Howell: homePage highlights
Highlights that have appeared on my homePage are shown below in no particuar order.
"The two fools who rushed in"
This expression comes from Steven Yaskell's book "Grand Phases on the Sun" on & facebook.
Many historical charts in the book came from a project by my father and I.
Steven recognized us as "the two fools who rushed in", because of the scary historical concept
that we worked on. My father and I still find this to be funny, and we are still the same old fools.
- [Bill, Neil, Irene] Howell 2009 version
Butterflies in the clouds, and the Milancovich wandering of greener pastures and glaciers, towards a quasi-predictive model for the rise and fall of civilisations"
- Donna Howell, Neil Howell, Irene Howell, Bill Howell May07
"Mega-Life, Mega-Death, and the invisible hand of the Sun: Towards a quasi-predictive model for the rise and fall of civilisations",
unpublished and incomplete, 73pp
Click to see a full-sized image of the chart in your browser.. (~3.5 feet squared on my kitchen wall. My printed out version includes hand annotated comparisons to the Mayan calendar and other references.)
Click the title link above to go to the web-page, right-click the image below and select "view image" or something like that to see the full image size.
Was the "Ark of the Covenant" shown explicitly on an engraving of the Temple at Karnac, and labelled as "Item #9" in Figure 8 (a drawing by W. Wreszinski) of Immanuel Velikovsky's "Ages in Chaos I: From the Exodus to Akhnaton"? According to [Velikovsky 1952] this drawing was made as a recording of the loot taken from the Temple of Solomon during Pharoah "Shishak's" conquest of Jerusalem. The question is whether this part of the temple inscription was purposely chiseled out.
Click the title link above to go to the web-page, right-click the image below and select "view image" or something like that to see the full image size.