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Howell: genetic mechanisms for [protein, program] code

13Feb2024 This is a very [incomplete, random, outline] draft only. more later...

Table of Contents


For over half a century, biologists have been identifying genetic coding mechanisms and processes. ????...

MindCode stuff!!!

Known mechanisms

Computer coding

Computer coding is an obvious analogy to draw from while looking for biological the basis for [ANN, SNNs], including :

Speculative mechanisms

The obvious first step is to build on known mechanisms for protein coding, including [DNA -> tRNA transcription, tRNA -> mRNA changes, mRNA -> protein] in rhibosomes etc. As my own current priority is in looking for potential links between [neuron, brain] function and genetic "program coding", I also require "missing" mechanisms, plus more explanation of basic processes. More specifically at this time :
images :




Nuclear chickens?

For decades, people have been speculating that chickens must be able to nuclear transform K to Ca....