/home/bill/OPM/0_OPM binary installation.txt www.BillHowell.ca 18Jul2017 16:43 - following same approach as with other computer Dell64_2 *************************************************************** Basic stuff : Following "http://opm-project.org/?page_id=245" : Ubuntu Linux 16.04 (64 bit version only) The easiest way to install the Ubuntu packages is to first add the opm personal package archive (ppa). In order to do that we need to install the apt-add-repository command. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install software-properties-common Then we add the repository, and run update again: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:opm/ppa sudo apt-get update At this point, all the OPM modules should be available to install. To see a list of (for example) the opm-autodiff packages: apt-cache search opm-simulators Then, to install the opm-simulators programs (including Flow) and their dependencies, sudo apt-get install mpi-default-bin sudo apt-get install libopm-simulators-bin ************************************************************ 26Jul2017 21:02 Python install http://opm-project.org/?page_id=197&page=6 +-----+ Next, we use a python script called summaryplot from opm-utilities to plot these variables. Start by downloading the script with the following commands: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OPM/opm-utilities/master/summaryplot +--+ --2017-07-26 21:21:43-- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OPM/opm-utilities/master/summaryplot Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)... Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 20272 (20K) [text/plain] Saving to: ‘summaryplot’ summaryplot 100%[==================================>] 19.80K 76.2KB/s in 0.3s 2017-07-26 21:21:51 (76.2 KB/s) - ‘summaryplot’ saved [20272/20272] +--+ Summary plot requires python and the ECL python bindings: sudo apt-get install python-ert.ecl python-numpy python-matplotlib >> Howell - tons of stuff Then, we can plot the well curves with the following command: python summaryplot WBHP:INJ WBHP:PROD WOPR:PROD WGPR:PROD WGIR:INJ SPE1CASE1.DATA The result can be seen in the figures below. It is worth noting that since the input deck specifies FIELD units (psi for pressure, etc.), the output produced by Flow will use that as well. +-----+ # enddoc