05Jul2022 WEBSITE DIRECTORY VIEW : I have renamed my previous 'index.html' file to 'home.html', so that user who go to the URL 'http://www.BillHowell.ca' will see the directory listing of my root folder, and not my home webPage. The main advantage is that I (and you) can easily follow my browser's directory listings up and down the entire webSite, rather than being "enslaved and impeded" by my webPages and their menus. On the other hand, by clicking on any of my webPages, I (you) can follow the menus and see the webPage [instruction, information, image]s. For a minor initial inconvenience to first-time visitors 05Jul2022 LINKS AND IMAGES DON'T WORK!!! For a year and a half or more, I have been completely revamping my software programs that I've written in the QNial programming language, starting with the core [utility, library]s. That means that my webSite management programs are in "suspended animation" until I finish the revamps.