p532fig14.08 Macrocircuit of the ARTSCENE Search neural model for learning to search for desired objects by using the sequences of already experienced objects and their locations to predict what and where the desired object is. V1 = First visual area or primary visual cortex; V2 = Second visual area; V4 = Fourth visual area; PPC = Posterior Parietal Cortex; ITp = posterior InferoTemporal cortex; ITa = anterior InferoTemporal cortex; MTL = Medial Temporal Lobe; PHC = ParaHippoCampal cortex; PRC = PeriRhinal Cortex; PFC = PreFrontal Cortex; DLPFC = DorsoLateral PreFrontal Cortex; VPFC = Ventral PFC; SC = Superior Colliculus.