/media/bill/PROJECTS/Education & Entertainment/news - Blaze, O'Reilly, Rebel.txt www.Billhowell.ca 12Sep2018 initial RebelMedia - forget it! It has never worked, never will!!! O'Reilly news online, http://www.billoreilly.com/ CKFlbrwM1vNN BlazeTV +H2v)lXP|h7| **************** 08Mar2019 https://www.blazetv.com/video/ep-323--just-how-far-does-obamas-narcissism-go--white-house-brief Ep 323 | Just How Far Does Obama's Narcissism Go?! | White House Brief >> no analysis at all! https://www.blazetv.com/video/ep-260--brad-meltzer--glenn 03.07.19 | A special clip from the Glenn Beck Podcast with Brad Meltzer. Secret conspiracy to kill George Washington >> I didn't watch the whole thing, but [substantive, historical, fun] ************************** 12Sep2018 # enddoc