This is a "fake" web-page intended only to show your logo and lettering. The photos are links to the MDPI website, but modified images (see my cropping comment for the second logo below) would be placed on my (or someone's) website. The size of the logos, and positioning of the wording varies to fit all Sponsors in an apealing way.
IJCNN website : The current IJCNN home page shows Sponsors on the right margin, on a slightly greyish background. We don't usually have descriptive text with the logos, but I can request text links and see what happens.
IJCNN mass emails - The logos have appeared at the bottom of each email. The background color has been the grey as shown here, but that may change depending on the style of the IJCNN Publicity Co-Chair doing mass emails.
Links are provided for the logo image, and the text information. It is also possible to include a mailto: link if desired.
If I crop the [top, bottom] of the white background logo, it will come out the same [shape, size] as the grey background logo above. I would post the altered image to my website so it loads (In the past, as Publicity Co-Chair doing mass emails, I always saved photos of committee members and some logos (where I couldn't get the right one off a website) on my website.