********************* "$d_bin"'webSite notes.txt' - [local, online] d_web update, notes +-----+ ToDos active : +-----+ ToDos old : +-----+ ??Feb2024 ??Feb2024 ??Feb2024 ??Feb2024 ??Feb2024 24Feb2024 split webSite.sh from fileops.sh (as was before) 23Feb2024 corrections for "$d_webWork"'pStrPAll_L change.txt' 22Feb2024 vertical join images 22Feb2024 [curl, lftp, wget] for visitor to download a directory listing of my webSite 22Feb2024 pLnkFail.txt 94 lines -> [fix pMenuTop(.*), pStrP for povrL_pStrP_replace] 21Feb2024 webSite_check_internalLinks - find failed internal links 21Feb2024 webSite_get_links() - clean up bad links 20Feb2024 fix [link, pTopMenu]s in 'Neural nets/[consciousness, Grossberg]/' : 20Feb2024 mv /TrNN/ to USB backup 20Feb2024 'pLnkBad.txt' - pre-extract "clean inPage" bookmarks (line starts with `#) 16Feb2024 [fix, update] pLnk stuff 16Feb2024 add back [href, img] pthLsts, maybe [, non-] Howell html file [list, num], [extern] 14Feb2024 re-implement 'pHtmlPathExclL *.txt' capabilities 13Feb2024 [fix, improve] bash code to extract webSite links 13Feb2024 fix dWeb_get_pWebPageL() in fileops.sh: correct [set, use] * [dir, pth] names 13Feb2024 Grossberg and rest of webSite- fix links etc 23Jan2024 Kaal webPage - draft done, update whole webSite 22Jan2024 ToDos 22Jan2024 change webPage [class, title]s search for webPageTitles with 'Howell:' 21Jan2024 pWebPageL_upload_online() 20Jan2024 after many changes : dWeb_uploadNonWebPage_online() 11Jan2024 fix webSite_get_links_run() 07Jan2024 update local webSite 07Jan2024 update webSite, then upload 13Nov2023 FileZilla setup 13Nov2023 bash "$d_PROJECTS"'bin - secure/lftp update entire webSite.sh' 12Nov2023 fix pOvrL_pStrP_pInsert_replace() ALL webPages 11Nov2023 "pStrP Google Analytics 3 tag.txt" failure to correct prodn version? 10Nov2023 manually fix: remove Google Analytics 3 header; add GA4 header if necessary 09Nov2023 replace Google Analytics 3 header with GA4 header : 22Oct2023 terminal output 10Sep2023 continue: one-by one edit of files listed in pHtmlClassGenrL.txt 09Sep2023 one-by one edit of files listed in pHtmlClassGenrL.txt 09Sep2023 augment [Menu, status, copyright, help] files 09Sep2023 pOvrClassL_put_pHead() - test1 Menu specialised, bookmarks? 08Sep2023 pOvrClassL_put_pHead() - finish, test 08Sep2023 continue pHtmlClassL_put_pSeddClass() I give up for now... 08Sep2023 backup recovery of all of "$d_web"'pHtmlGenrL.txt' files!!! 08Sep2023 povrL_put_pHead() - put classes in povrL_put_pHead classe.txt 07Nov2023 backup of videos? 26Oct2023 upload again using "$d_bin"'fileops run webSite.sh' 26Oct2023 [get, change, check]*[webPage, link]s 22Oct2023 pWebPa geL_upload_online 22Oct2023 webSite_check_internalLinks 21Oct2023 checks on webSite 20Oct2023 upload d_web 12Oct2023 uploads - improve software 11Oct2023 new pStrPAll_L change.txt 11Oct2023 webSite_check_internalLinks 11Oct2023 webSite_get_links - script check of links 11Oct2023 manually spot-check results of povrL_pStrP_replace 11Oct2023 povrL_pStrP_replace - create another test pStrP not in target files 11Oct2023 pWebPageL_pStrP_replace 11Oct2023 'pStrPAll_L change.txt' : add missing replace terms 10Oct2023 povrL_pStrP_replace() - contine to debug 10Oct2023 timeStamps not working 10Oct2023 povrL_pStrP_replace() - touch in script not working for some reason 10Oct2023 povrL_pStrP_replace() - still not making changes 09Oct2023 povrL_pStrP_replace() - edit for efficiency, tests 08Oct2023 webSite_get_links() - not the test, the real thing 08Oct2023 webSite_get_links_test() - compact code, for sedEndd577 in '"' "'"; do 06Oct2023 webSite_get_links_test() 06Oct2023 upgrade webSite_get_links_run() [case insensitive, apo sedStrt] 04Oct2023 webSite_check_internalLinks 04Oct2023 webSite_get_links_run() : try on ALL webPages 04Oct2023 webSite_get_links_run() : change using str_get_links() fixes, home.html test 04Oct2023 fix str_get_links(str sedStrt) - test multiple sedStr per line 03Oct2023 continue fixing of ['pStrPAll_L change.txt', pLnkFail] 03Oct2023 resume fixing of ['pStrPAll_L change.txt', pLnkFail] 03Oct2023 re-instate update_dWebHtmlOnly or whatever... 02Oct2023 re-instate update_dWebHtmlOnly or whatever... 02Oct2023 post-edits re-try : pWebPageL_pStrP_replaceGetBad 02Oct2023 build new 'pStrPAll_L change.txt' 30Sep2023 fix webSite_get_links_run() in filops.sh 27Sep2023 pHtmlPathAll_L upload onLine - online webPages, this MUST be run ONLY from : 27Sep2023 update_dWebHtmlOnly(no args) - [edit, run] 27Sep2023 iterate : new "$d_webWork"'pStrPAll_L change.txt' 27Sep2023 pWebPageL_pStrP_replaceGetBad(no args) clean [pth, link], errorOutputs 26Sep2023 new "$d_webWork"'pStrPAll_L change.txt' 26Sep2023 pLnkBad.txt - fix these links (140), then pWebPageL_pStrP_replaceGetBad() 26Sep2023 webSite_getCheck_links() - revamp with diff 24Sep2023 webSite_getCheck_links() - revamp 23Sep2023 run again : pWebPageL_pStrP_replace(no args) 23Sep2023 run povr_pStrP_replace_test() 23Sep2023 fix [webPageL, links] - doesn't work yet!! 23Sep2023 dWebWork_archiveLocal(no args) - key webWork files local backup 20Sep2023 continue - check all menu links ad pages they touch 20Sep2023 format 'status & updates' MenuTops [All_, TrNN] 18Sep2023 dir_updateWebPage_dWeb() 18Sep2023 lftp adjustments for uploads, see : 17Sep2023 dir_updateNonHtml_dWeb() 17Sep2023 online webPages: pHtmlPathAll_L upload onLine - this MUST be run ONLY from : 17Sep2023 webSite upload online 17Sep2023 do it all: povrL_pStrP_replace pHtmlPathAll_L pStrPAll_L change 17Sep2023 I moved [Transformer NNs, TrNNs_ART] dirs into 'Neural Nets' 17Sep2023 povr_pStrP_replace_run target5 - check all links in 5 test files 17Sep2023 povr_pStrP_replace_run target1 - check all links in test files 16Sep2023 povr_strP_replace 'povr_strP_replace error, could not get :' 15Sep2023 povrL_pStrP_replace - what is erasing the files? 15Sep2023 povrL_pStrP_replace - test on ONE file 15Sep2023 pStrPAll_L change.txt - check to see if tab-change are there 15Sep2023 Now must clean up errors with povrL_pStrP_replace 15Sep2023 update all webPage Menus 14Sep2023 webSite_check_internalLinks() 14Sep2023 webSite_get_internalLinks() (no args) - extract internal links 14Sep2023 scan all webPages for broken links 14Sep2023 now do all webPages 14Sep2023 now test povrL_pStrP_replace 0 1 "$d_webWork"'pHtmlPathAll_L test5.txt' ... 14Sep2023 test: povrL_pStrP_replace 0 1 "$d_webWork"'pHtmlPathAll_L test1.txt' ... 14Sep2023 pOvrClassL_get_pClassL - after fixes combining [bolPovEs, bolPstrEs] -> bolChrCd 14Sep2023 some are wrong!! "$d_bin"'0_test/fileops/fileops test.sh' 12Sep2023 povrL_pStrP_replace 0 1 pHtmlPathAll_L pStrPAll_L change.txt' 13Sep2023 pOvrClassL_get_pClassL() STILL adds "ghost" classes!??? 14Sep2023 replace [bolPovEs, bolPStPEs] woth bolChrCd, modify code 13Sep2023 pHtmlClassAll_L.txt missing webWork webPages! 13Sep2023 upload ConfGuide, callerID-SNNs then go on to peer review! 13Sep2023 pHtmlClass[Conf, Genr, MenuTop, TrNN, WebW]L.txt 13Sep2023 put povrL_idx_strTst_cut in dWeb_get_dWebPageL(), adds to pHtmlPathExclL 13Sep2023 update html files ONLY - fix recent errors 12Sep2023 continue pStrP fix MenuTop files 12Sep2023 pStrP fix MenuTop files 11Sep2023 NOT legitimate cuts (or maybe replaced by other files)? : 10Sep2023 debug pinnL_idx_strTst_cut_pinn - remove pinn from pinnL, in fileops.sh 11Sep2023 create "intermediate-level" documentation for 'fileops run webSite general.sh' 10Sep2023 pinnL_idx_strTst_cut_pinn - remove pinn from pinnL, in fileops.sh when line(idx) ! == " & end (easy replace) 05Sep2023 problem with [#: links? 04Sep2023 html [old, new] strP changes - HUGE bug in str_strP_replace() 04Sep2023 contine revamp [webPage, Menu, header, footer]s 01Sep2023 rm all z_[Archive, Old] from "$d_PROJECTS"'webHtmlOnly/' 31Aug2023 create dir "$d_PROJECTS"'webHtmlOnly/', rsync html files there, change 28Jul2023 must setup test for povr[,L]_pStrPL_replace 26Jul2023 one-time convert all "interWebPage links" : 26Jul2023 revamp "$d_bin"'webSiteLinks update.sh' : pLsts_create() 24Feb2023 [edit, test, fix] pHtml_cutPutEmbeds() 23Feb2023 update_webLocal - test easy new idea for local viewing of webPages pActualLinklDiffL_create_pStrPLDirFname() - non-[webWork, conference guides] 23Feb2023 pinnL_pStrPL_replace [all webPages, combined changes] (very slow replacements!!) 23Feb2023 compose special pStrPL for [fEmbeds, etc] 23Feb2023 Do ALL of my webPages now have the current fEmbed coding? 22Feb2023 insert a code for ALL my webPages, to list pths easily 20Feb2023 [code, test, run] pHtml_cutPutEmbeds 19Feb2023 [code, test, run] * [QNialEmbeds_To_htmlEmbeds, pHtml_cutPutEmbeds] multiple search terms, --invert-match \| repeated patterns - example from link d_Qndfs 'webSite header.ndf' : host link 'find "' d_webRawe '" -type f -name "*" | grep --invert-match "z_Old\|z_Archive \|code develop_test\|System_maintenance\|Qnial_bag\|Cool emails/\|Electric Universe/References/ \|Electric Universe/References/\|Yoonsuck Choe - conf program book/\|fin Head\|Menu\|fin [F,f]ooter \|fin organisations\|i9018xtp.default/extensions/\|[0-9]\{6\} [0-9]\{2\}h[0-9]\{2\}m[0-9]\{2\}s " | sort >"' p_nonuniqueFileList '" ' ; 17Feb2023 pinnL_pStrPL_replace - try an example file as a check before doing all 17Feb2023 generate a listing of all html files EXCEPT dirs [webWork, z_Archive, z_Old] 17Feb2023 fix all html files in "$d_web"'webWork/' 17Feb2023 fix one-at-a-time an html file in "$d_web"'webWork/' (test) 16Feb2023 test str_inWebPages_pout() in "$d_bin"'fileops.sh' 16Feb2023 executeEmbed examples - old double-step webSite management coding 11Dec2020 Fixes : confGuides Header - QNial program to do it 10Dec2020 Fixes : confGuides Menus, webPageSite_update 10Dec2020 Fix webpage menu links 04Oct2020 Fix webpage links 02Oct2020 website update - check all links 22Sep2020 rsync WebRaw -> Web 18May2020 Graphs of corona virus by country, grouped by region 15May2020 Scandanavia corona virus, response to Ian Hepher's Facebook post 15May2020 Cool email notifications, eg Russ Hall 24Apr2020 put in for updates of ONLY changed dw_base html files (NYET!) 23Apr2020 du --all --max-depth=2 /home/bill/PROJECTS/System_maintenance 22Apr2020 update_webPage IS OP webPage 22Apr2020 find "$d_webRawe" "file-insert" "*.html" files +-----+ Old ToDos