#] #] ********************* #] "$d_bin"'fileops run webSite instructions.txt' # www.BillHowell.ca 25Sep2023 initial # view in text editor, using constant-width font (eg courier), tabWidth = 3 #48************************************************48 #24************************24 # Table of Contents, generate with : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_bin"'fileops run webSite instructions.txt' | sed "s/^#\]/ /" # #24************************24 # Setup, ToDos, # 24**********************24 #] +-----+ #] special instructions for this file # A variety of 'fileops run' bash scripts are in project directories, where it is perhaps easier to see the [data, intermediate results, etc] for scripts in the context of that project. # # A major reason for creating these "fileops run *.sh" files was to have a description of [manual, script] combinations of steps for a specific process. This should be enormously helpful [say, month, year]s later when the process has to be : [repeat, modify, used elsewhere]. # # # Here is a listing of 'fileops run' bash scripts, built by : # $ find "$d_web" -type f -name "fileops run*.sh*" | sort # /home/bill/web/bin/fileops run.sh # /home/bill/web/ProjMini/TrNNs_ART/webWork/fileops run Grossberg imageCaptions.sh # /home/bill/web/ProjMini/TrNNs_ART/webWork/fileops run TrNN_ART.sh # /home/bill/web/webWork/fileops run webSite general.sh # #] pHtmlExclL - to manually create an initial list of grep [dir, file]s #] as a first filter to exclude pths # this whole process is focussed on my webPages, # so clean up the list early to reduce problems downstream # my initial list pHtmlExclL="$d_webWork"'pHtmlExclL.txt' # based on experience and looking at pHtmlPathAll_L : # /bin/0_test/ # /Conference guides/ # /Cool emails/ # /Electric Universe/References/Randi Foundation 2008-2011/ # /Forms/ # /OPM/OPM/ # /Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/captions html/ # /Qnial/code develop_test/ # /Qnial/Manuals/ # /Qnial/Qnial_bag/ # /References/Niroma/ # /References/Weart 2003/ # /Solar system/Cdn Solar Forecasting/ # /System_maintenance/ # /Top 75 Immunotherapy/ # /Yoonsuck Choe - conf program book/ # /z_Archive/ # /z_archive/ # /z_history/ # /z_Old/ # /z_old/ # each run of dWeb_get_pWebPageL() below may add new exclusions # great way to see if I DIDN'T turn an html file into a webPage! #] Manually edit AFTER dWeb_get_pWebPageL #] pHtmlClassAll_L - class must be MANUALLY [add, modify]ed for each line # must include all [renamed, moved, new] files!! #] pHeader template[ TrNN].txt - manually [check, edit] # "$webWork"'pHeader template.txt' # "$d_web"'Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/webWork/pHeader template TrNN.txt' #] new webPage manually add to pHtmlClassAll_L.txt : # automatically added by pHtmlPathAll_L.txt, but check # copy lines above to "$d_bin"'webSite update notes.txt', for taking notes during work # # example notes : # +--+ # "230817 change [pStrPAll_L, pHtmlClassAll_L, pHeader template TrNN.txt]" : # /ProjMini/Transformer NNs/ /Neural nets/Transformer NNs/ # /ProjMini/TrNNs_ART/ /Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/ # # # Manually edit AFTER doing dWeb_get_pWebPageL (these are NOT updated by script) : # OK 'pStrPAll_L change.txt' - # OK pHtmlClassAll_L - class must be MANUALLY [add, modify]ed for each line # # pHeader templates - manually [check, edit] # x "$webWork"'pHeader template.txt' # OK "$d_web"'Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/webWork/pHeader template TrNN.txt' # # new webPage manually add to pHtmlClassAll_L.txt : # x automatically added by pHtmlPathAll_L.txt, but check # # OK done # x not affected by "230817 change" # * ignored, didn't check # # comment line #] pStrPAll_L - check to make sure that all intended strP are tabbed #] pStrP : put dir changes AFTER pth changes - safer, [no-tab, empty] pStrP lines are OK # 23Sep2023 see instructions above, need a script... #simple manual check : #sed s'|\x9|xyZyx|' "$d_webWork"'pStrPAll_L change.txt' | grep --invert-match 'xyZyx' #15Sep2023 gave me : #<:5 paths with fileName 5:> # #/home/bill/web/ProjMini/Puetz & Borchardt/Howell - comments on Puetz UWS, the greatest of cycles, human implications.odt #/home/bill/web/ProjMini/Puetz & Borchardt/Howell - possible phenomenological origins of Puetz Universal Wave Series (UWS).html # #<:5 bookmarks - hopefully these wont backfile 5:> # # #<:5 here is where I start changes to dirs 5:> # #very easy to see the two cases that were NOT tabbed #don't know yet if povrL_pStrP_replace will bliw up with non-tabbed (incl empty) lines... # enddoc