0_Lucas notes.txt
0_Paul L Vaughan.html
0_Steven H Yaskell.html
10 Howell - MindCode Manifesto.odt
120214 Venus et Mars, au dela d une histoire d amour/Mythology.flv
120214 Venus et Mars, au dela d une histoire d amour/Mythology.ogv
121225 Howells recent changes - career and location.pdf
130501 Vaughan - Tlatov_Makarov_22a_JEV_R_Anim.gif
130726 Deer collison/Car collision with a deer.html
130726 Deer collison/Video - Car hits & kills deer near Hussar.MTS
130728 Car collision with a deer.html
140214 Nazis saved Norwegians video/Nazis saved Norwegian lives.flv
140214 Nazis saved Norwegians video/Nazis saved Norwegian lives.ogv
150102 Howell - APEGA Professional Development, 2014 Report.pdf
150525 Icebreaker unchained - We should have lost World War II/
150525 Icebreaker unchained - We should have lost World War II/Script for Icebreaker Unchained.pdf
160901 Big Data, Deep Learning, and Safety/
160901 Big Data, Deep Learning, and Safety/Howell 161220 Big Data, Deep Learning, Safety.ogv
170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/
170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/CI_intro.ogv
170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/Cognition.ogv
170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/Conclusions.ogv
170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/ExpandEarth_ContDrift.ogv
170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/ExpandEarth_experiment.ogv
170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/ExpandEarth_Neal_Adams_vid.ogv
170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/ExpandEarth_wrong.ogv
170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/Hearing_aids.ogv
170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/Introduction.ogv
170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/Language_translation.ogv
170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/Past & future worlds.html
170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/Programming code/
170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/Scenes/CI_intro/
170930 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM for kids/Wrong_theories.ogv
180624 Howell - de Jager, Nieuwenhuijzen, Nieuwenhuijzen, Duhau, northern hemisphere ground temperature and solar [polar,equatorial] magnetic activity.txt
181211 Van versus Semi collision/181211 Howell van Crash on Highway 10 East - DrumhellerOnline.com.html
181211 Van versus Semi collision/181211 Van versus Semi collision.html
181211 Van versus Semi collision/190118 DreamSleep sleep apnea test results.pdf
181211 Van versus Semi collision/190213-26 DreamSleep Compliance_and_therapy_report,williamhowell.pdf
Abdussamatov, look to Mars for the truth on global warming.pdf
Akasofu, Little Ice Age is still with us.pdf
Allegres second thoughts.pdf
Almost true tall tales.html
Anderson - Electric scarring/Anderson 120725 Electric scarring of the Earth's surface - annotated & scanned.pdf
Anderson - Electric scarring/Howell 120903 Paul Anderson's Electric scarring of the Earth.pdf
Birkeland rotation in galaxy - not dark matter/Birkeland rotation in galaxy - not dark matter.html
Birkeland rotation in galaxy - not dark matter/Dark matter video 1 - initial, simple.mpeg
Challenging the dogmas.html
Charvátová, Hejda Aug08 - A possible role of the solar inertial motion in climatic changes.pdf
Charvatova - list of publications.doc
Charvatova related files/Howell - solar inertial motion - NASA-JPL versus Charvatova.pdf
Charvatova solar inertial motion & activity/_Charvatova - solar inertial motion & activity.html
_Charvatova - solar inertial motion & activity.html
Civilisations and sun/_Civilisations and the sun.html
_Civilisations and the sun.html
Climate and sun/_Climate and sun.html
_Climate and sun.html
Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/Howell 150331 Lies, Damned Lies, and Scientists - Summary & context.pdf
Climate - Kyoto Premise fraud/_Kyoto Premise - the scientists arent wearing any clothes.html
Comox BC Legend of the Queneesh, great flood/0_Comox Queneesh Legend, elasmosaur.html
Computational neuro-genetic modelling.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Attendee downloads of conference papers blog.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Attendee downloads of conference papers.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Author guide blog.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Author guide.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Author [PDF, CrossCheck]-like tests blog.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Author [PDF, CrossCheck]-like tests.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Conference registration blog.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Conference registration blog.html#Can a student registration cover a paper?
Conference guides/Author guide website/Conference registration blog.html#Invitation letter issues
Conference guides/Author guide website/Conference registration.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/HELP.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/HELP system description.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/IEEE CrossCheck blog.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/IEEE CrossCheck.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/IEEE electronic Copyright form blog.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/IEEE electronic Copyright form blog.html#Special copyright corporate1
Conference guides/Author guide website/IEEE electronic Copyright form.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/IEEE PDF eXpress Plus blog.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/IEEE PDF eXpress Plus.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/IEEE Xplore blog.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/IEEE Xplore blog.html#What is the ISBN number for the conference?
Conference guides/Author guide website/IEEE Xplore.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Paper final submission blog.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Paper final submission.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Paper formatting blog.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Paper formatting.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Paper initial submission blog.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Paper initial submission blog.html#Can I submit a paper that has already been submitted to arXiv?
Conference guides/Author guide website/Paper initial submission blog.html#Paper deadline extension? please give me one?
Conference guides/Author guide website/Paper initial submission blog.html#Single-blinded reviews. Should the submitted pdf paper include the [title,author,abstract] pages?
Conference guides/Author guide website/Paper initial submission.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Paper problematic corrections blog.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Paper problematic corrections.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Paper reviews blog.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Paper reviews.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Presentations at the conference blog.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Presentations at the conference.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Software for the Guides.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Travel visas blog.html
Conference guides/Author guide website/Travel visas.html
Conference guides/Conference guides.html
Conference guides/Publications website/PubChair guide.html
Conference guides/Publicity website/Publicity Guide.html
Conference guides/Reviewers website/Reviewers guide.html
Conference guides/Sponsors website/Call for Sponsors.html
Conference guides/Sponsors website/Instructions.html
Conference guides/Sponsors website/Sign-up.html
Conference guides/Sponsors website/Venue.html
Conference guides/Sponsors website/Why be a Sponsor.html
corona virus/#Howell comments : Covax 'how might I cover my ass?', initial draft list of [random, scattered] ideas
corona virus/#Howell comments : Jessica Rose's analysis of VAERS Data, increase in Deaths Following covax Shots
corona virus/#Howell comments : Kyle Beattie's Bayesian analysis of covax - ~30% increases in [case, death]s
corona virus/#Howell comments : Pardekooper's videos are handy to get started with database usage<
corona virus/Howell - corona virus.html
corona virus/Howell - corona virus.html#Corona virus models
corona virus/Howell - corona virus.html#Cosmic/Galactic rays at historical high in summer 2019
corona virus/Howell - corona virus.html#COVID-19 data and models
corona virus/Howell - corona virus.html#Daily cases charts for countries, by region
corona virus/Howell - corona virus.html#Howells blog posts to MarketWatch etc
corona virus/Howell - corona virus.html#Is the cure worse than the disease?
corona virus/Howell - corona virus.html#Jumping off the cliff and into conclusions
corona virus/Howell - corona virus.html#New corona virus cases/day/population for selected countries
corona virus/Howell - corona virus.html#Questions, Successes, Failures
corona virus/Howell - corona virus.html#Spreadsheet for generating the charts
corona virus/Howell - corona virus of countries, by region.html
corona virus/Howell - covax adverse effects.html
corona virus/Howell - covax emails.html
corona virus/Howell - covax news.html
corona virus/Howell - covax refrncs.html
corona virus/Howell, OurWorldInData.org daily Anglophone.png
corona virus/Howell, OurWorldInData.org daily-covid-cases-per-million-three-day-avg.ods
corona virus/Howell, OurWorldInData.org daily-covid-deaths-per-million-3-day-avg.ods
corona virus/Howell, OurWorldInData.org daily Latin America.png
corona virus/Howell, OurWorldInData.org daily Mesopotamia etc.png
corona virus/Howell, OurWorldInData.org daily North Africa.png
corona virus/Howell, OurWorldInData.org daily Northern Europe.png
corona virus/Howell, OurWorldInData.org daily Pacific Asia.png
corona virus/Howell, OurWorldInData.org daily Russia etc.png
corona virus/Howell, OurWorldInData.org daily Scandanavia.png
corona virus/Howell, OurWorldInData.org daily South Asia.png
corona virus/Howell, OurWorldInData.org daily Southern Europe.png
corona virus/Howell - review of Tamny 2021 When politicians panicked.html
corona virus/Moderna vaccine - Howells personal health problems.html
Crazy ideas/Anti-engineering and the emergence of racisim.pdf
Crazy ideas/Are we ready for Global Cooling.pdf
Crazy ideas/A Riddle by, for, of, on, and with the Mind.pdf
Crazy ideas/Crazy ideas.html
Crazy ideas/Inspirational Friends.pdf
Crazy ideas/I, Robot.pdf
Crazy ideas/Mega-Life, Mega-Death, and the invisible hand of the Sun.pdf
Crazy ideas/Mind and Brain, this debate is back in fashion.pdf
Crazy ideas/Overbreeding is the first act of war.pdf
Crazy ideas/Peach fuzz.pdf
Crazy ideas/Post-mortem of a presentation.pdf
Crazy ideas/The Basis for Democracy.pdf
Crazy ideas/The freedom of a robot, the wisdom of Methuseleh.pdf
Crystal ball.html
currency-crypto/Cryptos versus [currencies, 10 year [rates, bonds]].html
Dyson, Fighting climate fluff.pdf
Electric Universe/Peratt - Auroral phenomena and petroglyphs.html
encryption-decryption instructions.html
Fischer, David 1996 The Great Wave/0_Fischer - The Great pricing Waves 1200-1990 AD.html
Fischer, David 1996 The Great Wave/1_Fischer 1200-2020.ods
Fischer, David 1996 The Great Wave/Fig 0.01 linear regression raw data.dat
Fischer, David 1996 The Great Wave/Fig 0.01 line segments for GNUplots.dat
Fischer, David 1996 The Great Wave/Fig 0.01 Price of consumables in England 1201-1993.dat
Fischer, David 1996 The Great Wave/Fig 0.01 Price of consumables in England 1201-1993 detrended.plt
Fischer, David 1996 The Great Wave/Fig 0.01 Price of consumables in England 1201-1993.plt
Fischer, David 1996 The Great Wave/Fig 0.01 Price of consumables in England 1201-1993.png
Friis-Christensen, Science, not politics.pdf
Galactic rays and evolution/_Galactic rays and evolution - life, the mind, civilisation, economics, financial markets.html
_Galactic rays and evolution - life, the mind, civilisation, economics, financial markets.html
General Relativity is a turkey.html
Ginenthal 96mmdd Description of Great fire of Chicago.pdf
Glaciation model 005/
Griffin, NASA chief silenced.pdf
Gunter, Bright sun, warm Earth Coincidence.pdf
Holidays - neural networks and genomics.html
Holocene 002/
Holocene 003 globavg/
Howell 05-08Jul11 NPA-EU conference notes.pdf
Howell 110903 - Confabulation Theory, Plausible next sentence survey.pdf
Howell 120513 Ark of the Covenant.pdf
Howell 120514 Velikovsky, quack or genius.pdf
Howell 120724 Gerald Pollack's Exclusion Zone water, Rob Johnson's electric bio-processes.pdf
Howell 120729 Fort St Louis in Quebec city - archaeological interpretation of food storage.pdf
Howell 120729 Why was France's King Louis XIV called the Sun King.pdf
Howell 131011 fMRI - Random, stray thoughts.pdf
Howell 131013 Robots, Signal Processing and Control Theory - Random, stray thoughts.pdf
Howell 140930 - 2014 Summer vacation travel log.pdf
Howell 141212 Don Scotts Birkeland current magnetic structure, review and comments.pdf
Howell 150331 Lies, Damned Lies, and Scientists - Summary & context.pdf
Howell 150627 Electric Universe - Climate & Svensmark Milankovic, Dark matter - Veizer-Shaviv.pdf
Howell 151208 The Greatest of cycles - Human implications.docx
Howell 151208 The Greatest of cycles - Human implications_.odt
Howell 2005 - Presentation, Junk DNA and Neural Networks conjecture on directions and implications.ppt
Howell 2006 - Genetic specification of neural networks, draft concepts and implications.pdf
Howell 2006 - Presentation, Genetic Specification of Recurrent Neural Networks Initial Thoughts.ppt
Howell 2007 - A Preliminary note on Holocene climate.pdf
Howell 910000 Front - Title, table of condents, copyright.pdf
Howell 920000 Front - Introduction.pdf
Howell A0 Intro - The impossible conclusion, Scientists can't think.pdf
Howell A1 Chapter - The Kyoto Premise and the catastrophic failure of rational, logical, and scientific thinking by essentially all scientists.pdf
Howell A2 Chapter - Failures in the other massive science issues with high public profile.pdf
Howell A3 Chapter - When the wind blows the other way – Observations of the behaviours of Scientists when their belief systems are challenged, and when they crumble.pdf
Howell - A bag of [random, scattered] quasi-principles for commentaries.html
Howell - Alta Potatoe Growers Association FULL version Nov07.pdf
Howell - Are we ready for global cooling 14Mar06 longer version.pdf
Howell - Are we ready for global cooling 14Mar06.pdf
Howell - Are we ready for Global Cooling, comments 14Mar06.pdf
Howell B1 Chapter - Why do scientists fail so badly at Rational, Logical, and Scientific Thinking.pdf
Howell B2 Chapter - Cheating theory and Game theory.pdf
Howell B3 Chapter - Pre-and-post-Science Philosophies for Thinking.pdf
Howell C1 Chapter - A Brave new world.pdf
Howell C2 Chapter - The rise & fall of Enlightenment.pdf
Howell C3 Chapter - Suggestions for science, policy, and society.pdf
Howell - Climate Change situation Jun04.pdf
Howell - corona virus 2020.html
Howell - critique of Gore, An inconvenient truth.pdf
Howell D0 Chapter - Conclusions.pdf
Howell - End of Enlightenment 25Sep09.pdf
Howell - favourite sayings.html
Howell - Glaciation models for the last 6 million years.pdf
Howell - Mega-Life, Mega-Death and the Sun, the rise and fall of civilisations.pdf
Howell - Note to Glenn Beck, TV series proposal.pdf
Howell - Pandemics and the sun.pdf
Howell - paradigm shift examples.odt
Howell - radioisotopes and history.jpg
Howell - resume chrono 5pages.pdf
Howell - resume func&chrono 2pages.pdf
Howell - resume functional 1 page.pdf
Howell - resume list of responsibilities 2pages.pdf
Howell - resume with selected key accomplishments 2pages.pdf
Howell - Selected pandemics & epidemics.pdf
Howell - Solar insolation for civilisations.pdf
Howell - Solar presentations 13Oct06.pdf
Howells projects.ods
Howell - T-Shirt, Kyoto premise fraud.pdf
Howell - videos.html
Howell - Work biography 23 pages.pdf
Howell z_Appendix A - Definitions.pdf
Hoyte & Schatten year - solar influence on climate & natural systems, graphs.pdf
Icebreaker/images/Neil Howell - Hilter refuses to invade Great Britain, Operation Eagle denied.jpg
influenza/Howell - influenza virus.html
influenza/Howell - influenza virus.html#Astronomical correlates of pandemics
influenza/Howell - influenza virus.html#Howell - USA influenza [cases, deaths] alongside [sunspots, Kp index, zero Kp bins]
influenza/Howell - influenza virus.html#Influenza pandemics - Tapping, Mathias, and Surkan (TMS) theory
influenza/Howell - influenza virus.html#Is the effectiveness of vaccines over-rated?
influenza/Howell - influenza virus.html#Quite apart from the issue of the benefits of vaccines
influenza/Howell - influenza virus.html#Rebuttals of the [solar, disease] correlation
influenza/Influenza, sunspots, Kp index, zero Kp bins 1930-2020.jpg
influenza/Tapping, Mathias, Surkan - Pandemics & solar activity.pdf
Jaworowski, The ice-core man.pdf
JPL Ephemeris/
JPL Ephemeris 5 day distances/
Kay 24Aug2021 Sociology of Scientific Knowledge - Normal Science.html
Kirkby, clouded research.pdf
Kukla, Forget warming, beware the new ice age.pdf
_Kyoto Premise - the scientists arent wearing any clothes.html
Landsea, The hurricane expert who stood up to UN junk science.pdf
Laskar etal model for solar insolation in QNial programming language
Laskar etal model for solar insolation in QNial programming language/
LibreOffice macros/
LibreOffice macros/Howell_codification_macLib/
LibreOffice macros/LibreCalc bank account macro system.txt
_Lies, damned lies, and scientists.html
Lies, Damned Lies, and Scientists/_Lies, damned lies, and scientists.html
Lifes like this.html
Lindzen - declining marginal effect of CO2 increases.pdf
Lindzen - Don't Believe the Hype - Al Gore is wrong.pdf
Lindzen, The original denier into the cold.pdf
!!linkError!!SP500 1928-2020 yahoo finance.dat
!!linkError!!Table of Contents
McShane 2006 - That Kyoto is a Fraud.pdf
MindCode/10 Howell - MindCode Manifesto.odt
MY_NDFS/email/email - split HELPER_WCCI2020.ndf
MY_NDFS/video production/video production/Howell_photo_Nov05_light.jpg
national/nationalpost/" class="navlink
Neil Howell
_Neil Howell.html
Neil Howell/_Neil Howell.html
_Neil Howell paintings - Chief Dan George Series.pdf
_Neil Howell paintings - Japanese Series.pdf
_Neil Howell paintings - RCMP Series.pdf
_Neil Howell paintings - Red Crow, Walking Buffalo, Geronimo, Crazy Horse.pdf
Neural Networks.html
Nordhaus, Discounting logic, economic implications.pdf
page blogs.html
page crazy themes and stories.html
page hosted subsites.html
page Howell - blog.html
page Howell - comments about Suspicious Observers videos, references.txt
page Howell - Hope-to-do projects, active and planned.html
page projects.html
page Publications & reports.html
page Software programming.html
Pandemics, health, and the Sun/corona virus/Howell - corona virus.html
_Pandemics, health, and the sun.html
_Pandemics, health, and the sun.html#Robert Prechter - Socionomics, the first quantitative sociology?
Pandemics, health, and the Sun/influenza/Howell - influenza virus.html
Pandemics, health, and the Sun/_Pandemics, health, and the sun.html
Pandemics, health, and the Sun/_Pandemics, health, and the sun.html#Robert Prechter - Socionomics, the first quantitative sociology?
Pandemics, health, and the Sun/suicide/
Paper reviews/
Patterson, Solar output drives climate change.pdf
Peratt 0312dd Characteristics for the Occurrence of a High-Current, Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity - annotated & scanned.pdf
Peratt - Auroral phenomena and petroglyphs.html
Peratt etal 07mmdd Z-pinch aurora in antiquity Part II Directionality and source - annotated & scanned.pdf
PE Schiller forward vs 10yr Tbills/S&P 500 Shiller-forward PE versus 10y Treasury bond rates.html
Puetz & Borchardt/Howell - comments on Puetz UWS, the greatest of cycles, human implications.odt
Puetz & Borchardt/Steven H Yaskell/0_Steven H Yaskell.html
Quantum Mechanics is a fools paradise.html
Radioisotopes/Howell Aug08 - Charvatova's hypothesis & Isotopic solar proxies - graphs of time foldeding & bending.pdf
Radioisotopes/Howell Aug08 - Charvatova's hypothesis & Isotopic solar proxies.pdf
Radioisotopes/Howell - history timelines and radioisotopes.jpg
Randell Mills/Howell - review of Holverstott 2016 Hydrino energy.pdf
Randell Mills/Howell - review of Holverstott 2016 Randell Mills hydrino energy.pdf
References/Howell 150225 - MindCode Manifesto.odt
Reiter, Bitten by the IPCC, climate and pandemics.pdf
_Resumes, work experience.html
Revelle, Gores guru disagreed.pdf
Shaviv, Limited role for C02.pdf
Social media/
Social media/Howell 110902 - Systems design issues for social media.pdf
Social media/Howell 111006 - Semantics beyond search.pdf
Social media/Howell 111117 - How to set up & use data mining with Social media.pdf
Social media/Howell 111230 - Social graphs, social sets, and social media.pdf
Solanki the heats in the sun 09Mar07.pdf
Solar modeling and forecasting/_Solar modeling & forecasting.html
_Solar modeling & forecasting.html
Solomon, End the chill.pdf
Solomon, They call this a consensus.pdf
SP500/multi-fractal/1872-2020 SP500 index, ratio of opening price to semi-log detrended price.html
SP500/multi-fractal/1872-2020 SP500 index semi-log detrended 1871-1926 & 1926-2020, TradingView.xcf
SP500/multi-fractal/SP500 1872-2020 TradingView, 1928-2020 yahoo finance.ods
SP500/multi-fractal/SP500 1928-2020 yahoo finance.dat
SP500/PE Schiller forward vs 10yr Tbills/Howell - SP500 PE Shiller ratios versus 10 year Treasury bond yields, with earnings growth & discount factors.ods
SP500/PE Schiller forward vs 10yr Tbills/S&P 500 Shiller-forward PE versus 10y Treasury bond rates.html
S&P 500 Shiller-forward PE versus 10y Treasury bond rates.html
Stalin supported Hitler/
Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories.ogg
Steven Wickson.html
Svensmark, The sun moves climate change.pdf
Tennekes, the limits of predictability.pdf
Tol, Warming is real and has benefits.pdf
Ukraine-Russia/Howell - Ukraine and Russia.html
Vaughan 120324 Solar-Terrestrial Resonance, Climate Shifts, & the Chandler Wobble Phase Reversal.pdf
Vaughan 120324 The Solar Cycle's Footprint on Terrestrial Climate.PDF
Vaughan 120324 The Solar Cycles Footprint on Terrestrial Climate.PDF
Vaughan 130224 - Solar Terrestrial Volatility Waves.pdf
Vaughan 130316 - 60 Year Cycle of 27 Day Terracentric Solar Rotation.pdf
Vaughan 130804 Solar Terrestrial Climate 101.PDF
Vaughan 131220 Sun-Climate 101 Solar-Terrestrial Primer 2.pdf
Vaughan 140203 Multidecadal Sun-Climate-Change 101, Solar-Terrestrial Spatiotemporal Aggregation Primer on Trivial Extension of Milankovitch.PDF
Vaughan 140524 ERSST EOF 1234.pdf
Vaughan 140622 Sun & SAM (Southern Annular Mode).pdf
Vaughan 160527 Ring_of_Fire_Volcano_Explosivity_El_Nino_La_Nina.png
von Storch, Dire forecasts arent new.pdf
webSite summary of [file, link] cart [types, counts].txt
Wegman, Statistics needed.pdf
Weiss, Will the sun cool us.pdf
Wickson 2007 - Galactic Theory of Climate.pdf
Wickson - Galactic Theory of Climate.pdf
Wingham, Polar scientists on thin ice.pdf
Yaskell 140302 Letter to the Vermont state government - Climate history.pdf
Zichichi, Some restraint in Rome.pdf