$ "$d_webRawe""economics, markets/Historical pricing [commodities, wages, industrial, finances]/0_Historical pricing notes.txt" www.BillHowell.ca 25Jan2021 initial David Fischer 1996 "The Great Wave, Price revolutions and the rhythm of history" New York, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-505377-X Wilhelm Abel 1935 "Agrarkrisen und Agrarkonjunktur: Eine Geschichte der Land und Ernährgswirtchaft Mitteleuropas seit dem hohen Mittelalter" Hamburg & Berlin 1966 appendix https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Abel Ralph Nelson Elliott, Robert Prechter 24*************************************24 08********08 31Jan2021 Fig 0.01 Price of consumables in England 1201-1993 QNial "satellite" pros - move to d_Qndfs and subdirs $ find "$d_webRawe""economics, markets/" -maxdepth 4 -type f -name "*.ndf" /media/bill/Dell2/SWAPPER/Website - raw/economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS/test03 DUWS_2011 cycles 26-35.ndf update.ndf /media/bill/Dell2/SWAPPER/Website - raw/economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS/test03 DUWS_2011 cycles 26-35.ndf >> moved /media/bill/Dell2/SWAPPER/Website - raw/economics, markets/Fischer, David 1996 The Great Wave/Fig 0.01 raw data for linear regression.dat /media/bill/Dell2/SWAPPER/Website - raw/economics, markets/Fischer, David 1996 The Great Wave/Fig 0.01 line segments for GNUplots.dat /media/bill/Dell2/SWAPPER/Website - raw/economics, markets/Fischer, David 1996 The Great Wave/Fig 0.01 Price of consumables in England 1201-1993 detrended.dat 08********08 29Jan2021 Fig 0.01 Price of consumables in England 1201-1993 semi-log fits to price [revolutions, equilibria] 08********08 28Jan2021 Fig 0.01 Price of consumables in England 1201-1993 Consolidate digitizelt data, sort : $ d_gimped="$d_PROJECTS""References/Fischer, David 1996 The Great Wave/gimped/" $ echo "year,Fig 0.01 consumables" >"$d_gimped""Fig 0.01 Price of consumables in England 1201-1993.dat" $ cat "$d_gimped""Fig 0.01.dat" "$d_gimped""Fig 0.01 2.dat" "$d_gimped""Fig 0.01 3.dat" "$d_gimped""Fig 0.01 4.dat" "$d_gimped""Fig 0.01 5.dat" | sort >>"$d_gimped""Fig 0.01 Price of consumables in England 1201-1993.dat" Manually copy-replace "Fig 0.01 Price of consumables in England 1201-1993.dat" to d_webRawe $ gnuplot "$d_webRawe""economics, markets/Fischer, David 1996 The Great Wave/Fig 0.01 Price of consumables in England 1201-1993.plt" background color : Scanned curve Price equilibria Red 0.808 206 0.752 192 Green 0.627 160 0.922 235 Blue 0.486 124 0.215 55 qnial> (192 235 55) / 255 0.752941 0.921569 0.215686 +-----+ Fig 0.02 Price of grain in Western Europe 1201-1960 England.jpg use digitizelt : $ cd "$d_SysMaint""images/digitizelt graph from image/DigitizeIt_unix/" $ java -jar DigitizeIt.jar $ d_gimped="$d_PROJECTS""References/Fischer, David 1996 The Great Wave/gimped/" $ echo "year,Fig 0.02 Price of grain in England" >"$d_gimped""Fig 0.02 Price of grain in England 1201-1960.dat" $ cat "$d_gimped""Fig 0.02.dat" | sort >>"$d_gimped""Fig 0.02 Price of grain in England 1201-1960.dat" 08********08 26Jan2021 Digitizelt - extract data from Fischer's images https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Abel Wilhelm Abel 1935 "Agrarkrisen und Agrarkonjunktur: Eine Geschichte der Land und Ernährgswirtchaft Mitteleuropas seit dem hohen Mittelalter" Hamburg & Berlin 1966 appendix Wilhelm Abel formulated a counter thesis to Friedrich Engels' view that industrialization was (was) the cause of pauperism. In Abel's view, pauperism was just an offshoot of the old, pre-industrial poverty, exacerbated by rapid population growth while productivity growth was still low. In contrast to Engels, he saw industrialization as the solution to the pauperism problem. Causes of the hunger crises in the 19th century According to Abel and Ernest Labrousse (hence also: Abel-Labrousse hypothesis), characteristics of the pre-capitalist economic crises are natural historical causes, singular events as triggering moments, the material destruction of the elements of the reproductive process, the transmission of the crisis from agriculture to urban industry and the spatial delimitation of the crises due to a lack of integration of the markets. [2] Abel saw these characteristics as fulfilled during the Europe-wide hunger crisis in the middle of the 19th century and therefore described them as the last crisis of the ancien régime type and argued that "the year 1847 was still an emergency year of the 'old order' in Germany". [3 ] More recent research sees this in a more nuanced way and argue that there were already elements of the industrial-capitalist type of economic crisis at that time. [4] 08********08 25Jan2021 Historical pricing - medieval to modern +-----+ http://medieval.ucdavis.edu/120D/Money.html List of price of medieval items Courtesy of Kenneth Hodges (hodges@jif.berkeley.edu) The list of medieval prices which follows is by no means complete or thoroughly researched; I merely extracted references from some of the books I have, and I thought others might like to inspect it. The sources I used are listed at the end. If an item is listed several times, it is because I had several references I wished to record. Money goes as follows: 1 pound (L) = 20 shillings (s) 1 crown = 5 shillings 1 shilling = 12 pence (d) 1 penny = 4 farthings 1 mark = 13s 4d The French Livre, sou, and denier are equivalent to the pound, shilling and penny (Latin liber, solidus, and denarius). For ease, I've divided this list into the following sections: tools, horses, food and livestock, books and education, buildings, cloth and clothing, armor, weapons, marriage, funerals, travel, miscellaneous goods, and wages. Of course, a price list is a misleading guide to a feudal economy, because so many goods were either produced within a household, or supplied by a lord. Retainers could get money, but they would also get food, lodging, weapons (sometimes), and cloth. Knights Templar were provided with clothes, horses, and armor. >> Cool!! +-----+ http://www2.scc.rutgers.edu/memdb/database_list.html MEMDB, Medieval and Early Modern Data Bank A web site developed by the Scholarly Communication Center from the Rutgers Libraries & Prof. Rudolph M. Bell from Rutgers' History Department List of Databases Currency Exchanges (Metz) Contains monetary data from Rainer Metz, Geld, Währung und Preisentwicklung: der Niederrheinraum im europäischen Vergleich, 1350-1800(Frankfurt am Main, 1990). Currency Exchanges (Mueller) Contains monetary data supporting material presented in Reinhold C. Mueller, The Venetian Money Market: Banks, Panics, and the Public Debt, 1200-1500 (Baltimore, 1997). Currency Exchanges (Spufford) Contains all currency exchange quotations compiled by Peter Spufford and published in his Handbook of Medieval Exchange (London, 1986). Prices (Metz) Contains grain prices supplied by Rainer Metz and compiled for the printed edition of Dietrich Ebeling and Franz Irsigler, Getreideumsatz, Getreide- und Brotpreise in Köln, 1368-1797 (Köln, 1976). Prices (Posthumus) Contains prices drawn from primary sources and published in Nicholaas Wilhelmus Posthumus,Nederlandsche Prijsgeschiedenis (Leiden, 1943) Prices & Wages (Munro) Contains annual data on textile-related trade, textile production, textile prices, price indices, and wages in the medieval Low Countries and England extracted from the annual civic treasurers' accounts that have been placed in the Rekenkamer or Chambre des Comptes in the Belgian National and in the town archives of Bruges, Ghent, Leuven, and Mechelen; from the National Archives (Public Record Office) and from the Archives of the British Library of Political and Economic Science. +-----+ https://historicalstatistics.org/ Historicalstatistics.org Portal for Historical Statistics Editor: Rodney Edvinsson, associate professor in economic history, Stockholm University, and Pro Futura Fellow, Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study. >> Awesome site! Swedish focus, links to many other sites 08********08 25Jan2021 fileNames for images from Fischer's book Fig 0.01 Price of consumables in England 1201-1993.jpg Fig 0.02 Price of grain in Western Europe 1201-1960.jpg Fig 1.01a Map - Renaissance of 12th century, Europe West.jpg Fig 1.01b Map - Renaissance of 12th century, Europe East.jpg Fig 1.02 Medieval price revolution, price of wheat in England, increasing [magnitude, volatility], constant acceleration 1200-1340.jpg Fig 1.03 Medieval price revolution, wheat in [Italy, France, England] 1201-1381.jpg Fig 1.04 Medieval price revolution, English prices and population movements 1160-1345.jpg Fig 1.05 Medieval price revolution, Price of [oxen, wheat, cheese] in England 1210-1235.jpg Fig 1.06 Medieval price revolution, Price relatives in England [energy, food, goods] 1261-1320.jpg Fig 1.07 Medieval price revolution, Monetary fluctuations compared to price of oxen, England 1200-1330.jpg Fig 1.08 Medieval price revolution, the fall of real wages, England 1270-1340.jpg Fig 1.09 Medieval price revolution, rise in rents and real estate values, Picardy 1200-1270, Germany 0901-1300.jpg Fig 1.10 Medieval price revolution, growth of inequality in Santa Maria Impruneta, Tuscany 1307-1427.jpg Fig 1.11 Crises of 14th century, harvest fluctuations and famines in England 1260-1356.jpg Fig 1.12 Crises of 14th century, prices and crime in Norfolk, England 1300-1348.jpg Fig 1.13a Map - Crises of 14th century, The Black Death 1347-50, Europe Western.jpg Fig 1.13b Map - Crises of 14th century, The Black Death 1347-50, Europe Eastern.jpg Fig 1.14 Crises of 14th century, the fall of population in England 1250-1400.jpg Fig 1.15 Continuing crises of 14th century, fall of population in Pistoia 1244-1404.jpg Fig 1.16 Continuing crises of 14th century, abandonment of farms in manors of Bishops of Roskilde, Denmark 1361-1460.jpg Fig 1.17 Equilibrium of the Renaissance, dampening of harvest fluctuations 1400-1480.jpg Fig 1.18 Equilibrium of the Renaissance, price of grain in England and Germany 1360-1490.jpg Fig 1.19 Equilibrium of the Renaissance, fall of rent in Italy and France 1400-1460.jpg Fig 1.20 Equilibrium of the Renaissance, rise of real wages in England and France 1326-1500.jpg Fig 1.21 Equilibrium of the Renaissance, fall of interest rates 1250-1550.jpg Fig 1.22 Equilibrium of the Renaissance, growth of peasant holdings in England 1252-1477.jpg Fig 1.23a Map - Renaissance of 15th century, Europe West.jpg Fig 1.23b Map - Renaissance of 15th century, Europe East.jpg Fig 2.01 Price revolution of 16th century, commodities in [Spain, England, Germany] 1475-1660.jpg Fig 2.02 Price revolution of 16th century, price of grain in Modena, Italy 1452-1610.jpg Fig 2.03 Price revolution of 16th century, English prices and population movements 1541-1671.jpg Fig 2.04 Price revolution of 16th century, price relatives in England [energy, food, goods, wages] 1450-1650.jpg Fig 2.05 Price revolution of 16th century, price of energy in Andalusia 1500-1660.jpg Fig 2.06 Price revolution of 16th century, long fall of real wages 1480-1640.jpg Fig 2.07 Price revolution of 16th century, movement of rent in England 1500-1669.jpg Fig 2.08 Price revolution of 16th century, rising interest rates 1500-1599.jpg Fig 2.09 Price revolution of 16th century, American treasure and Spanish prices 1500-1660.jpg Fig 2.10 Price revolution of 16th century, Prices and coinage of money in France 1500-1750.jpg Fig 2.11 Price revolution of 16th century, Growth of inequality in 3 English communities 1544-1627.jpg Fig 2.12 Price revolution of 16th century, [harvest prices, famine, plague] in England 1480-1620.jpg Fig 2.13 Price revolution of 16th century, monetary debasements and consumable prices in England 1480-1590.jpg Fig 2.14 Crises of 17th century, increasing instability of English grain prices 1490-1650.jpg Fig 2.15 Crises of 17th century, prices and property crimes in Essex, England 1566-1602.jpg Fig 2.16 Crises of 17th century, fall of population in Europe 1500-1750.jpg Fig 2.17a Map - Crises of 17th century, [wars, rebellions, popular revolts] 1600-1660, Europe Western.jpg Fig 2.17b Map - Crises of 17th century, [wars, rebellions, popular revolts] 1600-1660, Europe Eastern.jpg Fig 2.18 Equilibrium of the Enlightenment, price of wheat in 3 European capitals 1660-1730.jpg Fig 2.19 Equilibrium of the Enlightenment, staple prices in America 1658-1738.jpg Fig 2.20 Equilibrium of the Enlightenment, rise of English farm wages 1640-1739.jpg Fig 2.21 Equilibrium of the Enlightenment, fall of rent in France 1650-1729.jpg Fig 2.22 Equilibrium of the Enlightenment, fall of interest rates 1600-1740.jpg Fig 2.23 Equilibrium of the Enlightenment, decline of inequality in England 1670-1700.jpg Fig 2.24 Equilibrium of the Enlightenment, decline of violent crime in Kent 1670-1840.jpg Fig 2.25a Map - The [Enlightenment, Aufklarung, Illuminismo, Siecle des Lumieres] 1660-1730?, Europe Western.jpg Fig 2.25b Map - The [Enlightenment, Aufklarung, Illuminismo, Siecle des Lumieres] 1660-1730?, Europe Eastern.jpg Fig 3.01 Price revolution of 18th century, commodity prices in [England, France, USA] 1720-1820.jpg Fig 3.02 Price revolution of 18th century, structure of change in French wheat prices 1726-1819.jpg Fig 3.03 Price revolution of 18th century, price relatives in France [energy, food, goods] 1726-1789.jpg Fig 3.04 Price revolution of 18th century, price surges in the American energy market 1790-1820.jpg Fig 3.05 Price revolution of 18th century, prices and population movements in England 1666-1820.jpg Fig 3.06 Price revolution of 18th century, arrivals of American treasures in Europe 1503-1805.jpg Fig 3.07 Price revolution of 18th century, Europes supply of precious metals by origin 1501-1790.jpg Fig 3.08 Price revolution of 18th century, rise of interest rates in Britain 1727-1818.jpg Fig 3.09 Price revolution of 18th century, rise of rent and real estate prices 1730-1830.jpg Fig 3.10 Price revolution of 18th century, fall of real wages 1730-1810.jpg Fig 3.11 Crises of the Revolutionary Era, price movements and births outside of marriage [Britain, France] 1730-1830.jpg Fig 3.12 Crises of the Revolutionary Era, growth of inequality, taxable real estate Concord Massachussettes 1770-1826.jpg Fig 3.13 Crises of the Revolutionary Era, harvest fluctuations and grain prices in England 1760-1830.jpg Fig 3.14 Crises of the Revolutionary Era, [prices, crime, war, depression] in England 1730-1810.jpg Fig 3.15 Crises of the Revolutionary Era, revolutions and the price of bread in Paris 1788-1791.jpg Fig 3.16a Map - the Revolutionary Crisis, [North (1775-1821), South (1810-1825)] America.jpg Fig 3.16b Map - the Revolutionary Crisis, Europe 1789-1815.jpg Fig 3.17 Crises of the Revolutionary Era, hyperinflation during the [American, French] revolutions 1776-1796.jpg Fig 3.18 Victorian Equilibrium, consumable prices in England 1812-1912.jpg Fig 3.19 Victorian Equilibrium, wholesale prices in [France, Germany, USA] 1820-1896.jpg Fig 3.20 Victorian Equilibrium, rise of real wages in England 1800-1900.jpg Fig 3.21 Victorian Equilibrium, rent and real estate prices [England, Wales] 1800-1880.jpg Fig 3.22 Victorian Equilibrium, fall of interest rates in 5 nations 1810-1910.jpg Fig 3.23 Victorian Equilibrium, distribution of wealth and income 1801-1913.jpg Fig 3.24 Victorian Equilibrium, prices and rates of population growth 1751-1901.jpg Fig 3.25 Victorian Equilibrium, prices and population in England 1801-1861.jpg (actually - this is on same page as 3.24) Fig 3.26 Victorian Equilibrium, money and prices in the USA 1820-1856.jpg Fig 3.27 Victorian Equilibrium, world production of silver and gold 1801-1905.jpg Fig 3.28 Victorian Equilibrium, decline of crime in [CHicago, London, Stockholm] 1830-1900.jpg Fig 3.29 Victorian Equilibrium, decline of bastardy in Britain 1840-1910.jpg Fig 3.30 Victorian Equilibrium, decline of alcohol consumption in America 1810-1900.jpg (actually - this is on same page as 3.29) Fig 3.31a Map - Victorian Equilibrium, circa 1815-1901, Europe West.jpg Fig 3.31b Map - Victorian Equilibrium, circa 1815-1901, Europe East.jpg Fig 4.01 Price revolution of 20th century, [consumer, wholesale, producer] prices in USA 1896-1996.jpg Fig 4.02 Price revolution of 20th century, structure of change, consumer prices in USA 1896-1992.jpg Fig 4.03 Price revolution of 20th century, slow beginnings 1890-1914.jpg Fig 4.04 Price revolution of 20th century, [prices, money supply] in USA 1875-1914.jpg Fig 4.05 Price revolution of 20th century, world population growth & USA consumer prices 1890-1990.jpg Fig 4.06 Price revolution of 20th century, equality in USA, mixed trends [income shares, wealth distn, top 1 pct] 1850-1980.jpg Fig 4.07 Price revolution of 20th century, rise of real wages in USA, 1900-1960.jpg Fig 4.08 Price revolution of 20th century, Impact of WWI, 1914-1919.jpg Fig 4.09 Price revolution of 20th century, Hyperinflation after WWI, 1921-1923.jpg Fig 4.10 Price revolution of 20th century, [Deflation, depression] and WWII 1921-1923.jpg Fig 4.11 Price revolution of 20th century, USA price controls during WWII 1939-1949.jpg Fig 4.12 Price revolution of 20th century, Hyperinflation after WWII 1949.jpg Fig 4.13 Price revolution of 20th century, USA price controls during Korean War 1949-1955.jpg Fig 4.14 Price revolution of 20th century, inflation and capacity utilisation in the USA 1960-1995.jpg Fig 4.15 Price revolution of 20th century, inflation and unemployment in the USA 1960-1995.jpg Fig 4.16 Price revolution of 20th century, price of fuel oil in the USA 1960-1992.jpg Fig 4.17 Price revolution of 20th century, world inflation in late 1970s, annual consumer price increases 1979-1980.jpg Fig 4.18 Price revolution of 20th century, price relatives in USA 1967-1976.jpg Fig 4.19 Price revolution of 20th century, fall of real wages in USA 1960-1990.jpg Fig 4.20 Price revolution of 20th century, rising price of housing in USA 1966-1993.jpg Fig 4.21 Price revolution of 20th century, rise of interest rates in USA 1900-1990.jpg Fig 4.22 Price revolution of 20th century, growth of inequality in USA 1947-1992.jpg Fig 4.23 Price revolution of 20th century, crime and consumer prices in USA 1965-1995.jpg Fig 4.24 Price revolution of 20th century, [drugs, drink, inflation] in USA 1960-1996.jpg Fig 4.25 Price revolution of 20th century, [inflation, births outside of marriage] in USA 1920-1990.jpg Fig 4.26 Price revolution of 20th century, hyperinflation after the Cold War, Europe East 1980-1992.jpg Fig 5.01 Price movements in ancient Babylon, wages and prices 1850-1600 BC.jpg Fig 5.02 Price movements in ancient Greece, price of barley and olive oil 450-150 BC.jpg Fig 5.03 Price movements in ancient Rome, two estimates of wheat prices 600BC-400AD.jpg Fig 5.04 Price revolution of 03rd century, price of donkeys in Roman Egypt 0-250AD.jpg Fig 5.05 Price revolution of 10th century, price of cattle in Portugal 920-1040AD.jpg Fig 5.06 Great Waves in Chinese history, population size 800-1800 AD.jpg Fig 5.07 Long change in the distribution of wealth, Northern USA 1630-1990.jpg Fig 5.08 Births outside of marriage in England and Wales 1570-1993.jpg Fig 5.09 Homicide rates in England 1200-2000.jpg # enddoc