Index of /Neural nets/callerID-SNNs/voice musings
Parent Directory
231110_1410 fractal prime number basis.mp3
231112_1651 callerID main benefit - ID sender, reduce noise.mp3
231112_1655 callerID divorce analysis of MindCode from advantage of large SNN network info [transfer, calc].mp3
231112_1658 callerID beyond classical continuous neurons, reduce statistics towards causation, short-range correlation vs long diversity, tie to Grossberg, need calculus or equilibrium.mp3
231112_1744 tuning callerID not same as training classical NN, random tune, work with ontogeny.mp3
231112_1757 callerID tune - shorten time-steps.mp3
231112_1759 callerID established - loose tune, fracUp less sensitive.mp3
231113_0823 callerID tune via reservoir computing.mp3
231113_0824 callerID reservoir train simulataneous with train.mp3