo on 8/30/2021, became septic and was back in the hospital. Patient went home one week later, by this time the doctors said she was no longer a candidate for surgery and she had 2 tumors that broke out of the skin on her left side of her face. The tumors were 7 inches by 4 inches by 2.5 inches" "1802763-1" "1802763-1" "BONE GRAFT" "10005971" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient had tumors growing in her mouth which was diagnosed as squamous cell cancer in May 2021. Patient had surgery May 17, 2021, they removed the tumor, took a graph from her leg and bone from the leg to reconstruct the jaw. By July 6, 2021, the tumor had grown back and was the size of an almond. Patient had chemo on 8/30/2021, became septic and was back in the hospital. Patient went home one week later, by this time the doctors said she was no longer a candidate for surgery and she had 2 tumors that broke out of the skin on her left side of her face. The tumors were 7 inches by 4 inches by 2.5 inches" "1802763-1" "1802763-1" "CHEMOTHERAPY" "10061758" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient had tumors growing in her mouth which was diagnosed as squamous cell cancer in May 2021. Patient had surgery May 17, 2021, they removed the tumor, took a graph from her leg and bone from the leg to reconstruct the jaw. By July 6, 2021, the tumor had grown back and was the size of an almond. Patient had chemo on 8/30/2021, became septic and was back in the hospital. Patient went home one week later, by this time the doctors said she was no longer a candidate for surgery and she had 2 tumors that broke out of the skin on her left side of her face. The tumors were 7 inches by 4 inches by 2.5 inches" "1802763-1" "1802763-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM" "10010234" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient had tumors growing in her mouth which was diagnosed as squamous cell cancer in May 2021. Patient had surgery May 17, 2021, they removed the tumor, took a graph from her leg and bone from the leg to reconstruct the jaw. By July 6, 2021, the tumor had grown back and was the size of an almond. Patient had chemo on 8/30/2021, became septic and was back in the hospital. Patient went home one week later, by this time the doctors said she was no longer a candidate for surgery and she had 2 tumors that broke out of the skin on her left side of her face. The tumors were 7 inches by 4 inches by 2.5 inches" "1802763-1" "1802763-1" "JAW OPERATION" "10059242" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient had tumors growing in her mouth which was diagnosed as squamous cell cancer in May 2021. Patient had surgery May 17, 2021, they removed the tumor, took a graph from her leg and bone from the leg to reconstruct the jaw. By July 6, 2021, the tumor had grown back and was the size of an almond. Patient had chemo on 8/30/2021, became septic and was back in the hospital. Patient went home one week later, by this time the doctors said she was no longer a candidate for surgery and she had 2 tumors that broke out of the skin on her left side of her face. The tumors were 7 inches by 4 inches by 2.5 inches" "1802763-1" "1802763-1" "NEOPLASM SKIN" "10029098" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient had tumors growing in her mouth which was diagnosed as squamous cell cancer in May 2021. Patient had surgery May 17, 2021, they removed the tumor, took a graph from her leg and bone from the leg to reconstruct the jaw. By July 6, 2021, the tumor had grown back and was the size of an almond. Patient had chemo on 8/30/2021, became septic and was back in the hospital. Patient went home one week later, by this time the doctors said she was no longer a candidate for surgery and she had 2 tumors that broke out of the skin on her left side of her face. The tumors were 7 inches by 4 inches by 2.5 inches" "1802763-1" "1802763-1" "ORAL NEOPLASM" "10061325" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient had tumors growing in her mouth which was diagnosed as squamous cell cancer in May 2021. Patient had surgery May 17, 2021, they removed the tumor, took a graph from her leg and bone from the leg to reconstruct the jaw. By July 6, 2021, the tumor had grown back and was the size of an almond. Patient had chemo on 8/30/2021, became septic and was back in the hospital. Patient went home one week later, by this time the doctors said she was no longer a candidate for surgery and she had 2 tumors that broke out of the skin on her left side of her face. The tumors were 7 inches by 4 inches by 2.5 inches" "1802763-1" "1802763-1" "SEPSIS" "10040047" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient had tumors growing in her mouth which was diagnosed as squamous cell cancer in May 2021. Patient had surgery May 17, 2021, they removed the tumor, took a graph from her leg and bone from the leg to reconstruct the jaw. By July 6, 2021, the tumor had grown back and was the size of an almond. Patient had chemo on 8/30/2021, became septic and was back in the hospital. Patient went home one week later, by this time the doctors said she was no longer a candidate for surgery and she had 2 tumors that broke out of the skin on her left side of her face. The tumors were 7 inches by 4 inches by 2.5 inches" "1802763-1" "1802763-1" "SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA" "10041823" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient had tumors growing in her mouth which was diagnosed as squamous cell cancer in May 2021. Patient had surgery May 17, 2021, they removed the tumor, took a graph from her leg and bone from the leg to reconstruct the jaw. By July 6, 2021, the tumor had grown back and was the size of an almond. Patient had chemo on 8/30/2021, became septic and was back in the hospital. Patient went home one week later, by this time the doctors said she was no longer a candidate for surgery and she had 2 tumors that broke out of the skin on her left side of her face. The tumors were 7 inches by 4 inches by 2.5 inches" "1802763-1" "1802763-1" "TUMOUR EXCISION" "10061392" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The patient had tumors growing in her mouth which was diagnosed as squamous cell cancer in May 2021. Patient had surgery May 17, 2021, they removed the tumor, took a graph from her leg and bone from the leg to reconstruct the jaw. By July 6, 2021, the tumor had grown back and was the size of an almond. Patient had chemo on 8/30/2021, became septic and was back in the hospital. Patient went home one week later, by this time the doctors said she was no longer a candidate for surgery and she had 2 tumors that broke out of the skin on her left side of her face. The tumors were 7 inches by 4 inches by 2.5 inches" "1804117-1" "1804117-1" "SUDDEN DEATH" "10042434" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden Death" "1808173-1" "1808173-1" "CHEST X-RAY ABNORMAL" "10008499" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was transferred to hospital on 8/8 via medical flight from his facility due to persistent intermittent bleeding from his trach and mouth. Subsequently goals of care transitioned to CMO only and patient passed away on 8/17. Regarding covid, patient had mild infection without hypoxemia and was given course of remdesivir. Patient is fully vaccinated." "1808173-1" "1808173-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was transferred to hospital on 8/8 via medical flight from his facility due to persistent intermittent bleeding from his trach and mouth. Subsequently goals of care transitioned to CMO only and patient passed away on 8/17. Regarding covid, patient had mild infection without hypoxemia and was given course of remdesivir. Patient is fully vaccinated." "1808173-1" "1808173-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was transferred to hospital on 8/8 via medical flight from his facility due to persistent intermittent bleeding from his trach and mouth. Subsequently goals of care transitioned to CMO only and patient passed away on 8/17. Regarding covid, patient had mild infection without hypoxemia and was given course of remdesivir. Patient is fully vaccinated." "1808173-1" "1808173-1" "MOUTH HAEMORRHAGE" "10028024" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was transferred to hospital on 8/8 via medical flight from his facility due to persistent intermittent bleeding from his trach and mouth. Subsequently goals of care transitioned to CMO only and patient passed away on 8/17. Regarding covid, patient had mild infection without hypoxemia and was given course of remdesivir. Patient is fully vaccinated." "1808173-1" "1808173-1" "PLEURAL EFFUSION" "10035598" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was transferred to hospital on 8/8 via medical flight from his facility due to persistent intermittent bleeding from his trach and mouth. Subsequently goals of care transitioned to CMO only and patient passed away on 8/17. Regarding covid, patient had mild infection without hypoxemia and was given course of remdesivir. Patient is fully vaccinated." "1808173-1" "1808173-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was transferred to hospital on 8/8 via medical flight from his facility due to persistent intermittent bleeding from his trach and mouth. Subsequently goals of care transitioned to CMO only and patient passed away on 8/17. Regarding covid, patient had mild infection without hypoxemia and was given course of remdesivir. Patient is fully vaccinated." "1808173-1" "1808173-1" "TRACHEAL HAEMORRHAGE" "10062543" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient was transferred to hospital on 8/8 via medical flight from his facility due to persistent intermittent bleeding from his trach and mouth. Subsequently goals of care transitioned to CMO only and patient passed away on 8/17. Regarding covid, patient had mild infection without hypoxemia and was given course of remdesivir. Patient is fully vaccinated." "1814233-1" "1814233-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "No symptoms, passed away 31 hours after vaccine" "1814816-1" "1814816-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "severe vomiting and exhaustion for two days resulting in diabetic ketoacidosis, and death on 9/28/2021" "1814816-1" "1814816-1" "DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS" "10012671" "65-79 years" "65-79" "severe vomiting and exhaustion for two days resulting in diabetic ketoacidosis, and death on 9/28/2021" "1814816-1" "1814816-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "severe vomiting and exhaustion for two days resulting in diabetic ketoacidosis, and death on 9/28/2021" "1814816-1" "1814816-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "severe vomiting and exhaustion for two days resulting in diabetic ketoacidosis, and death on 9/28/2021" "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "BACK PAIN" "10003988" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "BLOOD ELECTROLYTES" "10061013" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "ELECTROCARDIOGRAM" "10014362" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "FULL BLOOD COUNT" "10017411" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "GRUNTING" "10018762" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "HAEMATOCRIT" "10018837" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "HAEMOGLOBIN" "10018876" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "HYPOXIA" "10021143" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "LIVER FUNCTION TEST" "10060105" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "MENTAL STATUS CHANGES" "10048294" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "METABOLIC FUNCTION TEST" "10062191" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE THERAPY" "10086397" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "PROHORMONE BRAIN NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE" "10077780" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "RESPIRATORY DISTRESS" "10038687" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "TACHYCARDIA" "10043071" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "UNRESPONSIVE TO STIMULI" "10045555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "USE OF ACCESSORY RESPIRATORY MUSCLES" "10069555" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1815409-1" "1815409-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT" "10047939" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient passed away on 10/22/2021 due to COVID. Per doctor's note on ED visit 10/19/2021: Given that her history of present illness, past medical history, physical exam findings and laboratory medic epic results are consistent with an acute COVID-19 pneumonia with hypoxia, I do not believe any further emergent work-up is needed. I had a lengthy discussion with the patient regarding the benefits of hospitalization, and now she is willing to be admitted. I gave her Decadron 6 mg IV and remdesivir 200 mg IV for hypoxia in the setting of a COVID-19 infection. 1145: During her evaluation by Dr, she was noted to have a precipitous decline in her mental status and increasing respiratory drive with tripoding, grunting respirations and supraclavicular retractions. I discovered the patient awake, but not responding in obvious respiratory distress. Her oxygen saturation was in the mid 70s on a nonrebreather mask at 15 L of oxygen per minute. She was also placed on a nasal cannula at 15 L/min with no improvement. I contacted the respiratory technician who placed her on BiPAP and her oxygen saturation improved to 97%, but she remained altered and tachycardic. With the decline in her mental and respiratory status, Dr. requested that she be transferred to a facility for a higher level care. I gave her Zofran 8 mg IV to help prevent nausea and vomiting. 1330: I gave her Toradol 15 mg IV for chronic low back pain. 1255: I had a lengthy discussion with the patient's husband concerning her CODE STATUS via telephone. He would like her to be a full code, including intubation. Patient was transferred to Medical Center on 10/19/2021 at 1740." "1829244-1" "1829244-1" "CHEST X-RAY" "10008498" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o SOB." "1829244-1" "1829244-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o SOB." "1829244-1" "1829244-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o SOB." "1829244-1" "1829244-1" "LABORATORY TEST" "10059938" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o SOB." "1829244-1" "1829244-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST" "10084354" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt came to ER c/o SOB." "1850811-1" "1850811-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Went to ER with SOB. Was admitted on September 23, 2021, then transferred to another Hospital on October 12, 2021. Pt succumbed to her illness on November 5, 2021." "1850811-1" "1850811-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Went to ER with SOB. Was admitted on September 23, 2021, then transferred to another Hospital on October 12, 2021. Pt succumbed to her illness on November 5, 2021." "1850811-1" "1850811-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Went to ER with SOB. Was admitted on September 23, 2021, then transferred to another Hospital on October 12, 2021. Pt succumbed to her illness on November 5, 2021." "1850811-1" "1850811-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Went to ER with SOB. Was admitted on September 23, 2021, then transferred to another Hospital on October 12, 2021. Pt succumbed to her illness on November 5, 2021." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE" "10001053" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "ANTICOAGULATION DRUG LEVEL ABOVE THERAPEUTIC" "10060320" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "AORTIC ANEURYSM" "10002882" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "AORTIC ARTERIOSCLEROSIS" "10065558" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "ARTERIOSCLEROSIS CORONARY ARTERY" "10003211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM THORAX ABNORMAL" "10057799" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "CONFUSIONAL STATE" "10010305" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "DECREASED APPETITE" "10061428" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "DIVERTICULUM INTESTINAL" "10013559" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "EMPHYSEMA" "10014561" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "HAEMATOMA MUSCLE" "10055890" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "LUNG CONSOLIDATION" "10025080" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "LUNG OPACITY" "10081792" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "OSTEOARTHRITIS" "10031161" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "PNEUMOMEDIASTINUM" "10050184" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "PNEUMOTHORAX" "10035759" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "PRODUCTIVE COUGH" "10036790" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "PULMONARY ARTERY DILATATION" "10058491" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "PULMONARY CAVITATION" "10051738" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "RENAL FAILURE" "10038435" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "RENAL INJURY" "10061481" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "SPINAL OSTEOARTHRITIS" "10041591" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "TRAUMATIC LUNG INJURY" "10069363" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1850951-1" "1850951-1" "TROPONIN INCREASED" "10058267" "65-79 years" "65-79" "final diagnosis. Death Summary Date of Admission: 10/17/2021 Date of Death:10/30/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient was a 72 Y male with history of renal transplant in 2017, on chronic immunosuppression (cellcept, prograf, pred), CKD who presented with 2 weeks of productive cough, decreased appetite and a positive COVID test on 10/11. Despite being vaccinated on 04/2021 with J&J. In the ED, the patient desatted (87%) with ambulation. He was admitted for hypoxemic respiratory failure. He became gradually more confused, developed worsening kidney injury. The patient also had a CT with evidence of an intramuscular hematoma attributed to coughing with supratherapeutic INR. This was reversed with Kcentra. For his COVID pneumonia treatment, he was given regneron, decadron 6mg, remdesivir for 5 days and tocilizumab once on 10/24. He had multiple rapid responses called on 10/24 and 10/26 for increasing O2 requirements. His confusion and respiratory status worsened and on 10/27 he was admitted to the ICU. He was intubated on 10/29, found to have elevated troponin, worsening renal failure and CT findings of cavitary lesions and severely damaged lungs. This was relayed to the patient's family and he was ultimately transitioned to comfort care. The patient died at 2:40am, on 10/30/21." "1857749-1" "1857749-1" "ALTERED STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10001854" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's husband stated she became lethargic on 11/01/2021 and was not aware of her surroundings, they called an ambulance and she was hospitalized, the patient passed away on 11/04/2021 with the cause of death stated as a heart attack per her husband." "1857749-1" "1857749-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's husband stated she became lethargic on 11/01/2021 and was not aware of her surroundings, they called an ambulance and she was hospitalized, the patient passed away on 11/04/2021 with the cause of death stated as a heart attack per her husband." "1857749-1" "1857749-1" "LETHARGY" "10024264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's husband stated she became lethargic on 11/01/2021 and was not aware of her surroundings, they called an ambulance and she was hospitalized, the patient passed away on 11/04/2021 with the cause of death stated as a heart attack per her husband." "1857749-1" "1857749-1" "MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION" "10028596" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient's husband stated she became lethargic on 11/01/2021 and was not aware of her surroundings, they called an ambulance and she was hospitalized, the patient passed away on 11/04/2021 with the cause of death stated as a heart attack per her husband." "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "ACIDOSIS" "10000486" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "AGEUSIA" "10001480" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE NORMAL" "10001552" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "ANION GAP" "10002522" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "ANISOCYTOSIS" "10002536" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "ANOSMIA" "10002653" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE INCREASED" "10003481" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "BAND NEUTROPHIL PERCENTAGE INCREASED" "10059129" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "BLOOD ALBUMIN NORMAL" "10005289" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "BLOOD ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE NORMAL" "10005310" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "BLOOD BILIRUBIN NORMAL" "10005367" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "BLOOD CHLORIDE NORMAL" "10005421" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "BLOOD CREATININE INCREASED" "10005483" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "BLOOD CULTURE" "10005485" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "BLOOD GLUCOSE NORMAL" "10005558" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "BLOOD POTASSIUM INCREASED" "10005725" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "BLOOD SODIUM DECREASED" "10005802" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "BLOOD UREA INCREASED" "10005851" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "BRAIN NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE NORMAL" "10053409" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "BRONCHOSCOPY ABNORMAL" "10006480" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "C-REACTIVE PROTEIN INCREASED" "10006825" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "CARBON DIOXIDE NORMAL" "10007228" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10007617" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "CARDIOVERSION" "10007661" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "CENTRAL VENOUS CATHETERISATION" "10053377" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "CHEST TUBE INSERTION" "10050522" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "CONDITION AGGRAVATED" "10010264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "DEPRESSED LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10012373" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "DIFFERENTIAL WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT" "10012784" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "DYSPNOEA EXERTIONAL" "10013971" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION" "10067450" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "FIBRIN D DIMER" "10016577" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE DECREASED" "10018358" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "HAEMATOCRIT DECREASED" "10018838" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "HAEMOGLOBIN DECREASED" "10018884" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "HEADACHE" "10019211" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "HYPOTENSION" "10021097" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "INTERNATIONAL NORMALISED RATIO INCREASED" "10022595" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "LUNG OPACITY" "10081792" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "LYMPHOCYTE MORPHOLOGY ABNORMAL" "10062047" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "LYMPHOCYTE PERCENTAGE" "10059905" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "MEAN CELL VOLUME INCREASED" "10027004" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "METAMYELOCYTE PERCENTAGE" "10059469" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "MONOCYTE PERCENTAGE INCREASED" "10052230" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "NEUTROPHIL PERCENTAGE DECREASED" "10052223" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "OXYGEN SATURATION DECREASED" "10033318" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "PLATELET COUNT DECREASED" "10035528" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "PLATELET MORPHOLOGY ABNORMAL" "10035538" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "POLYCHROMASIA" "10036040" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "PRODUCTIVE COUGH" "10036790" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "PROTEIN TOTAL DECREASED" "10037014" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "PROTHROMBIN TIME PROLONGED" "10037063" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "PULSELESS ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY" "10058151" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "RED BLOOD CELL COUNT DECREASED" "10038153" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "RED BLOOD CELL MICROCYTES PRESENT" "10038163" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "RED BLOOD CELL NUCLEATED MORPHOLOGY PRESENT" "10038165" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "RED CELL DISTRIBUTION WIDTH INCREASED" "10053920" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "SKIN DISCOLOURATION" "10040829" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "TROPONIN I NORMAL" "10073406" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION" "10047290" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1858071-1" "1858071-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT NORMAL" "10047944" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Date of Admission: 10/29/2021 Date of Death:11/4/2021 Reason for Hospital Admission (Admitting Diagnosis): Covid-19 pneumonia Hospital Course and Significant Findings: Patient is a 76 Y male with a past medical history of COPD, HTN, HFrEF (last EF 36% on TTE 2019) who presents with 1-week hx of worsening SOB in setting of recently diagnosed COVID-19. Patient reports that he has had shortness of breath in last few years. He has a hx of COPD and was being followed by pulmonologists. However, last week after returning from a trip patient started having increasing SOB and cough productive of sputum. He reports that it has been gradually getting worse. He uses inhalers at home which minimally helped. He also took Robitussin which seemed to have greatly helped his cough. However, the SOB is now to the point that he has difficulty breathing w/movement and sometimes w/talking. These were associated w/loss of taste / smell, headache, and nausea. Patient denies vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fevers, chills, or night sweats. Patient reports he may have been exposed to COVID + patient while on a trip where he was attending mother's funeral. He and other attendees ended up being positive for COVID a few days after returning from trip. On admission, patient started on Remdesivir (10/29-11/2), Decadron 6 mg x1 (10/29), but due to escalation of oxygen requirements, steroids were changed to Solumedrol 125 mg BID (10/29 PM-11/1 AM), Solumedrol 60 mg BID (11/1 PM-11/2), and patient given dose of Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg x1 after discussion w/pulmonology (Dr.). Pt's O2 requirements continued to increase, 11/1 requiring 10 L. 11/2 was on 7 L, but desaturated to high 80s with any movement or speech. On 11/4 AM, pt complained of significantly increased chest pain which limited his breathing, was placed on max oximizer. Status continued to decline and transitioned to max HFNC with NRB (60 L), and ICU was consulted. On examination, pt was obtunded, unable to clear secretions, appeared dusky, satting in high 80s on HFNC w/ NRB. Anesthesia was called for intubation. Pt was intubated, bagged, transferred to ICU. Upon arrival to ICU, pt went into PEA arrest, code blue was called. Converted to vfib, then shock administered and pt had ROSC. Central line, arterial line chest tube were placed and pressors, sedation, paralytics initiated. Pt continued to be hypotensive with worsening O2 saturations on max pressors. Bronchoscopy revealed significant blood. Pt was severely acidotic, hypotension worsening despite pressors. Discussed w/ family pt's imminent passing and was made DNR/DNI, passed at 1500. Complications: none" "1864914-1" "1864914-1" "ACUTE PULMONARY OEDEMA" "10001029" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted into hospital on 11/8. Expired 11/11. Admitted with acute flash pulmonary edema, pneumonia and COVID. Experienced multisystem organ failure. Needed increase of oxygen." "1864914-1" "1864914-1" "C-REACTIVE PROTEIN INCREASED" "10006825" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted into hospital on 11/8. Expired 11/11. Admitted with acute flash pulmonary edema, pneumonia and COVID. Experienced multisystem organ failure. Needed increase of oxygen." "1864914-1" "1864914-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted into hospital on 11/8. Expired 11/11. Admitted with acute flash pulmonary edema, pneumonia and COVID. Experienced multisystem organ failure. Needed increase of oxygen." "1864914-1" "1864914-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted into hospital on 11/8. Expired 11/11. Admitted with acute flash pulmonary edema, pneumonia and COVID. Experienced multisystem organ failure. Needed increase of oxygen." "1864914-1" "1864914-1" "MULTIPLE ORGAN DYSFUNCTION SYNDROME" "10077361" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted into hospital on 11/8. Expired 11/11. Admitted with acute flash pulmonary edema, pneumonia and COVID. Experienced multisystem organ failure. Needed increase of oxygen." "1864914-1" "1864914-1" "PNEUMONIA" "10035664" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Admitted into hospital on 11/8. Expired 11/11. Admitted with acute flash pulmonary edema, pneumonia and COVID. Experienced multisystem organ failure. Needed increase of oxygen." "1865446-1" "1865446-1" "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10007617" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am the epidemiologist reporting on behalf of 70 year-old male patient. Patient received two doses of the Moderna vaccine, according to immunization records. The first dose was on 4/23/21 and the second was on 5/26/2021. The patient was found dead at home on 5/28/2021 (2 days post second dose). The death certificate lists ?cardiopulmonary arrest? as the immediate cause of death secondary to ?diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease? (many years). No additional information is available." "1865446-1" "1865446-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "I am the epidemiologist reporting on behalf of 70 year-old male patient. Patient received two doses of the Moderna vaccine, according to immunization records. The first dose was on 4/23/21 and the second was on 5/26/2021. The patient was found dead at home on 5/28/2021 (2 days post second dose). The death certificate lists ?cardiopulmonary arrest? as the immediate cause of death secondary to ?diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease? (many years). No additional information is available." "1868616-1" "1868616-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Found deceased on 11/14/2021. Reported to have allergic reaction/rash to 2nd dose on 03/14/2021." "1870176-1" "1870176-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per husband at scene, patient was feeling ill after vaccine, then he called 911 in the evening. Patient was in cardiac arrest." "1870176-1" "1870176-1" "MALAISE" "10025482" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Per husband at scene, patient was feeling ill after vaccine, then he called 911 in the evening. Patient was in cardiac arrest." "1873551-1" "1873551-1" "ABDOMINAL PAIN LOWER" "10000084" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He experienced a change of condition on 11/12/21 with frank bleeding in catheter bag, pain in LLQ and worsening tremor. He reported feeling achy all over and pain in left pelvic area. The resident had a telehealth visit in the nursing home with the PA. His blood pressure was 153/99. He pending transfer to ER when his vital signs ceased and he was unable to be resuscitated with CPR." "1873551-1" "1873551-1" "BLOOD URINE PRESENT" "10018870" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He experienced a change of condition on 11/12/21 with frank bleeding in catheter bag, pain in LLQ and worsening tremor. He reported feeling achy all over and pain in left pelvic area. The resident had a telehealth visit in the nursing home with the PA. His blood pressure was 153/99. He pending transfer to ER when his vital signs ceased and he was unable to be resuscitated with CPR." "1873551-1" "1873551-1" "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10007617" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He experienced a change of condition on 11/12/21 with frank bleeding in catheter bag, pain in LLQ and worsening tremor. He reported feeling achy all over and pain in left pelvic area. The resident had a telehealth visit in the nursing home with the PA. His blood pressure was 153/99. He pending transfer to ER when his vital signs ceased and he was unable to be resuscitated with CPR." "1873551-1" "1873551-1" "GENERAL PHYSICAL CONDITION ABNORMAL" "10058911" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He experienced a change of condition on 11/12/21 with frank bleeding in catheter bag, pain in LLQ and worsening tremor. He reported feeling achy all over and pain in left pelvic area. The resident had a telehealth visit in the nursing home with the PA. His blood pressure was 153/99. He pending transfer to ER when his vital signs ceased and he was unable to be resuscitated with CPR." "1873551-1" "1873551-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He experienced a change of condition on 11/12/21 with frank bleeding in catheter bag, pain in LLQ and worsening tremor. He reported feeling achy all over and pain in left pelvic area. The resident had a telehealth visit in the nursing home with the PA. His blood pressure was 153/99. He pending transfer to ER when his vital signs ceased and he was unable to be resuscitated with CPR." "1873551-1" "1873551-1" "PELVIC PAIN" "10034263" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He experienced a change of condition on 11/12/21 with frank bleeding in catheter bag, pain in LLQ and worsening tremor. He reported feeling achy all over and pain in left pelvic area. The resident had a telehealth visit in the nursing home with the PA. His blood pressure was 153/99. He pending transfer to ER when his vital signs ceased and he was unable to be resuscitated with CPR." "1873551-1" "1873551-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He experienced a change of condition on 11/12/21 with frank bleeding in catheter bag, pain in LLQ and worsening tremor. He reported feeling achy all over and pain in left pelvic area. The resident had a telehealth visit in the nursing home with the PA. His blood pressure was 153/99. He pending transfer to ER when his vital signs ceased and he was unable to be resuscitated with CPR." "1873551-1" "1873551-1" "TREMOR" "10044565" "65-79 years" "65-79" "He experienced a change of condition on 11/12/21 with frank bleeding in catheter bag, pain in LLQ and worsening tremor. He reported feeling achy all over and pain in left pelvic area. The resident had a telehealth visit in the nursing home with the PA. His blood pressure was 153/99. He pending transfer to ER when his vital signs ceased and he was unable to be resuscitated with CPR." "1874377-1" "1874377-1" "ANGIOGRAM CEREBRAL ABNORMAL" "10052906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received his COVID ""booster"" shot on 11/09/2021 on the advice of his cardiologist who diagnosed him with new onset CHF. Two days later, on 11/11/2021, patient suffered a stroke caused by a clot in his brain. Patient was taken by ambulance to Hospital. In the Emergency Room, a number of tests- including a CT scan and angiogram were performed. At this point, patient was experiencing complete left side paralysis but was able to speak and to understand speech. One day later- on 11/12/2021 patient's brain began to swell. He was put on comfort care because his family and medical team did not think that patient's heart and body would be able to withstand the surgery. Patient passed away on 11/13/2021- just 4 days after his last COVID shot."" "1874377-1" "1874377-1" "BRAIN OEDEMA" "10048962" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received his COVID ""booster"" shot on 11/09/2021 on the advice of his cardiologist who diagnosed him with new onset CHF. Two days later, on 11/11/2021, patient suffered a stroke caused by a clot in his brain. Patient was taken by ambulance to Hospital. In the Emergency Room, a number of tests- including a CT scan and angiogram were performed. At this point, patient was experiencing complete left side paralysis but was able to speak and to understand speech. One day later- on 11/12/2021 patient's brain began to swell. He was put on comfort care because his family and medical team did not think that patient's heart and body would be able to withstand the surgery. Patient passed away on 11/13/2021- just 4 days after his last COVID shot."" "1874377-1" "1874377-1" "CEREBRAL THROMBOSIS" "10008132" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received his COVID ""booster"" shot on 11/09/2021 on the advice of his cardiologist who diagnosed him with new onset CHF. Two days later, on 11/11/2021, patient suffered a stroke caused by a clot in his brain. Patient was taken by ambulance to Hospital. In the Emergency Room, a number of tests- including a CT scan and angiogram were performed. At this point, patient was experiencing complete left side paralysis but was able to speak and to understand speech. One day later- on 11/12/2021 patient's brain began to swell. He was put on comfort care because his family and medical team did not think that patient's heart and body would be able to withstand the surgery. Patient passed away on 11/13/2021- just 4 days after his last COVID shot."" "1874377-1" "1874377-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received his COVID ""booster"" shot on 11/09/2021 on the advice of his cardiologist who diagnosed him with new onset CHF. Two days later, on 11/11/2021, patient suffered a stroke caused by a clot in his brain. Patient was taken by ambulance to Hospital. In the Emergency Room, a number of tests- including a CT scan and angiogram were performed. At this point, patient was experiencing complete left side paralysis but was able to speak and to understand speech. One day later- on 11/12/2021 patient's brain began to swell. He was put on comfort care because his family and medical team did not think that patient's heart and body would be able to withstand the surgery. Patient passed away on 11/13/2021- just 4 days after his last COVID shot."" "1874377-1" "1874377-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD ABNORMAL" "10072168" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received his COVID ""booster"" shot on 11/09/2021 on the advice of his cardiologist who diagnosed him with new onset CHF. Two days later, on 11/11/2021, patient suffered a stroke caused by a clot in his brain. Patient was taken by ambulance to Hospital. In the Emergency Room, a number of tests- including a CT scan and angiogram were performed. At this point, patient was experiencing complete left side paralysis but was able to speak and to understand speech. One day later- on 11/12/2021 patient's brain began to swell. He was put on comfort care because his family and medical team did not think that patient's heart and body would be able to withstand the surgery. Patient passed away on 11/13/2021- just 4 days after his last COVID shot."" "1874377-1" "1874377-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received his COVID ""booster"" shot on 11/09/2021 on the advice of his cardiologist who diagnosed him with new onset CHF. Two days later, on 11/11/2021, patient suffered a stroke caused by a clot in his brain. Patient was taken by ambulance to Hospital. In the Emergency Room, a number of tests- including a CT scan and angiogram were performed. At this point, patient was experiencing complete left side paralysis but was able to speak and to understand speech. One day later- on 11/12/2021 patient's brain began to swell. He was put on comfort care because his family and medical team did not think that patient's heart and body would be able to withstand the surgery. Patient passed away on 11/13/2021- just 4 days after his last COVID shot."" "1874377-1" "1874377-1" "HEMIPLEGIA" "10019468" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received his COVID ""booster"" shot on 11/09/2021 on the advice of his cardiologist who diagnosed him with new onset CHF. Two days later, on 11/11/2021, patient suffered a stroke caused by a clot in his brain. Patient was taken by ambulance to Hospital. In the Emergency Room, a number of tests- including a CT scan and angiogram were performed. At this point, patient was experiencing complete left side paralysis but was able to speak and to understand speech. One day later- on 11/12/2021 patient's brain began to swell. He was put on comfort care because his family and medical team did not think that patient's heart and body would be able to withstand the surgery. Patient passed away on 11/13/2021- just 4 days after his last COVID shot."" "1874377-1" "1874377-1" "LABORATORY TEST" "10059938" "65-79 years" "65-79" ""Patient received his COVID ""booster"" shot on 11/09/2021 on the advice of his cardiologist who diagnosed him with new onset CHF. Two days later, on 11/11/2021, patient suffered a stroke caused by a clot in his brain. Patient was taken by ambulance to Hospital. In the Emergency Room, a number of tests- including a CT scan and angiogram were performed. At this point, patient was experiencing complete left side paralysis but was able to speak and to understand speech. One day later- on 11/12/2021 patient's brain began to swell. He was put on comfort care because his family and medical team did not think that patient's heart and body would be able to withstand the surgery. Patient passed away on 11/13/2021- just 4 days after his last COVID shot."" "1876775-1" "1876775-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Immediate loss of consciousness/death at 3 pm on 11/16. No symptoms leading up to event. Husband of patient witnessed the event and said it was immediate. Patient was laying down when event occurred. Asystolic when checked by EMTs 10 minutes after. Declared dead." "1876775-1" "1876775-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Immediate loss of consciousness/death at 3 pm on 11/16. No symptoms leading up to event. Husband of patient witnessed the event and said it was immediate. Patient was laying down when event occurred. Asystolic when checked by EMTs 10 minutes after. Declared dead." "1876775-1" "1876775-1" "LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS" "10024855" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Immediate loss of consciousness/death at 3 pm on 11/16. No symptoms leading up to event. Husband of patient witnessed the event and said it was immediate. Patient was laying down when event occurred. Asystolic when checked by EMTs 10 minutes after. Declared dead." "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "ANGIOGRAM NORMAL" "10061638" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "COUGH" "10011224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "ELECTROCARDIOGRAM" "10014362" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "EXPOSURE TO SARS-COV-2" "10084456" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "FULL BLOOD COUNT" "10017411" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "HUNGER" "10020466" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "HYPOXIA" "10021143" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "INAPPROPRIATE SCHEDULE OF PRODUCT ADMINISTRATION" "10081572" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "INTENSIVE CARE" "10022519" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "METABOLIC FUNCTION TEST" "10062191" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "NAUSEA" "10028813" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "RHINORRHOEA" "10039101" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "SCAN WITH CONTRAST NORMAL" "10062153" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1876897-1" "1876897-1" "WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT INCREASED" "10047943" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt is a 75 year old female with pmedhx significant for CLL, uncontrolled DM2, HTN, hyperthyroidism, OA, hearing loss, and arthritis. Pt presented to the ER after 3 days of fatigue, non productive cough and runny nose. Pt states she had been cleaning the house and believed she had allergies from dust but then continued to feel fatigued and developed body aches. She admits to hunger as well as nausea, denies vomiting, diarrhea, change in sense of taste or smell. SQ PCR COVID + from 10/25 when she first developed symptoms. Hypoxic in ER on arrival SpO2 of 83%, initially required 5L, able to titrate down to 3L NC. Pt states her sister who is the caretaker to her husband and cooks and cleans for them was contact to sister's son who is COVID + and did not tell pt and her husband until she had been there for a day or two after exposure. Pt believes she contracted COVID from her sister. Pt states her husband is in ER bay next door also with COVID. WBC noted to be 109,000 in ER, appears to be chronic. Discussed with oncology, pt has never required tx, no intervention needed at this time. CTA negative for PE. Pt admitted to RCU with COVID related hypoxia" "1877369-1" "1877369-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt tested positive for covid and died during hospitalization." "1877369-1" "1877369-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt tested positive for covid and died during hospitalization." "1877369-1" "1877369-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Pt tested positive for covid and died during hospitalization." "1877452-1" "1877452-1" "CHEMOTHERAPY" "10061758" "65-79 years" "65-79" "10/31/2021 ED visit: past medical history significant for Parkinson's disease followed by Dr. and on pramipexole, recent diagnosis of highly advanced hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to either chemotherapy or XRT followed by oncology here, who presents to the emergency department with acutely altered mental status this evening. She is afebrile and is essentially hemodynamically normal although her blood pressures are little soft. CT scan of the head does not show any acute process. X-ray of the chest revealed lung markings consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. CT scan of the chest redemonstrates this finding. Abbott rapid coronavirus test is negative and the patient is afebrile and fully vaccinated. I am somewhat skeptical of this finding although I have sent confirmatory Cephied PCR coronavirus test. Although patient's Abbott rapid coronavirus test was negative, her Cephied coronavirus test which I sent is positive. Admitted due to altered mental status likely related to her neoplastic disease." "1877452-1" "1877452-1" "CHEST X-RAY ABNORMAL" "10008499" "65-79 years" "65-79" "10/31/2021 ED visit: past medical history significant for Parkinson's disease followed by Dr. and on pramipexole, recent diagnosis of highly advanced hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to either chemotherapy or XRT followed by oncology here, who presents to the emergency department with acutely altered mental status this evening. She is afebrile and is essentially hemodynamically normal although her blood pressures are little soft. CT scan of the head does not show any acute process. X-ray of the chest revealed lung markings consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. CT scan of the chest redemonstrates this finding. Abbott rapid coronavirus test is negative and the patient is afebrile and fully vaccinated. I am somewhat skeptical of this finding although I have sent confirmatory Cephied PCR coronavirus test. Although patient's Abbott rapid coronavirus test was negative, her Cephied coronavirus test which I sent is positive. Admitted due to altered mental status likely related to her neoplastic disease." "1877452-1" "1877452-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM HEAD NORMAL" "10072167" "65-79 years" "65-79" "10/31/2021 ED visit: past medical history significant for Parkinson's disease followed by Dr. and on pramipexole, recent diagnosis of highly advanced hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to either chemotherapy or XRT followed by oncology here, who presents to the emergency department with acutely altered mental status this evening. She is afebrile and is essentially hemodynamically normal although her blood pressures are little soft. CT scan of the head does not show any acute process. X-ray of the chest revealed lung markings consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. CT scan of the chest redemonstrates this finding. Abbott rapid coronavirus test is negative and the patient is afebrile and fully vaccinated. I am somewhat skeptical of this finding although I have sent confirmatory Cephied PCR coronavirus test. Although patient's Abbott rapid coronavirus test was negative, her Cephied coronavirus test which I sent is positive. Admitted due to altered mental status likely related to her neoplastic disease." "1877452-1" "1877452-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM THORAX ABNORMAL" "10057799" "65-79 years" "65-79" "10/31/2021 ED visit: past medical history significant for Parkinson's disease followed by Dr. and on pramipexole, recent diagnosis of highly advanced hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to either chemotherapy or XRT followed by oncology here, who presents to the emergency department with acutely altered mental status this evening. She is afebrile and is essentially hemodynamically normal although her blood pressures are little soft. CT scan of the head does not show any acute process. X-ray of the chest revealed lung markings consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. CT scan of the chest redemonstrates this finding. Abbott rapid coronavirus test is negative and the patient is afebrile and fully vaccinated. I am somewhat skeptical of this finding although I have sent confirmatory Cephied PCR coronavirus test. Although patient's Abbott rapid coronavirus test was negative, her Cephied coronavirus test which I sent is positive. Admitted due to altered mental status likely related to her neoplastic disease." "1877452-1" "1877452-1" "COVID-19" "10084268" "65-79 years" "65-79" "10/31/2021 ED visit: past medical history significant for Parkinson's disease followed by Dr. and on pramipexole, recent diagnosis of highly advanced hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to either chemotherapy or XRT followed by oncology here, who presents to the emergency department with acutely altered mental status this evening. She is afebrile and is essentially hemodynamically normal although her blood pressures are little soft. CT scan of the head does not show any acute process. X-ray of the chest revealed lung markings consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. CT scan of the chest redemonstrates this finding. Abbott rapid coronavirus test is negative and the patient is afebrile and fully vaccinated. I am somewhat skeptical of this finding although I have sent confirmatory Cephied PCR coronavirus test. Although patient's Abbott rapid coronavirus test was negative, her Cephied coronavirus test which I sent is positive. Admitted due to altered mental status likely related to her neoplastic disease." "1877452-1" "1877452-1" "COVID-19 PNEUMONIA" "10084380" "65-79 years" "65-79" "10/31/2021 ED visit: past medical history significant for Parkinson's disease followed by Dr. and on pramipexole, recent diagnosis of highly advanced hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to either chemotherapy or XRT followed by oncology here, who presents to the emergency department with acutely altered mental status this evening. She is afebrile and is essentially hemodynamically normal although her blood pressures are little soft. CT scan of the head does not show any acute process. X-ray of the chest revealed lung markings consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. CT scan of the chest redemonstrates this finding. Abbott rapid coronavirus test is negative and the patient is afebrile and fully vaccinated. I am somewhat skeptical of this finding although I have sent confirmatory Cephied PCR coronavirus test. Although patient's Abbott rapid coronavirus test was negative, her Cephied coronavirus test which I sent is positive. Admitted due to altered mental status likely related to her neoplastic disease." "1877452-1" "1877452-1" "ELECTROCARDIOGRAM" "10014362" "65-79 years" "65-79" "10/31/2021 ED visit: past medical history significant for Parkinson's disease followed by Dr. and on pramipexole, recent diagnosis of highly advanced hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to either chemotherapy or XRT followed by oncology here, who presents to the emergency department with acutely altered mental status this evening. She is afebrile and is essentially hemodynamically normal although her blood pressures are little soft. CT scan of the head does not show any acute process. X-ray of the chest revealed lung markings consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. CT scan of the chest redemonstrates this finding. Abbott rapid coronavirus test is negative and the patient is afebrile and fully vaccinated. I am somewhat skeptical of this finding although I have sent confirmatory Cephied PCR coronavirus test. Although patient's Abbott rapid coronavirus test was negative, her Cephied coronavirus test which I sent is positive. Admitted due to altered mental status likely related to her neoplastic disease." "1877452-1" "1877452-1" "FULL BLOOD COUNT" "10017411" "65-79 years" "65-79" "10/31/2021 ED visit: past medical history significant for Parkinson's disease followed by Dr. and on pramipexole, recent diagnosis of highly advanced hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to either chemotherapy or XRT followed by oncology here, who presents to the emergency department with acutely altered mental status this evening. She is afebrile and is essentially hemodynamically normal although her blood pressures are little soft. CT scan of the head does not show any acute process. X-ray of the chest revealed lung markings consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. CT scan of the chest redemonstrates this finding. Abbott rapid coronavirus test is negative and the patient is afebrile and fully vaccinated. I am somewhat skeptical of this finding although I have sent confirmatory Cephied PCR coronavirus test. Although patient's Abbott rapid coronavirus test was negative, her Cephied coronavirus test which I sent is positive. Admitted due to altered mental status likely related to her neoplastic disease." "1877452-1" "1877452-1" "HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA" "10073071" "65-79 years" "65-79" "10/31/2021 ED visit: past medical history significant for Parkinson's disease followed by Dr. and on pramipexole, recent diagnosis of highly advanced hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to either chemotherapy or XRT followed by oncology here, who presents to the emergency department with acutely altered mental status this evening. She is afebrile and is essentially hemodynamically normal although her blood pressures are little soft. CT scan of the head does not show any acute process. X-ray of the chest revealed lung markings consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. CT scan of the chest redemonstrates this finding. Abbott rapid coronavirus test is negative and the patient is afebrile and fully vaccinated. I am somewhat skeptical of this finding although I have sent confirmatory Cephied PCR coronavirus test. Although patient's Abbott rapid coronavirus test was negative, her Cephied coronavirus test which I sent is positive. Admitted due to altered mental status likely related to her neoplastic disease." "1877452-1" "1877452-1" "HYPOTENSION" "10021097" "65-79 years" "65-79" "10/31/2021 ED visit: past medical history significant for Parkinson's disease followed by Dr. and on pramipexole, recent diagnosis of highly advanced hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to either chemotherapy or XRT followed by oncology here, who presents to the emergency department with acutely altered mental status this evening. She is afebrile and is essentially hemodynamically normal although her blood pressures are little soft. CT scan of the head does not show any acute process. X-ray of the chest revealed lung markings consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. CT scan of the chest redemonstrates this finding. Abbott rapid coronavirus test is negative and the patient is afebrile and fully vaccinated. I am somewhat skeptical of this finding although I have sent confirmatory Cephied PCR coronavirus test. Although patient's Abbott rapid coronavirus test was negative, her Cephied coronavirus test which I sent is positive. Admitted due to altered mental status likely related to her neoplastic disease." "1877452-1" "1877452-1" "INTERNATIONAL NORMALISED RATIO" "10022591" "65-79 years" "65-79" "10/31/2021 ED visit: past medical history significant for Parkinson's disease followed by Dr. and on pramipexole, recent diagnosis of highly advanced hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to either chemotherapy or XRT followed by oncology here, who presents to the emergency department with acutely altered mental status this evening. She is afebrile and is essentially hemodynamically normal although her blood pressures are little soft. CT scan of the head does not show any acute process. X-ray of the chest revealed lung markings consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. CT scan of the chest redemonstrates this finding. Abbott rapid coronavirus test is negative and the patient is afebrile and fully vaccinated. I am somewhat skeptical of this finding although I have sent confirmatory Cephied PCR coronavirus test. Although patient's Abbott rapid coronavirus test was negative, her Cephied coronavirus test which I sent is positive. Admitted due to altered mental status likely related to her neoplastic disease." "1877452-1" "1877452-1" "MENTAL STATUS CHANGES" "10048294" "65-79 years" "65-79" "10/31/2021 ED visit: past medical history significant for Parkinson's disease followed by Dr. and on pramipexole, recent diagnosis of highly advanced hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to either chemotherapy or XRT followed by oncology here, who presents to the emergency department with acutely altered mental status this evening. She is afebrile and is essentially hemodynamically normal although her blood pressures are little soft. CT scan of the head does not show any acute process. X-ray of the chest revealed lung markings consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. CT scan of the chest redemonstrates this finding. Abbott rapid coronavirus test is negative and the patient is afebrile and fully vaccinated. I am somewhat skeptical of this finding although I have sent confirmatory Cephied PCR coronavirus test. Although patient's Abbott rapid coronavirus test was negative, her Cephied coronavirus test which I sent is positive. Admitted due to altered mental status likely related to her neoplastic disease." "1877452-1" "1877452-1" "METABOLIC FUNCTION TEST" "10062191" "65-79 years" "65-79" "10/31/2021 ED visit: past medical history significant for Parkinson's disease followed by Dr. and on pramipexole, recent diagnosis of highly advanced hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to either chemotherapy or XRT followed by oncology here, who presents to the emergency department with acutely altered mental status this evening. She is afebrile and is essentially hemodynamically normal although her blood pressures are little soft. CT scan of the head does not show any acute process. X-ray of the chest revealed lung markings consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. CT scan of the chest redemonstrates this finding. Abbott rapid coronavirus test is negative and the patient is afebrile and fully vaccinated. I am somewhat skeptical of this finding although I have sent confirmatory Cephied PCR coronavirus test. Although patient's Abbott rapid coronavirus test was negative, her Cephied coronavirus test which I sent is positive. Admitted due to altered mental status likely related to her neoplastic disease." "1877452-1" "1877452-1" "PNEUMONIA BACTERIAL" "10060946" "65-79 years" "65-79" "10/31/2021 ED visit: past medical history significant for Parkinson's disease followed by Dr. and on pramipexole, recent diagnosis of highly advanced hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to either chemotherapy or XRT followed by oncology here, who presents to the emergency department with acutely altered mental status this evening. She is afebrile and is essentially hemodynamically normal although her blood pressures are little soft. CT scan of the head does not show any acute process. X-ray of the chest revealed lung markings consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. CT scan of the chest redemonstrates this finding. Abbott rapid coronavirus test is negative and the patient is afebrile and fully vaccinated. I am somewhat skeptical of this finding although I have sent confirmatory Cephied PCR coronavirus test. Although patient's Abbott rapid coronavirus test was negative, her Cephied coronavirus test which I sent is positive. Admitted due to altered mental status likely related to her neoplastic disease." "1877452-1" "1877452-1" "RADIOTHERAPY" "10037794" "65-79 years" "65-79" "10/31/2021 ED visit: past medical history significant for Parkinson's disease followed by Dr. and on pramipexole, recent diagnosis of highly advanced hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to either chemotherapy or XRT followed by oncology here, who presents to the emergency department with acutely altered mental status this evening. She is afebrile and is essentially hemodynamically normal although her blood pressures are little soft. CT scan of the head does not show any acute process. X-ray of the chest revealed lung markings consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. CT scan of the chest redemonstrates this finding. Abbott rapid coronavirus test is negative and the patient is afebrile and fully vaccinated. I am somewhat skeptical of this finding although I have sent confirmatory Cephied PCR coronavirus test. Although patient's Abbott rapid coronavirus test was negative, her Cephied coronavirus test which I sent is positive. Admitted due to altered mental status likely related to her neoplastic disease." "1877452-1" "1877452-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST POSITIVE" "10084271" "65-79 years" "65-79" "10/31/2021 ED visit: past medical history significant for Parkinson's disease followed by Dr. and on pramipexole, recent diagnosis of highly advanced hepatocellular carcinoma not amenable to either chemotherapy or XRT followed by oncology here, who presents to the emergency department with acutely altered mental status this evening. She is afebrile and is essentially hemodynamically normal although her blood pressures are little soft. CT scan of the head does not show any acute process. X-ray of the chest revealed lung markings consistent with COVID-19 pneumonia. CT scan of the chest redemonstrates this finding. Abbott rapid coronavirus test is negative and the patient is afebrile and fully vaccinated. I am somewhat skeptical of this finding although I have sent confirmatory Cephied PCR coronavirus test. Although patient's Abbott rapid coronavirus test was negative, her Cephied coronavirus test which I sent is positive. Admitted due to altered mental status likely related to her neoplastic disease." "1881203-1" "1881203-1" "CHEST PAIN" "10008479" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The decedent received his Johnson and Johnson COVID 19 vaccine on 11/14/2021. After receiving the vaccine, the decedent started to experience difficulty breathing, chest pain, hot and cold flashes, fevers and lethargy. The decedent did not receive any treatment prior to death." "1881203-1" "1881203-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The decedent received his Johnson and Johnson COVID 19 vaccine on 11/14/2021. After receiving the vaccine, the decedent started to experience difficulty breathing, chest pain, hot and cold flashes, fevers and lethargy. The decedent did not receive any treatment prior to death." "1881203-1" "1881203-1" "DYSPNOEA" "10013968" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The decedent received his Johnson and Johnson COVID 19 vaccine on 11/14/2021. After receiving the vaccine, the decedent started to experience difficulty breathing, chest pain, hot and cold flashes, fevers and lethargy. The decedent did not receive any treatment prior to death." "1881203-1" "1881203-1" "FEELING OF BODY TEMPERATURE CHANGE" "10061458" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The decedent received his Johnson and Johnson COVID 19 vaccine on 11/14/2021. After receiving the vaccine, the decedent started to experience difficulty breathing, chest pain, hot and cold flashes, fevers and lethargy. The decedent did not receive any treatment prior to death." "1881203-1" "1881203-1" "LETHARGY" "10024264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The decedent received his Johnson and Johnson COVID 19 vaccine on 11/14/2021. After receiving the vaccine, the decedent started to experience difficulty breathing, chest pain, hot and cold flashes, fevers and lethargy. The decedent did not receive any treatment prior to death." "1881203-1" "1881203-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The decedent received his Johnson and Johnson COVID 19 vaccine on 11/14/2021. After receiving the vaccine, the decedent started to experience difficulty breathing, chest pain, hot and cold flashes, fevers and lethargy. The decedent did not receive any treatment prior to death." "1881203-1" "1881203-1" "SARS-COV-2 TEST" "10084354" "65-79 years" "65-79" "The decedent received his Johnson and Johnson COVID 19 vaccine on 11/14/2021. After receiving the vaccine, the decedent started to experience difficulty breathing, chest pain, hot and cold flashes, fevers and lethargy. The decedent did not receive any treatment prior to death." "1885770-1" "1885770-1" "AUTOPSY" "10050117" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On February 4th, 2021 patient died suddenly while skiing. About 2 PM, there was no accident, he was found laying down in the snow and the first to find him gave him CPR - ski patrol came quickly and shocked him three times. But none of these brought him back. He was already gone." "1885770-1" "1885770-1" "BLOOD TEST NORMAL" "10050540" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On February 4th, 2021 patient died suddenly while skiing. About 2 PM, there was no accident, he was found laying down in the snow and the first to find him gave him CPR - ski patrol came quickly and shocked him three times. But none of these brought him back. He was already gone." "1885770-1" "1885770-1" "CAFFEINE CONSUMPTION" "10052308" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On February 4th, 2021 patient died suddenly while skiing. About 2 PM, there was no accident, he was found laying down in the snow and the first to find him gave him CPR - ski patrol came quickly and shocked him three times. But none of these brought him back. He was already gone." "1885770-1" "1885770-1" "CARDIOVERSION" "10007661" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On February 4th, 2021 patient died suddenly while skiing. About 2 PM, there was no accident, he was found laying down in the snow and the first to find him gave him CPR - ski patrol came quickly and shocked him three times. But none of these brought him back. He was already gone." "1885770-1" "1885770-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On February 4th, 2021 patient died suddenly while skiing. About 2 PM, there was no accident, he was found laying down in the snow and the first to find him gave him CPR - ski patrol came quickly and shocked him three times. But none of these brought him back. He was already gone." "1885770-1" "1885770-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On February 4th, 2021 patient died suddenly while skiing. About 2 PM, there was no accident, he was found laying down in the snow and the first to find him gave him CPR - ski patrol came quickly and shocked him three times. But none of these brought him back. He was already gone." "1885770-1" "1885770-1" "SUDDEN DEATH" "10042434" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On February 4th, 2021 patient died suddenly while skiing. About 2 PM, there was no accident, he was found laying down in the snow and the first to find him gave him CPR - ski patrol came quickly and shocked him three times. But none of these brought him back. He was already gone." "1889159-1" "1889159-1" "BRAIN INJURY" "10067967" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient found on floor, taken to ER via ambulance, placed on ventilator, MRI determined patient suffered a stroke and had zero brain activity or chance of recovery." "1889159-1" "1889159-1" "CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENT" "10008190" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient found on floor, taken to ER via ambulance, placed on ventilator, MRI determined patient suffered a stroke and had zero brain activity or chance of recovery." "1889159-1" "1889159-1" "MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING ABNORMAL" "10078224" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient found on floor, taken to ER via ambulance, placed on ventilator, MRI determined patient suffered a stroke and had zero brain activity or chance of recovery." "1889159-1" "1889159-1" "MECHANICAL VENTILATION" "10067221" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient found on floor, taken to ER via ambulance, placed on ventilator, MRI determined patient suffered a stroke and had zero brain activity or chance of recovery." "1895355-1" "1895355-1" "CARDIAC ARREST" "10007515" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extreme fatigue stared several days after his covid booster. Then 8 days later he had a sudden cardiac arrest that resulted in death." "1895355-1" "1895355-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extreme fatigue stared several days after his covid booster. Then 8 days later he had a sudden cardiac arrest that resulted in death." "1895355-1" "1895355-1" "FATIGUE" "10016256" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extreme fatigue stared several days after his covid booster. Then 8 days later he had a sudden cardiac arrest that resulted in death." "1895355-1" "1895355-1" "RESUSCITATION" "10038749" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Extreme fatigue stared several days after his covid booster. Then 8 days later he had a sudden cardiac arrest that resulted in death." "1897657-1" "1897657-1" "ABDOMINAL X-RAY" "10061612" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 11/3/21 the patient had emesis, followed by 2 loose bowel movements. Patient was started on Miralax. The patient had decrease food and fluid intake. Was given 2 L of IV fluids on 11/16/21. Due to abnormal lab results the patient was transferred to the hospital on 11/18/21. The patient was transferred back from hospital with orders for hospice." "1897657-1" "1897657-1" "BLOOD CHLORIDE INCREASED" "10005420" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 11/3/21 the patient had emesis, followed by 2 loose bowel movements. Patient was started on Miralax. The patient had decrease food and fluid intake. Was given 2 L of IV fluids on 11/16/21. Due to abnormal lab results the patient was transferred to the hospital on 11/18/21. The patient was transferred back from hospital with orders for hospice." "1897657-1" "1897657-1" "BLOOD GLUCOSE NORMAL" "10005558" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 11/3/21 the patient had emesis, followed by 2 loose bowel movements. Patient was started on Miralax. The patient had decrease food and fluid intake. Was given 2 L of IV fluids on 11/16/21. Due to abnormal lab results the patient was transferred to the hospital on 11/18/21. The patient was transferred back from hospital with orders for hospice." "1897657-1" "1897657-1" "BLOOD SODIUM INCREASED" "10005803" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 11/3/21 the patient had emesis, followed by 2 loose bowel movements. Patient was started on Miralax. The patient had decrease food and fluid intake. Was given 2 L of IV fluids on 11/16/21. Due to abnormal lab results the patient was transferred to the hospital on 11/18/21. The patient was transferred back from hospital with orders for hospice." "1897657-1" "1897657-1" "BLOOD UREA INCREASED" "10005851" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 11/3/21 the patient had emesis, followed by 2 loose bowel movements. Patient was started on Miralax. The patient had decrease food and fluid intake. Was given 2 L of IV fluids on 11/16/21. Due to abnormal lab results the patient was transferred to the hospital on 11/18/21. The patient was transferred back from hospital with orders for hospice." "1897657-1" "1897657-1" "DIARRHOEA" "10012735" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 11/3/21 the patient had emesis, followed by 2 loose bowel movements. Patient was started on Miralax. The patient had decrease food and fluid intake. Was given 2 L of IV fluids on 11/16/21. Due to abnormal lab results the patient was transferred to the hospital on 11/18/21. The patient was transferred back from hospital with orders for hospice." "1897657-1" "1897657-1" "GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE" "10018355" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 11/3/21 the patient had emesis, followed by 2 loose bowel movements. Patient was started on Miralax. The patient had decrease food and fluid intake. Was given 2 L of IV fluids on 11/16/21. Due to abnormal lab results the patient was transferred to the hospital on 11/18/21. The patient was transferred back from hospital with orders for hospice." "1897657-1" "1897657-1" "HYPOPHAGIA" "10063743" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 11/3/21 the patient had emesis, followed by 2 loose bowel movements. Patient was started on Miralax. The patient had decrease food and fluid intake. Was given 2 L of IV fluids on 11/16/21. Due to abnormal lab results the patient was transferred to the hospital on 11/18/21. The patient was transferred back from hospital with orders for hospice." "1897657-1" "1897657-1" "MEAN CELL HAEMOGLOBIN CONCENTRATION DECREASED" "10026991" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 11/3/21 the patient had emesis, followed by 2 loose bowel movements. Patient was started on Miralax. The patient had decrease food and fluid intake. Was given 2 L of IV fluids on 11/16/21. Due to abnormal lab results the patient was transferred to the hospital on 11/18/21. The patient was transferred back from hospital with orders for hospice." "1897657-1" "1897657-1" "METABOLIC FUNCTION TEST ABNORMAL" "10061286" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 11/3/21 the patient had emesis, followed by 2 loose bowel movements. Patient was started on Miralax. The patient had decrease food and fluid intake. Was given 2 L of IV fluids on 11/16/21. Due to abnormal lab results the patient was transferred to the hospital on 11/18/21. The patient was transferred back from hospital with orders for hospice." "1897657-1" "1897657-1" "NEPHROLITHIASIS" "10029148" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 11/3/21 the patient had emesis, followed by 2 loose bowel movements. Patient was started on Miralax. The patient had decrease food and fluid intake. Was given 2 L of IV fluids on 11/16/21. Due to abnormal lab results the patient was transferred to the hospital on 11/18/21. The patient was transferred back from hospital with orders for hospice." "1897657-1" "1897657-1" "RED CELL DISTRIBUTION WIDTH INCREASED" "10053920" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 11/3/21 the patient had emesis, followed by 2 loose bowel movements. Patient was started on Miralax. The patient had decrease food and fluid intake. Was given 2 L of IV fluids on 11/16/21. Due to abnormal lab results the patient was transferred to the hospital on 11/18/21. The patient was transferred back from hospital with orders for hospice." "1897657-1" "1897657-1" "VOMITING" "10047700" "65-79 years" "65-79" "On 11/3/21 the patient had emesis, followed by 2 loose bowel movements. Patient was started on Miralax. The patient had decrease food and fluid intake. Was given 2 L of IV fluids on 11/16/21. Due to abnormal lab results the patient was transferred to the hospital on 11/18/21. The patient was transferred back from hospital with orders for hospice." "1905714-1" "1905714-1" "BLOOD CULTURE NEGATIVE" "10005486" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID booster shot on 11/9/2021. Within 24 hours patient's left arm became erythematous, warm, swollen, painful. Attending M.D. was notified and ordered course of doxycycline. No other reaction noted until the week beginning on 11/15/2021 the patient began having low grade fevers and was more subdued, quieter. The patient became more lethargic by 11/17/2021 and PO intake declined as a result. Attending M.D. ordered CBC, CMP, blood cultures and urine analysis with C+S on 11/17/21. Labs did not have significant findings. The patient continued to be extremely lethargic, very minimal PO intake, having fevers, tachycardia. Patient deceased on 11/20/2021." "1905714-1" "1905714-1" "CULTURE URINE NEGATIVE" "10011639" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID booster shot on 11/9/2021. Within 24 hours patient's left arm became erythematous, warm, swollen, painful. Attending M.D. was notified and ordered course of doxycycline. No other reaction noted until the week beginning on 11/15/2021 the patient began having low grade fevers and was more subdued, quieter. The patient became more lethargic by 11/17/2021 and PO intake declined as a result. Attending M.D. ordered CBC, CMP, blood cultures and urine analysis with C+S on 11/17/21. Labs did not have significant findings. The patient continued to be extremely lethargic, very minimal PO intake, having fevers, tachycardia. Patient deceased on 11/20/2021." "1905714-1" "1905714-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID booster shot on 11/9/2021. Within 24 hours patient's left arm became erythematous, warm, swollen, painful. Attending M.D. was notified and ordered course of doxycycline. No other reaction noted until the week beginning on 11/15/2021 the patient began having low grade fevers and was more subdued, quieter. The patient became more lethargic by 11/17/2021 and PO intake declined as a result. Attending M.D. ordered CBC, CMP, blood cultures and urine analysis with C+S on 11/17/21. Labs did not have significant findings. The patient continued to be extremely lethargic, very minimal PO intake, having fevers, tachycardia. Patient deceased on 11/20/2021." "1905714-1" "1905714-1" "ERYTHEMA" "10015150" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID booster shot on 11/9/2021. Within 24 hours patient's left arm became erythematous, warm, swollen, painful. Attending M.D. was notified and ordered course of doxycycline. No other reaction noted until the week beginning on 11/15/2021 the patient began having low grade fevers and was more subdued, quieter. The patient became more lethargic by 11/17/2021 and PO intake declined as a result. Attending M.D. ordered CBC, CMP, blood cultures and urine analysis with C+S on 11/17/21. Labs did not have significant findings. The patient continued to be extremely lethargic, very minimal PO intake, having fevers, tachycardia. Patient deceased on 11/20/2021." "1905714-1" "1905714-1" "FULL BLOOD COUNT NORMAL" "10017414" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID booster shot on 11/9/2021. Within 24 hours patient's left arm became erythematous, warm, swollen, painful. Attending M.D. was notified and ordered course of doxycycline. No other reaction noted until the week beginning on 11/15/2021 the patient began having low grade fevers and was more subdued, quieter. The patient became more lethargic by 11/17/2021 and PO intake declined as a result. Attending M.D. ordered CBC, CMP, blood cultures and urine analysis with C+S on 11/17/21. Labs did not have significant findings. The patient continued to be extremely lethargic, very minimal PO intake, having fevers, tachycardia. Patient deceased on 11/20/2021." "1905714-1" "1905714-1" "HYPOPHAGIA" "10063743" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID booster shot on 11/9/2021. Within 24 hours patient's left arm became erythematous, warm, swollen, painful. Attending M.D. was notified and ordered course of doxycycline. No other reaction noted until the week beginning on 11/15/2021 the patient began having low grade fevers and was more subdued, quieter. The patient became more lethargic by 11/17/2021 and PO intake declined as a result. Attending M.D. ordered CBC, CMP, blood cultures and urine analysis with C+S on 11/17/21. Labs did not have significant findings. The patient continued to be extremely lethargic, very minimal PO intake, having fevers, tachycardia. Patient deceased on 11/20/2021." "1905714-1" "1905714-1" "LETHARGY" "10024264" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID booster shot on 11/9/2021. Within 24 hours patient's left arm became erythematous, warm, swollen, painful. Attending M.D. was notified and ordered course of doxycycline. No other reaction noted until the week beginning on 11/15/2021 the patient began having low grade fevers and was more subdued, quieter. The patient became more lethargic by 11/17/2021 and PO intake declined as a result. Attending M.D. ordered CBC, CMP, blood cultures and urine analysis with C+S on 11/17/21. Labs did not have significant findings. The patient continued to be extremely lethargic, very minimal PO intake, having fevers, tachycardia. Patient deceased on 11/20/2021." "1905714-1" "1905714-1" "METABOLIC FUNCTION TEST NORMAL" "10062192" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID booster shot on 11/9/2021. Within 24 hours patient's left arm became erythematous, warm, swollen, painful. Attending M.D. was notified and ordered course of doxycycline. No other reaction noted until the week beginning on 11/15/2021 the patient began having low grade fevers and was more subdued, quieter. The patient became more lethargic by 11/17/2021 and PO intake declined as a result. Attending M.D. ordered CBC, CMP, blood cultures and urine analysis with C+S on 11/17/21. Labs did not have significant findings. The patient continued to be extremely lethargic, very minimal PO intake, having fevers, tachycardia. Patient deceased on 11/20/2021." "1905714-1" "1905714-1" "PAIN IN EXTREMITY" "10033425" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID booster shot on 11/9/2021. Within 24 hours patient's left arm became erythematous, warm, swollen, painful. Attending M.D. was notified and ordered course of doxycycline. No other reaction noted until the week beginning on 11/15/2021 the patient began having low grade fevers and was more subdued, quieter. The patient became more lethargic by 11/17/2021 and PO intake declined as a result. Attending M.D. ordered CBC, CMP, blood cultures and urine analysis with C+S on 11/17/21. Labs did not have significant findings. The patient continued to be extremely lethargic, very minimal PO intake, having fevers, tachycardia. Patient deceased on 11/20/2021." "1905714-1" "1905714-1" "PERIPHERAL SWELLING" "10048959" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID booster shot on 11/9/2021. Within 24 hours patient's left arm became erythematous, warm, swollen, painful. Attending M.D. was notified and ordered course of doxycycline. No other reaction noted until the week beginning on 11/15/2021 the patient began having low grade fevers and was more subdued, quieter. The patient became more lethargic by 11/17/2021 and PO intake declined as a result. Attending M.D. ordered CBC, CMP, blood cultures and urine analysis with C+S on 11/17/21. Labs did not have significant findings. The patient continued to be extremely lethargic, very minimal PO intake, having fevers, tachycardia. Patient deceased on 11/20/2021." "1905714-1" "1905714-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID booster shot on 11/9/2021. Within 24 hours patient's left arm became erythematous, warm, swollen, painful. Attending M.D. was notified and ordered course of doxycycline. No other reaction noted until the week beginning on 11/15/2021 the patient began having low grade fevers and was more subdued, quieter. The patient became more lethargic by 11/17/2021 and PO intake declined as a result. Attending M.D. ordered CBC, CMP, blood cultures and urine analysis with C+S on 11/17/21. Labs did not have significant findings. The patient continued to be extremely lethargic, very minimal PO intake, having fevers, tachycardia. Patient deceased on 11/20/2021." "1905714-1" "1905714-1" "SKIN WARM" "10040952" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID booster shot on 11/9/2021. Within 24 hours patient's left arm became erythematous, warm, swollen, painful. Attending M.D. was notified and ordered course of doxycycline. No other reaction noted until the week beginning on 11/15/2021 the patient began having low grade fevers and was more subdued, quieter. The patient became more lethargic by 11/17/2021 and PO intake declined as a result. Attending M.D. ordered CBC, CMP, blood cultures and urine analysis with C+S on 11/17/21. Labs did not have significant findings. The patient continued to be extremely lethargic, very minimal PO intake, having fevers, tachycardia. Patient deceased on 11/20/2021." "1905714-1" "1905714-1" "TACHYCARDIA" "10043071" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID booster shot on 11/9/2021. Within 24 hours patient's left arm became erythematous, warm, swollen, painful. Attending M.D. was notified and ordered course of doxycycline. No other reaction noted until the week beginning on 11/15/2021 the patient began having low grade fevers and was more subdued, quieter. The patient became more lethargic by 11/17/2021 and PO intake declined as a result. Attending M.D. ordered CBC, CMP, blood cultures and urine analysis with C+S on 11/17/21. Labs did not have significant findings. The patient continued to be extremely lethargic, very minimal PO intake, having fevers, tachycardia. Patient deceased on 11/20/2021." "1905714-1" "1905714-1" "URINE ANALYSIS NORMAL" "10061578" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient received COVID booster shot on 11/9/2021. Within 24 hours patient's left arm became erythematous, warm, swollen, painful. Attending M.D. was notified and ordered course of doxycycline. No other reaction noted until the week beginning on 11/15/2021 the patient began having low grade fevers and was more subdued, quieter. The patient became more lethargic by 11/17/2021 and PO intake declined as a result. Attending M.D. ordered CBC, CMP, blood cultures and urine analysis with C+S on 11/17/21. Labs did not have significant findings. The patient continued to be extremely lethargic, very minimal PO intake, having fevers, tachycardia. Patient deceased on 11/20/2021." "1906144-1" "1906144-1" "BRADYCARDIA" "10006093" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Respiratory distress - Tachycardia, with periods of bradycardia, fever observed at approx 3:09 pm - call to MD who gave order to send to ER for Eval and Treat" "1906144-1" "1906144-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Respiratory distress - Tachycardia, with periods of bradycardia, fever observed at approx 3:09 pm - call to MD who gave order to send to ER for Eval and Treat" "1906144-1" "1906144-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Respiratory distress - Tachycardia, with periods of bradycardia, fever observed at approx 3:09 pm - call to MD who gave order to send to ER for Eval and Treat" "1906144-1" "1906144-1" "RESPIRATORY DISTRESS" "10038687" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Respiratory distress - Tachycardia, with periods of bradycardia, fever observed at approx 3:09 pm - call to MD who gave order to send to ER for Eval and Treat" "1906144-1" "1906144-1" "TACHYCARDIA" "10043071" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Respiratory distress - Tachycardia, with periods of bradycardia, fever observed at approx 3:09 pm - call to MD who gave order to send to ER for Eval and Treat" "1908569-1" "1908569-1" "SUDDEN DEATH" "10042434" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Sudden Death" "1909487-1" "1909487-1" "CHILLS" "10008531" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed symptoms the following morning, fever, chills, body aches. He told his neighbor about it and she suggested he lie down and rest. He went to bed and was unable to be reached later in the day. She went to his condo around 7:30 p.m. and found him dead." "1909487-1" "1909487-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed symptoms the following morning, fever, chills, body aches. He told his neighbor about it and she suggested he lie down and rest. He went to bed and was unable to be reached later in the day. She went to his condo around 7:30 p.m. and found him dead." "1909487-1" "1909487-1" "PAIN" "10033371" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed symptoms the following morning, fever, chills, body aches. He told his neighbor about it and she suggested he lie down and rest. He went to bed and was unable to be reached later in the day. She went to his condo around 7:30 p.m. and found him dead." "1909487-1" "1909487-1" "PYREXIA" "10037660" "65-79 years" "65-79" "Patient developed symptoms the following morning, fever, chills, body aches. He told his neighbor about it and she suggested he lie down and rest. He went to bed and was unable to be reached later in the day. She went to his condo around 7:30 p.m. and found him dead." "1910821-1" "1910821-1" "ANEURYSM REPAIR" "10066050" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient w/ history of laryngeal cancer; has a total laryngectomy with reconstructive surgery in April 2021; recovered; took the vaccine in june/July. in August 2021, presented with ear pain again, like when first diagnosed; CT revealed recurrence; pt then had a bleed and possible carotid blow out; presented to hospital for embolization; pt coded and died a few days later" "1910821-1" "1910821-1" "CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST" "10007617" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient w/ history of laryngeal cancer; has a total laryngectomy with reconstructive surgery in April 2021; recovered; took the vaccine in june/July. in August 2021, presented with ear pain again, like when first diagnosed; CT revealed recurrence; pt then had a bleed and possible carotid blow out; presented to hospital for embolization; pt coded and died a few days later" "1910821-1" "1910821-1" "COMPUTERISED TOMOGRAM ABNORMAL" "10010235" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient w/ history of laryngeal cancer; has a total laryngectomy with reconstructive surgery in April 2021; recovered; took the vaccine in june/July. in August 2021, presented with ear pain again, like when first diagnosed; CT revealed recurrence; pt then had a bleed and possible carotid blow out; presented to hospital for embolization; pt coded and died a few days later" "1910821-1" "1910821-1" "DEATH" "10011906" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient w/ history of laryngeal cancer; has a total laryngectomy with reconstructive surgery in April 2021; recovered; took the vaccine in june/July. in August 2021, presented with ear pain again, like when first diagnosed; CT revealed recurrence; pt then had a bleed and possible carotid blow out; presented to hospital for embolization; pt coded and died a few days later" "1910821-1" "1910821-1" "EAR PAIN" "10014020" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient w/ history of laryngeal cancer; has a total laryngectomy with reconstructive surgery in April 2021; recovered; took the vaccine in june/July. in August 2021, presented with ear pain again, like when first diagnosed; CT revealed recurrence; pt then had a bleed and possible carotid blow out; presented to hospital for embolization; pt coded and died a few days later" "1910821-1" "1910821-1" "HAEMORRHAGE" "10055798" "65-79 years" "65-79" "patient w/ history of laryngeal cancer; has a total laryngectomy with reconstructive surgery in April 2021; recovered; took the vaccine in june/July. in August 2021, presented with ear pain again, like when first diagnosed; CT revealed recurrence; pt then had a bleed and possible carotid blow out; presented to hospital for embolization; pt coded and died a few days later" "---" "Dataset: The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)" "Query Parameters:" "Title: 211214 CDC covid VAERS report - all reports.txt" "Age: 65-79 years" "Date Died: 2020; 2021" "Date of Onset: 2020; 2021" "Date Report Completed: 2020; 2021" "Date Report Received: 2020; 2021" "Date Vaccinated: 2020; 2021" "State / Territory: Alabama; Alaska; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; District of Columbia;" "Florida" "Vaccine Products: COVID19 VACCINE (COVID19)" "VAERS ID: All" "Group By: VAERS ID; Symptoms; Age" "Show Totals: False" "Show Zero Values: Disabled" "---" "Help: See http://wonder.cdc.gov/wonder/help/vaers.html for more information." "---" "Query Date: Dec 14, 2021 4:16:01 PM" "---" "Suggested Citation: Accessed at http://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html on Dec 14, 2021 4:16:01 PM" "---" Messages: "1. The full results are too long to be displayed, only non-zero rows are available." "2. VAERS data in CDC WONDER are updated every Friday. Hence, results for the same query can change from week to week." "3. These results are for 474 total events." "4. When grouped by VAERS ID, results initially don't show Events Reported, Percent, or totals. Use Quick or More Options to" "restore them, if you wish." "5. Click on a VAERS ID to see a report containing detailed information for the event." "---" Footnotes: "1. Submitting a report to VAERS does not mean that healthcare personnel or the vaccine caused or contributed to the adverse" "event (possible side effect)." "---" Caveats: "1.

VAERS accepts reports of adverse events and reactions that occur following vaccination. Healthcare providers, vaccine" "manufacturers, and the public can submit reports to VAERS. While very important in monitoring vaccine safety, VAERS reports" "alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. The reports may contain" "information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. Most reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they" "are subject to biases. This creates specific limitations on how the data can be used scientifically. Data from VAERS reports" "should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind.

The strengths of VAERS are that it is national in scope" "and can quickly provide an early warning of a safety problem with a vaccine. As part of CDC and FDA's multi-system approach to" "post-licensure vaccine safety monitoring, VAERS is designed to rapidly detect unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse events," "also known as ""safety signals."" If a safety signal is found in VAERS, further studies can be done in safety systems such as" "the CDC's Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) or the Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment (CISA) project. These systems do not have" "the same limitations as VAERS, and can better assess health risks and possible connections between adverse events and a vaccine." "

Key considerations and limitations of VAERS data:

" "2." "3. Some items may have more than 1 occurrence in any single event report, such as Symptoms, Vaccine Products, Manufacturers, and" "Event Categories. If data are grouped by any of these items, then the number in the Events Reported column may exceed the total" "number of unique events. If percentages are shown, then the associated percentage of total unique event reports will exceed 100%" "in such cases. For example, the number of Symptoms mentioned is likely to exceed the number of events reported, because many" "reports include more than 1 Symptom. When more than 1 Symptom occurs in a single report, then the percentage of Symptoms to" "unique events is more than 100%. More information: http://wonder.cdc.gov/wonder/help/vaers.html#Suppress." "4. Data contains VAERS reports processed as of 12/03/2021. The VAERS data in WONDER are updated weekly, yet the VAERS system" "receives continuous updates including revisions and new reports for preceding time periods. Duplicate event reports and/or" "reports determined to be false are removed from VAERS. More information: http://wonder.cdc.gov/wonder/help/vaers.html#Reporting." "5. About COVID19 vaccines: "