Index of /Neural nets/Conference guides/Publicity website
Parent Directory
Add a new email list to an IEEE-CIS ListServer.txt
Boracchi - IJCNN2015 website stats.png
Conference publicity, example planning docs.odt
HTML mailto - instructions and examples.html
IEEE-CIS ListServers.html
IJCNN2017 Mass email 160914 Howell.html
IJCNN2019 mass email 180925 v180925 Howell final.htm
IJCNN2019 mass email 181102 v181102 Howell with Plenaries, MDPI Genisama logos.htm
IJCNN2019 mass email 190108 v190102 Howell paper deadline, Plenary Speakers.htm
INNS - IEEE-CIS mass email policies.odt
INNS - IEEE-CIS mass email policies.pdf
INNS - IEEE-CIS permission to send mass email list, example.eml
INNS mass HOLDERS instructions.odt
INNS mass email instructions.odt
INNS mass email list example 29Jun2017.ods
INNS mass emailers - easy [setup, approach] for mass emails.odt
Mass emails.html
Publicity Actions checklist - old example.xls
Publicity Guide.html
Publicity channels.html
WCCI2020 mass email [SS,Comp,Tut,Wrkshp] 191025 Howell.htm
Website tie-ins.html
instructions - EDITOR.html
instructions - OWNER.html
instructions - SENDER.html