Home Neural Nets Projects Software programming & code Professional & Resume Publications & reports
Howell-produced videos Blogs Cool stuff Crazy themes and stories Hosted sub-sites Neil Howell's Art
major (1 active)
MindCode neural network Bill Lucas - Universal Force Randell Mills- hydrinos IceBreaker unchained (WWII) "Hope-to-do-soon" projects
Failures of thinking : Lies, Damned Lies, and Scientists Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud Robert Prechter - Socionomics
Economics & Markets : S&P500 1872-2020, 83y trend Stephen Puetz - Greatest of cycles Robert Prechter - Socionomics S&P500 P/E ratios vs Treasury rates
Pandemics, health, Sun : Fun, crazy stuff Influenza Corona virus Suicide
Life & [Pre,]-history : Civilisations and sun Stephen Puetz - Greatest of cycles Steve Yaskell - sun & history Anthony Peratt -petroglyphs Galactic rays and evolution
Astronomy, Earth, Climate : Ivanka Charvatova - solar inertial motion Climate and sun Stephen Puetz - The Greatest of cycles Solar modeling and forecasting SAFIRE - electric sun experiment

09Jun2021 webSite status - Of ~1,000+ "user usable" links on this webSite (not including links in [adobe pdf, word processing, spreadheet, etc] files), there are 60-100 problematic links including including links to ~30 external sites that have changed or disappeared. The vast majority of links are in the "Neural Network Conference Guides", in documentation pages(eg QNial manual), while perhaps 300+ are in the "normal" webPages.
15Feb2023 major restructuring of my web directories, so most intenal links won't work

Note that many project links in the menu above provide only a directory listing of files. This is the case especially for still-very-active projects. (Yes, I am too lazy to keep web-pages up to date.)

[Long-term, priority] projects :

The projects below typically take >1 year of full time work equivalent, spread over several years.

Let it stew :

These projects are not currently active, but I often mull over them and take the odd notes. My intention is to gback to them some day ...

Old projects :

These projects are not currently active. I never actually finish any project, so I can't say that those below are finished. I take them as far as I can wthe time that I had to work on them, and will always be able to come up with ideas to [improve, change] them.
Last update: original 05May05, 27Jan07, 17Sep2012
Directory of available files for this webpage - you may also go up and down the entire webSite directory via this link.

Copyright © 2007 through 2023
All website content is owned by William Neil Howell of Alberta, Canada, except when it isn't.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify Howell's content under either:
GNU Public License The GNU Free Documentation License; with no Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts, or Back-Cover Texts.
Creative Commons License Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
It is expected that reusers of this web-site will:
  • Acknowledge William Neil Howell and/or the specific author of web-site content,
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