[#!: full-line executeEmbeds, phraseValueList = (("fout fout)("backtrack backtrack)) [#!: path_insertIn_fHand (link d_webWork 'fin Head_one.html') fout ; 0_Paul L Vaughan.html [#!: path_insertIn_fHand (link d_webWork 'fin Head_two.html') fout ; [#!: path_executeEmbedsInsertIn_fHand (link d_webWork 'Menu.html') phraseValueList ; [#!: path_executeEmbedsInsertIn_fHand (link d_webWork 'Menu hosted subsites.html') phraseValueList ; [#!: path_executeEmbedsInsertIn_fHand (link d_webWork 'Menu projects.html') phraseValueList ; [#!: path_insertIn_fHand (link d_webWork 'normalStatus.html' ) fout ;

Paul L. Vaughan

Paul does a huge amount of work on astronomical and Earth process datasets, coming up with unique, insightful, and powerful results, often leaving the experts in the dust, in my opinion. He both develops and applies advanced wavelet transforms for the spatio-temporal analysis of complex systems.

New Material!!:

Paul Vaughan's background (he will have to fill in here...)

27Mar2012 - original; 27Feb2013 etc - as per dating on "NewMaterial" [#!: full-line executeEmbeds, phraseValueList = (("fout fout)("backtrack backtrack)) [#!: path_executeEmbedsInsertIn_fHand (link d_webWork 'fin Footer.html') phraseValueList ;