"$d_bin"'webSite maintenance specific files.txt'
www.BillHowell.ca ?date? initial
# 12Sep2023 see :
# "$d_webWork"'fileops run.sh' - especially webSite section
# "$d_webWork"'fileops run webSite.sh' - process to update [, sub]webSites
# "$d_PROJECTS"'bin - secure/lftp update specified dir.sh' - actual uploading of files
# "$d_bin"'webSite update notes.txt' - LOCAL d_web update, notes
# "$d_bin"'webSite update.sh' - LOCAL d_web update
# "$d_bin""webSite check for [z_Archive, z_Old].sh" - make sure these are not in lists
# "$d_bin"'webSite maintenance specific files.link.txt'
# "$d_SysMaint"'Linux/permissions notes.link.txt' - permissions issue (problematic!)
"$d_SysMaint"'webSite/1_website bash upload instructions.txt'
see :
"$d_SysMaint"'internet & wifi/' :
0_Google Analytics - website hits.txt
wget notes.txt
XplorNet notes.txt
?date? incomplete listing of webSite-related functions :
see "$d_bin"'fileops.sh' :
# +-----+
# webSite maintenance specific
# htmlHeadings_to_TblOfContents() - create a TblOfContents from headings in html file
# dWeb_addHdrFtr_dTmp() - prepare files in dWeb for upload
# html files MUST be pre-processed, others just copied
# dWeb_update_all - update one-way only! separate [, non-]html files
# see "$d_PROJECTS""bin - secure/lftp update specified dir.sh"
# bash auto-generation of html TableOfContents
# grep ' ||;s|["]||g;s|\(.*\)|
\n\t\t\t\t \1|'
# str_inWebPages_pout() - list according to str arg
# webSite_fixes_noChrBads() - website fixes of [changed, moved] subDirs
# with noChrBads like [apo, quote, &]
# webSite_errLinkLines() - extract linkErrorLines, and
# sub-select linkNotErrorOnly '!!linkError!!'
# this is also done by webSite_link_counts n Qnial operator :
# 'webSite maintain [menu, header, footer, body] links, TableOfContents.ndf'
07Jan2024 from older notes file :
#] +-----+
#] see also :
#] "$d_bin"'0_test/fileops/0_fileops test notes.txt'
#] "$d_bin"'fileops notes.txt'
#] "$d_web"'Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/0_TrNNs_ART notes.txt'
#] "$d_PROJECTS"'bin - secure/dWebAll_upload_online log.txt'
#] "$d_PROJECTS"'bin - secure/dWebPage_upload_online log.txt'
#] "$d_bin"'webSite update [old ToDo, templt, geany regexpr]s.txt'
#] "$d_bin"'webSite maintenance specific files.link.txt'
#] "$d_SysMaint"'webSite/0_website bash notes.txt'
#] "$d_SysMaint"'webSite/1_website bash upload instructions.txt' -
#] bash-related webSite instructions
# www.BillHowell.ca 05Jul2022 initial
"$d_SysMaint"'internet & wifi/lftp notes.txt'
"$d_PROJECTS""bin - secure/lftp update www-BillHowell-ca.sh" - main tool for webSite updates (not FileZilla)
QNial-related :
"$d_Qndfs"'webSite/0_webSite QNial notes.txt' - QNial webSite notes for maintenance & tracking
#] see also notes :
#] bash-related!! :
"$d_SysMaint"'webSite/0_website bash notes.txt' - bash-related webSite maintenance & tracking
"$d_SysMaint"'webSite/1_website bash upload instructions.txt' - bash-related webSite instructions
"$d_SysMaint"'internet & wifi/lftp notes.txt'
"$d_PROJECTS""bin - secure/lftp update www-BillHowell-ca.sh" - main tool for webSite updates (not FileZilla)
#] QNial-related :
"$d_Qndfs"'webSite/0_webSite QNial notes.txt' - QNial webSite notes for maintenance & tracking
"$d_Qndfs""webSite/1_webSite QNial process instructions.txt" - fixes for webSite link problems