#] #] ********************* #] "$d_web"'ProjMajor/Civilisations and sun/230614 Steve Howell - Seventy Shemitah Cycles.txt' www.BillHowell.ca 14Jun2023 initial To view this file - use a text editor (not word processor) constant width font (eg courrier 10), tab - 3 spaces Seventy Shemitah Cycles unknown source... see "$d_web"'Cool stuff/230614 Steve Howell - Seventy Shemitah Cycles.png' When you look at the calendar on your refrigerator, or wherver you hang it, you take for granted that there are seven days in a week. But have you considered the reason? Incidentally, the atheist's calendar looks just like yours. There are seven days in his week also. Now you know that there are three hundred and sixty-five and a quarter days in a year and that it has to do with the the earth's revolution around the sun. You also know that there are approximately thirty days in a month and that it is the result of the moon's revolution around the Earth. But have you considered that there is no reason for a seven day week, other than that God decreed it and commanded the Israelites to observe it as a sign. Amazing, isn't it? Yet, what is more amazing is that each week the good news of the coming Kingdom of God or the Day of the Lord is preached by the Gregorian calendar hanging on your wall. You see, God gave the Shabbat (Sabbath) as a sign. The seventh day was to be set apart as holy - a day of rest. The seventh month was also holy and the seventh year was to be set apart by the Israelites as a year of rest for the land. And since they were an agrarian society this meant a year of rest for them as well. These seven year periods were known as Shemitah periods or cycles. When seven of these Shemitah periods had accumulated, the Israelites were to proclaim a year of Jubilee on the fiftieth year (Lev 25:1-12). So when the angel said "Seventy Sevens", it was not much of a mystery to the Jews. It was the seventy of these Shemitah periods based on the Sabbath of the land. Seventy multiplied by seven years! Seventy sevens or Shemitah cycles = 70 * 7 = 490 years +-----+ www.BillHowell.ca comments : lunar month = summer fallow - rotation of fields every other year in mid-1900's? PuetzUWS - closest periods ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | standard | half double | | yrFrac | 2014 2011 | 2014 2011 |comment - within +-5%? ------------|------------|---------------------|---------------------|------------ week (1) | 0.0191 | 0.017 0.026 | 0.0263 0.017 |not close 7 years | 7.00 | 4.26 6.33 | 6.39 4.22 |not close 50 years | 50 | 38.3 57.0 | 57.5 38.0 |not close 490 years | 490 | 344 513 | 515 342 |borderline 2011std, 2011dbl --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) week 7/365.25 = 0.019165 Mayan calendar - a key period was 52 years. (I didn't check other periods on the 7.5ky chart of history on my kitchen wall) +-----+ "$d_web"'References/Howell/Howell - Civilisation, historical timelines and the sun.ods' "$d_web"'References/Howell/Howell - Historical timelines and the sun - astronomical & climate cycles.pdf' Cycles From the file: Howell - sun-barycenter, climate periodicities.ods ta dah dok (to update links: Edit->Links->Update) Period |Nature | Description (see files for sources) ---------|---------|----------------------------------- 1.9 | | Charvatova short ?4? | | ENSO-like mode 6 to 8 | | ?supra-ENSO? | | 11 |solar | Schwabe half cycle of sunspots and magnetic pole double-reversal 10 & 12 | | solar | | 20 |solar | 19 |axis | nutation of Earth's axis (slight tilting 19 |lunar | ?not sure of period 20 | | ENSO-like mode 22 |solar | Hale full cycle of sunspots and magnetic pole double-reversal | | 40 | | power spectrum | | 60 | | ?? don't know a description trend | | just a longer-term base trend | | 87 | | power spectrum 90 | | Gleisberg cycle 75-90 | | Gleissberg | | 179 |solar | solar inertial motion wrt barycenter of solar system 188 | | power spectrum ~200 | | Suess 208 | | Suess 200-500 | | Suess | | 400 | | Earth orbital plane inclination | | 900 |planets | "great inequality" of the motion of Jupiter and Saturn # enddoc