# # ********************* # $ bash "$d_bin"'strings.sh' - just a mish-mash dummy file with general format for bash scripts # str_reverse(str) - reverse-order str # date - functions return string [date_ymd, date_ddmmmyyyy, date_ymdhm] # statDate_to_timeUnix() - convert to linux stat format to timeUnix # yymmddhms_to_timeUnix() - convert to linux stat format, then $ date -d "$timeStat" +%s # note only works from 01Jan2000-present # timeUnix_tests() - I need to established fixed test file # tPthP_get_tDeltaDays() - returns days between file modified dates # yymmddhhmmP_to_tDeltaUnix() - returns the number of minutes between dates in YYMMDD_HM format # mmddYYY_to_ddmmmYYY() - convert mm/dd/YYYY to dd-MMM-YYYY (just use QNial!?!) # +-----+ # [str, pinn]_[rm, get, ?sed?]Between stuff - # str_chrP_rmBetween(str chrP) - rm chrs between chr[start, end] = chrP, chrP example '{}' # handy when sed is greedy and can't get result without recursion # povr_chrP_rmBetween(povr chrP) - with povr, rm chrs between chr[start, end] = chrP # example 'povr_chrP_rmBetween povr {}' # handy when sed is greedy and can't get results without facy back-&-forth recursion # this func does NOT recurse, intentionally, won't work across lines (maybe xargs?) # str_get_links(str sedStrt) - test multiple sedStr per line in [geany, html] (paragraph)