[Long-term, priority] projects :
The projects below typically take >1 year of full time work equivalent, spread over several years.
MindCode - "... Given that computer code is used to program computers, then MindCode ...". My priority project since the late 1990's that I never work on... I am now working on as of ~Mar2020!! My last bout of focussing on this theme was back in 2005 :
Computational Neuro-Genetic Modeling - neural networks and non-gene DNA, RNA, epigenetics etc
- the NECESSITY for machine consciousness, and the requirement for machines to define their "purpose in life", and to translate that into self-defined projects
- [Confabulation versus Bayes] Theory
- machine [identification, definition, analysis, planning, identification of [potential project teams, funding, resources]] BEFORE any humans are involved, and "call-for-project-teams" to initiate human (contractors) involvement.
- organisational structure - [machines and human] cart [hybrid, alone]
Universal Force - Bill Lucas's ideas to revamp fundamental theoretical physics. Say goodbye to relativity & quantum mechanics?
Neural Networks -
general themes, conferences, my [papers, projects peer reviews] and links. As of Mar2020, I have retired from conference Organising Committee involvement. It has been great to contribute and work with awesome people, but I need to focus on getting my projects done before I'm senile! I will still attend [when, if] I can afford to.
Let it stew :
These projects are not currently active, but I often mull over them and take the odd notes. My intention is to gback to them some day ...
Lies, damned lies, and scientists -
This is a fascinating, long-term interest that is always on the back-burner, dealing with [historical, current] catastrophic failures of [rational, logical, scientific] reasoning by essentially all [government, academic, government] research scientists (my "Principle of Generality") across all ares of science, and the inspiring and impressive successes of [rational, logical, scientific] reasoning by essentially all [government, academic, government] research scientists (my "Principle of Locality"). How are these [described, analysed], why do they occur, are there ANY areas of science that are not strongly affected by this, why can the failures be a very good thing, and how are they reversed (both ways)? This is a non-Khunian perspective.
Ice breaker unchained : We should have lost World War II -
A complete reinterpretation of WWII. Brief mention in "Howell's Blog", but it's been on the backburner since 25May2015 (video animations are hugely time-consuming!!). At present, ~6 hours of script, 1 hour of video but only 1 minute of animation out of 20 minutes is done!.
Electric Universe -
Fascinating ideas and perspective : Have physicists and astronomers messed up?
Old projects :
These projects are not currently active. I never actually finish any project, so I can't say that those below are finished. I take them as far as I can wthe time that I had to work on them, and will always be able to come up with ideas to [improve, change] them.
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) & BioNorth conference
Social Media of the future - No code, just a directory listing of a series of reports, with thoughts to the future including :
The Kyoto Premise - promoting all science, but challenging abusive scientists,
on anthropogenic Green-House Gas emissions and climate change
Climate and the sun - astronomy, geology and evolutionary biology as
primary climate drivers
Civilisations and the sun - an old "new" theme on the rise and fall of
civilisations (or is it a new "old" theme?)
Pandemics, health, and the sun - a solar imprint on pandemics and other health
Canadian Solar Forecasting Initiative -
– solar models & predictions; math (chaos theory etc); climate change; pipelines,
electric grids, satellites & communications; vector-borne pandemics
and radiation-induced cancers
Charvatova's Solar Inertial Motion (SIM) hypothesis for solar activity -
Will we be able to forecast solar activity 3,000 years into the future??
Climate?? The course of human history??
Probably not with what we have at hand, but we can try.
This paper and its supporting files are in a very incomplete, preliminary draft.
However, Figure A.2 in Appendix A is especially interesting, as it suggests at
least a "phase synchronization" between Solar Inertial Motion (SIM) and solar
activity, with the 2,402.2 year Charvatovan "long cycle".
Galactic rays and evolution - the origins of life, the development of the mind,
civilisation, economics, financial markets